CHICAGO — A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced former House speaker J. Dennis Hastert to one year and three months in federal prison — a term above what prosecutors had recommended and one that clearly took into account the sexual abuse allegations that generated the criminal case against the Illinois Republican – The Washington Post

In 1998 the then government declared that the 28th April will be celebrated as National Heroes’ Day. Ten Barbadians were assigned the title “Right Excellent’’, and of the 10, only the Right Excellent Sir Garfield St. Aubrun Sobers lives. The decision to recognize ten Barbadians is intended to be part of a never ending process of a nation building exercise. Symbolically the area in Bridgetown near the Nelson Statue was renamed National Heroes’ Square.

The National Heroes Act defines those selected to be national heroes as those people that have “given outstanding service to Barbados”, “contributed to the improvement of the economic and social conditions of Barbados”, and demonstrated “visionary and pioneering leadership, extraordinary achievement and the attainment of the highest excellence” ….

This week (25/04/2016) a former Republican House speaker Dennis Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in prison for committing a bank crime that has a relationship with sexual abuse allegations. It must be satisfying for a people, a nation, to know that it matters not who you are, it will not prevent justice from being served. Bear in mind Hastert was once the Speaker of the House in the all powerful system of government, two heartbeats away from sitting in the President’s chair.  Please share with DPP Charles Leacock.

On this day Barbadians will be subjected to a galore of platitudes -and although well intentioned- for the most part will be meaningless. There is the bible quote often used in the BU forum, ‘You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?’, which the BU household has interpreted to mean we must judge fellow humans by their actions and behaviour and not by their words alone.

Many of us born of the 50s, 60s and 70s wonder if the Right Excellent Errol Walton Barrow were alive how he would have handled the issue of Michael Carrington’s attempt to fleece a septuagenarian and his family from his money – Michael Carrington’s Immoral Act Goes Unpunished. BU suspects he would have mounted the back of a truck in Bush Hall and fired Carrington from the job as Speaker of the House. Now this is the stuff leadership is made of. To Barbadians looking on, who have a diminished view of today’s politician, such an act would have provided pause. Because we cannot turn back the hands of time, we are left to speculate. However BU will bastardize Newton’s third law and state –  for every bad decision by a leader, there is a greater negative reaction with exponential economic and social fallout.

The BU household remains hopeful that it is not too late for Prime Minister Stuart to assuage his public with the right message on National Heroes’ Day. The role of a leader cannot be subjugated by any other. We are already experiencing the deterioration of what was once a budding and model SIDS.   In the same way the Arthur government created the Order of National Heroes Act to recognize great Bajans of the past to nurture a culture of nation building, the act of firing Michael Carrington will serve to create momentum.

104 responses to “The Right Excellent Errol Walton Barrow Would Have Fired Michael Carrington”

  1. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    One thing I do know is that EWB had no use for heroes or statues and would never have agreed with that National Heroes act.

    One can take a lesson on how to deal with a speaker from the Maxwell situation.

    When are we going to learn to think for ourselves as opposed to wondering what the long dead would have done?

  2. @Vincent

    Is Maxwell alive? Why not tell us the lesson? Is it a secret?

  3. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    David April 28, 2016 at 4:32 AM #

    If my recollection holds this was highlighted on BU some years ago by your predeccesor……just dig up the files.

  4. “One can take a lesson on how to deal with a speaker from the Maxwell situation.”

    There we go again ascribing some imaginary act to Mr Barrow’s credentials.Tell us how he dealt with poor Mr Maxwell other than to leave him as Editor of the Democrat to face the full weight of the judgment of the court in favour of Mr Bernard St John forcing him to sojourn miserably for the rest of his life in the Great Satan where he was eventually shot in the eye or do you mean Mr Barrow’s “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away whose side are you on ‘ admonition to Mr Maxwell when in his role as Speaker ruled against Mr Barrow.

  5. We talk about Barrow as if he was the perfect leader. Far from it. For the last fifty years we have been worshiping the Sun God, rather have having a critical approach to our civic and political life.
    The truth is that Barbados is a failed state – just look at any aspect of our national lives and institutions. That is the issue on the table. Let’ discuss it.

  6. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    balance April 28, 2016 at 5:05 AM #

    Now where in that statement did I ascribe anything to EWB.

  7. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Hal Austin April 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM #

    Better prolix than mine above… total agreement.

  8. Vincent Haynes April 28, 2016 at 4:19 AM #

    One thing I do know is that EWB had no use for heroes or statues and would never have agreed with that National Heroes act.

    One can take a lesson on how to deal with a speaker from the Maxwell situation.

  9. Vincent Haynes April 28, 2016 at 5:11 AM #

    Hal Austin April 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM #

    Better prolix than mine above… total agreement.

    With what are you in agreement my friend ?

  10. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    balance April 28, 2016 at 5:17 AM #

    The first sentence ends with a full stop…….need I say more.

    HA…has succintly stated what I consider to be true in his entire post.

  11. one can assess within reason or doubt that Barbados like any other country have social and economic problems However that comes with the territory and such is the nature of the beast but to say Barbados is a failed state in an utterance of hogwash

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Failed State that both political parties condone DBLP, aid and abet, collude with corruption within their ranks and against the people, when any kind of corruption satisfies both political parties/both governments relentlessly , unabated and without fail, that’s a failed state.

  13. Steupsss
    Anyone with any modicum of decency would not only have fired Carrington, but would have had him prosecuted and spend at least a few days in Dodds.

    There is no better indication than Froon’s inaction on this and other blatant issues, that ours is a FAILED state.

    If stealing can be so openly condoned at such levels what the hell does it say to everyone else in society…? On can only guess at what must be happening in most of our institutions…

  14. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    We can no longer continue in these arrangements. What sense does it profit a man to gain all the riches in Barbados, live lavishly, while all other aspects of Barbados crumble around his gaited walls.

  15. GOB is about to assume a debt of over M$400 in order to settle the CLICO fiasco. It has not made even a faltering attempt to prosecute anyone involved in the destruction and plunder of the two insurance companies nor appears interested in following the money so as to reclaim these ill begotten gains.

    Why would this “leader?” be interested in firing Carrington? Calling the current prime minister of Barbados a leader is probably the greatest oxymoron of all time.

  16. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Why is the government settling the CLICO fiasco when these lying lot said that the island has serious fiscal deficit issues and therefore had to implement costing cutting measures to fix it? They even said that they are unable to pay tax returns because of a cash flow problem, unable to take care of the deficiencies in sanitation and health care, unable to buy trucks to help collect garbage, although they have enough to celebrate 50 years of independence with 7 million dollars or more, an shite, before I forget finally waited till the Barrack money reach a nice figure of accrue interest and settle it with the same type of secrecy like the Cahill deal. So where in the world are they going to find that money to cover the cost of a problem they did not create when they know the island’s debt burden deeper is an anvil around the neck of Barbados? Oh yeah the Prime Minister of the Democratic Labour Party, Branch Meetings and Party faithfuls (the DLP-BMPF) said that Leroy Parris is his friend and a outstanding son of the soil. Forgot that is the reason why. Don’t bother to answer, I know why.

  17. If memory serves Maxwell by virtue of his job as Editor of a publication was ordered to pay an award for libel, he was unable to pay the money and was petitioned into Bankruptcy. Under the rules of Parliament a bankrupt cannot serve as a representative of the people and Maxwell was forced to resign.

    Perhaps I missed some information but that is from memory, I don’t think Barrow did anything to relieve him of his job.

  18. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Barrow did not have to deal with Speaker Maxwell. He was sued, as editor of the DLP newspaper the Democrat, for libel and had to pay substantial damages. Being unable to pay the damages, he was declared a bankrupt. According to the Bankruptcy Act in force at the time, a bankrupt person could not sit in the House of a Assembly or hold public office for that matter. His seat was therefore declared vacant.

    Barrow’s role in this scenario is nothing to be proud about. Maxwell was sued in his capacity as editor of the official newspaper of the DLP. When he was unable to pay Barrow did nothing to help probably because Maxwell, as Speaker ruled against the DLP in the House which infuriated Barrow who then wanted to be rid of Maxwell. The lawsuit and subsequent judgment served Barrow’s ends without having to get his hands dirty.

    Some years after all of this, as clerk to the Official Assignee, I had control of what was left of Maxwell’s estate. I was able to research this matter and I can tell you that Barrow was responsible for the demise of Maxwell.

  19. Caswell
    Was not Cammie Tudor and Sidney Burnett-Alleyne complicit in Maxwell’s ultimate downfall?

  20. EWB was responsible for the demise of Maxwell and others. EWB allowed for corruption in Ministries to get started

  21. Maxwell the editor,Tudor the writer, EWB the paper boy, Burnett-Alleyne help Maxwell to get out of BIM

  22. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Maxwell’s ultimate downfall came with a bullet to the eye while waiting for a train in the New York subway, which left him a vegetable.

    Sent from my iPad


  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, you are very accurate that the Hassert case does reflect a satisfaction of justice being served. But what has been ‘lost in the shuffle’ is that despite clear evidence that Speaker Hassert was a liar, a conniving, perverted predator and a dishonest unrepentant legislator who misled millions that he was warmly approved by many ‘esteemed’ colleagues…. In the same type of fawning terms heard from Mr Stuart for Parris, Carrington and others.

    Fellow top Republican Tom DeLay said: “He has never disappointed me in any way. He is a man of strong faith that guides him. He is a man of great integrity. He loves and respects his fellow man….We held each other accountable and we studied God’s word and applied it to where we were at that moment.”

    “We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn’t deserve what he is going through.”

    Absolutely incredible. Is there any wonder why politics is such a seedy game.

    Not surprisingly, former congressman and then CIA DIrector Porter Goss said: “Perhaps, the Speaker’s greatest gift to the House was trust.”

    I quote this extensively to show that we are basically liars to ourselves. All of us. We read of the nasty acts of damned sinners and if we like them we call them saints (David Thompson, comes readily to mind).

    But one hopes that narratives of the average voices like the SSS and Pieces of the world become too loud to ignore and eventually washes away the self-prevarication.

    A letter-writer to the Judge said: “Mr. Hastert is a hypocrite…[his victims] were vulnerable young high school boys and he violated that trust. For that he MUST take responsibility.”

    Clearly a spy-master’s ‘trust’ is different from that expected of a teacher (as no spy can be trusted obviously).

    Another letter writer said: “Today there are over eight hundred thousand individuals in the United States on sex offender registries… who are serving decades, if not a lifetime under ineffective and unduly harsh laws that were passed as a result of his hypocritical and self-serving actions.”

    The Honorable E.W. Barrow was certainly no Hastert but he too had his Carrington like sycophants; he too established some laws “passed as a result of [the legal profession] hypocritical and self-serving actions.”

    The foxes as always guarding and setting rules for the hens upon which they feast!

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac April 28, 2016 at 5:27 AM #
    “one can assess within reason or doubt that Barbados like any other country have social and economic problems However that comes with the territory and such is the nature of the beast but to say Barbados is a failed state in an utterance of hogwash..”

    Ac, why are you quibbling over a word that would have its true meaning manifested in a year or two?
    Why not let us settle for a ‘Failing’ instead of a “Failed” state? Is that okay with you?
    The same way the miller has been preaching (according to you) “doom and gloom” for the Bajan mismanaged economic ‘state’ for the past few years (and it has come to past) so too would ‘Failing’ turn into “Failed”.

    The evidence for that claim lies not in the stars or in the crystal ball of the fortuneteller called Ryan Straughn but in the second failure of the pretending Minister of Finance who just returned from the Middle East empty-handed. The country’s forex drug fix has again been denied unless Christianized Bim becomes a caliphate and hands over GAIA & the Bridgetown Port Inc.
    Would he still make another attempt to oust Stinkliar from the throne of the King Lies?

    What would the Guv of the Central Bank do now? Fiddle the foreign reserves numbers again?
    Why the long delay in reporting by a man always demanding greater productivity from the Bajan workforce? Was he overseas negotiating the fire sale of Bim with the castrated pit bull or was he playing with his fire-damaged toy cars?

    Isn’t the first quarter the period when Barbados earns its most forex from its high-performing tourism sector? He should have been exceptionally eager to report on the glad tidings given that the cost of imported fuel is down by approx. 30%.

    What would be his excuse this time around? The old bugbear of the payment for the $700 million Dodds BOLT BLP arrangement?

  25. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Franklyn, you amaze me with your apparent intent to be brutally objective. With that as the base point and your evident ability for legal and otherwise very well reasoned analysis (may not always agree, but you are detailed and objective) I would hope that you have started to write your book about the Bajan political landscape.

    From your writings here yours would be a solid addition – likely superior contribution – to the historical discourse and future political strategies.

    With due respect to our national hero the Honorable Mr Barrow, he was not nice. He could be as vindictive and improper as for example, this modern day Trump. Certainly he was as arrogant. Of course that comes from a man whose verdict I trusted explicitly and who interfaced with him directly. I am merely echoing his thoughts

    I respect Mr Barrow and hold him as a personal model of success and achievement.

    Yet I am confounded that sane, savvy politicos here would be debating whether Barrow was in fact ‘responsible’ for Maxwell’s demise. You stated the base lines details of what transpired but even in the absence of that how can an objective, savvy observer not appreciate that Barrow could have ameliorated the situation… If he WANTED to.

  26. @Vincent

    If you cite a reference to support a view you are the one to dig up the reference, failing your position remains vacuous. And don’t be sidetracked from the simple point of the blog, CARRINGTON wants locking up.

  27. What is the sense firing Carrington, or anybody else, if the same underlying system which acts as a production line for 300,000 Carringtons remains in place?

  28. The strategy must be multi pronged. You help to disrupt the system by throwing actors in the system under the bus. It will not be an effective approach on its on. It is all part of citizens holding public officials accountable. Maybe the problem is not the system after all.

  29. And you know what! when allegations were flying as to where OSA the then PM of Barbados..yes when allegations were flying left and right as to OSA improper use of a hefty Clico check none of the blp operatives were as villigant or insistant for OSA quick removal from office.
    But you know what a process of one man one vote was the defining factor that held him responsible for any or all corrupt allegations laid against OSA leading to his final downfall as PM
    It beehoves me and at times very dumbfounded that the intelligente in this society are so tempted to race across the finish line forming conclusions when evidence and facts have shown that in a democracy the peoples voices have the last word
    One should give PM Stuart high marks for having such undoubted faith in the people and a democractic process.
    For surely PM Stuart cannot be accused of subjecting himself or the party to a voice of pandering to win elections

  30. Today’s Nation newspaper pits two leading historians miles apart on the issue of General Bussa. The same documents both have access yet…

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    What is annoying about that tiff between historians is, they both know the brutality and evil had to be fought in that era, they both know that regardless of their names, or lack of, black people had to rise up and free themselves, that can never be in dispute.

    The real names of the black heroes and heroines will never be known because of the era of the slaves not knowing their own identities, their identities were effectively stolen, making individual identities unimportant, they should be seen as fighting a most brutal evil as a brave collective…..they both know this, yet, because of the big useless egos of both these pimp title holders, note they both hold pimphood titles, sir Hillary, sir Carl…neither of them can rise above titles and egos and see what they both know.

    Proves my point about the fraudulent nature of those titles coming out of buckinham palace and filled with chaos and confusion..

  32. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    David April 28, 2016 at 11:07 AM #

    Have not a clue as to what you are talking about…..What is wrong with encouraging research or checking your own files on a past holder of an office …….ah,comprehension……..I have never objected to the locking up of anyone and Caswell should be thanked for repeating what was said on BU years ago.

  33. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    David April 28, 2016 at 1:18 PM #

    I understood the bone of contention between the two historians,of which only one is a sir,was the time difference in the source material and when the one with the sir was asked to explain why he used source material that was decades after the event,his best response was to draw the race card……no wonder the ability to debate cogently and coherently is lost in Bim.

    My knowledge of 1816 is based on listening to village elders of over 50 years ago talking about Washington Franklyn,I had never heard the name Bussa before Beckles wrote his papers.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    My bad….. really thought I saw somewhere Watson had a title.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    People carried several names as slaves, because not only were they sold from plantation to plantation and renamed, but from island to island and country to country.

    Why I dont get the argument from either side is because Franklyn could have been nicknamed Bussa or any of the several names Watson called, who is to know.. The argument, because that is what it is, is stupid in it’s content, from both sides.

  36. Historians are even worse than Economists.
    Economists (whatever the hell those are) follow an old out-of-date paradigm that allows everyone to arrive at their own personal conclusions about a financial future. But historians operate on the basis that everyone who knows better than they do, are already dead, so that gives then license to be creative….
    Sir Cave excels at that….

    The joke is that even the character created as Bussa was a damn disappointment – going by the NCF thing in St Philip recently. Imagine the mulatto fella Franklyn calling for the rebels to attack ….and Bussa talking shiite and dilly dallying like a real original brass bowl bajan….
    Shiite hound!!…Was he not supposed to be a genuine African…?

    Steupssss …. obviously the albinos attacked first and killed most of the jokers….
    Lotta shiite!!!

    Man if yuh rebelling …then be a proper rebel – instead of standing around talking shiite like Froon….and waiting to get your donkey busted….

  37. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Dr.Beckles claims Franklin was a mulatto and a creation of the white imagination. And it wasn’t until blacks who left Bim could record their story as found in NY & London archives, that the revolt/rebellion/war was accredited to Bussa.
    The Assembly Report was in his words “a politically contrived document”.
    What we know is the event occurred. On that there is no dispute.
    Historians have that uncanny ability to decide what is relevant and what is not, and to shape whatever they find as they see fit.

  38. The system will go with the Beckles version.

    On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 7:30 PM, Barbados Underground wrote:


  39. outside the man getting his money another good side to the carrington issue is that PM Stuart had the presence of mind of disallowing the BLP party to set the agenda ,,an agenda with one intent to splinter and divide the Party along with the influence of causing internal and external pillage to the govt reputation fueld by political speculation and unsubstantiated facts
    the fact being that the court order handed to Carrington did not find him guilty of theft or gave enough reason to believe that his withholding griffiths money was a deliberate attempt to steal the clients money

  40. What a JA AND yardfowl.

  41. Even a blind man on a trotting horse can visualize my above comment and concludes them to be absolutely TRUE
    But then again when the BLP raise the flag of moral justice all is force to take a second look to see who is hoisting the flag//// and that too is TRUE

  42. That is a good one Sunshine Sunny Shine. Come election time we go to #bajanswantchange and release, release,release…

  43. I thought Sir Hilary was too hard on Grenville the 2nd.Dr Watson can cross swords with Sir Hilary anytime and at this time I find Sir Hilary more convincing.

  44. AC and Amused holding hands?

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Oh that was the title for Watson..Dr. of what?

    Mulattos were hardly known to rock any boats in that era, the word mulatto is so 16th century, but suffice it to say, they saw themselves and were seen as higher up and better off than their more African in appearance brothers and sisters.

    I do not visualize any of them getting their asses lynched for their chocolate colored brethren’s freedom, the story by Watson sounds like pure fantasy, but as I said, no names should be necessary, in that era, revolts were collective efforts by slaves, with one goal in mind….freedom.

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Again, as I stated from top, the majority have to becareful that the island’s history is not rewritten around them by the few who have no compunction about telling lies to not only make themselves look good, but to maintain a strangle hold on the economy because they know, the politicians are dumb and weak and have no problems allowing them to carry out the ultimate fraud, as long as it means lining their pockets…they will try to get away with whatever they can and make it last decades, if not centuries.

    It was done before, how ya think slaves got into the Caribbean in the first place. One must be vigilant with known liars.

  47. So David you laid out a story about Dennis Hastert and crimes of sexual abuse and came to a conclusion that Carrington should be thrown out as speaker of the house because in your humble opinion as the speaker of the house he is no better than Hastert.
    Facts are facts and if one reads the allegations brought against Hastert and laid them bare against Carrington withholding of a clients money one would have to be a bald pooch yardfowl to indicate or conclude that the two stories are one of the same and should be equally subjected to harsh punishment
    For the record Hastert use 3.5 million to cover up sexual abuse of minors and only gets 15months in jail most likely to be shortened
    Am?i to belive that although the court did not find Carrington guilty of witholding of Griffiths money as theft or an attempt to steal that Carrington being condem or found guilty in the court of public opinion carries more weight than the court order wherby he should resigned
    For what it is worth and for the BU record Dennis Hastert was giving his day in court and was found guilty for committing criminal acts described as being a serial molester a crime most worthy of life in prison and by todays standards Hastert was given a light sentence which can be called “getting off scotch free.
    Then here at home we have Carrington where allegatik s or attempted allegations attempting to tie him to theft for which there is no evedience to substantiate he stole or thief any person /s money …but however the gallows baiters are out in full circle with noose in hand including you David
    No go ahead call ac any name you like jassss

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And weak, stupid leaders.

  49. Wondering how a Barrow or Adams would have responded to this JA. Read the tone. These politicians will never learn.

  50. I recall vividly Adonijah on a scholarship to the UK was,like Dr Ralph Gonsalves on arrival at UWI Mona and entering the library,amazed at the vast amount of books and vowing to read every single one,Adonijah was so impressed with the vast amount of reading material on the colonies,he could have spent more time there delving in to papers he had not known existed.
    Sir Hilary is a formidable historian and never short of words.Dr Watson comes across as a qualified historian but one biased towards maintaining the balance in favour of the English settlers and not giving the African his day in court whether by available records or by deduction.Now I see Peter Laurie has come out in favour of removing Nelson to the Pierhead so that he can keep a watch on those pesky Frogs who might want to do us harm.Is it not 21 Sr. century madness that all these Caribbean islands are majority peopled by Afro-Caribbeans and still kept apart by obsolete European thinking.

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