Submitted by Old Onions Bag
Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart accused of not being an effective leader

The meaning of a message is the change which it produces in the image — Kenneth Boulding

The question of Leadership is once more before us.

The importance of having an effective and influential and communicative leader cannot be more dire than now. Sending forward one’s politicos to put forward one’s position on the media (call in programs), just does not cut it. By all means performance counts…..not shutouts and behind backdoor temporary solutions….these are but liabilities to one’s portfolio and should be avoided …never an asset, just look where we are at today…..”you either got it or you don’t.” But what really constitutes an effective and well rounded leader…..we did some research and here are a few good pointers.

 Good Leader

You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired. To be successful you have to convince your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed.


Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person who lacks motivation requires a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. You must know your people! The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation. You must come to know your employees’ be, know, and do attributes.


You lead through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal. For instance, when you “set the example,” that communicates to your people that you would not ask them to perform anything that you would not be willing to do. What and how you communicate either builds or harms the relationship between you and your employees.


All situations are different. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, you may need to confront an employee for inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective.

Just  academic pointers …necessitated at this time as we are of lately bombarded all kinds of misconceptions as to what is good leadership. This is but one theory of many, in Leadership studies.

  1. I pity the new Dems on BU.

    You cannot defend your sorry record, you cannot come with the Mia story anymore, so the next best thing to do is to go after Owen’s health. Is this all that you have?

    Here you have a Dem acting as an authority on Owen’s health, questioning this and that yet when the leader of his party and PM of this country was actually ill, the Dems were telling Barbadians that it was none of their business. Until the man was actually at death’s door, did he give his doctor permission to dain to tell us what was wrong. Owen cancelled a trip to Dominica and he goes off on a tirade on BU. Yet Owen has gone to the US!

    The GANG of 11 tried to remove the PM citing ill health. Do you question the PM’s health? The gang of 11 said that he has had three public fainting spells, I have never heard that Owen fainted nor have I seen him with a cane as Dems allege on BU.

  2. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Yes Prodigal
    When they hurting…is a witch hunt to blame and scandal everybody.But I will tell you this DEM ain’t minding the polls….they ain’t fooling a soul..Just scroll up 2 days and see a whole lot of yard birds missing.They licking wounds and saying “the can’t believe chant”….This thread too… a real belly hurt for some…..They bound on Wickham…but had a rude awakening. Even on Brass Tacks….is a lull. But you mean they can’t believe …after all these draconian measures in tandem….they can’t believe rationally thinking people DON”T WANT ANY MORE or to do wid DEM….whats so hard to believe ?Stupessssssssss.

  3. old onions,
    I well remembered the day after the last election, the Dems were on the airwaves gloating…..”the Bees are going to be in opposition for the next 20 years, they are finished”. I can still remember “Wesley” from St Thomas gloating and I was amazed recently to hear him say to David Ellis that he is sitting out this coming election and “Rawle”, the chief gloater Who would believe that three/four years later, the Dems are begging Barbadians to give them a chance.

    Can you imagine a lady on Brasstacks on Wednesday tellin David Ellis that she is begging the people of Barbados to give the Dees another chance and if after 2.5 years and Freundel does not change, (fat chance of that happening) they should bring a no confidence motion and moved him. David asked her if she really think that could happen!

  4. Its a pity that OSA as u claim is in bad health soon-to-die and Bajans still prefer him over able-bodied and strong more energetic ppl. The man has to be the BEST.

  5. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ Str82Dpoint
    Yeah you are the (cloak 2DPoint)..that I meant to address this morning [May 25, 2012 at 6:33 AM | …..well it stands still… bare straws waana pelting…Owen strong as eva he ent fallin down like… nor breaking an ankle like..strong as ‘affa’… tek back the mantle….but ah hear he may soon have competition arising…

  6. Look I leaving my number here for all you DLP politicians who want back they SEAT, if Wickham poll correct…a lot of you going want my services.
    246-893-999…..$1,000.00 a spell

  7. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    An effective leader must command respect. Heshe must avoid pit falls scandals and infelicities that will cause his followers to lose confidence in him. He she must show by their actions that they are willing to have nothing to do with corruption.Heshe must be willing to be the forebear of justice…..even” reprimanding his own”

    “when you “set the example,” that communicates to your people that you would not ask them to perform anything that you would not be willing to do. ”
    In action as with the CLICO matter is not a option.

  8. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    I realize that all the DLP yardbirds …….completely ran from this blog and the other blog.Clone what happen man ? I thought you had more pit bull..Mr. ! you let Wickham polls silence you so ?Pringles girl you soft…..You all got to take a page from ac …loyal combatant to the end…(she one tough cookie)

  9. IS Stuart a good Prime Minister ?
    Answer: BLP =29 SEATS

  10. Just asking,

    They will win at least three…..St Philip North, St John and St Lucy.

  11. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ Prodigal just Asking
    You both need to re-read Oliver Twist..and the guile of the artful Dodger….
    Beware of that kind of talk.. as you arel only making some tremble in their boots more… thereby procrastinating the general elections…”to the last tether”. To think some would consider such, but yet send people in here with the audacity to speak of good attributes….more like selfishness and arrogance to me.Never mind….. like a old headmaster of mind used to say ..”We can wait “…

  12. Observing (and listening for a bell) Avatar
    Observing (and listening for a bell)

    While I understand the glee of BLP supporters, this “game” is far from over with many moves left to be played. Underestimation usually leads to unexpected outcomes. Yes the DLP are fully on the backfoot, but, even a last man can score a century to win the match.

    Let’s see who moves their piece next and to where….

  13. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Observing (and listening for a bell) | May 26, 2012 at 1:14 PM |
    Boss talk ! Boy Boss Talk !……I agree….Ruck to B3…we shall see…no quarters given… but Napoleon will find it difficult to reposition from here on in

  14. @observing

    To add to your last comment, the low score of Arthur in the poll means that he does not have the capacity to take a body blow. The question now becomes, can the DLP deliver that blow?

  15. Observing (and listening for a bell) Avatar
    Observing (and listening for a bell)

    Not only if they can do it, but WHO wlll be selected to do it

    If Arthur positions Mottley for a strategic “tag” on account of a body blow, the party will do well. Their combined percentage and “favourability markets” compliment one another believe it or not. Some like OSA and can’t stand MM… some love MM and can’t stand OSA. Put both together to vote and they all vote BLP and increase that vote margin. That’s the advantage the BLP has over the DLP at this point.

    We’ll see.

    By the way, can you see FS delivering a performance similar or even close to Haggat Hall for the knockout punch? Let’s be honest, that is not his type of “delivery” and even if he was able to “transform” and go there “just for elections” his “brand” albeit disliked would be irreparably damaged in the long term.

    Kinda like Obama’s evolving “hope, change and riding above the fray” message. Damned if ya do damned more if ya don’t.

  16. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Seems like we go all sorta people ready to make strategy for us. But Wickham polls says it all…….people vex and ready to jump ole fodder..they waiting to EXHALE….4.6 yrs of hurt is too loooooooooooooooong!

  17. Observing (and waiting) Avatar
    Observing (and waiting)

    Let’s be objective. Wickham’s poll doesn’t say it all . It just says a lot and a lot of what was more or less known from before.

  18. the poll also says
    BLP 31%now

    DLP 26% now

    seems like a 5% spread a gap which can be closed easily giving the right political tactic and approach necessary to achieve that goal. O>K BLP start squealing like a pig that was pelted with hot water.

  19. @ac

    Don’t be fool by the numbers, there is a large group of people who wont say or are undecided. In a national swing against the government how do you think those votes will go? Which party will have an invigorated base who feel they should come out to vote? It is not as simple as reading the numbers in the way you have interpreted.

  20. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    I told ac that every sense. David…every manjack includes the undecided. They will decide the elections. Incidentally they are also the one’s exposed to these” harsh bashment measures” as one young lady told me today…she say only a fool would want more…

  21. @ david only time will till it is all up to the “dark horse”

  22. @ac
    clutching at more strings again i see. dark horses and all.

  23. WAIT boa –what is it hear coming from St. John ??

    It seems that St.John in trouble. People fed up with the DLP and saying that they aint voting –they staying home , meanwhile Griffith is working hard and his numbers are looking good. If Griffith can get the new youth vote coupled with a few dis-enchanted DEES along with all the BEES coming out, he could win that seat.

  24. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Again the comment of the Mona Lisa exiting the stage ….last night was sort reliably informed of this again. Either is a strategy to invisibly bounce the CLICO blame or a chance for Hartely…….either way I smell a rat. Gut feeling though …”that is crap”…….the green smelling too sweet to fly away…or the promise of heir to the legacied throne…we shall see

  25. In addressing a joint meeting of the St Andrew and St Joseph constituencies , Mr Stuart is reported to have said” Speaking to the question of leadership, the Prime minister charged that the BLP had a history of denouncing every DLP leader from Errol Barrow up to himself”
    I am not sure if the evidence would support Mr Stuart’s statement. History would forever record that Mr Sandiford’s demise was as a result of having been denounced by members of his Cabinet who supported a no-confidence motion against him.In Mr Stuart”s case, his problems havbeen compounded not by not by an almost moribund BLP opposition, but by his’denounciation’ by not one or two or thre but by eleven members of his cabinet and parliamentary group.

  26. old onion bags Avatar

    An effective leader must get things DONE…(not enuff to make promises.)
    An effective leader must communicate with his peers and the public and in agreement will be able to move forward..(otherwise..inertia..neither forward nor backward…stalemate.)
    HeShe must be a good communicator at all levels.

  27. old onion bags Avatar

    One wonders what Estwick will do should his concerns not be addressed ?
    Leader ….one who is able to control…the directing mind and will .

  28. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    “We must learn to cut and contrive….”We must all button down and face this monster..recession head on .”..Rio de Janiero….$275,076.13…4 day splurge..?..this could help build Sen.Irene’s Old People Shelter….or feed how many homeless vagrants…priority…rising sea levels.
    Effective leaders lead by example……not do as I say…not as I do.

  29. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Effective leaders are good communicators…….
    “Sending forward one’s politicos to put forward one’s position on the media (call in programs), just does not cut it. By all means performance counts…..not shutouts and behind backdoor temporary solutions. “

  30. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Whenever an effective Leader is confronted about his leadership style from those of his Eager…he should be ready to show medal and appease souls(exmpl.OSA) or leave….to do otherwise (heads go roll) will only fester contempt and inbreeding…..Holding on to the last tether is senseless and costly( like burnt pork chop)…..especially when your chief cohort…holds the mic and a scissors to the party’s umbilical chord.

  31. In addressing a joint meeting of the St Andrew and St Joseph constituencies , Mr Stuart is reported to have said” Speaking to the question of leadership, the Prime minister charged that the BLP had a history of denouncing every DLP leader from Errol Barrow up to himself”

    ac @ balance!True

  32. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    EWB.compared to Stuart…now that’s some S- T- R -E- T- C- H of the imagination….that even you ac ..try as you may …can’t expect BU readers to fathom…now ,then,in the future…never….

  33. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ ac
    Your visionary not even comfortable at home with his colleagues…and you finding audaciousness to look back in history… wid now !…

  34. old onion bags Avatar

    @ ac
    EWB was an leader to follow…he never found the need to attend every cock fight whether Rio or Kuadalumpa or Timbuktu….nowadays some could really live up at the airport..So bad ….had to find a roost in China before tings pan out….

  35. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    You lead through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal. But for the most one must be able to put over social political or economic views comprehensively.
    Where is the PM’s input in all this here so doa ?….Timbuktu Bonds status….or Chinese connectivity ?

  36. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Here we repeat ourselves AGAIN…

    “The importance of having an effective and influential and communicative leader cannot be more dire than now. Sending forward one’s politicos to put forward one’s position on the media (call in programs), just does not cut it. By all means performance counts…..not shutouts and behind backdoor”

    Should we not have some intimate feed back by now ?

  37. “Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart accused of not being an effective leader”

    Accussed ?? This is a FACT … we see it daily he is a really strange man.

  38. The FAT CATS…..don’t give two hoop bones what we the BU family says…what anybody period says……until elections that is …then we see DEM coming cap in hand……EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP NAH.?…….ACCOUNTABLE NAH ?……NOT a word from anybody yet about the latest developments….LAND SWAP…..not a word…the worse pack we have ever seen.

  39. Being an effective leader……entails KNOWING WHEN TO CALL IT QUITS…GRACEFULLY and not being maligned …..and thereby taking your party DOWN with YOU……..finesse….. sometimes goes a long way ..ask Virgil and Ovid

  40. A Good leader must LEAD…..not just FLY. He must also know when to STEP DOWN…..(though it won’t matter in this case since nobody on that side,has the skills)….Now the whole of Buddados ….talking about a new leader…..and leadership style when some saw the deficiency since posting this thread 5 months ago in May…..’leaders are born,.. not made”….

  41. snip…intro

    Good Leader

    You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired. To be successful you have to convince your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed.


  42. old onion bags | September 24, 2012 at 12:44 PM |

    Being an effective leader……entails KNOWING WHEN TO CALL IT QUITS…GRACEFULLY and not being maligned …..and thereby taking your party DOWN with YOU……..finesse….. sometimes goes a long way ..ask Virgil and Ovid

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