Submitted by Terence Blackett

The heart of man is desperately wicked – who can know it? Jer. 17:9

The year is 1066 AD. William (Duke of Normandy), later to be crowned King William 1 of England after his war and conquest of King Harold. After setting himself up as Regent – commissioned a survey of his realm and has the research findings compiled in a document called The Doomsday Book.

By royal decree – the survey legalized the confiscation of property, livestock, and anything of value in lieu of a taxation levy which would bring money into the Exchequer. The peasants, serfs and villagers across England rebelled – likening their experience to Judgment Day or the Day of Doom – hence the name given to the document.

King William subsequently died without the book being completed however; the book was used as the foundation for tax assessment during the medieval Middle Ages. Then in the 18th century, English jurist Sir William Blackstone used it as a voting register to decipher who was eligible to vote. And so for a 1000 years this document has been used to verify land ownership in Britain (TITLE), rights of passage and planning permission for the establishment of towns, hamlets, villages and even businesses.

A similar Doomsday Book called the HOLY BIBLE* holds the keys to The Ancient of Days – His decrees, laws, commands, and rules. Inscribed within this document are fundamental truths which determine the outcome of “ALL” of our lives but most importantly, it also shows the topography which exist between the forces of “GOOD” arrayed against the alliances of evil in a quantum cosmic battle (being fought here on earth) where “LIGHT” and darkness are vying for supremacy.

This battle is the final frontier of human duality – the eternal confluence between freewill and/or determinism. A 21st century battle where pseudo-philosophies have become the anthropocentric soteriology of man’s quest to divine salvation at his own hand; an apotheosis which answers the words of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden – “Ye shall be as gods”; a chronocentric bifurcation of epistemological truth housed in Scripture but now jettisoned to the wasteland of superstition to be replaced by a nouvelle form of socio-chemical Darwinism which seeks to manipulate the metaphysics of good v evil.

If intellectually honest – we must ask ourselves: are there forces behind acts of goodness as well as feats of colossal evil? How are these polarized opposites explained in the light of day? Is mankind deterministically bent towards “EVIL” as well as having the freewill to do major “GOOD” and if so why?

Day by day, the cosmic controversy between good and evil rages on with intense ferocity. In 1994, General Romeo Dallaire of Canada – the supreme Commander of the United Nations forces in Rwanda remarked that during the genocide “he had shook hands with the Devil”. A later commentary stated – “if anyone still dares to deny ‘SATAN’, they can meet me at the mass graves in Rwanda”. This is the unquestionable paradigm that “EVIL” presents which bears no logical human answer other than dark, sinister, satanic forces at work.

Time and space does not allow me the luxury to look at all the philosophical angles in this debate, however, I am sure that there will be strong arguments on both sides of the divide as the pillars of “GOOD” v evil stretch back to a primordial time when the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good & evil would adumbrate millennial ramifications for those that eventually would dwell on the earth. This argument has been the proverbial quagmire from which many have not yet emerged – battling in their own understanding to make sense of a simple, divinely spiritual explanation for the manifestation of “GOOD” v evil with all its connotations.

It would be extremely difficult to discuss an issue of such moral pertinence without flavouring the debate with what Scripture describes as the “ULTIMATE” choice made by man and the catastrophic results of the on-going choices that are made even today.

Good v evil is not easily understood after almost 6000 years of religious, philosophical, ideological, epistemological, political, social, psychological and now biological gestalt. There are however serious questions to answer in this ongoing debate.

Amongst others questions: Is the framework for morality based on our “freewill or are there outside esoteric and spiritual influences? Does our genetic makeup based on the concept of “determinism” decide whether we become evil or remain a good person all our lives? How do the structural effects of environmental conditioning again “determine” who we become in the light of our childhood socialization model? And finally, do mass murderers like Anders Breivik in Oslo, Norway several months ago, be attributed to biochemical and other factors beyond his control?

This article though controversial, looks at Dr. Paul Zak research findings and his methodological use of “Oxytocin” described in his book due to launch in 2012 entitled: The Moral Molecule: Vampire Economics and the New Science of Good and Evil which will be published sometime in 2012 by Dutton Press. The underlying premise of Dr. Zak’s research is found in the manipulation of a key chemical process within the human brain (OXYTOCIN) which would create the right environment for “LOVE”, empathy and other virtues which seem lacking in the vast swathe of persons with psychopathic tendencies – notwithstanding, the nebulous nature of human affairs and the interactions which often foment into outright chaos and anarchy.

The brief of our short discourse within the public square of human opinion is not to dissect Dr. Zak’s findings but to amplify a more important issue as was cited early last year with the finding of Dr. Craig Venter and the supposed creation of synthetic life and the ramifications that holds going forward. Dr. Zak has however designed a pharmaceutical product in the form of a nasal spray with goes directly to the brain and will produce the necessary oxytocin levels needed to create the desired human response.

But what if it were possible to prescribe a “moral” pill for narcissists, megalomaniacs, serial killers, paedophiles and others as a way of circumventing possible future evil actions? Most would argue that would be a good thing! But what about the other side of the coin? Could this kind of biological science be used as a form suppression by governments and pharmaceutical giants in their quest for civil obedience and immoral compliance? And to what extent does the biochemical manipulation of human species affect our legal rights in issues of criminal law and the transgressionist areas of crime and punishment?

Researchers like Dr. Zak have produced empirically-based, chemically synthesized, foundational evidence that supports the possibility that the inherent human propensity for “EVIL” can be altered by the infusion of a drug or cocktail of drugs – in what some believe is further promulgation of the neoeugenics agenda with perceivable social disadvantageous repercussions. What is regrettable are the good intentions which mask future tyranny!

Written in the WORD* OF GOD* are [2] mysteries: “The mystery of godliness”; and “the mystery of INIQUITY”. We understand the word “mystery” to mean just that – “something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain; the condition or quality of being secret, strange, or difficult to explain.” The Bible is clear on the mysterious nature of EVIL* – choosing to simply explain it as an “ENEMY”, an invisible “shadow”; the opposite of what is good, pure, holy and noble. The exegesis on this difficult subject has been the bone of contention for eons and men are still trying to see how best to create empirical scientific formulations to explain something that is deeply and profoundly spiritual transcending the boundaries of scientific or moral human existence.

Most of us refuse to see that the titanic struggle between the forces of “GOOD” v evil harps back to a cosmological time that is oblivious to the faculty of human cognizance and understanding. No rational explanation is forthcoming without a clear interpretation of the Bible – especially within the light of the intergalactic war which took place in Heaven.

Lucifer – that fallen angel became the cognitive power that man would ascribe to. In the process, Lucifer (now SATAN) the epitome of evil has been able to successfully deceive the world according to 19th century poet Charles-Pierre Baudelaire, “persuade us into believing that he does not exist” while the proponents of this self-eviscerating belief system called “Evolutionary Science” (Atheism in its many forms) portrays God as the Gnostic hypostasis of the Archons – a cruel, abusive, repressive principle of superstition that limits man from transfiguring and transmogrifying into “gods” themselves.

Hence the realignment and reiteration of Pythagoras’ mantra that “man is the measure of all things” belies the philosophical and metaphysical construct of this belief system that is construed as socio-political utopianism. A philosophy of determinism where man has become the arbiter of his own moral law and is able to decide what is good & evil outside of the Word of God – where man is now beyond the gamut of those said paradigms and is essentially his own “god” – for once he is able to reconceptualize good and evil according to his own self-interest and agenda – soon enough “evil” itself becomes non-existent.

C. S Lewis in his piece on “EVIL AND GOD” (7th February 1941) suggest that “since neither ‘mechanism’ nor ‘emergent evolution’ will hold water, we must choose in the long run between some monotheistic philosophy or the dualism between a single, good, almighty source of being, and two equal uncreated, antagonistic Powers, one good and the other bad.”

Lewis believes that “the metaphysical difficult is that two Powers, the good and the evil do not explain each other. For if evil has the same kind of reality as good, the same autonomy and completeness, our allegiance to good becomes the arbitrarily chosen loyalty of a partisan. Theories of value demand that that good should be original and evil a mere perversion; that good should be the tree and evil the ivy; that good should be able to see all around evil (as when sane men understand lunacy) while evil cannot retaliate in kind; that good should be able to exist on its own while evil requires the good on which it is parasitic in order to continue its parasitic existence.”

However, Dr. Michael Tooley provides a slight philosophical variation to C. S Lewis in the structural application between how the axiological v deontological paradigms posited within the debate between good and evil must be elucidated. For Tooley, “the problem, in short, is that any axiological formulation of the argument from evil, as it stands, is incomplete in a crucial respect, since it fails to make explicit how a failure to bring about good states of affairs, or a failure to prevent bad states of affairs, entails that one is acting in a morally wrong way.”

“Moreover, the natural way of removing this incompleteness is by appealing to what are in fact controversial ethical claims, such as the claim that the right action is the one that maximizes expected value. The result, in turn, is that discussions may very well become sidetracked on issues that are, in fact, not really crucial – such as, for example, the question of whether God would be morally blameworthy if he failed to create the best world that HE* could.” Something which feeble men use as an argument to supposedly discredit His existence.

“The alternative to an axiological formulation is a deontological formulation. Here the idea is that rather than employing concepts that focus upon the value or disvalue of states of affairs, one instead uses concepts that focus upon the rightness and wrongness of actions, and upon the properties – right-making properties and wrong-making properties – that determine whether an action is one that ought to be performed, or ought not to be performed, other things being equal. When the argument is thus formulated, there is no problematic bridge that needs to be introduced connecting the goodness and badness of states of affairs with the rightness and wrongness of actions.” This philosophical bridge must be crossed in order to have a proper understanding of the differences inferred.

As men like Dr. Paul Zak may have good intentions in their research, historical evidence based on the science of eugenics has done nothing to improve mankind’s ability to live harmoniously with eachother. Moreover, our history is replete with diabolical examples of human carnage caused by our inability to stave off the primordial effects of evil in our world.

In conclusion, the (1996) Richard Dimbleby Lecture: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder by Richard Dawkins, remarked that “If you want to do evil, science provides the most powerful weapons to do evil; but equally, if you want to do good, science puts into your hands the most powerful tools to do so. The trick is to want the right things, and then science will provide you with the most effective methods of achieving them. But perhaps the rest of us could have separate classes in science appreciation, the wonder of science, scientific ways of thinking, and the history of scientific ideas, rather than laboratory experience…” I concur wholeheartedly with Dawkins as far as the limitations of science goes in its quest to make the world (materially) a better place based on equity and fairplay. What science (SADLY) is unable to do is to regulate man’s virtues or his psychopathologies. That domain is outside of the realm of empirical science – but borders on the metaphysical (yet that too is deficient to solve the ills of human-kind because God is the only ONE* source of true spiritual, moral and aesthetic transformation) when it comes to how good we are or how evil our hearts have become.

HE* alone can make a sinner a SAINT* and a saint* fit for glory!

  1. To Seeker:
    The greatest joke being played on man today is that the two bastions of thought, scientific, theological are the most disappointing as far as the leadership of pathways to life. Most of theologians today are so caught up in their revelry of what his or her ego can bring to the body of theological knowledge that a simple reading of the Bible has become too difficult for them. Over time they find themselves like the boys are Codrington college destroying any semblance of faith in anything. So like the good father hatch they do not believe in the first part of the Book of genesis. We are even questioning miracles, and some are straining to bring evolutionary science and creationism together. This is being seen in ALL religious denominations.

    We have some theoretical scientists, and it seems as if the physicists are leading at this juncture, who spend time until some grey beard starts to manifest itself, and then we are subjected to theories, which they hide in they nicely convoluted equations, formulas and laws. we the ordinary folk are required to have FAITH that they know what they are doing, thinking or saying. many of you jump run and come here to this forum believing your are armed to the teeth with these derivatives of their thoughts not knowing that they most of the times do not know what they are speculating about. Some experimentation would have given some in sight into the structure of the atom, yet scientists do not know much about it. and this is further complicated by standing on this speculation to further speculate now on the nature of sub atomic – sub atomic matter. The string theory is part of that speculation.

    I believe in creation; I believe in the Bible, but I also believe in hearing BOTH sides. I am willing to come here to see demonstrated that what scientists are speculating can be associated with or deemed as truth. But remember you are constrained by your own scientific admonition that your scientific proof only reaches the 95 percentile. And the question is always can the other 5% be the truth. A speculation that can not be dismissed.

  2. @ SEEKER
    “Oy, TB….Why you yelling, man?”




  3. To Bored:
    You need to read my piece to Seeker.

  4. Results from Cern show particles ‘exceeded speed of light’

    New results from Cern, home of the Large Hadron Collider, have confounded physicists – because it seems subatomic particles have beaten the speed of light…

    The neutrinos sent through the ground from Cern toward the Gran Sasso laboratory 732km (454 miles) away in Italy seemed to show up a tiny fraction of a second early…

    The speed of light is the universe’s ultimate speed limit, and much of modern physics – as laid out in part by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity – depends on the idea that nothing can exceed it…

    The BBC’s David Shukman reports.

  5. The above story reported a few days drew all kinds of “oooh’s & aaah’s from scientific community especially in Britain…

    Now it seems we are going to have to relegate EINSTEIN to the back-burner; tear-up E=MC2; and possibility begin the ARDUOUS TASK* of rewriting some text books…

    It shows that GOD* does have a real sense of HUMOR*…

    I am also Rolling On The Floor Laughing myself at man’s stupidity in thinking that he can explain the QUANTUM* functions of the UNIVERSE* or LIFE* for that matter….


  6. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
    what speed does god operate at, it’s time for the meek
    to inherit the earth

  7. “God helped me through in every way. Wherever there was pressure, God opened a door and I got through. That is why I always remember and give God thanks.”

    These are the words of the latest centenerian, Irvine Branch.

    All the Centenerians I have enjoyed reading about keep saying the same thing over and over again. They give God thanks and praise.

    I am yet to hear one who thinks or says different.

    Millicent Trotman at 106 on Friday said “Thank God, I can do what I have to do for myself”.

    That’s good enough for me.

    Why do we even debate the obvious existence of God?

  8. @TMB et al…

    Wow. And the Earth moved (at least for me)… (Even though Google had nothing nothing to with this.)

    How does this help us?

  9. Was evolution used by God as part of the process of creation? Did God individually create billions of varied living things or did God program one basic organism with the code to evolve into the many glorious and varied living things that we see today?

  10. Considering the unimaginable vastness of the Universe, are human beings so vain to think that this is all about facilitating human life here on earth?

  11. @Alien: “Considering the unimaginable vastness of the Universe, are human beings so vain to think that this is all about facilitating human life here on earth?

    Empirically, yes.

  12. “I am also Rolling On The Floor Laughing myself at man’s stupidity in thinking that he can explain the QUANTUM* functions of the UNIVERSE* or LIFE* for that matter…. WHAT A COLOSSAL JOKE!!!”

    Blackette boy, you full of yourself. What about the colossal joke you believe in? No proof, no facts, just “I believe”. You think “I believe” can explain it? Anytime you say “I believe” you have very little credibility to explain anything.

  13. @John,
    “All the Centenerians I have enjoyed reading about keep saying the same thing over and over again. They give God thanks and praise.”

    Did you do research to find out what any Buddhist centenarians keep saying? What do centenarians in other religions say?

    After living 100 years believing a lie, what else can come out but a lie. Albiet, innocently enough.

  14. @ROK… I can only do this with you… (LOL…)

    We of the Scientific Method often begin our presentations with “I have reason to believe that those who believe without question are probably wrong…”.

    Just for fun…

  15. OFF TOPIC>>>>>>>>>

    Rihanna told to cover up by Irish farmer on sultry video shoot…


  16. To Chris:
    As a response to your”those who belief without question are probably wrong”, doesn’t your “scientific ” approach also hold that nothing is 100% right or correct. I think the percentile for right by your scientific method is 95%. Does that mean that you have a 95% confidence that the out come is correct? But the question is isn’t that whole process the same as belief, for certainly MOST people do not have the time or equipment or skills to replicate MOST of these claims by scientists. If it is belief why are you and scientist hiding the fact that more often that not modern man is required to have faith in modern scientific man, who is still probing in the dark.

  17. @lemuel: “If it is belief why are you and scientist hiding the fact that more often that not modern man is required to have faith in modern scientific man, who is still probing in the dark.

    Your premise is, as usual, flawed.

    Yes, we of the Scientific Method (SM) are the first to admit that nothing can be proven as 100% true, beyond mathematics. That is why we refer to Theories.

    But, what differentiates those of the SM vs. Blind Faith is we are always questioning ourselves and each other. Further, we encourage this questioning, because we know we might be wrong.

    And, because of this, after several hundred years of steady progress, our models of the Universe around us are getting better and better. But, again, we’re always willing to examine new evidence which might show that a model is wrong.

    A (very) contemporary example is the recent results out of CERN which suggests that sub-atomic particles (neutrinos) travelled faster than light in an experiment. This is supposed to be impossible according to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, a pillar of modern physics.

    What do the Scientists do when something like this happens? They present their evidence and their methodologies for peer review, hoping to either be proven wrong or to be told that “no, you haven’t made any mistakes that [other Scientists] can see”.

    If the experiment stands up to review, then other Scientists (in this case, to your above that most people can’t reproduce more advanced experiment) who are able to will independently reproduce the experiment. In this case, it will be Fermilab.

    This is why I believe in the Scientific Method over Blind Faith.

  18. @All… Not off-topic…

    This week’s eSkeptic is worthwhile reading.

    Maybe those fighting against Science don’t worry about those who might lose faith in God, but instead worry about those who might begin to believe in the evidence of climate change…

    Hmmmmmm… Money again…


  19. Eskeptic has its own agenda, as does Chris.

    Their agenda has moved from man-made climate change to climate change,
    which no-one can ever deny, the climate changes constantly and has done so for the billions of years of earth’s existence.
    Should we be bothered?
    The computerised projections of the last ten years say not.

    But they are FALSE say the ass-lickers, 97% of climate scientists and 100% of international loan seekers say yeah.

    i.e. unreliable, unscientific, self aggrandising pap.
    For those naysayers including our own promotion of this monumental deception MS Elizabeth Thompson, eco-environmentalist supreme,

    Madame hang your head in shame when you grace the halls of the UN.
    You exemplify all that is wrong with the global government experiment , and those with whom it will consort.

    If there any half intelligent people left out in this blogosphere, check out the doomladen predictions, the actual data, the cost of prevention v the cost of adaptation and let us make a rational decision on provable facts.

  20. @Straight talk (ST): “Eskeptic has its own agenda, as does Chris.

    Of course. Just like everyone — including you.

    @ST: “Their agenda has moved from man-made climate change to climate change, which no-one can ever deny, the climate changes constantly and has done so for the billions of years of earth’s existence.

    I’m not entirely sure that the agenda has moved. Climate change has of course been a constant since earth formed.

    But man is the first animal on Earth which is able to influence this process so heavily by burning carbon previously sequestered by other life forms.

    @ST: “Should we be bothered? The computerised projections of the last ten years say not.

    Could you please support this position with documentation? Because almost everything I’ve read says we should be ***VERY*** bothered.

    But, then, at the end of the day, life on Earth will continue no matter what.

    And while the Canadians and the Russians might enjoy more winter days in short-sleeved shirts, we in the Caribbean, Africa and southern North America and northern South America will be unable to move because of the heat.

    Sucks to be those who can’t afford air conditioning….

  21. Hold the presses. First let us start with the”TRUE ” definition of “GOD. How can one present an argument without real proof via a definition..

  22. @ac: “Hold the presses. First let us start with the”TRUE ” definition of “GOD. How can one present an argument without real proof via a definition..

    None of us experience exactly the same things.

    Thus, for each of us, GOD will mean different things.

    For the more enlightened, such differing experiences and interpretations will be welcomed.

    For the less enlightened… Well, we all know what happens….

  23. @ CH,
    i interpret your comment to be as “GOD” being an experience and if i correctly understood can you be more informative in explaining “The experience “or experiences you speak of mostly pertaining to yourself!

  24. @ac… I hope you will appreciate the “short form”.

    I can.

    Therefore I am.

  25. I wonder what SPEED our LORD, transports us, that is, those of us who are SAVED* into His presence in heaven, when we die?

    Surely, our Omnipotent, Eternal, Creator, has speed(s) that Scientists, ain’t even think bout yet!!! After all, He only, so far, has given us a glimmer, of His Majestic, Universe!

    BTW, someone, once said, that ‘Theory’ is ignorance* based on the subject under discussion!!!

    This sound so applicable to Scientists, especially those of the Evo Mat, camp!

  26. @Zoe: “I wonder what SPEED our LORD, transports us, that is, those of us who are SAVED* into His presence in heaven, when we die? Surely, our Omnipotent, Eternal, Creator, has speed(s) that Scientists, ain’t even think bout yet!!! After all, He only, so far, has given us a glimmer, of His Majestic, Universe!

    Zoe… What you might not appreciate is I agree with you. There is a none zero possibility that you are correct.

    On the other hand, there is also a none zero possibility that you are incorrect….

  27. “Zoe says”I wonder what speed God transports us into his presence that those of us who aresaved.”
    Very interesting question one which you and other christian should ponder.”

  28. CH, all of this ‘none zero’ possibility, one way or the other, is man’s limited mathematical knowledge, let us hear from HIM* concerning diminsions that science cannot begin to fathom!

    “Understand, you senseless among the people; And you fools, when will you be wise? HE* who planted the EAR, shall HE not hear? HE* who FORMED (Created) the EYE, shall HE not see? HE* who instructs the nations, shall HE* not correct, HE* who teaches man knowledge? The Lord KNOWS* the thoughts of man. They are FUTILE. Blessed is the man whom YOU instruct, O Lord.” ( Psalms 94: 8-12) Emphasis added.

    But as it is written:

    “Eye has NOT SEEN, nor EAR HEARD, Nor have entered the heart ( desires, dreams) of man. The THINGS which God has prepared for those who LOVE HIM.” ( I Cor. 2: 9) Emphasis added.

    NOTE: Eye has not seen. The quotation is from Isa 64:4 ( v.9) implies three ways of knowing: (1) perceptional knowledge (eye, ear) through observation and sense experience, (2) conceptional knowledge ( heart, mind) by reason and intellectual inquiry, and (3) spiritual knowledge (love) by moral and personal affinity. Since knowledge of the things of God, is beyond scientific inquiry, more of a spiritual than an intellectual nature, there is no basis in glorying in any scientific, meager knowledge, of reality.

    IF, unbelieving Evo Mat scientist, could only understrand, grasp, that all that they dream of exploring in the Universe, travelling to distent Planets, now seen in MILLIONS of light years of speed, will THEN, with HIM* be in a ‘twinkling’ of an eye, beyong the imagination of men, BUT, will be for those who LOVE HIM* Now!

  29. @Zoe: “CH, all of this ‘none zero’ possibility, one way or the other, is man’s limited mathematical knowledge, let us hear from HIM* concerning diminsions that science cannot begin to fathom!

    Let me please be very clear Zoe et al.

    If any God considers me wrong, please let them strike me down.

    Here and now.

    Strike me down.



  30. Halsall yuh dere? GET UP MAN! GET UP!

  31. @IG246 don’t ruin the effect. Of course I’m here. Did you hear thunder?

  32. @Halsall, Many a foolish Atheist/Agnostic, like you, have uttered such words, do you really think, on your present PATH, to eternal separation from God, in HELL, should be brought forward?

    There was a remarkable story about an Atheist, who had been very bold, an arrogant like you, Halsall, he defied God by saying, “If there is a God, my grave, body will be infested with snakes.”

    Since his burial, the family lot has been FULL of snake holes around the curbing. Snakes can be seen any day you visit the graveyard. The neighbours there say the more they kill, the thicker they seem to be.

    Halsall, you have NO idea who you are playing with, some day when your earthly TIME runs out, having being given the chance to repent, and believe, ETERNITY of misery, and torment awaits you, and those of your ilk!

  33. @Zoe… Yeah, yeah. Another fairy tale to scare those who are weak of mind…

    I believe that if god exists, then they gave us a brain capable of critical thought.

    I further believe that if god exists, they would be disappointed if we didn’t use this ability, rather than punishing us for doing so….

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @CH: Notice you are referring to God in the plural. You might just be right according to the Book of Genesis of the Judeo-Christian branch of religion. And the Elohim said “let us make man in our own image”!The gods referred to in Genesis are extra-terrestrial beings who genetically modified apes to create human beings.
    @Zoe: The Nephilims (Your God(s) in the Bible) are returning. Check the Book of Ezekiel and you will learn.

  35. Zoe reference comment Sept /29./2011.8.24a.m.
    and where would that place be?

    Look the reality being that Christianity has this morbid fear of science and what it reveals about the creation and evolution of the universe, as a matter of fact that fear is unfounded and it should be shelved in these modern times. as the bible clearly states “no one can store old wine in new old bottles. Letting go of the old and renewing of the mind can be challenging but in the long run it is also liberating. The only thing one has to fear is fear itself. If Christians truly believe and is convinced of their beliefs understanding the universe scientifically would not shift their thinking but would only shed more light on the dynamics with which “God” work in doing so.

  36. @ac: “[As] the bible clearly states “no one can store old wine in new old bottles. Letting go of the old and renewing of the mind can be challenging but in the long run it is also liberating. The only thing one has to fear is fear itself.

    Beautifully said.

    @ac: “If Christians truly believe and [are] convinced of their beliefs understanding the universe scientifically would not shift their thinking but would only shed more light on the dynamics with which “God” work in doing so.

    Fundamentally true.

  37. ROK | September 26, 2011 at 9:01 PM | @John,
    “All the Centenerians I have enjoyed reading about keep saying the same thing over and over again. They give God thanks and praise.”

    Did you do research to find out what any Buddhist centenarians keep saying? What do centenarians in other religions say?

    After living 100 years believing a lie, what else can come out but a lie. Albiet, innocently enough.



    Faith and longevity go hand in hand.

    Common sense would say so but scientific studies show it fo those who put their faith in science!!

  38. @All…

    Please forgive me for this, but I had a premonition that Zoe asked me to explain to him what was the Scientific Method.

    Here is an excellent explanation:

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