Submitted by  Nomen Nescio
Roy Morris
Roy Morris

Word in the journalistic fraternity is that Roy Morris will be returning to the Nation Newspaper come 5 September. Ever since a week-and-a-half ago when the Newspaper advertised for an Editor-in-Chief the phones have been buzzing in Fontabelle about the imminent return of the PERVERT Morris, who at present is the Editor-in-Chief at the fledging on-line Newspaper Barbados Today.

Well for those suffering from short memory it was back in July 2007 that Morris, the then Managing Editor of the Nation Publishing Company, was fired after he invited a 16 year old girl he met whilst the girl was visiting the Nation, on a night ride in his jeep. As the story unfolded, after making his play for sex and was turned down by the teenager, Morris placed his licensed firearm on the dashboard, the sight of which persuaded the young lass not to resist.

To cut a long story short, on reaching home the young lady reported she was raped. When the police was looking for Morris  he was hiding out by his then colleague and friend Roxanne Gibbs, who at the time was Deputy Managing Editor of the Nation. The long and short is that after surfacing he was fired by Publisher of the Nation, Anne Gittens. That giggling Harold Hoyte had already retired as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief.

Then on August 15, 2007 Morris was charged with rape. Whatever became of the case only Jesus, Morris, the girl and her parents know. Anyway in January 2010 Morris lured a few journalists away from the Nation to start the on-line newspaper Barbados Today, with the first edition being released on January 26, 2010.

Now in the Nation’s quest to rebuild the brand, word is that Morris will bee returning to assume leadership of the country’s leading newspaper, a job he always had his eyes on when Harold Hoyte was sitting in the seat. In fact Hoyte was the one who had groomed Morris to replace him on retirement. But Morris’ doggie kept getting in the way. First he was accused of trying to rape MP, then a reporter at the Nation. He was forgiven by Hoyte, who persuaded the Board to merely require that Morris go for counselling, which Morris in his arrogance hardly undertook since he did not think he did anything wrong. After the MP incident it seemed that Morris got worse but no matter how bad he got, that giggling she-she Hoyte forgave him. Now with Hoyte at present Chairman of the Board of the Nation Newspaper, he has organised for the return of the prodigal son.

98 responses to “Are We to See the Second Coming of Roy?”

  1. @Nomen Nescio “Morris placed his licensed firearm on the dashboard, the sight of which persuaded the young lass not to resist.”

    Does Mr. Morris still have a licensed firearm?

  2. Dear David the blogmaster:

    This whole article sounds as though it was written by somebody who is jealous of Roy and who doesn’t want him to get the editor in chief pick. But lemme tell you Nomen Nescio ain’t gine get the editor in chief pick, because Nomen Nescio can’t write to save his or her life.

    No point being jealous Nomen. Ya can’t write.


  3. @Nomen “Whatever became of the case only Jesus, Morris, the girl and her parents know.”

    This statement is a LIE.

    It is in the public domain that the case was adjourned sine die.

  4. I love this article
    You should have given this to one of the calypsonians to sing . It would have done well in a tent and it would have won that person the crown.

    It would certainly have lively out the semi-final show now on radio with AC singing (just finished) . That show is one of the poorest in recent time. That show has always been a boring spectacle. Fabae waiting to come on now.

  5. Calypso semi-final lacks sparks
    leaving the gym now


    With his so called back ground he will or might have balls to print the truth about the crooks in office and clean up this Nation.
    The NATIONS NEWS PAPERS NEED TO GET REAL. They have no balls to write and say what needed to be said ,
    Maybe then we will buy the papers again , let not the Ministers rule the words ,
    Some might want to say he is bad but other maybe worse for him to return ,
    We are sure there are more people more guilty than him that still in place wrecking this Nation of Barbados.
    Barbados Today is a better on line papers than the 2 papers in Barbados.

  7. Good and biting mud raking citizen journalism!

  8. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    What D rastafaie…..whay these tings that does find they way on BU does come frum doa?….I just love D part Roy doggie does cum in the way…whalosss….my saturday morning LAUGH OUT LOUD….. RFLOL…..and she she Hoyte….MURDA….I ent pickin sides on this one but the writer reaaaalllllll funny… bout character assassination….Like I said BU is real attack dawg KENNEL…..Roy boi…beg David to retract this one quix….um dirty !

  9. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    ………Roy I know here they got nuff Ole Wifes…..Shoal Bank…..and you ent got to put nah gun pun D dash board to get then…just lil flying fish gusts and a sharp Mustad hook… oh …them duz cum quick too….so ya doan need no Viagara like like…look I gone boazie…this ting gine mekk a man shoite ee self…David cud laud !LOL

  10. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Ps: David if ya got anything “meaty” on D Ole man….call me FIRST….cuz I willing to pay…ya hearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ! Doan want D madam to leff me like Bushy……beside my catch is nin nins…..ole wife meat too tough and pulley.when ya ent got nah teets….LOL

  11. Hamilton hill Avatar

    That Roy Morris maybe returning to his home should come as a surprise to no one.When all is said and done the strongest trait that runs throughout that fraternity is the quest to protect each other.

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Roy Morris does produce some very interesting balanced and informative editorials in the Barbados Today Online newspaper.
    He could make a difference in “beefing” up the quality of journalism and definitely the editorial fare currently delivered at the Nation.
    But would this make a difference in attracting more advertising revenues or even keeping readership loyal to that rag sheet? I doubt it!

    The Nation, like others in the old fashioned newspaper business, is beginning to experience the death throes of disappearing form of information delivery and advertising circulation while the local alternative peddlers of information and (misinformation) like the social networking sites and serious blogs like BU are witnessing the birth pangs of a brand new industry of viral information gathering and dissemination either in scandalous salacious format like FB or on serious intellectually wide-ranging platforms like BU.

    Without those massive millions spent by both political parties during the last general elections that rag sheet revenues would have been contracting at a faster rate than local economy resulting in the bottom line taking a big hit and its T&T masters calling for heads to roll and manpower numbers to be cut.

    The miller has previous asked BU to take on as its motto:
    “For the cause that lacks assistance,
    The wrong that needs resistance,
    For the future in the distance,
    And the good that (we BU) can do. “

    If there is some local intellectual property barrier Bryan would want to introduce to stop Bu from adopting this as its mission statement then time is on BU’s side, not on his and his crumbling Murdock Empire.

    The Truth will out! Technology will decide!

  13. I got a question fa ya…….I got a question fa ya……I got a question for ya BU. How your scruples get so LOW?

    Man is like not a fellow immune from your scorching. Attack Dog Haven in trute! Whay back there had this calypso BAM SEE remember?? and then came the Investigator, which one is U? Scintillating sometimes is true, but how unna cud do ROYT SOoooooo? Tekk care ee reach fa ee FAT PORK help!

  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “…….buzzing in Fontabelle about the imminent return of the PERVERT Morris”

    You are killing me.

    Barbados is can really be a peculiar place at times.

  15. @Onions

    Why don’t you share your feelings with all the young ladies who have had to suffer mental and physical anguish in the workplace?


    Is De SCoopa@ good that BU put this up, They can now get reply on the subject matter,
    We for one have first hand information of other people/person being set up before or after the talk for money,
    It did not seem to get to court , If true or not , if the other party took money , or not , Were they looking for justice or a pay day ? No one made them take nor give , if they took money and went there way, it the turn in to prostitution . Paid in full deal done ,
    Now learning what have been done to him , he now may be a better Newspaper man ?

  17. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ David

    …….Huh?..Boi whats you talkin bout……you got D wrong man yeah….I out hay all by my lonesome scaling Jacks and you puttin me in shitte….man behave ya self LOL!!!

  18. I was there dennnnnnnnnnn Avatar
    I was there dennnnnnnnnnn

    Come out tings!

  19. even the DEVIL got a friend called ONIONS! be careful one dem jacks don’t jump up and juk yuh in de eye……….ole scroundel!

  20. old onion bags wrote ” just lil flying fish gusts and a sharp Mustad hook.”

    Duh does bite pun small sprats too.

    scaling Jacks?

    You hook dem or somebody use percussive methodology?

  21. I like Roy, never done good by me, but I like him. He is an effective Black male, a rarity in these parts. BTW there are two sides to the gun point story and I have heard them both. Roy is in the clear in my books,

  22. What about the rape story Baffy?

  23. The question is whether a sixteen year old can give consent to sex with and Adult.

    In some countries the age of consent is 18 fears old.

  24. @BAFBFP
    BTW there are two sides to the gun point story and I have heard them both. Roy is in the clear in my books,

    Well…….. don’t leave us hanging on to one side, give us the other side so we can decide or until someone comes out with the truth……

  25. David you owe it to your readers to issue a statement of facts.

    Was he charged with the rape of a sixteen year old girl?

    Did he have his day in court and what was the out come?

  26. Roy get set up

  27. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Some men can’t see a skirt….(no even pun a hanger) and keep walkin….Dem so is d ones D dog does fart in dey eye…enuff said

  28. BAFBFP if he got set up that is unfortunate.

  29. old onion bags Avatar

    The days of dynamiting fish in BIM are ova…..when are you going to come back and enjoy lil Crop Ova and good ole fishing days ….nuff Jacks and flyin fish back spawning so you know the horse eyes and kingfish runnin…come and spend a lil of that ole money and drink a banks beer n eat some souse..

  30. @Baffy

    Did Roy get setup for ALL the known indiscretions?

    Interesting that most if not all of the links to the report of Roy’s court appearance have been sanitized in the local traditional media.


    This is a sensitive matter and BU will err on the side of the females in this matter.

  31. Plantation………..the justice department has started doing their job.


    All of this is the business of the girl and the man , no one else, unless its your business, He say , she says , let the court decide .
    We all know the best and fastest way to bring down any Man or Nation is from the lips of a woman or the bed of one.

  33. @Deeds

    We know that you are partial to BT because they have published your story BUT if you don’t know what is happening here you should sit this one out.

  34. Roy get set up my ass!This is what is wrong with Barbados.If you have the right connection any discretion,murder even can be made to disappear.This is the primary reason why the chosen few have set their sights on the blogs,and are committed to regulating them.Oh how accustomed they have grown to letting John Public know only what they have deemed to be inoffensive.

  35. When oneself or one’s family is violated,silence bought is really morality sold.Some offers just have to be refused.

  36. Perhaps knowledge of the accuser will help in Roy’s case. Look he is a control freak and to some that is a flaw, and to others, armed with that knowledge, it becomes an easy matter to exploit.

  37. When you take our your doggie and meat get pull (probably used that in the wrong context) you have to be able to suffer the consequences.

    Roy, has probably and will probably regret this for the rest of his life but in all fairness to Mr. Morris “let him that is without sin amongst ye cast the first stone” resonated with the truth of the Master knowing that all the fxckers with stones (the calcified one) had had their stones (the pre goadies type) wet by the oils of the haven on earth between that woman’s (and all women’s legs)

    That would exclude the orifice of Mummy why you bite me of course.

    “Here’s to be breezes, that blows through the trees’es, and blows young girls skirts above there knees’es, and shows us tings dat tickles and squeezes, and also gives us diseases”.

    Some of us clipped off a few young tings dat were close to the bone when we were 12, 13, 14….17 and each of us has to remember that it is really a real man who can control this guna which lives embedded in the doggie and rules us for most of our lives.

    If you practice a thing long enough you become extremely good at it.

    Roy, notwitstanding his past indiscretions (plural) is a good journalist and even though he is going to get the pic that Vivianne promised me for my superb inscriptions and escatological posits, will bring an unswervable change to the content of that newspaper which is the BLP Goebbels like reporting machine.


  38. David wrote “This is a sensitive matter and BU will err on the side of the females in this matter.”

    Hopefully you are erring on the side of known facts.

  39. BAFBFP the world (including Barbados) is full of adult women over 21 years old who will “gih yuh some” if yuh ask?

    There is no excuse for any man in Barbados to rape.

    Now BAFBFP focus on yuh cropova chick who I hope is a consenting adult.
    If not come to Toronto fuh the Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Toronto (formerly Caribana).
    There will be lots of adult women of all nationalities wukkin up.

  40. @ Nomen Nescio

    Sir Harold, contrary to your allusions, has an insipid chuckle and an eccentric way of laughing.

    Unlike Roy, the Knight has been able to keep his escapades veerrrryyy secret ALL these years.

    DO NOT GET TIED UP, Harold has sampled many of the BBBW (black bid botsied women in, and around the Nation, nufff

    Which brings me back to that age old query about a if a tree falls in a woods, does it make a noise if no one is there to hear it?

    If one is discrete,with one’s libido, performing all of the golden showers, the kinky tings dem, and does not get caught, does that mean that Sir Roy bonking *** and carrying her pun trips, Sir Harold bonking *** and paying for her apartment in *** and Roy bonking *** and paying **** for her services rendered, does that mean that Roy is a bad person and the other two knights are good men?

    That is why i believe that “Is de Scoopa” has a point here David[BU]

    We make mistakes, we have to live with those mistakes for all our lives.

    The man that wrote that article wrote it with a venom that is birthed at scuttling Roy’s chances to secure that pic at the Nation.

    And (repeating that conjunction sin again) so that Roy does not throw stones at me when i am on Broad Street “Feeding my Sheep” I wish to go on record that while he WILL GET my job at the Nation, I would not stoop to such a lowly deed.

    It is probably someone like a former employee who is disgruntled (Erik the Red) or someone at de nation who was eyeing de spot,

    It could not be Sankey at any Price or Carl de Mo de Monkey Climb de mo you does see he tail since the moniker is in Latin and the intellectual capacity to adopt such a moniker used in this denigrating article would escape these two intellectual dwarves and hobbits.

  41. Correction.

    My first paragraph should read.

    Sir Harold, contrary to your allusions as to his sexual leaning, ONLY, has an insipid chuckle and an eccentric way of laughing.

  42. Hants

    Thnx … I gun t’ink ;bout it. Hants you must know that rape is a technical thing and is difficult to prove particularly when there is no third party. Look the matter is settled, no blood was spilled and the only apparent wounds were those suffered by the individual whose name is still being dragged before the public. Let it die, nah

  43. @Baffy and Pieceuhderockyeahright!!!

    Your dissenting views are noted. Maybe the author has taken note as well. The harsh reality is that when we have public figures ordinary actions attributed to them are amplified. In fact some will argue that the behaviour of public individuals help to form societal standards debatable we know.

  44. @Miller

    Your suggestion is accepted, it aligns well with BU’s philosophy.

  45. David

    I judge players by what they bring to the table, and I have not a perfect one yet. IF rumour has it that lions bite I sure as hell would not be caught alone with one.

  46. @Baffy

    The back door to your position is that there is all ways the possibility of discovering happenstance.

  47. Carson, you still alive? You must be frighten at the thought of Roy returning to the Nation. We will most likely get some more stories on how you and Steve “the cheque bouncer” Blackett trick the old people that you all were going to paying their light bills.


    David | July 20, 2013 at 10:55 AM |


    We know that you are partial to BT because they have published your story BUT if you don’t know what is happening here you should sit this one out.@

    David@ i dont know all the facts , and still it dont seem you do either , So if you know the facts David then post, If you leave it open the fair game,
    We at Plantations Deeds send the fact as we know it and some reply with out knowing or caring,, So all apply until you “send us a few bones” We post the facts what we have open to all to see and comment , So maybe you need not post until you also have the facts or ask the MAN in this NEWS story to come on and reply.
    We at Deeds stand with our facts and willing to move different if some of your on line lawyers step up and speak instead of running of the net with shame ,
    They never seen and may never see nor hear of a Nations fraud lawyers at this level and magnitude ever again,

    If you say i dont know , i can only or any one else can only reply to what is written .
    I know of 3 people first had info that was in the same shit from both sides, I pick no side , i hope you all know the facts or stick to your words as i do when ever time come my way to answer for the papers we have ,
    Archives and and land registry is at some point to bring out what is hidden , Books rewritten , books missing , internet wed side gone , date stamps wrong month and wrong dates , bad printouts , change pages , wrong foli, , wrong persons, wrong owners, good maps, CLICO, sirs Qc , MPs , name it ,
    still finding more each day, bad elections paid for , fraud returns ,
    Understand as yet , We dont say all for we have to save some for the crooks. We just want you all to know why You now have to look for 400M . Some will need NBC, ABC, CNN and other to be on White USA news to believe . For slave only believe what there master tell them to believe base on the news or papers,
    Keep on your cable , you may soon get that , Now when the world shut down Barbados , it will be to late ,
    We try to keep it at home , But some heads still hard, But BOMB threats in Barbados dont get no new at all paper , tv or on line , But it happens,


    David @ THERE are no investigative reporters in Barbados , Even David Prime Ministers said so , Where are they?Who are they , We were at a meeting at Pizza Man Doc and one or 2 news showed up and they also print what they want and who pictures they want to post.

    As asked by me before , i will say to you , who ever post or print the truth about Barbados we are happy and very pleased , We will say who do and who dont when all NEWS get it , We are only and try to be partial to the truth , not lies
    Now here are some news cover again and in short by some and you may not know ,

    Pictures on the way and see if you will post or do a heading ,
    Pizza Man Doc meeting room also on BT

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