Reynold Austin, president of the Democratic Labour Party Canada branch
Reynold Austin, president of the Democratic Labour Party Canada branch

It seems like yesterday, although it was June 2010,  when a frail David Thompson turned the the ceremonial sod to announce the coming of the Pickering Housing and Town Centre development project. Depending on which local media outlet is sourced for information about the project the figures 800 million or 1.7 billion are mentioned . BU cannot remember so many projects going ‘bellyup’ in such a short time period when compared to the last 3 years. Have we compromised on our due diligence method for recognizing quality foreign investment? Have a read of the lofty words uttered by the late Prime Minister Thompson to describe the Pickering Housing and Town Centre development.

Prime Minister Stuart and the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) need to explain the stench wafting from this project which appears to be stillborn 3 years later. Before the fowls begin to cackle, here is why. In the Nation article Not Jolly a Canadian businessman is reported to have invested USD750,000 in the Pickering project after being approached by a Reynold Austin who was and still is the president of the Democratic Labour Party’s (DLP) Canadian branch.  It seems a sordid affair that Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart is being advertised as guest speaker at the 6th Annual Errol Barrow Memorial dinner being planned by the Democratic Labour Party’s (DLP) Canadian branch.  One wonders what the late Errol Barrow would have to say to Reynold Austin if he were to be reincarnated at his memorial function – see DLP Canada website.

Evelyn Greaves, former minister in DLP government
Evelyn Greaves, former minister in DLP government

Back to the  Pickering Housing and Town Centre development project. A Google search (not surprisingly) found no concrete financial information concerning the Pickering project, although a number of newspaper and blogs was generated which provided additional information about the project.

The Pickering Barbados website refers to the Pickering Plantation Development project as “possibly one of the largest project of its kind in the Caribbean”. (How many names does this project go by anyway). Under the “Organization Tab” there is an organization chart; but no names of officers and directors. Extracted from the website, “All architectural and engineering design is currently being undertaken by teams of professionals located in Miami, Florida and in Barbados. Construction is expected to span the period 2008-2012”  A June 20, 2010, Nation article said – “Cuban American architect Danny Martinez told specially invited guests that the multimillion-dollar investment would be sustainable, compact, diverse and walkable.” Our research did not reveal anything for Cuban American architect Danny Martinez connected to Pickering.

Further, click on Construction Tab and the website at which has the domain for sale, suggesting the company no longer exists.  How about clicking the Contact Tab which shows locations as c/o Wayne P Cumberbatch and Company in Barbados, and 3800 Sanctuary Drive, Coral Springs, Florida.  The latter address is a modest home which was until June 2012, owned by Yusuff and Indra Mohamed. It sold for $245,000.00 in June 2012,  Hardly the type of home you would expect of a big-time developer heading up a $1 billion project. If Jolly is the successful businessman he is being touted to be he should have done some due diligence before he plunked down $750,000.00.

A Nation newspaper article posted that North Ridge Development Company has five directors  including former long-standing former St Lucy MP Evelyn Greaves and two other Barbadians in Stanley Yearwood and Wayne Cumberbatch. The others are Rayhana Rahim and chairman Yussuf Mohamed. Note that Evelyn Greaves is the High Commissioner to Canada and former minister in a DLP government.

So who are Rayhana Rahim and Yussuf Mohamed listed as executives and the key movers in the company North Ridge Development. We assume this is the holding company which was incorporated to manage the Pickering project. Rayhana Rahim is a professor at the University of South Florida and Yusuff Mohamed is listed as a United States entrepreneur – see a detailed bio.

In a relatively short time researching this matter on the Internet the sketchy information available about these characters raises immediate concerns. And then there is the obvious DLP connection.

  • Why isn’t there anything of substance about “possibly one of the largest projects of its kind in the Caribbean” to be found in the public domain?
  • Why did the President of DLP (Canada) allegedly solicit funds from a Canadian investor for the project?
  • How come the Barbados High Commissioner to Canada is a Director (and presumably investor) in the private sector venture? Is this not a conflict of interest?

BU shows its appreciation to family member Due Diligence who researched this matter for BU.

66 responses to “Pickering Project Goes BOOM!”

  1. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Whu loss!

  2. Can you imagine that not a murmur about such an explosive issue like the Pickering project was made an issue by the opposition seemingly struggling for issues in the last election. Can it be that one of their own might be involved in the project as well?

  3. balance your best post Mia is making $2 million plus as lawyer for 4 seasons and some other big government project, sugar point or the marina. When it comes to hypocrisy the blp is the ceo of the company.

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ balance | September 20, 2013 at 4:12 AM |

    The only real Opposition this DLP administration has is right here on BU.
    Those people in Parliament are ‘parties’ in the game called “piggy-in-the-middle” and you know where the taxpayers are standing.

    Can you imagine the PM telling the people the country’s educational system must produce more thinkers and more problem-solvers rather than people with many paper qualifications?
    He would be better off looking into the mirror and in a moment of silent soliloquy pose the related question: ‘Is this statement applicable to those currently in charge of the affairs of the nation’?
    Come on Mr. PM, you are the epitome of what the same educational system stands for and are the perfect model that has come off the production line. Why kick down the ladder that raised you up?
    Any time a person that possesses the same qualities you are trying to extol attempts to demonstrate or apply them he or she is automatically perceived as a trouble-maker trying to rock the boat and treated as a social pariah.
    Ask any person who has lived or studied in a more enlightened society and tries to be too “uppity” especially when dealing with the envious angry civil servants and even the political class.

  5. The ignorance, ABC aka Waiting bringing the argument that you are doing it so we can do it too.

  6. Are you reading ABC right David?

    It MUST be clear to all by now that we are doomed.
    It is a sordid mess.
    There really in no point in exposing any more of the filth….can it get any worse?

    Question is……WHAT DO WE DO?

  7. @Bush Tea

    The system has the people on lock down or so it seems. History details what is required to create meaningful change but the catalyst remains elusive.

  8. Question is……WHAT DO WE DO?
    People Power
    but people lazy and indolent
    Bruggadung is corred
    will continued to be controlled by any force


  9. Question is……WHAT DO WE DO?
    People Power is the answer
    but people lazy and indolent
    Bruggadung is correct
    will continue to be controlled by any force /
    Trini/Guyana /China/Jamaica-music/USA products/Remy Hair
    Yaaaaaaaaaagga —again !!!

  10. It is being reported in the press today that PM Stuart is away for a week on a private visit to Canada. His equally taciturn collegue Richard Sealy will act in his absence.


    Pickering Housing and Town Centre @ We can see that most think Plantation Deeds is a joke.
    Just think for a moment , Investors from overseas will STOP any project if there is no CLEAR TITLE TO THE LAND. Unlike Bajan lawyers and Minister who dont care about FRAUD , tHE REST OF THE WORLD IS DEALING WITH RULE OF LAW.
    So until the DLP/ BLP remove the cloud on the TITLES OR LIENS , THEY will have Hell to complete any deals.
    Produce the Plantation Deeds for Barbados,,, We We also CLAIM PICKERINGS PLANTATION ,

  12. Mia Mottley has so many skeletons in her families as well as her own closet, there is no way she can ever be an effective opposition leader. Met a bajan domiciled in Bim at a mall this morning, he told me in no uncertain terms that the damage done to Barbados by both the DLP and BLP is completely irreparable. We can safely say that if it was not the Chinese, Trinis, Europeans, North Americans, Japanese or whomever dictating to the government(s) island, it would be definitely someone else, why? because for all the best education Barbados is supposed to have, they have managed to produce the biggest idiots with the most useless mentalities to date.

  13. Carson……before you jump in talking about Grenada, let me refresh your memory, Grenada has had two very unlikely hurricanes within an 8 month period (natural disasters) that completely devastated the island’s infrastructure and agriculture, i believe it was in 2004-2005 for which they have had to recover, their deficit is expected, now you can tell me the excuse for Barbados, by all means feel free,

  14. That 2004 hurricane (Ivan) was on course to hit Barbados, but because (God is a Bajan) it veered of course to hit Grenada and Barbados was spared. That really had nothing to do with Carson’s DLP crowd

  15. Due Diligence…….that’s why i am trying to find out from Carson where Barbados’ burgeoning, ballooning and forever expanding deficit came from, you know he has all the answers.

  16. balance | September 20, 2013 at 4:12 AM |

    Can you imagine that not a murmur about such an explosive issue like the Pickering project was made an issue by the opposition seemingly struggling for issues in the last election. Can it be that one of their own might be involved in the project as well?

    Did you not hear Owen Arthur exposed this project over and over again telling all and sundry that the project was phony and that the so called investors did not have two red cents to rub together?

    Did you not hear how Chris Stinkliar “light” into OSA in the house, called him the worse names and assured Barbadians that the project was out to tender and that Bajan contractors “mind” OSA and would not tender for the works and now all of them have been awarded to foreign contractors.

    What more you want the BLP to say? BU highlighted this story a few weeks ago. If I were the BLP, I would not say a word…………….just let everything unravel as we now are seeing……………the project was never viable in the first place, only a mad man would envision a project like this for the middle of nowhere. Remember the refrain …..”we won, the BLP lost?”

    Talk about things unravelling…………..look how the Minister of Health could now talk about user fees after telling people a few days ago that the 35 million dollar cut would not result in cuts to the service delivery, they would be cutting out wastage.

    They don’t even let their lies dry before they start telling more!

  17. @Prodigal
    I said a few months ago,if I were the BLP I would not say a word on this country called Barbados and I note that OSA has gone silent,silent as a lamb.That is the way to treat the current situation.The truth will out!The lies will come to light.Let the morons called DLP stew in their own mess.Bahans will now see what the true story is.

  18. Perhaps the PM will return with glad tidings of great joy about Pickering.

  19. would love to he Mr. Keelyman on this project.

    by the way, has Mr. Lowe gone home as yet?

  20. David (not BU)
    His mother died, so this seems to have set him back a bit!

    Kellman? You would not hear a word on this from him…………he will call Brasstacks but if asked about anything connected to his ministry, he will say that he did not come on to speak about that!

    How the people of St Lucy can keep re-electing him is beyond comprehension. Just Asking….shades of St John?

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 20, 2013 at 3:26 PM |

    It is rumoured in inner circles he would take the opportunity to bring back a wife.

    Is there any update on Minister Lowe’s health? His mother died and this could put additional stress on his already fragile health. We wish him well in his time of grieving.

  22. David | September 20, 2013 at 3:26 PM |

    Perhaps the PM will return with glad tidings of great joy about Pickering.

    Only if Mr. Jolly does not catch up with him while he is in Canada.

  23. We should give Lowe some space even though BLPites will show interest as October approaches.

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son | September 20, 2013 at 2:28 PM |
    Talk about things unravelling…………..look how the Minister of Health could now talk about user fees after telling people a few days ago that the 35 million dollar cut would not result in cuts to the service delivery, they would be cutting out wastage.”

    Only goes to show that the former MoH was just full of lying bullshit hot air about cleaning up all the waste at the QEH thereby improving care delivery and brining about efficiencies in management processes.

    This is a major let down by this DLP administration. The calf called Free University Education born out of the political sacred cow of free tertiary education could be sacrificed on the altar of financial necessity and might not have immediate far reaching implications given the current oversupply of graduates and the opportunity for overseas training. But to implement measures that could seriously undermine public health is a journey too far into the realm of asinine stupidity, shortsightedness and excessive risk taking that could jeopardize the social and economic health of the nation.

    The introduction of user fees will result in the application of means testing for all public users. This is a massively risky arrangement when dealing with people who require emergency or urgent treatment especially for communicable diseases or life threatening in nature. Would the unemployed be subject to these fees?

    This is a shameful admission and glaring indication the country is in serious economic and financial troubles and these wild boys haven’t a clue as to what to do.
    The day a country’s public health is put as serious risk is the day that country undertakes a journey that leads to social and economic dislocation.

    Prodigal Son you are a person of faith, you better pray to God to help Bim.

  25. Miller………Carson is soiling his tighty whities, we can sense what will happen next..

  26. David my question about Mr. Lowe was not meant to a dangerous one. I just wanted to know about the guys’ health as the PM said he will be home soon and i personally have not heard anything else after that comment from the PM.

    i wish him a speedy recovery.

  27. miller,

    Here is a prayer we say for our beloved Barbados:

    We pray for our leaders and all who are called to make decisions on our behalf that they may be guided by the Spirit to direct our affairs in righteousness and peace….
    Father in Heaven, please hear our prayer.

  28. Prodigal Son We pray for our leaders and all who are called to make decisions on our behalf that they may be guided by the Spirit to direct our affairs in
    righteousness and peace….
    Father in Heaven, please hear our prayer.
    I cannot vouch for the Catholics ,but this prayer is part of the fare in many Anglican churches on Sundays, and it doesn’t seem to wuk . Perhaps we should engage Pastor Millington, he claims that he is able to raise the dead, providing its not too cold.

  29. @Advocate “Noting that the Pickering Estate is associated with the lives of two national heroes of Barbados, Charles Duncan O’Neal and Errol Barrow”

    Follow the money.

    Maybe Mr. Jolly has “lost” his money but money cannot just disappear.

    Follow the money.

    Who has gained from this project so far?

    Follow the money

    Maybe a family was trying to get an unprofitable plantation offa their hands.

    Follow the money

    Which family?

    Follow the money

  30. Evelyn”Breakthrough”arrived from Trinidad one day in 1987 and joyfully let it be known to Barbados via the Nation newspaper that he had made a BREAKTHROUGH in negotiations with his Trinidad counterparts and that Bajan fisherman will soon be able to fish in Trinidad and Tobago waters without fear of arrest.LIE and MORE LIE.You tink it easy.Bwoi DLP bin tellin’lie from mawnin’eh pappy!eh!eh!It have a man dat can tell lie bwoi.’im name Evelyn Greaves.Show we the money Greaves!You got racehorse?We got Law Courts…..

  31. What can be said for sure is that Richard Sealy is now regarded as a Stuart loyalist and Jones has been kicked to the curb. Maybe it us an E11 thing. We should not forget however that he did join with his mates to boot Mascoll in fav our of the return of Thompson. He is therefore not averse to holding a position when forced.

  32. David – Ronald Jones has fallen from grace with Stuart. In his absence the now usually turns to Sealy (a waste of time and space) or alternatively Estwick (a no nonsense guy). The PM has effectively killed off (politically speaking) both ring leaders in the Eager 11, Sinckler and Jones and their financial sponsors Bjerkhamn, Tempro and Maloney.

  33. The PM would be wise to appreciate that Sealy has been close to Bjerkhamn and Maloney for a long time. Both financially supported him, on a monthly basis, while he was on the opposition benches.
    The next time Bjerkhamn and Maloney move to take out (politically) Stuart, it will be likely that Sealy’s hand will be on the handle of the sword.

  34. @Jack Links

    When you suggest that Sealy was supported by Bjerkhamn you mean by giving him work in his profession as an engineer?

  35. David, you seem to know.

  36. Sealy is an engineer?

    When is he going to engineer a makeover of tourism to reverse the downward spiral of arrivals

  37. Jack Links | September 21, 2013 at 7:14 AM |

    David – Ronald Jones has fallen from grace with Stuart. In his absence the now usually turns to Sealy (a waste of time and space) or alternatively Estwick (a no nonsense guy). The PM has effectively killed off (politically speaking) both ring leaders in the Eager 11, Sinckler and Jones and their financial sponsors Bjerkhamn, Tempro and Maloney.

    How typical, Barbados can’t very well be condemning the Syrian and have a dumb minister talking about cracking heads and shooting people in Barbados, if Jones did not have so much info on Stuart he would have been fired……… saying that, when will black men (government ministers) learn that you do not sell out your own people for a few dollars or photo ops with these lowlifes mentioned about for any reason……….Carson, where are you, explain to us this new low of corruption.

  38. Should read:

    Barbados can’t very well be condemning the Syrian government/rebels for atrocities against the Syrian people, and have a dumb minister talking about cracking heads and shooting people in Barbados

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Jack Links | September 21, 2013 at 7:14 AM |
    “The PM has effectively killed off (politically speaking) both ring leaders in the Eager 11, Sinckler and Jones and their financial sponsors Bjerkhamn, Tempro and Maloney.”

    Joke! The PM is a joker and yard boy when it comes to Bjerkhamn, Tempro and Maloney. These men have him in their financial pockets and hence would be pulling the political puppet strings of the ‘yes’ man.

    Could you tell us who has the construction contracts for the Valerie project and the one to go up at the Grotto and in whose constituency they are in?

  40. Miller………….a bunch of silly, sissy little boys (government ministers) who do not have the ability to man up, waiting for the likes of the above to tell them what to do or put some money in their pockets. Absolutely refusing to look after their own race through up liftment.

  41. Simple Simon

    Please explain what two long departed National Heros could have anything to do with Mr Jolly’s $750,000.00

    Follow the money?

    In Barbados?

    After paying finder’s fees, and fees to consultants, architects & engineers, and teams of professionals located in Miami, Florida and in Barbados do you really think there would be anything to pay to a family trying to get an unprofitable plantation off their hands. Oh, and do not forget the biggest fees of all – the lawyers fees.

    Follow the money? Through the lawyers’ trust accounts? Ya sure.

    What money? How many others invested in Pickering? Due Diligence wonders how many other “investors” will come forward to recover money invested.

    North Ridge Development Company Limited was incorporated August 20, 2007. Pickering Court Development Inc. was incorporated April 22, 2009. Which owns what? Which does what? Does either have title to the lands?Has either of them ever filed or published financial reports
    Follow the money?

    That would require a forensic audit.

    Four Seasons, Harlequin/Merricks, Pure Beach, Pickering

    Sorting out those messes would keep, Deloittes, E&Y, KPMG and PWC busy for years.

    How likely is it that that will happen?

    Simon, it is not simple to Follow the Money.

  42. Just when I thought I have heard it all, I came across this article in the Nation.

    BY RICKY JORDAN | SAT, SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 – 12:05 AM
    A Canadian entity is looking at investing in the northern section of Barbados through a multimillion-dollar sports tourism programme.
    Minister of Housing and Rural Development Denis Kellman revealed yesterday that the group was looking at the possibility of building an indoor stadium with an Olympic-size swimming pool, a hockey field and facilities for baseball at North Point, St Lucy.

    “I know they are working feverishly on it and are looking at how they can raise the funds,” he told the SATURDAY SUN in an interview.

    Noting that the proposal was not yet concluded so he would not wish to name the potential investors, the minister, who is also the Member of Parliament for St Lucy, said it would be an ideal boost for the north as a centre of community activity and for Barbados as a whole in attracting more North American visitors.

    “One of the reasons we’ve not been able to attract a large number of American tourists is because we do not really have anything to bring them here. After the United States naval base left [in 1979], they should have taken my foolish advice and started a baseball programme since the climate conditions are perfect for it. Unlike the British who come here and know they have football and cricket, we have nothing for visitors from North America,” he pointed out.

    “The numbers of American tourists were greater than the British here in the 1970s, and those would have declined after the naval base was decommissioned. It shows that people are not obligated to come to our country; we have to do something to get them to come.”

    Kellman said he had been in discussion with the Canadian investors for more than a year, having met them via a social media network and then hosted one of them at his office in Moon Town, St Lucy, recently. He also noted a keen interest in the project by Minister of Sports Stephen Lashley, and the fact that Barbados needed another competitive swimming facility beside the 24-year-old Aquatic Centre at the Garfield Sobers Sports Complex.

    The time frame for the sports tourism project at North Point depends on how soon the Canadians can raise the funds, he said.
    Seeing the investment as an extension of the community tourism practised in his constituency, Kellman said whenever he heard tourism players describe the Barbadian product as “stale”, it sent a strong message for him to create activities and open new attractions in rural Barbados.
    “If visitors are saying we need to improve our product, it is a message to me that the sector must have a base – a mass base. When you have a mass base and build it out, you achieve a lot more . . . similar to what I’m doing with North Stars and Moon Town and with community tourism overall. And I know the Minister of Tourism [Richard Sealy] is on board but I’d like to see a lot more people on board and appreciate what community tourism is doing for Barbados in Heywoods, Maynards, Colleton Gardens, Half Moon Fort and St Elmo’s Terrace (all in the north).”

    Kellman said rural development was not just about roads and houses, but creating the infrastructure for housing, tourism, agriculture, industry and culture.

    He therefore urged Barbadians to stop “bad-mouthing” projects like the proposed North Point initiative, Four Seasons, Almond and Pickering.
    “By bad-mouthing the Pickering project, it turned away some very good investments. I have met with some investors on more than one occasion and they were a bit worried that they might be getting involved in a political battle, and I don’t think that says a lot for our country,” he said.

    “I know for a fact that Four Seasons would have suffered from the same thing, and if we do not watch ourselves, the same will happen with Almond,” Kellman said.”

    A Canadian entity is looking at the possibility of building an indoor stadium with an Olympic-size swimming pool, a hockey field and facilities for baseball at North Point, St Lucy? It will help attracting more North American visitors?

    One small hitch; they need to find the financing.
    But, it gets better:

    “One of the reasons we’ve not been able to attract a large number of American tourists is because we do not really have anything to bring them here”

    Pardon, I must have misread; a Minister of Government would never say “we do not really have anything to bring them here”

    “It shows that people are not obligated to come to our country; we have to do something to get them to come.”

    Really? Is it not the job of BTA to do something to get them to come. Try some advertising.
    He met the Canadian investors via a social media network. What kind of investor do you meet via social media. Was the Minister surfing the net and just happened to come across an investor(who needs to find the money) looking to do something in Barbados?

    And the stuff about bad-mouthing the troubles projects, he forgot to mention the apparently still-borne projects known as The Merricks and Pure Beach at Foul Bay

    The whole article must be a bad joke.

    Of course DD does not have all the facts and may be all wrong; and there is a real need for a privately-owned indoor stadium with an Olympic size pool for the thousands of people getting ready to move into their new homes in nearby Pickering Village, and to compete with the government –
    owned Gary Sobers Spots Complex.

    If so, perhaps the Prime Minister will meet with the Canadian investors to seal the deal while he is on his “private” visit to Canada this week.

  43. “I know for a fact that Four Seasons would have suffered from the same thing”

    you ought to know for the flames for the fire which contributed to the demise of the Four seasons project were fanned by the vituperative calls daily by DLP apologists to the Brasstacks programme against the project and Sir Roy’s stance which led to the withdrawal of the planned for labour force.

  44. Prodigal Son | September 20, 2013 at 4:21 PM |
    Kellman? You would not hear a word on this from him…………he will call Brasstacks but if asked about anything connected to his ministry, he will say that he did not come on to speak about that! How the people of St Lucy can keep re-electing him is beyond comprehension.
    have to agree with you balance what is Kellman really doing? He has not said one word on housing since he took over that Ministry.

    When Michael Lashley was there housing was the star of the government’s show. The country was kept abreast of housing developments.

    We saw Kellman’s lack of usefulness as flying fish ambassador . The man achieved exactly nothing and said very little on flying fish / TnT matters. Kellman talks so much baloney unrelated to his portfolio its difficult to comprehend how he gets elected.

    There are a mob a ton of houses finished under the last Minister just standing idle while kellman talks nonsense about the long defunct St. Lucy naval base.
    God help us with this joker

  45. Short ass Kellman and short ass Stephen Lashley are two of a kind.Add the BLP short ass Lynch and short ass,tie-tongue Hinkson plus short ass Payne and we have a cast for a Laff it Off comedy this coming season.None of them can see the medium to long term vision we need for Barbados.All short term jokers!

  46. These are short crutch politicians Gabriel, not short asses. I have never seen and heard such shitiness until Kellman opens his mout!

  47. Barbados has lost its top spot with the American World Clinics (AWC).

    Four years after AWC approached Government about opening a medical tourism hospital here, its directors are now looking at alternative start-up locations because of the time it has taken to get the US$200 million project off the ground.

    AWC president Robert Priddy told the SUNDAY SUN that because of the lengthy delay Barbados might no longer be the location for the flagship mega facility.

    “We are in the process of evaluating opportunities including The Bahamas, the Canary Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos, Tobago and Nicaragua,” he said.

    “At this time we are in various stages of active negotiations at four of these sites. Operationally, we will have dedicated professional leadership for each site and are confident based on existing physician and nursing interest that we will have no problem staffing facilities in all of those locations.”

  48. Business facilitation is a mantra of the government. Coincidentally Minister Donville Inniss is the minister responsible for the transformation and was the former minister of health when the matter of the coming of this hospital was discussed through the years.

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Slightly off topic but relevant:
    It seems Rihanna is in serious PR doo doo in Thailand. She has incurred the wrath of the international environmentalists and the Thai authorities by taking photos snuggled up to a ‘highly protected’ animal and deemed to be a form of exploitation of a rare endangered species.

    The international media are emphasizing on “the pop star from Barbados”.
    She is not to blame but her managers. She knows no better since she comes from a country where abuse of animals is part of the culture.

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