Adrian Loveridge – Hotel Owner

Debate, whether it takes place in the Upper House, Elected Chamber or through the various forms of media, demonstrates the presence of a healthy democracy, but unless its informed, does it really have any meaningful relevance?

Sometimes you have to stop and think exactly why certain people utter particular things and the timing of those comments. Ultimately they either believe what they saying is credible and truthful or have become a victim of a sudden and virulent attack of verbal diarrhoea. Perhaps what is also so surprising, is why at this time, with a general election constitutionally due in less than a year, would a person voice such controversial words?

Does he feel that his party has no realistic possibility of being re-elected, so it doesn’t really matter if you alienate those generating your single largest contributing sector of foreign exchange. Even from someone who has a long track record of expressing often outrageous and incredulous statements, frequently from a place of rare privilege, this particular verbatim quote must take the biscuit.

The claim was that ‘the private (tourism) sector was 98 per cent profit and 2 per cent social obligation’.

If it wasn’t so grossly insulting and inaccurate, perhaps many of us could excuse it as another puff of political hot air, but the phrase is so critical to the lack of understanding of this industry, it is frightening.

Whatever your partisan leanings, I sincerely believe the private sector has done an extraordinary job of trying to support Government in their attempt to protect employment and these ill-advised words simply slap those in the face that have defied almost insurmountable odds to stay in business. This despite the current administration’s policy of imposing unbudgeted increases in taxation, that without doubt have contributed substantially to the erosion of any possible profits.

Perhaps a wise undertaking might have been before giving the impression that he actually knew something about the subject discussed, would be to check, which if any, of our remaining hotels had declared any corporation tax liability.  At least this might have indicated a realist level of profitability.

Or did this person not hear the remarks made by the President of the Barbados Bankers Association a few weeks ago, where he stated that a staggering 43 per cent of all non performing loans were tourism related.

Sadly, this is another classic example of the increasing use of square pegs in round holes, and will do nothing to endear the thousands of Barbadians dependent on tourism to feed their families, and who may be less forgiving at the ballot box.

Not everyone of course can be an ‘expert’, but if you are clearly deficient on the subject in question, at least do your homework before engaging the mouth into gear. This is not the time for bluster and bravado, but surely to galvanise all the very best players, who can make a positive difference. We all welcome constructive criticism, but let is be based on fact rather than conjecture.

Then finally, ask yourself a simple question, if owning and operating hotels was all about ‘98 per cent profit’, then why would over 30 of them have closed during the last 16 years?

  1. @Enuff

    as david indirectly said, you does talk shoite. come with some analysis to what the man said, you continue to burry yah head in the sand and left yah ass exposed. You relic of the past.


    why you so rough on caswell he does mek some good presentation here sometimes, and sometimes he does talk shoite, he aint like me that dont know anything. so a begging yah fah he.


    Dont mind BAf or what he name he envy you casue u is a rock star here and in electronic media so he want to rival yah.

  2. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I have no problem with commenters washing Jepter and the Government in licks, but spare some for the hoteliers who were raping and pillaging this country for years. They present numbers that show that they are doing badly but live like kings. They receive concessions from Government because their business is vital to the economy, but show no real commitment to this country only lip service.

    They have been saying that they have been doing badly for so long and have convinced the BWU to accept starvation wages for the workers. Some of them have even resorted to compulsorily taking the tips from front line staff and distributing it as though those tips are the service charge that is collected for that purpose. In other words they misappropriate the service charge and get fat off of it while paying pittance to the staff. I know of at least one case where a worker was fired for keeping the tips that was given to that worker personally.

    So I repeat, abuse Jepter and the Government as much as you like but they are not the villains here.

  3. @DAvid
    “Last general election period it was the reverse.”

    …the more things change…

  4. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Wonder what ever became of troublesome doggler2..the hmingbird rib..used to attack everybody with dogmatic attitude and points of views..switched cloaks regular too when discovered….one wonders why a t-shirts would want to get in our politics and cment scrolls.? Ona deys days nite gine turn to day..cment in r-gear.

  5. David | July 2, 2012 at 5:12 AM |

    The comment by Ince is not meant to be interpreted the way you did, he intended to show that in the case of government the focus is on more on social obligation compared to the private sector.

    The private sector provides the means the Government uses to fulfil its social obligations.

    To claim it has no social conscience is ludicrous!!

    If there are hoteliers who abuse the system and there probably are, single them out and deal with them.

  6. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    how the hotsause business going? You aint shallow u aint got no brain cells functioning so you could as well join me in the category of a dunce, come to the back of the class with me where the dunces are found.
    Here we go wid a chance to practice in a bog lands …big mout pun eva body as usual….as if this wud b tolerable dey….dunce a favorite word….sum shud just stik to tips and take 3 cab fares…and if dat doan wuk pour hotsause in old places.

  7. Caswell Franklyn | July 2, 2012 at 7:15 AM |
    I have no problem with commenters washing Jepter and the Government in licks, but spare some for the hoteliers who were raping and pillaging this country for years. They present numbers that show that they are doing badly but live like kings. They receive concessions from Government because their business is vital to the economy, but show no real commitment to this country only lip service.

    They have been saying that they have been doing badly for so long and have convinced the BWU to accept starvation wages for the workers. Some of them have even resorted to compulsorily taking the tips from front line staff and distributing it as though those tips are the service charge that is collected for that purpose. In other words they misappropriate the service charge and get fat off of it while paying pittance to the staff. I know of at least one case where a worker was fired for keeping the tips that was given to that worker personally.

    So I repeat, abuse Jepter and the Government as much as you like but they are not the villains here.

    .. but then you have to add the auditors too!!

    Since there are many others who apparently live beyond their means, why not go after all …. including any instant millionaires!!

  8. @mashup somebody have to push back thepolitical fire wall of propaganda spouted by the BLPyardflows before it remains as fact it is challenging but it seems only a few are willing to stand up to the challenge hence you see the regulars as you know BU is an open forum and all are welcomed to put their two cents in and so can you

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “the top 10 of commenters on BU”

    Who are the top ten commenters?

  10. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Look Mash up
    It gine soon be ova…..I know ya belly aches, but we own too….Face it the DLP for lack of a better word..Mountstinkeroo’s.We cry out too because we “can’t believe we eyes” the atrocities we see happening to hard working good people..LIKE my CLICO money dead, Like who get some and who conveniently ent reading reports.No Sir…my glasses loss..Like wax , pax , palax, sending up water, fuel, tek way allowance too..ONE TIME policy….Tell me Mash up ,are these not worthy of mention ? Now we hear of the gouging at BANOC….fuel that from Woodboure markup at to international mark-up cuz we is bajans from New YORK.
    Everyday mashup , every another *#@*#….everyday. the latest…D No Ball Budget….I know you ent want me to expound nor I but….this is just down rite watless ness you don’t think ? The advocte doan report it .. the nation tries….but sometimes we duz be the lucky one to find the documents that fall off the truck first….how ya see ..we like to share unlike some others. We know that it duz ache you most of all know that is you people dat doing all this @#*..and you can’t come out and help lambase DEM…(although you would like to)..but tek it like Mash UP….the bell soon ring and the pain soon stop !

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Bees in the trap.

  12. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Dont be stupid.

    Business come and business go. There is nothing unusual about business closures. You seem to be of the opinion that hotels are like immortal beings. In the best of times business close their doors.

  13. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    Then please explain why the highest level of hotels closures have been in Barbados across the region.

  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    So say you.

    This is a piece about Bermuda. I am including this because Seethru and Mia love to compare Barbados with Bermuda.

    “If you look at Tourism Department statistics, the number of hotel-staying tourists has dwindled to less than 180,000, when we once enjoyed close to 500,000 guests.

    It should be noted that of the some 236,000 air arrivals recorded in 2011, 57,000 said they stayed in private homes.

    The statistics also show the number of hotel properties on the Island has fallen from more than 100 in 1980 to 48 last year, although the website only lists 29 being actively reviewed and the Tourism website lists only about 40, of which several no longer appear to be taking tourist bookings, or are very small guest houses.

    The number of hotel beds, around 5,000 last year, is half of what it once was in the 1980s and hoteliers say probably far less in 2012 than even that number.”

    Countries in the Caribbean including Barbados are doing their best to keep their Tourism plant afloat.

    Bermuda, which is held aloft by Seethru and his fractured Barbados Labour Party, is not doing too well either contrary to the foolishness they are talking.

  15. Wooooieee. Nice one Carson your Bermuda ball miss Adrian leg and off stumps but lick the middle stump clean out the ground.

  16. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    In the past couple of years the Bahamas has lost more than 1,200 hotel rooms.

  17. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    You are comparing apples with pears.
    Check Bermuda economy Wikipedia.
    Tourism contributes 28 per cent of GDP while International Business contributes 60 per cent of GDP on Bermuda.
    I have already listed ALL the named hotels that have closed on Barbados, on this website so you should be able to do the same for Bermuda.

  18. Comments on the following:

    China is funding a US$3.4 billion gaming and entertainment resort in the Bahamas that’s being billed as the largest of its kind in the Caribbean.

    The 1,000-acre Baha Mar resort is slated to open in late 2014.

    A groundbreaking ceremony was held in Nassau, Bahamas, on February 21, and was attended by ministers of the Bahamas and presidents of Chinese enterprises that are funding and helping to build it.

    The showpiece of the project will be a 100,000-square-foot casino, which will be the Caribbean’s largest, its developers claim.

    The resort will also include a 50,000-square-foot retail strip, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature championship golf course and a 200,000-square-foot convention center.

    A 20-acre water park and three spas are being planned on the Bahamian Riviera, along 3,000 feet of pristine beach.

    A cluster of hotels run by Rosewood Hotels & Resorts, Morgans Hotel Group, Hyatt Hotels & Resorts and an unnamed casino hotel promises to create 2,250 new rooms.

  19. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    Thanks for bringing balance. So Carson, ONE new hotel in the Bahamas virtually replacing all the rooms lost. Can Barbados claim that or have we just lost them?

  20. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Wha I hearing Cardboard finally WINNING something affa all these years ?
    Aarson…hold ya man boi…

  21. Caswell

    You went and hammer home your point about the unfairness in approach where politicians treat to public service pensions differently to theirs and that of Judges.

    Now a Minister calls after you and Ellis theoretically should have been armed with the information that you graciously provided. Now are you comfortable with the way that Ellis approached the Minister or will you join with me with the observation that Ellis clearly has the bark of a doberman but the bite of a flower

  22. @Adrian, if Barbados allowed Casino gambling it would be able to replace the lost hotels but would also lose its “soul”.

    The hookers and drug dealers in the Bahamas can’t wait for that Casino to open.

    The only reason why Government is not using MORE Taxpayers money to “rescue” Hotels is that the Government simply does not have enough for a bigger Hotel slush fund.

  23. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ Caswell
    Thank you Caswell for exposing the travesty that MP Judge GG and such like will continue to receive (2) two pensions..under this new legislation…but the common ordinary man can’t….. as per on Brass Tacks VOB today…you are truly a man of substance and knowledge..keep it up !
    May be you can give us the full rounds here… many are in the dark on this.

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    ‘You are comparing apples with pears.’

    …..because that serves your argument.

  25. As recent as Sunday former minister of tourism Lynch joined with many who have admitted that Barbados tourism plant is tired. Many have suggested the input cost is high for Barbados compared to other destinations in the Caribbean. It is why we have not attracted brand names and it is probably why many hotels can’t afford the cost of loans in Barbados to revamp the plant. Here is yet another issue we politicise.

    If we are prepared to do it for the only decent productive sector we have what hope is there?

  26. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Kellman clearly did not know what he was talking about. Unfortunately, Ellis was placed in a position to deal with a matter outside his competence and the result was predictable. I wouldn’t be too harsh on him.

    Kellman claimed that the Government could have taken out the money but they were humane and allowed the people to keep the money that was paid to them over years through no fault of their own. That is hogwash: Government would be estopped from recovering the money. It had nothing to do about humanity. If Government wanted to recover the money they would have to take the recipients to court. Can you imagine what would have happened if Government mistakenly paid a few thousand dollars to some 90 year old pensioner and the Government dragged that person through the court to recover it?

  27. What hope is there ..? Three BIG men who should know better get pun radio on Sunday and claim that the Enterprise Growth Fund and the Fund Access people are doing their job in facilitating small business thereby COMPLETELY ignoring the fact that there is a difference between small/micro (mobile canteens, barbers) and product oriented enterprises. These very intelligent BIG men agreed that there was a place for a Junior Stock Exchange when even the blindest observer would pick up at a glance that the Senior Stock Exchange DOES NOT WORK. (3% of capitalization when bench marked against 70+% in developed markets is a shite market … not seen by BIG intelligent men!)

    What hope is there in deed. Alotta people want shootin’ ’bout here …!

  28. Caswell

    You can’ drag a 90 YO person through court …. ! For every reason including the fact that they will NOT survive the ordeal …! LOL

    So will not be too harsh on Ellis but I will because I am still to understand what matters are there that fall within his competence… I am sorry, but he could have done a hell of a lot better. My problem is that those who have constant access to public media have enviable opportunities to help shape public opinion properly. The Ellis’s of this world prefer just to hear their own voices …!

  29. @David who wrote “As recent as Sunday former minister of tourism Lynch joined with many who have admitted that Barbados tourism plant is tired.”

    “hotels can’t afford the cost of loans in Barbados to revamp the plant.”

    So are you suggesting that Government subsidise privately owned Hotels?

    This should only happen if said hotels produce audited statements to show why they need subsidies and concessions.

    What Government can do is fix the roads and clean the gutters. Keep the beaches clean.
    Cleanup Bridgetown and Speightstown.

    Some of the people in the image below would be happy to be in Barbados on a beach

    Yet I keep hearing that Tourists want to see nature and Barbados don’t have enough “attractions”.

    Sun,sand and Sea still cuts it. Add to the mix but don’t forget the basic ingredient.

  30. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    @David | July 1, 2012 at 7:03 PM |
    “.. a cheap shot at the private sector which has held up its end of the bargain by not sending home people en-mass in the last 3-years”

    U REALLY BELIEVE THAT CRAP? the private sector has been sending home staff, check swan street, broad st, st. james. etc drive around the island and find our for urself. any business that is open now, is not doing it as a sacrifice or to appease the government, they are doing it ’cause it feeds their family and /or it is profitable. it has nothing to do with staff. u mean we’ve come so far and still walk around with blinders? stupes

  31. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Smooth Chocolate,

    The articles embraces HOTELS.
    NOT every part of the private sector.


  32. Governments, both D and B, over the years, have been kind to hoteliers and hoteliers have been kind to them, however, it would he foolhardy on any party, especially the governing party, to be critical on the private sector with general elections around the corner. Both parties rely heavily on support from this sector, so to pick a fight with them now would mean the private sector joining up to oust the DLP. the old people always say, “when ya han in de lion mout, ya teel he how good he is.”

  33. Jepter Ince is both a “fiscal” & “physical” poppet and with candidates of this calibre one can understand why so many folks are saying that they are not voting this election.

  34. Mash up and buy back,
    Why dont you leave me alone. Dont you see that I have been keeping off this blog? You may be referring to a foul mouth DLP hack called Rational Son. These newbies and their gutter politics have me turned off so I blog sparingly now. The DLP operate in the gutter, so for now I am just reading but not the filthy contributions. ac, for all her faults sticks to her talking points but is not filthy, with Owen stick in her craw that is all she can talk about.

    This blog has turned real filthy since a certain person is back on this blog. So lay off of me, you support the DLP and I support the BLP and that’s my democratic right to support them!

  35. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Look Mash up
    It gine soon be ova…..I know ya belly aches, but we own too….Face it the DLP for lack of a better word..Mountstinkeroo’s.We cry out too because we “can’t believe we eyes” the atrocities we see happening to hard working good people..LIKE my CLICO money dead, Like who get some and who conveniently ent reading reports.No Sir…my glasses loss..Like wax , pax , palax, sending up water, fuel, tek way allowance too..ONE TIME policy….Tell me Mash up ,are these not worthy of mention ? Now we hear of the gouging at BANOC….fuel that from Woodboure markup at to international mark-up cuz we is bajans from New YORK.
    Everyday mashup , every another *#@*#….everyday. the latest…D No Ball Budget….I know you ent want me to expound nor I but….this is just down rite watless ness you don’t think ? The advocte doan report it .. the nation tries….but sometimes we duz be the lucky one to find the documents that fall off the truck first….how ya see ..we like to share unlike some others. We know that it duz ache you most of all know that is you people dat doing all this @#*..and you can’t come out and help lambase DEM…(although you would like to)..but tek it like Mash UP….the bell soon ring and the pain soon stop !
    SO leave me 2……ya mash potatoe…

  36. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Look what the dog drag in…from a Ole DLP manifesto


    The Democratic Labour Party is committed to
    caring for all Barbadians in their senior years. A
    new Democratic Labour Party government will:

    Repeal the legislation that discriminates between
    government pensioners retiring before 1975 and
    those after in relation to their government pension
    and NIS pension.

    Seems like a promise yet gone a begging…..far less as Caswie informed on Brass Tacks…”.is one rule fa we ..another for them”. When new legislation pass to put an end to the two pensions issue…..Judges, MPs, GG’s and all the BIG GOVT UPS >> EXCLUDED…Call that fair n equitable distribution nah ?Like Ellis imply.. like dem duz work harder than the rest of we …bull shit.. I Vincent Onions ..say Bulk Bull Shit !.

    Man DEM really want kicking out !

  37. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Like Ole DEM diga dogs….. don’t want to have no say on this….How could you promise the people one thing…and then in an election year want to implement the OPPOSITE..?…Who really in command of the DLP strategics doa.?… D king maker ….neva….

  38. @Onons

    Most people are waiting* to get the official response from government.

  39. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    I believe we also waiting on them to read the CLICO Deloitte Judicial manager’s report and a lot more too….like Integrity Legislation

  40. @Onions

    Do push this to the ridiculous, the report has been read and acknowledged by the PM now that it has been officially received.

    On the subject of integrity legislation what is your party position on it?

  41. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Well since read JMR….we want ACTION….You say you have plans of Integrity ….impeach somebody….follow the leads… what you say…and mean it…don’t continually drag foot.

    We are in opposition for now…hands tied ..when comes to IL.ask Donville.

  42. “This blog has turned real filthy since a certain person is back on this blog.”

    I hope you doan mean muh……Prodigal DON”T let anybody put you off of this blog! Yes there are many who would attack anything and anyone who has a different point of view. Some here are so brainwashed they can’t see the bull coming at them. Yes some like Onions can make you tired but he is harmless BUT we have one Pint a rass view, a newcomer who thinks he can chase people from here with his shoite talk. Looka Prodigal don’t let ANYBODY stop you from blogging.

  43. Observing(and inquiring) Avatar
    Observing(and inquiring)

    “The DLP operate in the gutter,”

    They weren’t always like that. But , a recognition of a potential loss after only one term is enough to send the sanest of persons stark raving mad.

    All objective and independent minded people should remain above the fray.

    Walk good.

  44. @ David | July 3, 2012 at 7:26 AM |


    Do push this to the ridiculous, the report has been read and acknowledged by the PM now that it has been officially received. ……………………………….

    David, how comes you have not share the Judicial Manager’s Report with the BU family? Did you not get a copy?

  45. @ islandgal246,
    Looka Prodigal don’t let ANYBODY stop you from blogging…..

    Thanks. The way I was raised and like most of us, we just cannot understand how people can teared down others just because the have a different point of view.

    September cant get here fast enough because after September, onions, miller, observing, scout, just asking, yourself and I will have this blog to ourselves. Thanks again to observing and onions.

  46. @Island

    i know i am getting to you and thats my intention you red devil. Hope u had your white rum and snuff.

  47. To the pointy dick head……You are talking from your behind as usual, try sitting on that point of yours. YOU SMELL!

  48. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @islandgal246 | July 3, 2012 at 7:24 PM |

    Your British slip is showing. You are cussing the “pointed dick head” like a true trooper from “Cockney” land. No pun intend. (LOL!!!).

    This “Scouser” is just waiting for the pointed “wanker” to step on the miller toes.

  49. Miller LOLL perhaps I am hanging around too many Brits and it is showing.

  50. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ ProdigalMiller
    Boys we up against it in this here blog…..but we shall hold force …til the last tether…biting into the last sinew……as all kinda subtle tricks being played out to keep the voices silenced…..a word to the wise.

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