Philip_NichllsIt would be disingenuous of BU not to have read Philip Nicholls’s book More Binding Than Marriage and to provide unvarnished feedback. Nicholl’s has revealed enough about the Barbados Court System, Director of Public Prosecutions Charles Leacock, former partners Allan Watson and Joyce Griffith, Disciplinary Committee, lawyers in the system and much more to be sued if true. It is a damning indictment of the system by a former insider. Also his animosity towards Vernon Smith QC, Barry Gale QC and Charles Leacock merits special mention.

The quiet from traditional media is not surprising.

BU respects the intellectual property of Nicholls, however we posted six pages to give members of the BU family who have not yet purchased some insight to three issues among several raised by Nicholls.

Pages 82 and 83 – Nicholls shares his view as a former President of the about the Disciplinary Committee. He brands it a toothless tiger.

Pages 114 and 115 – Nicholls describes Barbados Court as a ‘total mess’.

Pages 129 and 130 – He decides to leave DPP Charles Leacock to God

591 responses to “Former Insider Attorney Philip Nicholls Exposes Barbados Court System”

  1. In other words he did not die in office.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Interesting proposal by the Bushman, even more interesting and delightful if the lawyers of bar association and disciplinary committee have the discipline to repaying aggrieved clients their money.

    The chief justice, as he is being advised by the justice department on untangling the supreme court mess, should also request help on creating a system that successfully take the client’s funds out of the hands of lawyers, thereby removing the temptation to steal client’s money.

    I see no cause for lawyers to handle money unless it’s their fees, their efficiently representing client’s is in no way compromised if funds for transactions is not in their possession. ….remove the temptation and the only matter left to eliminate would be lawyers setting up their clients to lose cases when they take bribes from the other side.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…..more the reason to get those funds out of lawyer’s hands.

  4. de Ingrunt Word Avatar
    de Ingrunt Word

    @Alvin, that is a rich -pun fully intended – remark re: “this has nothing to do with colour. It has to do with the illegal use of clients funds’ which are multicoloured. Let us get away from putting a colour or class..”

    If you truly believe that class (and colour too) are not deeply intertwined in all these affairs then you are more misguided than some of your other posts reflect.

    And may I remind you that you continue to dodge the question I posed previously re this legal state of disarray continuing for generations under the supervision of the Hon. E. W. Barrow and his various appointed Attorneys General…all of whom were your peers.

    Your history lesson was great. It did not give any perspective of an answer to the question however.

  5. In other words he did not die in office

    The book is pretty clear, he retired in 1987 and died in 1994!!

    …… the book speaks of his death as follows “up until his death in 1994 he was always a phone call away when I needed advice”

    So really, he worked until he died but he did not die in his office.

    I reckon the reason was he recognized he had a duty of care to his clients and sought to do that duty until he died and was no longer able.

    These days, such values have been lost and clearly are no longer understood.

    Used to be referred to as broughtupsy …. he had it!!

    If I understand the book, Philip has it too.

  6. If you truly believe that class (and colour too) are not deeply intertwined in all these affairs then you are more misguided than some of your other posts reflect.

    Of course you are right, they are intertwined.

    However, the law is the law.

    Unfortunately it is administered by imperfect human beings.

    But for these imperfect human beings it would be left to we other imperfect human beings and there would be total mayhem.

    Some of us don’t even read, how you expect we going to enforce something that is written down?

    It is left to we other imperfect human beings to raise the call to account the stewards we have appointed, …. and class and colour are no excuse.

    Just enforce the law, that’s all, and see it is done fairly.

    There will always be an element of mayhem but there has to be a standard.

    When for instance the CCJ calls the Judiciary and lawyers too to account and it keeps happening repeatedly, obviously there has been a failure of the enforcement.

    People just have not done their jobs.

  7. de Ingrunt Word Avatar
    de Ingrunt Word

    @Bush Tea at 8:41 AM #…as I have mentioned many one gotta love yah cause you too sweet doh wid ideas and words…

    So what of the simple basic concept that was determined since before father time called an escrow a/c…that little process where the funds are kept in the custody of a third party (like the bank) and only when a specified condition have been fulfilled are funds disbursed.

    Same as your process but the Bar Assoc. who are complicit in this need not intervene…as you said “This is a problem that is SO EASY TO SOLVE…”

    The problem Bushies is that ideas for some of these problems are a dime a dozen…because its about the LACK of WILL to get them done. How do we get THAT to CHANGE!

    Its nothing to do with the ability, facilities or procedures.

    And pray tell how would Jeff or Caswell specifically effect the change…why yah like to joke around wid dem fellas names so tho!

    I know this was just your morning rant re CLICO etc wrapped into a quasi serious proposal…and in turn, it was my morning cup of late tea rant response to aimless no harm no fowl. We all good!

  8. I have to apologise, I got a date wrong.

    Mr. Armstrong’s retirement was not dealt with in the book!!!

    I am confusing Vere Carrington’s retirement with Mr. Armstrong’s.

    Mr. Armstrong never retired!!

    The book says he died in 1994 and was paid as a consultant until his death in February 1994.

    Thereafter, his widow was paid his monthly amount for the balance of 1994.

    I think Philip may be wrong about February as I went to Mr. Armstrong’s funeral out of respect, I only met him a couple of times in 1991.

    I still have the order of service which is dated 22nd June 1994 as I do for others who had a profound effect on my life.

    See, even when you read, and I do, you can still get things wrong …. imagine if I were a judge and had to read an affidavit full of facts.

    Leave the judging to the judges, just expect and demand they do their jobs properly.

    Imagine what would happen if we were to put people who don’t even read as judges.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That’s the nuts and bolts of why Nicholls is in the predicament he now finds himself, despite all the errors he made, he continues to try to do right by the disaffected clients. It is admirable, should be recognized and commended.

    It’s all fine and dandy to say actions are illegal and prohibited, but if there is no enforcement, there is no illegality….just saying something is illegal will not stop people from engaging in the practice, nothing can stop them unless they are hunted down and imprisoned, made a prime example of, and even then…… we all know….and if that practice is sanctioned, encouraged by and also practiced by various attorneys general over the years, one former chief justice still alive just carried on and allowed the tradition, most law firms and partners who know better, because they are all well trained and versed in the LAW, engage in the practice to this day…..where is the illegality and to whom does it apply.

  10. @ Sargeant
    Thanks for the offer of Black’s mansion…
    But No thanks…
    No ambient outside temperature suitable for REAL blacks…
    No beach within walking distance…
    No kitchen garden full of lush ORGANIC health food…
    No natural environment for REAL pets…
    No pool?
    No friendly neighbours…
    …are you serious?

    No deal…. Why would Bushie step down? 🙂

    @ DIW
    Why don’t you ASK before ASSuming nuh…?

    The strengthening of an effective Bar Association would itself be a master stroke …and a worthwhile side effect.
    NOTHING can beat an effective TRADE association in policing a professional body. Largely these do NOT work well unless the Association is financially independent…and membership is MANDATED by law.

    It is called killing two birds with a single stone…
    It is simple-minded to just dump (hundreds of) millions of dollars into a (foreign) bank without benefitting from the pooled resources in as many ways as possible.

    In any case, what do you think the Association would most likely do…? Not assign the fund’s administrative management to its bank?

  11. @Bush Tea
    It just requires that all practicing lawyers submit an audited statement of client liabilities …and deposit a corresponding cheque with the Bar Association by June 30, 2016.
    All future Client Fund deposits to be made to this account and due client funds to be repaid from the account – based on the particular lawyer’s account.
    Why would you want to impose another layer of bureaucrasy on those whom you term “brassbowls”? Yuh think that the Disciplinary Committee interested in administering any of their members accounts? That would only expose the folk who don’t get any work and would be prone to teefing their clients funds. Yuh ever notice that when a lawyer is accused of anything the local Bar Pres never appears to explain to the public that members of his Assoc. are honest and try to carry out their duties in an ethical manner. The mindset of the local Bar is mostly duck and cover cause they may be coming after me next

    BTW it does have a pool and blacks can live anywhere, and who you fooling that you have friendly neighbours, a greenhouse can be installed for those vegetables, don’t mind the snow on the lawn it has disappeared we are basking in spring like weather. If you want a beach you can take the private jet down to Florida or the helicopter up to Muskoka

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The Bushman….lol, then to complete that suggestion, you can invite me over…lol

  13. @ Sarge
    Why would you want to impose another layer of bureaucracy on those whom you term “brassbowls”?
    It NEEDS to be done…. who do you want to do it.”
    … stupid Government? (ha ha ha LOL wahhhh!!)

    It is ALWAYS best to put a crook to catch a crook…. 🙂

    Besides, did Bushie not say that it will NEVER be done….?

    WRT the mansion (?) …
    …The pool would need to be heated ..a false environment
    …What build what greenhouse what?!!? – Build a ‘false farm’ in a hostile environment?
    …What ‘jet to what Florida’ what!? – to have to leave a sterile environment to temporarily experience ‘true living’
    …and what ‘Blacks can live anywhere’ what …??!!
    ..You call that ‘living’? …ass frozen, ..everything false, …living to work and working to live…

    Except for the lotta brass bowls idiots bout the place, …’true living’ is DEFINED by life in Barbados….. chuckle ..(as Vincent would smile…)

    LOL Wuh Bushie was hoping that between DIW, Alvin and Clare Cowan, large numbers of the biggest bowls bout here would have emigrated up …to savour the special Toronto water up there, but since Duguid run back to Bim, people like AC and Vincent like they smell the rat ….or the water…. LOL ha ha ha

  14. @ Well Well
    you can invite me over…
    No bozie…
    Not stinking Bushie…. you does talk out people business too much gal….
    You worse than Islandgal…

    Besides, that ‘broom travel business’ of yours don’t mix well with Bushie’s whacking enterprises… 🙂

  15. @ Bushie who wrote “they smell the rat ….or the water”.

    A few years ago the water from the taps in Toronto smelled like a swamp. We were told it was because of excessive algae but was “safe”.

    Yes Bushie Barbados is a great place to live …….. if you are rich.

  16. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Bush Tea March 9, 2016 at 1:09 PM #

    Lordy,lord……whenever yuh duz get licks(Sarge&DIW) yuh duz holler hard fuh yuh fella Cawmerian tu hep yuh…….not dis time bozie caussen yuh insult muh……ah why yuh uh put muh name nexx to AC fuh…….dah one below duh belt……ah gine deal wid yuh….juss wait…

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…Bushma….I know how to keep the good secrets, keeping bad secrets is bad for you….ask

  18. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  19. John March 8, 2016 at 10:36 AM #

    Excellent post.

  20. John March and De Word.
    You are probably too young to realize, or know, that there was a time in Barbados that there were only white legal partnerships. there was no intertwining.
    The suggestion to “put client’s funds with the Bar association is like putting an alcoholic up at E.S.A. field or Alleyne Arthur when it was in High Street. Philip speaks about the impotence of the Bar Association. He Nd Barry Gale really had it out. (A real cuss out). In addition, the interest rates paid by the banks now would not generate enough funds to make it vial]ble
    In aDDITION, HAVING READ A COPY OF A LETTER FROM CHRIS MCHALE TO THE DIRECTOR (MANAGER) OF CIBC PERTAINING TO THE SALE (merger) OF Barclays to CIBC to form FCIB, where a large sum of money pertaining to the sale never reached the Central Bank’s attention, you would really sit up and take notice of the goings on in this country.
    But then Chris is labeled as a madman. But the older people used to say “every fool got he sense. I would post it here but I know David would not post it: like he refused to post copies of the Solicitors’Rules that dictate what Solicitors (Attorneys at Law) should do with funds in Client Accounts.
    By the way dying in office, does not mean literally falling dead at the desk. It means dying while holding a position. Barrow died in office. Tom died in office, etc etc.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…why can’t the government put an end to these obvious corrupt goings on in the country, why cant they have the offices of the attorney general, DPP and police commissioner investigate these obviously criminal acts, arrest the culprits, send them to prison…..which will send a message to those who have the propensity, that these behaviors which negatively affects the country and it’s reputation will no longer be tolerated.

    That is why taxpayers money fund these offices, to stamp out each and every incident of corruption….without far fetched excuses.

  22. @Bush Tea

    He who hesitates is lost, so now you can’t enjoy the indoor pool, can’t stock the two story library with books (several of which would be authored by you), can’t lounge around in your smoking jacket, can’t pray to your BBE in the chapel (away from the plebs) no doubt resplendent in your ermine robe.

    A lost opportunity can never be reclaimed.

  23. de Ingrunt Word Avatar
    de Ingrunt Word

    @Alvin, enlighten me on why you made the above remark about a doc re the CIBC/Barclays merger and condemed the blogmaster that he will not publish it. What exactly is your point?

    You have this alleged letter thus it should also be available to the local authorities to allow them to investigate and sanction those who have contravened any laws. Was that done?

    Why come here with such a claim when you have apparently done nothing more than become an accessory after the fact to a fraud. Please enlighten me on your point in raising this matter in this way!

    Incidentally, would this be along the lines of the legal fraud your esteemed party leaders allowed to be perpetuated under their watch starting so many years ago?

  24. @Well Well;

    After reading Philip’s book how can you make such a suggestion.. How long do you think it would take for one of these cases to be successfully prosecuted? Ten years, fifteen years? How long has he been waiting for justice to be received? What with the ability to appeal, to delay, and to confuse the issues. Despite people breaking the law, you cannot arrest someone just on rumour or innuendo. You have to have evidence. And you would need lots more funds (taxpayers have enough on their plates right now, and in any case taxpayers money cannot fix al the ills of the society. Although you seem to think so based on the number of things you say taxpayers pay for.
    It is not a criminal act to use client’s funds through over drawings or drawdowns, within a law firm, until theft can be proven.The DPP and the police cannot arrest people unless charges are laid.And they can’t be sent to prison unless they are found guilty in a court of law. You know that too.

  25. @Dee Word,
    Enlighten me on what you mean by a “legal fraud”, those two things s do not add up; fraud is illegal, thus it cannot be a legal fraud.
    You said:would this be along the lines of the legal fraud your esteemed party leaders allowed to be perpetuated under their watch starting so many years ago?
    What are you talking about? Sounds to me like you know what I am referring to.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin….you are confusing the 2 matters…when an attorney uses client’s funds in a law firm, first they have to be caught, then the police have to determine if it’s a civil or criminal matter…given the slowness of everyone, they make a years long production of it, when it should only take hours or days….that’s there inefficiency and incompetence.

    You are telling me that there is nothing on the statute books for corruption….which I know is criminal and not civil….money laundering, again criminal, as we know that is what Nicholls was charged with……how did these entities manage to so confuse everything and yes it’s taxpayers money, it does not belong to the politicians, where are they getting all this money to fund year long useless celebrations….that money can go toward reducing the corruption. They have managed to waste hundreds of millions on shit…4 seasons etc.

    I did say after an investigation by these offices, read my post again.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  28. @Dee Word

    Sufficient that I have the copy of the letter. It is in PDF and is not subject to editing and pasting. It will be revealed to the appropriate authorities (although I am sure they have it) because Chris has made no attempt to keep it secret. It was written to Manor. with a cc to the corporate secretary.iIn it Chris maintains that the 1 biotin dollars borrowed from CIBC headquarters to effect the buyout did not pass through Barbados, which it should have which would have helped Barbados’ Foreign reserve position. it was written in 2012

  29. @Dee Word;
    The letter was written to Michael Moor, and Rik Parker Chief Executive Officer,with cc Brian Clarke, Corporate secretary.
    He says inter alia, that 1 billion was borrowed from the Parent company in May 2012…repayable in May 2017; interest on that loan would be 32 million dollars…
    It was a subordinated loan and that the funds were not remitted to Barbados…and therefore was not added to Barbados’ Foreign Reserves

    It was i Billion dollars, not biotin; that was a typographical error

  30. Sargeant March 9, 2016 at 10:37 PM “pray to your BBE in the chapel (away from the plebs) no doubt resplendent in your ermine robe.”

    Dear Bushie: Are you sure that you don’t want to buy the house? You are a praying fellow, and the chapel in the house was blessed by not one but TWO cardinals.

    I think that you should buy it for you and Mrs. Bushie, and islandgal and well well.

  31. @Alvin C
    It is not a criminal act to use client’s funds through over drawings or drawdowns, within a law firm, until theft can be proven
    What are you thinking? Is amorality the new morality? Theft is theft whether it is couched in terms “drawdown” “overdrawn” or whatever is the latest buzz word. Lawyers are not entitled to use funds entrusted to them by the client unless it is to the benefit of the client. The lawyer can use funds either advanced as a retainer or remitted as payment for services rendered.

    If Bajan lawyers are of similar mind, there will be a special lawyers wing at Dodds.

  32. @Sargeant March 10, 2016 at 12:26 AM “If Bajan lawyers are of similar mind, there will be a special lawyers wing at Dodds.”

    And after Dodds, these circles of Dante’s Inferno are reserved for them:

    Fourth Circle (Greed)
    Eighth Circle (Fraud)

  33. @Alvin

    Have emailed said pdf document to BU and it was not published? The patience of Job is required sometimes!

  34. @ Sargeant / Simple
    There is no need for any damn Chapel for Bushie to communicate with BBE.
    …blessed by two cardinals…??? ha ha ha LOL …ohh shiirt… that probably means the devil lives there…

    It is amazing how we Blacks always seem so attracted to the symbols of these materialistic albino peoples… impractical status cars; impractical shiite homes; bad-tasting expensive drinks… those people got we REAL good hear…?

    Here is the REAL joke…
    If Bushie was to buy that mansion everyone would jump up and say what a great man the bushman was to buy such an expensive house..
    BUT if Bushie was to use the same money to set up a business to provide opportunities for brass bowls to build self esteem, advance their families and contribute to society, the same BBs would spent all their time and energy trying to steal from, sabotage, undermine and back-raise the effort…

    …and this from multiple actual experiences..
    A ‘slave mentality’ is a wicked curse – much like an autoimmune disease – that destroys its own self.

  35. @Simple Simon’
    They can’t be in two circles at the same time.

    David, I did not say I had mailed the document, I said that IF I sent it I know it would not be published. Slight correction, it was written to Michael Mansoo
    What was not published were sections of the Solicitors Rules.

  36. de Ingrunt Word Avatar
    de Ingrunt Word

    @Alvin, your hot letter is rather interesting. Am I to understand that it shows CIBC ‘fraud’ because $1Bil did not pass through the Central Bank to ‘artificially’ boost forex. And that furthermore this is wrong because your equally artificial MoF could not crow about the health of that a/c based on that ‘pass through’. Seriously.

    Where and what exactly is the malfeasance re borrowing $1Bil but only accounting locally for a portion of that ? Was there no aspects of the deal that were closed in British and Canadian Board rooms? Just asking you seem to have an awareness of a fraud committed so please clarify.

    And my comment about ‘legal fraud’ (which is of course a contradiction of terms) should have been clear to you based on my still unanswered question re our other past elder statesmen.

    It has nothing to do with this matter you raised.

    But here is the definition: legal- pertaining to the business of attorney-client affairs and the law courts in Bdos; Fraud – The acts of omission – at minimum- allowed by successive government officials (friends and peers of yours) that facilitated the defrauding of clients by said attorneys. Hope that helps!

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…does this make any since to you, it’s a WASTE of taxpayer’s money when there are more dire problems needing urging attention re injection of taxpayer’s money eg QEH, corruption, criminalizing lawyers stealing client’s funds etc.

    What are you celebrating and have serious issues needing attention.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…if you have evidence of that level of fraud, why not forward it to interpol, what do you expect BU to do and if it’s not true David could find himself in a soup, you should also have forwarded to office of the attorney general, oh I forgot, AG Brathwaite said corruption is not a priority so I suppose he does not think money laundering is either….or send it to the DPP Leacock, but wait, he is being accused of being corrupt also, so, that is putting the fox in the hen house….

    Is this Michael Mansoor not part of a family on the island who are also known to be corrupt…just asking, I could be wrong.

  39. @DEE WORD.
    I SEE YOU ARE BUILDING DEFENSE WALLS ALREADY, AND I HAVE NOT REVEALED MUCH. THE LETTER IS TWO PAGES LONG. NEXT CHRIS MC HALE WAS THE WRITER OF THE LETTER THAT HE WROTE AFTER HE EXAMINED THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BANK AND RAISED THE RED FLAGS. The malfeasance is not in the borrowing of the billion dollars, the malfeasance is the way it was shown in the financial statements. I will give that information to you.The definitions you give for fraud and are your own definitions for your own purpose. Politically motivated)Barclays, CIBC and FCIBC, are private sector entities. It has nothing to do with Government except where the taxes and the foreign exchange are concerned.

    Well Well,Your talk about the money could be spent in other ways is specious. Fifty years in anything, a club, independence, a marriage should be celebrated. The attainment of Independence in any country’s history is reason for long celebrations. Your estimate of the cost of the celebrations is a guess. But whatever it is it will be wirth it. Many people will benefit, and when the money is spent it all circulate in the economy so it will benefit the people. Many people will get work; graphic artists, musicians, the arts, etc etc, will get work. What’s wrong wirth that?
    The 4th of July is celebrated (big) every year in the U.S. Why can’t we spend money on ourselves in whatever way we want?
    It is not for ME to forward the information anywhere. I am sure they are aware of it, and I am sure the head offices are aware of it. I know nothing of the Manor family, I just know the letter was written to a Michael Manor who was Chairman at CIBC

  40. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Alvin Cummins March 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM #

    Chuckle…..I note your selectivity in replies…..I do believe you have an outstanding reply for DIW re EWB your buddy.

  41. @Vuncent Haynes,
    Selectivity is the name of the game. Note he”selected” EWBarrow; who was never my buddy different eras, and said nothing about “Manningham”.

  42. By the way dying in office, does not mean literally falling dead at the desk. It means dying while holding a position. Barrow died in office. Tom died in office, etc etc.


    I was just having some fun.

    By now David knows there are times when I should be ignored as I sometimes can be rather stupide … often by design!!

    Anyway, it turns out Mr. Armstrong did not retire so he did die in office, and as you rightly point out, not in his office.

    The book says he was paid as a consultant up to his death and thereafter for the balance of 1994, his widow received his remuneration.

  43. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Why can’t we spend money on ourselves in whatever way we want?”…because “WE” cannot afford it?
    Because on a priority list the health care system needs a serious cash injection, which we also do not have. In fact, nearly every ministry including the AG last week on the money to enact corruption based legislation, are telling us ‘they don’t have the money’.
    And we have to believe them? Politicians like ‘looking good’, once they can get their hands on the money they will spend it?
    How many assets can they sell, now the NIS and other cupboards full of IOU’s (govt bonds).

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin….if you have $10.00 in your house to feed 5 children, you are 50k in debt…you are thisclose to bankruptcy, would you go out and celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, that is not being frugal or spendthrift.’s being stupid.

    The people were not asked their opinion re independence celebrations and it’s their money.

    If you think it’s an intelligent move, then explain this…

    You were the one got the dude’s name wrong.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Good going Alvin, keep celebrating how broke ya are…..for a whole

  46. Just got my ‘grubby’ little hand on a copy of the book.

  47. de Ingrunt Word Avatar
    de Ingrunt Word

    @Vincent, not only selective but moreso very in-artfully disingenuous. Sometimes he is absolutely ROFLOLL with his convoluted logic.

    @Alvin, you must be screamingly joking wid :”… Note he”selected” EWBarrow; who was never my buddy different eras, and said nothing about “Manningham”.”

    First up when on here have you heard me rant for the BLP ? Do not attempt to deflect a simple and legitimate question with such wild and weak arguments.

    I asked you about the Hon E.W.B because you are a party stalwart…I would have asked the same question re Mannigham were you batting on their side.

    But back to your wild and weak argument. You said you were a mere lad during the ’37 riots so absolutely I know that Barrow was your senior by at least 10 years. But you also said you were a stalwart of the party and one of the die-hards walking around putting up placards etc in the DLP ‘putsch’ towards Independence. So are you telling me that as a young man who had gone to what would have been then the elite creme de la creme Combermere 6th form of Bajan Blacks that you did not befriend and become a ‘buddy’ of E.W.B…and that you were not one of the bright boys of the party?

    Alvin now I ain’t a 6th form boy of that super vintage like you but please don’t think I is a fooly de fifth though….cud lawd man….just tell the people WHY Barrow (even if hw wasn’t your buddy)and he boys didn’t do anything about the Cottles of lil BIM when they had the opportunity…oh if you know why Mannigham was just as recalcitrant then tell we too.

    re CIBC..You said: ”It has nothing to do with Government except where the taxes and the foreign exchange are concerned.”

    Exactly my point. When I suggested that the only reason you raise it relates to the denial for your MoF to mislead the public and creditors re a false upsurge in Forex

    So why all the long talk.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…..Crazy McHale could also have forwarded that letter to Interpol, or Scotland Yard his homies….and let them have a look ……all of you are for some reason scared to death of the letter, but want to pass it to other people…did you give Freundel the letter….he is probably scared of it too…lol

  49. Okay let’s deal with my post in sequence.
    @De word. For your information, when I went to cawmere, there was no sixth form. We only had an upper fifth. Any further studies had to be done at Harrison College, and the fees; we had to pay fees at Cawmere and Harrison College, but the fees at Harrison college were higher. My mother could barely pay the fees at Cawmere, even though I had a vestry scholarship. In addition Harrison was the only other upper level school for Boys. Queens college was an all girls school.
    Next thing, when the DLP was pushing for Independence; after the Federation failed,
    Trinidad pulled out (1from 10 leaves 0) and a federation of the little 8 was going no where Barrow and the DLP pushed for Independence alone. Many people were opposed to that; including a group of lawyers; Henry Forde, Bree St. John, Lester Whitehead, Lindsay Bolden, Colin Williams, and others, who labelled themselves the Under Forties,and campaigned against that concept. There were many mass meetings on both sides, and it became an election issue. For your information I never carried placards, Many people did though, although I attended meetings on both sides. I sided with the DLP; even though I was not a member of the party at that time, because I felt that we could do it alone. Fifty years on it has proven to be the right choice. The Under Forties were all members of the BLP and the BLP fought tooth and nail against the decision to seek Independence, even sending a delegation to London to lobby the British Government against granting independence to the country, in opposition to Barrow’ delegation. Barrow won the election, took a delegation to England and won Independence for the country.. That is why we are Independent today, and why the island was able to advance so rapidly after.
    You ask why Barrow et al did not do anything about the Cottles at that time/ First you have to understand that in those days All the major law firms were completely White. Blacks had to go to England to study their Law; meaning you had to have money, or you had to go to work on the London Transport and have the ambition and stamina to undertake work and study. Some of our students should try that; drive a bus eight hours a day though the cold temperatures, return home to a single room unheated flat, after classes, study and get up in the early morning to go to work and to repeat it all over next day.That takes stick-to-itiveness.
    Black boys did not have the luxury of becoming Lawyers while remaining in the warmth of the sun in Barbados. Manningham had opportunities that few others had. EWB Served in the RAF and studied at the same time.Grantley was The Premier of the country. Life was very very different, even in the sixties.
    The long talk is necessary to teach you the history of your country.
    @Well Well,
    Mc Hale is only “crazy” because he stepped on a lot of toes and alienated himself from the “advantage takers’. I am not saying that he has all his marbles, but his analysis of the financial statement and his letter reveals a lot that many people would want to keep hidden.
    Who is scared of the letter? It concerns CIBC head office, the Central Bank, and of course the shareholders of CIBC,FCIBC and whomever else toes he stepped on.I am not qUALIFIED ENOUGH TO PASS JUDGEMENT. I JUST READ THE LETTER AND REPORTED ON THE BLOG.
    Chris says:”I am an F.C.A. and ex Partner in Ernst and Young Barbados….I recently inspected the audited FIN Stats made available to me, at your Head Office.I make the following comments…
    “…Gross Loans increased from 3,367,796,000 in 2011 to 4,998,274,000…an increase of 1,630,578,000
    (1.630 B=48.4%. This is remarkable, especially against the background of your report that demand for loans is soft.All of this was in business and sovereign…”

    More to follow..

  50. de Ingrunt Word Avatar

    @Alvin…thanks with a smile…. Actually the only history that you taught me was your personal one…I did not check my facts as I was sure that you were one of the fellows with that first waves of Combermere sixth form boys…you know the future Dean, the historian in Canada Sandiford and that crew. So you cleared up my inaccuracy of thought there.

    Anyway Alvin I will end this dance with you re the legal matter. I am unclear why the all-Whte old guard law firms (very well noted in our history books, Alvi) and the other stuff you noted gets to the core of my question.

    I need to go back and revisit Sandiford’s book on your old school to get my facts in order.

    Similarly I need to check a previous blog where I was sure you mentioned your active role in that Independence effort (noted as placard bearer).

    All good.

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