Submitted by Pachamama
Donald Trump declared the winner of the US presidential election by the Electoral College
Donald Trump declared the winner of the US presidential election by the Electoral College

We will contend that what is generally referred to as a progressive socio-economic-political flank, located primarily on the ‘left’ or the ‘left of centre’, but less so on the ‘right’ or ‘right of centre’, has been dead for 50 years. The media fiction, on the left, has been keeping a dead political current alive as master narrative to mek money and mislead publics.

This subject is important because if progressives in North America and Europe are as useless as the evidence demonstrates, there can be no global convergence to protect small island states, like Barbados, from the most rabid Alt-Right forces which are preparing to descend on us all.

The Alt-Rightists will soon be controlling the IMF, the World Bank, the machinery for war, among other power levers. A country like Barbados could expect to surrender any perceived advantage (soft power) accumulated over time. Begging these criminals will not help. It would be encouragement to the enemy.

We will indict these so-called progressives for the emergence of a Donald Trump. The re-emergence of far-right parties in Europe. And the hollowing-out of any gains ordinary people have made in the past. Surely, Trump must signal a new era.

We will cast these ‘progressives’ as a bunch of spineless sycophants who allowed, in the case of the USA, a succession of ignorant, backward, Republican minded idiots, to take power. And do so from minority positions.

Our point of departure could be 1968, you choose. Since then we’ve had Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama and now Trump. So from the height to the nadir of ‘progressivism’, in this recent incarnation, we’ve had less real progressives elected to the highest office than during the period of the first half of the 20th century – FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, for example.

The American ‘progressive’ has acquiesced so much that it is no wonder the best policy to be contrived, recently, had to do with the institutionalization of an agenda against mother nature herself.

The mainly White, highly ‘educated’, progressives are all about form not function. They are cowards, lacking a scintilla of courage. All about an empty rhetoric, as a means to blur the lines between themselves and the Republicans. The progressive agenda has always been a White man’s trick.

The republicans or conservatives play no such games. They see politics as war by other means and are prepared to move heaven and earth to their will.

In the Obama presidency alone, the Republicans have given us government shutdowns; illegal wars; mass defunding of social programs, developed to help the poor; filibustered an Obama Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days; gerrymandered the country to make certain of perennial control of the House of Representatives and the Senate; consistently stole elections by the disenfranchisement of primarily Black and Latino voters.

Not even when confronted with irrefutable evidence progressives have no meaning responses. They possess the worst kind of cowardice.

In North Carolina, a Republican Pat McCrory, the incumbent, was ‘defeated’ by a Democrat, Roy Cooper, in the Governor’s race, 2016. But since November 8th and several recounts, McCrory has failed to concede despite a nearly unassailable 10,000 vote lead by Cooper.

What is more, the Republican State Legislature in NC, in anticipation of the defeat of the Republican Incumbent Governor, has acted to severely cut the constitutional powers of the incoming Governor. Powers the current Governor enjoyed.

In the UK. We are not convinced that the Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn has laid out anything new. He too seems wedded to traditional progressive agendas. But the political environment has markedly changed and requires different responses from hollowed-out labour parties. Maybe the alt-Right of Farage and company will repeat, in the UK, the Trumpism progressives in the US have made flesh.

In Barbados, it may take a decade or more for us to see some official recognition of the death of progressive ‘ideals’ as historically constructed.

All this is happening and there is hardly a whimper from the supine progressives in the Democratic Party, in the USA, or even Barbados. Maybe they are used to being in a submissive position with the ruthless Republicans driving home an advantage no minority should have.

Moreover, the case of the defeat of Clinton is indeed emblematic of the perennial weakness of progressives. With over a billion dollars and an ability to raise much more; possessing a far superior case than Trump; currently having control of the Obama presidency; and with all of these advantages, the pooch-pickers called progressives could not defeat a demagogue, a narcissist, an apolitical madman like Donald Trump.

Progressives, in an age of Trump, cannot be expected to offer any determined, courageous, resistance to the Hitler of our times. Already, we are seeing that they intend to be as supportive of Trump as they were of Bush#2. Even if they had majorities on Capitol Hill, which they do not, they will be just as compliant.

Progressives will be more interested in notions of working with the devil, Trump, than defending their constituencies which are largely anti-Trump. They are sell-outs. It is the progressives who have people of colour voting for agendas for which there is no benefit to the voter. And Black people make no demands of the system. Not even on matters of life and death, like police shootings.

Presently, progressives on popular media are still licking their wounds from the Clinton defeat. When all the sobbing and gnashing of teeth is over, aided by their media bosses, people like Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Reid, Anderson Cooper and others on MSNBC, as well as those on CNN, will be brought to heel. It will be unsurprising when the Trump administration demands more favourable coverage, like any dictator has, in return for access, pretenses will have to come to an end. Without access these media houses might as well play dead.

This is how the game is played by ‘progressive’ media bosses, on the left, who are only committed to money, in the final analysis. The same media bosses who gave Trump, in kind, the equivalent of 2.5 billion dollars in free advertising/coverage because ratings were high and the spectacle of the pre-election season meant more to their top and bottom lines, a measure of success! In sum Trump has been, and is more so now, a creature of mainstream media. And the progressives will never apologize for imposing him on us. Their attitude was that Clinton would win, regardless. Now, let them consign themselves to being the anachronistic dead-beats they have long been.

The peoples of the world were, long time ago, sold out by the progressive agenda. It was, of late, essentially a response to Communism and gave yeoman service to right-wing forces thus creating the illusion of political pluralism, mass mobilization around social needs. Now that the Right has discovered that they can create populism, of the Right as well as the left, those alt-Right forces will soon deem left-wing populism and progressives themselves totally unnecessary.

269 responses to “Mainstream Media and the End of ‘Progressives’”

  1. One of Obama ‘s plan as of recent anout about a month ago was to ensure working people whose wages are weekly are paid for overtime but such initative was denied by a Texan republican judge.
    Obama as a president had three strikes against him one he was black two he had a republican congress standing in his way three he associated himself with the Clintons all of which meant he had an uphill battle to fight both for himself and the american people
    The american people have decided to have a future tainted with a scam artist and one who only see the dollar bill as his saving grace
    The numerous advisers and consultants that he has surrounded himself are cut from the same cloth of greed and selfishness
    By selecting those people Trump has already painted a picture of what the face of america would look like in the next four years
    One can guarantee massive bail outs for companies and Trump bribing companies to keep jobs in america costing taxpayers billions of dollars
    Also the defecit for which Obama was ridicule would balloned to massive levels as Trump does another favour for the milatary industrial complex part of which was the financial backbone for his election

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Talk about having to scrape the bottom of the barrel, just to get any singer to sing at the inauguration. Lom haha.

  3. Like Obama who promised ‘hope’ and ‘change’ so too Trumped promised to drain the swamp. Like Obama Trump has populated his cabinet with all the familiar faces from Wall Street.

  4. The only two countries in this world which have a long history of assassination of public officials, leaders, as a national policy, are Israel and the USA.

    So these must be the primary suspects in the murder of the Russian diplomat in Turkey.

    Currently, there is no direct evidence. But there is some circumstantial evidence.

    Israel only last week carried out the assassination of a Tunisian allegedly with links to the Hamas et al, in Tunisia.

    Well we, in the West, have no real tears for these killings. They are to be accepted as prerogative.

    Is this not state sponsored terrorism?

  5. David

    It is when the people who voted for Trump realize that they have been bamboozle, they have been tricked, they have been conned by a con man.

    And it will not take too long. What he’s has promised is totally impossible.

    That is when we’ll have social disruption in the USA by a coalition of forces.

    It’s amazing how stupid most of the people can be made to be. Time and time again.

  6. ac commenting on Pachamama’s claim that Obama is a war criminal:

    “Only a pot smiking dope head like u woyld come up with that assessment….”

    Well, not really:

    The Obama administration may be guilty of war crimes
    Jeffrey Bachman
    Reports on US drone strikes suggest White House policy violates international law. If so, they should be held accountable

    Human Rights Watch examined six strikes in Yemen. According to its report:

    Two of these attacks were in clear violation of international humanitarian law – the laws of war – because they struck only civilians or used indiscriminate weapons. The other four cases may have violated the laws of war because the individual attacked was not a lawful military target or the attack caused disproportionate civilian harm.

    Going beyond the examination of individual strikes, President Obama has utilized tactics that inherently violate the laws of war. These include the use of so-called “signature strikes” and “double taps”.

    According to Amnesty International:

    Under international humanitarian law, US drone operators must at all times abide by the principle of distinction; namely distinguish between civilians and combatants … All feasible precautions must be taken in determining whether a person is a civilian … In case of doubt, the person must be presumed to be protected against direct attack.

    Signature strikes target individuals for death based not on the confirmed identity or activities of the targets, but rather “behavioral characteristics” identified as those typical of militants. This is a clear violation of the principle of distinction. Further, Amnesty International questions President Obama’s assertion that drone strikes are only launched when there is “near certainty” that civilians will not be killed in the strike – a likely reference to President Obama’s disputed method of counting “all military-age males” in the vicinity of an alleged target as militants.

    Amnesty International argues that the president’s precautionary measures “are only relevant if the US applies the status of ‘civilian’ to unidentified individuals, rather than presuming they are combatants whom they deem directly targetable. Otherwise, these killings could constitute war crimes or extrajudicial executions.”


    Once again, the United States stands at a crossroad. Either it can immunize President Obama and members of his administration from accountability, as it did President Bush and his administration. As seen, this route exposes the hypocrisy of the administration’s counter-terrorism policy to full display. Or the US can subject its leaders to the same standards it demands of others.

  7. Some of you just dont get it Trump has already lined up world class acts from around the world, he doesnt need LA types but it plays right into his narrative. The country and western boys will come through for american flavor. WYnn and Adelson supporting trump and you dont think somebody wanting or wanting to keep playing vegas might step up this is laughable.
    David is right let the poor people with no knowledge of business or banking run the economy.

  8. Greenie


    There is so much ignorance here, we can’t deal with it all.


  9. “Pachamama December 23, 2016 at 2:25 PM #

    The only two countries in this world which have a long history of assassination of public officials, leaders, as a national policy, are Israel and the USA”
    That is my problem with you leftist sympathisers-you have a way of shamelessly distorting the truth-
    by the way you have not responded to my query about the soviet union role in the massacre of the Syrian people in Aleppo-

  10. “What is the sense about talking about Obama’s grades or Clinton being a below par lawyer, but at the same time PRAISING a below par student such a Donald Trump.”

    agreed but what is the sense of criticising and highlighting Mr Trump’s alleged dishonesty and other indiscretions but ignoring Mrs Clinton’s particularly when in an attempt to show that she was more prepared than Obama for the presidency she unashamedly lied to the whole world about her landing in Bosnia under sniper fire.

  11. We do not live in a perfect world despite all the rules and guidlines perfection is not mandated
    In the theatre of war incidents or accidents would happen
    By subjecting mortal human beings to perfection we are only condemning ourselves

  12. Obama, the USA, just abstained from a weak UN vote against Israel about the illegality of settlements in the West Bank.

    After 8 years of giving the Zionists everything they wanted.

    Arming them to the teeth. With nearly 90 of Palestine already taken

    Now, for his ‘legacy’ we are to have this weakness from a departing buller boy.

    No sanctions, no vote for the UN Resolution, no military force to protect the Palestinians and more of the same kinds of games will continue, or not.

    If Trump is as ignorant as we presume it will be worse

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Pachamama December 23, 2016 at 2:41 PM
    “It is when the people who voted for Trump realize that they have been bamboozle, they have been tricked, they have been conned by a con man.

    And it will not take too long. What he’s has promised is totally impossible.”

    Well said Pacha! And it will take ‘only’ a matter of a very short time to see the fulfilment of your prophecy.

    “Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

  14. I don’t usually agree with Pacha, but he is right about Obama’s decision to allow a symbolic UN Security Council resolution condemning Jewish settlements on Palestinian land to pass today.

    A meaningless, self-serving gesture from a black narcissist.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants December 23, 2016 at 2:28 PM
    “Close to home.

    Doesn’t that provide good enough reason for the Barbados government to revisit the implementation of biometric recording and monitoring of visitors especially of those coming from places with known ISIS cells like T&T?

    What do you think Hants, since you don’t mind being fingerprinted as you arrive to go on your annual fish watch in the GHNS?

    “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lawson…and the Rockettes do not want to parade before Trump and his fellow perverts, I hope there is a no perverts clause in their contracts.

  17. The Rockettes are a great pick for the Inauguration.

    The group’s signature move is a high kick that sells p—-y. Go Trump.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    It is good that David offers us this opportunity to pontificate so grandly and with such glib assessments of major issues. So for that Mr Blogmaster agan commend you and wish you and your team an excellent Christmas season and more prosperity for 2017.

    @chad99999 December 23, 2016 at 4:30 PM “…I don’t usually agree with Pacha, but he is right about Obama’s decision to allow a symbolic UN Security Council resolution condemning Jewish settlements on Palestinian land to pass today.”

    Amusing pontificating to say the least. This settlement issue has been with us since almost forever (well since the ’67 war anyhow). The Obama administration previously vetoed similar ‘meaningless’ UN decisions as other US administrations over the years. The fact that they actually abstained from this vote today is the NEWS.

    But the REAL news of this tale relates to Trump being snubbed. Earlier today it was reported that this vote was postponed indefinitely by a key sponsor, Egypt….after Pres Sisi spoke to Trump.

    The fact that another country(or countries) usurped that tacit agreement and forced this vote NOW should be the talking point. Not the obvious smack in Netanyahu’s face from his ‘nemesis’ Barack Obama.

    Trump has already said he would have ‘vetoed’ the resolution so this is purely an impressive end of year political production. Someone is trying to score cheap points with the various punditry.

    Certainly succeeded with our lot!

    Yet the harsh realities of life in the occupied territories with this intractable issue changes not one iota after Jan 20th, 2017.

  19. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @chad99999 December 23, 2016 at 7:05 PM …LOL. Good one dat. Astute hilarious observation…wrongheaded and misogynist for sure but cute and funny jokes can’t all be PC!

    I really never knew the Rockettes’ “signature move [sold] p—-y”.

    I always thought it was wholesome entertainment of attractive, talented, well-conditioned dancers.

    Oh well!

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Chadster is just as sleazy and disrespectful to women as his mentor Trump…..I am sure his mother has regrets.

  21. Years ago I got to see some of the Rockettes up close. Unfortunately not close enough. lol

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It’s a good wholesome Radio City Hall show since 1925, only disrespectful sleaze like Trump, who wants to date his own daughter and his brainless followers would turn it into a whorehouse, children watch those shows.

  23. Trump looking for entertainment? The Grand Ole Opry is still there isn’t it? I am surprised that he hasn’t grabbed Ted Nugent he would fit right in with that crowd like this guy who was a State co- chair of Donald’s Election team. He also ran on the Republican ticket for Gov.of NY.

  24. Its nice to see the rockettes get on the train rather than Well Well who wants to pull one

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Sleazy Lawson, Happy Holidays, want to go for a swim at Worthing beach…lol.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Not even the sleaziest and most evil-presidents want to be seen at a Trump inauguration, but they should all be forced to be there, let the world see the cluster of whitehouse slime, the fraud that started as a whitehouse in the 1700s..

  27. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, an eloquent, humorous speaker at December 23, 2016 at 8:10 PM.

    It’s always wonderful to listen to different sides of any debate…the continuing and well trodden one of how the western world – particularly the all-powerful Brits – so deliberately plundered the Asian and African continents is forever insightful.

    When modern day ‘terror’ and the swarms of ‘refugees’ plundering the western world is seen in that past context it takes on a vastly different and enlightening perspective.

    We should always be reminded that the Donald Trumps of this world also reflect on the history and are all-in to make the colonists great again and always! The fight continues.

    But very lovely brief speech above.

  28. @Dee Word

    The reason for posting the video is to show how some get locked into a narrative because of ignorance.

  29. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    For the record. I fully agree with your thoughts posted above.

  30. Isaac Jeremiah Jesus o dat ilk, et al Avatar
    Isaac Jeremiah Jesus o dat ilk, et al

    “Is this not state sponsored terrorism?”

    The Italians just killed the twat. It’s called “taking out the trash”, Guyanese bellend.

  31. he public has spoken, and Trump will be FURIOUS.
    The Rockettes Will NOT Be Forced To Perform At Trump’s Inauguration Due To Public Outcry
    The public has spoken, and Trump will be FURIOUS.|By Lou Colagiovanni

  32. Image may contain: 1 person, text

  33. Well Well you know I was only kidding have a Merry Christmas.

  34. Isaac Jeremiah Jesus o dat ilk, et al

    Maybe you should asked your fascist Italian friends to stop sponsoring terrorism and then pretending to fight against it.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    You too Lawson..let’s hope the dollar starts rising after the festivities, it’s beginning to become a nuisance, was shocked when I learned it was hovering around 73 cents.

    Glad to see they are not forcing the Rockettes to perform, that would be plain wrong and grounds for lawsuits.

    Happy Holidays Vincent.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I am sure trump will try not to pay the Rockettes as is his track record for not paying anyone, those girls charge a lot for their act.

    “Behold the power of the Internet. After it was announced the Radio City Rockettes were being forced to perform, against their will, for Donald Trump during his presidential inauguration a backlash forced management to rescind their orders of a mandatory performance.

    Trump has been, humorously, struggling to find anybody worth watching who would be willing to be associated with his presidency. The list of A-list performers who have told him they, under no circumstances, will not celebrate his electoral fraud is a mile long.”

    “Following the outrage the Madison Square Garden Company gave a statement through Mikyl Cordvoa which said:

    For a Rockette to be considered for an event, they must voluntarily sign up and are never told they have to perform at a particular event, including the inaugural. It is always their choice. In fact, for the coming inauguration, we had more Rockettes request to participate than we have slots available.

    Beyond that statement no further explanation was offered. The amount of Radio City Rockettes who actually sign up to perform on inauguration day will tell the true tale of the tape. Let’s hope Trump is humiliated before the nation and is left holding an empty sack, which is exactly what he deserves for his years of villainy.”

    Paul Tucker II
    wait. i thought his boyfriend putin was goinf to sing?
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 12 mins

    George Samuels Troubleshooter High Voltage at Con Edison
    Get The Klan Band ! ���
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 23 mins

    Charles R. Nelson Hillcrest High School
    Maybe Jane Fonda will entertain for him!!
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 41 mins

    Anne B. McNaight
    I hope ONE shows up and it is just a solo act!
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 3 · 53 mins

    Wayne Pannabecker Hunter College
    Well if only one shows up, I hope she can still syconize her high kicks. After all she will have two legs. As long as Trump’s hand is not grabbing her kitty cat.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 7 mins

    Linda Hill
    Glad that management got the message. Let’s hope they stay true to their word and don’t fire anyone over this.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 7 · 58 mins

    Bahir Browsh St. Joseph’s Prep
    Just a sign of how most of the people in the country feel about trump.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 8 · 1 hr

    Carolyn Oberndorf
    thank you for not capitalizing his name. and never, ever use the word President. trump with a small t is sufficient.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 7 · 44 mins

    Nicholas Haddad Lone Star College System
    There will be more than enough dancers signed up to perform because they need jobs and income. Let’s hope he pays.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 1 · 1 hr

    Sandra Kicklighter Los Angeles, California
    Good luck with that. He is already being sued for refusing to pay a group of of even younger girl dancers that performed for him.…/usa-freedom-kids-lawsuit-trump/
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 5 · 59 mins

    Dave Werner
    Sandra Kicklighter He wishes he had paid those little girls now. They would be his headliners.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 6 mins

    Neil Phillip University of Tasmania
    Write to the Rockettes to express how you feel: and scroll down to contact section. The Rockettes brand will be trashed if they support such a creature

  37. @ Pacha
    Obama, the USA, just abstained from a weak UN vote against Israel about the illegality of settlements in the West Bank.
    What bets are you willing to take on this?

    Bushie is telling you that this will turn out to be the single most impactful decision that Obama has taken in his eight years as president.

    For the first time ever, the major powers of the world have a legal, UN Security Council backed ruling, that those Jewish settlements are illegal. Trump can talk all he likes now, that UNSC resolution cannot be reversed without negotiating vetoes from Russia etc.

    What do you expect will happen when a ‘coalition of world powers’ including Russia, China, Iran, and other countries decides to act on this LAW …and demand that Israel give up these settlements?
    ……Bushie expects to “see Jerusalem surrounded by armies”, ….after which you will know that her desolation is near. (Luke 21:20) …and also likely, that of her military supporters…

    Recall that in was similarly on such a flimsy UNSC resolution that George Bush put together his own coalition to ‘sort out Iraq…’ and did it with “shock and awe”

    Whenever you dig a well …you should expect at some point to fall into it….

    Bushie knows that you don’t believe any of this bible stuff, …you should therefore be willing to offer high odds against the Bushman’s prognosis …. 🙂

  38. Not a Trump fan but glad as shite the witch Hilary lost.
    . She spent US $1.2 billion of other people’s money , had the media (cnn , msnbc ,abc, cbs etc) openly promoting & abetting her campaign & still lost. Karma is a bitch.
    Now she & her surrogates are showing themselves to be really poor losers.
    Crayons & counselling for these morons.
    She lost to a Reality TV Star..poetic justice eh.
    Merry Xmas.

  39. LOL @ Redman
    Very similar, but it was not Karma in this case.
    Karma is more of a spiritual principle …such that the result of one’s intent and actions influence his final future.
    What happened to Hilary is that she was used by forces that most of us do not appreciate to engineer a most unlikely win for the consummate, irrational, bigot, Trump.

    Almost anyone else… with the possible exception of Dompey, would have beaten Trump. It took Hilary to lose that election. Everything about her raises questions among the relatively sane 40% of the population,… while another 40% are hard core racists bigots who will support Trump or any other white supremacist even if he was exposed as Hitler grandchild..

    The silly arrogance of the email server nonsense.
    The unprofessional response to Benghazi
    Her, now overbearing, husband
    Her love of money and association with the moneyed…
    Her personal arrogance…

    Obama is right, she probably would have been the ideal president at this time.

    Unfortunately the REAL powers-that-be at this time have another agenda ….and time is short. The pawns on the chessboard of life are being MANIPULATED towards a coming checkmate, and Hilary was merely a participant in an “en passant” executed by these powers of spiritual wickedness in high places…

    ,,,no karma here.

  40. “agreed but what is the sense of criticising and highlighting Mr Trump’s alleged dishonesty and other indiscretions but ignoring Mrs Clinton’s particularly when in an attempt to show that she was more prepared than Obama for the presidency she unashamedly lied to the whole world about her landing in Bosnia under sniper.”

    @ Charles Skeete

    Hmmmmm…. Hilary Clinton’s “alleged dishonesty and other indiscretions” as well?

    Who said I ignored Clinton?

    It seems as though you read BU haphazardly and do not put each contributor’s contribution within its intended context.

    My contribution was made to a specific individual (and perhaps you as well) who CONSTANTLY reminds us about Hilary Clinton’s indiscretions and seems to think Donald Trump is the best thing since sliced bread.

    By highlighting Trump’s dishonesty is my way of reminding that individual (and you?) Trump is not without sin.

    There are not any fundamental differences between the dishonesty of Trump or Clinton.

  41. @ Artax
    There are not any fundamental differences between the dishonesty of Trump or Clinton.
    Well said…!! …. all BB’s
    You could have added ….or Charles, or Mia, or Froon, or Obama.
    We need to learn to judge persons on their own merit. Apples with apples. Pears with pears.

    Unless a fella has been ‘adopted’, he must be judged as a brass bowl.
    Anytime we see a person stand up and be counted, we tend to start judging them against Godly vessels-of-gold. Hilary is not a bad person politicians go, and she certainly is VERY much more of a human-being than is Trump.
    …which maybe exactly why she was ‘de-selected’ by the powers-that-be….

    There IS such a thing as an ‘outstanding brass bowl’….. and worthy of note – even thought it is not a vessel of gold.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The nasty lengths Israel would go to, just to steal Palestinian’s land.

  43. I found the following response to the PM’s “Christmas Message” in today’s edition of Barbados Today quite amusing and thought I should share it with BU:

    “Don Keyote: December 25, 2016 at 6:38 am: If giving is the true spirit of Christmas, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet have demonstrated the Christmas spirit continuously for several years. Their generosity in giving pain and suffering to the people has known no bounds, in impositions and increases in taxes and levies, in reductions of employment, income and spending power, in decreases in our standard of living. And insights into accountability and transparency of Government. Yes, they truly have the Christmas spirit.”

    Amusing……… but true!!!!

  44. “There are not any fundamental differences between the dishonesty of Trump or Clinton.”

    Thank you

  45. Charlie Skeete while you are up an about defending the scamp Donald Trump you can add morally bankrupt to his long list of bankruptcies

  46. @ charles skeete
    What thank you what??!!
    You lost that intellectual battle to Artax.

    If you were judging a beauty contest ,… and Froon and ac stepped up to be judged… would you award the prize to Froon on the grounds that ac is ugly just like him?

    If there is no difference between them in that respect, then you need to use different criteria to differentiate between them….
    …and yuh can’t even use Madd’s song, – cause they are BOTH ugly AND unmannerly too…

    Bushie would go for Froon though….on account of that awful weave…
    ha ha ha

    Happy Christmas ac
    enjoy the ham and jug jug
    cause in 2017 …. no more Mr. nice guy from Bushie… 🙂

  47. Bush Tea today us Xmas and ac not in the mood to get low and ugly
    Btw none of ac/s are not ugly and does not wear a weave or a toupe. Nor does not have a bald spot like yours
    I am scratching my head trying to find out what happened to PDYR
    A blogger stated PDYR had kicked the bucket can u verify
    I love to hate PDYR in our moments of disagreeable discourse but not having PDYR around is like having a void that needs to be filled in
    The last time PDYR was around was the middle of Nov.kinda strange that at this festive season he remains silent

  48. @ Bushie

    You must know by now that we have a genuine appreciation for your positions, all of them, though there is a small number we have not been enlightened about.

    Correction! This is not the first time a departing US president, seeking to burnish his legacy, has abstain from, voted for, an anti-Zionist UN resolution.

    We therefore suggest that you may be reading too much into this. That the limitations of your eschatology might not be serving you well. That you may need to combine other traditions to add sophistication to your position. LOL

    Not that we would not prefer that the destruction of these wicked people is soon at hand. You know this.

    For the record and even in circumstances where Obama and Netanyahu disliked each other, Obama and the Congress vastly increased military aide, grants, etc to the Zionist regime.

    This UN vote is a mere joke.

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