Walter Blackman - Actuary and Social Commentator
Walter Blackman – Actuary and Social Commentator

Walter Blackman the doyen of talk radio of the 90s is back!

An actuary by training who honed his skills in the business environment of North America for the past 21 years has returned to Barbados to establish a business of his vocation. Of note to the BU family is that he has declared an interest in being a member of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) by throwing his hat in the ring to be considered as a candidate in the next general election.

 Here is a comment posted to Barbados Underground by Walter Blackman on the 29 June 2016.

I have always put my actuarial profession ahead of politics.

In 1995, I left Barbados with the objective of acquiring 20 years of actuarial experience in the USA. I intended to use that experience to provide quality actuarial services on my return to Barbados, which turned out to be 2016. 21 years. The timing of my return was strictly professional.

I incorporated an actuarial consulting company in Barbados called Actreks Partners. I have now assumed the role of President & CEO and am in the process of building this company.

A lot of Barbadian business owners are moving towards retirement and are not setting aside enough funds to adequately provide for their retirement needs. I design pension plans for business owners and advise them how much money they can contribute to the pension fund yearly. The contributions they make to their pension plans enable them to minimize or eliminate the company’s corporation tax.

Besides designing pension plans, Actreks Partners will be providing a suite of services, including risk management and business consulting, to businesses and Government.

If my company is successful, I would be creating long-term, sustainable, white collar jobs for Barbadians. All I want you to do is wish me luck on that one, rather than talking about going back to “Murica”.

On the political front, you are hinting that I am committing political suicide by sticking with the DLP, whilst Are-we-there-yet, believes that, like clockwork, my mind is systematically ticking and carving out a path that leads to becoming prime minister. These considerations have not even entered my mind.

This is how I see it:
If the DLP wins, I have to work.
If the BLP wins, I have to work.

It has always been that way for me. I hope you understand why I am not interested in hopping on a bandwagon…

519 responses to “Walter Blackman is BACK!”

  1. @ Walter Blackman

    I told you, how slow you become, Piece know I mean the h add to Walter, anyhow you are at 400 underground and slow up, think you can holdup for the next 6 month

  2. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman


  3. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    watchman July 4, 2016 at 7:28 PM #
    “@ Walter Blackman

    I told you, how slow you become, Piece know I mean the h add to Walter….”

    I do remember you commenting on my slowness. Let me see if I understand you correctly now.
    You want Piece to reframe from making any adjustment to the verb “refrain”.
    My, I must say that you fellas are lightning fast! LOL

  4. I thought it was pkk, but it is Walther PPK; the gun issued to James Bond…
    Good nite folks.

  5. Lol..too funny

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Walther PPK

    Methinks that you flatter yourself too much

    So let me first disavow you of that notions.

    While it might be hard for you to believe there is a party called the Demonic Lying party which has been operating in Barbados for a number of years pre independence and post independence.

    You might not have heard this but for the last 9 years it has been effing up the economy.

    They are my target and you are just going to be collateral damage so to speak.

    Because two men whom I respect greatly have begged for you I will try to see that my grandson wont put put your face on any of the posters but the rest of them going get them fecundity posterized to the max.

    Good Hunting

  7. @ Walter Blackman

    You have hamstrings problem , you think Pressie limping is for real,

  8. @Walter Blackman July 4, 2016 at 2:13 PM ? “I would give way to James Paul (of the BAS), Dr. David Estwick (Ministry of Agriculture), and Mr. Donville Inniss (Minister of Trade) on this one.”

    Perhaps Walter you should include the Minister of Health in this lot.

    I don’t know that I want any Trade Minister looking out for my health.

    When I have a health problem, I don’t go to the trader in my village (good man though he is) I go to my doctor for all things health related.

    I have said already on this blog and will say here again. I have had a child become so sick from sub standard food (for which I paid top standard dollars) that the child required 2 visits to the doctor, 5 days sick leave from school, and he lost 20% of his body weight during that week.

    We seem to forget that children eat these foods too, and that contaminated food which will not kill a fat guy like Donville can nearly kill a small child.


    I don’t want ANY Minister of Trade to be the arbiter of whether or not food is safe to eat. It is entirely a conflict of interest.

  9. Maybe a lot of you guys are not doctors and you are not mothers. But understand please that when a child who weighs 55 pounds loses 11 pounds in one week that child is GRAVELY, GRAVELY ill.

    The child is in danger of DYING.

    It is not at all like an adult losing 11 pounds in a week.

    6 ounces of badly stored milk nearly killed my child.

  10. PDYR. what is your what your friend Walter has become your new found enemy. So what u act as if the man owes you some sort of apology. Who cares about your threats. A true dlp would nit give a rats about your ideal threats
    Your new poster should read seven ideal threats to lose friends and win enemies taken from the blp manifesto

  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    They are taking contaminated foods, expired foods and rotten meats for a joke, no one trusts Dumbville Inniss. ..many people I know have stopped buying meats, eggs and poultry from the supermarkets, to protect their health and those of their children and grandchildren.

    Let the ministers feed that nastiness to themselves and family, it’s their ideas and that of the business people who bribe them to put substandard food on the market, let them all eat it..

  12. @Enuff
    Near 400 comments? Naffin special set out by BU “blue eyed” boy Walter. Where are the policy prescriptions to address the myriad of issues?
    Relax, the people just relishing the fact that a real ‘live” politician sticking around on BU so that they can either shower him with brickbats or kisses.

    If you post under your politician name you might get some of the same treatment.

  13. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ AC

    I know that you in actual fact were complimenting me on my last poster

    You “sound like” Pornville though not like the AC who is a fecundity, you sould like the arrogant Pornville.

    You know that your Posters are working when??

    You know that your posters are working when

    (a) the BLP supporters dont come to the site too regularily
    (b) When the DLP tells AC the Fecundity to “stand down” and sends in their big guns
    (c) when your posters are all over America and the UK and getting send back to you by 10 degrees of separation
    (d) when the “blue Eyed Wonder” is uncharacteristically throwing ad hominems and using language that has never crossed his lips as he presented the squeaky clean image of “cuss words never passed these lips”

    Now , Now, Now….doan get tie up.

    I understand your strategy even if Wlather PPK doesn’t (oh dear I had already pressed enter when I realized that i had misspelt Walther!!

    Let me share it with Walter since he may not know it yet.

    What is your Head Count on the BU Bloggosphere???

    The place where if we jes show our heads we does get crucify??

    Two. What is your “likeability” factor? Do people cuss you like AC or engage with you?

    Three. Since Stinkliar got to walk with 2 policemens next to he when he in de supermarket dat would mean dat you may be able to sanitize part of the DLP image somewhat.

    Plussing you ent say nuffin embarrasing bout James Paul rather Pornville and the Bhana Chickens

    Can we trust you?

    Astor Batts say dat you lie a mamba and he doan wants to see you in heah again BUT Astor ent got long down heah AND WE really would like a 3rd term!!

    We wunder if tuh bring you on in truth? and risk a next Sandikill Gambit!!

    @ Walter.

    Jes remember that his is not about you this is about ensuring that dem effers (of whom you now number) doan get one fecundity seat

    AC how you like dat “Stoopid Poster”?

    Dem Getting bettah nuh?

  14. @ ac

    All true DLP,are dead, or a shame as to this DLP party, you should have a talk with a true DLP living in St. John not far from the Church and policlinic,he was EWB right hand for years, then HC to the UK, in case you don’t know him, ask Sir Roy how much a shame he is to have been a DLP, but yardfowls with long necks and very small heads, like you ac,will keep on picking the shiite

  15. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Walther PPK

    you said

    “Tell me truly, my dear supercilious bi-polar bully, (dem is bad words?) doesn’t it really feel nice to enjoy such freedom of choice?

    If so, can you please give other Barbadians a chance to enjoy a similar luxury?”

    YOu liken the luxury of a temporary raising of VAT for 4 years, gas prices, kerosens prices, liquid gas prices rising, even in the face of world wide reduction in the barrel of oil, enforced dropouts from UWI, a Speaker of the House who had was get forced to pay back an ole man $250,000, a Nurse Carol Wilkinson who wunna gine spite she fuh coming and embarrassing you spiteful PM Fumbles, a man who cud put an island in de fucundity middle of de highway and kill an 11 year ole

    You gots de balls tuh call dat “a similar luxury?”

    You and the fecundity called Fumbles deserve one another wid wunna delusions of grandeur.


    You lucky doah dat Dribbler and the Honourable Blogmaster beg fuh you scvunt cause I would really bi-polar bully your “luxury” scvunt off uh BU.

    But, I get axed to behave meself so I gine lef you to you 413 comments lololol

    You should be made to pay the Blogmaster money fuh renting space pun he blog fuh free.

    Man I would like you doah tuh stop cutting and pasting people comments and just saying two words.

    De least dat you could do is count dem words and match dem!!

  16. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 4, 2016 at 8:25 PM #

    “While it might be hard for you to believe there is a party called the Demonic Lying party which has been operating in Barbados for a number of years pre independence and post independence.

    You might not have heard this but for the last 9 years it has been effing up the economy.

    Because two men whom I respect greatly have begged for you I will try to see that my grandson wont put put your face on any of the posters….”

    Fifty years ago, the Barbadian economy could be described as small, fragile, open, weak, and vulnerable.

    Since then, Barbadians were told that so much restructuring has taken place (including public sector reform), and such a strong economic foundation has been laid, that Barbados is well on its way to achieving first world status by 2020.

    Today, in 2016, the Barbadian economy can be described as small, fragile, open, weak, and vulnerable. No change. The boasts and promises made were just meaningless propaganda.

    I have now given you an idea of some of the first set of faces that you should put on your posters. “Reid” my lips.

    Your threats have me trembling like the posteriors of those young girls that David showed on the video. Therefore, please convey an extremely frightened “thank you” to the two gentlemen for me.

    You have had a hard day. Sleep tight, my friend.

  17. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Walter

    Have a good night too.

    BTW way what were you doing looking at those “young girl bottoms” ?

    It i not like they were Fleur’s or Rihanna’s or appropriately aged pullets

    You seem to be into the salacious photography like Sankey Price and the 13 year olds. I do hope not

    See how wunna does come out and expose wunna self to the public and wunna “true intentions”?

    Look so that you doan go to sleep with those pubescent posteriors on your mind, et the ole man bring you some or the correct trembling that a man of your age should be thinking of.

    PS walter you may note that on the poster i said PPK and not your name.


    I am not directing this campaign at you, and the remarks above seek to cast no aspersions upon your character nor interests.

    We are at “war” for our country and you are simply on the wrong side.

    I hope you will Reid into that what is my intent.

    For those who have ears, one can be kind and gentle in the message, for those who are dumb beast of burden, one will be relentless so that when we arrive at the Ballot Box, the message from the people will be clear.

    Rest Easy

  18. Know what PDYR you were the worst bowler in the team yesterday as a matter of fact You ARE the WORST bowler i have ever seen,
    Your bowling was horrible-rific so bad that the Umpire asked the captain if u could be replaced by a bowler worst than you .Who ever heard of such a thing ,Yes PDYR you were horrible-rific
    Let me tell u what i saw from the pavilion a man pelting balls in left field while the batsman and the Umpire looked on in shock and disbelief and the outside fields men ran for cover
    Now you show up today demanding a spot on the team and using idle threats ,cant see any way possible the team would allow you a spot after yesterday horrible -rific performance Hell NO WAY ,,Hey i think its time for you to make another poster ,BTW please stay out the way so the other players can do a better job of winning than they did yesterday

  19. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 4, 2016 at 10:26 PM #

    “You lucky doah dat Dribbler and the Honourable Blogmaster beg fuh you scvunt cause I would really bi-polar bully your “luxury” scvunt off uh BU.”

    Interesting. How many BU participants have you succeeded in driving off this blog? What was your reason for doing so?

    So we have two men who are preventing you from putting my face on your posters. Now we have Dribbler and the Blogmaster preventing you from bullying me “off uh BU.”

    It seems to me that every time you try to raise your hand against me, there is someone ordering you not to touch the Lord’s anointed.

    I thought that I was walking a lonely and dangerous road, but now I realize that Bush Tea has sent his BBE to protect me.

    Psalms 23:4
    “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

  20. @ Piece

    The Walter PPK know that St.M East had and like Blackman,but forgot the last Blackman was a Don who came out to fight for the Poor Black in St. M East ,but the Walter PPK come to help the Red white collar worker with a job, so the hunter he is saw a limping Pressie that was polished by the Don looking dull and assume there my easy target

  21. @Walter PPK

    Have a good rest , read pslams 133 my Bro

  22. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 4, 2016 at 11:14 PM #
    “@ Walter
    We are at “war” for our country and you are simply on the wrong side.

    ..when we arrive at the Ballot Box, the message from the people will be clear.”

    In very much the same way you have succeeded in running some Barbadians from BU, I guarantee you that you will succeed in running many BLP supporters from the ballot box.

    Before the 2008 election, Gregory Nicholls practically told the Barbadian electorate, “We don’t need your votes. The score is already 4-0.”

    Now, before the “2018” election, pieceuhderockyeahright is telling BLP supporters: “You can afford to stay home. I, the BU bully, have already determined that the election results are : BLP 30, DLP 0.”

    I sincerely hope that you suffer a serious backlash from a sea of “yellow shirts” for your premature bragging.

  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Walter, many moons back now it seems I mentioned that you were doing yourself a great disservice by your various retorts. You were unmoved and choose to remain uninformed.

    So not surprised that it didn’t take too long for you to get side-swiped by @Pieces with his “… ‘trembling like the posteriors of those young girls that David showed on the video…’ The words of aspiring DLP politician PPK right before he went to sleep on July 4th. Well we can only guess where his mind is…”

    Pay attention of course to the last sentence!!!

    Look, I don’t know what bassa-bassa it is with you and Pieces but you have already lost a few points to him in this game (not sure if the right analogy is cricket or tennis).

    Everyone knows you are intelligent, accomplished and all that but other smart men have had their backsides trapped due to their ‘arrogance’ of intelligence. So although this palaver here is rather innocuous yet you get caught in a sticky mouse trap already.

    So as an onlooker, I say again do not do yourself an injustice. The man Pieces wid he grandson is as sharp as tack despite his old synapses. And whereas we know that you know you just as smart consider that he ain’t gotta watch his words and can use yours to fecundity you up!.

    Look how he ketch you so ‘looking at young girls bottoms’. And he didn’t even worry to brandish that Black female asset item. That one was a dozy.

    So continue to practice your serve or bowling or whatever but either up your game or get a better AC type person to help with your trigger finger. You have a long road ahead…and even though this is Barbados you still need to minimize certain type of gaffes; checking young girls backsides would be one of those!

    And by the way, this in got one iota to do with nah Lord’s anointed. The Lord would wash the bunch of corrupt politicians straight to hell if he really handled this as he should!

    Just saying.

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Walter Blackman July 5, 2016 at 12:05 AM
    “I sincerely hope that you suffer a serious backlash from a sea of “yellow shirts” for your premature bragging.”

    Does that “sea of yellow shirts” include the ‘Rent-a-Vote’ electoral cowards who were ‘b(r)ought’ at the voting booths in their large numbers in February 2013?
    Do you plan to witness (just like the AG and PM) these electorally fraudulent transactions and do nothing about it because they would be to your advantage in ensuring a seat in the once august but now pathologically corrupted and ‘yellowed’ HoA?

    The thing is, Walther (the sharpshooter in the game of moral hit and miss), that the bankrollers of that 2013 ‘bought’ campaign are seeing the writing on the electoral wall and- like opportunistic greedy rats- are jumping ship; from the self-declared financially-embarrassed Parris to the embattled jumped-up Maloney who has declared his intentions to stop all investments in BIM and declare the country to be persona non-grata to foreign investors. No investments simply means no future returns in the form of guaranteed government contracts and certainly no 5 &10% lowedown kickbacks to ministers, party and friends.

    So where would be the source of funds for your DLP 2018 (or before) electoral outing?
    Who will be ‘backing’ this ‘Blackhorse’ in a race where a large proportion the voting punters are unemployed youths living in some of the most depressed conditions in the St. Michael conurbation.
    Will it, Wally, come from the war chest still lying in the family First account?

    Surely you remember that well thought-out and catchy DLP slogan used many elections ago in another riding of the East and which once brought a smile to the pursed lips of a former PM:
    ‘Who will back a Johnny (C), vote D H for DLP!’
    Now you would not want to see Fumble undermine your chances in your targeted SME riding. So just don’t mention anything about this vote-buying business, ya hear!

    Maybe PUDRYR, the grandmaster of the BU Lodge aligned to the Order of Melchizedek, could design a poster to ‘Big-up’ the current underdog Wally:
    “Who would back a Wally unless you are full of Folly”: DLP 2; BLP ???.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Miller…none of them have thought that far ahead, just as none thought past the dumb idea of fingerprinting citizens and permanent residents….and if they refuse, what do they do with them after, where do they detain them and for how long, if they fight a long drawn out case…where will they send these citizens who would now be seen as no longer citizens, people without a state or the resultant international backlash for violating the constitution and international laws that I am sure Amnesty International would jump at ..none of the idiots in parliament thought that far ahead, you cannot have people who cannot think further than the next bribe leading you, it’s an abomination, insult and national disgrace to intelligent citizens.

    As for the Bizzy, Maloney clowns, they both thought themselves the true leaders of the parliament and country for so long that neither of them thought it possible that anyone would challenge them, the slaves in parliament enabled them for so many years, they thought that it was time to publicly assert their dominance over the ministers, they were too impatient though and that backfired.

    Maloney is talking out of his a**, he can’t even brag and boasst these days, he is too busy working on damage control since the bloggers let him know what for, he is now more worried about the investors he gets money from dropping him like a hot potato, now that they know the truth about him and his nasty, fraudulent ways and that is his current reality… He has no power to stop investments from going to Barbados, because if his reputation, investors would avoid Barbados.

    The people will have to determine that idiots and weak bribetakers should not occupy their parliament as leaders the island ever again, get this crowd gone once and for all…they are a train wreck which the island and people cannot afford any longer.

    Speaking to some folks yesterday who no longer keep up with news and they were shocked to hear that a government could become so inept and weakened by corruption, men and women with no vision outside of what is destructive….people who can no longer be trusted and shoudd never be leaders of anything or anyone again.

    Eyes will now have to stay peeled to monitor vote buying, the recording and video devices will have to be used by the people, to make sure government ministers and other politicians are kept in check.

    Any politician, yardfowls or pimps try buying votes, video and voice record it and post it online so that the police can make their arrests, post the proof online where it cannot disappear or be tamoered with, the police will have no choice but to do their jobs ….Vote buying is a crime and ya can have them arrested…..get your devices ready, don’t let them reduce you to a bribetaker so that they themselves can be elevated to a status to take million dollar bribes…enough is enough.

    That is the best revenge.

    Piece…I am counting on you to get that poster ready to show the people on the islabd how to video and voice record politicians, yardfowls or political pimps trying to buy votes from the people they ignore after being elected to win an election, show the people how to lock up the vote buyers using their smartphone cameras and audio…you the man for that job.

  26. @ Dribbler
    Well said at 12:36 PM
    Bushie tried to tell him before …but some people are hard ears….

  27. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    de pedantic Dribbler July 5, 2016 at 12:36 AM #

    “So not surprised that it didn’t take too long for you to get side-swiped by @Pieces with his “… ‘trembling like the posteriors of those young girls that David showed on the video…’ The words of aspiring DLP politician PPK right before he went to sleep on July 4th. Well we can only guess where his mind is…”

    Pay attention of course to the last sentence!!!

    …….. you get caught in a sticky mouse trap already.

    The man Pieces wid he grandson is as sharp as tack despite his old synapses. ….
    Look how he ketch you so ‘looking at young girls bottoms’.

    this is Barbados you still need to minimize certain type of gaffes; checking young girls backsides would be one of those!”

    Bush Tea July 5, 2016 at 6:14 AM #
    “@ Dribbler
    Well said at 12:36 PM
    Bushie tried to tell him before …but some people are hard ears…”

    de pedantic Dribbler & Bush Tea,
    Are the two of you “fuh real”?

    David posted a video on BU and asked me to make a comment. I clicked on the video. I don’t know the names of any fancy dance moves, so the best way I can describe what I saw on that video is “THE POSTERIORS OF YOUNG GIRLS WERE TREMBLING.”
    By writing those words in “caps”, I am letting you, Bush Tea, and pieceuhderockyeahright know that you are quite free to guess and speculate where my mind is right after I woke up on July 5th. I have the right to remember, describe, and refer to what I saw on that video anytime I like.

    The next 18 months in Barbados will witness hectic political activity. I believe that every Barbadian, whether B,D, or independent has the right to come on BU and express their views. Whatever their view is, it should be treated with the same level of understanding, empathy, and compassion as the others.

    Some faceless people have come on BU and have appointed themselves as members of some secret Sanhedrin to determine whose voice is worthy of hearing. Others have decided to operate like privileged ancient Roman senators and are trying to hound and bully BU participants out of town. Others believe that they have strategically planted sticky mouse traps and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) all over BU. As soon as a phrase is uttered that they believe fits their destructive agenda, they gleefully shout “gotcha”. I intend to take all of those mythical traps and IEDs and fling them into Bush Tea’s brass bowl. Big, hard-backed men playing boyish games.

    I am a Barbadian, and I will betray the norms, mores, and values of the society from which I sprang. There will be times when I will exhibit the extreme human emotions of anger and mirth. I am not a god, so I have no intention of portraying myself as one. I have faults, and very often, my shortcomings will reveal themselves to you in a naked , raw, and unencumbered fashion. In advance, I ask for your forgiveness.

    I am only human, so there will be things about me that you like, and there will be things you don’t. I promise you that I will accept your praise and castigation with equanimity.

  28. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Walter, as I rush away let me make this quick rejoinder. Are YOU for real.

    You can say whatever you want to and however you want to. No one is bullying anyone nor is anyone (certainly not me) playing any gotcha game (Whenever a politician starts down that road I get very worried).

    Words can be twisted in many ways and its up to you the speaker to ensure that they are as crisp as possible but of course even then they can get a person in trouble. In politics is all about ensuring that your supporters are not swayed by wrong headed interpretations…but …

    Was Donald Trump’s star an antisemitic dig? Was the US AG’s tarmac meeting with Bill a very innocent happenstance?

    Maybe not and maybe yes. But the optics will still come back to bite them both.

    If you want to be a maguffy so be it. Cause we are not ‘fah real’

    Enough bro. I gone again.

  29. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    I said it before; “To explain yourself you have to expose yourself!”

    So one has to very carefully choose what one needs to explain and the best way to avoid embarrassing areas that are impolitic to try to explain. Over 400 posts, of which your contribution might be around 100 or so, is a mob-a-ton of exposure and increases the probability of releasing lots of unwonted explanations! Quantity is not quality and the higher the quantity the greater the probability of reduction of quality and the proliferation of gaffes.

    Those with eyes to see have seen the gaffes, including the DLP power brokers, and they now have another unforced dimension for their assessment of whether or not you should get on their ticket.

    Dis free advertisement provided by David like it din’t wuk, yuh?.

    Bushie right, Yuh too hard ears.

  30. @ Walter Blackman wrote “Some faceless people have come on BU and have appointed themselves as members of some secret Sanhedrin to determine whose voice is worthy of hearing.”

    So what!

    The only person who has control of this blog is David as he has the power to ban anyone he chooses.

    Having presented yourself as a BAJAN DLP POLITICAL ASPIRANT you will get treated like all other politicians on BU.

  31. Walter,

    Did David show you the video with the little children in the background? That has to be some sort of child abuse! What chance does a child have for a good life when growing up on such a diet? That is why I take these things so seriously. These children are being brought up to see women as being nothing more than asses.

    Now you said you had nothing to gain by lying to me but if your intention is to win a seat you have everything to gain. Even so I’m going to give you a free pass on this one and implore you to look into these matters because George Griffith is not wrong when he speaks (in today’s Nation) of the chaos that is to come.

    I notice that CBC is giving high profile to Bashment Soca competitions with the likes of Rameses Browne and Lady Essence featuring prominently as having given a wonderful performance. This nastiness is fast becoming mainstream. Is this what our so-called National Festival has become? Where is the culture in this?

    But this is only natural progression. Last year I complained to Cave Shepherd’s management about the music being played in the background. Every song was about a woman’s posterior. I was told that this was the music of the Festival. When I was speaking about this distastefulness, a cashier, who was proudly singing a song about how West Indian women were “born with it” cut her eyes and sang even louder. It seems that we are now more proud of our posteriors than of our brains. It seems as though we are seeing our asses as our greatest asset. It is backward ever, forward never! I told the management of Cave Shepherd I was uncomfortable and would be taking my business elsewhere.

    Mainstream, I tell you! Mainstream!

  32. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    de pedantic Dribbler July 5, 2016 at 8:37 AM #

    “Words can be twisted in many ways and its up to you the speaker to ensure that they are as crisp as possible but of course even then they can get a person in trouble.

    If you want to be a maguffy so be it. ….”

    de pedantic Dribbler,
    I agree with you about the twisting of words.

    I wrote the following words:
    “trembling like the posteriors of those young girls that David showed on the video…”

    You and others apparently believe that those words I wrote have gotten me into trouble, or ought to have done so. I do not share that belief.

    If, because I do not share that belief, I have to stand accused of being a maguffy, so be it.

  33. Don’t know how to start but I will begin, and the thoughts will flow.

    You are an incidental casualty in this fray Walter you are a bright fellow in the classic sense but you have the classic flaw – you like me are human.

    As piece uh de Rock Yeah Right! I can come here and ogle Fleur or whomever in fact as Reid lolol I can come here and ogle whomever, you cannot, because that is the unspoken, hypocritical rule of public life, you are supposed to rise above these human failings.

    When I, and several others, have, and will, come here to test our Kryptonite on you, you become flustered and annoyed

    Yet you say to all here “I Walter am an open book” examine my credentials, financial and otherwise, I am without blemish.

    You did a fawning of the Bilingual Well Well and Consequences per her skills to advance financial products in the arrondisements of Martinique and Guadeloupe but that fawning was debunked by one who knew how the French system works and that annoyed you

    A few here are National Association of Securities Dealers accredited financial planners and, licensed to practice in several US states and can make one call to confirm or debunk any claim by another per such.

    The audience here on BU where you invited yourself for scrutiny, IS NOT NAKED DEPARTURE!!

    Most here are serious thinkers and posters be we black, white, Chinese, Syrians, who seriously want to make a change to what is not working.

    You claim to be a premiere financial manager of pension funds and other related services.

    I claim to be nothing of that sort my sole claim in both my alter ego and here on BU, is to have a love of my country, national penguin that I am, unable to fly away from the Rock.

    My skills are in, well, I …., I can’t say what I was trained in, so just let me say that I have no skills that you and many others would be proud of

    My practicuum of Hail Marys it’s therefore one to right those things that I have done with the Hope of the penitent thief on the Cross next to Jesus.

    You can’t put yourself up as being what Barbados needs and clamours for, in one breath, and then, when Watchman, Enuff, the Anunnaki, Bush Tea and others come and say to you “we have had other shysters come before you to claim “that theirs is the way and true pathway to progress” and, just because it is you, recently returned from Murica, with your enlightened self, like another Downlowe, we ingrunt Bajans must bow to you.

    Get some balls Walter.

    Furthermore here is some advice.

    Pressure brings out the true nature of men for the most adept of spies, who claim to be citizens of one clime, under pain, curse in the language of their true clime. Unless they were natural born.

    You are the man who put the foxes among the hens when you spoke of your Sandiford Gambit and for me that caused me, a practitioner of let us say, bait of a certain type, that caused me pause.

    It was not necessary Walter, it did not do credit to you, in fact, after I had sipped the cup, I was in awe, Walter, albeit the young Walter, would do this AND REPEAT IT? 20 years later? for what reason?

    You brought the rope and gallows for the hanging in Dodge City and I, the least among whom you refer to as Cyber Bullies looked at the rope and said “huh?”

    You are displaying the same belligerent arrogance of the BDLP of years past but there is a group of people, of whom I am only one, who unabashedly say “Enough is Enough”

    You shall be collateral damage to these verbal IEDs and even though you invoke the Protection of the Lord, remember too that Lucifer is said to constantly bring our sins to the Throne as well so your quoting and his seeming proximity will not nullify what He Will Decree

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Donna…this is what it will breed, about 15 years ago in NYC, all ya heard from the rappers was “these bitches this” and “them bitches that” and “bitches better do this” and “bitches better dont do that”…all coming out of the mouths of black males young, old and in between.

    I spoke to some ladies from Brooklyn one day who were singing along, letting them know how disrespectful it is from males to females with the very young, listening watching and some singing along. One then young lady allowed me to know it’s what the young people wanted to hear and the reason why rappers make so much money…well fine by me, the young lady five years later and by then a mother of about 4 youngsters had to hightail it out of NYC to the South to raise them, things git that bad…while the destruction of black lives and disrespect of each either continues unabated in NY….nit to mention the multiple everyday killings.

    If we are around in 10 years, we will see the fallout on the island….something for both governments to be really proud about.

  35. I got to say, that yellow shirt comment made me go “Hmmmmmmmm…….” Is this all about yellow shirts or red shirts? Politics- as usual?

  36. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    are-we-there-yet July 5, 2016 at 9:15 AM #

    “So one has to very carefully choose what one needs to explain and the best way to avoid embarrassing areas that are impolitic to try to explain. Over 400 posts, of which your contribution might be around 100 or so, is a mob-a-ton of exposure and increases the probability of releasing lots of unwonted explanations! Quantity is not quality and the higher the quantity the greater the probability of reduction of quality and the proliferation of gaffes.”

    I sense that you are trying to offer me some advice. I will be honest with you and admit up front that I am unable to fully grasp the exact nature of your counsel.

    You mentioned avoiding “embarrassing areas that are impolitic to try to explain.” This brought my mind back to the topic of conflict of interest.

    My position is that a person finding himself/herself in a situation of conflict of interest should declare it and let everyone involved know. Many persons wear many hats and perform many different roles in business and government on a daily basis. In the course of our business transactions, situations develop where the objectives of positions we hold clash with each other. A conflict of interest then naturally occurs. SOME OF THESE SITUATIONS SIMPLY CANNOT BE AVOIDED.

    pieceuhderockyeahright’s position is that if I had any integrity, I would tell BU readers that I would avoid all situations involving conflict of interest.
    It is because I have integrity that I could not make such a pronouncement.

    In whatever way I can, I try to contribute to public education. Hence, my decision to answer the question. You might hold the view that I ought to have carefully chosen the best way to avoid what you consider an embarrassing area that is too impolitic to try to explain. If you do, I don’t agree.

  37. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    Hants July 5, 2016 at 9:18 AM #

    “Having presented yourself as a BAJAN DLP POLITICAL ASPIRANT you will get treated like all other politicians on BU.”

    There is nothing wrong with that. Politicians have mouths to defend themselves.
    No quarter asked. None given.

  38. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 5, 2016 at 10:00 AM #

    “You claim to be a premiere financial manager of pension funds”

    I never made such a claim. And yes, I do deny your allegation with a sense of annoyance.

  39. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 5, 2016 at 10:00 AM #

    “you spoke of your Sandiford Gambit”

    As David has reminded everyone, my record is there.

    I spoke of Tom Adams playing reckless, footloose and fancy-free with the Barbadian economy and landing it on the doorsteps of the IMF for the very first time.

    I spoke of David Thompson and Owen Arthur when it came to CLICO. I spoke of Mia Mottley using Barbadian fisher folk as pawns.

    If because I spoke of these things, I must now suffer consequences, so be it.

    Those are my writings and I take full responsibility for them.

  40. Well Well,

    Many years ago I asked the young people of the church youth group I supervised to bring their music to our meeting. They brought that same sort of stuff of which we speak and told me their parents didn’t understand the lyrics. I had to alert them to the dangers in perpetuating this total disrespect for women. Not even the girls had made the connection. It wasn’t about them. And now we have deteriorated into a culture where the camera has totally bypassed a woman’s face and zoomed in on her posterior. Do they even know what the woman’s face looks like? They could probably recognize the dimples on her backside better than the dimples on her face! I always liked it when a man appropriately complimented my total presentation but felt insulted when he focused only on specific body parts. These women seem to take it as a compliment when the men roughly express their desires as they pass. What low self-esteem! “Bashment soca is the best!” said a beautiful young lady on CBC news this weekend. Mr. Lashley? How about a documentary to counteract that?

  41. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    But Walter;

    Yuh still don’t seem to get it.

    Declare a “time out”, nuh!

  42. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    are-we-there-yet July 5, 2016 at 9:15 AM #
    “the DLP power brokers, and they now have another unforced dimension for their assessment of whether or not you should get on their ticket.”

    Whether or not I get on a DLP ticket is a decision that the Executive members of the DLP must and will make.
    A political party, for its own survival, must learn to accommodate different viewpoints ranging from those on the extreme political left to those on the extreme political right.

    In case you haven’t noticed, the DLP has never lifted a finger to censure or expel me for any position I have taken on an issue.

    Contrast that fact with how the BLP has treated Dr. Maria Agard.

  43. @ Donna
    …making some solid points…

    “Bashment soca is the best!” said a beautiful young lady on CBC news this weekend. Mr. Lashley? How about a documentary to counteract that?
    Which Lashley…?
    Maloney’s, …or the ‘short-me-c*’, ‘wuk-up’ artist from NATO (No Action, Talk Only)

    “It seems that we are now more proud of our posteriors than of our brains. It seems as though we are seeing our asses as our greatest asset.”
    Well we have to flaunt what we have …don’t we?
    Where do you see any ‘brains’ being employed bout here..?
    …and where are you NOT seeing a lotta shiite?

    Asses rule!!
    …so perhaps the music is REALLY reflecting the culture.

  44. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    re. your 10:33 am post, which I only just saw, let me just explain that:-

    From your historical postings on BU I formed the impression that here was a man whose implicit intellect, courage, knowledge, skills and forthrightness appeared to be of a fortuitous mix that was far superior to any other on the political landscape in the DLP at this time. I thought that Barbados needed someone of your calibre to lead us up from the quagmire in which the Stuart regime has placed us. Your declaring yourself a potential candidate for a DLP seat in the HoA rang some warning bells in my consciousness but I sought to try to understand the portents of those bells by trying to understand the strategy you were using. In doing so I grudgingly accepted that seeking a DLP nomination had some strategic sense at this time even if it was counterintuitive.

    Then David provided the opportunity for you to interact with us on BU on a one-to-one basis and it went downhill.

    The tenor of your resulting posts seemed to me to suggest a psyche that was essentially intolerant and dismissive of alternative views; that would use standard political double-talk to wink at possible wrongdoing in your party of choice; that hinted of a possible narcissistic tendency, etc. etc. The posts never added to the count of the various positive attributes that I (and some others) had readily accepted from your earlier interactions with the BU family.

    The apparent disconnect is unsettling and might explain not just my reactions but also those of some other posters like PUDRYR and DPD and Bushtea who appear to have moved somewhat from their original positions of support.

  45. Bushie,

    Not Maloney’s the other one. Isn’t he supposed to be our Minister of Culture?

    Yes, it is reflecting the culture but it is my seemingly ceaseless job to kick against the pricks.

  46. @Walter Blackman

    I should have given you the Walther PPQ model that have more safety features,

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Mr. Lashley? How about a documentary to counteract that?”

    Donna…Lashley would probably tell ya “da is we culture”….anything different coming from him, he will probably have to ask permission from Maloney, Bizzy, Flow, Digicel or any of the companies who love to sponsor anything where blacks are portrayed as idiots demeaning each other to the sponsors’ amusement and continually filled pockets….it’s all tied together.

    Judging from the fingerprinting fiasco, it is clear that the leaders continue to think with their asses as the Bushman said…no brain activity involved and none needed to remain dumb….

    ya see the result of what the government pimp Gollop now calls “a mistake.” One which the government can afford but the citizens cant…Thinking with their rotating asses will see them thrown out of parliament.

  48. Walter expects us to take his integrity as a given when he comes home and waltzes straight into the arms of the party which holds us in such contempt as clearly displayed by Cahill and that fingerprinting bypass attempt. Walter expects us to believe that he can, within eighteen months, turn this party into an entity worthy of another term in office. Or else Walter expects us to trust him to change them after the election.

    Methinks Walter expects too much!

  49. The other way to look at it is that Walter expects to be a change agent, we should ask him about this if successful. There is a tendency to become all negative in a scenario where there is diminishing confidence in public officials.

  50. Again I say, “Methinks Walter is expecting too much!” If ten to one is murdah, what is 29 to 1?

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