Submitted by Adrian Loveridge

Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin

I listened very carefully to the media conference hosted by the Commissioner of Police yesterday, both live on radio and later carried by CBC television. The COP choose for some obscure reason to seize on part of an online press article that I contributed to some days ago, where I mentioned the high cost of security ($60,000 to $80,000 annually) for our small hotel.

The Commissioner sadly avoided all our other concerns regarding the escalating level of violent crime against our guests and those of neighbouring accommodation providers in the Long Beach, Inch Marlow and Silver Sands area. Neither did he comment on the near two years of emails, faxes and letters literally begging for increased police patrols prior to the death of Canadian Terry Schwarzfeld and why these were never answered or responded to.

Of course, we were not surprised by the lack of response, especially after repeated death and rape threats against myself and wife and suspected arson attacks were never satisfactorily investigated, despite overwhelming evidence of the source. Was this source ever even interviewed?

More recently, both a 211 emergency and a separate call to Oistins Police station reporting a woman trespassing on our property and threatening us with a claw hammer, again received no response. Has a policy of selective denial been adopted here?

Surely it should not be down to personalities, but we have no doubt that there has been a dramatic increase in the level of crime over the last three years in our area. During a recent Down to Brass Tacks Sunday programme, I was horrified to hear a representative of a Fort George Heights neighbourhood crime watch state that their residents had witnessed between 40 and 50 robberies over the last year and not a single perpetrator had been brought to justice.

So it appears this part of the island is not alone.

  1. I listened very carefully to the media conference hosted by the Commissioner of Police yesterday, both live on radio and later carried by CBC television. The COP choose for some obscure reason to seize on part of an online press article that I contributed to some days ago, where I mentioned the high cost of security ($60,000 to $80,000 annually) for our small hotel.

    What did the COP say about the above?

  2. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    Just that one hotelier was moaning about the cost of security for his property. The point was that we spend more on security than marketing our property. We expect to provide security for our guests but of the 10 recent incidents only ONE has taken place on our premises. We cannot reasonably secure the entire length of Long Beach, Inch Marlow and Silver Sands.

  3. Strait-From-The-Heart Avatar

    The COP is ALL about himself and don’t give seacrab sh&te about the citizens of Barbados. He is ONLY interested in two things as part of his job, that is, collecting his paycheck and the kickbacks that he yearn for. Yet he is not alone, some of his cronies on staff have the same goal. It’s about time he be put out of his narcissism
    As far back as I could remember, I think he is the worst by a long margin of all the COPs that existed in Barbados. What an embarrassment to our small country. Anyway, he may die like Ms. Mayme goat — his hands stuck in his as².

  4. Straight from the heart, it’s clear, when you think with your heart, you’re not thinking at all. Since you’re “heart” is more concerned with emotion and not intellectual thinking.

    Adrian, I sympathize with your situation I really do, I am wondering, have you ever had the opportunity to sit down with the Police Officer directly responsible for your area? Forgive me for not knowing where Peach and Quiet is exactly, but that sounds like it would be the Officer from Oistins.

    Air your concerns and what you want, increased presence, visits to your area and make a note of what you request and what is promised, give it a bit, if nothing changes, go higher.

  5. What should be evident to the authorities is that despite the overall numbers which say crime is down the 37% increase in burglary and murder rates will wipe any comfort the COP would wish to PR Barbadians.

  6. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite


    I cannot help but be partisan on this one; it was your voice that loud on the virtues of the DLP and now on matters as serious as your concerns, very little leadership. They do not know how to call a spade a spade, and they do not know the damage done to a country when there is no single vision (the mantle of leadership) being expressed. This administration has failed you Adrian; it has failed the tourism sector. It has failed the economy of Barbados; it has sorely disappointed its supporters and well-wishers including me because I am for barbados first and foremost. In essence, it is not the COP but the failure of government to lead that has failed all Barbados. I am very sorry to hear about the threats that come your way and the beating that you and others in your sector are getting. Not your fault, but it is our collective responsibility to change things; I hope that never again the political rhetoric of change for change sake will eventuate into the margin of victory evidenced in the last elections. That too is part of the problem, too many square pegs in round holes. Gone for the day, budget time, so work to be done first.

  7. I have always had a difficult time believing anything Dottin says. He does not inspire conviction. Though the criminal element might have be mistaken to take his uninspired rhetoric as a licence to engage in their behaviour, it also seems like their risk to so do is paying off. These days in Barbados It is difficult to say that crime does not pay, and show the proof at the same time.

  8. Why would the COP chastise Crime Stoppers publicly? Could he not have taken his concerns about Crime Stoppers offline? Aren’t the both of them on the same team?

  9. @George

    I am not sure why you state emphatically that this administration is the reason why crime is not being addressed with urgency at Peach and Quiet. If it is time to change the COP doesn’t AG have to have an appraisal that states the COP is not fit to perform his duties?

    Do we know why the Police did not visit P&Q?

    I will love a Party and I may pledge my support to a Party but can you tell me why we have not heard of the where-a-bouts of Thelia Snagg under the previous administration?

    Do you really want to ascribe responsibility to ‘leadership’ at this time especially related to crime? When did Winston Hall escape and under whose leadership was he on the run?And, when he was found where he met his death, who was the leader of the country? Was there a thorough investigation as to which bullet shot him?

    Let us offer our country sound discussion when it dealing with issues and put aside Party. Politics deal with people and their well-being.

  10. @Adrian Loveridge. Your best protection for your Hotel is trained dogs and Security guards.

    Middle class and upper class bajans have guns and dogs.

    The Police do not have the power to stop this crime wave.

    They are afraid to take drastic action because they will be ridiculed.

    fend fuh yuh self.

  11. I have no political points to score since it matters me not which Party is in
    power. However I too listened to the COP .I am satisfied that he and his charges are performing satisfactorily with with the limited resources which are available to the Force. I wonder if our know-all blogger who reports from UK reads the Dailies or watches TV in UK. I would also like to know which part of UK he lives . I spent most of my years in Wembley but could shut my eyes and walk through the entire Borough of Haringey where the recent riots took place. When I first moved to London in the late 50’s, gun crime was few and far between. It is a daily occurrence today. Three months ago I attended a funeral of the grandson of a friend of mine in North West London. He was gunned down the week before. I didn’t ask any questions but I suspect he was a member of one of the hundreds of gangs in UK. Again, I must ask my learned UK correspondent if he ever heard of the Turkish Mafia which is supplying heroin and guns to the young UK gangsters. As far as I know, there are no “No-Go’ zones in Barbados. Check with South London. As recently as January this year, detectives from the ‘Operation Trident’ Division of the Scotland Yard had a hard time restoring order to in these communities. Yes, my friends, there is crime inside and outside of the UK police establishment. Read the following article

    I am not defending COP Dotting but I hear and see the same complaints against the police in UK. As a matter of fact the Independent Police Commission recently reported that one in every four complaints against the police is that the police are either very slow or ineffective in performing their duties. Needless to say , a similar percentage of UK citizens distrust crime statistics as Bajan disbelievers of the local data .

  12. when owners of business or private property start killing these thieves, crooks and would be murderers then the criminals will listen and the police will follow suit

  13. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite


    You have obviously wanted to read more into my statement that what I wrote. I stand by what I wrote and will restate that despite the tough times and social disruptions in society, the lacking and common denominator at this time is uninspiring leadership. Not just at the political level, but you may include wider aspects of society. Absolutely no apology to make nor do I want to say but my mistake is bigger than your and vice versa.

  14. Sorry to disappoint you George C Brathwaite but I did not read wht you wrote.

    I was responding directly to Adrian based on my experience living in Barbados.

    My Father had two guns and one or two dogs.So did a lot of other Bajans.

    I don’t have the time to deal will politics and philosophy right now.
    I have to get back to making money so that I can afford the guns and dogs if I come back to Barbados to retire.
    uh gone!

  15. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ Hants

    Sorry Sir. My apologies. The remark was intended for ‘Home’. And yes, I absolutely love your comment.


    Rather than repeat please read what I erringly addressed to Hants.

  16. Many in this society ,including bloggers ,are dead set on creating mass hysteria in this country.
    @ Strait- from- the- heart. You should consider taking a course in Anatomy. You are confusing your ticker with your bum.

  17. Will the COP kindly advise us as to why there was no response to Adrian Loveridge’s call(s) for assistance? That answer is imperative here.

    The same COP said that the 211 emergency line is being overloaded with queries, not emergencies, that are not relevant to policing.

    Do we need Cable & Wireless to remind the public of the emergency telephone numbers.

    We are all responsible for looking out for each other. It would be extremely sad for the country if Peach and Quiet closes. Adrian has certainly did his part in trying to safeguard his visitors and his family. When you see that someone is trying physically and visibly the relevant authorities (Police in this instance) should make an extra extra effort to contribute by making its presence seen and felt. If there was a cost, the Police should let Adrian know the associated cost – but not to respond at all is unacceptable.

    Maybe it is time to give security officers similar authority to the Police including authority to log complaints at the nearest Police stations. The log for security officers can be labelled respectively. Security officers on the job will obviously respond much faster than the Police and should be able to apprehend criminals and take them to the station for booking. $60,000. minimum annually for security deserves much more than a non-response from the Police.

  18. @Chuckles

    Not sure if you should be so quick to dismiss concerns directed at the police. If seems a little foreboding on Budget day the national conversation should be about the level of crime and violence.

  19. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    For 23 years we have tried to do everything right, despite all the hoops and hurdles. We have paid our taxes, tried to plough everything possible back into the local economy. Hardly taken anything out of the business and made sure our staff were looked after including helping some of their children get a university education.
    We have taken a derelict abandoned property and transformed it into a multi-award winning small hotel which has attracted one of the highest repeat clientele on the island.
    We have never received any Government (taxpayer) handouts and have tried in our own way to contribute and enhance the tourism industry on Barbados.
    ALL we want is to ensure our guests are protected and safe and that
    the authorities recognise that there IS a problem and take what ever necessary action.
    Its not about beating-up on the COP, the Police or Governemnt.
    It is in ALL our interests to deal with the problem.

  20. You know you have a problem when burglar bars are mandatory on every home built in Barbados

    You know you have a problem when Drug Runners evade the Coast Guard and Police and off load their cargo with impunity at almost every nook and cranny in the Island.

    You know you have a problem when these same Drug Runners consider it part of operations to exchange gun fire with Police if they are spotted.

    You know you have a problem when the inmates set fire to the Prison and no one is held accountable.

    You know you have a problem when the Minister in Charge of the Prisons is not called to testify as to the circumstances which led to the fire.

    You know that you have a problem when a shooting victim is transported to Hospital and the gunmen turn up at the Hospital to finish the job.

    You know you have a problem when there is a rash of “drive by” shootings.

    You know you have a problem when you hear constant complaints from citizens about the lack of timely response by Police to calls for assistance.

    You know that you have a problem when Policemen on patrol are shot at and wounded when they challenge suspicious characters.

    I don’t think we have a problem, we have a crisis.

  21. You know you have a problem when the COP and the Deputy delight in crossing swords.

  22. In my opinion what we are experiencing is not an upsurge in crime, rather crime being made more public especially with the increase of mediums such as the BBM, Social Networks, Blogs etc. Perhaps these things have been happening under our noses for quite sometime and we never noticed.

    Reminds me of the story of the frog that was put in a pot of cold water and the burner lit under it, by the time it realised the water was hot its goose was already cooked.

    2. Are we blaming the COP for this level of crime. How can we, when we all have a part to play. Simple, how many of us know of people dealing drugs and make that life look glamorous? How many of us know of under handed wheeling and dealing and turn a blind eye,a deaf ear and a dumb tongue. How many of us when ply our children with electronics and what ever their hearts desire, listen to them cuss and carry on, live like brigands and then laugh because “you know the young people now-a-days”. How many of us encourage our family, friends and associates in a criminal way of life by our very silence? Crime is like a gremlin, its looks small and cute, feed it at the wrong time and the wrong thing and it wrecks havoc.

    Alas I too have stood silently by, so I take the part of my blame for allowing my country to turn into a human cess-pool.

  23. @ David
    No where in my posting was I dismissive of concerns directed at the police. All I did, was to beg critics of the Force to compare crime in Barbados with crime in other cities in the world where the most advanced anti-crime systems are in place and yet on average, their crime statistics are as bad as if not worse than ours. By now you would have heard that a former New York Police Chief is to advise the British Government on how to tackle crime among UK street gangs. Drugs are the bastards that are uniting the rich, the poor, the educated, the criminals etc. etc. .
    Can you imagine that a millionaire’s daughter was arrested after the recent UK riots for stealing tvs and mobile phones? Mr. Dottin alluded to the type of person/persons who is/are involved in the recent shooting of the local Police Force. He should have realized that drug related crime has no boundaries. Dottin’s job is as difficult as, if not
    more difficult ,than other police chiefs’ all over the world , considering the limited resources at his disposal.

  24. @David
    Crossing swords is an every-day occurrence It exists in the Church(Rev. Morris vs Bishop Holder), at the QEH, at schools, among political parties, FIFA vs Jack Warner, WICB vs WIPA, Morris Lee and Ms Forde, Freundel vs Sinckler, Mia vs Owen etc etc. Dottin vs his deputy ain’t got anything to do with the level of crime in Barbados.

  25. @ Adrian Loveridge….In your piece you spoke of death threats made against you and your wife. Threats of rape made against your wife, despite overwhelming evidence of the source nothing was done. For the record state the IP address from which they were generated, so that George C Brathwaite gets a handle here.

  26. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ Hamilton Hill

    Take it easy, Adrian can speak for himself; no prodding please. I was sympathetic and understanding; in fact I am concerned that Adrian’s problems are not restricted to that sector or to his family. These are increasingly sad times. While admitting that, I cannot take back the statements I made that may likely suggest Adrian’s gross disappointments which again most of Barbados are seemingly sharing. As a country, we can do much better and while all of us are quick to quip that we do not like politics or that we are non-partisan, these things are not reflected in our discourses or practices. That my friend Mr. Hill is the real deal; would you ask Adrian, the government, the society, and the COP and his force to deal with that!

  27. The Bushman continues to be amazed at the apparently clueless demeanor of Mr Dottin.

    Is THE commissioner of police REALLY complaining to the public about the continued prevalence of the use of false license plates on vehicles? Who does he want to address the problem? the Bishop??!!

    What EXACTLY does he think his job entails?
    Why does he not establish checkpoints? Charge persons who are found to have made/used such illegal plates?

    Similarly with the issue of the misuse of the police emergency hotline number – how about charging those who are found to have maliciously abused the service? Who else does he expect to fix this relatively minor issue?

    His comments on these minor issues do no inspire confidence in any ability to successfully tackle more challenging matters such as illegal guns, drugs etc..

    Fact of the matter is that the COP is one of the KEY persons in Barbados who CAN personally make a difference…..
    A COP should be assertive, decisive and inspiring.

    Ps exactly how does Crime Stoppers objective of a ‘crime free’ Barbados become a ‘problem’ for the COP…?

  28. Oh here it is again, these guys got charged for multiple burglaries and will plead guilty to all and receive the same sentence on each to run concurrent.

    Hey it ain’t my house they broke into so why should I care right?

  29. Surely the reason that the 211 line is overwhelmed is because it is easy to dial, much as the Accident & Emergency Dept. at QEH is used as a clinic. My suggestion is that the police have a separate, easy-to-dial number for regular queries, leaving 211 for real emergencies, and then PUBLICISE it! Having been the victim of a brutal crime myself, I can confirm that Crimestoppers is a waste of time. They don’t even call back. My assault took place 8 months ago and no one has been arrested for the crime. I sympathise with the officers involved as they are overwhelmed and not getting any support from the political classes. That is one area where I would not mind my taxes being spent – properly paid police with proper training and resources.

  30. @Bushman

    [quote]What EXACTLY does he think his job entails?
    Why does he not establish checkpoints? Charge persons who are found to have made/used such illegal plates?[/quote]

    How are you going to charge the person who made the fictitious number plate? You think the criminal is going to tell you who made it? When people can go to all these little side shops and get them made easily that is the problem.

    It needs to be legislated that anyone requesting plates be made at these places has to show ID or whatever. So when making inquiries at license plate makers for the number, the guy will say yeah John Doe had this plate made.

    If I say to plate-maker-man make me plate X0000, the police cannot charge him for making it, because there is no law to do so. They can only charge the driver of the vehicle which bore the plates at the time.

    So it is not the commissioner’s job to enact laws, that is a matter for parliament, so the commissioner has been asking for years for the making of number plates by these individuals to be regulated, so they can track who made what.

    makes sense?

  31. @Wake up

    Isn’t crime stoppers about receiving tips and if they lead to arrests the tipster is paid some money? It is not about them investigating.

  32. chronic complainer Adrian Loveridge dont even have a security guard at his hotel that there is the height of irresponsiblity and does not show serious interest in his guests safety and security.

  33. ins | August 17, 2011 at 8:16 AM |

    “chronic complainer Adrian Loveridge dont even have a security guard at his hotel that there is the height of irresponsiblity and does not show serious interest in his guests safety and security.”


  34. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    absolutely untrue. Why is lying easier to some people?

  35. I have a security guard in my pants

  36. My question to the COP is why isn’t Adrian Loveridge’s complaints answered? Even after the level of criminal activities on his property, why is he still asking Police for continual presence?

  37. LOL……

    AL asks why is lying so easy???

    When Technician was ‘banned from BFP’ for allegedly making threats to your wife and you, did you at anytime say this was a lie by BFP?
    NO!!… said nothing and let them print their lies, you then, were just as guilty in remaining quiet.
    You have met Technician personally and he went way beyond the call of duty to make you satisfied, yet still you said nothing for days while it was posted that I made threats to you and your family.
    Now you dare to talk about lying….LMAO!!

    Thanks to the Father that this is just a blog, one can only wonder my fate if BFP could have acted on those lies.

  38. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    This is honestly the first time I am hearing that you were involved in anyway.
    As you may know, a senior official at Cable and Wireless in London who had read the blog contacted me and stated they would help to track the IP address from where the repeated threats were sent on the condition that I made a police report and that the trace was in co-operation with the RBDF.
    This I did and as far as I am aware the IP address was traced and identified. This was later confirmed by a sitting member of Parliament.

    I appreciated the help you gave us and its certainly not in my character
    to accuse anybody of anything until the facts have been established.

  39. @ Sayed
    So it is not the commissioner’s job to enact laws, that is a matter for parliament, so the commissioner has been asking for years for the making of number plates by these individuals to be regulated, so they can track who made what.

    makes sense?
    YES it does make sense Sayed

    It makes absolute sense that a soft, sissy NON leader should stick to his / her given terms of reference and wait meekly until others choose to provide the tools that he need to do his job….or not…

    BUT… when we are talking about a true LEADER you will understand that this makes no sense at all…

    A leader DOES what is required to take care of his duties and responsibilities to his team.

    …Do you think that if the bush man was COP, it could go so…?
    … Bushie – politicians ‘s asses would be on fire…. till the needed law is passed.

    …..and don’t talk bout those illegal plate makers…. Only a complete IDIOT would dare to make such a plate if bushie was COP… it would be cat piss and peppa bout here for the illegal types…

    But then again, in a country where most of the policy makers are themselves crooks, who would want a bushie for COP….?

    It will be a different matter altogether in BBE’s transitional world…


    How old are you again?

  41. @ George C Brathwaite……I was just trying to get him to say a little more. As you said you could not help but be partisan, the match that lit my fire. I am sure that you know where I wanted him to go. On this topic however I am done, for I much prefer the challenge of a tussle with a first time candidate of Her Majesty’s Opposition. Rumours this side of town say so.

  42. The COP is just another member of the legal Jack Ass community that Barbadians really believe form part of the intelligentsia … What a crock.

    Today forty odd people marched from one embassy to another in a demonstration that not all Barbadians fall for the crap that the US/EU/NATO perpetrates on the rest of the world. An honorable event, and to facilitate this event the COP thought it necessary to employ the services of ten armed police, two cruisers and an out rider to ensure that these people, none of whom have a criminal record, all of whom are most certainly self employed, kept the peace. They were instructed that they were not to use drums or amplified devices. Now tell me, one thing Barbados is NOT good at is selecting COPs

  43. Chuckles | August 16, 2011 at 4:26 PM |

    Wait you could put your hand on stats … impressive. You sure dat wuh you got is accurate? These are CIA generated stats that you are referring to? You know what I call a crime… When a government (political party) could sit down and scheme with an overseas entity to sell its population of consumers at a price and turn around and stage a FTC hearing to convince people that it was all done above board. Now that is crime, big crime!


    What a stupid response from the UK High Comm. When you are dealing with a totally corrupt system, it is really silly to expect a proper response …! International Criminal Court, protecting civilians my ass!

  45. @BAFBPF
    Today forty odd people marched from one embassy to another in a demonstration that not all Barbadians fall for the crap that the US/EU/NATO perpetrates on the rest of the world. An honorable event,… these people, none of whom have a criminal record, all of whom are most certainly self employed, kept the peace. They were instructed that they were not to use drums or amplified devices.
    Word on the street is that there was a “jack warner’ piper among that lot.

  46. Under Scrutiny: Tapper-phobia II


    By Stephen Alleyne

    In the October 4, 2010 issue of this newspaper, I wrote an article entitled Tapper-phobia in which I said that certain government officials had been refraining from discussing anything of importance on their telephones for fear that their conversations might be intercepted by unauthorised persons. For several weeks now I had been contemplating revisiting the subject, but had been exercising restraint. However, I now have the evidence that this phone-tapping business is far more pervasive than anyone can imagine and needs to be brought to the fore.

    I have it on good authority that at least a year before his death, Prime Minister David Thompson was very careful not to discuss matters of a sensitive nature on his telephone and would ask persons to either send him a text or meet him in person whenever such matters were to be discussed, because he believed his telephones were tapped. Now I have it on even better authority that the telephones of some members of the Police Service Commissioner (PSC), a number of senior police officers (including the Deputy Commissioner of Police and at least two senior superintendents) and other senior civil servants have been tapped by certain members of the Royal Barbados Police Force (the Force) who were hand- picked for the purpose. I have however been informed by my sources that while there is no evidence of the direct tapping of the phones of members of Cabinet, the evidence suggests that their conversations are sometimes monitored indirectly by the tapping of the phones of persons with whom they must communicate in the civil service. Thus if the object is to monitor the important conversations of Minister X, rather than tapping the phone of Minister X, the phone of a senior civil servant in his ministry or his driver is targeted and his conversations with those parties recorded.

    The laying bare of this practice of phone tapping is believed by quarters in the Force to be perpetuating the so-called rift between Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin and his deputy Bertie Hinds, creating extreme tension and uneasiness at the administrative level of the organisation and contributing to the low morale and indiscipline in the lower ranks.

    This is not the first time that allegations of phone tapping have been levelled at the Force since it came under the command of Commissioner Dottin and I would want to draw to the Commissioner’s attention that if these allegations prove to be true, he ultimately will be held responsible. The Commissioner should note the embarrassment the News of the World scandal in the United Kingdom has caused the top brass of Scotland Yard, leading to their subsequent resignation. If therefore there are in fact police officers assigned specifically to tap the phones of civil servants and other important persons in the country without the knowledge of the Commissioner, the Commissioner has a duty to order an investigation and stamp it out.

    Barbados is not a police state and no one is safe if the police have carte blanche to tap the phones of citizens; therefore, the Governor General, parliamentarians and the judiciary will have to be concerned if this is in fact happening. Why would the police be interested in what politicians or members of the PSC appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister after consultation with the Leader of the Opposition, all of whom are of impeccable character, are saying? What use will they put any information gathered that is not of a criminal nature? These are questions for the government to seriously think about.

    The Force is too important an institution for the PSC and government in particular to ignore any allegations of widespread phone tapping. Phone tapping, after all, is illegal in Barbados. Therefore I want to call on the PSC, the body empowered to exercise discipline over persons holding office in the Force to, as a matter of urgency, probe these very serious allegations. As a start, the PSC should ask questions about the sudden and unexplained transfer of two police officers who had been working undercover for their entire police career.

    (Stephen Alleyne is an attorney-at-law and former member of the Royal Barbados Police Force. e-mail:

  47. David;

    Seriously man, the above comment by S Alleyne should be the topic for separate discussion.

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