Submitted by John Dillinger

Tony Marshall, Chairman of the NIS Board

I have followed your blogs [BU] with regards to the Four Seasons and Professor Persaud’s decision to ask the NIS to invest in the project as opposed to bring in international investors like the late PM David Thompson mandated him so to do. Was not the Professor to use his international connections to bring in the investment needed to restart the project? If so should we take it that he has failed to get the interest of the international investment community..the hedge funds, venture capitalists etc. to invest in Four Seasons? If so, then why?

Moreover based on two recent articles in the Nation Newspaper, one on November 24th quoting Minister Chris Sinckler as saying he expects the NIS to make a decision by the end of this week (coming after the now famous extraordinary Cabinet meeting of November 15th to “discuss” the Four Seasons project) and that the Minister of Labour and Social Security was “working closely” with the NIS on the matter. Does all of this smell like a hint of political interference in the NIS decision process with regards to the project at all, especially when it was reported that the NIS had been advised not to invest in the project?

The second major article, coming on the heels of the downward revision of Barbados’s outlook from STABLE to NEGATIVE this week, was an article saying that Standard & Poors was closely monitoring the progress with regards to the project  – how strategically timed and well placed for this article. Can we conclude that this is all meant to influence (read: pressure) the NIS into a particular decision. I hope that the Tony Marshall led NIS Board with the learned Dr Justin Robinson as Deputy Chairman would do the ethical and honorable thing  and resign if they vote with political sword of Damocles hanging over their heads…remember that it is ALL OF BARBADIAN WORKERS future pension that they are dealing with, it isn’t monopoly money – the remainder of us don’t have the benefit of a big UWI pension or large Barclays pension when we retire…we depend on the NIS,

Please don’t throw our money into an empty whole while your own is secure….or else you may be inviting Occupy Four Seasons, Barbados’s version of Occupy Wall Street or worse yet, the beginning of Bajan Spring (our own local version of the Arab Spring) Do you really want that on your conscience gentlemen?

  1. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    Aren’t you aware that they have already changed the formula for calculating the NIS pension resulting in a smaller pension because they have projected that there would not be enough money in the fund to pay pensions by 2035? However, they are taking steps to further deplete the fund. That only makes sense to someone with an agenda that is not in the best interest of the Bajan worker.

  2. No Caswell, according to Gregory Hinkson the NIS Investment Committee is taking up a long term investment opportunity to expand the earning opportunity given it is a relatively young fund.

  3. Bottom line is Barbados needs to create jobs now.

    Suggestions anyone?

  4. If we are going to create jobs to build empty hotel rooms to join other empty hotel rooms why not just mail checks to the (non)workers.

  5. @Random Thoughts, if the empty hotel rooms are not going to be filled then Barbados will be in deep doo doo.

    The project will take at least three years to complete and there is an expectation that the world economy will be recovering.

  6. DO I care bout Four Seasons ?
    WHY is it dat deverything de DLP dtouches dturns to dust ???

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “I hope that the Tony Marshall led NIS Board with the learned Dr Justin Robinson as Deputy Chairman would do the ethical and honorable thing and resign if they vote with political sword of Damocles hanging over their heads”.

    Skipper, this is like asking a yardfowl early in the morning not to pick at scratch grain thrown in front of it.

    Have you ever heard the Bajan saying about going to a four cross road at midnight and selling one’s soul to the devil? Pick sense from that!

  8. @Justasking

    because you are a dooo dooo and oppose the DLP.


    If people will take off their myopic glasses they will see the whole picture, how much money owen artheur invested in the hilton and the gems projec? Ask the Jaws man.

    i agree with sir courney that the public service is nloated and it needs to be cut and attrition is the best option. Who moves it back up after the the cuts in the 1990’s.

    That indian man is a fraud and i hope that he is not being paid for filing to get international investors intetested in the project. The World Bank is supporting the project and i am supporting it as a means of generating some economic actvity and realizeing a return on my nis contribution plain and simple. I dont care what people who dont have an interest in barbados’ development. The investment will take place and thas a fact. so move on detractors. interestoopleactivitye

  9. It is clear that those who govern can wipe their dirty shitty feet on the citizens of this country , kick them, spit on them and get away with it. Why ? We allow it!

    As Random thought said …..”If we are going to create jobs to build empty hotel rooms to join other empty hotel rooms why not just mail checks to the (non)workers.”

    Mr Stuart once claimed that he is going to make Barbados the envy of the Caribbean… he still working on it? Right now we are on comedy hour. Imagine even considering and meeting to discuss taking our NIS funds to fund a project that no private investor will back in these times, while we sit helplessly looking on because there is no one looking out for our future. We now have to try and live past nearly seventy to enjoy our pension while a politician only has to get to the age of fifty to be eligible. Someting ent right here!

  10. @Hants

    It is a sad position to be in when the only consideration for NIS investing in the Four Seasons project is that we need to create jobs and nothing to do with the viability of the project. Don’t respond that the IDB is sweet on the project because that is BS.

    By the way REDjet needs 8 million to remain viable according to Bizzy.

  11. @uneducated

    Arthur invested in those projects in times of plenty.

    The viability of a project has to be evaluated on merit and not on any across the board comparison.

  12. Why you people keep kicking a dead horse the funds will be approved.This government has to keep cleaning up the mess left behind by the BLP. OSA also approves for the NIS funding . TheFour Seasons project has already proven that it is a failure.but the government again like all other pie in the sky deals is lock into an agreement from which they can’t walk out,

    Nobody on BU is touching this Redjet debacle because they were in Awe with this “pie in the sky” but anyone with a little bit of commonsense could have seen this was too good to be true the financial approach by Redjet to low fares would have been be a financial disaster.Most of these outside investors have a one sided approach and that is to do all of the talking good publicity hood winked the public and lasso the government

  13. We can make it with a little help from our friends Avatar
    We can make it with a little help from our friends

    Dear Minister of Finance, here is how you may raise your 4S investment without the NIS or additional GOB debt. Land, despite recent declines, is still overpriced. The GOB has a land inventory, from which it offers land at $5/sf. to the lower income market. There is a group of Barbadians, with significant savings, looking for good investments, but not willing to pay ridiculous rates for land. I suggest that you offer some 20,000 sf. lots at $10/sf. to these individuals and you will have you money in no time. The offer must be limited to one lot per person, unless all lots are not taken-up, where the remainder may be purchased by anyone.

  14. We can make it with a little help from our friends Avatar
    We can make it with a little help from our friends

    And some of them have US$ investments, so, if the price is right, you may attract some US$ as well.

  15. The problem in Barbados is with it’s people, we need to be matured enough to think outside the box of the DLP or BLP, but see nationalism as the main focus. Stop thinking the BLP did it so if the DLP do it, What? Until we start seeing these problems facing this country as national problems and not BLP/DLP problems, both parties will have their yardfowls to crow for them while they satify themselves and the yardfowls get the crumbs that falls from the table. Wake up Barbados and start thinking for yourselves, many of you have more commonsense than many of our representatives, so we should not allow them to dictate our way of thinking or acting.WAKE UP


  17. Without sounding like a BLP supporter, it would be interesting to see how the BLP would handle Barbados NOW in this crisis. Remember, Sandiford handed the government over to the BLP at a time when things were in place for the economy to improve, now that we are in this mess, the BLP will have to prove their worth in taking us out. JUST THINKING

  18. DO you know that some people actually beleive that Sandy did it good job ???
    DO you know that Sandy pushed Barbados into a big stinking hole first !!!!!! and then Somebody else -read Owen Arthur and the BLP had to pull Barbados out ??


  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ The Scout | November 26, 2011 at 9:08 AM |
    “it would be interesting to see how the BLP would handle Barbados NOW in this crisis.”

    You probably have a financial interest in a funeral home or build or import coffins from China. Are you wishing for a mass kill of pols and their lackeys?
    Man this problem is way out of the league of “caretaker type” managers.
    Can’t you see that the surgery that is required to save the Barbados economy none of the local quacks want to perform? The required socially invasive surgery from welfare disbursements, crash diet to reduce an obese army of occupation to tertiary hair cuts have been recommended by the overseas-based surgical consultants. But it seems the local house doctors are reluctant to put these life saving measures to the public and place their losing hands on the taxpayers’ table.

    Only a sudden heart attack (delays in finding enough forex to pay for petroleum products) would act as a SOS to the overseas consultants who would be here faster than a bullet to apply the requisite heat from the IMF financial laser beam.

  20. What some Barbadians don’t seem to understand is that we are not in ordinary times.

  21. Here is a view from Hal Austin circulating on email:

      —– Original Message —–
    From: Hal Austin
    To: hal.austin@
    Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 11:39 AM
    Subject: Notes From a Native Son – Four Seasons

    By Hal Austin

    It is now clear that the national insurance scheme’s investment committee is coming under enormous pressure to approve the Bds$50m loan to Four Seasons.
    Although there is no objective business or macroeconomic ground on which the money should be given – since it would not be an investment ‘loan’ as the project is clearly a white elephant – the investment committee has been ordered to re-instruct the team of analysts which rightly recommended that the ‘investment’ should not be made and to do so in a short time.
    It has long been the case the NIS has been used as a piggy bank by governments – both BLP and DLP – but at a time of great economic pressure this is neither the time nor project for which government should use taxpayers’ money.
    The game has now changed and quite clearly it is an opportunity for concerned citizens to challenge government in the courts.
    I suggest that a panel of concerned lawyers, business people and ordinary citizens should come together to challenge any decision to invest in Four Seasons is the courts.
    Public donations should be offered to meet any legal costs, and in the event of the state losing the case, eash and every individual involved in this decision should be held personally responsible for the loan.
    We cannot allow individuals to hide behind their positions to make undemocratic decisions, which this would be if government refuses to take impartial advice.
    If necessary, the case should be taken to the Caribbean Court of Justice. At the very least, it would set out the parameters in which government can make policy. This is the price we pay for not having a written constitution.
    More than that, with a forthcoming general election, voters should compel the ruling DLP to justify on public platforms why it decided to go ahead with funding for Four Seasons, in the light of reasoned objections.
    In any case, there is still a lot of information which must be made public, including the arrangement with the executive chairman, the company’s advisers, its legal structure and the reasons why government should be ‘investing’ or lending money to a private enterprise with out clearer transparency.
    With a new chief justice in place, the government must be challenged over this ridiculous approach to Four Seasons. In any case, why the rush? Why not a proper public debate? Why can’t Four Seasons lay bare its books for public inspection?

  22. Hal Austin I commend you on your excellent suggestion and I am ready and waiting to donate.

  23. What has transpired is the total lack of diregard and respect for its people we are witnessing the ruthless by our goverment to be sole controler of our money and it is frigthening.Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  24. Why can’t Four Seasons lay bare its books for public inspection?
    Why can’t the NIS lay bare its books for inspection as well?

  25. This will be one case for the CCJ that everyone in the Caribbean will be watching with great interest!

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | November 26, 2011 at 10:15 AM |
    “What has transpired is the total lack of diregard and respect for its people we are witnessing the ruthless by our goverment to be sole controler of our money and it is frigthening.Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    We are very, very proud of you! welcome to the side of Truth & Justice!
    The angels of Righteousness are singing that another one has been saved!

  27. @miller

    have u just awaken from your slumber to know about ruthlessness and righteousness. I pity you.

    OSA was one of the most ruthless and vicious prime minister barbados has ever seen and it might be because of his short man syndrone. Go preach somewhere else.

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    We can talk until the black belly sheep turn whitehead goats or the so-called “foreigner” snails crawl back to Africa nothing will change the minds and actions of the pols. It seems they have a date with destiny and are single-mindedly leading the charge of the economic light brigade.
    Hal Austin has a naive view of the bajan legal fraternity whose motto is “one for all and all for one’. Which one or few of them would (figuratively) take up legal arms against the “on-the-take” guards of the pig trough from which they all feed. Only mercenaries from abroad would dare challenge the administrative injustice that is being meted out to the docile taxpayers of this quiet and “every-thing-goes” land. But another kind of mercenary has already booked a flight to Bim via IMF Airways ETA June 2012!

  29. Four years and the apologists still talking about a BLP mess. SMFH

  30. Miller but having said that one should also be that the power given was so administerd at the voting polls by the voting public.these problems did not start yesterday but have had the seeds planted years ago in the socalled good and plenty times now harvest time is here and the fruits are withered and spoilt now there is nothing left other than to beg borrow or steal.The chickens have come home to roost

  31. actually the English parent company book are easily accessible on-line. so are any of the other English companies listed in the clear water bay legislation. cinamon88 was suppose to be liquidated. see page 3 for Paradise Beach LLP parent company of paradise beach limited, paradise beach 88 paradise beach 88 L.P. And eastern resorts limited.

  32. Just a thought, why did Hal Austin purloin the title of his articles from James Baldwin?

    Surely an original title can’t be that difficult to create

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ uneducated | November 26, 2011 at 11:09 AM |
    “OSA was one of the most ruthless and vicious prime minister Barbados has ever seen and it might be because of his short man syndrome. Go preach somewhere else.”

    Could you please explain the link between OSA and ac’s contribution?
    I am at a lost so help me (Mr. Pitiful).

    Now you are the same “uneducated” (prematurely rechristened Mr. “Reeducated) who boastfully sang the praises of the UWI in his day of teaching the art of critical thinking and intellectual honesty. I am sure in your compulsory Use of English course you were also exposed to the various techniques of argument and debate. Now why do you have such a bee in your bonnet for OSA as to refer to him in such awful and personally degrading terms? Your use of “ad hominems” is most unrefined and totally unbecoming of UWI scholarship. The quality of teaching and learning in those days was of the highest level easily comparable to any first rate tertiary institution in the UK. Now, by your outburst mired in political prostitution you have allowed yourself to be nakedly exposed only to be striped of any claim to intellectual competence and scholarly achievements from the said Institution you have unwittingly brought into a poor light. The gravamen of your statement about a fellow graduate who, despite his human shortcomings (no pun intended here if you can get the point), has done yeoman service for Barbados to the extent of putting his health in a compromising position. For three continuous terms the Bajan electorate expressed confidence in the so-called ‘ruthless and vicious tyrant Barbados ever experienced’. So, can one conclude that during this period the majority of voting Barbadians were a bunch load of hypocritical, gullible, brutally exploited and oppressed idiots? The title of the “Right Honourable’ might be old hat stilted, and colonial in origin but it still means a lot to many Barbadians of your generation and before who worked their butts off to make the kind of sacrifices so that ungrateful people like you can get a tertiary education instead of picking pond grass and “tending’ animals on Murphy’s pasture.

    Question the man’s current political acumen and capacity to lead again Barbados out of this economic quagmire or quicksand. But please, demonstrate that at least you attended some of Dr. Allsops’(?) et al UoE sessions and leave out the vicious personal attacks on The Rt. Hon. OSA.
    You can do better! Prove me right by not attacking me “personally” too!

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Sargeant | November 26, 2011 at 1:18 PM |
    “Just a thought, why did Hal Austin purloin the title of his articles from James Baldwin?”
    Because he is probably of the view that most Bajans don’t know of JB, even many of the “educated ones” living in the Diaspora.

    But I take your point. He could have referred to the origin of the title since he so boldly took licence to use it.

    But there is a saying which you of course are quite familiar with and unfortunately has a bit of merit: “If you wish to hide something from a black man put it in a book”. (Of course, the book should not be the Bible because out of sheer curiosity and brainwashing he might just put paid to this statement).

  35. Hal Austin wrote “the ruling DLP to justify on public platforms why it decided to go ahead with funding for Four Seasons, in the light of reasoned objections.”

    Hants pov. It is project ready to be restarted, will directly employ at least 500 people and will create indirect jobs in the business sector and government will collect more VAT and income taxes from the workers.

  36. @Miller

    in my days use of english was not a requirement for all facullties so get your intellectual facts straight. Done forget even though i would have passed through uwi twice i have still been relgated to a dunce so why take on what i say about ruthless osa and his thiefining lieutennants like u.

    u cant wait to get more of the gravy nuh, time longer than twine.

    Get that project going and generate some activity in the construction sector yah hear, according to the market vendor.

  37. @ Uneducated
    Your brilliant party should have given some of the construction work at Coverley, Stuarts Lodge, Valery and Warrens to other firms beside JADA.

  38. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ enuff | November 26, 2011 at 4:53 PM |

    And this is the party that claims that they are for the ‘small’ man1 Imagine that!
    To be honest, I too would like to see the 4 Seasons project restarted. But on the following conditions:
    A few more private investors should come on board.
    The chairman cum consultant should be fired. He has had more than his fill from the pig trough. Possibly in excess of US$ 1.2 mill
    JADA must not be given the contract unless under fair and objective contract bidding conditions.
    No significant foreign labour input unless absolutely warranted. Barbados has too many unemployed labourers and artisans already. If you don’t employ the people they will end up stealing from the well off. After all it is Bajan workers NI contributions that are being used to help finance the project not foreign investment.
    No political interference from the pols. In other words no one should be employed because a pol sent him or her to the site. Strictly by interview and merit.

  39. The economic storm is going to hit us soon and all intellegent bajans can do is to be parisan with a FULL dose of yardfowlism. I fail to see how educated, intellegent, matured people could allow any political party to so brainwash you that they can erase your own thoughts and replace them with theirs, while the only ones to benefit are the politicians themselves. We need to forget about DLP or BLP and think and act on behalf of justice and fairplay for our country. No one man politician should be able to make decisions for thousands of workers.

  40. The economic storm has been hitting since 2009. Now a hurricane coming.
    Be prepared.

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “The economic storm has been hitting since 2009. Now a hurricane coming.
    Be prepared.”

    Oh ye prophets of doom and gloom! Look on the bright side!
    A much simpler tropical lifestyle might just make us: healthier and less obese; re-establish a clean and vibrant relationship with the land and mother nature; less stress, talk and play a bit more with our families and neigbours; save forex by importing less food and junk; stop educating fools and asses to tertiary level; put the politicians in their places as representatives of the people and not as their masters.

    We don’t want to bring about this paradigm shift in our socio-economic reltionships so we will have to import a solution.
    What a difference an IMF day makes!
    And now the end is here and we face the final sweet life curtain. Our friends we had it good but too good to last!. As the donkey told the pig on the way to market from a pig’s easy and corpulent (fattening) life on the farm: “Sweet life ain’t long life!” Arri vederci, la dolce vita!

  42. let’s say the past has finally caught up with the present. Peeps your eyes have been open up . After all the good ole days were not that good at all for we were Fu…..k by the piper and his merry band of hoodlums and if that is not enough we might have to hand over our hard working money to them..

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    2 ac | November 26, 2011 at 7:26 PM |
    You have me in stitches! Rolling on the floor crying my eyes out!
    “night does run til day ketch it!”
    The piper must be paid before the show ends!

  44. Samuel Jackman trainee Avatar
    Samuel Jackman trainee

    miller uh with you there my man time to put Avinesh the snake oil salesman out to and me block mates want jobs if you have contacts, a little labour work alright.. If 4 Seas0ns restart dats we first stop so let NIS free up the grantleys.

  45. DO you know that Owen Seymour Arthur is the Best Prmie Minister we ever had ???

    DO you know that Errol Walton Barrow ‘is’ one of the Greatest Prime Ministers in the Caribbean ???
    HOW is Owen the most ruthless
    DO you beleive that Errol Walton Barrow and Tom are ‘easy’??
    DO you want a twerp to be we Prime Minister– ????

  46. Why is this even news - write a cheque, get a loan from your brother - or do you prefer NIS Avatar
    Why is this even news – write a cheque, get a loan from your brother – or do you prefer NIS

  47. @
    Why is this even news – write a cheque, get a loan from your brother – or do you prefer NIS | November 26, 2011 at 7:58 PM |

    Good one- We island lack politicians unafraid to stand up to the greedy Williams brothers the cojones less politicos should grow a pair and point uncouth Bizzy to a hairy location below the waist to kiss.

  48. @Enuff

    you are rebuked in the name of ignorance. amen.

  49. no bizzy bends over and let them kiss he booty hole as far as the tongue can go and then bizzy say to them ” Where is the cheque” Talk about having it both ways!

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