Submitted by Mahogany Coconut Think Tank/Watch dog Group
Hamilton Lashley, MP – a man committed to serving the people

Mahogany Coconut wishes soon to be retired Member of Parliament, Mr. Hamilton Lashley all the best. Lashley is by far, the most progressive Member of Parliament to have entered our Parliament since Independence. The only other truly progressive M.P was Dr. Don Blackman, who quietly slipped into political obscurity many moons ago.

Lashley came to Parliament with impressive credentials, as a community worker and with an outstanding track record via such grassroots organizations as the Pine lands Creative Workshop. In other words, even if he had never entered formal or electoral politics, he would have still been a giant of a fighter for the poor and underprivileged.

Lashley demonstrated that he had a far more superior grasp of the problems confronting our poor, than any other sitting member of our parliament. His work to alleviate poverty and lifting up the dispossessed will feature prominently in any true history of our island state

He avoided the so-called trappings of office; and was never into the political culture of getting rich and exploiting his standing as an MP for social and power climbing. He did not masquerade on the cocktail circuit at night while pretending to represent the masses by day. His nights and days were spent working on behalf of ALL suffering Barbadians and not only his beloved St. Michael South East. Comrade Lashley was and remains the real deal.

He also clearly demonstrated that the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party are identical twins and he willingly gave both parties distinguished service .He moved between them with great political ease. His philosophy being that he would position himself with either party once he believed it was leaning toward the upliftment of the masses at any particular time.

He clearly showed that once one is a visionary and free of opportunistic tendencies, it is possible to represent either the B.L.P. or D.L.P with the backing of those constituents who are genuinely represented. He remained accessible to all the poor at all times. He proved once more that nothing beats sincerity and genuine service to our people.

Mahogany Coconut therefore cannot support the position of those intellectual snobs, so-called commentators and political scientists, who suggest that politicians such as Lashley are no longer relevant.

We submit that if there are no more Lashley’s out there Barbados will be engulfed by political greed and corruption and will be totally paralysed by the growing band of intellectual opportunists who intend to rape our country and its resources.

We desperately need more Hamilton Lashleys.

Well done Comrade !

  1. Hammie has shown that a political prostitute can be found anywhere, every where. Hammie has no positive political legacy and only those who think that political medicancy is to be glorified would think that Hammie was an asset to the political process. He will go down as a political double crosser unable to satisfy his obvious personal desires to bleed the public purse and the people whom he set up himself to represent. I would say good bye to to likes of Hammie and his cohorts and hope that we never see the likes of him again on the political landscape.

  2. @true to form

    Strangr comment coming from a BLP supporter.

    Arthur’s BLP is comprised of many from the other side who were lured by the opportunity to serve by a political strategy of Arthur labeled, the politics of inclusion.

  3. There is huge ackee tree out here that want cuttin down….Hamilton Hill see if you could bring your yard crew and come to our rescue.I hear the ackees worth a lot…maybe 20,000 c.Fair exchange aint no robbery son….the ackee also sweet sweet like meat …

  4. Good bye to the worst seen of Barbados’ politics. Barbados is better off seeing the back of the likes of Hammie La. A political prostitute, if there ever was one! Hope we never have the see another politician in the likes of him again!

  5. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mahogany Court you were well fooled.

    @ david
    The politics of inclusion is bipartisanship in the Westminster system…lol

  6. @enuff

    Your ‘lol’ is noted.

  7. I agree with the aforementioned comments.When I read the press offerings I thought I must have been wrong in my assessment of Lashley.He was actually the representative for the Pinelands Housing and nothing more.To appoint him a minister was a no-no.I submit that he has a low self esteem problem and is uncomfortable among a certain type of person .

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hamilton Lashley:

    We would recommend you join the priesthood before Chris Sinckler joins through which you can do penitence for your Judas-like acts and teach your bipartisan congregation to: “Do as I say and not as I did”.
    He who runs with the hounds and also hunts with the horses will be eventually left by the hedgerow for the fox to laugh at and the rats to gnaw his ugly face. Double crossing is always a very dangerous game. Ask any married man with a seriously ballistic outside woman.
    You will now know your true friends- political and otherwise.

  9. Is it not amazing the former Prime Minister recognized the grass root appeal of Hammie la or was he joshing?

    Many Barbadians may prefer a politician whose focus is to serve the people even if it is to his disadvantage financially.

  10. @True to form…bleed the public purse?You my friend have gotten it twisted.Hammy is not the one with multiple properties in Miami.

  11. @ david
    Stupse. You better start doing some research yuh.

  12. @Enuff

    Are you hinting at Lashley’s financial decision making?


  14. @ David
    You should seek the true story behind the ackee tree.

  15. @Old Onion Bags…perhaps you could use those ackees.While your mouth is moving your brain would be resting,a break for the BU family.A huge break.

  16. Here is a link to a story when Hammie la switched from the BLP in the 90s:

  17. @Enuff
    You should seek the true story behind the ackee tree.

    If there is a “true” story why don’t you enlighten us?

  18. @ Sarge
    All I hear was the ackees were said to be so sweet and could fetch a handsome $ 11,000…if sold by Bussa Rund about……so said the Hill. It was said to be a slam dunk deal, where some of the ackees would even reach Cabinet.

  19. @Hamilton Hill
    Better still I want to pelt you with each used ackee seed……and put a blinder in the top of that bald plate you call a head….LOL… Ant Hill I hear your days for eating ackee gone……bare soup for you…

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