Thanks to traditional media for helping us to do a pulse check of the industrial climate in Barbados today (7 January 2013).

  • The Barbados Workers Union (BWU) has threatened to shut down the country if LIME refuse to return to the negotiating table after sending home 97 workers last week.
  • Jeff Broomes has been reported to be on sick leave suffering from hypertension and did not report to his new posting today.
  • BSTU reports that the 18 teachers will report to headquarters until the ministry of education withdraw the transfer letters.
  1. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ David and BU
    Towards the end of last year BU raised some questions relating to this constituency and the candidates. This weekend the PM spoke of a website run by the BLP and suggested something illegal or unethical. Pray tell me more of my concern stated below.

    Can you people believe that Patrick Tannis, a new candidate for the DLP, is sending out letters bearing his name and signature which, deliberately seeks to distort, mislead, and deceive the young people and first-time voters in the constituency of St. Michael South East.
    The letter says that “you have the opportunity to cast your vote in the upcoming general election due in 2013, a right that the members of the Democratic Labour Party have fought for you to have and will continue to do so.” Please tell me, was there a Democratic Labour Party in 1952, the year of adult suffrage?
    Mr. Tannis goes on to write telling these young people that “as you are aware, the Democratic Labour Party won the previous general election and with your support it is working towards its reelection in order to continue to work in the best interest of the people of Barbados.” How can Mr. Tannis, a self-proclaiming christian do this to our young people when this society and economy requires truth and credibility?
    Tannis ought to give a public apology or even withdraw from the race if he would stoop so low as to frustrate the efforts, and to further confuse the young people of St. Michael South East and across Barbados with his blatant attempt to tarnish the most instrumental achievement in the electoral history of Barbados.
    It makes me wonder, how could a decent man like Prime Minister Stuart endorse Tannis’ candidacy knowing full well that there have been previous statements or actions in the public in which Tannis is seen to divert from the truth or as Barbadians would say tell a blatant lie?

  2. @David
    just read LIME’s press release as well. This seems to be another battle of egos. Was there any truth to the October Nation report of the union agreeing in principle to eventual layoffs??

    A country shut down “at this time” would essentially cripple many things. Sir Roy is clearly depending on that knowledge as a bargainig chip

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Observing(…) | January 9, 2013 at 11:58 AM |

    As the foremost legal cognoscenti on the BU blog (after Amused and sarcastically, ac, of course) do you see a difference between Mary Pinkie Redman feminine grandiloquence and Sir Roy’s trumpet blowing in the wind to summons his troop to a deadly sour battle?

    Is Lime legally allowed to make staff redundant if they are excess to the requirements of the business?

  4. @David

    I have been informed that when the former LIME workers were given the offer to run the retail outlets they were given three days to respond and also they were required to operate on a quota system. In all fairness Idonot think that three days is adequate time to make and informed business decision.

  5. Ever wonder who got the contract to run the outlets?

  6. @Watching

    Three days is an unreasonable period if what you wrote is correct.

  7. @David
    I have a sibling who managed a division of a company and who was offered to take it over and run it on a contract.He did not need 3 days,he knew it was worth his while to do it.He had the working expertise and he had training in supervising .He made his decision in less than 48 hours..He is still in the business…after 25 years!

  8. @ Prodigal
    “So Bush Tea, not me, I am my own person dependant on no government”
    Please accept Bushie’s apologies…..must have confused you with Old Onions…. 🙂

  9. @Gabriel Tackle

    Surely there must be financing considerations? And the construct of the agreement maybe different too. However your point is made, it seems a wasted opportunity.

  10. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ George C. Brathwaite | January 9, 2013 at 11:56 AM |
    “The letter says that “you have the opportunity to cast your vote in the upcoming general election due in 2013, a right that the members of the Democratic Labour Party have fought for you to have and will continue to do so.”

    This is another example to show that the DLP and its candidates are just a bunch of blatant ‘in-your-face’ liars and puts a serious dent into any claim about Freundel being a “man of integrity”.
    Bu then again what can you expect from a so-called leader who accused his own civil servants of stealing some CLICO report and some other document.
    Next the fool and his minions would accuse the BLP of stealing and ‘doctoring’ the electoral register. A drowning man grasping at straws.

    By George, don’t expect any hits on this one!

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    George C. Brathwaite | January 9, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    You getting old and senile.
    The LIARS are on the BLP side, they always have been there.

  12. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    REMINDER – Come out and support Senator Verla Depeiza, DLP candidate for Christ Church West at the opening of her campaign office TONIGHT at 7:00PM in Fordes Road, Christ Church.

    Speeches will be made by the candidate, Minister of Education and Human Resources Ronald Jones and Prime Minister and Party Leader Hon. Freundel J. Stuart, Q.C., M.P.

  13. To get things in prespective Barbados is a little more in population than the crowd at three barcelona home games.So as Mr. Trotman is myopic in threatening closers, bullying businesses etc carefull he doesnt piss off the real money or Barbados may be like Montreal in the seventies when all the business left and decimated the city over french nationalism. Rhetoric shows
    the masses your doing your job, but people outside your little pond listening and watching may have second thoughts of investing.

  14. David, Watching and Gabriel Tackle

    i was informed today that Lime told the workers they would have to meet quota every month. This is something which Lime has never been able to do. So how could you place that demand on the workers, who you “claim” you trying to help?

  15. @miller
    can’t comment fully on LIMe/BWU until I get more facts…but, one man’s trumpet is another woman’s clarinet.


  16. one would think that elections around the corner, Stuart would of stepped in and try to make himself look/appear to be a white knight. Alas, the man is as dumb as bath salts.

  17. LIME is a beast which CANNOT be wrestled to the ground.

    LIME is marching to the beat of another drum.

    Perhaps MAM should be called in to mediate.

  18. As i said and knew, Byer-Suckoo would not be able to solve this. Next move: Freundel enters. Checkmate.

    Freundel better get this one right so that he can come out looking like a shining knight and call elections on the heels of that.

  19. David wrote, “LIME is a beast which CANNOT be wrestled to the ground”

    Why not David? Bajans consumers will not give up their status symbol.
    They MUST have a cell phone.

    If Bajans decided that 1 land line from LIME and switch cell phones to Digicell what do you think would happen?

  20. Is Digicel all that good? I know a lot of people who switched and then had to switch back!

  21. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    @George C. Brathwaite | January 9, 2013 at 11:56 AM |
    “The letter says that “you have the opportunity to cast your vote in the upcoming general election due in 2013, a right that the members of the Democratic Labour Party have fought for you to have and will continue to do so.” Please tell me, was there a Democratic Labour Party in 1952, the year of adult suffrage?”

    mr tannis can afford to write that kind of letter to the young people in MSE because he is aware that not many of them know their history or would take the time to learn and understand how far Barbados came from between 1961and 1976….they seemed to be more interested in partying etc etc. so yes it was crap he wrote but are u sure that mr, tannis is aware that their was not Democratic Labour Party in 1952?

  22. Ronald Jones acting like a Orangutan (harrang-atang). or Jack Warner twin at Verla Depeiza nomination. STUPSE

  23. @Hants
    Lime owns all the infrastructure upon which all the others operate.David is correct.Lime is a sine qua non in the connectivity business in Barbados and the English speaking Caribbean.

  24. LIME could become a threat to the good governance of Barbados.

    Time to legislate their rass into compliance.

  25. It appears a National strike is still on the cards?

  26. @Hants

    I didnt know that u really learn those words growing up under the union jack. Lime can behave the way it does, becasue the market has not been fully liberalise and the agreemnet between the gob and barbados needs to be made available to the public. I have been given snit bits by somone who would be in the know and a promise was made not to mention snything, so i am mute on that.

    Has anyone consider that alex has to let go those people of his head is gone. I was made to understand that an instruction was given to fire or be fired. I though that there was an agreement among the social partners that layoff would be minimal. Is there a political direction to this to create a climate favourable to the blp which gave lime a seet heart deal to do as it please.

    LIME HAD THE monopolies for years, why has it lost so much grounds? Becasue of it stink service, can u imagaine i pay for wireless internet and more often than not i dont get it.

    This is going to be an intersting development with elections looming large. I rest my case as MIA is there in the backgroung planning for her next tournament with lime.

  27. Whuh National strike whuh?
    Wunt appen.
    The duke in gine tuh risk dah agen. Tummuch face tuh lose.
    The whole thing will peter out and embolden the other employers waiting in the wings.

  28. Are you all aware that other employers are waiting to follow Lime path.
    The head of the private sector did warned bajans that layoffs were coming this month, but I guess people weren’t listening, they too caught up in xmas.

  29. The Duke means business. A meeting of ALL BWU divisions has been called for 5PM today.

  30. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    There are holes in the bucket!

    By Melanius Alphonse

    Regrettably, Saint Lucia’s prime minister and minister of finance Dr Kenny Anthony’s New Year’s address sought to express a sympathetic twist — with the expectation that our people would gravitate to it, so that his flaws and carelessness do not emerge strongly in the media by unions and opposition party members.

    Many of the points that the prime minister and minister of finance made as solutions to our economic troubles are outdated and now that “push has come to shove” all sad numbers that reflect badly on our nation are coming to the forefront. So it makes our people think, “Well, boy, we have no choice but to live within our means if we do not want the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to finish us off.”

    Many observers predicted the upcoming economic troubles years before Dr Kenny Anthony and his economic team. But, when politics is used to cloud peoples’ mind about “better days”, all that is left when reality hits is, “Kenny lied to us!”

  31. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | January 10, 2013 at 2:22 PM |
    “Many observers predicted the upcoming economic troubles years before Dr Kenny Anthony and his economic team. But, when politics is used to cloud peoples’ mind about “better days”, all that is left when reality hits is, “Kenny lied to us!”

    Sounds exactly like something we heard played out some time ago leading up to the January 2008 in Bim that tricked people into voting on a ticket of change including the silly miller. The persons lying then were DT and his henchmen. Poor Fumble now saddled with a reputation he hardly deserves to inherit.

    The truth will set him free if only he would say it instead of keeping the big lie going that the country is stabled and well managed. Everything is fine in our local paradise and to hell with the pronouncements from the credit rating agencies and the IMF.

  32. Gabriel Tackle | January 9, 2013 at 9:09 PM |
    Lime owns all the infrastructure upon which all the others operate.David is correct.Lime is a sine qua non in the connectivity business in Barbados and the English speaking Caribbean.
    Do not forget the submarine cable which Tele Barbados brought in by the Hilton Hotel/Garrison .Word has it that LIME is renting bandwidth on this cable from TB.

  33. @BAFBFP

    It takes a Black Uneducated N_______ not to see the truth, whose racist NOW.

    Use the Blog for constructive comments or SHUT UP.

  34. Here is the latest update from the VoB newscast at 5.30PM.

  35. Look how fruendel trick Mary. She was lead to the slaughter like a lamb, shouting jeff must go but the sleeping giant woke up and now all of them gone and Mary
    As for leroy it is time somebody tell him shutup and go home.

  36. BWU general council has voted for a general strike.

  37. @David

    voting for a stike and getting support for a stike is two different things. This issue that should call for a general strike, but Trottie knows that elections are near so he wants to pressure the govt to get involved.

    I can assure u that workers are not going to risk losing their jobs in these difficult times. He should deal with lime, not using the threat of a general strike over the company’s head, thats a sign of black mail and lime should not fall for it. Trottiie should negotiate ing ood faith with the company, but he must recognize that the comapny has a right to down size, but he should get the best deal for the workers.

    It is time for Leroy Trotmman to hand over the reigns to some one else, he is becoming too autocrtaic ahd believed that he can bludgeoned the company into submission, not hat i have nay love for lime as i think since alex take over, it has been managed poorly,

    i am still remebering the royal shop , sandy lane and those two company by the harbour road, when he huffed and he puffed and he did not blow the house down.

    Trottie go nogotiate, i have been told that u have been using delaying tatics since last yeat as regards the negotiations.

  38. @ To the Point

    Isn’t a strike or threat of a legit tactic by a trades union?

  39. it is a tatic used by tu, what if the emplyers use lock out in response and what would be the impact on the country.

    direct the threat at the company and not the country, thats all i am saying. i would not want the union hot to have the threat of a strike, but i also wont want a company not to be able to down size. if lime continues with its present trajectory of laying of staff, it will continue to lose goodwill among barbadains, and good ill lost is hard to regain, when there are other competitors. Gone are the days when lime could do as it like and get away with it, and also the union using muscualr language to get what it wants.

  40. @ To the Point

    BWU directed action at LIME when it repatriated the call centre (now back) to St. Lucia. LIME has received a directive from head office and Trottie knows it.

  41. Sir roy trotman a tireless warrior fighting for the rights of all people .Govt’s come and Govt”s go. but the Rights of all people should not be left opened to be trampled upon cause in due time chip by chip bit by bit they too would disappear..

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