Submitted by BLP Supporter
Arthur and Stuart, leaders of the BLP and DLP

“Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

Bernard M. Baruch

We are hearing this cry now far too often, mostly from the DLP emissary. Why if one could correctly recall, the first time aired was by the Rt. Hon Prime Minister Freundel Stuart himself in regular echelons of the Bay Primary School. Let us ponder a while to consider what could be the intended capitulation of this awesome military swagger. Could it be some new enabling battle enigma intended to drive fear into a  nonchalant enemy, or a just another blundering preamble, to another annul? We have grown accustomed now, only too well, to empty promises at election time.

Why one can  recall the former US President introducing this battle adage ‘Mother of all Battles’  that cold and sombre Spring night in 2003, signalling the beginning of Operation Iraq Freedom. When George Bush II unleashed all hell upon the mesmerized people of Iraq in a so called freedom invasion and a search for an illusive “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” But this is not the Middle East nor the country of Iraq,  and supposedly under siege or harbouring lethal ordnance. So why the rambunctious rigmarole?  Sounds heavy and capricious as well, why that is for Four Star Generals… big talk. “It’s going be the Mother of all Battles” definitely an attention grabber, compelling one’s attention, if you are unaccustomed to such perverse rhetoric. Like the poor and ridden peasants of Iraq, who were but helpless victims,in an all out unclear war.

But something still wrong here, man this in Barbados. Last time they read the riot act was in 1938 when there was trouble around. Are we about to have civil unrest? A steel donkey uprising maybe? No outward signs present to entertain such an obvious ambiguity. This one is sure to leaves a small boy or feather ‘katspraddle’. Such lofty talk of warlocks and generals, could it be really a case of showing fang or a pseudomite hiding behind fear? Last time I witnessed a boar cat fight, as usual, it was the one keeping the most noise,occasioning the worse, and taking off affa getting a good ‘washing off’. Don’t tell me times looking to repeat themselves and a lonesome ashes tabby about to get his. “Mother of all Battles “hmm, maybe father as well from all that is promised. Definitely one to look forward to. Oh what the hell WBB Wrestlemania…coming to CBC soon.

  1. The following sent to BU’s mailbox.

    The entire speech delivered by The Prime Minister The Hon Freundel Stuart QC MP, to the DLP Annual Conference yesterday will be shown tonight on Channel 8 at 9.00PM .

  2. when pigs fly...... Avatar
    when pigs fly……

    And the point is…..?

  3. After now listening to a nutting speech said a DLP to be motivating and or energizing,….”Mother of all battles” like it going be nothing more than a school boy beat-down…..sound byte from Gladiator…..”some people should learn when they are defeated.”Look ring the bell Freundel.

  4. blp supporter how you aspiring to run a country still cant get basic widely known information correct. It was not George Bush who coined the phrase ‘Mother of All Battles,’ in fact it was Suddam Hussein. Would you believe people like you and prodigal uninformed , unlearned humbugging folk across Barbados claiming you all can run a government. You cant read properly neither have you demonstrated simple comprehension but you want to put your slimy paws on the Treasury. No way.

  5. Actually Onions it was a devastating speech.

    The man is casting down the gauntlet and choosing his weapons. The main weapon seems to be personal honesty and a commitment to national service.
    …against that weapon the BLP has absolutely NO defence. Wanna should have made some changes in the last four years to properly defend this predictable line of attack.
    …things like –
    – appoint O$A to a post in Hungary
    – send Mia to Jamaica with Elombe
    – conduct an investigation into some of the more blatant excesses by the last government and fire a few people (like Gline, Rommel, the dentist, Wood, Onions etc) and express a new commitment to honesty and national service as a party.

    Apart from that, as a third party man (BBE 🙂 ), Bushie has to say that if FS continues in this mode, wanna goose cook…. LOL

  6. @BLP Joker
    The phrase “the mother of all…” was popularized in recent years, though not introduced, by Saddam Hussein, then President of Iraq, after the …..invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

  7. You sound too much like FUNDY,—-empty vessels and you going get a good ass whip too watch.

  8. For honesty and sincerity in the governance of Barbados the electorate cannot go wrong with Freundel Stuart as Prime Minister and Hal Gollop as Attorney General,both very knowledgeable and neither one for sale to anybody.

  9. @ Bushie
    Devastating what? Man Stuart can’t even motivate the Eleven (which matters) and he trying to do what ? All I heard that raised eyebrows was Owen this and Owen that…..(you figure out why). The man needs to step aside and give others a chance at Mission Impossible….cuz either way they going down. BOOM !

  10. Lol you sound like you trying to convince your self Onions….

  11. Observing (...) Avatar

    gotta agree with Bushie, the speech was a good one. As they say though, the proof of the pudding…….

    Problem with running on honesty is that a few of the soldiers have some soiled hands. honesty only works when there is no record or when everyone on board has declared to suit…

    Have to say again though, CLICO is a dead end. Don’t know why it was brought up. Neither the police, neither Alexandra. PR and messaging dead ends imho.

  12. @ Observing(..)
    Your analogy perfectly sums up the last 4 12 years…..we cannot expect a change to come overnight …..blunders unlimited.

  13. lol and more lol @BLP supporter..

    The salient point is the phrase was not intorduced by George Bush as you said it was, stop lying. Ahh boy typical economy with the truth from a BLP supporter which makes arthur proud. I’ve finally made up my mind after listening to Stuart’s terrific speech moments ago.
    The BLP WILL lose the next election!

  14. Blp Joker
    Nor by Saddam either…so shut up…..none one can say conclusively who originally coined it….but if not for the invasion, there would have been none…. Mr.elastics….

  15. Observing (...) Avatar

    @BLP joker
    do terrific speeches win elections?

  16. Wikipidea again..
    The phrase “the mother of all…” was popularized in recent years, though not introduced, by Saddam Hussein, then President of Iraq, after the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Bulletins to Iraqi citizens advised them to prepare for an invasion and “the mother of all battles”[1] promised in a speech “the mother of all battles” if the US-led coalition forces attempted to evict his army of occupation from Kuwait.

  17. Bush tea;

    A disappointing post from you. I had expected much better. The post is reminiscent of an ac post not a bush tea one.

    Firstly, I suspect that there is a lot of evidence that, even if Freundel might be arguably fairly honest, since he took up the mantle of Prime Minister (first acting and then confirmed) he has frittered away that chimera of honesty by condoning acts of gross dishonesty that makes the rumoured but unproven BLP past acts pale into insignificance. I will just point you to the revelations in the BWA special audit. It is almost certain that Freundel knew about them and did nothing. It was left to others to fire some offending souls and then get the special audit done.

    I won’t even talk about CLICO. and I don’t want to get started on the honesty of the late King, or lack thereof.

    If the campaign is about relative honesty between the last set and this one. I suspect that it can be proven that this set, with a few exceptions, is by far the most dishonest and in 4 years only, no more.

    Again, why would you expect that a party out of power would investigate past members for unproven infelicities while the current party in power, after claiming that such infelicities by their opponents were the order of the day, did absolutely nothing about investigating or setting up COI’s on the rumours that brought them into power, while setting up a very expensive COI to kick the AX matter down the road. What resources would the past government have to do such investigations, for one. I had to read that part twice to get your gist there.

    I am almost certain that you recall the way that Freundel handled that AX matter initially while pretending that he was on top of the issue and trying to fool the public that he was acting evenhandedly all along. His statements and actions were not what one would expect from a senior lawyer trained in the concepts of natural justice.

    Re. a committment to honesty and national service by the two parties. It is left to be seen which one can convince the electorate of their general superiority in these areas. I suspect that by the time the elections are called one party only will have a good tract record re. national service and both will have to live down or gloss over the instances of possible dishonesty that led to leakages of significant sums of money. the CLICO imbroglio still has some teeth and more will come out in the months to come. DT will most likely star along with his unwilling acolyte, in those likely revelations.

    I don’t think that the coming election is a fait accompli for any of the parties. Both have to fight hard. but you should recall your post above. It does not fit with the excellent posts you have penned here on a diverse number of topics.

    Wheel and come again.

  18. You expect to win an election by saying I am honest ? Where would that leave yourt team? Are they dishonest? Are you competent ? are you a man to your word ? Did you say one thing and mean another to the teachers ? Did you give Mr Broomes an honest chance when you did not engage him in the settlement with teachers? dfd you have to go back on your word ? Honest my foot only the lakeys of the DLP would think that you can push his nonsense and get away with it. A government is about stewardship and performance. Put your performance and record on the line. Not simplistic nonsense. Think on these things

  19. from nation news ”PEOPLE WHO TRY to rip off a Government fund set up five years ago to help low income earners whose homes were damaged by a catastrophe will be slapped with a stiff new $50 000 fine or five years in jail or both.

    Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler is down to pilot an amendment to the 2007 Catastrophe Fund Act when the House of Assembly meets today at 10 a.m.”

    Excellent, the government will be putting fraudsters in jail…….very good…..

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea | August 20, 2012 at 10:47 PM |
    “The man is casting down the gauntlet and choosing his weapons. The main weapon seems to be personal honesty and a commitment to national service.”

    You should also add the following silver bullets to his armoury:
    “A pure hand needs no glove to cover it.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
    “To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice”. ~Confucius
    “To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.” ~Will Durant

    Is this the same Bush Tea who went to the end of the Earth backing Jeff Broomes to the hilt?
    Here is a false messiah demanding that until specific charges of breaking any laws are brought against Uncle Jeff he should be considered “Innocent” until proven Guilty.
    So you BT, a so-called follower and disciple of the BBE, have demanded your pound of flesh for Jeff but refuses, like Shylock, to extend similar courtesies to others so accused.

    You might not be the Father of All Lies but possibly the bastard child of double standards and intellectual dishonesty.

    So you BT believe that FS is an honest and honourable man of impeccable integrity? Now where is the evidence to substantiate this character reference? Would you say that the following actions are indicative of man with integrity and honesty?

    Backing his friend Leroy P to the hilt in the highest court of the land but without backing down when his pal Greenverbs was deemed forensically to be a blatant crook and fraudulent liar:
    “The goodly gentleman is of estimable repute who is a successful and competent man in charge of a most viable and valuable insurance business. He is a pal of mine and will not be treated like a leper”. Not even you BT would touch Jeff Broomes with a ten foot pole with “Onions” attached to its tip if Jeff were found to be of similar repute to Greenverbs. But there you go: Birds of a feather flock together. Bush Tea and Broomes in one DNA pod with FS & LP in another, on the same stem of dishonesty.

    Up to this very day, not even a simple apology from the self-professed man of honesty and integrity for this Mother of all misjudgments of the character of a fraud and conman whether deliberate to protect his pink champagne friend and campaign donor or out of sheer naivety born out of innocent juvenile adoration for a cameron kingmaker whose rear guard actions behind the scenes of suspect pederasty were well hidden in the open.
    It would be interesting to find out if Leroy was bold enough to show his face at the DLP conference as he did at the Ax Inquiry.

    What about his show of disrespect to the canons of Integrity by diffidently keeping in his cabinet those advisors whose testimonials stink to high heavens when it comes to honesty? The refusal to remove from the puppet cabinet those rotten eggs laid by the Double Ds in the lagan marina and its lowedown environs has left the air of Integrity all fouled that not even the putrid gases from dead David could outmatch. The quiet removal of the illegally appointed executive chair of the BWA is just water off the crooked duck’s back.
    How about the housing deals between the archangel Michael and his in-house gun cleaning sidekick and sprite jada to “H.E.L.P” Bajans laundered their dirty things at the ‘airy’ port?
    Were these ‘title deeds and foreign cash’ so well housed on legal grounds as to be aboveboard enough to avoid any FBI radar detection? Couldn’t the angel Michael intervene to stop his Cosa Nostra gunpoint man like a modern Abraham from sacrificing his son on the altar of dishonesty and betrayal?
    “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” Proverbs 10:9
    FS must first clean out his Cabinet of the mess excreted by those dishonest b**l shitters before his ship of Integrity can set sail to do battle with the BLP destroyer on its journey to national service.
    Let FS instruct his AG to file charges of corruption against OSA and his gang of bandits and his cry of honesty and integrity would surely fall on attentive ears. Or else keep his big mouth shut as he has done in the past when it comes to matters of national importance. Let us see FS put his words into action.

    As for you Bush Tea, “Check-It out” has it all right about you this time around.
    Your show of confidence in the integrity of both Jeff and FS denies you of any right to label “Ole Onions” a “paedo of national journalistic repute” when you yourself, his mother, carry the womb of double standards and a harlot of political opportunism.
    Those who seek justice must come with clean hands. Go join the queue behind FS and Uncle Jeff and wash your dirty hands at the fountain of Truth & Justice.

  21. blunders in 4 years compare that to castatrophic damages under OSA that have sent this country debt spiralling out of control and into a hell of downgrades.

  22. @ miller

    All that dribble that you have excreted does not exonerate the BLP of all the dishonest practices done in the 14years of goverance . trying to pin the dishonesty tag on FS is ludicrous and the public would laughed you to scorn when compared to OSA

  23. blunders in 4 years compare that to castatrophic damages under OSA that have sent this country debt spiralling out of control and into a hell of downgrades’

    poor you

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | August 21, 2012 at 5:42 AM |

    FS is the one claiming the throne of Integrity. Not OSA! OSA has been dethroned and confessed to his shortcomings and sins.

    FS has demanded the spot light of honesty. The microscope has been placed on him and reveals some dangerous bacteria encircling his alleged clean nucleus.

    Refute anything said in the ‘drivel’ above and I would wipe the dribble from your mouth with a FS clean tissue.

  25. @miller

    now under BLP LAW and standards it is “Illegal” to associate ones self with a friend one has known for many years because said friend might be having legal problems whose outcome have not been dissolved in any court of law now according to BLP LAW one must cease and desist or terminate one self from such friendship what mitigated gall how come oSA did not use such law to distant him self from Clyde mascoll and “Hardwood. when it comes to Integrity the BLP and its leader can;t throw down the gauntlet or define or ascribe any rules or regulations for any one to be guided by.when it comes to integrity the writing was put on the wall by OSA when he decapitated MIA at the well of political opportunism and rewareded her lifeless body with responding to Budgets,

  26. A drunk tells you that he has stopped drinking alcohol and that he only drinks Heinekein reminds me of a liar saying he is honest.

  27. Mr Bush Tea w are really in a sad state when at this point in time where outure is calling for bold, imaginary and visionary leadership that we could be reduced to the sorry spectacle of quibbling over whether the speech of a political leader who assumed leadership by default and yet find himself scrambling for attention from without and within can be described as good or bad. I understand the hurt of persons who have been indoctrinated through the Academy of Politics to idolize the Democratic Labour Party as an Institution and a way of life. A diehard supporter once told me he would prefer to see the country sink with the DLP than swim with the BLP. PErhaps there might be BLP diehards of similar persuasion.; but Mr Bushie the irony of the situation is that the DLP is living a lie. What battle is Mr Stuart speaking about and against whom should he really be waging his battle? The truth of the matter is that the BLP has given Mr Stuart a quiet pass given the ammunition at their disposal to throw at his leadership. All this talk by apologists about offering alternative does not stir with the floating vote because the BLP. If the floating vote wanted options from Mr Arthur and his mob, they would have retained them. Despite a well managed economy and an acceptable standard of living the floating vote hearhened to the pleas of the DLP to remove the BLP because of their taint with corruption. The floating vote is still awaiting with bated breath for the DLP with all the power at their disposal to follow up on their allegations. Instead, what has come to the attention of the floating vote is some telling information about the management of the affairs of CLICO Empire in Barbados which has served to tarnish the once clean image of the former deceased Prime Minister. Now if the information in the Auditor-General’s report is correct, pertinent allegations of malfeasance against the former Executive Chairman of the Barbados Water Authority( it would be interesting to see his interaction with Mr David Estwick if he was at the Annual Convention) who was placed in that purported illegal post again by Mr Thompson and interestingly without chastisement from Mr Integrity himself who as Attorney General is expected to advise the cabinet accordingly. In addition, just like the rumors of corrupt practices directed against the BLP with respect to Hardwood, the Hallam Nicholls,/Rodney Wilkinson BLP front men connections; there are similar rumors directed towards the DLP”s Mr Denis Lowe, Mr Michael Lashley and Mr stephen lashley Those familiar with the workings of our Westminister system of governance knows that the opposition is powerless and it is therefore the party in power that receives the credit when good is done and the criticism when there is need to criticise.That is why the DLP parliamentarians could should across the floor of Parliament and remind the opposition” we are in power now, we in want to hear from you”.
    Mr Stuarts’ battle should begin from within. It should have been waged months ago against those who clandestinely sought to remove him. He owes Miss Kaymar Jordan a great debt for unwittingly letting the cat out of the bag. As the silly season once more beckons us, I wish Mr Stuart and the DLP well as they pursue their ambitions in this musical chairs system of governance under which we are forced to operate.

  28. Miller,

    Never have I seen such a thorough and professional surgical excoriation as the one you performed on Bush Tea at 5:29 this morning. You sure you not family to Dr GP?

    It seems you made a mistake, though and cut the bushman’s vocal chords as well. I can’t see he recovering from that. LOL.

  29. LOL @ miller
    You clearly have a serious problem.
    In an environment where we have determined that politicians are largely selfish, crooked parasites with a faithful clan of like minded minions in tow, Bushie has to be excited about any leader who would be willing to put integrity on the line.

    Bushie did not follow the logic of Check-it’s analysis. Is he saying that in order for someone to commit to honesty and integrity that person must be without sin? has he ever heard of repentance and commitment to change?
    Also, the point about the BLP investigating the accusations related to its loss of the last elections would have been to SEND A MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC THAT HAS TAKEN A NEW PATH OF COMMITMENT TO HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND COMMITMENT TO SERVICE.
    …as it is now we can only expect that they will steal more carefully if given another chance…

    This nonsense about economic and management ability can only impress idiots and party faithfuls. Everyone else can see much bigger countries with better leadership expertise and better economists literally going to pieces….

    The DLP may indeed be largely clueless and incompetent, but Bajans are presented with Hobson’s choice ……

  30. Inkwell
    ….it is your recovery (or is it survival) that has impressed us here on BU…
    Welcome back.

  31. Dear BLP supporter:

    If you keep on using big words like this “emissary. echelons, capitulation, enigma, ,nonchalant, preamble, annul, adage, mesmerized rambunctious rigmarole, ambiguity, warlocks, pseudomite ” I won’t vote for you and neither will my grandmother nor my little boy. Psuedomite wuh? If you mean bulla why you don’t say so?

  32. Why the posting of Miller[ millertheanunnaki | August 21, 2012 at 5:29 AM |

    and Check-it’s blast…. have now completely “katspraddled”…the DLP
    intended new elections’ gimmick of coming to the people with “clean hand” and the offering of a candidate PM,… “Mr.Honesty”……Why from the start we knew it would be a futile ask and a stupid one as well……but the DLP poor fellows….all clutching for straws, now leaves clutches of mud, as the drowning man faces the inevitable….a boar cat bout? ..nah more like Buster chases Kitty to a fence……DLP wheel and come again…another failure shot down by the Top Guns of BU…..touche’


  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | August 21, 2012 at 6:01 AM |

    Listen, ac, (aka the ghost of OSA) the issue of integrity is not about OSA this time. You have already charged, tried, judged, convicted and condemned the man. The only thing left for you to do is to string him up in a tamarind tree and kick the stool from under his feet. But knowing you, one would not be surprised if you would not want to use FS fumbling limber stick to shove up poor OSA’s rigor mortis cornmwell.

    The higher the ac monkey climb the more it exposes it yellow under belly.
    If you are so confident in FS’s integrity then let him release the findings of the forensic audit into the hardwood housing alleged corruption case and bring charges against the perpetrators of any criminal activities or undertakings. This would be a sure sign of a man of integrity and of his word. Other than that one can assume that this hardwood report has also been stolen by some BLP operative.
    If you cannot come up with specific charges against OSA and his band of thieves other than the $75, 000 illegally disclosed cheque just to fc*k up. It’s like the $ 3.3 million potty cheque written in red calling the $75,000 kettle cheque black. The $75,000 was paid from the profits made from bank customers. Whereas the $3.3 million was paid from gullible policyholders’ hard earn savings and capital. Now, whose integrity is on the line here?

  34. Millertheannunaki;
    Excellent posts above. What honesty what?

  35. @balance “@ balance “poor you” from most of yiur post not unlike you not to defend dishonesty and hypocrisy when you for one has said you are not affliiated to any party even though your postings reveal different you like most only hace your interest at heart even if the integrity of the country is scrutinuize there is nothing poorer than that

  36. Had a listen to PM’s speech and it was the ‘red meat’ speech one expects at a convention. The issues highlighted by Dr. Tennyson Joseph in today’s Nation remain.

  37. @ balance
    balance | August 21, 2012 at 7:01 AM |
    Excellent post……don’t mind pussy cat ac…..she will soon have to seek safe haven in a tree…behind FUNDY

  38. @ miller time coming FS is known for his patience but also for his abilty to deliver when pushed. But it won,t be surprising if all the relevant documents to hardwood were destroyed by the former party while doing house cleaning before giving up the reigns of power yes miller the word HIONESTY and INTEGRITY strikes fear in the hearts of the BLP supporters and one which you all going to try to dismiss as unimportant. but only fools would agree

  39. @ ac
    Gurl……why you don’t just give up…..DLP has lost this one…..

    “Is he a leper ? The man is my friend “…..a condemning statement if ever they be one……honesty and integrity? …by association just went right through the window.

  40. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea | August 21, 2012 at 7:31 AM |
    ” @ miller: You clearly have a serious problem.”

    That’s why I have come to the bush doctor for healing.
    Now give me a true diagnosis of my problem.
    Tell me and the BU family where I have gone wrong in describing the forked tongue dichotomy between what you and other partisan politically gullible supporters of Mr. Integrity say of the man and what has been actually demonstrated by the same person in public office?
    Please identify any example of integrity that would match words with action? The Ax inquiry?

    In addition to claiming to be honest one must also act in a timely and honourable way to see that justice prevails. The molasses type decision-making process of Mr. Integrity would make a Galapagos turtle look faster than Usain Bolt on steroids.

    So until FS puts his claim to integrity into action by revealing (naming and shaming) and bringing to book those accused perpetrators of corruption hiding under the umbrellas of both parties, we will have to take the unearned accolade of Mr. Integrity with a good dose of Epsom salts followed by a bush bath as recommended by Dr. BT.

    Integrity is the main issue that makes the difference between a good leader and a bad one.”
    Let us see how good a leader FS is really cut out to be by putting his claim of integrity to the test: “LOCK UP ALL CROOKS BOTH B & D INCLUDING LEROY P AND DARCY B”

  41. Thanks, BT, but I am surprised you can still talk after Miller finish with you. Not to be political, any who survived the vissitudes …ah.. vissititudes …ah..what the hell is that word? oh… vicissitudes (Thank God for spellcheck) of the past few years can pat themselves on the back. LOL

  42. @ Ink well [Inkwell | August 21, 2012 at 7:31 AM |

    “It seems you made a mistake, though and cut the bushman’s vocal chords as well. I can’t see he recovering from that. LOL.”
    Nice one inkwell…sharp as ever….even Bushie’s retort could not do justice

  43. Observing (...) Avatar

    “You have already charged, tried, judged, convicted and condemned the man.”

    you forgot crucified

    “fraudsters in jail”

    wait pun it. lol

    “FS is known for his patience but also for his ability to deliver when pushed”

    Give us one example that mattered. Just one.

  44. Unrepentant BLPite Avatar
    Unrepentant BLPite

    My fellow BLPites on this BU site…..I am very concerned after hearing PM Stuart convention speech. Here is why :

    1. Who was the PM when when Michael Cozier got prime commercial land….but paid agricultural price to own it ?

    2. Who was PM when Al Barack got a million dollar government contract……without a tender ?

    The next election is abour HONESTY….WATCH OUT !

  45. miller,

    I dont even have to say a word…..excellent postings…..well done!

    But just a reminder to the author of this post…. Mr Freundel is NOT “Right Honourable”. He is only Honourable. To be “Right Honourable” is a title one has to earn, he has not earned that “Right” and so, he will ever be “Right Honourable”! Remember the weeping hearts wanted to confer the title on the lying king when he died!

    Miller, I am now convinced that he may call the election before October, he will not give the BLP time to rally their base at their Annual Conference! All the talk he has why he dont call the damn election, what he frighten for? Freundel really think Bajans care what he says at this point in time.

    He has never won an election in one constituency twice, so he better watch his self!

  46. Does being politically dormant in more than one period makes a political person honest?

    Does being an under achiever makes someone honest and bursting with integrity?

    If one cannot live up to words spewed forth from one’s mouth, does it make that one honest?
    To talk nuff Latin and to issue the war cry certainly makes one German General.
    The mind boggles or better so the hands google.

  47. @ millertheanunnaki

    You are aware that the $75,000.00 cheque drawn in favour of and banked by Owen S. Arthur (in his personal bank account) was drawn on Caribbean Commercial Bank (a Clico owned bank) cheque and was paid on behalf of Clico right?

    What was the $75,000.00 dollars for, because we know it was NOT campaign contributuions. If it was campaign contributions the date on the cheque does not correspond and also the fact that OSA banked it in his personal bank account.

    Do you agree?

  48. The real tragedy that is going to occur in this general elections is that OSA reputation and legacy (which is otherwise relatively clean and impressive) will torn to shreds with factual evidence of things a Prime Minister either should not have done or be involved in.

    The Freundel Stuart revolution will, I predict, start by peeling back the layers that mask the real OSA and exposing the naked puppet and those who pull his strings, namely the rich, the powerful and the well connected.

    It will not be a pretty sight but a necessary step if we are rebuild Barbados from an integrity point of view.

  49. Hey Solar
    Tell him start with the beam in his eye….Mona Lisa et al…
    Don’t forget the leper….

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