Felicia Browne, Human and Gender Justice Advisor Caribbean Mentorship Institute
Felicia Browne

The rights of children are often under-evaluated. It has been known that children under the age of 18 years often forced to work to provide for their families. Many of these children died as the result of the harsh environments that their tender and under-nourished bodies endured. As a result, developing nations have designed specific guidelines to protect children from social implications that have had dire effects on their lives. The rights of children became an effective deterrence for against child – labour.

In the Caribbean, there has been a growing concern over child labour and indirect forms of begging. Children are being seen working various forms of street hustling like the selling of counterfeit movies, stolen electronic devices, or local produce like fruits and vegetables. In more severe cases, child’s rights advocates have reported high incidents of child sexual abuses by children who are expected to provide for themselves. These economic burdens that are placed on children can have devastating impacts on their lives. Many of these children are lured in various forms of illicit activities like child pornography, thief, gang-violence and child-trafficking.

Child trafficking, has become a serious concern for many Caribbean societies, in particular as many are struggling with their economic and social inequalities. Child trafficking can take various forms, including but not limited to, forced child begging, sexual exploitation, child pornography, child marriage and child soldiers. UNICEF have also reported that the number of children being trafficked across the globe are mainly trafficked to engage in street begging, prostitution and petty crimes like stealing.

The Caribbean region is not immune to child exploitation. In various countries, children, can be during the vacation or school breaks, begging for money, food supplies and other forms of basic necessities. Some of these children because of the harsh economic realities of their households are placed in unbearable dilemmas to contribute to their families’ misfortunes. Many families believe that it is harmless to have their children participate in the economic contributions of the household, but many are unaware of the dangers that their children may face if they are placed in unsupervised environments. The difficulties in curbing child begging are mainly due to the fact that children are minors and the guardians are usually the ones who enforce their activities. As a result, these vulnerable minors are coerced by a family member or loved ones to take up their responsibilities by becoming economic providers for their families.

There are a number of solutions that government agencies and communities leaders can provide to assist children and their families. Many families are challenged by inadequate social support and cannot afford the growing increases of basic needs like food and shelter. In many cases, especially in the Caribbean, low income families cannot afford the high cost of living within their countries. This places additional burdens, in which the immediate needs of their children are either decreased or ignored for other factors like rent or utility payments. Such social dilemmas must be fully assessed and given immediate priority if we are hoping for more healthy and peaceful societies. Governmental, civil and family agencies should ensure that every family have adequate health, education and social support. They should ensure that every child’s basic needs like food, water, shelter and education are addressed. They can ensure that parents and families are also educated on the rights of children. Parents and guardians should be educated on the dangers that children can encounter when they are left to negotiate with strangers for assistance(monetary or commodity). A child’s ability to foresee such dangers is limited and as a result, we as a society ,should also be mindful of these risks. A child’s right is a right to live in a healthy, educational and equal social. No society can flourish without setting the proper foundations for its children.

77 responses to “Child Begging”

  1. The other issue that BU has is allowing children to walk the streets and neighborhoods to fulfill sponsored walk sheets etc. Our communities have changed and parent need to make the adjustment.

  2. David, in the past children in rural communities left school if they were lucky enough to attend school, to help in the harvest/agriculture which explains the pattern of school holidays today in the Western world. In the recent past, children helped out with chores before and after school; they were a vital element of a household’s economy, especially in the case of large families. As many of your older contributors have suggested, this was not exploitation, simply a necessary part of life which in fact built a sense of self-sufficiency and resilience in a child and a feeling of duty to family.
    However, there’s always been the family which exploits their offspring, seeing their children as a way of getting cash.
    My remarks on sexual exploitation of children on this blog have been moderated before so I will not go into the shocking record of incest again but it is no surprise that adults, having ruined their own children are only too willing to sell them on to a buyer for (either short term or forever) financial rewards.
    Sponsorship! Good little earner. put your kids on the bus into town and get them pathetically wandering about in school uniform, accosting tourists for a sponsored walk.
    It is sickening to be confronted by children on Swan Street begging or as you point out, a “sponsored” activity. I think those responsible for the sponsoring ought to restrict the catchment area of these sponsoring activities to just neighbours.
    It is all well and good to demand that the Government deals with the dispossessed and on a long term basis, that is a good concept which if the properly conducted Government survey which HAS happened, would protect children but at this time I feel it would be better to stop the revenue at source, advise tourists not to give to begging children.
    It would be wonderful to think that the money the kids collected will go towards their wellbeing but it probably ends up in a rumshop with further abuse to follow.
    If people want to give to poor children I suggest they give to an established charity or otherwise take a poor child under their own wing and help them personally.

  3. And David – kids seeking sponsorship in public places for school trips abroad and similar.

    Though not exactly in point, what I find horrifying is the activities of those mothers who ‘sell’ their under-age daughters for sex – usually to older men in the immediate neighbourhood. When the monetary demands become excessive and the men refuse to pay, the mothers threaten and then cry ‘rape’. We have some men in the system under these circumstances at present. I am not aware that any mother has been charged though there are clearly various charges which might be brought.

  4. Victor

    I see that while writing we were, in fact, on the same page. I agree with your other remarks.

  5. Robert, at last someone who is willing to face the issue. There are evil paedophiles out there internationally but there are also parents who have themselves had to live with sometimes generations of incest so they assume it is just normal for underage children of both sexes and ALL ages to be an available commodity to be sexually exploited, either at home or for public sale.
    It is shocking that a mother would prostitute her child but who are the customers in this trade?
    It’s not always shadowy members of the public, often a friend or relative who offers cash for a “favour”. Is that mother some kind of addict? Maybe she just needs to pay the bills.
    In addition, it’s well known that men will sell their kids to a sexual predator in order to pay off debts, etc. whether they be a sexual deviant themselves or not.
    It’s important to have systems in place to protect children but I believe we should be concentrating on the ADULTS who exploit them.

    The penalties for child abuse should be increased to such a frightening degree that any ADULT would think twice before going there either as vendor or buyer.
    That means you do NOT accept that uncle or friend will pay your bills in exchange for sexual access to your child.

    To exploit a child sexually is like robbing the future wellbeing and economy of Barbados as numerous children grow up to be damaged individuals, unable to participate properly in life and relationships, often perpetuating the scourge onto their own children.

    We can spend a year profiling (with foreign money) publicising as last year, abuse of women. Let’s get down to the nitty, gritty, horrible facts of what happens to our abused kids and then turn the spotlight onto the MEN who are mainly responsible.

  6. robert ross | August 28, 2014 at 3:24 AM |

    Though not exactly in point, what I find horrifying is the activities of those mothers who ‘sell’ their under-age daughters for sex – usually to older men in the immediate neighbourhood. When the monetary demands become excessive and the men refuse to pay, the mothers threaten and then cry ‘rape’. We have some men in the system under these circumstances at present. I am not aware that any mother has been charged though there are clearly various charges which might be brought.
    ross what are you trying to say ,i hope you are not trying to defend the sick actions of sick perverted men who will prey on under age children… under the disguse that the parents are in some way responsible for these men sick behaviour ,,,the fact that the mothers would use their daughters for monetary gain is no excuse for grown men (perverts) to take the offer,, they ass should rot in jail,,the underage sex trade is thriving is because of perverted sick customers if they are no customers eventually it would fade into nonexistence,,,,one of the ways is by enforcing the laws vigorously with harsher penalties especially at targeting the customers,, the issue of rape being used against them,,well that is a price which most of these sickos are aware of but which does not seem to dissuade them,,,they deserve whatever punishment they get,,,

  7. @Victor and Ross

    Dealing with the two prongs of the scourge should be possible. In Barbados for example the Child Care Board, as ineffective as it is, is charged with working with stakeholders to attack the problem from within, the police of course is more about enforcement of the law.

  8. ac

    Of course. What of the mother who tells the fella the girl is 16?

  9. David, I worked on that board, helped to compile the figures; saw and read through the tragic questionnaires. We have known the results for over 3 years now. Why did you moderate my comments on the results? Incest is a huge problem, it is the elephant in the room of why parents would deem it acceptable to swap their babies for cash. What do you mean “it should be possible”? I am so tempted to go global

  10. Have not moderated any comments Victor. Will check the spam queue to see if this is where they went. In future give BU the benefit of any doubt BEFORE jumping to conclusions.

    Checked and there was not comment from you in Spam. Do a back navigation on your browser and see if the info is still available.

  11. Barbados today now has a small natural gene pool, even though those genes have come from all over. At the end of the day, incestual behaviour will only increase common defects we have such as diabetes, etc., depleting the natural gene pool.
    The tiny Redleg population, with all its genetic defects has realised this; their girls now go down to the South Coast to get pregnant by tourist males in order to introduce some fresh DNA into the mix.

  12. AC, thanks for your understanding, not easy to get on this blog! The point I am making is not that all men are to blame but that we must all be aware of our responsibilities, men or no men. It’s easy for guys to leave the upbringing of their children to the women, even in a good marriage but I feel that everyone who gives birth to a child needs to be on the case.
    ADULTS are liable for any abuse to their child, whether they do that abuse themselves or allow someone else to do it. I mean, which would be better? To have your child sent into care or to stop that’s child’s father sexually abusing it?
    Being in care is awfull and you are no much safer from sexual predation, believe me, those girls have told me
    That’s why I am calling for stricter rules for ADULTS.

  13. Victor I have been saying what you have been saying for the longest time here on BU. I have been told that “Black people do not sleep with their kin”. You can go to the QEH and see some of the cases of incest in the children’s ward. This is one of Barbados’ darkest secrets that many will deny. If there was DNA testing many couples and families will reveal how close they really are. Our gene pool is exhausted and that is probably why we have so many asthmatics and diabetics. Another example is why so many of our children are falling through the cracks and leaving school not knowing how to read and write.

  14. David, the comment I sent on incest in the Caribbean was several weeks ago shall I send it again? At some point you will have to bite the bullet on this issue as so many are a part of it Including close relatives.

  15. For too long men have been getting away scott free and continue to prey on young children. Many of these men are also in high positions do as they please because they will not be prosecuted. There is too much false pride in our society.

  16. @Victor

    Please resend, there is also a confidential link at the top of the page you can use.


  17. Ross please do not distract the issue based on personnel biases..there is no one on this god given earth who would support child traffficking with the parent doing the pimping..however i found the avenue of distortion which u took attempting to take away blame kind of troubling..especially knowing that their is no excuse. on either part for such illicit behaviour ..there is where i find the distoration and having a frustration on my part in your crtique of the justice system in how justice was deliverto the reciptors this crime attempting make them victims

  18. victor your comments are well said and exposes a hidden truth behind incest.

  19. ac

    You are being wilfully perverse. Rest yourself OR comment on the mothers who engage in this kind of activity. We are talking about parents not dirty old men.

  20. I’m reading all that has been posted about this SICK SITUATION, and the tears are just falling down my face. I have a daughter who was abused by her mother’s boyfriend, and when my daughter told her mother what happened. She told my daughter that she was saying it because she didn’t like her man. I NEVER knew anything about this until years later. My daughter kept it from me for many years. Then she also kept from me that my first grandson was the product of rape.
    I’m putting this out there so that others can see, and really understand the pressure that the girls or boys are under when this happens. I was always very unhappy with my daughters attitude, and life style. But after all these years, she confessed to me. GOD knows that I wanted to kill this man, and her mother. But what good would that really have done, but create yet another problem. Mothers are just as much to blame as the men who does these things to CHILDREN.
    All thanks and praise UNTO THE MOST HIGH for answering my prayers for my daughter. She’s healing and have found all that I have been doing to get her to let go of whatever it was that made her turn to drugs, was ONLY for her own good. Any man or woman who has created this CHAOS in a child’s life should be dealt with severely. Mothers, you need to listen to your children when they tell you that they have been molested. Put NOTHING pass the man or woman you’re in bed with. At the end of the day, this is very hard on the children, who most of the times feel that they aren’t worthy of being loved.
    Trust and believe I LOVE all my children, and will do all that is in my power to work with others to eradicate this problem in any way that I can.
    No young life should be wrecked because of greed, neglect, ignorance, or anything else that would make a mother SELL,OR TRADE HER CHILD.
    My heart goes out to all those children who has been the product of this situation.
    The generations has changed dramatically with so much anger and hatred. But we cannot give up,or give in. Those who are in power to provide the changes that are needed to better this situation, for years has been sitting on their asses doing nothing but talking.
    But taking the law into your own hands will NEVER help the cause either. The people in Barbados need to step into the faces of those who they placed in the positions and demand changes. To those who are participating in selling, or trading your children. If this has been done to you when you were children. Then this isn’t a good thing to destroy a young life without that child having a chance to experience a much better life. I couldn’t care less whatever situation you might be in, your child isn’t your ticket to resolve your problems.
    “Wake up, stop sleeping on this situation in hopes that pray alone will resolve the situation.


  21. A listen to Cupid any afternoon gives an insight into the sick minds out there.

  22. And perhaps there are men in high places, in Barbados who indulge in exploiting young girls, but are untouchable in this society, like the top ranking police officer some years ago, who , the whole of Barbados knew used to park outside of some schools,waiting to pick up a young school girl.
    And what about legislating and enforcing a curfew on minors. At the recent Fore Day Morning jump up, girls as young as 12/13 years old were observed taking part.

  23. It is well known by the authorities the many underage girls who fraternize with hard back men. Nothing is done about it in the majority of cases.

  24. look ross even though parents would use their child to illict sex ,,the rationale and realities of life confronting them can be understood. although not condoned,but grown men taking up the offer is out of selfish reason and a motivation for sexual gratification,,a woman who is living in abject poverty ,,in poor countries around the world were a living wage is unheard of and with seven or eight mouths to feed would do whatever is necessary for her family survival,,it is called ,(circumstance for survival)which make it in many of the cases for the court to sympathize with these parents….while making it harder for these perverts to beat the system

  25. @robert ross August 28, 2014 at 6:14 AM…”Of course. What of the mother who tells the fella the girl is 16?”

    Every adult in Barbados is issued with a photo ID card. If the mother says that the girl is 16 or older than the fella asks to see the ID card, and checks the photo on the card against the girl’s face, and if he still has doubts then he checks the signature on the card against her signature, and if he does not do his due diligence and has sex with a child then he deserves to go directly to jail for a good long time.

  26. @Simple Simon
    and if he does not do his due diligence and has sex with a child then he deserves to go directly to jail for a good long time.
    Are you not forgetting what the Indian said about , soft/hard Hearts and Roosters?

  27. […] David The rights of children are often under-evaluated. It has been known that children under the age of […]

  28. Simple S

    I hear they’re introducing a new course in schools now entitled ‘How to be your own private dick’.

  29. ross..ignorance of the law is no excuse …..these hard back men should be publicly whipped with the cat-o-nine tail,,,,,

  30. UK sex abuse report prompts outrage, reflection August 27, 2014 Associated Press

    ROTHERHAM, England (AP) — Rotherham is a working-class town that is remarkable in its ordinariness — a collection of charmless discount stores, betting shops and kebab counters, surrounded by sleepy residential streets lined with brick houses that have seen better days.

    But below the drab surface, shock was evident Wednesday as the people of this northern English town learned that for 16 years, girls as young as 11 in their community had been subjected to sexual exploitation on a vast scale.

    The number of victims — 1,400 — was terrifying enough for a community of just 250,000. But that wasn’t all: despite repeated warnings over the years, only a handful of men have ever been convicted and an independent report found that local leaders had dismissed reports of child rape, exploitation and violence for years. Part of the reason, they said, was that they feared they would be branded as racist for pursuing the perpetrators — the majority of whom were men of Pakistani origin.

    Yet, many say it’s time for police and social workers to come up with a better response than to blame prickly race issues. Muhbeen Hussain, who founded the British Muslim Youth group, said the Pakistani community also needs to step up and face the problem.

    “We need to acknowledge there was a large number of Pakistani men said to be involved. As a Pakistani Muslim I don’t find anything within our religion to condone this,” the 20-year-old said. “We need to reopen every case since the 1990s and investigate them. If it were any other type of crime the police would have acted.”http://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/page/content.detail/id/581658/UK-sex-abuse-report-prompts-outrage–reflection.html?isap=1&nav=5020

  31. @ David.
    Do something positive to correct this,comments below ( copied ) from the NATION. Are you afraid to start naming a few….???

    “Tracking sex offenders key to protecting children


    We are in the process of celebrating Child Month in Barbados and the importance of protecting and creating a safe environment for children with healthy boundaries should be the focus.”
    “Child sexual abuse in this country continues to be a serious problem in our society and it is a major public concern. It is wrong, it violates the rights of the child in every aspect, and it is a form of exploitation in every manner. This form of abuse is veryserious because it could expose children to HIV/AIDS infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.”

  32. to catch a predator sick sick sick,,these men knows the ages of these children

  33. to catch a predator sick sick hard back men


  34. Ross, I only hope that you’re not speaking about the society which I was born and bred in. Mothers selling their kids in exchange for sexual favors, sounds like something out of Asia.

  35. Mr. MC

    I am sorry to have heard about your unpardonable situation but unfortunately, old men have been preying upon the young boys and girls in Barbados in my day also. Living in the city area of Barbados, I had to fight my way to and from school through the numerous sexual advances made by the large Bulla population in Barbados at the time. And the men who are charged to Serve and Protect, are just as guilty as those men who are committing these Sinful act against innocent children. I do remember during the Enter- School sports at the National Stadium in the earlier part of the 1980’s, a lot of under-age school girl would end up in the police men barracks at District A Police Station. So the sexual molestation of innocent children in Barbados, is a systems problem which needs to be address at its core.

  36. yes there is no denying that woman sell there children in return for money,,,,however the fact still remains that adult men are the buyers and the culprits in this continuing illegal act,and when apprehended the law should apply the harshest punishment in the quickest way,there is no excuse or defense as to why adult men would pursue children for sex,,,

  37. there are also riveting stories were these men intentionally prey on poor families promising them great things that would benefit them and get them and and there other siblings out of poverty but first the parent must give up the child,some parents out of ignorance go ahead with this smooth talking salesman,,only to have to live with heart break and regret for the rest of their life,unknowingly being swindle in return gets nothing not even a phone as to where this imbecile took the child,,,,

  38. Bearing in mind that some of the same men who are implementing and enforcing the laws, are just as culpable as those men who are harm these innocent children sexually.

  39. I know of one Senior Supertendenent of police at District Police Station, who used to sexually molested underage girl back in the 1970’s. I know this to be true because some of those girls, who are now women are still my friends to this today.

  40. Dompey | August 30, 2014 at 7:06 AM |
    I know of one Senior Superintendent of police at District Police Station, who used to sexually molested underage girl back in the 1970’s. I know this to be true because some of those girls, who are now women are still my friends to this today.
    And men in trusted positions like him, should be lynched.

  41. the authoritarian..always seem to be the biggest culprit camaflouging their preversion and being protected by laws that deny the public right to know.one should salute the tv hosts who have been able to by pass such laws and have been able to put the best interest of the public security first and foremost.

  42. David, sorry this is so long

    I can’t find my remarks on incest either must have not gone to BU but got lost. Might have sent to BFP but will include everything in what follows.

    As far as ROTHERHAM is concerned, this is only one of 5 towns which are under investigation. So far only those from Rotherham have been punished and the others, from the other towns, are out on remand whilst awaiting trial! When will the cops and courts learn? There have been another 15 cases are the girls ever going to stop being just expendable?

    These girls were sent across Britain by taxi for “parties”; it’s in the court records, the emails going back and forth It now appears that it far more widespread than just these 5 towns and it is nearly always Pakistani men operating the activity.
    The men chose their victims by targeting vulnerable girls from care homes or from poor families but there have also been some children from middle class families targeted. The process is that you find some impressionable child under 15 (after that they are no longer of interest to the men, they get dumped) and groom them over a period, pretending you are their boyfriend. Once you get their trust you force them into worse and worse subjection until they become slave-like, having been forced to take drugs etc. they become totally dependent. .
    The fact that the perpetrators are mainly Muslim men of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin is not surprising. In Pakistan it is commonplace for men to sexually abuse vulnerable children , boys as well as girls. There are 1.5 million street children in one city, Peshawar, alone and it is estimated that at least 90% of them have been sexually abused!!! Obviously the girls get pregnant and their surviving children will be subjected to sexual abuse in turn.
    Why? In such cultures, where women and girls have to walk around covered up (no wonder!) and menfolk guard their own women zealously, to have sex out of marriage will leave a man vulnerable to being killed by her male relatives, or else her male relatives will go and rape one of the rapists sisters, mothers, etc. So to get sexual release without punishment, they choose to prey on the street children.
    That cultural behaviour has been transferred to England with tragic consequences.
    This twisted attitude towards females as being the property of the male at all levels from your wife to your daughter and other female relatives is a result of radical Islam which insists women are inferior beings belonging to men and are their servants.
    Don’t just sneer at the Pakistanis though! In Rotherham an 11 year old girl was deemed to have had consensual sex by Yorkshire police authorities just because she was drunk. No wonder she was drunk she had been forced to swallow volumes of vodka and take drugs before she was gang-raped.

    Another problem is that Pakistani immigrants from remote villages tend to conduct a lucrative business in importing “wives” from Pakistan who are close relatives or indeed Pakistani girls born in the UK are forced into marrying their cousins. Money changes hands and girls who have been born and educated in England, doing well at school and with aspirations to University and a career, suddenly find themselves married without their consent to a close relative. These so called marriages often result in congenital defects. statistics which can easily be found by accessing NHS data under the Freedom of Information Act.
    Yes, hello Barbados.
    Obviously, the defects include madness and mental problems.
    Under the circumstances it is not surprising that teenage boys, who have had plenty of after school classes at the many madrassas (Islamic after school gigs where you sit and recite the Koran and get lectured by a radical preacher) turn to jihadism and disrespect of women. One 13 year old boy who raped a 9 year old girl told the court that his teacher had told him that a white girl was like an ice-cream that had been dropped in the dirt. That’s why he thought she was “less than nothing”.
    There are serious issues of incest in the Pakistani community, obviously, but the women are afraid to speak out. They are not selling their children, they simply have no choice but to submit to the men’s behaviour because of the view that women are mere chattels, totally subservient to their menfolk, under Sharia law
    So that’s a bit of background on Rotherham, David.

    However, Barbados is not even slightly comparable. There’s no culture of intimidation of women and fear, recognised by religious fanaticism, where women are too scared to speak out under pain of death threats. Barbados is a modern, Western society, mainly Christian. We have equal rights for women and indeed, women at every level have strong influence here. They represent the vast majority of University graduates on one hand and on the other hand, many bring up their children without a father figure’s input.

    On that last point, I am not surprised why, since what woman could trust the man in the house not to f==k her children? It seems to be the norm.

    The problem here in Barbados is incest. We have to ask ourselves why, almost everybody we know, can tell stories about incest in their own families, either to themselves or a sibling or relative. This is NOT OK.

    We are NOT just talking about poverty-stricken single mothers forced to sell their child. This happens in the Third world eg Thailand where’s there is mass poverty.
    We are talking about male predators helping themselves to child pussy (and boys) regardless of age, just because they can. Here in Barbados.

    No, it is not about strangers, “horrible elderly paedophiles’ it’s about brothers, cousins, fathers, uncles and grandfathers.
    I’m talking about grandfathers impregnating their grandaughter whose mother was his daughter.

    Typically, some contributors have rant and rave about sexual predation in high places, as if somehow that could excuse the problem going on in the whole population.
    Almost every woman questioned had experienced some form of sexual attack from a relative. How can that be explained or excused?

    WHY do you think Barbados has one of the highest rates of child HIV in the Developed World? The babies were not all born with it, they had it inflicted upon them in childhood. Even if you choose to decide they got in in utero which they didn’t by the way, how do you think their mothers inherited HIV?

    By all means Google that but please don’t expect to get accurate statistics from the Barbados Govt website, there it is all sweetness and light instead check out the World Health Organisation.

    What makes me so mad is that these figures have already been compiled in the last few years and have yet not been made public.

    My bottom line is this: If we accept, as we must, the analysis of the incidence of incest in Barbados today (that study paid for by international organisations, obviously not the BBds Govt) we cannot agree to a cover-up of the results. We could study the results and work out why incest seems just normal in our society.

    I am not going to drop this issue; so many children are being abused at this moment and it does not help our country.


  43. I just wanted to say that if the public in Barbados, let alone the wider world, ever knew, it would seriously effect the tourist dollar

  44. I was unaware of the magnitude of incest in Barbados, and assumed that this kind of behavior occured exclusively in North America and else way in the wider world. Now with this disturbing information at our disposal, how do we protect the innocent who are the victims, and prosecute the men who are main perpetrators of these unconscionable acts?

  45. the troubling incidents of incest can only be tackled if it is reported by family members….police cannot arrest or apprehend by suspicious or allegations only…the role of policing is being hampered or obstructed when such illegalities are withheld by the victims or witnesses to such crimes. to get to the core of this malignancy,,,everyone must do diligence,,the school ,the church and individual family members ,,

  46. The reason why incest is with us is because it is NOT reported by family members. In the case of Barbados the Child Care Board can do a better job.

  47. @ David
    Solving problems like these CANNOT be left to the “reporting by family members”…
    Many of these families are dis-functional, which is the source of the problem in the first place.

    Neither can entities like the “child care board” be depended on to address them because those who work there quickly become conditioned to the nasty realities and accept them as a given….and often, a the reason they have a job….

    NO….an enlightened society puts SYSTEMS in place to prevent, identify and address such issues on an ONGOING basis.

    Step 1 is the school system.
    All children should be REQUIRED to attend school, and be exposed to certain minimum disciplines relating to social norms, acceptable behaviors, life expectations and community responsibilities.

    Teachers (real teachers – not the set of union members currently infesting the system) should be trained to identify children with challenges, special talents, special needs etc and to channel them in the required direction.

    By age 10, each child should have a “life profile” drawn up… showing what his/her potentialities are, and what is needed for success.

    Supporting this structure should then be a professional police force, court system, welfare system and youth reform apparatus that can cater to the needs identified.

    But such thinking could only be expected from a society that recognizes that its very future and viability depends on its children being groomed to reach their maximum potential……

    Brass bowls and jackasses just look to exploit vulnerable children for their perverted short term pleasures……

  48. here comes professor brass bowl bush teee with a simplistic nonsensical solution to a world wide complicated and complex problem……jac..ass

  49. @Bush Tea

    Agree with you, was responding a coment tongue in cheek. The Child Care Board needs to carry alot of the blame, it is old school, also the counsellors in the schools are not equipped to real with this scorge.

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