Submitted by Dear Loving Person

With general elections not due for another five years though, team Barbados urgently needs to address the economy and does not need so much political rhetoric.”

Sanka Price described as the omniscient editor
Sanka Price described as the omniscient editor

The  above is an unsolicited bit of advice from Nation columnist, Sanka Price, posing as he often feigns to be the omniscient editor, who is attuned to the pulse of the nation. He would be well advised to take some of the same medicine he is prescribing. His “weakly” contributions are precisely that – partisan political rhetoric, being passed off each time as objective, analytical prose. I wonder if he reads the texts presented before he affixes his name. If he did, he would realize that his opening sentiments are acutely applicable to him.Talk about ‘spitting in the wind and it lands in your face.’ Well, his contribution in today’s issue was a classic example.

He is being used to fight other people’s battles, as week after week his dislike and condemnation of the DLP administration are patently obvious. The February elections are barely three months behind us, yet his drawn campaign swords  remain unsheathed. But, he is not alone in this misguided effort to seek to derail this administration, rather than face the stark economic reality that is confronting EVERY OTHER country in the world – including the US, the UK, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Venezuela, the Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, etc.

For instance, only last Monday, a public holiday, on VOB’s Brass Tacks programme, we heard still BLP hopeful, Indar Weir, and DLP antagonist, Dr. Sally Cools, asking, Senator Reggie Hunte, not once but three times, to “name at least 10 things the DLP did in the last five years’. Senator Hunte started by stating “we have built lots of houses”; but before he could continue he was unceremoniously interrupted by both of his above mentioned opponents who shouted: “you see, he cannot even mention one thing they have done”.

I wonder where these two individuals were last February. All the pertinent issues were well ventilated; the DLP’s achievements and challenges were clearly articulated; and the electorate spoke. Weir and Cools were probably on another planet. They certainly  could not have been in Barbados during the campaign to ask such a question.

Well, without seeking to rehash the last election, here is some salient information for both of them, as well as for Sanka Price, Peter Wickham, Albert Branford, Patrick Hoyos, Carl Moore and the other BLP mouthpieces at the Nation, who also contribute their ‘weakly’ diatribe, seemingly oblivious to what is taking place across the globe.

Here are the unvarnished facts:

  • the DLP executed a fantastic housing programme; building more houses in 5 years than the BLP built in 14 years in office – Workhall, Woodbourne, Parish Land, Marchfield, Greens, River Crescent, French Village, Cherry Grove, Vineyard, Coverly, Arlie Heights, Sayers Court, Pool, Forty Acres, Lancaster, Four Hill, Tweedside Road, Country Towers, Valarie, and Forde’s Road, etc. all attest to this;
  • the 500 housing lot programme provided many low income persons with lots at $5 a sq. ft;
  • NHC tenants of 20 years standing were given their units FREE of cost;
  • land taxes were reduced;
  • first-time home owners did not pay VAT on building materials;
  • new Blackman-Gollop Primary School, new Maria Holder Nursery School and new Thelma Berry School built, while St. Ambrose Primary and Anne Hill School were rebuilt;
  • sixth forms created at the Ch. Ch. Foundation and St. Michael Schools;
  • the Lodge school was re-built;
  • construction of additional blocs at Harrison College, the Alleyne School, Parkinson School, the SJPP and St. Lucy Secondary, and hard courts at Princess Margaret and St. James Secondary;
  • construction of roundabouts at Boarded Hall, Coral Ridge, Speightstown and Lancaster;
  • widening of the ABC Highway from two to four lanes from the Darcy Scott Roundabout to the Garfield Sobers Roundabout;
  • construction of new Post Office at Oistins;
  • Barbadian students can now borrow up to $100,000 from the Student Revolving Loan Fund (it used to be $50,000);
  • the interest rate on Student Revolving Loans was reduced from 8% to 4%;
  • revised income tax bands that gave  all workers additional disposable income;
  • major remedial work completed on the BIDC building at Newton Industrial Park, on which the last Government wasted $M9, and from which the last contractor ran off with millions of taxpayers’ $$;
  • the St. John Polyclinic substantially completed;
  • free bus rides for all students;
  • free summer camps;
  • energy grants provided to assist unemployed persons and the elderly, over 65 years old, in paying their electricity bills;
  • establishment of a $25 millionTourism Industry Relief Fund to assist hoteliers and stakeholders;
  • increase in the minimum wage from $200 to $250 a week;
  • a massive $M60 Warrens Road and Traffic Safety Improvement Project;
  • an intensified road repair programme along major highways as well as secondary roads;
  • NIS unemployment benefits were increased from 26 to 40 weeks;
    * Constituency Councils were established and are functioning;
  • passage of the very important Employments Right Act;
  • several Double Taxation Treaties signed to favourably position the country;
  • construction of a Leachate Treatment Plant;
  • commencement of a modern Waste to Energy Plant began;
  • commencement of new headquarters for the Barbados Water Authority;
  • start of a new headquarters building for CXC;
  • improvements to the QEH and polyclinics;
  • expansion of the Community Health Programme to include home visits to mentally ill patients;
  • increase in old age (non-contributory) pensions and maternity and funeral grants;
  • several elderly people’s home repaired and replaced by RDC and UDC;
  • novel agricultural initiatives with small farmers in Christ Church, St. John and St. Philip;
  • reduced the fiscal deficit from 9.1% to 7.4 % by 2011;
  • maintained the foreign reserves at 1.5 billion $$ ( 18 weeks of imports) during the recession;
  • laid the foundation for a green economy;
  • initiated a Water Augmentation Project and a National Tractor Cultivation Project;
  • started the Cassava Feed Project;
  • improvement to the Drug Service and overhaul of the national formulary;
  • intensification of programme to eradicate plant pest, like the Giant African Snail,
  • which is now under control;
  • re-introduction of an agricultural extension service to farmers;
  • work commenced on a new Fairchild Street Public Market;
  • and, single mothers no longer have to go to the courts for child support, and leave empty-handed and disappointed because of delinquent fathers.

All these were accomplished in the worst economic recession the world has seen since the 1930. That is  the DLP’s record over the last five years, and there is more.  Dr. Cools and Mr. Weir, on the other hand, you failed to ask Senator Hunte on Monday what the DLP inherited in 2008. You ought to be ‘fair and balanced’ as moderator, David Ellis, said during the discussion.

Here is some of what greeted us on assuming office: colossal wastage, cost over-runs, nepotism, infelicities, corruption, unethical hiring practices, dozens of over-paid but non-functioning ‘friends and family’ consultants, massive debt, an inflated and under-functioning public service – several departments and statutory boards were set up that are duplicating what others are doing, e.g. UDC, RDC, Invest Barbados, the Pan African Commission, etc.

So, armed with the above irrefutable evidence of the DLP’s achievements, and in spite of the difficulties created for us by several factions last time out; in spite of the worst global economic recession in 100 years; in spite of the related socio-economic challenges;  in spite of the  doomsday prophets; in spite of the persistent canards; and in spite of the back-stabbers, the mature and knowledgeable Barbadian electorate realised that the challenges and difficulties we faced were not of our own making (and that the opposition could not do better) re-entrusted the country’s affairs to a caring and capable DLP.

It is evident that Team BLP, including the above mentioned apologists, are still in anguish from the their February loss, and they are now hell-bent on fighting a five-year election campaign. The DLP will neither be drawn into nor be engaged is such tactics.

With God’s help and an understanding and reasonable electorate, we will continue to work in the interest of the vast majority of Barbadians, and pitch tent at the appropriate time. Not before!

137 responses to “Some People Are Fighting A Five-Year Political Campaign”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan



  2. @ Carson C. Cadogan

    Be rational. Services must be paid for. Who pays for public services?

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    It is useless talking to you.

    You just want to keep down Black people.

  4. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


  5. Hal……………….as long as these two parties can keep convincing generation after generation of Bajans that education is free and so is bus fares and it is all because of either/or government, generations of families will believe themselves beholden to and owing the politicians of both parties life time of votes, bought or sold, and they will effectively remain mindless sheeple.

  6. Hal…………don’t waste your time.

  7. @ Carson C. Cadogan

    I know sometimes critical reasoning is not our strong point, but governments do not work, they get money from taxpayers. So, ipso facto, taxpayers pay for public services, ie education. Am I wrong?

  8. @ Carson C. Cadogan

    Stop throwing a tantrum and answer the question.

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    If in doubt re-read:


    It is useless talking to you.

    You just want to keep down Black people”

  10. Hal…………….told ya!!

  11. @ Carson C. Cadogan

    How do governments get their money? Who pays for public services?

  12. @ Well, Well

    We must persevere with Carson. He simply gets things wrong.

  13. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Not about you.


  14. @ Carson C. Cadogan

    Stop contributing to the propaganda about free education. IT IS NOT FREE. Repeat after me: IT IS NOT FREE.

  15. Hal…………………these are people who are unable to think beyond party affiliation, even when it’s for their own good. Prime example, we started debating about the thievery at CLICO and the fact that the victims may not get compensation because of a government led conspiracy, we also started with the sissy defamation suit being used by Parris to distract…………..just go on the thread now and see what it has reverted to, they just don’t have the ability to think beyond party affiliation, and they talk about how superior they are to Haiti and the other Caribbean islands ….but the mentality is the same or even worse with the education factor thrown in…………it’s horrifying but it is reality.

  16. @ Well, Well

    You are right, but we must try. It is the result of education by rote. Carson finds it a bit difficult separating reasoning from party propaganda. But persevere with him.
    I am sure he had no problems at Roebuck Street and/or the Garrison. Since the 1870s Barbadian have been known for their education It is what we exported. Go down the islands and ask local people.
    Education did not come to Barbados in 1961 or 1963.

  17. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Wait Hal entertaining Carson?……whaloss….Uk got a bank holiday Hal ?
    Carson why you din help the body who now got 2 picks at positions when she did compiling this mumbo jumbo? They two a wanna Cck-heds might have cum up with something more interesting to read than this nuck nuck trite…LOL…and still lost D seat ..AGAIN

  18. braggging about degrees
    family and how many

    some households–=100% degrees

    no bragging from them

  19. Hal……………..I don’t know how often you go to Barbados or how long you spend there, but lack of reasoning skill has become an epidemic, the education by rote has done more harm than good.

  20. “the 500 housing lot programme provided many low income persons with lots at $5 a sq. ft;”

    Where i the proof? Who owns/owned Pool, Cherry Grove/Henley and Guinea and how much were they paid for the land?

  21. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The Democratic Labour Party will out live all of you.

    The latest casualty, Owen Arthur!!

  22. the detective Avatar

    Prodigal Son | May 23, 2013 at 1:21 PM |
    To the author of this piece of nothing………………

    If the DLP had won the election fair and square, people would have accepted the vote and moved on. As it stands, you stole the election by buying votes with large sums of money.
    My question is where are the votes that were bought? The same percentage of Barbadians have been voting for decades namely around 60%. In 2013 it was the same old story around 60% of eligible voters went to polls. So where are the extra voters who received money to vote? There was no spike in voting.

    I’ve heard this question asked more than once but the BLP hot shots like onion and miller along with Prodigal refuse to answer. Its obvoius any votes that were so called bought was inconsequential to the result.

  23. Detective…………think you are missing the point, they now have to pay their ardent supporters to vote, no pay, no vote. sold to the highest bidder, there are only two parties on the island, easy barter.

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Well Well

    If there was vote buying it was by the BLP.

    We do not engage in foolishness.

  25. detective
    You claim to be a detective……………use your investigative powers to find out. Ask Donville, Ariel, Freundel, Blacket, Carrington, Paul, John Boyce, Michael Lashley and the man holding the bag of money……..the Minister of Finance. They could tell you where the vote buying went on!

    Some detective you are…………change your moniker, do!

  26. At 2.30 on election day, Donville called Stinkliar………..Chris, Chris….I in trouble, I gine lose my seat…I cant lose my seat… I need reinforcement….Chris said,,,,dont panic Donville…I coming with reinforcement. Bags of money and ZR’s full of people who sold their vote! Dems stop the bs.

  27. the detective Avatar

    Prodigal Son | May 23, 2013 at 4:13 PM |
    I heard the same exact story about Mia Mottley. She play the role you place on Chris.
    The point is if money was distributed to potential voters they still didnt vote because the 60% turnout weve seen for decades remained undisturbed in 2013.

  28. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Prodigal Son

    “The point is if money was distributed to potential voters they still didnt vote because the 60% turnout weve seen for decades remained undisturbed in 2013”

    This statement is putting in a difficult position.

  29. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    You have to dig into your bag of lies and come up with something quick. You are loosing face.

  30. Carson……………….all political bantering aside, I want you to see the brutal truth of what Hal and I are trying to let you see………….check this out.

  31. In i952, the St.Leonard’s Boys and the St. Leonard’s Girls Schools were opened. These schools did not charge school fees. In 1954, Luther Thorne was appointed the first Minister of Education under the BLP. In 1955, the Princess Margaret and West St.Joseph (now named Grantley Adams Memorial) schools were opened. No fees were charged at these schools. In 1960, Parkinson Secondary was opened. No fees were charged at this school. In 1961, Mr J. Cameron Tudor was appointed the first Minister of Education under a DLP administration. In 1962, school fees were abolished in the Government Secondary GRAMMAR schools.

  32. Ping……………….what Hal is trying to help Carson understand is that the taxpayers have been footing the bill for the schools since that time, along with whatever aid comes out of North America and Europe………………government has no money to fund squat without taxpayers money, it is simple logic. taxpayers also pay the same government ministers salaries, simple logic…………..taxpayers, taxpayers, taxpayers……………without us there would be no monetary system, no economic system, no ministries, no government projects………………..government ain’t shit without taxpayers. simple logic.

  33. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    Prodigal Son
    What about the black Range Rover with OSA, Hallem, Farley and ‘The Law’ inside up by Donville and down by Hutson raining Grantleys?

    That same black Range Rover went up Ch Ch East to attack Lowe but it was too late cause had his voters mobilized. The Black Range Rover was next seen in the evening in St. Phillip South raining more Grantleys before leaving after Wood declared the seat safe for the BLP.

  34. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    The DLP didn’t buy anymore or any less votes than the BLP Election Day, the problem for the BLP was that senior operatives of the BLP worked with loads of money in St.Michael and Christ Church on Election Day to ask them to support the DLP.

  35. What I don’t understand is that whatever Wickham poll you take, they both showed Stuart and Arthur in a statistical dead heat. If the polls are showing that why wouldn’t the election be very close? Why wouln’t the incumbent likely win in a close race?

    Prodigal what was the trend in the polling on stuart? I seem to recall him going from 9 to 23 then to mid thirties. Why would be BLP victory be inevitable with such polling trends?

    I am worried about attempts to hijack the demcocracy with money.

    A new poll was produced within 48 hours that showed a prediction closer to that wanted by the moneyed classes. Was money involved? Are we happy with that kinda money?

    Do people get paid to write columns of a particular slant? Are we happy with that kinda money?

  36. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    How come the longest line on Election Day in St. Joseph was not the polling stations but the BLP’s candidate in that constituency, Sheriff Marshall?

    A picture is said to be worth a thousand words but on Election Day a cell phone picture in St. Joseph was worth upwards of $300.00 if it was an image of a ballot papers with a BLP (X)

  37. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    A lot of people don’t know that the BLP election campaign ran out of money 6 days before Election Day. This is what accounted for the ‘suspicious’ CADRES’ poll, that poll was needed to get the private sector believe the BLP could/would win and hence bring bag and bags of cash.

    The problem was that a lot of the cash raised by the ‘suspicious’ poll ended up being used by BLP operatives to make sure OSA defeated and consequently the end of his political career.

  38. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    OSA was betrayed on the last day of the campaign but what do they say about revenge and cold dishes again?

  39. WEll Said Negroman and congrats to Carson and his daughter

  40. Alvin Cummins Avatar

    In British Columbia a coupe of weeks ago, up to the time of the election the polls had the incumbent NDP ahead of the Liberals by as much as 20 points. the Liberals won the election. I have never heard any accusations here of vote buying, and additionally only 52% of the electorate voted. In Barbados when the polls were announced on the last week of the election the polls showed an undecided of almost 29%. I predicted then that the polls that showed the BLP winning by the predicted amount were wrong. (I won some money on a bet theat the DLP would be reelected. In Barbados the percentage difference in committed BLP and DLP supporters are almost the samthe DLP choice of leaderhen the BLP win it is because the DLP supporters switch wither because of panic; as in the case with the 8% cut, or because as in the case the following election the election was fought on the platform of Crime, which was not a popular topic and the slogan (going with Owen) resonated with the BLP supporters and some DLP who were not enamoured with the DLP choice of leader. It seems the DLP supporters are now comfortbale with their team again, so the BLP will have a hard time still.

  41. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    The BLP supporters actually believed the ‘suspicious’ poll and could not see (before Election Day) how it could that the BLP would not win the Government.

  42. Alvin Cummins Avatar

    @Ping Pong
    When St. Leaonard’s Parkinson and those schools were opened, this was before independence. They were not listed, or regarded as Secondary schools in the strict sense of the word. their curricula were restricted and restrictive, and their funding was partially paid by some fees. @WellWell if the taxpayers are footing the bills for the schools they are footing the bills for themselves and their children. the important thing is that where persons had to pay to go to secondary school; as I did, because parents were now able to access the education of all the children without having to pay money out of their earnings, every child had/has the opportunity to attain the higeest level of education he/she is capable of achieving. No funding for eduaton comes out of North America or the U>K. Barbados does its own funding from whatever source, from the taxpayers, from borrowings, or through grant funding for studies etc.

  43. the detective Avatar

    4 recent news items caught my eye:
    – No outrage on Pastor Tony Lowe joining growing list of preachers charged for sexual assault on little girls.
    – Wickham trying to stay relevant with tall tale of the PM dissing Haynsley Benn.
    -Wickham in Trinidad newspapers conducting pole research on homosexuality in TnT. Who would have guessed. Duh!
    – Wickham reveals gravely voice DJ Alex Jordan is a BLP interested in running for Arthur’s seat in St. Peter. Did’nt know she was political.

  44. The Dummy @ Dumo Avatar
    The Dummy @ Dumo

    Alex Jordan is Oscar Jordan daughter but she may have something in common with Leader of the Oppostion. Given that Wickham is on the fringes of moral society and given that he is very close to Mia, it should surprise no one that he is ‘floating’ Alex’s name for St. Peter. The problem is Owen already has agreed to place Rawdon as the candidate for the BLP in the St. Peter by-election in October.

  45. @Observer

    You are being coldly analytical but our taste/culture has bee defined for a long time by consumption behaviour. How is it possible for a political party to make decisions which go against the grain of popular view?

  46. You Dems don’t have a country to run, though? You won, now govern. But I forgot, you all are trying to distract from what is going on with this country. But the bottom is soon going to drop out and I will wait to see what you all will say then. Blame it on OSA.

  47. Alvin……………..when parents stopped paying the individual fees for their own children everyone started paying for education for everyone’s children, the taxpayers foot the bill for education in Barbados, Alvin, what we are trying to do is get rid of the myth and lies that education is free and governments are doing the people a huge favor for free, that’s a lie, taxpayers pay for everything, so much so that there is enough for politicians to rob the taxpayers blind.

    Alvin………….there has always been funding coming out of Europe and North America for education in the Caribbean, Barbados included, funds are always set aside to help with education and scholarships, it never stopped, you just don’t hear about it, cause the same ministers always have other agendas, but the money is made available to governments for educational upgrades.

  48. Alvin……………even the loans, and i know you are well aware of this, that governments acquire for educational purposes or whatever else, is borrowed in the name of the taxpayers, to be repaid by the taxpayers by generations of taxpayers going forward. The grants they receive from Europe or North America for education or agriculture or whatever is the only money taxpayers do not have to repay, taxpayers pay for everything else through their noses. We are just trying to let those who are not aware and live in party affiliation land know that they do not owe governments anything, governments come and go and can be changed, but the taxpayers are here to stay and is the foundation of any country, not these fly by night jackasses for political parties.

  49. mascoll on tv saying the dlp has borrowed more in the last five years than the blp’s 14 years. What he does not say and is allowed to get away with is that projects like the highway, the prison, the judicial centre to name some were housed in special purpose fully government owned vehicles to hide the debt and borrowing. These have now been brought on the books

  50. @Observer

    This why economists who are aligned to political parties will lose SOME credibility.

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