Submitted by Terence Blackett


How So-Called Knowledgeable Christians Corrupt & Debase Good Morals by Virulent Speech, Hatred of Others & Self-Opinionated Plaudits of Self-Righteousness

“Reprove a fool and he will hate you – rebuke a wise man and he will love you” – Proverbs 9:8

Aristotle – Greek philosopher believed that “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Some would beg to differ strongly with this opinion. CHRIST said unequivocally, “For where a man’s treasure is, there his heart will be also.” (Matt 6:21) Socrates, also a Greek philosopher opined: “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think” – something many can agree on. The BIBLE in Luke 6:24 says: “The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honourable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart; and the [intrinsically] evil man produces what is wicked and depraved out of the evil [in his heart]; for his mouth speaks from the overflow of his heart.” So mouth and heart are inextricably linked – showing what’s really inside the human person.

In today’s world, “It takes courage to stand up for what’s right – it takes even more to do it in LOVE.” In a piece entitled “When Did Christians Get So Mean?” the author cites some very important truisms which only those suffering from ‘denial-phobia’ would venture to reject! For it’s virtually impossible to get real consensus today on even the basics!

Plato – another Greek philosopher opined: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” However, Scripture reveals how the river of the heart flows as the “tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6) And although the battles of life, as Solomon cites, sees “the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) yet the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. (Matt 24:13) Thus the collective journey for us all remains part of a spiritual movement (either shared or divided) as we choose to see fit.

Aristotelian wisdom recognized: “I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over the self” – for he felt that “It is the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Scripture is clear as well in (Galatians 5:24-25): “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.”

In the Pre-Socratic School of Stoic Greek philosophy, led by Epictetus, believed that “You count yourself to be but an ordinary thread in the tunic. You ought to think how you can be like other men, just as one thread does not wish to have something special to distinguish it from the rest: but I want to be the purple, that touch of brilliance which gives distinction and beauty to the rest. Why then do you say to me, ‘Make yourself like unto the many?’ If I do that, I shall no longer be the purple.” Paul the Apostle in a Biblical adjunct to the argument reminds us that we are “ALL MEMBERS” of One Body! For “the body is a unit, though it is comprised of many parts. And although its parts are many, they all form one body. So it is with Christ”. (1 Cor. 12:12; 27)

Pericles (another Greek orator & statesman) cited that – “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” These philosophical tenets and principles are all borrowed from the foundational principals etched within the Sacred Walls of The Scriptures and can be found out only with careful, tireless investigation.

In Cor. 1:22 “The Jews ask for signs, and the Greeks seek wisdom.” Solomon like his predecessors, recognized that “The tongue of the WISE* makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a FOOL* belches out foolishness. (Proverbs 15:2) No wonder then, Plutarch, (another Greek historian, biographer & essayist) saw that “Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks” – for God has given men the wonder, beauty & space to enjoy the plaudits of aesthetic knowledge, cosmic science, living faith and “POWERFUL GOOD WORKS”. This is what life should entail. For even Solomon, at the lowest ebb of his life (spiritually) gave his heart over to understand the metaphysics behind “MADNESS & FOLLY” having received from the inspired fountain of wisdom and knowledge but like all who lose their way, end up bastardizing their human experiences upon the altar of pagan idolatry.

Yet “there is nothing new under the sun!” (Ecc. 1:9)

The pretext of all that we are witnessing today echoes back to that bygone age when according to the Biblical text – Eve (the mother of all created human beings) opened up herself to the hissing sophistry of the Serpent (for its words were almost MUSICK to her ears) – then falling prostrate into the subterfuge of that wily deception, she became fodder for the arch-villainous spirit of rebellion; loosed to ravage her mind with thoughts, suggestions and words which contravened the PURE, inimitable Word of The Creator God. And yet somehow, men still believe that they will not be “JUDGED” for their words, thoughts or actions (though vile and wretched they be).

Science believes that the tongue of the (SERPENT) was deliberately split (FORKED) so that through its sensory mechanisms, it would know the direction in which to move, based on its evaluation of the chemical particles on either side of its forked tongue, given the differentiation between the chemical levels on the right as against the left, with both working together to create an evolutionary process of synthesis. This is why the Scriptures are clear that “SATAN” (the wily Serpent) and his ministers can transform themselves as angels of light and ministers of righteousness for the express purpose of deceiving the blind and undiscerning – for The Bible says: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness…” (2 Cor. 11:13-15)

These are hard words – who can bear them? (John 6:60)

We must be true to who we are. We cannot live as two different versions of ourselves, hoping that nothing bad would come of it. For just recently, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “PRIVATE” & “PUBLIC” positions were laid bare through WIKILEAKS, pushing her lack of moral debenture to that of the “FORK-TONGUE” Serpent – reinforcing that age-old Adamic EVIL which seems to have even greater resonance now than ever before.

Seneca – (Roman philosopher, statesman, dramatist, & humourist) cited in 41 AD, when he was banished to the island of Corsica, after being accused of adultery by Emperor Claudius, that “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” This “ACID” Seneca speaks of, began with the son of Adam called Cain who killed his brother – first with his tongue, then with the animus of his physical might! In the aftermath of his vitriol and then violent murder – he defiantly exclaimed: “AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER?” This “MARK OF CAIN” has followed men right down to our time, where in the simple, petulant affairs of life – to quote the words of Heraclitus: “Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.”

When the Scriptures speak, it oftentimes is speaking to the person and to the “Personage” influencing the person who is speaking! When Christians speak, regardless of whether they are in their own homes with their families or in open secular or religious forums – their words must be seasoned with salt. The Scriptures in Philippians 4:8 reminds us that “Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Pastor Chuck Baldwin echoes similar sentiments to those within the hearts of many virtuous Christians who see the changing tide of Christianity becoming more and more sinister and austere – mirroring that wretched time during the “DARK AGES” when Dominican & Jesuit prelates & friars had men burned at the stake for dissent, at the behest of the state apparatus for religious or social abnegation.

Pastor Baldwin’s contextualization is spot on: “Angry, self-willed, rebellious, hate-filled Christians are not only a curse to their pastor and church; they are a curse to liberty itself. They are doing the Devil’s work of subverting the work of God (including the work of liberty) within the church and, therefore, within the community and country. Sitting home and sending out a barrage of hate-filled emails (LET ME INCLUDE TWEETS, FACEBOOK THREADS & ANY VIRTUAL MESSAGE) is doing NOTHING to restore liberty. Hate will NEVER win hearts and minds. And that’s what’s happening: we are losing the war for the hearts and minds. And one of the biggest reasons we are losing this war is because we have supplanted and destroyed the one position that is most necessary to winning the war for the hearts and minds: the courageous and inspired patriot pulpit.” One can also safely include or add the rancour of social mediazation and its virulent effects on the state of social & religious consciousness within internet forums!

Thus in polarized western, so-called Christian democracies (i.e. AmeriKKKa, Europe, Canada, OZ, & NZ), it is almost impossible for Christians to have any meaningful dialogue on any substantive issue, whether political, sociological, scientific , monetary or religious – without tempers flaring, innuendoes being slung about and verbal Molotov cocktails being hurled in disgust over the opinions of another. Yet these are the same FOLKS* who believe they can reach and teach “INFIDELS” the Scriptures by the “LETTER” of the LAW* and not by the “SPIRIT” of It.

What base and deceptive hypocrisy!

Pastor Baldwin believes the reason why modern Christians have become so mean and nasty is due in part to a number of factors – however, he states that: “Without the undergirding principles of Law and Love, there can be no RIGHTEOUS indignation. Hatred and bitterness against evil is meaningless without Love and Affection for Righteousness. And if Christian people are filled with hatred and bitterness against the most fundamental spiritual principles of truth and honor within the church (and tons of them are), how in the name of common sense can we expect the world around us to successfully engage in something as complex as political liberty within a nation? Without the undergirding principles of Law and Love, there can be no approbation of Heaven. And without the approbation of Heaven, there can be no lasting liberty.”

In the virtual world of cyberspace, where most live in the 21st century, every aspect of modern life (BANKING, MEDICAL SERVICES, ACADEMIA & even WAR) is fought at the touch of a button from an armchair of distanciation. Relationships are formed or NOT in this virtual world of intrigue. Even many knowledgeable Christians who possess skill and understanding in The Word of God are somehow socially and morally vacuous when it comes to the finer “VIRTUES” in life when dealing with opponents. The on-going, prevailing mythologization of the “RUM-SHOP” enculturated mindset takes precedence over the transformative work that “MUST” be done by THE HOLY SPIRIT in the heart – subduing the base, carnal, animalistic passions which tend to over-ride even common-sense and reason when dealing with other individuals in the domain of cyberspace – given that we do not even know our so-called opposition from a hole in the wall. As a result, Christians have become like a barrel of crabs – all fighting each other and the rest with incendiary language, barbarous “BARBS” and an effluent of vitriolic jibes intent on creating the maximum amount of carnage in its wake.

What blissful FOLLY!

In a final citation from Pastor Baldwin, I believe hits the nail on the head: “What is missing from the hearts and minds of so many professing patriots (Christians and otherwise) is old-fashioned humility. We refuse to hold ourselves accountable. We refuse to be taught. We know it all. We are never wrong. And if we are, we would never admit it. We refuse to submit to lawful authority. Bull-headed, stubborn, SELF-RIGHTEOUS people who are totally unqualified to fight a freedom fight. They don’t even understand the meaning of the word freedom, much less understand how to wage a righteous, disciplined, and honourable fight to preserve or reclaim it…” The Bible states: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8) [Cited from

In conclusion, we live in a world of myriad views on life. Whether it is God, science, money or politics – you name it! One thing should remain sacrosanct – RESPECT for others, regardless of their views, opinions or held beliefs. All the more so, because we have come down to a time as Richard Jewell says when “Deists say God is beyond Creation and He stays there. Pantheism says God is everywhere in the Creation. Theism says God is both beyond and in Creation. Agnosticism says there is no proof God exists. Atheism says there is proof that God does not exist. Gnosticism says one can have special Knowledge of God. Monotheism says there is One True, Central God. Mysticism says direct experience of God is possible. Polytheism says there are many “gods” (which include man). And spiritualism says there are “spirit beings” that exist everywhere.

Whatever your belief – if it can withstand the “LITMUS” test of solid reasoning, LOGIC and tireless unpacking – then in the “LIGHT OF THE BEREANS”, (come let us reason it out together), will no longer be an exercise in futility – harping back to a time when even Paul on Mars Hill could stand and reason solidly of his faith with the adherents of the schools of Stoic & Epicurean philosophers of his day (some of whom were quoted at the outset of this piece).

‘In the end, the “TRUTH” shall prevail’ – John Wycliffe


106 responses to “The Hissing Tongue of the Serpent”

  1. Looks like all the local scribes are either at the DEMS south meeting or the Bees annual conference,even Bushie had to hustle so not to miss his lift and Pieces and the Colonel out distributing posters….lol……election season starting early.

  2. Sorry about the above which is off topic…..but I do subscribe to this part of the post.

    In conclusion, we live in a world of myriad views on life. Whether it is God, science, money or politics – you name it! One thing should remain sacrosanct – RESPECT for others, regardless of their views, opinions or held beliefs. All the more so, because we have come down to a time as Richard Jewell says when “Deists say God is beyond Creation and He stays there. Pantheism says God is everywhere in the Creation. Theism says God is both beyond and in Creation. Agnosticism says there is no proof God exists. Atheism says there is proof that God does not exist. Gnosticism says one can have special Knowledge of God. Monotheism says there is One True, Central God. Mysticism says direct experience of God is possible. Polytheism says there are many “gods” (which include man). And spiritualism says there are “spirit beings” that exist everywhere.

  3. “Whatever you believe- if it can withstand litmus test of solid reasoning”

    First question: What can be the solid reason that God exists?

    Second question: is there credible and verifiable evidence to support the claim of God’s existence?

    Third question: isn’t a fact that all we have heard in the area of proof of God’s existence, are stories, and subjective personal testimonies?

  4. Vincent Haynes

    It isn’t that the atheist dismisses the concept of God as the theist defines Him, but that there isn’t any empirical evidence to support the claim of God’s existence.

  5. Vincent Haynes

    So you’re saying that we ought to respect the religious convictions of the Satanist who practices human and animal sacrifice? Where do we draw the line on religious practices Sir?

  6. The fundamental question is …..whom do you trust?Whose thought,word or deed is worthy of trust.Who will respect his neigbour as he would like to be respected by that neighbour.And to whom is directed the order ‘do not steal’,do not covet’,’do not murder’.Surely not everyone save and except the wasps or the zionist!

  7. We have just had an interesting outcome of one of the many talent shows we have here on television.
    Every year a large number of talented young people enter these shows and every time they go to the public vote, with few exceptions, the black kids are voted off. The two best know of these shows are X factor and Britain Has Talent, both managed by Simon Cowell, a regular visitor to Barbados.
    There is no suggestion of fowl play by Mr Cowell, but it is the British public who will vote against black talent, no matter how good.
    It is the same in other aspects of public life. Go to any Crown Court on any day and you will see whatever the evidence, the black people will be found guilty.
    It is this nuanced shift that coloured th Brexit vote. What you see is not always what you get.
    The lesson is: if you are not familiar with the silent undercurrents of public policy hesitate from going in with firm opinions.

  8. Gabriel

    “The fundamental question is whom do you trust”

    But doesn’t corroborative, verifiable and empirical evidence promotes trust Sir? Trust still does not promote the necessary evidence which tells you that Saint Nicholas/Santa Claus is a figment of the human imagination or a reality?

  9. Gabriel

    Would you trust a sex offender with your teenage son or daughter? Of course not, because any conscientious parent would research the person backgroud before he or she trust the person to be in the custody/company of his or her child. The same must go for whatever you choose to believe before you trust it. And there is also a quote which bears truth to what I am try to convey and it goes a little something like this:” Be courteous to all, but be intimate with a few, but let those few be will tested before you call them your friends.”

  10. Are we still at the juncture where we think that quoting the Greeks and the Romans is an indicator of being well-read, knowledge?

    Are we to read such in awe and take a defensive intellectual posture as though these impostors represent the inner limits of truth?

    Is there to ever be any space to quote those from whom these people stole everything they learned?

    And that was not much. The originators withheld most of the secrets but some betrayed what they spent 40 years to acquire.

    We could never figure when the time will come to say f-off to these people.

  11. Hal you pratt what about leona lewis, talent rises to the top no matter who is singing but what are you suggesting affirmitive action should be brought to all tv shows or that they should be cancelled because not enough minorities win. Or is it that the black accused in a barbados court caught by a black police force charged by a black prosecutor sentenced by a black judge is found guilty ..can it not be they actually did it

  12. Lawson

    Hal, I truly believe what you’re saying has some merit because I saw several social experiments on social-media that proved that racism is still pervasive in the British society. And in one such experiment, a black kid was told to asked a white lady for a dollar, and of course she refused to give it to him. Then a white kid who was a participant in the same social experiment was told to ask the same white woman for a dollar/or some change or something of that nature, and of course she gave it to him. And though this social experiment was or could be considered a random survey, is still gave some indication as to how some whites in Britain view blacks.

  13. see dompey you had to add the …of course…showing your predisposition it couldnt be one lady at that given moment in time decided that she didnt feel comfortable opening her purse to a black kid that she had no chance of catching if he did a snatch and grab. What if it was a black or white girl that was asking ….if they gave to both then it would not be a race issue but a gender chances of getting robbed issue.

  14. Terrence:

    This piece is an interesting attempt to bring about world peace. Some may disdain your use of the greeks and romans as your power base, but my difficulty with the piece is its attempt to “please all men”, which is an impossibility. You can not mix and match your paradigms; either you shall postulate from the “christian point of view” or you shall posit from the greco-roman times point of view. You can not have the best of both worlds. I tend to dismiss people like the good pastor you tend to lean on. Most of them regurgitate ancient readings that they would have “now” stumbled upon. And there is little thought and dissection to their discourse.

  15. @ Dompey
    What social experiment what??!!
    One only needs to read Lawson and Money B to understand the nature of racism…and these are among the progressive whites that (unprecedentedly) even choose to interact with us..

    @ Terence
    Again you have managed to explain the basic principle of Matthew 7, 15-17 ‘By their fruit shall ye know them’ into a well laid out academic paper that will be sure to attract the interest of the exegetists. Bushie awaits the needed rebuttal.

  16. Chuckle……Domps…..reread Bushies many diatribes and they will give you a fuller understanding of racism,chauvanism,homophobia and evangelism….he is a genuine misogynist….lol

  17. Vincent…
    Which of Bushie’s many diatribes ever documented a single case of the Bushman using race to disadvantage a fellow? Which laws did Bushie take advantage of to benefit at the expense of other races..?

    Bushie simply calls it as he sees it.
    Brass bowl blacks think that he is being unpatriotic…
    albino centric whites think that he is racist….
    and those in between don’t know what to think…
    In your case, you just don’t think….
    ha ha ha

  18. Bush Tea October 31, 2016 at 7:56 AM #

    Yuh got that one right about duh thinking……..after I see what all de lotta thinking do to you,ah dun wid dat.

  19. @ Vincent
    Ha ha ha ha
    good one.

  20. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    Bush Tea really having fun with BU bloggers today / yesterday. I would suggest we move our glutei maximi out of the way before he starts to whack the grass. Respect of all persons is due regardless of his status and views.

  21. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    I hope that was TB and BT message. If not sorry. I am not thinking straight today. Cannot even recall the objective case of plural Latin nouns.

  22. @Bushie, GP Zoe et al.
    Why MUST there be a GOD\ that we MUST, love and worship, and a Satan that we MUST abhor?

  23. BT, You said: “Brass bowl blacks think that he is being unpatriotic…
    albino centric whites think that he is racist….”
    This sentence betrays you, and as former Cawmerians, speaking on my behalf, it bothers me. Why the emphasis on “blacks” as “brass bowls”?

  24. Alvin:

    There must be a must. For too long man has been pontificating, Marx(you man), the eastern philosophers, the western philosophers(including the one who hugged to goat and went staring mad, the pseudo-intellectuals(those who write on this blog with a point of view of plurality), the various expressions of evolutionary thought(whether scientific, social, political or medical), those of the french revolution who are now in the grave to name a few, the need not to have a GOD or any structure whether social or otherwise that could be connected to the grand design of GOD. HE will be no GOD after all if HE does not come and represent HIS name, character, essence, being and why HE is GOD!

    Bushie, you barely escaped being named in the illustrious list by a bare eye teet.

  25. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    Alvin C

    BT is saying that blacks, who conclude that he is unpatriotic, earn the epithet of Brass Bowls. Those Blacks ,who do not think that way, are considered to be made of finer metals. You should not conclude that he implied that all blacks are brass bowls nor that all whites are albino centric.

    It is by their fruits that he classifies them.


  26. @Bernard Codrington,
    Then he should say so clearly and specifically.

  27. Bernard,
    Patriotism has no place in a discussion on the existence of God and or Satan, Heaven, or Hell; where I have been placed everlastingly by GP. (Not that I am worried, or even care)

  28. LOL @ Bernard
    Skippa, if you keep on explaining Bushie’s ramblings with that kinda clarity the Bushman could as well just defer to your exegeses. Many thanks… Bushie was indisposed today…

    @ Alvin
    Why MUST there be a GOD\ that we MUST, love and worship, and a Satan that we MUST abhor?
    Wait….Is this something from one of your dead palm tree books? 🙂

    What you MAY have gathered from the bushman is that, when we look around our world – at the complex, interwoven and interdependent systems that constitute NATURE, it becomes IMPOSSIBLE – for any but a complete fool. …to surmise any other possibility, except that some level of INTELLIGENT DESIGN had to be involved.

    Cuddear man!! if someone attempted to even suggest that our Central Bank building came into existence without intelligent architectural /engineering inputs – we would hustle them down to Jenkins…. far less this fascinating world of ours, that is so intricately complex, that it is not yet even 50% understood by our best brains that ever lived.

    Bushie therefore suggests that there MUST BE some Big Boss Engineer(s) somewhere… somehow … behind the concept called ‘life on earth’.

    That just seems like BASIC common sense….
    …and if these ‘Big Boss Engineers’ can be called ‘God’ … then there MUST BE A GOD.

    …so it would certainly make sense to find out as much as we can about ‘God’; about their intent; about their expectations; about their plans…. IN OUR OWN INTEREST.

    Pray tell Bushie why an entity – with the power and intelligence to conceptualise our universe, would give a rodent’s rectum if some little brass-bowl shiite like Bushie ‘worships them’…… or even ‘Love them’…?
    …seems to Bushie that it is, in fact, in OUR INTELLIGENT interest to ‘revere[ such beings – if you want to call it ‘Love and Worship’ – who is Bushie to complain?

    Now Satan is a different matter. Even Zoe and GP cannot yet grasp that Satan is a TOOL that was CREATED by BBE – as a vital part of the overall plan for mankind… That is a more advanced lesson – for which you may not yet be ready, Alvin …. (Zoe certainly ain’t… LOL ha ha ha )

    …and before you follow the lotta holloween shiite that we have been adopting bout here, you would be well advised to check with Bushie on this ‘Satan’ matter….

  29. bush tea

    Bushie therefore suggests that there MUST BE some Big Boss Engineer(s) somewhere… somehow … behind the concept called ‘life on earth’.
    That just seems like BASIC common sense….

    Basic common is determined and is defined by logical conclusion . unless you or any individual can clearly expailn and prove the origins of a Universal God , Your conclusion is baseless and defies logic and BASIC Common sense

  30. Bushy:
    “…interest to ‘revere[ such beings – if you want to call it ‘Love and Worship’ The simple question is Why? For wHAT PURPOSE? TO WHAT END? And when on considers the multi billion suns, planets, Black Holes, etc off the entities of our universe; nothing to do with other galaxies, the question still remains to your statement Why?
    As the computer would be won’t to spew out” Does not compute!”

  31. “…and before you follow the lotta holloween shiite that we have been adopting bout here, you would be well advised to check with Bushie on this ‘Satan’ matter….”

    Fuh true, ya hear, the Bushman KNOW nuff bout Satan, after all he is he Faddah, to de extent dat Bushie DECLARE right here pun BU, that someday “…I WILL BE GOD…”

    Sooo Alvin listen to Bushie when he talkin bout he FADDAH, Satan! Ya hearrrrr….

  32. Bush Tea

    Basis common sense and our own human experience also tells us that for every beginning there must be s end. Yes we can indeed look around our world and see a source must larger than man at work, but how do we explain what the philosopher calls the FIRST-CAUSE? And the question most are afraid to ask: who or what gave birth to God and so forth and so? It is extraneous to our human understanding to theorized that the source God appeared out of nothing and gave birth to our universe, as well as human and animal life.

  33. We are limited in what we know based on our limited understanding. To utter statements in an absolute form is absolute nonsense.

  34. untrue dompey I was talking about you to someone ….and they said there is no end to that prick

  35. Bushie

    Re-read these words……We are limited in what we know based on our limited understanding. To utter statements in an absolute form is absolute nonsense…….thanks David.

    I told you like too mucha lotta thinking and long talk,just look at that epistle in answer to Alvins excellent question,becarefull you do not end up with the goat.

  36. @ David
    What is that limitation to what we can know Boss?
    We are limited ONLY by the fact that our physical SENSES are constrained within certain parameters. The limits to which you speak does NOT apply where additional ‘SENSES’ could be somehow acquired.
    No doubt you are aware of individuals who display various ‘spiritual’ attributes due to what we call a ‘sixth sense’…..
    It is therefore NOT possible to apply such limits where additional senses, such as God’s holy spirit (the very MIND of BBE) could be imparted to an individual.

    @ Alvin
    Bushie does not normally argue with persons of your agreed ilk (can’t EVER seem to win 🙂 ), but since it was past your bedtime last night, the CORRECT statement should be…
    ” It seems to Bushie that it is (in fact) in OUR INTELLIGENT interest, to ‘revere’ such beings.
    If you prefer to use the words ‘LOVE and WORSHIP’ instead of ‘revere’ Bushie is cool with that.
    Typical troublemaker you are…, Bushie makes a basic point – and rather than respond to THAT point, you jump to some other issue that you do not understand…black holes etc..
    You must learn to crawl before you can walk…..
    How the hell could you expect an intelligence that could create our world …would be at a loss for a REASON for doing so…? Only a fool would jump to that conclusion.
    It is FAR more likely that we foolish brass bowls CANNOT see those reasons…

    @ Dompey
    Today MUST be Wednesday. Bushie is responding to TWO o’ wunna 🙂
    Look Boss, questions about who gave birth to God only betrays our limited senses. This is like a goat on Hoad’s farm asking who is responsible for milking Mrs. Hoad…..
    Because you have been placed in a restricted, fenced field you may be tempted to think that everything, and everyone, else are similarly penned.
    Time, death, pain and all physical limitations are constraints that constitute OUR farm. they do NOT apply to the farmer.

    @ Zoe
    Unfortunately, Bushie also knows about you….
    Should they listen when he talks about you and your fruit too…?

  37. @Bush Tea

    Do you mean ‘gut’ or ‘instinct ‘?

    Should we start a blog about the spirit world?

  38. @Bushie,
    We can discuss this issue ad infinitum, without either one convincing the other. It depends on the degree of one’s faith in what he believes. I am content in believing that there is no life after death; (no logical reason for it) and believe that, if I am cremated in the aftermath of celebrations for a life well lived, there is no putting me back together in this or any other form. If others choose to believe that they will live a life after that kind of finality; drinking milk, and eating honey; listening to harps playing spouse songs, and, like Gp,looking down on those they consider as less fortunate, I wish them well. I intend to live life to the fullest, do good,have many good discussions, and hopefully breathe my last breath, when it comes, in the understanding that life is finite.Giving thanks for that life. By the way Bushie, did you ybuymy books yet? It is time you did they are all edifying, and worth the money. (Not my words, but those who have read them)

  39. @ David
    No… not ‘gut or instinct.’ but an actual NEW ability to ‘sense’ and grasp things of a spiritual (read that as REAL) nature… as opposed to being limited to the temporary, limited, physical ‘farm’ we call life on earth.

    A blog on the ‘spirit world’ would be a waste of your time. Like taking blind people to a photo gallery…..

    @ Alvin
    You are an idiot.
    It is probably not your fault, but it is a fact that you insist on reinforcing….
    Keep on living your life to the ‘fullest’… you have done a great job thus far… given your level of wisdom. You would probably die of shock anyway…if you knew what is possible….

  40. Alvin, the highest KNOWN (statistical) information DENSITY, is obtained in LIVING CELLS, exceeding by far the best achievements of highly integrated density in computer systems.

    The human body has approx 100 TRILLION cells, Alvin EACH one of those cells are roughly, A PINHEAD diameter of 2mm. Do you know the DENSITY of each DNA molecule Alvin?

    The INFORMATION density that’s stored in (1) PINHEAD diameter of 2mm DNA molecule IS* equal to 2 MILLION 2 Terabyte Hard-drives!

    Further, Alvin, if the INFORMATION stored in ONE DNA molecule, were written into paperback books, it would take a pile of such books 50 TIMES higher than from here to the moon!

    If a Pinhead diameter of 2mm were stretched out into a wire, it would have a lenght more than 30 times the equator!

    This incredible INFORMATION storage DENSITY found in each DNA molecule, Alvin, could NEVER, EVER, happen by chance, it SCREAMS a “Vastly Intelligent Designer.” God, Alvin, Almighty God, this IS* the DESIGN of Omnipotence!

  41. Alvin, ever hear about “Irreducible Complexity”? Biochemistry Professor, Michael Behe, the originator of the term ‘Irreducible Complexity’ defines an ‘irreducible complex system’ as one ‘composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the base function, wherein the removal of any ONE of the parts causes the system to effectively CEASE functioning.

    It is here that these examples demonstrate LOGICALLY, that biological forms could NOT have evolved naturally, as the REMOVAL, of any one PART, reduces the ENTIRE system as NON- FUNCTIONAL, can’t WORK.

    Behe, then goes on to correctly state: “An irreducibly complex systen CANNOT be produced ( that is, by continuously improving, (or adding to) the initial function which continues to work by the same mechanism) by slight, successive modifications of a precursor system, BECAUSE any precursor to an irreducibly complex system is MISSING a PART IS* by definition NONFUNCTIONAL.”

    This pure LOGIC, at its BEST, Alvin.

    Dembski, Mathematician, philosopher and theologian, states: “That when something exhibits ‘SPECIFIED COMPLEXITY’ ( i.e., is both complex and ‘specified’ simultaneously), one can infer that it was produced by an intelligent cause, ( i.e., that it was DESIGNED) That is LOGICAL AGAIN!

  42. Alvin Cummins November 1, 2016 at 8:50 AM #

    On point……quite correct that their are non so blind as those who refuse to see…..I agree with you on this topic and we both know that BT&Zoe will never see.

  43. This IS* precisely why; ‘Facts become credible FACTS, when they are warranted to the relevant degree of certainty.’

    “Error exist, right?’ Therefore, there must be something that IS* TRUE.

    That’s why, Truth by definition is absolute!

  44. Zoe

    Humanoids defined Truth……as well as everything around them……..therein lies the flaw in your submission.

  45. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Zoe November 1, 2016 at 10:01 AM
    “The human body has approx 100 TRILLION cells, Alvin EACH one of those cells are roughly, A PINHEAD diameter of 2mm. Do you know the DENSITY of each DNA molecule Alvin?”
    “The INFORMATION density that’s stored in (1) PINHEAD diameter of 2mm DNA molecule IS* equal to 2 MILLION 2 Terabyte Hard-drives!”

    It’s a real sorry state when you Zoe can be so scientifically well informed but so intellectually dishonest and morally hypocritical.

    Where in the Bible is there any reference to DNA and molecules?

    Why are you referencing the work of Watson & Crick et al and not Ezekiel and Paul?

    But, then again, what can we expect of a lying hypocrite who refuses to admit that the Jews who were once the chosen people of his god Yahweh are no longer the ‘favoured lot’ because of their blatant refusal to recognize far less follow his man of the zodiacal era called Jesus Christ the fisher of men.

    Zoe, for Pete’s sake, why not tell the BU household if you will be sitting next to Jews when “the roll is called up yonder”.

  46. Bushie

    You just can’t say that Alvin is an idiot. You must now say what kind of. LOL

    And Vincent
    Humans merely try to ‘define’ or uncover truths already in existence.

  47. [Barbados Underground] Comment: “The Hissing Tongue of the Serpent” Bin David to 51 minutes ago Details

    @Bush Tea

    If it is your opinion Alvin is an idiot then you should see your role as one to educate him. You preach about how the actions of individuals in the temporal space earth act as a crucible for the next stage orchestrated by BBE.



  48. So continuing on and leaving the blissfully ignorant to their contentment in their non-belief

    Let the ole man give you who believe a thought for consideration.

    Ecclesiastes 12.

    ” 6Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

    7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 8Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.”

    De ole man asked one here to speak regarding this “silver chord” WITHOUT ANSWER because they are dim of understanding IN ALL SENSES OF THE WORD but i will ask you this thusly…

    Of what does Paul speak when he speaks of the Silver Chord?

    Let us not be interested in the interventions that ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE they, like high winds blowing do not impinge on radio waves (significantly, barring the radio antenna that is)

    ” 16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

    Having answered that first question then tell me what is “the Serpent” that tempts the woman, and then the man being mindful of this “1Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God HAD MADE…”

  49. Anthropic Principle.

    Specified Complexity. In March 1986, a review by Stephen Meyer used ‘Information’ theory to suggest that messages transmitted by DNA in the cell show ‘Specified Complexity’ specified INTELLIGENCE, and, therefore, must have originated with an intelligent agent”

    This is, obviously, the only Logical conclusion!

  50. @ David
    In Alvin’s case, an idiot is, by definition, someone who is in such a serious state of self-denial, that it is not possible to be of any assistance to them.
    Alvin is a demonstrated ‘DLP idiot’, and this is now also confirmed in other spheres of life…
    Dem is the kinda fellows who does drown yuh when yuh go trying to save their donkeys….

    As Zoe says, anyone who can look around and not be overawed by the complexity, beauty, structure, interconnectivity and simple BRILLIANCE of the design ….. GOTTA BE an idjut.

    ……and any …who admits to such brilliant design – but not to a designer (because he cannot see the designer with his shiite eyes, or feel him with his shiite touch … a FOOL.
    Such persons are beyond assistance.
    May they rest in peace.

    LOL @ Dompey is the best so far…. he ‘does not believe’.. because he is unaware of who is the mother of this”supernatural designer and creator”…..
    ha ha ha
    Man what educate what..!!!
    Bushie gotta whacker – not a baby bottle or a comforter…. 🙂

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