Hartley Henry – Principal Political Advisor to the Hon. Prime Minister

Curious as I am to unravel the unfathomable workings of the minds of some Barbadians, I came across the most profound, pointed, direct, clear and compelling reason why Owen Arthur was kicked out of office in 2008 and deserves the utmost contempt by Barbadians for his brand of politics, economics and – more importantly – his fundamental outlook on life. By the latter, I mean his life’s philosophy.

The rules of journalistic and political fairplay demand that I cannot leave such bold and ribald comments, unvarnished by usual political courtesies, without explaining in detail why I am making them:   In another section of the media, Mr. Arthur was heard at some BLP meeting last weekend to be belittling the investment by ordinary Barbadians in Pickering, St. Lucy and essentially calling it a mirage.

Mr. Arthur had every detail of their financing arrangements; who they borrowed from, how much and for how long. He sought, by his aspersions, to cast doubt on the seriousness of the investors and the value of their project because, “it was in the middle of St. Lucy.”

Arthur was clearly out to make somebody shame and it was more likely to be a Barbadian than any foreign investor. It was a hatchet job. It is that very mission by the former Prime Minister of our country that should cause every Barbadian to judge him even more harshly than they have since that historic meeting in Haggatt Hall which, in my view, finished any serious political career for him except among the BLP’s most rabid foot-soldiers.

The way Owen Arthur has belittled Barbadians on the floor of the House, at Public Meetings and now in the media is a form of political sadism. But it gives him great enjoyment and he privately compares himself to other formidable political mischief-makers, as if competing for their spurs. I can see why that would happen. The man has no legacy. And add to that no mirror image either!

While Arthur is picking on Pickering, we may not remember – so I must remind – that in 1996 we were promised a major, billion-dollar Pierhead Project which would transform the City of Bridgetown forever! The total redevelopment of Bridgetown was promised: A marina, condominiums, housing for Barbadians, a cruise pier, a five star luxury hotel were all on the cards. Town Hall meetings were held, great speeches delivered and promises galore were made. This was in times of economic plenty.

The Barbados House of Assembly was called out on a Friday to pass a Pierhead Development Act in which tax concessions were given, Town Planning facilitated, roads were to be closed in our historic city and given over to the project and all kinds of benefits were granted by that special law. I said to myself then, well if they are even passing a law, it must be a serious development! I swallowed it hook, line and sinker like thousands of Barbadians. I remember the then Opposition DLP scrambling about for something to say in the debate. Need I say more? Arthur believed in that project. It was not a mirage.

I have two simple questions for Owen Arthur: First, have any of these things materialized?

And, by the way, apart from some effete criticism at the opening of Clico’s Headquarters Building (an event over which Arthur otherwise suffers political amnesia about what he actually said) why didn’t Owen Arthur, when he had the power to do so, investigate the approach to the financing of that project?

There is, of course, one important fact in Arthur’s equation: the promoters of the Pierhead Project came from the traditional private sector. Yes they are Barbadians too. And no one should disrespect them.  But the guys from Pickering ran around St. Lucy barefoot, sat with him in class at Coleridge and Parry and courted the same girls from the North. The point here is that he does not have them classed as anybody!

They were never in Owen Arthur’s development plans and that is why he has seized so wantonly and punishingly to embarrass the Yearwoods, Kellmans, Greaves, Toppins, O’Neals, Barrows of St. Lucy!

Owen Arthur has a sorry, sad mirror image!

Add to that the media did not report that he said a word about the Flour Seasons project in which this government had just given a US$60 million guarantee. He has no comments about that because the original promoters – when he was Prime Minister – had him within their orbit. It is only dead men who tell no tales!

I was more than heartened, though, to read in a business report that Prime Minister David Thompson asked Professor Avinash Persaud – a Barbadian – to find a Barbadian solution to getting the Four Seasons project back on the road. Persaud said that himself. This is not hearsay! This is the difference between the two leaders graphically illustrated.

What Avinash Persaud was unwittingly speaking to was David Thompson’s wholesome mirror image. Here is a Prime Minister who has strong faith and confidence in his people to find solutions to challenges and to work with them rather than tearing them down and tearing them up.

Owen Arthur prefers to pick on Pickering! A property associated with two, possibly three if you add Right Excellent Hugh Springer to Barrow and O’Neal, of our greatest National Heroes. Arthur’s mirror image is totally disfigured.

In his own constituency – in fact in the middle of St. Peter – there are projects that were on “go slow since 2007” and collapsed and are now on the market internationally. Not a word from Owen Arthur on Sunday evening or at any time before that, about how those projects were to be financed. Or, for that matter, how they came unstuck. But that wasn’t important, because they did what they had to do to get through the door and into his good books. But that will be the focus of another Haggatt Hall type meeting, in the fullness of time.

The backgrounds of the persons who built the prison at Dodds, that seeming monstrosity at Newton Roundabout and the broadened ABC Highway will all be brought sharply under the microscope, and compared to those of the “barefoot nobodies” behind the project in St. Lucy.

The second question I have for Owen Arthur is ‘who or what made you somebody?’

Suffice to say, Arthur has a sick, political agenda which focuses exclusively on investments by ordinary Barbadians, who have integrity and are not prepared to dance.

Owen Arthur sits daily in luxury in a fully taxpayer funded office at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill. It’s about time we questioned what value for money we the citizens of Barbados are getting from having this brazenly petty politician, whose claim to fame as being a former Prime Minister allows him that privilege, but who has now become a national liability and positively dangerous for the self-esteem of ordinary Barbadians, by every statement he makes to belittle them.

Owen Arthur chooses to sully the name of Pickering and the people of St. Lucy! I take it as far as that because it should be an affront to the good people of St. Lucy.

Errol Barrow said on the famous night of his mirror-image speech that you have to like yourself first before you can like others. I didn’t understand him fully then. The more I hear Owen Arthur speak, the clearer my understanding of what that great man really meant.

39 responses to “A Broken Mirror Image”

  1. What does a ground breaking ceremony imply? Unfortunately, this article has done nothing to refute what was said by Owen.

  2. Command Central Avatar
    Command Central

    So what of the Pierhead Marina project then? Barbados could do with such a project at this time, would it not help stimulate the economy in Barbados now?

  3. WOW! After all that venom, Hartley Henry must be really asking all of us to “Refudiate” Owen S. Arthur.

  4. @deMarlehole

    Your above typifies how dangerous political yardfowls can be. Despite Sarah Palin each time she opens her mouth demonstrates an ignorance to operate at a high decision making level her popularity increases in the USA. Can you explain it?

  5. My Name Is Not Sylvan..... Avatar
    My Name Is Not Sylvan…..


    your fear of Owen Arthur, even in retirement shows through this article from beginning to end.

    A fundamental difference with the Pierhead project was that it was never implied that the project was starting (note I said “starting” not “about to start” not that “the start of the project was imminent” not that it would be starting in 3 months) The ground breaking ceremony attended by PM Thompson (I wish him a speedy recovery) clearly told people the project was getting under way. Now we hear different.

    The difference between the two projects is that this DLP administration is desperate to show that it is generating employment for the people in this country (a task which it has failed miserably at so far) so the DLP has organised a PR exercise to make people feel that there are jobs in the offing. Why you are so angry is that Owen Arthur exposed this farce for the dog and pony show that it was.

    The DLP has yet to learn that Public Relations and spin are no substitute for running a government.

  6. Well said “My Name is Not Sylvan”

    Sadly this government has not rolled up its sleeves and gotten down to doing the actual hard needed to build our economy. All they are focussed on is blaming the past government….even after 2 yrs (that was the sum total of Jepter Ince’s, Mr Physical Deficit focus on BT Sunday).

    Time is running out on this smoke and mirrors government and unfortunately most the economy and possibly our exchange rate will pay the price, but by that time it will be too late

    Wake up Barbados, show some gumption!!!

  7. owen authur feels without him in control barbados economy will collapse ,st.lucy has potential like any other parish for development,i hope that Mia isn’t thinking like him inreference to st.lucy ,i hope the government evict him from that office at cave or make make him pay rent ,all he is trying to do is to upstage Mia,to hell with Owen

  8. @ My Name Is Not Sylvan….. // July 22, 2010 at 8:04 AM


    your fear of Owen Arthur, even in retirement shows through this article from beginning to end.

    A fundamental difference with the Pierhead project was that it was never implied that the project was starting (note I said “starting” not “about to start” not that “the start of the project was imminent” not that it would be starting in 3 months) The ground breaking ceremony attended by PM Thompson (I wish him a speedy recovery) clearly told people the project was getting under way. Now we hear different.

    The difference between the two projects is that this DLP administration is desperate to show that it is generating employment for the people in this country (a task which it has failed miserably at so far) so the DLP has organised a PR exercise to make people feel that there are jobs in the offing. Why you are so angry is that Owen Arthur exposed this farce for the dog and pony show that it was.

    The DLP has yet to learn that Public Relations and spin are no substitute for running a government

    Are you saying that the DLP has no real interest in executing projects that generate employment both during the process of implkementation and subsequent operation? Perhaps you believe, also, that the sole aim of politicians in approving and implementing projects is providing an opportunity for receiving “kickbacks”.



    You are too harsh on Hartley. His job is not to answer the charges brought by Arthur. You misunderstand, the most important function David Thompson thought necessary for the governance of the country was not a trained economic manager. He was satisfied with Dark shadows Darcy, who cannot be seen or heard not even in the dark; and Jepta who should not be seen or heard. The most important position to be filled was a public relations and political strategist position. The plan was to govern by political strategy and public relations, necessary to cover shortcomings in strategy, policies, competence to manage; and to ensure future election victories.

    Now you have to acknowledge that Henry is committed and a producer. Look at the terrific job done to write about DLP performance when every other DLP mouth is shut,and there is a deafening silence in the land, about the economy, mismanagement of public funds etc. His job is to crush Owen Arthur make sure the phoenix does not rise again; neutralise Mottley, so she cannot get in the Prime seat. He has done a hatchet job. Without recourse to facts, evidence, sound argument he has convinced some Barbadians, corruption, corruption, corruption – not a fellow in bangles, no evidence of overseas bank accounts. He is so good some Bajans still persist with this position though no evidence has been forthcoming. When he thought all was well, here comes a quintple whammy that has him scrambling – (1) STARBOY ill, should we tell or should we not tell bajans how bad it is hmmmmnnn…; (2)Economy continues downward slide , (Cb governor says its stable and the strategy working) ; (3) Persaud and Mascoll bring into greater light the misspending of1.5b (several times over the amount Hartley has been brandishing as corruption) not in ‘a time of plenty’ but time of great distress, exposing the underbelly of the current DEMS as no friend of the people. The aim was to increase access to fatted calf at a time when the calf lost nuff weight, at the expense of stimulating economy that has been losing jobs- construction, tourism retail, and companies – vendors, construction, farmers, people losing homes and cars; then (4)Jepta further exposing the incompetence that attends this gov’t which was never serious about governing the country, only winning elections; (5)CLICO, THE RECURRING FIASCO say they cannot pay, and our elderly retired persons in a pickle cannot get money from CLICO. At least Parris received his $1,000,000.00,the old people can do without theirs. Now that dratted man he thought he had put down to rise no more, seeking to expose the fairytale of Pickering.

    And on top of that Henry cannot get a fellow to come out and speak – PM acting, Sinckler, Darcy, Maxine, Estwick, nor the rest of minnows. But then again it would depend on the confidence he has of them following the script or answering questions properly, so he may not want to risk it.

    Now tell me, you have any right troubling him. Give that boy from St. George a chance to catch his breath. He is wukking for dem.

  10. Wishing In Vain Avatar
    Wishing In Vain

    It is almost amusing were it not for the seriousness of Hartley’s article today to see the Owing hopefulls strutting their stuff like true yardfowls.

    Here we have a know fraudulent gathering in Owing and Muttley attempting to tell an honest sincere Gov’t in the DLP how to do things, well let me just say that we will NOT BE DOING AS PER BLP STYLE AS THAT LEAD TO TOO MUCH STEALING AND CORRUPTION, this gov’t has added a social component to Barbados that was never seen or part of a BLP program we have school children getting to school early minus the dub and drugs and sex in their heads a masterful stroke of genius I would suggest.

    We are seeing more people in Barbados at this time of the year than we had last year, people are working and are happy to be working.

    We do not have the uncertainty of the cost of a highway over our heads nor do continue to be paying Hobson, Nicholls, Danos and Owing more that they have got already from you the taxpayers we have already paid too much to them, don’t you think a payment in excess of $ 40 mil is way too much for not doing the real work ?

    that also reminds me what will Muttley’s and Owing residence cost taxpayers ?
    Lavish surrounding that they both have earned the rights to use.

    Or Greenland a multi million dollar waste of money and time that no waste can be delivered to, thru the arrogance and pit headed stupidity of one Liz Thompson as Minisiter of garbage.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    As I have said so often on this blog, the Barbados Labour Party and its operatives believe that Bajans have short memories. Just as Grantley Adams said.

    This article brings to the fore that not all of us. Keep up the good work HH or the Barbados Labour Party will fool everyone.

  12. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I know what is the problem with the Barbados Labour Party, the secret offshore bank accounts of its crooked members are running low and they are seeking desperately to return to office to replenish them.

    That is all that it is.

  13. Clearly with the brand of politics that Hartley Henry in proposing, Barbados is in a much better place.(really now?)..with a St. George Secondary buffoon like him supposedly advising the PM (on what, we don’t know)…another Garrison School buffoon who every week puts his foot in his mouth, amongst countless other losers…and a racist minister who’s now in Foreign Affairs after overseeing a racist immigration policy that targeted Guyanese indians…a PM that went to Guyana and embarrassed us all by stating, “ever so welcome, wait for a call.”
    Thank goodness for the handful of HC and Lodge boys in the group…for they’re the ones saving face for our island.
    Get serious HH, nobody takes you on. You are a nobody!

  14. H H and the dems are so scared of Owen that them allways talking about Owen and trying to create war among the bees but time will tell.

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “Thank goodness for the handful of HC and Lodge boys in the group”

    You all are so important that you have to hide behind “Anon”.

  16. Forget that HC/Lodge school crap! Past students of all schools are contributing to this country’s development.

  17. @ Carson and Anonymous

    When your children are doing the 11+ put down St. George Secondary as first choice.

  18. Flavour of the Month Avatar
    Flavour of the Month

    The Government is in trouble and the country is suffering. The economy is a tricky one to control, it is like an animal-you really have to be innovative to deal with it. Neither the PDC nor the DLP can handle the business of the economy. Even Crop Over, the DLP cant handle—-oh my !!!–and PDC says to abolish taxation-( abolish-it) then !!!

    Barbadians cannot wait for general elections !

  19. Flavour of the Month Avatar
    Flavour of the Month

    I disgree with THE FOLLOWING sentiments expressed by ANON.
    School has nothing to do with anything
    Schooling does though !!
    I am seeing a bad trend of the old school tie re-emerging and being entrenched in Barbados adding to the already tribalistic nature of our citizens.

    This talk about school A or B or bragging about a school that you left years ago is nonsense and it is only adding to TRIBALISM———–its not needed !!!!
    Anon // July 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM

    Clearly with the brand of politics that Hartley Henry in proposing, Barbados is in a much better place.(really now?)..with a St. George Secondary buffoon like him supposedly advising the

  20. Hartley, don’t let them confuse you. I understand the essence of the point. That is Owen Arthur’s view of Barbados.

    They are glancing at David Thompson who is on his sick bed, but attacking you for critcising Owen because you are “frightened” of a toothless theif!

    I am looking forward to Sunday. Keep it up!

  21. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    My daughter just finished school at HC in sixth form. She hated the school, could not wait to get out. she did not even attend the graduation ceremony.

  22. looking from the outside Avatar
    looking from the outside

    is this paper run by the D.L.P

  23. What is Owen Arthur trying to do to St. Lucy? And the “barefoot boys’ from the parish who are attempting to make a diference in St. Lucy and at the same time make an honest dollar for their entrepreneurial skill
    Shame on you, Owen

  24. This article is a good one .It exposes Owen Arthur feelings of black Barbadians being able to fund large projects.
    Henry asked who he think he is. He must remember that speech when he spoke of not being able to live on his salary in opposition and he was thinking about leaving politics.
    He was made opposition leader and then given the government by a squabbling government. With experience veterans around him, he grew in popularity over the first five years.
    In the second term he became more powerful. Started to say a lot of things at the end of budgets that would hurt many citizens.
    Cannot remember the exact quote but he said something to the effect that shows him a black Barbadian who could put the kind of money in some project.
    Therefore I am not surprise with his Pickerin comments. As a man that was this country Prime Minister for fourteen years he should be doing everything in his powers to see that his country come out of this hole that he help to dig.
    The BLP supporters should not attack the messenger but really look at the message and see that it is spot on.
    Forget the foolishness about schools. I think Erskine Sandiford and Owen Arthur went to school at CP which was considered to be in the lower section of the older secondary schools. They eventually became Prime Ministers.

  25. Both Sandi and Owen also went to HC.

  26. Robert Deschappe Avatar
    Robert Deschappe

    “Owen Arthur sits daily in luxury in a fully taxpayer funded office at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill. It’s about time we questioned what value for money we the citizens of Barbados are getting from having this brazenly petty politician, whose claim to fame as being a former Prime Minister allows him that privilege, but who has now become a national liability and positively dangerous for the self-esteem of ordinary Barbadians, by every statement he makes to belittle them”.

    Come on Hartley, you too sit daily in a fully taxpayer funded position. The people of Barbados paid the BLP for their indiscretions by voting them out of office. They paid the ultimate price. The DLP has promised us change, transparency and accountability. Hartley, as it relates to transparency and accountability, could you please inform us taxpayers (1) What are the duties of your job as the political advisor, and how much money do you earn on a monthly basis? Or is this position a reward? Does your job include being on the internet so often? Please tell us something. If you cannot tell us, maybe Waiting in Vain or Carson C Cadogan could inform us (they know about the crocked deals of the BLP, so I suspect that they should have an intimate knowledge of DLP activities.

  27. Flavour of the Month Avatar
    Flavour of the Month

    hartley henry/wishing in vain/carson c cadogan————-same ass

  28. I take objection to CP being described by “Fair Play”as being in the lower section of the secondary schools.
    The history of CP is one that shows that it fed Harrison College with students who went on to win Barbados Scholarships and UWI exhibitions.
    Fair Play are you falling into the same trap as Owen Arthur who thinks so low of the north?

  29. Coleridge and Parry is now in the lower group but this was not always the case. Look at the products- Owen, Sandi(Prime ministers), Clifford Husbands(Governor General),
    Winston Cox, Calvin Springer(Governors of the Central Bank), Rufus Broomes (Head of the Anglican Church) and the list goes on. Only Harrison College can boost of such accomplishments. Combermere, Lodge, Foundation, etc cannot come close.

  30. To the above list I should also add Hilary Beckles

  31. Robert Dechap: That information about Hartley Henry’s salary was about the place a long time ago. Mia Mottley raised it in the House, Thompson set out the details of the appointment in a statement in the House, the Sunday Sun carried it.

    Do you know how much Owen’s office costs? The maintenance costs? The staff costs? The weekly entertainment costs? Tell, me where, when and by whom it was published snce you are so committed to accountability!

    Are we the nobodies entitled to know?

  32. @Carts: “Do you know how much Owen’s office costs? The maintenance costs? The staff costs? The weekly entertainment costs?

    I personally don’t.

    I don’t believe the costs have been publicly documented.

    Perhaps you could enlighten me and us….

  33. Could someone remind be what HH’s salary was and what public service we are getting for this?

  34. True that we tend to over look the very important social changes made by the DLP . The biggest best thing they can do now is deal with the transparency issues they promised

  35. Do you think Freedom of Information laws and Integrity Laws can be ready-done? Dont you think that a mature democracy deserves mature consideration of new laws?

    I hope the laws deal with the Corruptors! Those who want the back door jobs, contracts, etc. I hope that we can withstand the bright light of transparency.

    Even the blogs – we need more accountability and transparency – rather than innuendo and slander.

    Are we prepared for it all??

  36. How did this discussion moved from Owen Arthur’s despicable and insulting comments about St. Lucy and its residents to the cost of his office space at UWI which is paid fro by the Government of Barbados.?
    Owen has always been a ‘sponger’ and an insulting brat

  37. But after taking half my cash I couldn’t afford to begin from scratch with
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    listing of accomplishments in high school or a record of your participation in school-related activities.

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