Walter Blackman - Actuary and Social Commentator
Walter Blackman – Actuary and Social Commentator

Walter Blackman the doyen of talk radio of the 90s is back!

An actuary by training who honed his skills in the business environment of North America for the past 21 years has returned to Barbados to establish a business of his vocation. Of note to the BU family is that he has declared an interest in being a member of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) by throwing his hat in the ring to be considered as a candidate in the next general election.

 Here is a comment posted to Barbados Underground by Walter Blackman on the 29 June 2016.

I have always put my actuarial profession ahead of politics.

In 1995, I left Barbados with the objective of acquiring 20 years of actuarial experience in the USA. I intended to use that experience to provide quality actuarial services on my return to Barbados, which turned out to be 2016. 21 years. The timing of my return was strictly professional.

I incorporated an actuarial consulting company in Barbados called Actreks Partners. I have now assumed the role of President & CEO and am in the process of building this company.

A lot of Barbadian business owners are moving towards retirement and are not setting aside enough funds to adequately provide for their retirement needs. I design pension plans for business owners and advise them how much money they can contribute to the pension fund yearly. The contributions they make to their pension plans enable them to minimize or eliminate the company’s corporation tax.

Besides designing pension plans, Actreks Partners will be providing a suite of services, including risk management and business consulting, to businesses and Government.

If my company is successful, I would be creating long-term, sustainable, white collar jobs for Barbadians. All I want you to do is wish me luck on that one, rather than talking about going back to “Murica”.

On the political front, you are hinting that I am committing political suicide by sticking with the DLP, whilst Are-we-there-yet, believes that, like clockwork, my mind is systematically ticking and carving out a path that leads to becoming prime minister. These considerations have not even entered my mind.

This is how I see it:
If the DLP wins, I have to work.
If the BLP wins, I have to work.

It has always been that way for me. I hope you understand why I am not interested in hopping on a bandwagon…

519 responses to “Walter Blackman is BACK!”

  1. @Walter

    Again on behalf of the BU household we wish you every success in your enviable career. It pleases us no end to have a quality Barbadian willing to giveback to country in the way you have proposed. Of course BU will give no quarter if we observe any surrender by you to the status quo we have railed against for the last 9 years. We hope that your decision will inspire/motivate others to step into the glare of the public to serve the country.

    Welcome back!

  2. @ Walter
    Welcome home …. Good move.
    Bajans are yet to be weaned off the concept that politics is about ‘winning’ some position of power ….rather than about SERVING the community and country.
    It amazes Bushie how intelligent Bajans continue to fall for the hype of ‘winning power’ and hence of needing to follow various, often devious, schemes and networks in order to ‘succeed’.

    The idea of a TALENTED, committed, competent and proven professional OFFERING their services to the country (tek um or leave um) is so foreign and unheard of, that it raises suspicions among many bowls… and leaves true talents in the wilderness…while the low quality scum employs the Machiavellian schemes that impress our local brass.

    Personally, Bushie still feels that you shudda BUP …and created a whole NEW political paradigm (based on co-operative principles). However, the bushman RESPECTS your loyalty to your flawed, (but long-term) political family, the DLP.
    You have chosen the HARDER path of seeking to reform your sick (minded) family, rather than abandon them and start a whole new enlightened one.

    THAT IS TO BE ADMIRED, and is the mark of a REAL man.
    Good luck.

    Unfortunately, you are much too late to make any serious difference now.
    No doubt you know the story about Hans Brinker, the boy with his finger in the dyke….
    Well don’t believe the hype ….that is a lotta shiite…
    The flood is now inevitable….

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    More Walters are needed to offset the imbalance.

    After too many years if the negatives oozing out of parliament, this is a positive. Time to change the faces in the people’s parliament, change the decaying minds.

    Beckles is correct in this instance, the centuries old crap has had and is still having a negative impact on the psyches of Caribbean people, time to rid the Caribbean of all negative influences, the only people they should be pledging allegiance or anything to are themselves and their families. Time to move forward and away from independence that is not really indepence, but says so on paper only.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Oops..wrong post. This is the Beckles post.

    In the previous link, I want the ACs to explain to me a sudden heatstroke death at 7:00 am yesterday morning and the temperature was and is still holding at a steady 26 degrees celcius.

  5. Bush Tea June 30, 2016 at 3:56 AM #


    No doubt you know the story about Hans Brinker, the boy with his finger in the dyke….
    Well don’t believe the hype ….that is a lotta shiite…


    Bush Tea as usual always read ad able to serve a bowl of pessimistic soup
    No doubt you know the story of doubting Thomas……..

  6. Walter,Welcome back bro. Let’s meet asap.

  7. @ Walter last night when I read the comments under my last post, I was of the opinion that it did not matter why you chose the DLP and it only mattered that you would do if the electorate choose you. I wondered if you would declare that you would take the yokes of the peoples necks that the DLP have placed there.
    This morning after I had a good night’s rest, I am now wondering if it is because of Ms. Mottley that you have chosen to stand up with men who have no integrity. I am wondering what the electorate will percieve because if the head remains bad the whole body is still bad. It seems to me that you have put yourself in a strange place perhaps to be used as a display in a store front to entice others to come in. Will there really be change?
    It makes me think of starting a new political party in Barbados.

  8. Our independence should have meant more than the word but a mental change from holding on to a past of what was. Barrow wanted to instill in the people a freedom of self preservation taking us on a path of freeing our minds which would have force society and goverance to create those opportunities by which we can build our own fortunes
    Instead what we have achieve is a society looking backwards in the past and achieving more but having less of which we can truly call their own
    I belive that Mr. blackman in all his years across the waters held a mindsight belived in the physchological moorings of Barrow a belief which remains engrained in his mind that forces him after21 years to return to his homeland to fulfill his dream of building a better barbados. Sir..barrow would be proud of you .welcome back .To you i say the road is not for the swift but those who making it to the end Good luck

  9. This BLP and DLP thing will be the death of us.

  10. Kammie Holder Avatar

    @Heather, perhaps we don`t need a new political party but a Non Aligned Movement that would put GOB in court, protest and bring them to a christian understanding. Bajans, have a critical thinking issue and the partisan persons who will vote in ignorance to put in the same circus with different clowns is the problem. My conclusion is based on the nuff talk from Bajans for a third party, but it will be the same lazy ones who will not leave home to vote in an effort to send the two disgusting parties to the political graveyard.

    Too many weak politicians but very strong leaders who humble these public loud mouths. Heather, the Westminister governance model has failed us due to its exploitation by our smart political parties. None of the current political leaders have within their selection a Harold Rambo Blackman who put country before party!

  11. Kammie Holder Avatar

    @AC, nice words to Walter but don`t be fooled he will follow blindly for sake of a party at expense of country. #BullIsinChinaShopsNeeded #ANewWay

  12. We are amazed as to how otherwise intelligent people could fall for this BS.

    The same people who consistently talk about change now place hope in a ‘Walter Blackman’ as he interjects himself with some trite political talk.

    Five years from now these same people will be bemoaning their comments of encouragement. If their memories are capable of serving them well.

    Walter Blackman must know that this ‘terrorist’ will fund any and all competing campaigns to keep him off the backs of the Bajan people – whatever it takes, and as if much would be needed.

  13. If one wants to judge the effectiveness of the two party system in Barbados over the last decade let us have a look at the Auditor General Reports circa 2006 and the mulberry bush games both political parties have played as it relates to the Public Accounts Committee. These MPs are related by blood or marriage, they went to the same schools, and lime in the same rum shops on weekends. BREXIT has shown how disconnected those at the bottom of the social ladder are and how they are manipulated.

  14. Good Morning ‪#‎realdreamchasers‬! Here is your daily news roundup,

    BARBADOS NEARING DEBT DARKNESS – BARBADOS IS FACING the increasingly “dark” prospect that its high debt levels will stall hopes for economic growth. That warning came from the Inter-American Development Bank’s Caribbean economics team in their latest Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin.They cautioned that Barbados, like The Bahamas and Jamaica, was in danger of making the “high debt, low growth” moniker reality.The bank team said Barbados’ medium-term growth outlook “is positive and modest”. The International Monetary Fund estimated economic growth will be 2.1 per cent this year, while the Central Bank’s forecast was 1.6 per cent economic growth. But the problem confronting Barbados, the bank said, was that its macroeconomic stability “is challenged by primary deficits and high levels of public debt”. As a result, it said “greater fiscal effort” was needed to stabilise public debt. The IDB publication said excessive debt was problematic in several ways. Barbados was not alone with its debt woes, though. The IDB publication stated: “Barbados, The Bahamas, and Jamaica are on the dark side of the debt-growth relation, that is, with debt levels that put negative pressure on economic growth. Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are expected to join them. Only Jamaica and, to a lesser extent, Barbados are expected to reduce their debt levels in the next two years, albeit remain on the dark side of the growth- debt relation.”

    GOVERNMENT LACKING POLITICAL WILL – Opposition parliamentarian Ronald Toppin today accused the Freundel Stuart administration of lacking the political will to have the country upgraded to Category 1 status.A Category 1 rating means the country’s civil aviation authority complies with safety standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United Nations’ technical agency for aviation that establishes international standards and recommended practices for aircraft operations and maintenance. Countries that do not meet these standards are assigned Category 2.With Category 1 rating, a country’s air carriers can establish service to the United States and carry the code of US carriers.In his contribution to the debate on the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill, 2016, Toppin said prior to 2008 – the year the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) lost power to the Democratic Labour Party – a lot of work had been done towards upgrading the country. He added that an audit carried out two years later by the US Federal Aviation Administration found Barbados to be compliant with ICAO oversight standards in only one of eight categories.

    CHAUFFEUR WANTED – An Opposition parliamentarian is calling on Prime Minister Freundel Stuart to reassert Barbados’ position as a leader in the regional integration movement and help steer regional airline LIAT in the right direction.The Barbados Labour Party (BLP) Member of Parliament for St Michael South East Santia Bradshaw made the call as she expressed concern about the increasing cost of intra-regional travel and the complaints about LIAT’s service and scheduling.Barbados is the largest shareholder government in LIAT. The others are Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Bradshaw urged Prime Minister Stuart not to remain silent on the issue.On the domestic front, the BLP legislator said it was unclear what plan the Democratic Labour Party administration had for Barbados’ aviation sector.She asked Minister of Tourism Richard Sealy, who introduced the measure, to provide the country with the costs and the source of funding, given the country’s financial constraints, for his announced expansion of the Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) and the proposed pre-feasibility study for a proposed airport in the northern parish of St. Lucy.

    BRAZIL FLIGHT SUSPENSION – Minister of Tourism Richard Sealy is denying that the decision to suspend flights between Brazil and Barbados indefinitely was taken because the route was unprofitable.Instead, Sealy insisted the deferral was to give Brazil time to deal with its domestic challenges.At the beginning of this month, Sealy announced, without giving a details, that the weekly direct service from Sao Paulo on Gol Airlines would be suspended effective August 28 this year.He sought to clear up the issue in Parliament today, after Member of Parliament for St Michael South East Santia Bradshaw suggested that the arrangement was terminated “because this route is unprofitable, because the Barbados Government does not have the resources or the foresight to have recognized that the money that it was putting into Brazil needed additional support to ensure that the airlift that was coming out of there gave a return on the investment”.Sealy acknowledged that the flights were not doing well at times. And responding to Bradshaw’s contention that the plane which could carry 150 passengers sometimes arrived in Barbados with as few as 50, he said: “In the context of developing a new market, there is nothing wrong with that.”However, the minister maintained that with Brazil challenged with a weakening dollar, the impact of the Zika virus and a political crisis that has since seen President Dilma Rousseff suspended and facing impeachment, Gol’s Chief Commercial Officer Eduardo Bernardes Neto had approached Barbados advising of the suspension of the flights.

    KELLMAN’S AIRPORT – Minister of Tourism and International Transport Richard Sealy today revealed that “serious approaches” had been made by at least two interests – one local and the other international – regarding the construction of an airport in the north of the island.However, Sealy made it clear that such a facility was at the pre-feasibility stage, therefore, there was no need to get too excited at this stage.St Lucy has been identified as an ideal location for this airport, the minister said as he led off debate on the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill, 2016, much to the delight of Member of Parliament for the northern parish Denis Kellman.In welcoming Sealy’s announcement, Kellman said that as far back as 1977 National Hero the Right Excellent Errol Barrow had acquired land in St Lucy for an airport.Kellman, who has been agitating for the construction of an airport in his constituency for many years, argued that Barbadians were deceiving themselves if they believed one airport was sufficient.He also maintained that tourism was too important for the country’s economic well-being to be served by one airport.

    NO WAY – A war of words has broken out in the airspace between Barbados and neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago over the payment of navigation fees for aircraft flying between the two Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries.At present the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority administers the airspace over 30,000 feet in the south eastern Caribbean. However, as part of that responsibility, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Richard Sealy today charged that Port of Spain has been collecting “millions of dollars” in fees for aircraft coming into Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) for which he demanded payment by cheque. In leading off debate on the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill, 2016, Sealy did not reveal exactly how much he perceived was owed to Bridgetown, but he argued that “a sizable sum of money” was due, while suggesting that the continued non-payment amounted to a major oversight on the part of the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation authorities that should be settled as soon as possible. However, when contacted Director General of Civil Aviation Trinidad and Tobago Ramesh Lutchmedial said as far as he was concerned, there were no outstanding navigation fees due to Barbados.

    KEEP CALM – Britain’s top diplomat here is urging Barbados and the Caribbean not to panic in the wake of the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union, assuring the region that “nothing will change overnight”.British High Commissioner to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Victoria Dean issued a statement today seeking to reassure those who are worried that the Brexit vote will have damaging impact on the vital tourism industry, as well as trade.

    GOVERNMENTS WARNED – Don’t even think about it!This is the stern warning from a senior tourism industry official here to Caribbean governments who might consider a referendum on the future of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the regional integration process.Newly elected chairman of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) Rosanne Myers said an exit from CARICOM, or Cariexit, by any member of the 15-member grouping should not even be a consideration, and that the priority ought to be on a unified Caribbean.She also warned that the road to a referendum would be laden with potholes that could cause more damage than good. “If you go the road of discussing anything other than Caribbean unity make sure that whatever decisions are to be taken can only be taken with a two-thirds majority or more.“A simple majority, and one of four per cent majority, should not persuade you to do anything in terms of that kind of a referendum,” Myers said.

    NOT OUR FAULT – Government is not liable and therefore cannot be forced to pay any compensation to injured former Queen Elizabeth Hospital nurse Coral Wilkinson.However, Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite reminded today the Solicitor General’s Office was prepared to make an “ex gratia payment” to Wilkinson, who fell down a flight of stairs in the antenatal clinic in April 1981 and sustained a slipped disc in her neck and damage to the bone in the lower back which supports her body weight.It’s the latest in the near 35-year long battle between Government and the ailing former medical professional. However, the Attorney General, who is named in a lawsuit which Wilkinson filed against the State a year after her injury, reiterated that even though Government did not accept liability, the former nurse was still offered a sum of money so she could go to England and have the required surgery.When the matter was first raised with him last December, Brathwaite had also noted that Wilkinson, through her attorney Sir Richard Cheltenham, QC, had rejected the offer. It was back in February, 2015 that Crown Counsel Roger Barker, the Government lawyer handling Wilkinson’s case, had written on behalf of Solicitor General Jennifer Edwards offering the injured nurse an ex gratia payment of $145,159.70 for the surgery in the United Kingdom. Sir Richard’s counter-offer was $400,000, which he contended would cover air travel to and from the UK, accommodation, the expenses of the surgical team, physiotherapy and all other incidentals.He argued that Government’s offer did not even cover the cost of the medical team in England whose maximum fee was 33,000 pounds sterling at the time.

    CITY FEAR – THE BOARDWALK REPAIRS are threatening to ruin Crop Over sales for city businesses, says a leading businessman. He contends the traffic arrangements to accommodate refurbishment of the Wickham/Lewis Boardwalk have resulted in severe traffic congestion and long delays, and fears this might serve to turn people off from shopping in The City.Lalu Vaswani, chairman of the Revitalisation of Bridgetown Initiative Committee – an arm of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry – has written the relevant authorities urging them to relook how both the vehicular and pedestrian traffic are regulated into and out of The City.“The temporary pedestrian crossing that was erected on Wharf Road by the Chamberlain Bridge has resulted in a constant flow of pedestrian traffic that is unregulated with the yellow traffic markers placed on the road to allow them to pass. . .”

    MAN ADMITS TO BEATING GIRLFRIEND – “She is entitled to associate with whomever she wants to associate with,” Magistrate Douglas Frederick told a Christ Church man who confessed to beating his ex-girlfriend earlier today.Kofi Roosevelt Greaves, a 36-year-old Kingsland Terrace resident, admitted assaulting his former fiancée last month and damaging a pair of shades belonging to her.Greaves was ordered to pay $300 compensation by July 8 with an alternative of a week in prison. He was also placed on a six-month bond to keep the peace. A breach of the bond will mean a month in prison for the first time offender.The District ‘A’ Magistrates Court heard that Greaves and the woman were involved in a longstanding relationship which ended last year. She subsequently made several reports to police of him harassing her or showing up at her home unannounced.This morning, Greaves saw when the woman got out of a car at Sergeant’s Village, Christ Church. He questioned her about the driver of the car before hitting her and knocking off her sunglasses, damaging them.A passerby dropped the woman to Oistins Police Station where she reported the matter. Greaves turned up there later and was charged with the offences. Questioned about his behaviour, Greaves told the Magistrate that his behaviour this morning was uncharacteristic but he got angry after he realized the driver of the vehicle “was the same man who shoot me in my foot last year”.During the time he was speaking with his ex, Greaves said she called him an idiot and “I lost my cool”. While this was going on, the other man drove off, he added.Greaves said he never stalked the woman and the shooting matter was already in court.“Why would you go and confront a man who, according to you, already shoot you? You ain’t frighten that he shoot you again?” Magistrate Frederick asked.He added: “There is already too much violence out there. You like you can’t take a done [a break-up] .”Addressing the court, the complainant Vanessa Elibox said she spent $80 at the doctor.Magistrate Frederick then ordered Greaves to pay $300 in compensation by July 8, or be jailed for a week. No conviction will be recorded once the money is paid.

    REGGAE ARTIST ACCUSED OF ASSAULTING GIRLFRIEND’S SISTER – An entertainer who said he recently sang at Reggae on the Hill was granted $3 000 bail today and ordered to return to court on July 15.When Shawn Andre Orlando Forde, 26, of Canefield, St Thomas appeared before Magistrate Douglas Frederick in the District ‘A’ Magistrates Court this afternoon, he confessed to assaulting Anke Griffith on May 19 this year, causing her serious bodily harm.In presenting the facts of the case, Sergeant Theodore McClean revealed that the complainant’s sister is Forde’s girlfriend. On the mentioned date, Griffith heard someone knocking on her bedroom window in the wee hours of the morning. When she looked out and recognized Forde, she opened the door to him. He rushed past her and ran into her sister’s bedroom.The prosecutor further told the court that when Griffith went after Forde to see what was happening, she found him choking her sister who was at the time nursing their baby. She tried to pull him off and they struggled. When she got him outside, he again attempted to return to her sister’s room and he and Griffith struggled again.This time, Forde cuffed her several times to the left side of the head and body, while holding a piece of metal in one hand. He then got into a waiting taxi and left.Griffith, meanwhile, went to see a doctor who diagnosed her as having soft tissue injuries to her left arm, abrasions to the left ear and a ruptured eardrum.In his version of events, Forde recalled that he and his girlfriend had an argument earlier that same day and she had thrown his watch outside.When he went to retrieve it, she locked the door and that was how he ended up knocking on her sister’s window.Forde also said he only went back inside the house to ask his girlfriend why she had thrown out his watch. He said even though his girlfriend hit him several times that day, he neither hit nor choked her.In relation to the complainant, Forde said she poked at him several times and threw an object, which hit him in the head.The complainant is expected to attend court on the next date of hearing but until then, Forde has been ordered to stay away from her premises.

    NEW DIGICEL DEAL – As excitement heightens around the much-anticipated Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), founding partner Digicel announced that it has re-signed a multi-year contract as official telecommunications sponsor of the League.The deal comes on the heels of Digicel’s new four-year agreement with the WICB and therefore represents a significant investment in and commitment to cricket in the region.Through this partnership, Digicel will keep cricket fans at the edge of the excitement of the 34-game tournament with a host of engaging and interactive activities, including ticket giveaways through social media competitions and half-time shows.Digicel also promises to ‘Bring the Beat’ to the CPL party stands across its markets with performances by some of the region’s most popular artistes –– including Trinidad’s soca monarch, Machel Montano.Headlined by Montano, along with Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and Usain Bolt, Digicel recently launched its Bring the Beat campaign which uses music and the celebration of extraordinary sporting talents to connect the world to the Caribbean and its culture –– making it a fitting element in the biggest party in sport.

    NO RIO FOR TRIO – THEY’VE BEEN SHORT on times all season. Now Barbados’ best hurdlers may be out of time. The clock has all but run out on Ryan Brathwaite, Shane Brathwaite and Greggmar Swift after the Athletics Association of Barbados (AAB) named an initial seven-member squad to the Rio Olympics that didn’t include any of the terrific trio.Headlined by collegiate multi-event star Akela Jones, the seven-member squad was announced yesterday following a rather uneventful National Championships, where none of three sprint hurdlers managed to go under the qualifying time of 13.47 seconds in the men’s 110 hurdles.All three athletes still have up until July 11 to reach the standard, but they may struggle to find enough qualifying meets where the sprint hurdles are being contested.

    CHRIST CHURCH FOUNDATION DOUBLE CHAMPS – CHRIST CHURCH Foundation are the double-crown champions of the Massy Stores Under-16 Schools’ Volleyball Championships. On Monday, the Church Hill lasses showed little respect for hostesses Springer Memorial by crushing the Government Hill girls on their home court 25-11, 25-5.That was a repeat of the two beatings which Foundation had inflicted on Springer during the preliminary stages of the competition.Springer’s lone hope rested with Rashanna Thorne, who is an Under-16 national netballer and basketballer. However, Thorne proved little match for Barbados’ junior volleyballer Aaliyah Durant, who got great support from Tiara Phillips, Imani Cox, Kenise Watkins and Under-16 netballer Briana Holder. The Foundation boys came up against St Leonard’s Boys’ in the finals after the two teams had split the two previous encounters. In spite of a late flurry by St Leonard’s, Foundation, with more experienced players, took the game 25-15, 25-21.

    SERENA ADVANCES AT WIMBLEDON – Defending champion Serena Williams reached the Wimbledon second round today with a 6-2, 6-4 win over Swiss qualifier Amra Sadikovic.The 34-year-old world No 1, chasing a seventh Wimbledon title and record-equalling 22nd major, took her grand slam career record in first rounds to a formidable 63 wins against just one defeat.She next faces fellow American Christina McHale for a place in the last 32.Williams claimed victory over world number 148 Sadikovic on a second match point courtesy of a successful Hawk-Eye challenge.Williams won 12 straight points at the start of the match to open a 3-0 lead.However, not everyone gave her the royal seal of approval.“It was one of the worst serving efforts I’ve seen from Serena. This is what is giving other players hope,” said US legend John McEnroe, commentating for the .BBC

    FESTIVAL SECURE – DRUG USE, THEFT, sexual assault and robbery are not characteristics of Barbados’ Crop Over Festival. That assurance has come from Alvin Jemmott, chairman of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc, which plays an active role in promoting the Sweetest Summer Festival in overseas markets. It follows a June 24 security message to Americans, issued by the US Embassy here.“With recent increases in firearms-related crimes and gang violence, and press reports of social media posts referencing gun violence at the upcoming Foreday Morning Jam festival, the embassy wants to ensure US citizens are reminded to remain vigilant while enjoying these events.“These events typically bring in large crowds. Alcohol consumption, loud music and close physical contact are usually the norm at these events, and can be exploited by criminal elements. Drug use, theft, assault, robbery and sexual assault incidents all rise during the Crop Over season,” the statement said.



  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Heather, the Westminister governance model has failed us due to its exploitation by our smart political parties.”

    The british voters believe the same thing…all 67 million of them, the system is useless in it’s corrupt and corruptible present form as long as it can be continually misued and abused regardless of who is elected. The leaders will have to be of an ethical and moral mindset to change the system re legislation or don’t misuse and abuse and both scenarios are unrealistic, given the current useless bodies sitting in parliament.

    ACs.., Barrow is the past, long dead and gone and would want nothing to do with the lowlifes in parliament. .given their track record, I am sure he would be horrified at the state to which yall have degraded the island , so move on.

    Ya can tell Walter good luck all day, but if it’s yall plan to use him as a beard, we will know.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And to be honest Kammie..the politicians are not smart, they are con artists, frauds liars, crooks and thieves who have now all been exposed…nothing smart about that.

  17. @Well Well

    And Walter Blackman represents no departure from those norms.

  18. We’ve already seen another Black….man come to Barbados in similar circumstances with a lot of big talk.

    That Black …… man ended up in the living room of one of the white shadows negotiating the same ‘rewards systems’ we now complain about.

    He as hurriedly left Barbados seeking his real aims on other shores.

    Now we have a man purporting to want to make governance better but supporting the same establishment, the same institutional forces. What a cheap political trick!

    Are we to believe that that is possible? And if so what are the messianic qualities of this Walter Blackman which would make that happen?

    How come, since he is in with this present criminal regime in Bridgetown, why can’t he act now, or acted in the past to curb the illegal excesses of this current DLP regime?

    Are we to believe that the people of Barbados are to put him in Parliament as a condition precedent?

    We declare Walter Blackman a charlatan, no less so than his name sake.

    We will interrogate his USA career later but suspect attempts to mislead.

  19. @ Mr Holder (Kammie) and Ms Cole (Heather) formal titles purely out of respect and deference to your salient and sobering, sound statements.

    Me fears the noble thought being presented here, regarding Walter changing from within has me at a loss, notwithstanding one’s personal wishes to Walter follow this my simplistic reasoning.

    1.One accepts that Walter is speaking a different message even though what he will do when in the driver’s seat is unknown and ensuingly untested and unmeasurable
    2.One accepts that we are being driven by Dufuses whose governance skills make Ninjaman the wandering indigent seem like a professor by comparison
    3.For him to be in the winner s circle it would mean that Fumbles and his Fumblers would have to win.
    4.Since there are no DLP purges (yet?) to change the current spectrum of Dufuses that would mean that this Walter Blackman reconstitution movement currently being touted or a “change action from within” 16 DLP ministers of differing, difficult depths of intellectual despair would take say 20? Years?

    Where are we now? Junk bond status, economy teetering and we are thinking that Walter is going to do what?

    Now let de ole man repeat what Enuff eloquently elucidated earlier in an earlier blog.

    WHEN THE DLP LOOSES there is going to be a possible seismic shift within George Street where fumble WILL BE DISPLACED and Stinkliar, Pornville, Lil Caesar Lashley and David Estwick going be jousting for Prime Ministership. I do hope Estwick doan pull no gun pun dem fellers.

    But it would seem to the ole man that Walter has returned KNOWING THAT THEY WILL LOOSE!!! and will figuratively speaking plunder the battlefield and the corpses of those who will fall in this war.

    Enuff my man, you is a boss!!

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pacha..that is well understood unless Fruendel Stuart unselfishly steps down so a new face, intent on changing legislation, implementing legoslation that the people have been calling for years…FOI, anti corruption, antidefamation etc and enforce current laws..and as we can see, Fruendel is selfis…it will always be an ongoing battle.

    Fruendel sneakily went into UK and told Downing Street that the island was going republic, he told the peoole in Barbados nothing, they had to read it in the media….well, now his deceit and sneaking will return to bite him in the ass, if he refuses to cut colonial ties with UK while sitting on his ass in parliament pretending to be the UK’S favorite slave..

    This is what bright minds can see. Watching smoke stacks in North America is frightening, worse in other industrialized countries…imagine a Cahill spewing poison into the air in a 2×4 island.., stupidity will be the death of all humans.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And if the UK had told Wales that they can no longer fund them before they dumbly voted on Brexit, the Welsh would have run in the other direction. Cameron should have said something…this one can cause a riot later.l

    Let the lazy, greedy politicians and stupid Fruendel in Barbsdos sit and wait for UK. Stop listening to lying politicians, they will be the death of the population.

  22. @ Kammie you should be ashamed to ask Walter to call you. Why should you be following him when last year you had the best opportunity to date to create a new political party in Barbados. Back then, I was the Shepherd boy working for the mighty king as we built up that movement on Facebook Bajans against $700M Waste to Energy Plant. Back then I told you that it was the platform to launch the Green Party of Barbados. Do you recall?

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

  24. @ Kammie said the Shepherd boy to the mighty king …do you see what I see? If you did not see it then, I am positive you do not see it now so do not tell me what Barbados needs.

  25. @Well Well

    We must humbly disagree.

    The dysfunction in the political culture is too deep, too imbredded, too generalized to be effected by anything less than a, just as deep, foundational realignment.

    The politicians like to sometimes talk about this when they tell their stories about the Titanic and shifting chairs.

    We’re sorry the time for tinkering has long pass. Anyone who believes or seeks to impose this is a charlatan!

    Walter Blackman is a self-confessed, mere technician. There are no examples of that kind of mind changing anything. The reverse is true!

  26. @Pacha

    Sometime all it takes is one man. We only have Walter’s record to go by and we will have to wait until he walks the talk. Here is what we know though : he has thrown his hat in the ring which is more than can be said of the keyboard warriors. Enuff and a few others have been encouraging Barbadians to join the political parties and be agents for change.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Heathrr..are you sure that the person posted in red is the real Kammie, cause I noticed a posting in black ink from a Kammie saying something completely opposite…ya know the ACs pimps and government ministers are really desperate with stormtroopers banging down their fragile doors.

    If I recall…Kammie posted about this imposter before.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pacha…while I dont know Walter personally, it’s safe to say, he ass not been officially selected, let alone nominated, let alone sitting in parliament, his prescence does not mean that the electorate want Fruendel and his gang staying in parlianment, maybe if there were 12 more Walters saying they will run for office and contracting to do all the people need…….ya gotta admit someone has to be in parliament to make the requisite changes to the constitution , enforce existing legislation and implement new legislation which getting rid of the minoruty parasites Bizzy, Maloney et al…all at once…it requires warm bodies…if not, what do you suggest.

  29. My, my, my! Imagine the licks I got for encouraging people to join the parties and effect change from within. Now the same naysayers praising Walter for doing the same thing. I shall continue on my path and will never become a bandwagonist or cut&paste specialist. #sueme

  30. Barrow is dead .His words still remain as proficient as they were when we received our Independence laid out on a philosophy of self preservation.Today “selfpreservation”has been replaced with an urgency for “self gratification” which has forced many govts to renege on Barrows words for actions which are purposed for the benefit of nation building
    Yes i applaud those actions of those in a society which would preface to put country first taking a chance of high risk with a possiblty of giving all of self and receiving nothing
    Mr. Blackman could have remained seated in the comfort zone of america but made a hard decision to return to his country. How would political influence deter or regulate his motives only time will time.However i am willing to give him the benefit of doubt rather than pick the bones and the flesh of one of our own who now seeks to embarked on a path of self preservation for country than a immediacy of self gratification of purpose

    #country first

  31. ac June 30, 2016 at 8:21 AM #

    “Mr. Blackman could have remained seated in the comfort zone of america but made a hard decision to return to his country. How would political influence deter or regulate his motives only time will time. However I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt rather than pick the bones and the flesh of one of our own who now seeks to embarked on a path of self preservation for country than a immediacy of self gratification of purpose…”

    @ AC

    I’m very sure if the information relative to Walter’s return to Barbados’ political scene hinted he was joining the BLP, you would not written the above shiite, but would be cussing him left, right and center, saying is is pursuing self interest agenda and not “putting country first.”

    What a hypocrite!!!!!

    This is one of the many reasons I don’t like politicians and their political yard-fowl supporters.


  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And if Fruendel is still having fantasies about being the UKs favourite Caribbean slave, this reality from british voters should wake him up, I keep saying its the a-holes with no real country hates immigrants the most.

    Now researched by some and found out to be born in NYC Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson (born 19 June 1964) hates immigrants and is one himself..claiming to be of french aristocracy or some such…..His claim to british ancestry came through a great grandfather maybe born there, he is of half turkish descent…don’t trust politicians. Now he is no longer the candidate for prime minister…I wonder why.

    “Seeing the news reports from Wales ‘What have the Romans (EU) ever done for us?’ They will soon find out once the Westminster Conservatives consign an entire nation to abject poverty. Already due to the Brexit what little chance of saving Port Talbot has now evaporated. The Govt & Unions made it clear to the Welsh of the consequences and they were ignored. WALES be careful of what you wish for – life is about to get very, very bad for you. Still I’m sure your new UKIP chums can feed you all more fantasies to keep you happy. You all need to remember that only a fraction of the planned Austerity was ever delivered, the pain will begin this Autumn once a new Government is in place. I predict we will need a bailout at some point in the next 5 years.

    1 hour ago
    The Prime Minister should be born and lived in the UK as well.
    Boris Johnson wasn’t born in the UK as he was born in New York City in USA.
    He goes on about immigrants and yet he was one himself as well.
    This should rule him out if that was in place where you had to be born in the UK to become a Prime Minister.

    1 hour ago
    Well the country voted they believed Johnson and his cronies with all the lies and now they are rescinding. Johnson knew exactly what would happen and carefull planning to get what he wanted to be in line for primeminister. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I have signed a petition calling for 2nd referendum not because I am a sore loser it’s because I can already see the signs unless your blind of the racial hatred that various groups and individuals are starting to surface. And to change the EU you need to fight it from inside not outside. Money is paid to the EU but a large ammount is sent back to subsidise communities farmers and projects. The pound is holding but soon will drop and then imports and exports will become more expensive

    2 hours ago
    Although a lot of EU money has gone into Wales it hasn’t really resulted in lots of real work. The deprived areas are still deprived, albeit with new roads and shiny industrial parks. Companies won’t move to Wales unless they’re paid to do so, everything remains London centric. Need to break this mind set somehow.

  33. @ Well Well

    No such admissions from us.

    You can’t be serious about change if the only weapons we have we continue to surrender

    Indeed, if the other 50% boycotted the elections the conversation for real change can start. But this is unlikely, you may think. Well, it’s no less unlikely that changing the current system.

    Enforce existing laws. That is a police function but if you will who are the people, right now enforce the AGs recent reports?

    This fiction about ‘governance’ is highly overestimated

    and so on

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC pimps. .Barrow is dead and as you have conceded, all his words are being ignored by the self-serving, greedy ministers now squatting in parliament, so what’s ya point.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pacha…you are a very long way from getting the bajan psyche to think along those lines, how would you make those fundamental changes to damaged mentalities and in the interim, what happens with the imposters and squatters in parliament.

  36. @David

    We have also thrown our hat, full of money, into the ling too.

    We have never heard you calling on Bizzy or COW to stop corrupting the politicians and come out in the open and do their own dirty political work.

    These separations in responsibilities are at the centre of what is wrong with the culture.

    For money is more important to outcomes, always has been, than these occasional neophytes with supposedly higher moral values.

    Where were you when he determined that we were ‘terrorists’? We must not be on the list of those to be protected, at all cost.

    All of this BS about joining parties to make a difference is just that. And anybody with sense knows well, that the party is more likely to change Blackman or anybody else than the reverse.

  37. Well Well

    Even if the people merely ignored the politicians they will whither away and die.

    They are only made to be important

  38. @ David, is this the real Kammie?

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I do agree that the vote should be spoilt for elections, just to make a point and politicians ignored totally, they feed on attention and negativity. ..take that away and some positive people might come forward who have the ability to guide real progress and forward movement .

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    As it stands Pacha, decades of damaged psyches makes for anarchy and lack of direction. Not everyone will be able to handle self-rule, that rigid discipline is not yet there, will have to be instilled into the younger and coming generations.

    3 generations of minds have been damaged and lost to yardfowlism and blindly following stupid leaders.

    It wil be a challenge.

  41. Barrow is dead so what is your point nincoompoop.
    So am i now to belive that barrows valuable contribution to barbados society is dead too.WW&C too really to call you a brain dead shit hound. But cant help but stating such a truth about you.stupse.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah…well ya crap aint working pimps, yal killed the society and replaced it with a nonstarter…that is not working. Even the british blue collar workers can tell the system no longer works, what is it going to take for the slaves squatting in parliament to see and do something about it.

    The problems lay in the shitty constitution, unenforced legislation and no newly implemented and enforced legislation…not to mention the bribery and corruption.

    When will the slaves in parliament see what the real problems are and fix them, instead of trying to glide through and slither to a next election win, like snakes and snake oil salesmen., which is not likely with things as they stand.

  43. Artax not going to deal with your political spin of unreasonablness iin reference to any of my comments. My comments bodes well to black or white or politicial affiliation or religious belief
    Nevertheless they would be always those whose interest solely lies in their own interest and would belittle others with a difference of opinion as you artax have often done

  44. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    David June 30, 2016 at 1:40 AM #

    Again on behalf of the BU household we wish you every success in your enviable career. It pleases us no end to have a quality Barbadian willing to giveback to country in the way you have proposed. Of course BU will give no quarter if we observe any surrender by you to the status quo we have railed against for the last 9 years. We hope that your decision will inspire/motivate others to step into the glare of the public to serve the country.

    Welcome back!


    Stepping into that public glare is not for the faint-hearted. Once you have decided to make that step, then some Barbadians pretend to know what is in your heart, your mind, and your soul, which they accuse you of selling to the devil. Some begin to pile all sorts of schemes, dreams, and plans on your head and have decided, just for the fun of it, that your mother was so “wutless”, your father really isn’t your father.

    If some of that wasted energy went into how they could do things better, how they could contribute more to social organizations and their communities, how they could spend more time with the elderly, then the country would be much better off.

    In 2016, that is the nature of the beast. However, as a people, we will not remain immature forever.

  45. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    Bush Tea June 30, 2016 at 3:56 AM #
    “@ Walter
    Welcome home …. Good move.

    Unfortunately, you are much too late to make any serious difference now.

    The flood is now inevitable….”

    Bush Tea,

    You paint a picture of cynicism, hopelessness and despair, but “Waterford boys” have been taught never to surrender. Never.

  46. “Barrow is dead so what is your point nincoompoop.
    So am i now to belive that barrows valuable contribution to barbados society is dead too.WW&C too really to call you a brain dead shit hound. But cant help but stating such a truth about”

    Ask your party they have destroyed everything Mr barrow stood for; if he wasn’t dead before surely he is now.

  47. Walter Blackman June 30, 2016 at 9:53 AM #

    “If some of that wasted energy went into how they could do things better, how they could contribute more to social organizations and their communities, how they could spend more time with the elderly, then the country would be much better off.”


    I agree with your above comments.

    However, is it necessary to join a political party to initiate the appropriate attitudinal changes within that particular party and society as a whole?

  48. Bless this site and bless the morning sun. In de fog of night I dreamed about supporting my black brothers and sisters so that we cud start to climb up and way from growing up stupid under de white man. Was we saying something so ova de last days or what. My dream also included an old girl friend although I still trying to figure out why see was dey looking all sweet and ting. hehehe.

    Anyhow in the brightness of day dat fog clear up real effing fast and all de sweet nectar of uplifting a bro get throw down the outhouse of political tribalism, fah sure.

    I really cud give a rats pudenda if Walter Blackman is Dee or Bee but I do care bout my backside, de wife & fam and de old GF and other Bajans too. Let de man walk he talk nah. I SUPPORT yah brother, but read on there is a caution too.

    Any coney wid two sticks knocking in dem head shoulda hear dis man’s ‘press release’ since last year. He get pon dis site and lob long-hop after long-hop on he intentions to join de circus.

    Check it – two lil exchanges (and I remove the other blogger name to protect the innocent. hehehe): ” September 5, 2015 at 4:32 PM “Walter, Not sure I’d make a good campaign manager but I’d be willing to assist in whatever capacity.” –And de bossman replied: “Whatever you can contribute, “by thought, word, and deed”, would be greatly appreciated.” Walter Blackman September 5, 2015 at 9:21 PM “Walter, Whenever you are ready, I’ll be at your service. I have been a canvasser, platform speaker, campaign manager and election agent. All that I have learnt is available to you at no cost. Up and on!” Reply — Caswell, Excellent. Thanks. Up and on, my brother. I get so misty eyed dat I nearly offer my body and soul same time too. De bro got de charm and smarts. Dangerous combination.

    Wha Loss. Electioneering and charisma in we scvnts.

    Anyhow tho. As obvious as all dat was, why really got me excited as shittee is de pending guy fawkes eruptions. De bossman Walter’s words is pon record as de blogmeister say, so there should be some real fawkesian explosions if de Dee politiicans dem got any balls. I can’t wait to see de gyrations and lashes.

    Here are some sweet Walterisms. Wha shittee he better than Donald at tossing real big rocks at he own partee. He would hadto got either dem secret ball-squeezing reports or something real propra to ease back sweet as honey into de partee.

    “Months before I left Barbados to take up permanent residence in the USA, a spiteful Erskine Sandiford called general elections in September 1994. I thought the elections provided an excellent opportunity for me to gain some experience and insight into running for office so I “publicly crossed over” to the NDP and ran against Mr. Sandiford. That experience only cost me about $250 (my deposit) but I left Barbados with a much deeper knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of campaigning and the political “nature” of Barbadians. That was $250 well spent.”

    “I was always a curious child. Since the behind-the-scenes hanky pankying among politicians (specifically, the Executive branch of Government) and Judges (the Judiciary) had always intrigued me, I decided to put on my “sociologist cap” in order to find a way to document the incestuous relationship that existed between the two branches of government. I concluded that the best way to get the judges under the microscope was to set a legal trap for the Prime Minister, who just happened to be Erskine Sandiford at the time. I achieved my objective by running for the position of President of the DLP, and then skillfully goading a panic-stricken PM Sandiford into breaking the laws of the party. The DLP election results showed that I received about 74% of the eligible votes, whilst Mr. Sandiford received almost 750%. Since Mr. Sandiford was not my main target, i decided not to publicly reveal the infeasible 750% of the votes he had received, fearing that such a revelation would belittle him in the eyes of his more intelligent regional prime ministerial peers.”

    “Having completed phase 1 of my plan, I publicly threatened court action (which I had always planned to take, and which I created history in Barbados by actually taking) and paused for dramatic effect. During my next programme (Getting Down To Brass Tacks) a caller raised the election topic and Mr. Ellis flew into another fit of rage. I quickly and quietly wrote a letter to VOB informing them that I would now withdraw as a moderator. A copy of my letter was published in the press.”

    “Let us picture Ossie Moore approaching Jepter Ince now and reminding him that government could not even pay Barbadians their tax refunds recently. Do you think Jepter would understand, even at this late stage, that his boastful promise of a guaranteed 6% rate of return on that “Warrens buildings” project was utter nonsense? Or, as Bushie would say, mere brass bowlery?Soon after that Programme, Jepter Ince was made a Senator and removed from being Chairman of NIS. PM David Thompson was nothing more than a crooked con-artist, so I cannot even venture to guess or speculate what that move was all about. By the way, as soon as the programme was over, I received a call on VOB’s phone from Peter Wickham, who accused me of adopting a confrontational and adversarial stance against the government. That now triggers two questions: What type of stance, in relation to the government of Barbados, is Peter Wickham adopting now? Why?”

    PHASE 3 then. Licks like peas. More Power My Brother.

  49. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    Kammie Holder June 30, 2016 at 6:40 AM #
    “@AC, nice words to Walter but don`t be fooled he will follow blindly for sake of a party at expense of country.”

    Heather June 30, 2016 at 7:43 AM #
    “@ Kammie …. last year you had the best opportunity to date to create a new political party in Barbados. Back then, I was the Shepherd boy working for the mighty king as we built up that movement on Facebook Bajans against $700M Waste to Energy Plant. Back then I told you that it was the platform to launch the Green Party of Barbados. Do you recall?”

    Kammie Holder,
    Have you become so fixated with what I would, and would not do in the future, that you “dropped the ball” in your dealings with Heather?

    Is there a lesson for you to learn here?

  50. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    Heather June 30, 2016 at 6:23 AM #
    “@ Walter last night when I read the comments under my last post, I was of the opinion that it did not matter why you chose the DLP and it only mattered that you would do if the electorate choose you. ……
    This morning after I had a good night’s rest, I am now wondering if it is because of Ms. Mottley that you have chosen to stand up with men who have no integrity. ……

    It makes me think of starting a new political party in Barbados.”

    When it comes to Ms. Mottley, political jousting and humour aside, I must tell you that she has always treated me with respect and I have reciprocated. I am sure that I am not on Ms. Mottley’s radar right now, seeing that she has to focus on getting “her” team in place for the next election.

    Reading the comments under your last post, and enjoying a good night’s rest, did not make you “think of starting a new political party in Barbados.” Didn’t you admit, just over 3 hours ago, that you were thinking of having the Green Party formed last year?

    You simply cannot “think” of doing things. You have to get up and “do” them.

    I have read every single article you presented on BU, and have been impressed with your intelligence and love and concern for your country. I am sure that you have noticed a few detractors already starting to accuse you of having a political agenda, and trying to stop you from writing. I urge you to remain strong.

    If you think that I am being scrutinized and vilified as a man, try running for political office in Barbados as a woman. All of a sudden you are going to be credited with more robbed men and abortions than “John read ’bout”.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best.

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