Submitted by People’s Democratic Congress (PDC)
Gray Brome, Owner of Pizza Man Doc

“They want me to play a part in politics because of my humane approach to helping people, but the price I paid for entering politics (elective) in the first place would take another 20 years to overcome. I was happy for the opportunity to have undertaken a political life, but the politics I want to see is a people’s politics. That does not exist now. The politics I see now is not about representing people”

Gray Brome – May 26, 2012, Saturday Sun – p.17

The above comments were part of what seemed to have been the putting forth of some very frank and telling socio-political perspectives by Mr. Gray Brome in an interview with Nation Newspaper journalist Barry Alleyne recently.

Clearly, this interview was yet another opportunity for him to get across to the Barbadian public communication on what seems – judging from the tone and temper of those published perspectives – to be a very heavy internal burden that he continues to carry as a result of some mental and psychological scars that he would have got from his having gone through some previously harrowing traumatic experiences in BLP politics in this country.

This is not the first time many members of the public would have witnessed Mr. Brome expressing such critical views in the Nation newspapers. For, on a few previous occasions, as a result of his doing a couple of interviews with Nation newspaper reporters over a period of time too, some members of the public would have managed to have read in the Nation newspaper about his own great political disenchantment with BLP/DLP politics in this country, as well as they would have got to have read  about his personal bitterness, disgust and frustration with the party political process and the political culture that helps to reinforce and recondition the former in Barbados.

Many Barbadians would know that Mr. Gray Brome is a humble soft spoken down to earth man who gives and helps others wherever he can tirelessly; that he is the owner of Pizza Man Doc; that he is a former unsuccessful BLP St. Lucy candidate in the 1999 general election in Barbados, and that he is a former BLP Senator who was unfairly forced out of the Senate in the early 2000s  to make way for  another BLP senator.  At the time then there was the very said ill-conceived ignoble thrust on the part of Prime Minister Arthur to remove some so-called grassroots politicians from contention for the BLP candidacy.

But, in publicly courageously baring his political soul again, and in the way he has done it, he has himself stood head and shoulders above those persons who ordinarily would leave first and then later go back and rejoin the ranks of either of these two old discredited corrupt DLP or BLP factions – or who consciously would stifle their consciences and compromise on political best practices and principles on seeing the great levels of corruption and cannibalism and therefore remain among such nastiness and perversion and still do nothing about them.

So, the carrying of this burden seems still to have been bringing out some of the best political philosophies out of Mr. Brome, and seems to have been making him political ideologically stronger and better as a political person. For, this very successful entrepreneur has done the public of Barbados a great civic service by speaking out so matter-of-factly about some of the pathological terminal sicknesses and disgraces of the BLP and DLP.  No other former DLP or BLP candidate – with the exception of Mr. David Comissiong – has been rightly berating these two jack o lantern parties publicly as much as he has been doing.

So, it is in light of this model Barbadian citizen’s political backbone and openness in respect of his challenging the moral intellectual and political characters of the main gatekeepers of this extant political managerial order, and fundamentally because he has done so as a business person who has risked political repercussions to his enterprise (which says so much about the power and influence of this man and those who support him – not even Sir Allan Fields, Sir David Seale, Mr. Geoffrey Cave, Mrs. Ram Merchandani, Sir Charles Williams, and Mr. Ralph Williams has spoken publicly like he has), that we in the PDC have decided to make some of those perspectives contained in the Nation Newspaper story part of the thinking informing this particular PDC article.

What we would also wish to let many persons on BU and elsewhere know is that these selected perspectives and the other major points, themes and allusions in the news story ought to make compulsory reading and insight for them. What Mr. Brome has gone and done is to have been making these very gruesome experiences of his serve – and on the basis of his sharing some of them with others via the media again  –  as another lesson or another fore-warning to many Barbadians who go and who so wrongly and mistakenly put their confidence and trust in DLP and BLP parliamentarians and political figures to do so many things for them, and who then especially after elections have been concluded, get the run around and turn around, owing to many false and unrealistic  promises that were made to them by those same political figures. Indeed, it can be argued that the great pizza maker does not wish for many others to feel the pain and misery like he has of these said uncultured sick persons – that is why it was reported in the piece in the said Saturday Sun that he wants to see a complete change in the way how politicians treat people after they are elected.

So, when later he is reported as having made his strongest point  in the news story, that he wants to see a people’s politics in Barbados – which does not exist now….. And that this politics that he sees now is not about representing people, it is clear that he has done a serious study of the political culture in Barbados, and that he has morphed his own personal philosophy about his love for people into a call for a people centered national politics for Barbados. For it is the cardinal truth – and this is what the PDC knows – having ourselves been studying this aspect of the political sociology of Barbados, that, since Mr. Barrow’s death in 1987, there has been no people-centered politics that has been at the heart of the politics of the DLP and BLP – whether they have been in government or in opposition.

The once cherished sacred social empowerment populist conviction type of politics has been deliberately relegated over the years to the intellectual political storerooms of these two old discredited corrupt parties, in order to clear the way sufficiently from inside of the bosoms of these factions for the  very outright naked upgrading of the very narrow partisan personal familial financial and corporate interests around which these jack o lantern factions have come to revolve.

Furthermore, we have been constantly saying it to as many people as possible that the DLP and BLP are, politically sociologically speaking, primarily about their own leaderships’ principals’ personal political financial interests, their own individual members personal financial interests, some of these individual members’ own familial interests, some of their friends’ corporate financial interests, and about the corporate financial interests of a few. Hence, these two factions are not about the public’s interests, the nation’s interests on the whole in this country.

Finally, in yet another powerful political analysis Mr. Brome has realized that so-called politicians in Barbados have vested interests in only those citizens who could empower them financially, and has therefore alluded to the fact that rather than empowering many more people in Barbados these so-called politicians have been empowering themselves through those same politically financially powerful people, whilst, as he said, encouraging them to be hand to mouth. What Mr. Brome is definitely saying here is that this current crop of DLP/BLP parliamentarians and political figures are standing in the way of the empowerment of the great masses and middle classes and for that he is partially right.

  1. Years ago, we had politicians that, though not highly educated, brought a feeling of sincerety to their contributions in parliament. One such person that comes to mind is the former M.P for St Joseph, Mr Smith, his gammer was not always the “Queesn’s English” but it was genuine concerns and he was a true representative of the people in St Joseph. Today, regardless of party, politics is a way of enrichment, people concerns are relegated to the back burner. However, we do need educated persons, whose partiotism is foremost to lead this country, but we also need some grassroot politicians ( NOT GRASSHoPPING HAMMIE LA TYPE ), to bring a balance to parliamentary debates. Right now, we are too topheavy with attorneys at law, who when they are in government pass laws with a little loophole that they can exploit when they are in oppsition and back in private practice. We need a parliament of a wide cross-section of individuals who can bring more balance..

  2. seems we are on the same page, scout its just a matter of getting the movement going but somehow bu seems not inclined to used its power to push the agenda but rather seems satified to stand on the periphery and snipe when the occasion is suitable

  3. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Can this then be as aired in one my previous articles then,, an opening for a third party,..a grass roots party …a Eris Fly Sealy Party….a Gray Broomes.. a Mark Wilson..a party of those not the most luminous academia but sons of street politics..? Would people from all echelons of the community be willing to give them a vote based on their merit and not class.? In the end of all this..if such given a chance…could they perform as put forward…or hold tether for long ? Who then is willing to make the first step on the plough….who has the resources. ?…Politics is by no means cheap…Politics for those unaware nowadays is a rich man’s undertaking….investment even. A candidate must be in possession of at least $75,000 to run a campaign . An office, logistics cost, canvassing,staff, printing cost …all take money….a factor immediately against an unsuspecting hard ball …..booming with intentions…bustered by cash.Mr. Broomes this could be your turn as things are all in place ….what will it be ? Money talks BS walks…..still is the chant of today’s society.

  4. @Old Onions Bag

    You are probably correct that a third political party which has a grassroots profile will fail faster than the other which isn’t. The query which the submission poses however is why the BLP especially seems to have no tolerance for such politicians. You did not address it in your comment.

  5. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    To put it bluntly…How can one answer that which is not ? Some believe that since good money was spent $ 50-75,000…they deserve Oh kingdom last forever……So what about succession.?..don’t others deserve the same opportunity. ? Such realities are hard to swallow and occasions jilted and hard luck stories.Progressive means just that…we must all understand and move on..

  6. @Onions

    As usual you have shunted the question. Arthur has NOT been accommodating to grassroots politics that we know for sure.

  7. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Then we await your proof…..I know of none…

  8. Read Gray’s article in the Business Authority and which is highlighted by the PDC. There one…lol.

  9. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    And I addressed that above… the way was Gray not a Senator ? Gray had his chance running for st . Lucy…did he not ?Are you saying he should be given another shot ? That is determined thru a democratic process not favoritism like the DLP with Abed .v.DePeiza seat in Ch Ch.
    Gray got his chance…so come again !

  10. People’s Democratic Congress needs more peoples and 5 to 10 million dollars.
    Then they may win a seat or two.

    The next election will be won by the Bees or the Dees but there will be no third party in Barbados unless there is a revolution and we all know that the only revolution in Barbados will be the backsides of BAFBFP crop over girls.

  11. @hants

    You are correct we have not had to date a third party championing a philosophy that captivates the electorate. However in the case of the PEP it has gotten a notable mention in the recent poll. What would be a game changer is if they were to gain a seat or two or even ‘cut’ votes from the candidate who represents the established party.

  12. David
    Did you listen to the Bishop of Barbados speech today at the church service to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee?
    These people are sending a coded message to Barbadians TO KEEP Owen Arthur where he is, the opposition leader.
    Part of his speech involved the use of power by leaders. He basically said that all leaders will not be harrangatans (my word like Owen Arthur).He drew a parallel with the queen who has tremendous power but operates in a very calm and sober way (like Freundel).
    In today’s interview He Owen Arthur said that David Estwick could not have done that to him because you must fear a LEADER. Whoa to those who offended him if he gets back in. He has not change but the world recession has placed him in a very good position to win because people do not care about any world recession they are about what they can get now.

  13. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ Clone
    A drowning man will clutch at a Straw.
    You are way past that now. Seems like you ran out of 1000 ways to blame poor Arthur. Now you resort to foolishness about the Queen…lol

  14. The BLP does not have any quick fix , simple pain free solution to the global economic recession. People who believe that are just fooling themselves- where is the evidence and based on what?
    between 1999 and 2007, in the so-called “great years” of the last administration S & P downgraded Barbados no less than three times, moving the country from a high of AA to A- 1999 and all the way down to BBB+ by 2005 with a negative outlook

    The BLP was in power when the world economy was growing and got downgraded, the DLP comes in facing the worst global recession in a lifetime,having to bring close to a billion dollars of BLP off budget spending to books and the BLP leader (Barbados’ biggest hypocrite) criticises the current government about downgrades.
    Wake Up Barbados, the BLP has no better solution on economic policy and that is why they are being so general and refusing to be specific. Think on that before you vote.

  15. @Clone

    Heard the excerpt, the problem with Bishop Holder is that he needs to be like Drexel.

  16. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Speaking of bonds grade status
    Wait what is this I hear about a down grade…?DOWN GRADE to junk bond status…..and we stable ????…..Owen fault too right ??…STABLE,,?,,gottya

  17. Heard the excerpt, the problem with Bishop Holder is that he needs to be like Drexel.’
    the goodly bishop is from bath vilage st john and is a committed dlp as is the rest ofhis family. thereis nothing wrong with that butto seek to use his positionto influence; there is something wrong with that.

  18. @bALNCE


  19. ).He drew a parallel with the queen who has tremendous power but operates in a very calm and sober way (like Freundel” the trouble with freundel is that he cannot run the risk of firing anybody because he is not largely in charge and he has to wisely tread carefully and cautiously .

    In today’s interview He Owen Arthur said that David Estwick could not have done that to him because you must fear a LEADER
    wasn’t the great errol barrow also revered because he was considered a non-nonsense man who quickly disciplined those whom he considered out of line. ask gerz eastmond, ask neville maxwell who mr barrow famously reminded that the lord giveth and the lord taketh away, ask dacosta edwards, ask david commissiong, ask the bishop of barbados drexel gomez and i could go on and on. what isthedifferencebetween this revered style and mr arthur’s.

  20. Gray Broomes is an idiot. Sorry but it is easy to see the corrupting nature of all in our current political class. You are fool to buy into their “STORY” that the country needed you to run as a candidate for their political parties. It has always been that they need you to further their grap for power.

  21. @balance | June 3, 2012 at 5:11 AM |
    seems we are on the same page, scout its just a matter of getting the movement going but somehow bu seems not inclined to used its power to push the agenda but rather seems satified to stand on the periphery and snipe when the occasion is suitable.
    Ha ha ha ha…I agree wit you. It’s always much easier to sit in the stands and be critical of this or that when the occasion is suitable.

  22. We all have expectations, sometimes different?.

    We all have a role to play in making Barbados a better place.

    We can all chose the path we want to travel.

  23. Why is it so difficult for a third political party with a FULL compliment of candidates to be formed??

  24. A political party is given birth (take wings) based on a philosophy which must resonate with the electorate i.e market it target. To pick 30 people and run them in an election is simplistic thinking.

    A good example is the NDP which was seen as a one man party. When haynes went so did the party.

  25. @David | June 4, 2012 at 12:47 PM |
    We all have expectations, sometimes different?.
    We all have a role to play in making Barbados a better place.
    We can all chose the path we want to travel.
    This is true…but sometimes as you travel your chosen path you may find that you have gathered a large following, and possess a certain amount of influence which should provide the impetuous to travel even further. It’s up to each of us to decide how much of a difference we want to make. Do we just want to be a critic, or do we want to be the artist.

  26. We do our best with the resources available. The good thing here though – using the co-op model – is that ant Tom, balance or Zack can use BU to promote a view.

  27. Stupse!! What ” tremendous power” the Queen holds?

  28. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Look I am quite sure that thoughts of forming another party are discussed daily…but what…money is the obvious constraint…They are so many in BIM who like a LIME light….and would willingly pay the $250.. if a party came forth….rest assured…

  29. @David | June 4, 2012 at 12:53 PM |
    A political party is given birth (take wings) based on a philosophy which must resonate with the electorate i.e market it target. To pick 30 people and run them in an election is simplistic thinking.
    A good example is the NDP which was seen as a one man party. When haynes went so did the party.
    So you’re saying that you have no philosophy for a better Barbados? You’re saying that it is difficult to put together a group of 30 people who share the same philosophy for a better Barbados? That’s ludicrous…and a cop-out.

  30. A third party don’t necessary have to field 30 candidate to be recognised. Let’s say a third party concentrate on fielding five candidates, and they won their seats, there is a close elections and both parties would need the M.P’s from the third party to form a government, then that third party and start calling shots and establish themselves among the electorate.

  31. @the scout | June 4, 2012 at 8:41 PM |
    A third party don’t necessary have to field 30 candidate to be recognised. Let’s say a third party concentrate on fielding five candidates, and they won their seats, there is a close elections and both parties would need the M.P’s from the third party to form a government, then that third party and start calling shots and establish themselves among the electorate.
    I beg to differ. If a new party wants to be taken seriously they need to come with a full (or close to full) compliment of candidates. When people go to vote they need to klnow that the party they are voting for can actually win the majority of seats and run the country. People can’t rely on if this or if that. This is probably one of the reasons why the PEP is not taken seriously.

  32. Well Mr. Zack you are entitled to your opinion but be conscious that nobody can be all things to all men.

  33. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    the scout | June 2, 2012 at 8:52 PM |
    Years ago, we had politicians that, though not highly educated, brought a feeling of sincerety to their contributions in parliament. One such person that comes to mind is the former M.P for St Joseph, Mr Smith, his gammer was not always the “Queen’s English” but it was genuine
    True, he might not have spoken the Queen’s English, but the many lowly people in the streets understood every single word he said, a far cry for the highly educated ones we have today, who take delight in spouting a lot of big words, interspersed with Latin, Greek, and a smattering of the classics. This is not the Queens English,nor BBC’s, and to many of the people , for all intents and purposes it is a foreign language to them.

  34. Zack
    When people go to vote, they vote for a representative to look after their interest, not for an entire team. Therefore if neither candidate from the two leading parties is favored, the one from the lessor party stands a good chance. Right now many voters would give a good candidate from neither of the two parties their vote, because they are fed-up with party politics.

  35. MY issue with Mr. Broome’s philosophy, is his view that, we need more “rich people of other ethnicity” as they are more likely, to look after the poor, having already made their wealth. We were there already..prior to universal adult sufferage…didn’t work out too well for us. South Africa been there done that.. it was called apartheid.
    I personally don’t particularly care for persons with that mindset ( rich or poor, white or black) in 2012 in my upper or lower house

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