Submitted by William Skinner

We seem to be lurching from one issue or crisis to another. Whether it is garbage pilling up all over de place or teachers being assaulted by students, our beloved island state now seem rudderless and heading straight for the rocks. When we add an ill conceived, basically stupid, so called no confidence motion, apparently designed to get the Prime Minister to talk; a picture of utter confusion seems to have permanently infected the body politic.

The only person who seems to have a fairly level head these days is Mr. Grenville Phillips, whose recent appearance on the rapidly deteriorating brass tacks program was intelligent and enlightening. It was a departure from almost five years of one particular moderator, who has taken it upon himself to be the main antagonist of the Prime Minister. Repetitive and one-sided contributions, designed to futilely prove that there is some real difference of what we have, the DLP, and what we gine get, the BLP, unless apparently a miracle intervenes.

Mr. Phillips has undertaken the bold task of convincing the public that Mr. Owen Arthur is as much to blame as anybody else for the economic slide that is now taking us into financial ruin and possibly oblivion. Any Minister of Finance, who left the country with perhaps all the problems he had inherited, should not be elevated to God like status. Arthur has been given a lot of credit where none was due. There are shop keepers and those who only keep shop. The only real difference between Sinckler and Arthur might be the fact that Arthur can claim he is an economist by training. They are selling the same bread in different bread carts, the result will be the same. Drowning men will clutch at a straw; Mr. Arthur is the straw of choice at this moment.

The simple truth is that as we approach fifty years of nationhood, our country finds its infrastructure in danger of becoming shambled. These two parties should be praised for what they have done and we should not be afraid to remind them that things they should have done they left undone and things they should not have done they brazenly did. Two glaring examples should suffice: Who will invest over one hundred million in a cricket stadium to see the West Indies get beat and leave old mains in the ground leaking water? That will be our friends at Roebuck street. Who will invest nearly fifty million in an office building and leave old water mains in the ground? That will be our friends at George Street. Same difference.

So in steps Mr. Phillips with his Solutions for Barbados and like all third parties, he finds himself often coming up for oxygen. Very hard to hold ones breath because of the polluted waters that are the trade mark of the BLP and DLP. Only problem is that he honestly believes that only those who have successfully managed business for a period of time and have employed a certain number of people, should get the opportunity to run the country. He may be shocked to know that over the last fifty years or so we have had quite a number of such persons in parliament and look wuh happen.

My advice to Mr. Phillips is to exclude lawyers and economists and try everybody else, except Sinckler!

168 responses to “Who Will Save Barbados?”

  1. William Skinner April 19, 2016 at 6:41 AM #

    That is the problem with us Pelaus we lack the ability to think for ourselves….we must always look/compare ourselves with somebody else… is time we think and embrace the brave new world and build skyscrapers and the reason is because we can…..we are a unique new entity in this ancient world….if only we could see it and shrug the past off our shoulders like the vermin infested overcoat that it is.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    While closely watching the 2 legged vermin rape, pillage the island and continue pretending superiority to the majority on the island and prevent them from continuing their decades old corruption,,,, yep….sounds like a plan.

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac April 18, 2016 at 9:07 PM #
    “ understands Agard is a regular member of that church, bet mottley could not resist the temptation of having this odd display of photo op even in church…”

    Why not a photo op for Maria, too? Isn’t she, the holy Mary, portraying herself as the politically abused victim? Isn’t the picture also painting a scene similar to a scenario where a previously abused woman/wife returns to the bed of her abusively violent lover?

    By all means attend your usual Sunday church meeting. But why sit next to the devil in the house of your god?

    Maria is not the mother of god but a flawed and sickly human in need of care and attention.
    Why not be a Mother Teresa to her and invite her to join the destructive lying party (DLP) as part of the process of her recovery from the psychological abuse inflicted by that she-devil called MAM aided and abetted by Lady Jerome and the other members of the National executive?

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ William Skinner:
    “The only person who seems to have a fairly level head these days is Mr. Grenville Phillips, whose recent appearance on the rapidly deteriorating brass tacks program was intelligent and enlightening.”

    Enlightening to whom? Until Mr. Phillips presents an alternative to the terminally ill sugar industry we will continue to dismiss him as just another political upstart just blowing his idealistic hot air on a stage of economic buffoonery.

    To what use would he like to see the thousands of acres of idle land put? Yes, those former sugar lands which are now overgrown with bush and overrun by vermin.

  5. Miller .your analysis is so wrong. Why should Agard chose another place for seating being that is her usual place if seating when in church attendance
    Mottley would have known such details as her foot soldiers and operatives keep her up-to-date .
    But in true Mottley crew style she belived that this phto op would have been another political advantage by which she could have scored brownie points making Agard look like the Prodigal gal

  6. What destruction is about to happen in Barbados that we must safeguard ourselves against? I have been hearing this bullshit for the last eight year or so.
    Crime is not out of hand.Our infrastructure such as transportation,utilities as well as communication are still functioning.Our road network is being improved upon.
    Explain to me what Barbados must be saved from.
    I know Barbadians must save Barbados from the return of any Barbados Labour Party government that will comprise individuals such as Mia Mottley, Gline Clarke,George Payne,Dale Marshall and the other political cadavers who were in previous Barbados Labour Party governments that have led Barbados to be in the present economic & financial situation we are presently in.
    Barbadians please save Barbados from the Barbados Labour Party.

  7. Simple Simon April 19, 2016 at 2:13 AM #

    But Colonel: The church has never been a museum for saints. It has always been, and is, and will always be a hospital for sinners.
    And a hospital is also a place of healing. Not a place for opening up old sores and wounds.

  8. Hearing you loud and clear Negroman.Point Noted

  9. @Sargeant

    Of concern is the message our political leaders are sending. The social landscape is now deteriorating at a rate never experienced in Barbados. In the schools, the lawlessness on the roads, our prison is overflowing etc etc

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hold old are ya’ll 4 years old AC…..any 12 year old will tell you that Mia and the other idiots she is playing handsies with in the photo look like 12 years old saying to each other “we ent talking to she, dont say nothing to she” a bunch of goddamn juveniles, looking foolish and wanting to be the next potential leaders…but wait, you look the same damn way as well when you continue to expound on the idiocy.

    Tell Adriel Brathwaite the dimwitted attorney general that legislation is needed to be put in place to stop the adult males who rape, molest and traffic little boys and girls destroying their lives…and tell him do not give the draft legislation to the pedophiles for their approval…… as he did with the draft legislation to regulate the legal profession and the 3, since then, bar association presidents are yet to return it..

    That is what ya’ll should be concerned about, not some juvenile play acting shit by a bunch of misfits for politicians…

  11. Dear Simple Simon,
    Why is your friend sick on the outward journey and not on the return trip.
    The Gazer

  12. the blp operatives and town criers of doom and gloom cannot show any empirical evidence supporting the deficiency in moral and sociological changes which have impacted society and now is part and parcel in barbados culture among the youth as well as adults is because of present govt policies
    as a matter of fact to be truthful when it comes to morals and deficiencies the morals and characters assassinations including present leader that have taken place between the blp ministers leaves much to be desired as evidence supported by the numerous in house fights and nasty name calling which is well documented in the barbados law courts

  13. @TheGazer April 19, 2016 at 7:24 PM Dear Simple Simon, Why is your friend sick on the outward journey and not on the return trip?

    Sick on the return trip too…from cold he picked up while in Barbados.

  14. Sigh!!!!!

  15. Moodys interference in Barbados economic policies was given a down grade by the IMF Whereas Moodys persistence in keeping Barbadians on the path of no growth was met with utter disapproval by the IMF whose predictions were one of optimism and confidence for the barbados economy
    It now becomes a forgone prediction that Mottley procedure of No Confidence Motion against would be punished with laughter

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac April 20, 2016 at 5:27 AM

    Ac, you are a real weathercock for a yard-fowl. One minute you are lambasting the IMF for proposing austerity measures, the next minute you are singing their praises for having a positive outlook for Bim’s economy.

    In which next direction are you going to swing your weathervane laden with hypocrisy?
    Aren’t you smart enough to read between the IMF lines of sweet talk like a drug pusher offering the first taste of dope on credit or for free?

    Where do you think the government will be heading to find foreign money to shore up its balance of payments in the coming weeks? To the international money market for another Credit Suisse type loan?

    BTW, ac, the miller noticed your man Stinkliar is about to offload the BNTCL for a song just to get that much needed forex fix to meet the urges of conspicuous consumption.
    Now how long would that high feeling last?
    What would be next? The sale of the GAIA to mobsters from the Middle East or submitting to the demands of the IMF masochist?

  17. How Bajans can sit idly by and watch a set of ‘Parros’ sell off our national assets …exactly like a drug addict in an alcoholic stupor ,,,must be a case study in brass bowlery…

    Any SIMPLE housewife would have called the police for such a member of her household or, failing that process, broken both his hands with a 2X4 long ago…. and saved her family.

    Only self-deprecating brass bowls would sit and watch as they were systematically impoverished by an obviously sick and dying idiot living out his parro phase…. and enriching his handlers.

  18. Look miller i speak truth .not political poop like the flippant BLP operatives. I bet not one of them would make notice of the IMF analysis reason being it is not alligned to the blp predictions of doom and gloom

  19. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    millertheanunnaki April 20, 2016 at 7:08 AM #

    Chuckle……Unless you are quoting from a different article or my eyes are failing what I saw is that the IMF lumped Latin America and the Caribbean together in that forecast….I saw no mention of Bim having growth….please correct me if I am wrong.

  20. @ac

    In one week both Donville and Stephen Lashley pitch hard slaps in the face of Hon. Freundel Jerome Stuart.

    The fellas like them getting ready to pent the PM to curb. If they are going to do it they should do it now, don’t wait until a year before the elections it will be too late then and if they go into the election with Stuart all of the wanna-be PM’s in the DLP won’t get a seat. If the next general election is fought with Stuart as the head of DLP then only Mara, M Lashes and D. Estwick can get home safe and dry, the rest will be laid-off.

  21. Back on topic,absolute growth of public debt is not the best measure of its quantitative significance.It is more accurate to show growth relative to changes in GNP or NI.
    Based on statistics on Barbados, NI per capita grew almost 100% between ’92 and ’07,and importantly the economy grew almost every year with the exception of 3 years,one under Owen Arthur’s management in ’01.
    Irrespective of the submissions of wannabees with political aspirations and those with ambitions to journalistic sensationalism,informed folk will not be moved from the good record of the management of this economy by an experienced economist who has proved his mettle in applying theory to practical solutions in the encouragement of incentives to innovate and invest in Barbados as a high income country.Results between ’08 and ’15 indicate an almost 2/3 rds reduction in average per capita income.

  22. @ Past Zone what u should be worried about is the turbulance of discontent that is alive and well within the blp party of which the leadership has no control of resolving

  23. ac
    I am not concerned with the BLP brother, the BLP cannot be vote out of office nor are they facing a motion of no confidence.
    I do believe I will live to see the day when FS walks shakily down the steps of Parliament like Sandiford did, the boys having thrown his ass to the curb.
    Stay tuned.

  24. In any case Mia was depending on the Moodys downgrades to give her a dependable shoein for the next election.Her disappointment on seeing and hearing the IMF report is all worth a photo op.
    Who would have thought that the IMF predictions for further growth in barbados economy would have exceeded the governors predictions
    Now on the heels of such optisim the govt must embrace and grab hold the opportunity and go rapidly ahead with the proposed WTE project a much needed project that can save govt and households millions of dollars and add to the creation of growth within the economy
    It is high time the govt pursue the project with dilligence and effortlessly put the voices of the noise makers to a permanent rest on this project

  25. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Chuckle…….As you have not corrected me on my take on the IMF statement,it would appear that spin is the present order of the day on BU.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Donville does speak on every subject, even if it’s nonsense, but if given an opportunity to be PM, will he still do so or will his head also grow so huge he forgets it’s the taxpaying electorate who are the majority put him there and pay his salary, just like Fruendel.

    On another note… note.

  27. I like how all of a sudden the ac’s and people like the yardfowl referred to as the Poll Man on Brasstacks are now praisinfg the IMF. Incredible.

    I am an optimistic person, so I am really hoping the country acheives the 2.3% growth.

    However, I am a realist……….if for the last seven years Stinkliar and the Governor could not even muster a 1% growth, pray tell me how on God’s green earth with all the negatives in Barbados today…….. where will this growth come from?

    It is as phony as the DLP…..comfort to the fools! At the end of the year, we will see the true 2.3% growth!

  28. *achieves!

  29. ac,

    Do you know that the BLP does not need to debate this no confidence in the House? Michael Carrington can stall it all he wants. If I were Mia, I would tell him take a hike and launch a series of public meetings and expose wunnuh sorry tails!

  30. @ Vincent Haynes

    You are correct. The IMF combined Latin America and the Caribbean in their report. There was not any SPECIFIC REFERENCE to Barbados relative to economic growth.

    The only thing the yard-fowls are spinning is a top in mud.

    Perhaps the individuals who are articulating that argument should present the information to BU to substantiate their claim.

  31. How can we take the IMF seriously or Moodys etc. The same IMF is now promoting Jamaica as a model economy . We should not seek comfort with either Moodys , the IMF or any one of them including Standards and Poor. So I see no need for either The Bees or Dees to be jumping up and down. Bees and Dees seem so desperate for good or bad news. Its very pathetic.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    They do indeed act like 12 year olds DBLP politicians and imagine they are all middle aged or way past middle aged….steupss.

  33. It’s the media that’s giving the impression that Barbados is about to grow even beyond the dreams of the rate compliments of the guy who has an obsession with toy cards.Others here have correctly read the tea leaves and seen that the Outlook makes reference to a REGION called the Caribbean and Latin America.No where is there any reference to Barbados or any country in the defined region.

    Btw Jepter Ince made reference to a ‘physical deficit ‘ when others were discussing a fiscal deficit.Today the senior in the person of the Minister of Finance declared that ‘COOPERATION tax’ and other tax incentives etc be revisited in the upcoming budget speech.I believe the minister meant CORPORATION tax.Any wonder we are in ducks guts!

  34. William Skiner
    Jesus talked politics in the synagogue.
    Read my book ‘The Royal Palms Are Dying” written so many years ago. It predicted to falling standards in the society. Barbados does not need saving. Barbadians need to have confidence in themselves, and work toward making the society successful. Grenville has to realize that a Government CNNOT be run like a business. But it can be run efficiently, through the efforts of everyone who plays a part in its operation; businessmen, workers, and citizens individually and collectively.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And get rid of the corruption in government.

  36. A read of the following article should be useful. It says a lot about how a leader can inspire confidence, especially to galvaniz the business sector. Yard fowls need not respond.

    Last updated: April 20, 2016 5:38 pm

    How did Argentina pull off a $16.5bn bond sale?

    Eric Platt and Elaine Moore


    Joe Cummings illustration


    FirstFT is our new essential daily email briefing of the best stories from across the web

    After more than a decade in limbo, Argentina and its new, reforming president Mauricio Macri have been given the red carpet treatment by global bond investors.

    With orders reaching almost $70bn, the Latin American country sealed the largest ever bond issue from an emerging market economy on Tuesday, with a $16.5bn sale of government debt.

    Enthusiasm has been absent over the past two years from Latin American borrowers, as a rout in commodities and the prospect of higher interest rates in the US turned bondholders off a continent that was once highly favoured.


  37. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David the world of high finance is an interesting place. The simple review of this Argentina bond sale says quite clearly greed always wins.

    Argentina was always in booming economy in Lat Am but the country is STILL in default to its previous bond holders. In fact some of these monies go to pay that debt.

    Puerto Rico should feel relaxed.

  38. @Dee Word

    The thing with Lat am countries is that they promise so much. Large deposits of resources, a large population read consumers, large bankable population, capacity for high single digit growth and the list is long.

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Alvin Cummins April 20, 2016 at 7:40 PM #
    ” Jesus talked politics in the synagogue.
    Read my book ‘The Royal Palms Are Dying” written so many years ago. It predicted to falling standards in the society. Barbados does not need saving. Barbadians need to have confidence in themselves, and work toward making the society successful…”

    Hi AC, the preacher man!
    Why are you not out demonstrating with your placard saying “No to the Decriminalization of Marijuana”?
    Isn’t the Minister of Health in Canada proposing a bill to decriminalize the use of mary jane (your bête noir)?
    What do you have to say about that?

    Are you still of the view such a move in Barbados would see the moral skies fall on poor innocent Barbados already burdened with the evils of using mary jane?

    All one can say to you is that you should take a trip to Amsterdam and see what a well kept and economically viable place little Bim would do itself a world of good to emulate.

  40. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Barbados has just been given a nice ‘SHOUT-OUT” by the BBC for sticking with the monarchy.
    Good PR for erstwhile Little England.
    Cut those ties and it would take more strengthening of the pound sterling to save your tourism backside.

    Lord Fumble might finally wake up to realise he can no longer demand to be called the “Right Honourable” since his republican ass would be kicked out of the Privy Council.

    Even Pres. Obama and his black First Lady will be celebrating with the old Lady, the longest reigning monarch.

    HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY, YOUR MAJESTY! Even though little England is No longer behind You.

  41. @DPD
    Argentina was always in booming economy in Lat Am but the country is STILL in default to its previous bond holders. In fact some of these monies go to pay that debt
    Its always boom or bust where these South American countries are concerned, Brazil was the darling of many economic prognosticators now the country is on the downturn, the President faces removal because of allegedly falsifying budgetary numbers and corruption. The VP who would succeed her if she is removed is also facing his corruption dilemma and all this just before the show piece Olympic Games.

    Its going to be party time in Rio.

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Sage Anunnaki

    Good morning wise one, as usual I read all your postings.

    I guess that this abandonment of the Republic idea mush have Hal Gollop furious cause it means all the time that he put in re-writing it, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, has now gone to waste.

    Well i wonder if that will mean that he wont be able to submit a bill for $700K like the other fellow did for an opinion? Oh dear.

    @ Mrs Heather Cole

    I was just wondering how your rewriting of the Constitution was coming along.

    Given that Attorney General Adriel Nitwit did say that a Referendum “was going to be costly and therefore had caused (them) to cancel that undertaking” de ole man was curious as to (a) if your referendum was going to cost anything (b) where your faction was going to get the money to do this undertaking and most importantly (c) whether your Troika was going to use a Referendum at all or just implement a Barbados Defence Force underwritten referendum?

    I had already typed the (c) item and hit send but would ask you to ignore that part

    Limit your answers to (a) and (b) and let us understand how your canassing Mia Mottly was going to progress on these changes given the DLP (Disastrous Lick-it-Out Party) has emptied “the tank of gas” (our Treasury) that they inherited while driving around to distribute the “Fatted Calf”

    I do hope that they would stop calling the Minister of Fine Ants that derogatory term though especially since the tummy tuck, sorry stomach reduction operation.

    @ GP

    It would appear that this tummy tuck and “other proximate parts” thing (heheheheh) is very catching.

    De ole man has a personal question which, given its delicacy I will use the square brackets so that only you will see my query

    [I see that people are using labinoscopies and tummy tucks and other procedures on their abdomen. I would like to know if the “enhancement of appendages” operations, (i hope you get my drift) if those have advanced to the degree that the legion of small doggied menses can get a “length” and a “lift”. Please use square brackets when you respond]

  43. Isn’t it funny, that many of those who are backing Barbados becoming a republic, are holders of various Knighthoods. I ,for one ,will not take any of them seriously, until I see them voluntarily dump that relic of a colonial past .

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    With the exception of Peter Laurie, who strikes me as somewhat genuine, I also thought it odd that all these pimp title holders suddenly want a republic, am suspicious by nature so of course I will ask what everyone is thinking….what would have been in it for them…

    Of course we wont know anytime soon, cause they say they cant afford it…ah well.

  45. The Attorney -General is proposing a name change for the Government Industrial School (GIS).
    Hand it over to Dr Estwick and he will ensure that all traces of ‘ Industry’ is completely eradicated, as he so ably done with Agriculture , especially sugar.

  46. the name stigmatizes and brands giving negative connotations towards those who have been housed their , A name change would be welcomed approach as a first step towards those who have been incarcerated symbolizing that society is prepared to give them another chance

  47. Tourism particularly from the UK is our main foreign exchange earner.Barbados cannot have it both ways.Either we are for tourism and go for it hell for leather or find some other industry perhaps making ganja a legal drug.
    Today,her Brittanic Majesty Queen Elizabeth celebrated another milestone,her 90th birthday.I saw ordinary Americans fly over to be among those on the streets of Windsor waving British flags furiously and hooting the birthday song.We in Barbados could have got tremendous mileage if the tourism movers and shakers had planned a ceremony at the historic garrison featuring the GG and a 21 gun salute etc and have this covered by the BBC in conjunction with the British High Commission.I guess we were too busy celebrating the Bussa rebellion.Talk of misguided Bajans!They can carry Bussa to the shop.Forget the tourist dollar man we en want it nut moe.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Why is there a stigma attached to a juvenile hall. Every country in the world has one, there will always be troubled youth, most move on to do great things in life. The stigma is part of the problem, not the solution, it’s dumb people who put the stigma there, most of those who stigmatize are no better.

  49. barbados is a 2×4 everybody knows every body//// unlike large countries the individual after released can return to society without even being known or noticed as being an inmate of some facility

  50. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC…dont know if you ever lived in North America, but employers HAVE to be told if they are hiring a former inmate, there are programs just for those individuals, there are databases employers can access for such situations, being a 2×4 island is no excuse for ignorance, the people are the problem, not the released inmate or the child released from juvie…clearly, more education is needed.

    Children exiting juvie facilities should never have a stigma attached to them, it’s the height of ignorance and backwardness, why do you think their records are sealed.

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