Submitted by Jane Brathwaite

BU understands Harry Husbands is the son of Austin Husbands and NOT Senator Harcourt Husbands – David.

Harry Husbands, son of Senator Harry Husbands
Harry Husbands, son of Austin Husbands

The truth is: Harry Husbands is a token and a mole for the Government of Barbados/Democratic Labour Party and has been placed by the party to get things done their way as the current President has been found to be very resistant.

For the signing off of many decisions that affect the University, the President’s signature is needed in order for the decisions to be implemented. The current President is often in disagreement with the government of Barbados and sometimes with the administration of the University.

Here are the facts:

1) Harry Husbands resigned a very well paying Personal Assistant position for the Minister of Labour Esther Byer-Suckoo, paying over $4000 monthly, to become the President of the Guild of Students less than two weeks before Guild Elections.

Related Link: Young Democrats: Value education


If he wanted time to complete his studies, why would he want to run for the position of Guild President and why just resign on the 2ND of March after being at UWI for the same two years that he has been the Personal Assistant? Why now?

You decide.

2) Harry Husbands is the son of Senator Harcourt Husbands [BU understands his is the son of Austin Husbands] who is currently the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation. He is a long standing and faithful member of the Democratic Labour Party.

3) Harry Husbands refused to stand and support the position of the Guild to acquire signatures against the payment of tuition fees.

Harry Husbands publicly supported the payment of tuition fees in the Nation News Paper.


Harry Husbands is a full and paying member of the Democratic Labour Party and is heavily involved in the Young Democrats.

While Harry Husbands is charismatic, personable and relatable young man. The post of the President must be taken seriously and is NOT A POPULARITY contest.

203 responses to “Harry Husbands: A DLP Mole”

  1. are-we-there-yet? Avatar

    Hey, I think I will change my pseudonym to “Jus-Ramblin” after we reach where I think we are going. The coming estimates debate will be a significant determinant of that.

  2. AWTY
    Hey, I think I will change my pseudonym to “Jus-Ramblin”
    Isn’t one change enough? A second change will make you another Simple Simon.

  3. are-we-there-yet? Avatar

    Did Simple Simon have another pseudonym? Or does your comment have a deeper meaning than it appears to have? But in any case, ask Newblood about the possible utility of changing pseudonyms as long as one doesn’t post under more than one pseudonym in the same conversation or topic.

    The moniker “Are-we-there-yet” will outlive its raison-d’etre when everyone recognizes that we have indeed reached the place where this Government’s policies were almost sure to take us. We are almost there now.

    Its just a progression from checking things out; to trying to determine where we were going and when we would reach there from the signposts on the way; to just rambling when we get there. I suspect many of us will be rambling when the full enormity of our new situation hits us.

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