Assistant Superintendent met with the Commission on 22 July, 2011. She gave an account of a meeting she attended with Commissioner of Police and Inspector Anderson Bowen, during which meeting the Commissioner manipulated his laptop computer and played a recording of a telephone conversation between Inspector Bowen and another person…

(Extracted from the Police Service Commission Recommendation of Retirement of the Commissioner of Police)

The passing of Inspector Anderson Bowen has given reason for pause in the BU household. While many may remember his exploits to capture the fiercest criminal, BU will always remember him for daring to challenge Commissioner Darwin Dottin in 2005 and as a consequence suffer uncalled for indignity before his peers when he was disciplined in 2007.   Although he was reinstated by the Police Service Commission in 2010, his career had been effectively derailed by Dottin.


Is it not regrettable that almost every issue in Barbados is distilled through a political partisan lens? Take for example the issue at the heart of this matter, wiretapping by Commissioner Darwin Dottin. Should this issue not concern all Barbadians whether Dee, Bee or Pee. Instead we have the BLPites supporting Dottin and the DLPites leading his prosecution. BU is satisfied that Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley who was Attorney General during the period of wiretapping must be asked by the citizenry to explain what she knows. Dottin would not have been motivated to order wiretapping of a political  nature without being directed.


In memory of the late Anderson Bowen and his family BU will continue to highlight what in our view remains an unpunished crime which was directed against an innocent citizen. It is time for Mia Mottley to speak to this issue.


The excerpts have been taken from the report which was sent to the Governor General to have Dottin removed from office.

189 responses to “Tell Us About Wiretapping Mia”

  1. Lick Muh and Bite Muh Avatar
    Lick Muh and Bite Muh

    David even more amazing is that she ordered that her bosses phone be wiretapped as well,, the statement by the two officers who took the instructions is even more telling when they stated that these wire tappings had nothing to do with criminal activity but rather they were kept in a file called POLITICAL these wire tappings were mainly political in nature and even included her boss Arthur’s phone and the present Prime Minister phone and the phone of the Late Prime Minister David Thompson, these recordings were sent to Mottley every evening under the cover of darkness.

  2. Very, very disturbing indeed. I am left speechless. We have fast become a police state. Something in the water that policemen drink?

  3. Lick Muh and Bite Muh Avatar
    Lick Muh and Bite Muh

    ROK not policemen alone this policeman took his instructions from Mia Mottley lets start by having her explain why she instructed the misuse of state equipment to the benefit of her political purposes, where would this have ended were the BLP still the Govt of the day and worse yet were Mottley ever to become a Prime Minister of this good land ?

  4. @Lick and Bite
    Wiretapping maybe a legal or an illegal act, when is it legal in Bdos
    The extracts from the PSC indicates the COP act on his own


    ROK | October 23, 2013 at 11:24 PM |

    Very, very disturbing indeed. I am left speechless. We have fast become a police state. Something in the water that policemen drink?@

    ROK @ We told you all at the last meeting that we are dealing with crooks , and now you act shocked ? or very very disturbing indeed? We are not. BLP MIA is never what she seem to be , You may think she is a woman but acts like a MAN, You think she good person and she is one of the biggest crooks , and XPolice COP have the nerve to go to court looking for justice.If you all who look up to crooks for leadership now have to look down with no where to look but at yourself, for turning a blind eye to the truth, will never see the light of day,
    All who can not see as yet this is the worse of the best of crooks in the CARIBBEAN leaders in the wrong direction ever known hidden by bad and poor judgement ,
    None tell the truth , but the time you find out the truth another lie comes, Stand fast and send them home or to jail, Keep voting for crooks and then Bitch about what they do and dont do,
    All jack ass licks are in order . Might as well call the police , tourist police , for they are the reason they on the beach and the airport like they on a stay vacation at home,
    Barbados is cleaning house very slow , but it may seem that other crooks taking their place, Soon a few with balls will stand up hard and get the work of the people done,
    Back and forth with crooks as the Nations papers take things to a level just to sell papers, Investigative reporters needed to go the tough work of looking in to the crooks, All the proof is there , open your eye nose and ears,

  6. Agree with ROK. Very disturbing indeed. Phone tapping is a serious infringement of the right to privacy. Should only be allowed if, in the case of suspected criminal activities, a court order is obtained after a judge is satisfied there is just cause.

  7. Extremely disturbing and this woman has the audacity to talk about trust and public confidence. All Barbadians and lovers of democracy(whether BLP or DLP OR INDEPENDENT ) need to stop and think about this matter. I think Owen Arthur saw some glimpses of what Mottley would do if she was ever given command and power in this country and hence his reluctance to back her leadership.
    If there ever needed to be a commission of enquiry, this is good grounds . A blatant example of abuse of power.

  8. Radical mastectomy is an action that some women employ as a defence against breast cancer.

    What is the connection with Owen Seethru and Mia Amor?

    If, Seethru were to divulge all that he knows of Mia and her obsessive lust to be PM of Bulbados, it would be the equivalent of this extreme surgical operation.

    Seethru would be eviscerating the Machiavellian Prince/Princess, sorry given the gender anomaly of the subject, I am unsure as to the correctness of one over the other, but would, in the same breath, cause his own unbated desires to be PM again, cause them to die.

    Even though the boil is in his eye and he knows that it has to be removed, his is a primal fear as to what it will do to self.

    And Owen is not a man to throw himself on the altar of self sacrifice anytime soon

  9. ………Imagine that nah……from “punching above we weight ” to this…..SHIITE WHEN D GULLY OUT

  10. Back in Time Jack Avatar
    Back in Time Jack

    Mia will NEVER even lead the BLP into a General Election much less ever become the Prime Minister. The closest she’s likely to get is leading the BLP in by-election.

  11. @ROK

    As “disturbing” as it is, and i am one to see through your this curbed enthusiasm and your careful words, (lest you too find yourself “late of” x domicile in Barbados)

    So many of us, like you, lie in abject fear of MAM and scuttle around like rats in a hole as this “Mat Zemlya” earth goddess, Zena, Ao Ao or whatever diety you chose to call her, spawn, sorry progeny of “ole man mottley” walks around breathing fear down our collective necks because we fear an injection of oxalate crystals or curare, poisons that our inept autopsy department will never find.

    Poor Anderson Bowen.

    And even poorer 250K Bajans….

  12. ……….and in less than 7 years…………WE SHOULD BE MORE WILLING TO TAP INTO DAT……..but of course again D ostrich syndrome…..TALK BOUT SOMETHING ELSE and hope it goes away…..SHOULD ONE BE NOT MORE CONCERN WID THE PRESENT and cut the trite …but no.. all par for our new destined course

  13. @BajanfuhLife

    Our children and grans waste breath on the pledge every day at primary school when they are required to repeat this empty chant.

    How many Bajans know that the former COP could never in a million years think up a scheme to monitor phones, furthermore these specific phones!!

    How many know or more importantly , how many give a shi*e?

  14. @Old Onions

    It is on rare occasions that you say things that any one can disagree with/on.

    Imagine how it must feel if every day you got p from your bed and from 5 till 9 every day of the week including Sundays you significant other talking bout Jesus and GOD!

    And furdermore when de phone ring, she udder peeples dem also talking bout de Bible.

    Every now and again i would respectfully suggest that we should not only talk bout de predicament dat de BLP and de bigger bundlers de DLP got we in but pause and talk bout de udder tings like Sealy wukking up pun de Brazilian dancers like Sinckliar wukking up pun me and you botsie wid he hairbrained economic non-wukking. strategy.

    Being the astute reader that you are you will note that i put a period. behind non-wukking whichin you know that this period can only come at the end of a sentence but since i talking bout Sinckliar, i feel that it is only fitting that since he could place he points all over de place when he abrogate de Budget speech, (i know dat is de wrong word and i unappoint dat word since it is not fellatious), i feel dat i got to defer to the honourable MP en put in the period in de wrong. place tank you

  15. Frustrated Businessman Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman

    Anywhere else in the world Dottin would be in gaol. We will never know the full depths of his criminality but the real crime is the years he carried on without censure. This island is a joke when it comes to dealing with problems, we live in a colony of ostriches.

  16. Looka here Pieceadrock.. and evabody else.alright!

    Eva since Nixon discover that he could gain information EZ by tapping into D phone line…des bastard did listening to we phone call..EVAONE A DEM… this spittin up in the aire is a bare F-up. Round elections time …I had to buy 2 cell phones and even then they did know when I did out langing bout…so doan fool nah selves…..D tappin gine even now ….

  17. @ Frustrated

    …dun kno gaol AINT mekk fa not dem so……..goal mekk fa football men and dem who can’t find the money ….when dem foul up. on a lighter side doa…..FIFA Cup 18 lbs of solid gold… niceeeee !

  18. Common sense is not common Avatar
    Common sense is not common

    One of the better articles on this blog in a long,long time.

    It gives one the shakes to consider what was going on during the BLP reign and more particularly under Mia as Attorney General.

    Dottin is one nasty ball of slime,vile and wicked,wicked,wicked.May he rest in torment.

    There is a special place in hell reserved for the likes of politicians like Mia Mottley.It is time like this that I am sorry that postings like this are not available to the whole public so they can see past the gobblygook Mia mouths off that makes some people believe she is so bright.

    She is a clear and present danger to this sweet little isle called Barbaduss.

  19. Rational thinking Avatar
    Rational thinking

    The best part of this situation is that the Commission has written that for any legal action to be taken Dottin had to be removed from the position of Commissioner of Police which he now has been done or is being done and this will pave the way for Bertie Hinds and a slew of others to seek redress in the Barbadian Courts against Dottin.

    This man along with Mottley has taken the Royal Barbados Force and the ethics of the force to a new low in the Barbadian way of life. This man as said in the report that never before has Barbados had a Commissioner of Police Who Has Been Involved In Criminal Activity As this one was aided and abetted by a power hungry person in Mia Mottley,she is not fit to walk thru the doors of the Parliament of Barbados she should be walking into a Prison Cell witnessed by her buddy Col Nurse

    Dottin was sent home for his part in this affair and like Dottin Mottley should also be given early retirement and her Pension Withheld for This Crime against honest Barbadians with no crime other than being suspected of not supporting Mottley orthe BLP, is indeed a major cause of concern as to the merit of having Mottley remain in the Barbados House Of Assembly, she needs to the Honourable thing if she still has any Honour left in her and leave the political landscape now she has raped Barbadians of the trust in politicians and their trust in the RoyalBarbados Police Force who by traditions where the agency that people went to in the past for honesty and fairness and decency Mottley and Dottin together have destroyed that trustworthiness of both the police force and the BLP.

    The time is now right for both to be removed as treats to Barbadian society and to Barbadian Freedom of Speech and Barbadian Liberties and all that as a Nation we stand for, our freedom of speech must never be curtailed because of an over Zealous Politician in Mia Mottley greed for power and control of this country, think about it friends she was not PM but was so warped and sick to instruct these actions what would she stop at were she to ever be entrusted the power a Prime Minister is entrusted with?
    Think carefully what Mottley evolved into and ask yourself if she is fit to be sitting in Parliament we know she is unfit for leadership, we know she is unfit by these actions to be listed as an Attorney. She is unfit to place any trust or authority in her care.

  20. How Dumb……..Why would she do that? No wundda OSA is hesitant to give MIA full support..Too many skeletons in her closet FUH sure Not PM material….

  21. Frustrated businessman said….
    This island is a joke when it comes to dealing with problems, we live in a colony of ostriches.
    Not “ostriches”, they just bury their heads and ignore reality…. …..”BRASS BOWLS”….. They just sit there holding all the shiite being thrown at them …..

    …wunna know how many YEARS Bushie was pointing this out?
    Perhaps wunna may now be more willing to taking a LOGICAL look at the Glendairy fire saga….Bushie will NEVER forget Mia up and down the place with Dottin and Quintyne in tow like two little boys….while throwing money around the place…

    ….still waiting to hear how unarmed prisoners managed to burn down a whole prison while it was under lockdown by FULLY armed police, soldiers, prison guards and reporters…….

    Dispite all Bushie’s complaints about Owen, he deserves to be thanked, praised and knighted for his role in protecting Barbados from Mia…..

    @ Onions

  22. Rational thinking Avatar
    Rational thinking

    Bush Tea you are right on my friend, the only thing I have ever praised Arthur for is his frank expose of Mottley saying she was unfit to lead this Country, and that her lifestyle prevented her from doing so and that she would have exorcise the Demons she had within and I am sure he must have known about her role in this awful indiscretion but give it to him he was the first to say that she was unfit to lead anything.

  23. Seems this is important to those who deem it important. What I am reading does not say much. We have had worst happen in BIM and place under the carpet. The truth will eventually come out. looks like another Smoke screen devised to shift attention from the fact that BARBADOS is in RECESSION.

  24. @Lick Muh and Bite Muh | October 23, 2013 at 11:16 PM |
    “…L these wire tappings were mainly political in nature and even included her boss Arthur’s phone and the present Prime Minister phone”

    AT THE TIME OF THE ALLEGED WIRE TAPPING, FREUNDEL STUART WAS AN UNINFLUENTIAL MEMBER OF THE DLP… why would Mia want to tap his phone? was she psychic? CRAP me no one perceive that that bull frog nose gorilla would have been prime minister …GET OVER IT

  25. Rational thinking Avatar
    Rational thinking

    Since when having a politician listening to private phone calls of honest Barbadians is trivial Roverp, what breed of ass can you really be?

  26. Overheard in a converstaion by a well known police officer speaking at a domino game:’In every rumour is a spark of truth’and then went on to say there are those in the police force who say Bertie used to listen in on other people’s converstaions,that Anderson was a big corrupt receiver of goods and that Tyrone was one of the most corrupt officers in the force.You just don’t know who is maligning whom and for what reason.I believe Bertie,Anderson and Tyrone were/are honest and upright police officers and should be emulated in respect of their professionalism and dedication to the Police Force and its Mission and Mandate.Keith Whttaker was also a proper police officer and is worthy of his new role on the Police Service Commission.He always walked the straight and narrow,honesty and morality were among his many attributes.May they all rest in peace from their labours.

  27. Brazil Sells $3.2 Billion of Bonds to Finance Overseas Buybacks
    By Boris Korby – Oct 23, 2013 7:51 PM GMT-0400 .
    Brazil sold $3.2 billion of dollar bonds due in 2025, creating a new benchmark security in international markets, as it buys back notes maturing in as few as four years.

    The debt yields 1.8 percentage points more than similar-maturity U.S. Treasuries, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The company sold $1.5 billion of the bonds for cash that will be used to repurchase outstanding debt maturing from 2017 to 2030. The sovereign also exchanged $1.7 billion of the bonds directly with holders of existing securities. Banco Bradesco SA (BBDC4), Deutsche Bank AG and HSBC Holdings Plc managed the sale.

    Brazil joins emerging-market issuers from Mexico’s Comision Federal de Electricidad to Russia’s OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel in selling dollar debt after U.S. lawmakers agreed last week on a deal to end a 16-day government shutdown and extend the nation’s borrowing authority. Brazilian construction firm OAS SA, iron-ore processor Samarco Mineracao SA and meatpacker JBS SA have issued $2.1 billion of notes over the past week, ending a three-week drought in corporate offerings from the country.

    “From the sovereign’s perspective, they’re trying to clean up a lot of issues in which they’ve done partial buybacks before,” David Bessey, a money manager at Prudential Financial Inc. in Newark, New Jersey, said in a telephone interview. “There are issues out there that because they’re relatively less liquid, they trade cheaply. They’ll try to take those out and at the same time establish a new benchmark.”

    Surging Costs

    Brazilian borrowing costs have surged this year amid declining growth forecasts, quickening inflation and speculation the U.S. will pare back stimulus efforts that have boosted demand for emerging-market assets. Standard & Poor’s lowered the outlook on the country’s BBB credit grade to negative in June amid concern sluggish expansion and growing government spending could lead to rising debt levels.

    Brazil’s dollar bonds pay an average 220 basis points, or 2.2 percentage points, more than Treasuries, compared with 140 basis points at the end of 2012, according to data from JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    Latin America’s largest economy will expand 2.5 percent this year, according to the median estimate of about 100 economists surveyed by the central bank Oct. 18. Growth slipped to 0.9 percent in 2012 from 2.7 percent in 2011, capping the slowest two years of expansion since 1999, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    Quickening inflation has prompted policy makers to raise interest rates by 2.25 percentage points this year to 9.5 percent. Consumer-price increases have exceeded the government’s 4.5 percent target for three years.

    The sovereign last sold dollar debt in May, issuing $800 million of 2023 bonds.

  28. Rational thinking Avatar
    Rational thinking

    Calm down Red, she was directing Dottin even in Opposition this is an example as to why Dottin needed to go for even when Mottley was not his boss she directed his actions this is not hear say my friend but from sworn Affidavits sworn to by the officers Dottin had doing his nastiness for he and Mottley.

  29. Rational thinking Avatar
    Rational thinking

    Why would Mottley be eavesdropping on her bosses conversations when he would have been Minister of Defence and Security? This woman is a vile beast while at it she also had David Thompson’s phone tapped she was covering all bases politically.
    The Special File named POLITICAL would be quite a file to have access to.

  30. destroying B’dos
    Foolish talk/talk
    fall for talk
    fooled by talk
    economy tottering
    party better able to run economy
    kept out by foolish talk
    foolish talk
    fools with foolishness
    talk talk /yawk/folly or fools
    B’dos feeling it b/cuz of foolish talk

  31. Rational thinking Avatar
    Rational thinking

    Rowe distractions will not work this time this one hits and the foundations of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Association Freedom as we knew it of life in Barbados but this was drastically undermined by the actions of one Power Hungry person in Mia Mottley she has a lot to answer to both Morally and Politically.

  32. And u bush Tea could hush too cause u hell bent on foistering a “caswell” as the leader of a”cant get off the ground organisation” called ;BUP. a man who said that he worked for MIA but kept a closed moutwhen all this shite was happening.

  33. @ac. If Mia did as is alleged, do you seriously think that she did it without the sanction (and likely urging) of Owen Arthur? Do you think that if she did indeed “do the deed” that Owen Arthur did not know about it, even most likely promote it?

    @Rational thinking | October 24, 2013 at 8:40 AM | you say, “…….this will pave the way for Bertie Hinds and a slew of others to seek redress in the Barbadian Courts against Dottin.”

    How??!! In what century? There is a the total breakdown in the justice system. That this was largely engineered by the former BLP government of Owen Arthur with the appointments of Simmons as CJ and Dottin as CoP – and it is an excuse that is fast losing any credibility, because true the BLP created the mess, BUT the mess is the responsibility of the DLP government to clean up – and they are not doing too brilliant a job. Yes, it was a very credible excuse at one time, but, like all excuses, it begins to lose its potency if nothing is done to rectify the situation. That said, I for one would find it very difficult to vote into office a party (BLP) peopled by the same jokers that created the mess in the first place. As hard as I would find it to vote back into office a part (DLP) peopled by those who allowed the mess to subsist.

    Therefore, the likely scenario you have for such actions as you suggest is this (and this is, so far, under the watch of BOTH parties):

    High Court Action: 15 years from commencement to judgement.
    Court of Appeal: 5 years from commencement to judgement.
    Both judgements likely so risible that international jurists wonder what sort of idiots we have as judges – worse – whether we are a nation of morons or not that we cannot find any better. Meanwhile the justice system of New York is laughing, because they unloaded on us one of their lesser “lights” on us to be our CJ.

    And after about 20 years, if the plaintiff is still alive, it goes to the CCJ where, in a matter of a maximum of 6 months, a judgement is given that can not only withstand, but can (and does) LEAD international jurists.

  34. Questions here…….coming out of the Alexandra commission.

    ……Who tap Jeff Broomes Hal Gollop cell phones ? …why?….under whose administration?….real ostriches…..real sheeple…

  35. Amused in my comment”WHY DID SHE DO THAT” was meant tongue in cheek as it would be obvious that Her BOSS would have had to give full backing . NOW with her star on the rise and OSA knowing all that he knows he must sheild himself from the body blows of such dastardly acts seizing the moment of not showing full support” for MIA and making himself look good.

  36. Common sense is not common Avatar
    Common sense is not common

    Jeff Broomes/Hal Gollop phone tapping occurred while Dottin was still Commissioner of police with access to the equpment to do his dirty deed.

  37. The Opposition running bout the Govt
    The Opposition doing well
    Got Govt on the run
    Mia in them like a fork in turkey
    They begging for mercy

    Mia like a Pitbull
    digging in
    Go Mia ; Go
    Yuh got them frightened
    Woman on Brasstacks begging
    for Dale Marshall to be OPPOSITION Leader
    She knows why/FOOLISH TALK

    Mia bowling fast like Marshall
    and swinging the ball big big
    The Pitch playing fast
    it is Green top
    DLP cannot bat on this wicket
    Bouncers -Out swingers/ Ball cutting back sharp
    DLP batsmen wobbling
    Economy bobbing and weaving
    Dipping and dancing a freak dance

    Stop scratching at the crease
    Declare the Innings closed
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaagga –tops himself—bowls a bouncer to ‘ac’
    hits her in the Jaw –knock out two teets–stretcher case
    call A/E -QEH –no ambulances available
    so ‘ac’ in trouble
    serves you right -‘ac’- soap bubble

  38. BU listened carefully to the closing of the Budget debate and the issue of wiretapping was loudly discussed in sidebars by the government side and not a response was heard from the Opposition bench, highly unusual. MAM in her former role and current needs to issue a clear the air statement

  39. DLP threatening Democracy
    Democracy under threat from DLP
    crack a head
    pepper a boy
    Ronald Jones
    look what you did to Sinckler
    Arrest Ronald Jones
    Arrest David Estwick for brandishing gun in parliament
    threats to Democracy
    Gun play encouraged by Estwick/Jones/Sinckler
    Gov’t /divisive/ignorant/.incompetent/arrogant/stupid/blind/visionless/parasitic/imbecilic/antiseptic/ sipping Hennessy/driving mercedes/tax-payers money milked /per diems/WHO GOT THE BIGGEST BALLS–still the most most feared question in the examination of the Govt’s machinations
    Say Yagga

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaagga ! rides again like The Lone Ranger
    Where is Tonto ——-hey Kemosabbie !

  40. Common sense is not common | October 24, 2013 at 11:00 AM |

    Jeff Broomes/Hal Gollop phone tapping occurred while Dottin was still Commissioner of police with access to the equpment to do his dirty deed.

    So who tapping my phone all like now nitwit?…………..common sense really not so common.

  41. Wunna tek it easy………………..listen to the man in saint philip a week ago. He getting ready to put some warm blows on Mia Muttley. Xmas can’t come without Muttley leaning from a blow from FS.


  42. So who tapping my phone all like now nitwit?
    That is probably the wife Onions…..trying to check if you does REALLY be fishing pun a night in truth…..or if as Bushie claims, you does rush in various fish markets pun de foreday morning buying old wives…. 🙂

  43. …………..bare balls….stupesss…blows wha blows… mean snores right?

    what to expect from a wha…..Kaligady Dan…..whaloss ! …like too much monkey sport man…lol

  44. Looka here Bushie

    I would have you to know I duz sleep home eva night……Not a fella can’t say different……as to wife tapping phone……you mean DEM old wives who wanna know when I comin and going…..da fa lick ya outback.

  45. @ac. Yes, I knew it was tongue in cheek. Naughty girl, baiting old Owen and Mia like that.

    Seriously, though, it is an extremely worrying situation as ROK has said. A lesson must be learned and, more importantly, a very strong message sent. It is my view that the A-G should be lining up his ducks and preparing a criminal prosecution against anyone involved in this, but most particularly against the CoP and any parliamentarians to whom the evidence of these criminal actions lead. And I say this, not just from the point of view of reassuring the electorate, but also reassuring those foreign investors (of which there appear to be currently none) that we are trying to attract to Barbados, so as to ensure Bajans and investors alike that they are NOT dealing with some banana republic where the right to privacy is breached at whim. If the path leads to Mia and/or Owen and the evidence is strong enough to lead to a criminal conviction, then arrest, charge and indict them and, of they are found guilty, lock them the hell up. ONLY by a robust action like this will the present government be able to reassure foreign investors that they are NOT in the realms of Mugabe and his henchmen.

    It would be good for Mia and Owen as well as, if the evidence does not lead that way, then their reputations on which there are now massive question marks, will be restored.

    And the government will have set a precedent that that sort of breach of basic human rights will not be tolerated in Barbados.

  46. @ Amused
    The AG….?
    LOL ….LOL…lol

    Perhaps assisted by the DPP right…?
    Lol Ha Ha

  47. Amused said it best:
    “That said, I for one would find it very difficult to vote into office a party (BLP) peopled by the same jokers that created the mess in the first place. As hard as I would find it to vote back into office a part (DLP) peopled by those who allowed the mess to subsist.”

    neither party DLP or DLP politicians/lawyers are suitable for public office or suitable to manage the island, like my 80+ year old relative says daily, they are all rats who managed the cock-up of running the island into the ground, now we get to hear all the disgusting details.

  48. Should read neither party DLP nor BLP are suitable for public office…………….


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