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167 responses to “Tarek Fatah An Indian Muslim, Warns About Muslim Brotherhood In The White House”

  1. What should we believe?


    On claims of Palestinian anti-Semitism

    Sep 28th 2011, 16:50 by M.S.

    ROBERT BERNSTEIN is one of the founding figures of Human Rights Watch, and for the last several years he’s been criticising the group he helped found for what he says is an anti-Israeli bias. Today he has an op-ed in the Washington Post that extends the indictment, rather more plausibly, to the United Nations. Mr Bernstein calls on the UN to acknowledge and condemn what he says is a constant stream of hateful, anti-Zionist, often anti-Semitic and genocidal propaganda generated in the Arab media and by Arab leaders, which he thinks lays the groundwork for endless conflict. The UN, he says, is "fueling discord and anti-Semitism" by "granting legitimacy to Hamas, a terrorist Islamic group, and the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas." And he provides an example of Mr Abbas, widely viewed even in Israel as a peace-seeking believer in non-violent negotiations, engaging in what sounds like some pretty violent rhetoric:


  2. When I posted extensive info over a year or so ago, here on BU, exposing exactly what this Muslim intellectual, presented to his Canadian audience, that’s happening in the US, right up to the White House, I was SCOFFED at, ridiculed, and mocked.

    My primary source at the time, was the recently published, “MUSLIM MAFIA, Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” (Copyright 2009 by P.david Gaubatz and Paul Sperry).

    Thousands of pages of documented, secret info, was got from WITHIN CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), “These sensitive files, which have been gleaned without CAIR’s knowledge, contain more than 12,000 pages of documents that effectively amount to a smoking gun, linking the nation’s preeminent Islamic lobby group to terrorism, fraud, and sedition.” ( Preface p.iii)

    The Musim Brotherhood Credo-

    “Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our guide, the Quran is our constitution, JIHAD is our way, and DEATH for the glory of Allah is our greatest ambition”
    Emphasis added.

    This subtle, serious, and deadly infiltration, into the American Government agencies, including the very White House, is no joke, maybe now that an well educted, intellectual Muslim, and Canadian citizen has said it, maybe, these indifferent Canadians, Americans, et al, including Barbadians, will wake up to this sinister, EVIL, Jihadists, Islamist reality, whose worldwide agenda, IS to Islamize every nation in the world, and bring all people under Sharia Law, one way or the other.

    I have info, from a very reliable source, that right here in B’dos, such a thrust, from radical Muslims, is also afoot, as it is in some other Caribbean nation states.

  3. Zoe

    To be clear Terek Fatah made the distinction between the religion and the ideology.

    Sometime the two are blurred.

  4. The Jews have AIPAC….the Muslims have CAIRS…….6 is half dozen!!

  5. And where do we find ourselves?

    Exactly in the middle….

  6. David, What was Terek Fatah’s URGENT plea? And what religious ‘ideology’ drives this Muslim Brotherhood?

    And, what will be the consequenes, that Fatah so clearly outlined, that our Western civilization, will loose, if we do not wake up, and SPEAK OUT, as I have being doing!

    Further, anyone that associates ‘AIPAC’ with ‘CAIR’ re similar purposes, I.e., subversive, radical, RELIGIOUS controlled agendas, is stupid, and is ‘tantamount to associating the ‘Salvation Army’ with the ‘Mafia’, ‘Cosa Nostra.’ Nonsense!!!

  7. @Zoe…

    Given that 2^8 == 256.

    Does 2^10 == 1024?

  8. @Zoe… What then does 2^16 equal?

  9. @CH, What does it mean, “If therefore the LIGHT that is in YOU is DARKNESS, how GREAT is that DARKNESS.” ( Matt. 6: 23b) Emphasis added.

  10. @Zoe: “What does it mean, “If therefore the LIGHT that is in YOU is DARKNESS, how GREAT is that DARKNESS.” ( Matt. 6: 23b) Emphasis added.

    I don’t know.

    Nor do I care.

    What does it mean to you?

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Zoe. Answer CH question. What does 2^16 = ?

  12. @Zoe

    Your position has been that the ideology overruns the religion right?

  13. @CH, Regarding your math equation, my answer is:

    I don’t know, neither do I care!

    @ David, the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, et al Islamic Jihadists groups, is rooted in Koranic theology, and the Hadith’s of Mohammed, its just that most Muslims are not that radically oriented, but its all there in the Koran, and the Hadith writings of Islam, which radical Islamic clerics, want all Muslims to fully embrace.

    Now, the Muslim Brotherhood, and CAIR in the US, are mostly run by very well educated, intellectual, Muslims, who are able to interact very smoothly, appearing to want to help with Government agencies and others, its a very subtle cultural, ‘JIHADISM’ whose ultimate aim, IS to bring the US under Islamic Sharia Law, the military side of this movement, is reserved, for later times, and when it becomes necessary.

  14. Seriously people….

    Everything that Zoe has posted so far about Muslims/ Islam can also be attributed to Christians.

    All religions want/believes theirs to be the one and only truth.
    Christians also want to ‘Christianize’ the world, look at Africa.
    Anyone who thinks that AIPAC and CAIRS don’t both have similar agendas is even more ignorant in trying to prove otherwise.
    They are both infiltrating to further seek sympathy for their causes.
    Quoting selected parts of the Koran proves nothing as the Bible, Koran, Talmud etc all have within them rules that makes you wonder.
    ReLIEgion……..Slavery by another name.

  15. To respond to part of your comment why do you believe England’s BBC, the home of. King James, would replace AD and BC with BCE and CE – Before Common Era/Common Era? It probably wouldn’t happen in a non Christian country.

  16. According to this article, the BBC hasn’t switched to BCE/CE:


  17. We must remember that the designers of 911 were supposedly highly intelligent, well educated Muslims.( assuming that it was not a home grown conspiracy)

    While what you write is true and more people have probably died fighting for their religion than any other purpose over the centuries, today I am unaware of any major faction of Christianity publishing books as the Saudi’s do, making it very clear to not only hate Jews/ Christians but strongly recommending that it is the divine duty of Muslims to kill them/us

    The situation, even in Toronto, is becoming really bad where some Muslims are openly being racist / discriminatory against non-muslims and indeed the police even when armed with excellent evidence of assault are failing to arrest because the attitude prevalent is that Muslims have more human rights than others, especially Jews. The goings on at Universities like York and U of T are ridiculous and when you favour one group unfairly it will not be too long without major problems/ blood shed.

    It amazes me that Muslims have not been clearly told that Sharia Law is never going to be permitted in Canada or elsewhere in the West. Would voodoo Zombyism be permitted? Black magic murder?

  18. @ Millertheannunaki

    Which planet did your people come from? Did you guys really Genetically engineer humans from the missing link? If so why did your scientist over endow / discriminate in favour of certain sub-sets of male humanity?

  19. @Moneybrain: “We must remember that the designers of 911 were supposedly highly intelligent, well educated Muslims.

    Empirically, they were.

    They knew exactly where to strike the buildings to bring them down. That required knowledge of Engineering, Physics and Management.

    That ***DOESN’T***, however, mean that every Muslim hates everyone else.

    Despite what some might tell you….

  20. Moneybrain, Thanks for bringing, some rational, reasonable, objective points to this subject matter.

    How can anyone, equate Caliphate, Sharia Law, Islamism, and its drive to control the whole world, with Judaism and Christianity, is so irrational, in fact STUPID and down right ignorant.

    A brief comparative anslysis of the THREE religions.

    1) Christianity is NOT a militant religion. Throughout the world, missionaries, evangelists, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in India, Pakestan, Russia, Africa, South America, et al countries.
    a. It is based entirely on the LOVE of God, in Christ, and His atoning Death. Invitations are given to receive and accept Jesus, as Saviour and Lord.
    Ten of thousands, repeatedly, in India, Pakestan, Africa, South America, et al nations, FREELY, come forward, their amazing testimonies, the JOY, PEACE, and new PURPOSE for living, that they NEVER experienced before, is a wonderful sight to behold.
    b. No one is subjugated to any LAW, many go on becoming strong Christians, the liberty of mind, spirit, and soul is what JESUS bring to those who freely accept and receive Him. If one wants to leave a local Church, one is NOT threatened by any religious LAW, as our God does NOT force Himself on any one.

    Judiasm: Is the least of all, in regard to trying to convert any one to become a Jew. Judiasm does NOT want to control the world, or bring other nations under any religious LAW. AIPAC, does NOT have any kind of militant, religious agenda, as does CAIR. They are complete opposites religiously, that is a FACT.

    Islam: Militant Islam, I.e., The Muslim Brotherhood, and CAIR in the US, have a very SUBTLE, DEVIOUS, RELIGIOUS agenda, to infiltrate just about every aspect of life, beginning with the Government, Prisons, and any other area of civil society, they can deceitfully befriend, with ONE ultimate purpose and goal, to ISLAMATIZE America, and IMPOSE, Caliphate, Islamic, Sharia LAW on all citizens, this THRUST is well under way in England, and other European countries.

    There IS, and inherently VAST difference, between the thrust of Christianity, to win lost souls to Christ, peacefully, always leaving it up to the individual to CHOOSE, either to ACCEPT, ot to REJECT Him, Jesus, no legal restrictions of any kind are placed on the person, one way or the other.

    Were as, Militant Islam, driven by the Sharia Law, and its MILITANT restrictions, which they are already trying to get some Western nations, to grant them permission to IMPOSE, re their adherents, is what their ultimate aim IS, for ALL nations; and this they are subtly attempting to achieve in the US, first by gaining more and more access to the White House, educational institutions and so one. It would be a terrible, TYRANNICAL, subjugation, and abdigation of our Western freedoms to CHOOSE, one way or the other.

  21. @Zoe

    We have had this discussion before.

    What were The Crusades?

  22. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Zoe: Don’t touch that one of the Crusades. It’s too hot for you; or even the activities of the Inquisition or the conversion of the Aztecs and Incas to Christianity, whoa!
    There is a growing Islamic / Muslim community in Barbados. Check the mosque on Kensington New Road. Would you be prepared to go with me and try to convert them from the sinful and evil ways to Christianity? There will be reward in heaven for you if you achieve this task, but not seven virgins or if you are a woman , a righteous and upright husband.

  23. @CH
    I absolutely agree that the majority of Muslims are good people, indeed I played on a 81% Muslim cricket team in England in my youth. Where did I say differently?

  24. A few more facts re radical Islam.

    “But predictably, CAIR claimed Muslims were not more likely to commit violent acts than people of other faiths, ignoring overwhelming statistical EVIDENCE to the contrary. Just since 9/11, more than 9,000 separate VIOLENT acts have been carried out in the name of ISLAM.”

    “As Islamic terror expert Robert Spencer points out, we don’t “See Presbyterians blowing themselves up in crowded resturants. Buddhists flying planes into buildings, and Amish waving placards crowing that they will soon dominate the world.” ( MUSLIM MAFIA, Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America, p. 83).


    “Dealing a major blow to CAIR, the FBI in 2008 cut off formal ties to the group due to its TERROR co-conspirator listing. When the disengagement policy was made public in early 2009, CAIR rallied other Muslim Brotherhood front groups to fire off a threatening letter to the FBI. The letter suggested that if the bureau dindn’t restore outreach relations with CAIR, they would band together and deny the FBI information about ‘acts of violence’ and ‘threats’ in the Muslim community ( as if they had provided such information previoiusly).”

    “Calling themselves ‘American Muslims in the American mainstream,’ the ‘CABAL’ of Muslim Brothers essentially threatened to boycott the FBI and its terrorism fighting efforts if it didn’t reopen political ACCESS for a group that SUPPORTS Jihad and Sharia law, and has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the war on terror.” (Ibid., p.84) Emphasis added.

    Just wait until I post some more FACTS, about CAIR’s secretive, plots, revealed from WITHIN CAIR documents, right in Washington, near the White House, where Obama, has THREE members of The Muslim Brotherhood, as staff, who have quietly infiltrated the WH, expressly to gain top-secret info, to ultimately PLAN against America, in their quest to ISLAMIZE the US, under DEADLY Sharia, Islamic LAW!

  25. The problem with Islam is that it is not just a religion but an integrated socio-political system with some very radical factions who are stuck in the 13th Century, when they had much success invading southern Spain and Eastern Europe. It has not occured to these radicals that their behaviour will lead to a tipping point which will precipitate very negative consequences.They are very lucky that the arrogant, stupid Americans have a non-existent Comprehensive Energy Plan thereby enriching Saudi et al. Eventually they may receive not only their wish to relive the 13th Century but the Stoneage as well

  26. @Moneybrain

    We witnessed what happened recently in Pakistan when that Hindu Minister was assassinated.

  27. Don’t for a moment equate Roman Catholicism, with Christianity, NO WAY, Catholicism IS, the WHORE of Revelation chapter 17, “MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH.” ( Rev. 17: 5)

    It WAS the wicked EVIL POPES, and priest, et al members of the WHORE, who conducted the Crusades, NOT Christians!

    It WAS the evil POPES who conducted the Iniquisition, NOT Christians. It WAS Catholic PRIESTS, who converted the Aztecs and Incas, NOT Christians.

    Roman Catholicism, has NEVER been, currently IS* NOT* nor will it EVER be, a Christian Church, it IS the most WICKED, EVIL, RELIGIOUS/POLITICAL Institution to EVER exist on God’ earth, MASQUERADING as the supposed head of Christendom.

    Christians, and Christianity, must NOT be equated with the WHORE of Revelation, Roman Catholicism.

    Yes, there are nice people who are Catholics, including Priests, as there are nice Muslims, it IS the INSTITUTIONS* historically, that have DECEIVED so many of its innocent adherents, most of which are genuinely IGNORANT of what they belong to.

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar


    Let us just think “outside the box”, to use a trite remark or cliché! In other words let us imagine! Can’t you imagine given the billions of stars (suns) in our galaxy and the possible billions of planets orbiting them that there is a very high possibility that life forms, not necessarily in ape-like form can exist? Don’t you think that some of these life forms could be technologically and scientifically way advanced than human beings? If humans can dream up (from their subconscious) images of other life forms, as portrayed in the Star trek and other sci-fi flicks, don’t you think that beings of a different nature can exist in far off realms?
    Even your much vaunted “Bible” speaks of beings from the sky and extraterrestrial occurrences. The book of Genesis is a basic rework of some Sumerian texts which allude to the visitation of beings from the sky. Check the 6th Chapter of the Book of Genesis and you will see where the interbreeding first started.

    To answer your query regarding the over-endowment of certain subsets of male humans, yes, GM has brought about such a state of affairs. But remember there is a universal law which states that everything in life has a trade off and it is this in the case of that sub-set. An over-endowment in one part of the body with a head could and in most cases result in a deficit in the other part of the body with another head.

    Which one would you choose? Large cranium or large penium?

    There is a myth that men of African ancestry tend to fall disproportionately into the sub-sets you alluded to. That is why black people, and males in particular, are seen as not too very clever upstairs and always thinking with the smaller head.

    But there is another possible reason why men of Afro-Caribbean and Afro-American backgrounds tend to fall into the over-endowment sub-set more so than the other ethnic groups, except those of Arabic stock.

    I leave you to ponder on that!

  29. under Islamic law, NO criticism of Islam is ALLOWED. In other words, there is NO FREEDOM OF or FROM in Muslim countries. This is FACT!

    Western people have such a difficult time comprehending Islam, because they FAIL to understand that, Islam, IS* a form of Cultural Imperialism, in which religion and CUTURE of 7th century Arabia are RAISED to the status of divine LAW.

    Islam cannot be simply viewed as one’s private and personal religious preference, NO! NO! It is just not something you believe and then go on living as you please. There is NO& secular realm in Islamic countries!

    Seventh Century Arabia

    Islam is actually the “deigication” of 7th century Arabian culture. In a very profound sense, Islam IS* more cultural than it is religious.

    This is why all the textbooks and the encyclopedias of Islam, BEGIN* with the historical context of Muhammad, AND the importance of 7th century Arabian culture.

    It is only when we in the Western world, with our FREEDOMS, to choose, begin to understand what Islam is really all about, CULTURALLY, that we will then, understand, maybe, what drives The Muslim Brotherhood, who WANT, also to IMPOSE Sharia Law, on Egypt, which was not allowed under Mubarach! Nor it it allowed in Turkey, with its secular way of viewing their wider cultural diversity, which does NOT go down well, with its other Islamic friendly nations!

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Zoe: Roman Catholicism is the Mother of All Christian religious faiths. The Roman Catholic Church is the foundation of all Christian worship. You are very hard on your mother church and you seek to disavow her, discredit her and disown her. Without Emperor’s Constantine timely intervention your cult would not have seen the light of day. It would have disappeared and never would have had a page far less a chapter in the annals of human history. All the Emperor did was to move the SUN (SOL INVICTUS) from the centre of astrological worship and replaced IT with your loving Friend JESUS, a mythological figure borrowed from Egyptian and by extension Hindu folklore.

    Remember John said that God is LIGHT and in Him is NO Darkness at all, etc. (The First Epistle General of John’ Chp. 1 ver. 5 to 7).

    But like every other religion before Christianity, it has had its day in the Sun and soon will be replaced by other forms of worship. It is taking place right now in the UK; the first child to “kick against the Papal prick” and to rebel against Roman Catholicism in order for the King, Henry V111, to perpetrate serial murders of women he called wives. Anglicanism (UK Christianity) is dying with no hope of revival.

    With the passing of the age of Pisces (the age of the two fishes, the motif of Jesus Christ) and the arrival of the new age of Aquarius (referred to in the Gospel of Luke: 22:10) new cults will come on the scene to worship the SUN as IT rises in the Constellation of Aquarius for next 2160 orbits of the Earth around the Sun.

  31. @millertheanunnaki, You don’t have a clue what you are attempting to speak about, you have it all terribly MIXED up, and convoluted with the historic facts of the True Apostolic Church A.D. 30-100, The Persecuted Church A.D. 100-313, THEN came Roman Catholicism, AND the beginning of the WHORE of Revelation, The Imperial Church A.D. 313-476, The Medieval Church A.D. 476-1453, THEN, The Reformed Church A.D. 1453-1648, and The Modern Church A.D. 1648- Today.

    A little knowledge, like you have of the FACTS, is dangerous, and crassly maligned by your inept ignorance of the truth of Christ, and His True Church, which has ALWAYS subsisted IN the maze of Romanism’s paganistic filth and idolatry!

    As Jesus said: “…I will BUILD MY* Church, and the gates of Hades SHALL NOT* prevail against it.” ( Matt.16:18b)

    “But if ANYONE is IGNORANT, let him be IGNORANT.” ( I Cor 14: 38)

    So it be!

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Zoe: Tell us what existed before the True Apostolic Church, i.e. before AD30?

    I accept I have limited knowledge when it comes to religious bigotry but for my own enlightenment would you please shed some light on the following concerns of mine?

    Is Jesus God? If, why did he pray to his father in Heaven and cried to him (his father) when he was allegedly being crucified on the cross?

    If Adam and Eve were white, how come there are Blacks, Chinese, Indians and other ethnic groups?
    Did Cain had sex with his sister to carry on the human race after killing his brother thus making us all the descendents of an incestuous murderer. Are you surprised at modern man “evil behaviour”?

    Since I am bound for Hell (according to your implied reckoning) can I expect to see billions of people- either BC or AD- in the fire because they have NOT accepted Jesus as God & Saviour? What about the Chinese from whom we buy goods and borrow money, Japansese, Amerindians, Whites that enslaved blacks and indoctrinated people like you, Hindus, Muslims, Jews (especially them that sell out Jesus), and the list goes on?

    Come with cogent arguments not with intellectual hysteria.

    Be a true follower of Jesus and act not talk. Try to walk in the story character shoes and let us try to convert those misguided heathens that perpetuate their pagan rituals on Kensington New Road.

  33. @Millertheannunaki
    Surely you are clever enough to appreciate I was having some fun resulting from your name. Indeed, I very much agree with all that you wrote in this section and while I was raised as a Christian, I was not blinded like Saul on the road to Damascus ( spaceship beam???). If God exists exactly as Christians/ The Bible suggests then why did he give some of us reasonably elevated IQs and refer to dis-believing Thomas? Why have trillions of stars/ planets just to support our solar system, seems wasteful? Why allude to spacecraft as burning chariots that took Elijah and Ezeikel (twice)?

  34. …….’There IS, and inherently VAST difference, between the thrust of Christianity, to win lost souls to Christ, peacefully, always leaving it up to the individual to CHOOSE, either to ACCEPT, ot to REJECT Him, Jesus, no legal restrictions of any kind are placed on the person, one way or the other.

    Then why are we, the nonbelievers on BU always cursed and criticized by you Zoe???
    Why do you always ridicule and insult those who oppose your way of thinking? …Dumb dogs, idiots, foolish etc?
    Why are we constantly told by you what our ‘punishment’ is for not believing in what you spout?
    You are the biggest LIAR and HYPOCRITE I have ever read….seriously!!

  35. Seriously (as a heart attack)…..

    If being a Christian means being anything like Zoe, or even close…….I will take my chances with continually living my life as is.

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Moneybrain:

    I gather that much! I also was taking the mickey when I commented on your reference to over/under endowment. Let’s keep discussions intellectually uplifting but with some lightheartedness in between. Not rabid like Bible-bashing Zoe!

    I like what you wrote above. Someday I ‘ll invite to my spacecraft and we can visit my home town in the star system Sirius. Don’t worry, it travels at speed greater than LIGHT and you will return in less than 2 Earth days.

  37. @MLTannunaki, I’ve already dealt with your type of questions on other BU threads, and have no intention of repeating myself for your benefit.

    You want me to be ‘cogent’, well this is exactly what I always do, as its vitally necessary, especially on a subject matter as this one.

    Truth, by definition, is absolute.

    Truth is the ultimate certitude; regardless of who ever denies this reality; Truth does not need anyone’s approval or acceptance to be Truth. Reality is synonmous with Truth; and Truth is unyielding, one can choose to ignore it, or even curse it, but all to know avail; in the end truth impassivelly stands its ground in the face of the most overpowering emotional, verbal, and intellectually dishonest onslaughts.

    Truth, can be especially brutal to those who insist on worshipping at the Alter of Theory. This is because Truth has a way of frustrating theory and, much like the mongoose cercling a snake, ultimately wearing it down, and devouring it.

    Man cannot invent Truth; Almighty God, our Creator, is the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Immutable, Eternal source of ALL Truth. He allows us to discover Truth, which is unchanging.

    Down through the ages people have asked the same question Pilate asked Jesus! What is truth? What exactly is it?

    While being questioned by Pilate, Jesus said, “…I have come into this world that I shoukld BEAR WITNESS to the TRUTH. Everyone who is of the Truth, hears My voice.

    The Historic Judeo/Christian religion, as well as its rivals, essentially contain claims about reality, which are either True or False. Moreover, competing ‘truth claims’ especially at the core of competing Worldviews, often have different consequences for life.

    Therefore, assessing ‘Worldviews’ bears out the utterly fundamental grounding of logic, for thinking critically, objectively, coherently, cogently, about Truth, and world views.

    Reason is Necessary for Revelation to be Coherent; therefore, the fundamental Laws of Logic, (1) The Law of Identity, (2) The Law of Non-Contradiction, and (3) The Law of Excluded Middle, are critically necessary, in order to evalue competing, World views, and their respective ‘Truth claims’, as these logical laws, point us toward Truth.

    Without these ‘Laws of logic’ no rational thought would be possible; and anyone who disparages or belittles logic, must use logic in his attack, thus undercutting his own argument.

    The Historic Judeo/Christian Worldview, essentialy contains claims about reality, which are either True or False. therefore, any Worldview, must be subjected to, and must sustain (3) test in order to be considered valid.

    1) Logical Consistency
    2) Empirical Adequacy
    3) Experiential Relevancy

    The only religious Worldview, across comparative difficulties, premised on warranted credible facts and evidence, that meet and sustain all three of these test, is the Historic Judeo/christian Worldview.

    Secondly, and intricately connected to the above criteria for validity, every system must also demonstrate and deal with the following questions/issues.

    1) Origin
    2) Meaning
    3) Morality
    4) Destiny

    Again, the theistic Christian Worldview, is the only one, that convincingly demonstrate and sustain to, the above questions, unparalleled with any other religious world view.

    The only ancient document that gives us the Origin, Meaning, Morality, and ultimate Destiny of mankind, beyond anything that man could EVER have dreamed or imagined, IS* the Bible, Almighty God’s divinely, inspired Word; which has NEVER proved to be wrong in any of its over 6,000 predictive/prophetic declarations, throught the course of history.

    It is therefore, imperative to understand, that ‘The structure of justification/warrant, in defending any propositional ‘truth claim’ IS* coherence, as coherence IS* our sole criterion for TRUTH.’

    Coherence is found throughout God’s Word, the Bible, from beginning, Genesis, to the end, the book of Revelation.

  38. @Zoe: “Truth, by definition, is absolute.


    1+1 == 2, for example, is absolutely true.

    @Zoe: “Reality is synonmous with Truth…


    Reality is subjective.

    @Zoe: “While being questioned by Pilate, Jesus said, “…I have come into this world that I shoukld [sic] BEAR WITNESS to the TRUTH. Everyone who is of the Truth, hears My voice.

    Can you prove that Jesus said this?

    Even if you can, why should we believe his claims?

    @Zoe: “The Historic Judeo/Christian Worldview, essentialy contains claims about reality, which are either True or False.

    Essentialy? Or absolutely?

    There is a difference.

    @Zoe: “Again, the theistic Christian Worldview, is the only one, that convincingly demonstrate and sustain to, the above questions, unparalleled with any other religious world view.

    I respectfully disagree.

    But, as always, I’m happy to be ***proven*** wrong.

    @Zoe: “The only ancient document that gives us the Origin, Meaning, Morality, and ultimate Destiny of mankind, beyond anything that man could EVER have dreamed or imagined, IS* the Bible, Almighty God’s divinely, inspired Word; which has NEVER proved to be wrong in any of its over 6,000 predictive/prophetic declarations, throught the course of history.

    “And yet the bible tells us that Pi is equal to Three.” (1 Kings 7:23, 2 Chronicles 4:2)

    Amusingly, “Scholars” have been trying to justify this mistake for years….

    That suggests to me that perhaps other parts of it might be wrong, and that it might have been written by simple humans.

    @Zoe: “Coherence is found throughout God’s Word, the Bible, from beginning, Genesis, to the end, the book of Revelation.

    Which god?

    There are many to choose from….

  39. @Halsall, The onus IS* on you, to ‘prove’ the Historic Judeo/Christian Worldview wrong!

    Do it, prove it wrong!

  40. @Zoe…

    You misunderstand (as usual) the Scientific Method.

    The onus is on you to prove that you are not incorrect.

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar


    Do I detect a tinge of arrogance in your response to the questions I raised? Remember the parable of the lost sheep? -Luke 15:3-10: See me as one who has gone astray and needs to be found and saved from damnation. I have only recently joined the blogging club and I am not aware that similar questions were raised and effectively addressed by you in earlier threads. I should be most grateful and eternally indebted to your intellectual generosity if you would refer me to the specific threads or even repeat them here for this lost soul’s benefit. Cutting & Pasting is a handy technique that saves a lot of time.

    But you have not yet spoken to the invitation of visiting the mosque on Kensington New Road to preach about Jesus Christ and bring that misguided lot (like me) into the LIGHT.

    You should take to heart the Biblical injunction -:Sell all you have, give to the poor and follow Jesus to save lost souls: Matthew: 19:21; Mark 10:21 & Luke 18.22. I bet you have never befriended any of those vagrants and homeless persons that can be seen on the streets of Bridgetown? If you have, I sincerely apologise.

  42. if all truth is absolute .then we would not need a court of law to accept or reject a person view or perception of events as seen or heard by them. Truth is not absolute.Truth varies and can be regulated as well as defined accordingly.

  43. @Halsall, Please give us, the definition of what the Scientific Methodology is?

    And, while you’re at it, also give us the Methodology of the Historic approach to evidence of things!

  44. Did anyone listen to the 34 year old foreign minister of Pakistan on CNN this morning?


  45. @MLTannunnaki, First thing, you must learn NOT to take any given text, discourse, out of ‘CONTEXT’ as you’ve done with Matt 19:21; Mark 10:21 & Luke 18:22, and throw it in my face, thus making it a ‘PRETEXT’ that is bad exegesis and hermeneutics!

    In these these text, Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler, whose stumbbling block to entering the Kingdom of Heaven WAS* his WEALTH* Jesus’ love for the man is expressed in a challenge, both stern and gracious. The ONE THING the man lacked was a wholehearted allegiance to God. So Jesus gave him a STERN test to reveal the FACT that he had made an IDOL of WEALTH, thus braking the first Commandment ( Ex. 20:3).

    The young Rich Ruler, was obviously not prepared to part with his wealth, his IDOL, and as Jesus told him, “…take up the cross (responsibility) and follow Me. But he was sad at this word, and went away SORROWFUL, for he had great possessions.” (Marl 10: 21b, 22)

    Wealth in and of itself, is NOT the issue here, BUT, the place it takes in your HEART, life, as was the problem with this Rich young man, it was the
    stumbbling block that prevented him, from committed allegiance to God.

    Secondly, your sincere apology, that concludes your presumption of my not ever reaching out to vagrants and homeless in B’town, is accepted, as I’ve done much of that, details of which I need not go into, the LORD knows
    my heart and what I’ve done, and am still doing.

    Regarding going down to the mosque on Kensington New Road, and preaching to the Muslims, that’s not the way to do it, I’m already well known in our community, through media over the years, in declaring the Gospel of the good news, fearlessly, and I do have a number of Muslim friends, who know where and what I stand for, and believe, and that does not prevent us from cordial interaction when we see each other.

  46. Oh dear!

    A hands-free green man…so devout Jews can cross the road without breaking a religious law

    They are not allowed to use electricity or operate machinery on the Sabbath

    By Martin Delgado

    Last updated at 6:45 PM on 2nd October 2011

    Comments (782)

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    Britain is to get its first ‘hands-free’ pedestrian crossing so that devout Jews do not have to break a religious law

    Britain is to get its first ‘hands-free’ pedestrian crossing – so that devout Jews do not have to break a religious law that prohibits them from using electricity or operating machinery on the Sabbath.

    The crossing is near a busy synagogue, and pressing a button to operate it is considered a breach of the strict rules that apply to Orthodox Jews.

    Traffic will be held every 90 seconds from Friday evening until nightfall on Saturday, covering the Jewish Sabbath period.

    The crossing will be situated on one of London’s busiest roads – the North Circular at the Henlys Corner junction. But planners insist it will not cause traffic chaos.

    The system will come into operation in December when the junction fully reopens after a massive ten-month upgrade costing £8 million.

    The decision to include automatic crossings was taken after leaders at Finchley United Synagogue explained their predicament to staff at Transport for London, which is responsible for maintaining main roads in the capital. TfL says the ‘hands-free’ green man has not added to the cost of improvements.


    Muslim mother stabbed daughter 40 times and cut out her liver in ritual killing to exorcise ‘evil spirits’

    A spokesman said: ‘We always consult with the community over major road projects. This idea was suggested by the synagogue, whose members asked if it could be done. We thought about it and came to the conclusion that it could.’

    The crossing (not pictured) is near a busy synagogue, and pressing a button to operate it is considered a breach of the strict rules that apply to Orthodox Jews

    No one at the synagogue was available for comment because of the Jewish New Year. But one of the congregation said: ‘This is a sensible idea that will make a real difference.’

    The move follows the controversial formation of an eruv – a boundary recognised by Jewish law within which certain activities are permitted – in the same part of North London.

    Although observant Jews are allowed to carry household objects such as door keys, and to push prams and wheelchairs within the six-square-mile area, they are still banned from using electricity.

    Comments (782)

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044222/UK-hands-free-pedestrian-crossing-devout-Jews-cross-road.html#ixzz1Zf1sKT2F

  47. @BU.David… I appreciate that you are trying to cut this discussion short. But to your immediate above imported story…

    Quoting: “Britain is to get its first ‘hands-free’ pedestrian crossing – so that devout Jews do not have to break a religious law that prohibits them from using electricity or operating machinery on the Sabbath.

    Is not one “using” Electricity if one crosses a cross-walk when the electrically powered light says they can?

    Perhaps candles should be used instead.

    And, going deeper, many things are technically considered a machine.

    Like a wheel, for example.

    And are our legs and arms not levers?

  48. So wait this sound asinine .Doesn’t the jews take a shower on the sabbath.last time i check one has to turn the knobs on the shower faucet for water and not to mention flashing the toilet. Please say the “hands free” story is just a joke. Joking right!

  49. @Halsall, Still waiting on your definition of what the Scientific Method is?

  50. @Zoe… Sorry. I provided this, but then “The Powers that Be” deleted it.

    Let me please provide it once again…


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