Submitted by P O’Connor to the Barbados Advocate, CCed BU
Anthony Bryan - Publisher Barbados Advocate
Anthony Bryan – Publisher Barbados Advocate

With reference to your article – Straight to the Point: Prime Minister David Cameron should apologise – by Mr. John Blackman in the advocate 30/12/12

I have just read this article whilst visiting the island as a tourist from the UK and I am stunned that a national newspaper from a modern progressive country such as Barbados would employ a journalist with such prejudicial and homophobic opinion never mind put in print the blatant manipulation of a very complex topic such as colonialism. I will explain further but your editorial staff should be ashamed to promote such borderline medieval opinion, Google results alone paint a poor picture of this gentleman’s past rhetoric and his veiled journalistic style.

Mr. Blackman does well to highlight the abhorrent nature of colonialism and the bullying practice, which the west continues to use against its former colonies as well as the Middle East. However he does not seem to recognise that it is as a result of this colonialism that such hatred and prejudices remain. This is certainly something that should not be held onto and celebrated but disregarded along with the emancipation of colonialism. As a developed country one would not and should not patronise you into assuming that you and your readers are not capable of accepting, supporting and understanding basic human rights.

Granted it is difficult to dissect the article it is written in a scholarly tone but that does not disguise the fact it is clearly constructed to direct your readers towards the writer’s homophobic stance. Absolutely no one can justify the criminalisation and persecution (to the extent of hard-labor and death penalties) of homosexuals in the Caribbean and some African countries. To be hetro or homo sexual is an orientation of which we are born life does not make us gay or straight, but an article like this promotes the idea that to be gay is to be somehow morally wrong. Would the advocate promote the prejudicial view that to be born with a disability is wrong? or to be born black is wrong? No you would not.

Cameron should not apologise for promoting basic human rights, or for suggesting that the continued physical and mental abuse of gay people who happen, purely by chance, to be born in the Caribbean or Africa should be abolished. Granted he should not resort to the tactics that are associated with a painful history, however Mr. Blackman and the Advocate should credit Barbadians with a little more intelligence, and moral understanding to recognise that they too would not condone such prejudices to their fellow man or woman.

It is the responsibility of journalists to not incite hatred and as such Mr. Blackman is abusing his position but more over the Advocate is promoting his view placing your publication stuck fast with opinions last seen in the mid 20th century, in the UK it would be acceptable to report such an article to the police on the grounds of inciting violence and your paper would receive a call from the police. Perhaps a homophobic view is in place top down at the Advocate’s offices? I challenge you to print this reply because as a straight married man on the island with my wife and daughter it goes to show you do not have to be gay to be offended by homophobia.

Pull your socks up Advocate and join in with the rest of us its 2013 not 1950.

178 responses to “Barbados Advocate Article Labelled Offensive”

  1. @ Simple Simon

    if you knew ANYTHING about macroeconomics (which you clealry do not); an economy is considered stable when it has a solid supply of indigenous/domestically owned companies. Should there be a global financial fluctuation; Domestic companies tend to prioritize their workers on the domestic front over their foreign work force (should there be a constant incentive provided by gov’t such as tax deductions and subsidies). large corporations tend to close down their overseas subsidiaries while the head office will still maintain a solid workforce (with the right legislation in place to help promote key domestic companies to stay) in their home country. Labor markets will always remain constant as a population grows, and will need to have a steady supply of domestic companies with a focus on establishing domestic industry in order to satiate and properly stave off high unemployment rates.

    Alas the Simpleton has not yet been satiated. Alright Dunce-man I’ll Break it down for you. Barbados received a total of $104 Million in grant funds from the E.U. alone. here’s a link:

    LET US NOT FORGET THE COUNTLESS LOANS THE GOVERNMENT OF BIM HAS TAKEN OUT from entities such as the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and likewise organizations as well rich countries. Bim took out a Loans totaling $108 million from the IDB in 2011 alone. (Source:

    Of our small nation’s GDP, we owe a national debt that equates to 112% (unweighted. Approximately 95.9% when fixed. Source: of our nation’s $5 billion dollar annual GDP. Meaning that if we had to pay back those loans by tomorrow; we would have to give EVERY CENT of our nation’s Budget to our debtors (ie. organizations and countries) and would still owe them a significant amount of money that will continue to grow as time progresses.

    Such an outcome would VIRTUALLY INCINERATE not just the Bajan economy; BUT BIM AS A “SOVEREIGNTY”.

    You truly are an ass for delving into an argument that you’re not seasoned for. So please save yourself from further embaressment and shut your arse and do your research.


    Nothing? DIDN’T THINK SO!!! SIT YOUR LOUD ASS DOWN before I pelt you with some more DATA!!! U A$$!!!

  2. @ Frank Talk.

    “I dislike anyone equating “homophobia” with Racism. it is corrupting and racist…unfortunately many schools in North America and Europe are teaching children that that is the case.”

    I COMPLETELY AGREE. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. it is something you can hide. Whereas Racism is discrimination based off of the phenotype. The two couldn’t be further apart.

  3. @Brudah-Bim

    There is a view that because our parliament is littered with lawyers and therefore their influence on laws-policy formation there is a legitimate query to be made regarding commitment to dismantle the ‘established system’.

  4. @Brudah Bim “our political economy (aka Government) is funded PURELY by foreign aid”

    @Brudah Bim “Barbados received a total of $104 Million in grant funds from the E.U.”

    Dear Brudah Bim: You made these 2 statements. Please tell this Simple Simon which one of them is true, because both can’t be true.

    So which is the truth?

    And which is the lie?

    Can’t answer”

    Well then SIT YOUR LOUD ASS DOWN before I pelt you with some more of your lies !!! U A$$!!!

  5. @ Frank Talk.

    “I dislike anyone equating “homophobia” with Racism. it is corrupting and racist…unfortunately many schools in North America and Europe are teaching children that that is the case.”

    all forms of hate crime be it religious, racial, sexual should be treated with the same consistent framework, by starting on a level playing field you provide equal rights to all, as soon as you open the door to one being more important than the other you have already started the discrimination ball rolling, i live in london and just to give an example this is copied from a council website, they are all the same (this happens to be tower hamlets)


    Hate crime is any criminal offence where anyone believes the victim has been targeted because of their race/ethnicity, religion/belief, gender/gender identity, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other actual or perceived difference

    Hate crime can include verbal abuse, threatening behaviour, offensive graffiti, harassment, malicious communications, damage to property and violence. This includes incidents committed on the grounds of:

    Race or ethnic identity
    Religion/ belief
    Gender or gender identity
    Sexual orientation
    Immigration status or nationality.

    thanks again

  6. No use arguing with an uneducated fool like you who knows NOTHING about SIMPLE ECONOMICS. I have pointed out how Bim received $104 Million in 2012 Alone. NOT TO MENTION THAT LOANS ALSO ARE ALSO CLASSIFIED AS AID YOU A$$! I’ve provided three sources (3 frigging links) from government portals; and it is clear that you DID NOT READ ANY OF THEM! You are a brainless individual trying to argue with someone who has gone to college and studied politics and economics. You’re just a silly little simpleton who has a pride that got hurt after i spoke the truth about the sh!tty situation that Bim is currently in.

    You clearly aren’t some one who is knowledgeable about economics. I provided the data, you rejected it. Bim is indebted to so many countries and organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, IDB, WTO, BRITAIN, the E.U., Canada, the US, and MORE! If you do not understand how economics works then stop PRETENDING AS IF YOU DO! BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T A LICK OF KNOWLEDGE IN THIS DEPARTMENT! I can pull up more data just to show how dire Bim’s predicament is, but I can see that knowledge CLEARLY doesn’t register in that tiny raisin you call a “skull”.

    I tell you what. YOU DO THE RESEARCH THAT PROVES OTHERWISE and then we can start having a real debate. Until then, Do the research and educate yourself ( that’s if you have enough of brain power to do so, which I HIGHLY DOUBT AT THIS POINT). You know NOTHING about how the world works economically/financially/administratively so you should stop spewing shoite from those god forsaken finger tips of yours. I would say I hope you can think as fast as you can type, but I’d be lying seeing as you you have not demonstrated any ability to THINK AT ALL!

    That said, I don’t make it a habit to argue with dunces such as yourself. However, when push comes to shove, I will get VERY nasty if I have to. Go on and come up with some empirical data that PROVES OTHERWISE to substantiate your claims.


    Stay in your corner…..

  7. Brudda,
    Simon is a woman … Go easy nah … HA HA HA

    O’Connor is right, as far as I am concerned. Yes you cannot hide the colour of your skin, but it makes no sense emphasizing one type of response over another when they are both representative of unacceptable behavior.

    What I would say though is that hate and contempt are too different responses and would rather have people speak of Contempt crime rather than mere Hate crimes. Contempt attaches a sense of history to the response between one set of people and another and therefore requires a deeper approach to dealing with the problem if any actions are to be taken seriously.

    (Ha ha … Baf like he drinkin’ something different this year … HA HA)

  8. @ BAFBFP

    I didn’t know. But still, she should watch her tone when she speaks to people. It really is foolish to call people names right off the bat when you don’t even know them. Let alone trying to argue something that you have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE about is also a reckless move on her part.

  9. Boy some men really know how to abuse woman the vitrol heaped upon Simon is the equivalant of being punched in the faceand for what. some people superiorty complex has no bounds.

  10. My fellow commenters on the website act like i should not take a break sometimes. My question now is why should we believe anything coming out of england??? particularly when it comes to behaviors, i will nit rehash yesterday, it’s gone and i see most of you did not closely read any of it because some were so emotional. However, can someone give me a good reason why we should listen to anything coming out of england and accept such as gospe???? Who so suddenly loves us and care so much about our welfare and those of our children and grandchildren, and why???

  11. And please be honest, am tired of the dishonest commenters with hidden agenders.

  12. Spelt agendas wrong, am sure it would be pointed out to me while missing the message. Racism will very shortly become redundant everywhere except, if we are not very careful, in the caribbean and particularly in Bim, it was after all the clearing house for slaves. Having said that, even the americans are getting tired of it since its now played out and no one is benefiting financially in a big way from it anymore, except maybe in some parts of Africa and some Arab states. In the western world the only people practicing racism are the DNA embedded haters with low self esteem and a deluded sense of superiority, and even then they will come to realize that no one is paying attention to them or taking them seriously, the world is now way too complex for that stupidity. Now if the majority in Bim and in the caribbean allow it to flourish again, it certainly will, in a very big way, your choice. Now you can jump on me!!!

  13. First, Barbados is not a modern progressive country, it’s a backwater of religious fanatics. Mr Blackman’s article is the norm. Journalists, politicians, business people, the population, they are all part of the same sect, and they take it seriously. Open any newspaper any day, and you will find some biblical quote – several times; word/advice for the day. There’s always a church service to celebrate or christen some event, in schools and at public events. There are people standing on your street corner having prayer meetings and testifying for hours on end, disturbing your peace and quiet, you listenig to them bawl for hours about how you’re going to burn, God hate gays, etc..that is the way of life. Barbados is ruled by God—the vengeful God of the old testament. I thinks that says it all.
    So even though I understand your reaction to that article, believe me, it’s a drop of water in a pool.
    Barbados is a nice country, with nice people(I’m from there), but it’s drowning in its conservatism stuck in the dark hole that is religion.

  14. I do agree, religion is one of the most negative plans ever visited on the world, total mind control; and we do know how our people are totally incapable of deactivating mind control.

  15. Simple Simon….LOLL yuh leggo some licks pon Brudda Bim nuh.His favorite quote is “You clearly aren’t some one who is knowledgeable about economics” I get dat from him last year he feel he is some BIG Macro economist bosey.

    Bruddah Bim Happy new year to you sour cherry. I thought you was done telling people how little dem know bout macro economics. Leff Simple Simon alone please …you gine get de wimmen pon dis blog reel vex wid yuh.

  16. Bruddah Bim comes acrosss as “a snobbish bore” wid some political axe to grind .it seems he gets a “quick fix sexually” in letting people know how intelligent or lack of in the area of social responsibilty and his neverending attacks on those who dare challenge his positions. i guess his mother taught him no Manners.

  17. @ AC

    I have been respectful throughout this comment section. I was not belligerent, and if you were reading my comments; you would see that I was responding to personal attacks. So me defending my own name is “snobbish” to you, whereas I see it as merely defending myself. I wasn’t the one who started calling people names. It was Simple Simon. You can see that for yourself.

    I don’t know how me providing evidence can come of as arrogance. Never did I boast of my credentials, and never have I looked down upon anyone here because they do not agree with me. BAFBFP and I agreed to disagree. I am more than capable of having a mature conversation. But when one attacks me PERSONALLY by calling me outside of my name; I was compelled to staunchly advocate for myself and my principles. Never was I insulting anyone’s intelligence. It was only simple simon who I have lashed out at (along with “Smooth Chocolate”).

    So do not fault me for being so committed to having discourse. I have never personally attacked you. So please do not go about spreading falsities about me.

  18. @ Well-Well

    “My fellow commenters on the website act like i should not take a break sometimes. My question now is why should we believe anything coming out of england??? particularly when it comes to behaviors, i will nit rehash yesterday, it’s gone and i see most of you did not closely read any of it because some were so emotional. However, can someone give me a good reason why we should listen to anything coming out of england and accept such as gospe???? Who so suddenly loves us and care so much about our welfare and those of our children and grandchildren, and why???”

    I love how you deflected the question BAFBFP and I posed to you. Never did I attack you. So my question to you still stands: Where does your logic stem from? You keep flip flopping and avoiding the question. I’m simply trying to understand where you are coming from…

    You compared homosexuality to bestiality, and are positing that they should gain no rights. Now you are saying that we shouldn’t give homosexuals rights because it is being imposed upon Bim as a British covert agenda. No one was “emotionally charged” as you so inappropriately put it.

    So I’m asking you again: How is it that you preach for solidarity yet still consider homosexuality an “illness” and worse off; compare it to bestiality?

    Bestiality encompasses sexual intercourse with different animal species. Whereas homosexuality incorporates sexual intercourse with members of the same sex and HUMAN SPECIES. Please DO explain your logic….

  19. @ islandgal246

    “Simple Simon….LOLL yuh leggo some licks pon Brudda Bim nuh.His favorite quote is “You clearly aren’t some one who is knowledgeable about economics” I get dat from him last year he feel he is some BIG Macro economist bosey. Bruddah Bim Happy new year to you sour cherry. I thought you was done telling people how little dem know bout macro economics. Leff Simple Simon alone please …you gine get de wimmen pon dis blog reel vex wid yuh.”

    @ Islandgal246

    first let me start off by reciprocating the gesture by wishing you a merry belated holiday and a happy new year.

    But Sugar-Foot gyul, You know the reason why I lent you hell was an effect of you 1) calling me out of my name; and 2) arguing with me about something you demonstrated as having no knowledge of. I too asked you to provide data to prove otherwise; but you continued to barrage me with insults as well. You were tag-teaming with the likes of smooth chocolate as well and OOB. Hence, I ended the convo by stating the you too should take up economics.

    Never once did I boast to you about my credentials, so I’m calling out that accusation as false. I like you as a person, I just simply do not agree with your principles as you do not agree with mine.

  20. Brudda Bim you do provide meaningful information and that i do understand and respectr.. However it causes me to wonder that with all the wealth of information given by you , if the information doesn’t gets tossed out and simply ignored by many because of the pompous, arrogant and bombastic attitude you display while attempting to ridicule those you might not be as knowelagable as you, by your way of correction.

  21. Brudah Bim – You really need to show me where I said homosexuals should gain no rights, when I said again and again, I have nothing against them and stand in solidarity, since some were raped as children, practice homosexuality as a result, and I don’t know how anyone can call that biological. Some have total psychological damage and are psychotic. Must I keep repeating that I have no problem with are people, some are how they are because of victimization. Please re-read what I wrote. Someone posted on one of these blogs today, the brutality, including homosexual rapes the Irish suffered at the hands of the British when they were enslaved and barbadosed, you need to read that to get some incite on why i said certain things, I had seen the article before, does not mean everyone has. I think it’s on the Adrian Loveridge side, or just search. It’s very educational.

  22. @ AC

    I give you that I was bombastic (a bit of a spaz). And I do apologize for that. However, it was not my intention to come off as arrogant or pompous. I am more than open to being challenged. Nor do I make it a habit to attack those who do not agree with me or are not informed on certain matters. I know that i don’t know “everything” there is to know about this world; but its another thing when some one calls you an “idiot” and says that “you do not know what you’re talking about” when you have in fact studied upon this for YEARS. As with any normal individual, it would come off as a personal attack because it is a direct insult to your intelligence.

    However, I do understand where you are coming from. And for that, I apologize deeply and sincerely for my tone. I reiterate that it was not my intention (nor is it within my nature) to come off as arrogant. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from…

  23. Everyone sweet like molasses today, just don’t start cursing each other.

  24. @ Well Well

    “You really need to show me where I said homosexuals should gain no rights, when I said again and again, I have nothing against them and stand in solidarity, since some were raped as children, practice homosexuality as a result, and I don’t know how anyone can call that biological.”

    There are countless studies that are in direct refutation of the theory of homosexuals being sexually abused. In fact, a vast majority of homosexuals have reported that they have NEVER been abused sexually and that they have always had such affinities since childhood. My Brother and Cousins were never sexually abused, and yet they are homosexual/Lesbian. Where you are coming from is a judgement based off of historical documentation which explains incidents of same-sex rape in Bim’s history (not homosexuality); though it bears little relevance as evidence is constantly proving that homosexuality is in fact a NATURAL phenomenon. If it were UNNATURAL, then animals of countless species wouldn’t partake in homosexual acts as it would go against their ‘instincts’.

    You cannot make overarching generalizations about a populace that you do not know of. No one’s situation is the same as the other, nor do you know the vast majority of homosexuals. Heck, your brother or sister could be a closeted homosexual and you wouldn’t even know it. So you see, homosexuality cannot be attributed as an illness.

    Interestingly enough, there are studies that demonstrate nuclear families that are large in numbers and have at least one homosexual. Say for instance that there’s a family consisting of 6 children; at least one child is susceptible to being a homosexual. This could be nature’s way of implementing population control. I can provide you with the studies if you’d like. National Geographic also did a study on this as well.

  25. @Drudda

    I have been wodering where u were, i really had missed ur contributions. Hope u continue to contribute to the blog more frequently, there are few her that write as clear as u have done over time.

    I personally wish u and ur family a healthy 2013.

  26. @ Well-Well and others interested

    Here’s the link to an article which delves into how this phenomenon actually works:

    Here’s a Video link from National Geographic which further details just how homosexuality can come about:

  27. @ To The Point

    A Blessed belated holiday and a Happy New Year to you too TTP! Its been a while! Thank you for your kind words, but you too have PLENTY to share. I don’t see you n hear as often. I miss your contributions. Although I know that you are a regular, it would be nice to hear you contribute more as well (though i know you must be busy with other priorities). Please continue to show face, as I know I will as well. Let’s pray that 2013 brings Bim good fortune. And I mean PRAY! Much Love & respect from the big NYC!

  28. brudda bim. yuh awright. no hard feelings, still going to continue reading yuh valuable contributions. in cyber world this is as close we get to understanding what makes the human mind think andbeing volatile at times cannot be avoided. now don;t get me wrong cause some people could get uh igrunt as sh,,te but go a little easy on the gals. after all it is still a man’s world and the gal sometimes have to fight fuh respect.

  29. @ Brudda Bim

    I don,t usually get into people,s quarrels, but this time you went over the top with your treatment of Simple Simon. You could have left it at the fact she may not have studied economics and.or politics. Not everyone has, and some that did don,t let on. It is possible that some would not agree with everything you said above, Especially the part about loans being aid. It all depends on the terms and conditions (write-offs, forgiveness, interest holidays, etc.) and how the contingent liability is set up by the lender.

    To assume that Simple Simon did not go to UNIVERSITY, top ones at that, is being condescending. We do not know anything about the bloggers on here except what they let slip from time to time. We are not here to blow our own trumpets you know.

    Anyway have a happy new year and try and control you temper. We all get mad on here from time to time. It helps not to take things personally.

  30. @ Pat

    1) I was not aware that Simple Simon was a woman. The name ‘Simon’ threw me off as I believed her to be a man. After it was made clear that she was a woman, then I backed off.

    2) Nowhere did I state or assume that Simple Simon didn’t go to University. You did.

    3) “To assume that Simple Simon did not go to UNIVERSITY, top ones at that, is being condescending”

    I am not an elitist. I am the first to criticize those who are elitist. All I stated was that I have studied upon this matter for years. Never did I boast of going to a “top” University, and I’m not going to start now. So please do not place words in my mouth if you aren’t even going to read my entire contributions.

  31. @ Pat

    Though Enough Said. I see where you are coming from. Point Taken.

  32. Brudda

    You must un’stan’ one thing ’bout this blog see. If yah touch one woman, ya touch all… hear! … Forewarned (a little late albeit). Yah see me, I’s like ta see dem cat fight … but don’ gi’ dem a reason to unite, or you gun mek it bad fah ever’body … HA HA HA HA … Uhum

  33. @Bro Bim

    You said she was arguing with you, “who went to college” and studied economics and poli sci. Some of us can do the basic analysis. You called her uneducated, etc., etc. Please. This is my last word.

  34. Unlike Brudah Bim, but just like most Bajans I had real work to do today and I did my real work for real income. No blogging, but now I have a minute to spare, before I start my second shift. I was not even aware that a quarrel was brewing on this blog today and that apparently Simple Simon was in the midst of it.

    Lord why have I spent my whole life teaching fools like Brudah Bim how to access and evaluate data/information. I should have left him and the others to dwell in darkness. Why did I show them how to fill out a university application form? Why did I bother to read and edit their essays? Why did I correct their spelling? Why did I advise them which exams to take and when and why? Was this all done to have them curse me in the nastiest way in my old age?

    Why Lord why?

    Now I understand why my sister the nurse has refused to nurse babies and children all during her career. She understood that people are ungrateful bastards, and those same children whose noses she aspirated so they would not die feel at liberty to curse an elderly woman when they met her on the street or on the blog, because after all she is only a useless old woman who did not study macro economics.

    Because so many believe that the work of all hard working, elderly, black women is nothing. We produce NOTHING according to Brudah Bim.

    What if producing healthy intelligent well educated people is the only thing we are good at?

    Tell me Brudah Bim do healthy intelligent well educated people have any role to play in your economic paradise?

    Or can you run your perfect economy without healthy intelligent well educated people?

    If my sister (another sister has safely delivered thousands of healthy babies, but according to Brudah Bim that is NOTHING) safely delivers Brudah Bim or wife of a healthy child is there any economic value to that?

    If I teach you or your children you is there any economic value to that?

    Just recently I read about a teacher who educated 3 people who went on to win Nobel prizes in medicine. Was that teacher useless, because he did not study macro-economics or because he did not win a Nobel prize himself?

    I expect that Brudah Bim were stale drunk yesterday. I expect that you are an ill disciplined person, a person who doesn’t even know when to say no to that drink which will tip you over the non-fiscal cliff.

    Thanks ac, thanks pat, thanks main man BAFBFP.

  35. 1. @Brudah Bim, January 1, at 6:4 pm. Our “economy is a joke as we produce NOTHING”

    This statement is a lie and an insult to all hard working Bajans, including me, so I pointed out to him the many goods and services produced by hard working Bajans and he get vex and curse me stink, stink, purely because I recognized his deceitful statement for exactly what it was.

    2. @Brudah Bim “Ianuary 1, 2013 at 6:44 am “@Brudah Bim “our political economy (aka Government) is funded PURELY by foreign aid”

    3. @Brudah Bim “Barbados received a total of $104 Million in grant funds from the E.U.”

    I asked Brudah Bim to produce the data which supports either of statement 2 or statement 3 as both cannot be true. and he spent all day cursing me even stinker. But up to now has FAILED to produce the data which supports either statement, and the cuss bird had the nerve to tell me that I have to learn to address people.

    Brudah Bim would want bloggers to believe that I trouble him first, but on January 1 at 6:44 pm he insulted me and all hard working Bajans here and abroad by saying that Bajans produce NOTHING.

    Brudah Bim must understand when he trouble any Bajan he trouble this Bajan.

    My old mother may she rest in peace always told me not to trouble anybody first, but if anybody trouble me don’t come crying home to her. My duty was to cut the ‘rass of the troubler, and send HIM home crying.

    Job done.

    Good night Brudah Bim.

  36. Is people just like Brudah Bim who frig up the economies of so many countries, because they fail to understand that economics is not about data.

    Economics is about people.

  37. @ “Sweet” Simple Simon

    Now you are attempting to discredit me. You truly are itching for a beating as you don’t know that you’ve already lost. Its okay sweet heart, you shouldn’t bother wasting your breath. You tried but ultimately FAILED to

    1) Look at the 3 links I have provided as proof to substantiate my claims. But you COMPLETELY missed those links and stupidly continued to pelt hot air.
    2) People on this site would disagree with your charge that I have no concern for the economic well being of the Bajan people. David of the B.U. household would be one witness as to me writing articles as to how the government should simulate the economy by strategically harnessing the nation’s human capital.

    But a novice such as yourself wouldn’t know that. So your charges again just come off as just PURE BULLSH!T. Hence, I have little tolerance for BULLSH!TTERS such as yourself because I have a severe allergy for it.

    A word of advice Know the person in their entirety before making an ASS of yourself by ASSuming you know everything about your opponent. And I stress, be prepared to bring empirical data to the table and research an issue in totality before entering any discourse whatsoever. Otherwise its just plain idiocy on your part to enter a conversation with absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE as to what is being said or to put on the table. If you cannot challenge the evidence on an intellectual level along with providing data and epidemiological evidence, then you are nothing more than a Chicken trying to play Fox games. And another thing. Be sure to ACTUALLY READ the evidence provided by your opposition. Scrutiny is key to defeating your opponents as you can use their own data against them.

    I would say that you have potential as a debater, but seeing as you you lag SEVERELY in even the basic skills of debating; I would be lying most indefinitely. I wish you Good look on gathering up what little shards of pride you’re trying to salvage for yourself little girl. I truly do pity your predicament…

  38. Regardless of how pathetic it may be….

  39. @Brudda and Simple Simon

    Enough said, may I make a sugestion, lets concentrate on the issue at hand and give the pros and cons on the issue for our readers sake. We all must defend ourselves if attcked, but prolonged bickering will detract from the issue at hand.

  40. @ TTP

    I couldn’t agree more.

  41. I was long familiar with 2 of the documents posted. I’ve just reviewed the third one public debt as a percentage of gross domestic product.

    So Barbados’s public debt as a % of GDP is 99.5% and Liberia’s is 3.3% so what does that mean on the ground where real people live? Do you think that it means that Liberia is a much more desirable place to live and work that Barbados, than Canada, than the United States, that Italy, all of which have a heavier debt load?

    If that is the case can you explain why we don’t see people rushing to put their money into Liberia? How come we don’t see Bajans, Canadians, Americans, Italians rushing to migrate to that wonderful virtually debt paradise, since all of those countries have a heavier debt loads than Liberia

    And another thing.

    You betray your intellectual weakness by cursing and threatening violence when people disagree with you. That may work in your private life (such as it is) but it doesn’t work on blogs.

    Bye, bye Brudah Bim. I am an honest to goodness real, real Bajan and I have real, real productive WORK to do. Real, real, work from which I earn real real income.

    Ah gone.

  42. Correction: that wonderful virtually debt FREE paradise

  43. Simple simin you got “balls” girl after my own heart. yuh smoking now some good questions you asked Brudda bim. well Brudda Bim interesting questions the madam put forward don,t you think. no cussing please

  44. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Simple Simon | January 2, 2013 at 11:00 PM |
    “Economics is about people.”

    The mere fact that you can make such an assertion could only offer some iota of credence to Brudah-Bim’s view that Economics- macro or micro- is certainly not you forte.
    Please review that statement and come again. Maybe the passionately exuberant Brudah-Bim can enlighten you on what, theoretically, Economics is really about.

    BTW you criticism of Brudah-Bim not having his hear in the right place for Barbados is not entirely true. Brudah-Bim has always been in the vanguard in calling for change to the Bajan financial, industrial, commercial and agricultural landscape in order to meet the challenges of the new world economic order. Both he and Rosemary Parkinson have been two of the loudest voices on this blog pushing for food security and agricultural advancement.

  45. Economics is not about people !yuh dumbass ! tell that to the storeowner who have a shelf full of inventory and nobdy to buy the product. or even tell that to the farmers who this week was told nobody buying milk money is the blood line of an econmy and without purchasing power by the consumer the economy dries up no matter how much the country can produce goods and services .an economy needs both to thrive.

  46. @ My Dearest “Sweet” Simple Simon

    You were incorrect in assuming that Liberia’s national debt is 3%. Liberia’s national debt is approximately 22% of its current GDP according the the U.S.’ CIA World Fact Book. That being said, I URGENTLY suggest that you at least teach yourself the basics of economics. Liberia’s debt stems from receiving loans from Bretton Woods institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization, USAID, and let us not forget the American Colonial tax that was slapped onto Liberia shortly after its independence. To be specific, the “financial Assistance” provided by the U.S. in the 1950’s which focused on ‘developing’ Liberia’s infrastructure, ie. Roads, railroads, ports, bridges, administrative centers, and etc.

    The reason why British, American, and Candaian citizens pour their money into is because of the massive concessions provided buy the government in order to “accommodate” foreign businesses through extension on Bim’s shores. In other words; the VAST MAJORITY of the financial institutions currently present in Bim are in fact subsidiaries of (meaning owned by) larger Anglo-Saxon financial firms that are operating on a multinational scale. The same can be said about Bim’s Telecommunications and tourism sectors. That being said, should their be a global fluctuation, the corporations can simply close up shop and leave Bim in a state of disarray as we lack any reputable and/or stable companies/corporations that are domestically owned.

  47. @Brudah Bim “That being said, should their be a global fluctuation”

    Cheeze on bread!!!

    I don’t believe that I still have to be correcting your grammar. In class 2 I taught you the difference between their and there. Boy you ain’t get it yet?

    In your sentence above you should have written there, NOT their.

    Oh boy!!! There is no hope for you. You were ever duncy.

    I URGENTLY suggest that you at least teach yourself the basics of English grammar.

    Oh boy, this is so much fun

  48. @miller etc. “Both he and Rosemary Parkinson have been two of the loudest voices on this blog pushing for food security”

    I don’t worry about food security either. Have been using Barbados’ sun, rain, soil and the labor of my own hands to feed myself all the days of my life.

    Neither macro economists, nor bloggers add one pound of yams to Barbados’ food security. There can be no food security unless we work the land and fish the sea. Talking ’bout food security and going to conferences to deliver papers ’bout it it don’t put food in de pot.

    I don’t mean you Rosemary. Rosemary is ok.

  49. De Bruddah “backed off” when he discovered Simon was a woman, after which he calls her “sweetheart”. Do I detect a patronising attitude here? Go get him SS!

  50. Bruddah Bim …Listen to teacher Simple Simon nuh? When you keep insulting people about their (possessive pronoun meaning ownership) education you have to set an example. There means a place and “their” means ownership.

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