Submitted by Yardbroom

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart

The actions of a leader speak louder than his words.  People are motivated when you give them credit, rather than take it yourself.  Ego and aggression are neither necessary nor constructive“.

Should I believe that there cannot be quiet effective leaders.  We were told that there would be continuous disarray in the DLP Party at this juncture.  Names were mentioned, who were not satisfied with their particular positions or portfolios.  The expected squabbles have not materialised, ministers are doing the people’s business, the ship is steady, the shoots of recovery have started in the economy.  Properly watered and tended they will bear fruit in the long term.

Has all the above happened by accident, was there not a leader in charge?

No Government gets everything right, it is impossible to do but the populace must ask, over a range of issues have they been successful, and is there a sense of direction. On most projects in Barbados, from the small board and shingle house to others costing hundreds of millions, when government expenditure is involved, some will seek impropriety.  In some cases it might be true but we run the risk of negating any views we express, if there is a “constant” of looking for crookedness in those we oppose politically. It does not lead to mature debate, to constantly seek to undermine others for no other reason but to make it a spectator sport.

Of course there are those who will “crucify” anyone who dares to have an opposing view or advances the other side of the argument……but that leads to a sterile environment.  For when all else fails personal attacks are used but that they can only use such a retort dilutes anything relevant they might have to say.

I say show me the achievement, and I will know the measure of the man.  This as good today as it was yesterday and it does not matter if it is in Barbados or elsewhere.  True leadership is about what is being done, rather than what has been or is being said.

For those who think Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart does not speak enough and admittedly there are a few who do, there is a counter argument.

“May I remind you that: The quiet leader is not a modern invention and Lao Tzn, who in the classic Taoist text Tao Te Ching, was discussing the same characteristic around 500 BC.

The very highest is barely known by men,
Then comes that which they know and love,
Then that which is feared,
Then that which is despised
He who dares not trust enough will not be trusted.
When actions are performed
Without unnecessary speech.
People say “we did it”.

Here again, the highest level of leadership is virtually invisible.”

It is possible when the time is right, that the people will say, the DLP did it, not Freundel Stuart, but the DLP, that is true leadership; there would be no effort to supplant true leadership with “”ego”.

  1. @ Yardbroom
    I would have thought by now that you understood that this place is run by a group of behind-the-scenes civil servants and associated operatives?
    What politicians what!!??

    Politicians, while in opposition, say what they think the people want to hear….
    …when elected, they say what the civil servants write for them to say.

    Did you not note largely the SAME IDENTICAL speeches coming from ministers immediately after the change in government?
    – same writers and policy framers…..

    The average minister probably do not even know where the bathroom is located, unless shown by the PS…. so what you expect…?
    …and anyone who becomes uppity enough think for themselves can be easily embarrassed into reallocation of portfolio….

    Not to worry, this also explains our friend Obama’s dilemma since coming to office….

    It is the system that is flawed….. so what we need to research is why the civil servants are so attracted to BOLTS….

  2. Do you have to be a DLP yard fowl to concede that whatever the DLP said while campaigning the reality of the global economic meltdown would have meant that they would need to tear up their plan and make up it as they go along. They have certainly made mistakes but can we say that their responses have been generaly bad for bim. The shallow and simplistic media stories we now seem to get, seem unaware that since 2009 we have been in atotally different enviromnment from 2007/2008.

    Do you have to be a DLP yard fowl to say that Staurt is a big man for allowing his Minister of Finance to occupy so much of the public space without seeming to resent it. AQ lot of our PMs would have been very threatened.

    Do you have to be a DLP yardfowl to say that this has been a remarkably smooth transfer of power given the circumstances. Maybe Mr. Stuart’s manner might have something to do with it. Of course a rough handover is more newsworthy and sells more papers. As a neutral bajan I am relieved that the transfer has been so smooth, and I give Stuary some of the credit for it.

    So, personally I resent this attempt to Starcom and the nation to to try to stir up trouble, for what in my view are their own selfish ends, that is to create news. There are many news stories out there. I think the journalists shouild go out and do some wo

  3. Yardbroom, thanks for your forthright response. The only thing I can say for sure that was wrong with the BOLT projects of the former administration was the glaring lack of transparency. That is one of the reasons why the then opposition, which did not, I am convinced, understand the principle of a BOLT arrangement, at the urging of the general public, took up the call for Freedom of Information legislation and proceeded to use it to beat the BLP over the head during the election campaign..all is fair in love and politics.

    It is possible that malfeasance at some level took place in one, some or all of the BOLT projects of the BLP government, but we have no way of knowing as we do not have access to detailed information.

    The DLP, on assuming office, have learned that BOLT arrangements can in fact be a very efficient and cost effective way of financing a project which a government might otherwise be unable to undertake. (Or they knew it all along and deliberately mislead the public..take your pick) They knew from before that lack of transparency would allow latitude for creative accounting and their previously strident cries for FOI legislation were strangled into a silence in which they have executed a slick 180 degree turn, obviously not caring that their about face would be deprecated by the (non DLP) voters. But that’s governance in Barbados.

    I can only come to one conclusion.

    The Government, if it has any thoughts of winning the upcoming election, would do well to heed the calls of the people for transparency to dispel the bad smell that emanates from their about turn, that it is not simply the case as Scout so graphically phrased it: “the DLP yard fowls are reaping the sweets and they are ALL doing BIG rides, while the average citizen is smelling hell”

  4. My difficulty here is that the DLP has achieved enough doubt and uncertainty in 3 years that it took the BLP approximately 10 years to do. Sure we are “stable” in most sectors, but there are too many cracks, questions, fissures, undealt with “controversies”, backpeddaling and regional antagonism for 1. a young government and 2. only 6 months after death of Thompson. At the very least an admittance of mistake(s), communication of lessons learnt and course directions would do more to engender confidence than silence and dodging.

    @Clico 75000
    He speaks at functions yes, but does he speak or has he yet spoken to THE PEOPLE (outisde of Thompson’s eulogy that is)???
    and by the way, oratory skills, grammar and an extensive vocabulary does not guarantee that the message (or vision or purpose) has been conveyed to THE PEOPLE, only some.

    The DLP is doing a good job in some areas, a great job in one or two, but making glaring mistakes in others. As always, the mistakes take the spotlight, and an even brighter one when they are not quelled, addressed or explained.

    I too thought an early election would have been best. But in the absence of one, a serious PR push to define direction, purpose, competence and leadership style would have been necessary. I’m uncertain if the PM can undo the perception persons have of him and reinvent himself to the endearment of THE PEOPLE within the 2 years left. Not with CLICO, Parris, Myrie, Kellman/Lowe, the uncertain economy, inflation, Lagan & the marina, Barrack, traffic congestion and God knows what else may crawl out the woodwork between now and then.

    Lao Tzu spoke from a perspective of peace and spirituality (which I totally agree with), but we’re dealing strictly with reality, politics and blatant human nature.

    I love the quote “By letting it go it all gets done”, but that certainly cannot and would not apply in our political or government circumstance.


    What do you expect from the Nation and VOB? That they would be supportive of things Barbadian? ….come on OS!!!

    ‘One Caribbean Media’ is an anti Barbadian coalition that has been put together as a part of the strategy to realize the dream of our CSME brothers and sisters- to get Bajans to ‘know their place’…

    Bushie has been preaching this from the time the plot started with the sell out by the traitor Hoyte.

    You ask what they want the Government to do after cutting taxes and earning reduce income….?


    What do you think???!! Look at what OCM has done in Barbados even without making losses….

    If Bush Tea was PM Stuart, OCM would mean Out of this Country by Morning…. but wanna other bajans are a trusting lot.

  6. Point taken David but I stand by my view that tiefin is the problem.

    Any contract with “overseas” companies/operatives allow for better distribution of comissions,donations,gifts etc.

    Cost overruns can be legitimate but can be “artificial” especially if there is no binding fixed price contract.

    We ordinary folk cannot combat the financial wizardry of some of the modern day Financiers/project managers/facilitators.
    Government contracts are profit centres for those with the resources to bid and get them.

  7. How we love this nugget of information. Sanka the decafeinated one was campaign manager of Liz Thompson? Our media has been in crisis for a long time. Do you know how many of our journalists are the benefit of largess from politicians and corporate houses? The system is sick, it is up to ordinary people to blow the whole damn stinking mess to thy kingdom come!

  8. @David
    The media is being used immensely to sway public opinion of Government and the PM. That’s their right. It’s up to the government and the PM to respond in kind or to suit when given the chance, but they’re not. That’s where they are falling down. Once perception gains traction it becomes truth (even if only a false truth).

  9. @Observing

    Your last point succinctly puts the point BU has been making about the need for PM Stuart to manage perception. Some have tried to trivialize it by arguing ideals.

    Perhaps it best explains why the late PM engaged a full time PR strategist!

  10. PM Stuart should deliver some kind of “State of the Nation address”
    to give Barbadians a clear picture of how the country is doing.

    He has been “quietly effective” and the time is right to show what he has done since becoming PM.

    Hants is not a political strategist. Just a DLP supporter.

  11. @ David
    Are you not flogging a dead horse? What perception what??!

    When you have been handed the wheel of the Titanic at the last moment do you have time for perception?

    In any event, you are assuming that the local press are interested in the same thing that you are…. i.e. what is best for Barbados. HA!!!

    In order for a PM to interact with his various publics through the press in difficult circumstances like these, he will have to be very open and frank about some difficult choices that have to be made.
    It is one thing to do this with a patriotic press or in circumstances where one can force one’s opinions and choices on to the press.

    Where the objective of the press – with the OCM agenda, is ANTI Barbados, this would be like telling all your deep secrets to the enemy.

    Perhaps the PM is smarter than most of us realize. In such a situation, BT would be keeping my options under wraps – except for trusted patriotic groups of citizens… and letting the OCMs guess my moves.
    It is a risky strategy, but the alternative of exposing your weaknesses, fears, hopes and doubts to clear enemies is suicidal.
    There are no obvious easy choices.

  12. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Let’s face it the news is controlled by the political persuasion of whoever is in control of the newsroom on any given day. However, that is not restricted to politics. I recall speaking to the someone at the Nation while complaining about that day’s paper. I accused one of the persons responsible for a section as being gay, (of course I did not use the word “gay”) He responded by asking who told me so, and I said just read the paper. He only laughed without comment when he checked the relevant sections.

    I went through all that to show that people in the non-government media might not be dishonest, just purblind. It is another matter at CBC. They appear to be the public relations arm of whoever is in power. It has always been so, this session however is the worst that I have ever seen.

    Give Freundel a chance: he has only been the substantive holder of the office of PM for a few short months. You must remember that he inherited a sinking ship. He must concentrate his efforts keeping the ship afloat, not having a show on deck. You must also remember that thanks to the electorate, he inherited, with few exceptions, a lalentless.

  13. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    with few exceptions, a talentless crew. (Sorry about that)

  14. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    I guess you meant that last word to be “talentless” Comrade Caswell. But you seem to appealing hard for light, just like the Pakistani’s and the Australians, only you are doing it excessively on behalf of Stuart.

  15. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    Our postings crossed.

  16. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    Caswell, what’s all this talk about “talentless” and “inherited sinking ship from Thompson”? You mean then these people totally fooled the voting public that they were “READY TO SERVE” as the illegal ubiquitous screamed?

  17. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    Missed out the word “BILLBOARDS” Illegal Billboards.

  18. @Bush Tea

    You more than most know BU has defended the government even when under pressure to do so in the past for the same reason you have provided.

    That said some of the gaffes by this administration have been too easily made. Any responsible commentator would be hard press not to be critical.

  19. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    All this talk about the agenda of the Nation and VOB.

    Apart from the days when the Political Parties had their own publications like the “Beacon” and the “Democrat”, does anybody know of a stronger and more close-knit relationship between a political party and a Media House, than the one that presently exists between the DEMS and that journalistically shameless RAG, The Advocate?

    Add that DLP/Advocate Rag relationship to the fierce stranglehold on CBC DLP TV, and tell me if Stuart and the DEMS ARE AT ANY DISADVANTAGE in getting their propaganda disseminated.

  20. Yes the ship was sinking but it was torpeodoed by a world recession.
    It is “Politics” for BLP supporters to attack the DLP government but uh hope wunna got life jackets.
    Watch the BBC, CNN,CBC Canada and wunna would onstan dat it is time to bail water from yuh own cabin.

    Yuh mite ha to park de ride an ketch bus.

  21. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    The Barbadian public is bombarded nightly with blatant, shameless, propaganda and promotion of DLP CANDIDATES. And sometimes they do it with such finesse and stealth, that you have to look closely to detect it.

    Take last night in the 7:00 p.m. news, HAMMIE LA had a large chunk of exposure on TV, and I couldn’t understand why this man was taking up nearly all the prime time news.

    I believe it was due to the fact that in the report from the Senate, they somehow felt obligated to report on the brilliant presentation of young bright Senator Santia Bradshaw, talking about the misdirected Transport Board …… so they gave her a few TOKEN SECONDS!

    That LONNNGGGGG “NOT MUCH SUBSTANCE” HAMMIE LA exposure was to try to negate the few seconds brilliance of Santia Bradshaw. That’s how CBC DLP TV functions.

  22. Truthman you insane when you call Sanita Bradshaw brilliant. What about her brilliant, a young woman like that rolling with Tony Hoyos. Dont make me laugh. Slippery Hammie will have her for breakfast next time around.

  23. “The Barbados Labour Part administration is ultimately responsible for the fact that ordinary Barbadians cannot enjoy a comfortable living in this country. ….. Barbados can and should rest assured that a Democratic Labour Party administration will do something tangible and meaningful about this vexing issue of the cost of living because we are beholden to no one.” Pages 6 -7 Pathways to Progress, Manifesto of the Democratic Labour Party 2008

    “the new DLP government will : Seek any domestic financing from the capital markets in preference to heavy reliance on national insurance funds.” Page 24 Pathways to Progress, Manifesto of the Democratic Labour Party 2008.

    Let’s not talk about leadership in a vacuum. Let’s talk about leadership in the context of what a person or group of persons promised to do (scout’s honour and all that) and what is actually done.

  24. Truthman Burton Avatar
    Truthman Burton

    @G | April 22, 2011 at 4:20 PM |
    “Truthman you insane when you call Sanita Bradshaw brilliant. What about her brilliant, a young woman like that rolling with Tony Hoyos. Dont make me laugh. Slippery Hammie will have her for breakfast next time around.”

    G ….. That is the thing that one can ever understand about you typical DEMS. You never anwer the charge, but always resort to personal attacks. You mean that you have to be so malicious in the young lady’s business, making such remarks.

  25. Caswell
    During the 2008 election the BLP tried that same argument that the candidates for the DLP were not up to being MPs.
    The DLP responded with a publication showing that the DLP candidates were more qualified academically than those of the BLP and the rest was history.
    How can you as a trade unionist trade that insult that only a few of the DLP members of parliament have any talent. It could not be academics it must be that they cannot sing or dance.
    If you are not using academics then what talent would you ascribe to Glyne Clarke, Ronald Toppin, Noel Lynch, Cynthia Forde, Dale Marshall, George Payne and Cathy Greenidge to name a few. These were all ministers in the last government.
    The young men and women of the DLP who are in politics are just as talented as the ones you project to be talented.
    They are proving it every day as the government continues to move along amidst the turbulent economic conditions worldwide.
    Some mistakes are being made but that is all part of their development.
    Maybe you should point out who are the talented ones in the parliament on both side so that we can have an open discussion.

  26. When the DLP came to office, the world was already on the brink of a recession, no-one knew how serious it was going to be, but we knew there was going to be one. However, with all that in mind and knowing the evil the BLP had done in their last term in office especially, the DLP was WRONG to give this country the impression that they had all the answers to reviving this country. Most voters were expecting the DLP to steady the unstable ship, instead the ship is now in a serious position and voters are no longer confident in this party especially now that the former captain was washed overboard. Stuart has remained in his cabin/et just giving instructions but few or no appearances to the voters, this is not the way to instill confidence in voters. Matbe, if the ship was sailing in calm waters he would have looked good but in dangerous waters, his presence is a piority, that is if he is serious of winning the next general elections or personally his contesting a seat again. Remember what he did to St. Philip south.

  27. Does walking with Tony Hoyos make Santia a dunce? She could learn something from him. He is bright man. Say what you mean!

  28. Scout
    In the last week the Prime Minister listen to the people and was in the news speaking at the Geriatric Hospital, Everson Elcock anniversary and while touring the Stuart lodge and Country road towers.
    It is the Nation newspaper who was putting David Thompson at first on the second or third page and now Mr.Stuart has started to make himself more visible they are doing the same thing.
    You keep mentioning St.Philip South but Noel Lynch does not have a chance in St.Michael south
    Politicians make promises not only in Barbados. The citizens of this country have been exposed to a level of education which should allow them to think for themselves.
    The Nation cartoon every other day is about the cost of living which the BLP or DLP can do anything about. The United Nations is predicting even more difficulties when in come to the cost of food worldwide.
    We have to stop complaining scout and produce more food.
    We are nearly self sufficient in chicken. We can increase the production of sweet potato, yams, eddoes and cassava by putting land back into production that is now laying idle waiting for the highest bidder.
    Owen Arthur would go down in History as the person who cause the demise of agriculture in Barbados by proclaiming that the land should fetch its highest price

  29. @The Scout | April 22, 2011 at 5:29 PM |
    …the DLP was WRONG to give this country the impression that they had all the answers to reviving this country. Most voters were expecting the DLP to steady the unstable ship, instead the ship is now in a serious position and voters are no longer confident in this party…
    The only people who may have had confidence in the DLP are the staunch DLP supporters. The swing voters, the people who really make the difference in elections, simply decided it was time to vote out the BLP. The swing voters had no great expectations of the DLP, but they were the only alternative. The outcome of the last general election had more to do with penalizing the BLP than any great expectations of DLP. I’m one who knew that they couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver on most of their promises. I at lease thought we would have gotten the integrity legislation by now though. . . what a disappointment.

  30. Charlie wrote,
    “putting land back into production that is now laying idle waiting for the highest bidder.”

    I would be estatic if Government passed a law to force land owners to put “rab” land into production.

    I would be on the next Air Canada flight back to Barbados.

  31. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I do mot want to get into a debate about who has more academic qualifications. Have you ever seen qualifications work? Also, how many of the Ministers have any qualification that relate to the areas over which they have control?

    I remember when I was a boy, one of the older men in the village, who was illiterate, would say, ” I aint book learn but you can’t fool me”. The problem with MOST of the Cabinet is that they are only book-learned and are being deceived on a daily basis by senior public officers who have their allegiance to the BLP and not this country.

    All they are concerned about is what they can get for themselves, friends and family.

  32. Charlie
    I would be most happy if or when P.M Stuart makes his first address to the nation, when he is doing now is tanamount to saying something through someone else, we want him to come to the nation and make a public address about the situation with the country and what his government is doing to ride the crissis. I keep mentioning St.Philip south because since he was/is from that constituency, like Wood, he was the darling of many voters but alas after he got elected he simply ignored the conjstituency and it was most embarrassing when he started canvassing that the same people who were shouting for his before were asking who is he. I understand he is doing the same thing in St Michael south. I agree with you we can produce more but until we can control the stealing by both human and monkeys, many farmers will continue to offer their lands for sale. No government whether Bor D can stop a land owner from selling their property unless legislation is passed to restrict or prevent such; it is the property owners right to do whatever he wants to do will the sale of his land unless the law say differently. Yes, they are ways the DLP can use to reduce the cost of living,like reducing the import taxes on goods coming in, reduce the excist taxes on petrollium, and returning the VAT to 15% but be more aggressive in recieving the money outstanding. This government is simply not doing anything to help, even Guyana is trying a thing to assist the general publc now that their elections are coming up, Barbados can’t wait that long. As stated earlier the DLP knew about the impending recession and they didn’t have to offer the world on a silver platter to win the government, Barbados was ready for a change, the many promises made by the DLP then will haunt them next elevtion, plus the many mistakes make. plus not bringing anyone to justice as promised. It would have been better to have kept their mouths shut than to offer the ultimatums that they did. Do you remember the “within 30 day” promises and the with 100 days and 200 days, all those days have passed and bajans are still waiting. Yes, it may be harsh judgement but the DLP promised and the average voter is holding the party to at lease two of their promises. Therefore when a promise like integrity legislation, which has no bearing on the world recession, cannot be passed, doubt is planted in voters minds about the integrity of some of the questionable decissions made by this government, the latest being the Pierhead Marina project and the BOLT arrangement and with the same people whose integrity they were questioning along with the then government. Something is VERY VERY smelly

  33. “Yes, they are ways the DLP can use to reduce the cost of living, like reducing the import taxes on goods coming in, reduce the excist taxes on petrollium, and returning the VAT to 15%”
    Scout that policy will cause the government to be in an IMF program where the conditions would be harder.
    Just take a step back and recognize that government expenditure is paid for by raising revenue through taxation.

    If you want taxes reduced then you must be asking for a cutting of the number of persons employed in government, or a reduction in some social program provided by the government.
    David Cameron just did in England. The US congress just did it. Cut some social services to reduce the deficit.
    Which one do you want?
    The services provided by the Barbados governments over time were not sustainable. It is unbelievable how we got it done but the time has come where it is no longer possible. Do you know that it was only about five years ago that Trinidad started paying for student’s degree programs. We were doing that for a long time. I am proud to be a Barbadian and acknowledge the good work of our forefathers.

  34. @Charlie The services provided by the Barbados governments over time were not sustainable.”

    Try telling that to Barbadians who have become used to Taxpayer funded Health care and Education.

    It is better to grow up in a board an shingle house and get an education than in a wall house but can’t pay tuition fees.

    Same as it is better to teach a boy to fish than to give him a fish.

  35. @Caswell Franklyn

    he inherited, with few exceptions, a talentless crew
    Is that comment justified? If one has never been elected and is suddenly handed the duties of a Minister is it surprising that he/she will find the going difficult at first? If one has been shuffled around more than a deck of cards at a Las Vegas Casino is it any surprise that mistakes are made?.
    Initially I was all for Stuart reshuffling and assuming direct responsibility for some portfolios but he is more politically astute than I am as he has let his Ministers settle in without looking over their shoulders and constantly letting them know who is in charge.
    That said Stuart does have a public relations problem because Bajans on the whole like their PMs large and in charge in a kind of “Father knows Best” approach.
    One of my mentors always said the best way to make someone happy is to give them what they want, so Stuart should quell the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth by holding a Press Conference…. Give the people what they want or at least what some bloggers want.

  36. Random Thoughts Avatar
    Random Thoughts

    Quoting Charlie “Owen Arthur would go down in History as the person who cause the demise of agriculture in Barbados by proclaiming that the land should fetch its highest price”

    And so has Errol Barrow for his infamous “the day will come when I look across Barbados and see not one cane blade” speech. Amen.

    I am one of those people who have land that is not in agricultural production. And how do you and the government plan to force me to work my land? What if I have neither the time nor the money (nor an idea of what to do) do you and the government plan to force me to labour?

    Forced labour?


  37. @Truthman Burton

    Now you are getting upset at the media, but most of the time the media in Barbados does what it does best i.e. “roll over and play dead” for whichever Gov’t is in power.

    However from time to time some brave soul would grow a pair and print or say something contrary to the wishes of those in charge and you know what the result is don’t you? They are called a “negrocrat” or subjected to “wake up calls’ with someone screaming in their ears. Who called someone a “Negrocrat” Truthman? Who was responsible for those “wake up calls” Truthman?.

    “Truthman” earlier you said that Dems don’t answer any questions they change the subject but you are a past master at that art. Remember after you wrote about Thompson and Kellman not speaking to each other I asked “when Owen and George “gree back”?

    I never received an answer you said you were off to celebrate Easter and never answered the question but that’s Truthman for you more slippery than a conger eel.

    So Truthman could you answer that question in addition to the other two?

  38. Random Thoughts
    It may not be the government but circumstances may force you to work your land for the survival of your family one day coming soon.
    The tax payers’ money sent them to universities where critical thinking is part of their studies. MPs having a portfolio outside of their area of study did not start with this government.
    In fact at an agricultural show a BLP Minister of Agriculture who was a lawyer was trying to show he knew what was going on and called a Holstein a cow a Jersey and the PS gave him a little nudge so that he could correct himself
    Are they talentless because of unscrupulous Permanent Secretaries? I loved to watch Yes Mr. Minister the British comedy. It showed the power of the Permanent Secretary. I would feel that as they get to know the PS and recognizing that they are misleading them, to file some sort of complaint to a higher body to get them transferred because you cannot get them fired. Too much red tape. Caswell yah know the UNIONS.

  39. Man Caswell Franklyn !
    Give Freundel what chance what ?

    Imagine having to beg a Prime Minister to come and talk. If it was not so serious , it would be a big joke !

    I cant stop laughing anyway !

  40. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Random Thoughts
    You asked, “Are they talentless because of unscrupulous Permanent Secretaries?” The answer is no! They are talentless because they are. How many of them have ever ran anything successfully? However, they achieve office and jump in with both feet without looking. They did not take the time out to learn: they just started to give orders. Most of them are know-it-alls with a reverse midas touch. They bypass senior officials and give instructions to junior staff and listen to too much gossip.

    One of the best Permanent Secretaries, who has no reason to ever support the BLP, tried to guide his Minister because that Minister was continually breaching the rules. He was transferred for his efforts.

    If a general election is called they might return to office: not because they are doing a good job but simply because like the majority of Barbadians, I believe that the two persons who are leading or seeking to lead the BLP should never attain high office in this country again.

    Tina Roach

    You asked, “Give Freundel chance what?”
    It would appear that Barbadians mistake talk for work. I am sure that the Prime Minister will report when he deems it necessary. If he miscalculates he will pay the price. He has not been Prime Minister long. All that I am saying is give him a chance to make mistakes.

  41. @Caswell

    If a general election is called they might return to office: not because they are doing a good job but simply because like the majority of Barbadians, I believe that the two persons who are leading or seeking to lead the BLP should never attain high office in this country again.

    Do you want to expand on the above statement made by you? You did not lay any ground work.

  42. @ Caswell
    Don’t let David run you in no trap, he has been luring the bushman into such traps for years now LOL….
    what groundwork what??!!
    You just stated what you believe….

    @ David
    You cant trick my man CF.
    Do you recall that years ago the bushman outlined an ideal structure of government for Barbados with a Senate modeled on the supervisory committee in the Cooperative movement? – and identified Caswell as a 100% fit for a key role in such a senate…? Was Bushie right on as usual or what??!!

    Caswell is street smart! …if only we had 10 more…

  43. My fellow Bajan people do not get tie up. We are getting bare smoke screen arguments to mask the real issues some people have with Stuart. The real problem that some ahve with Stuart is that Freundel Stuart does not come across as a man they can do “business” with. By “Do Business” I mean faciliate a set of “projects and deals that they can get rich off government largess. For many years the Arthur led BLP facilitated the enrichment of a number of persons in Barbados. Now that we have a recession and a man like Stuart in the the PM role there are a lot of disappointed people.
    I think there are three types of disappointed people:
    1. There are those who jumped on th e DLP band wagon and those DLps who were out in the cold who are now upset that the gravy is not flowing. In Stuart they see a man who is not known to be a deal maker of the financial type. He does not seem to be a man you can do “business” with.

    2. There are the BLPs some of whom are now out in the cold. They are not concerned about the Pier head propject perse in the way we are about relevance, governance and so on. They are upset with whom the cash will be going to. Staurt is noot a man they can “do business with.”

    3. Then there are the private deal makers who are not that linked to any party but take it as their god given right to get fat whoever is in office. They are upset at the lack of big projects of they type they so loved under the BLP. For them, what constituency councils what? You want to spend $1,000,000 in each constutency to help with small community projects and governance at the local level. What is that type of project going to do for my pockets? What is this nonsense of focusing on low income housing? I mean, one big private condo is worth more steel and cement than all these small houses put together. What is this nonsense about non-nationals? We want the cheap labor and the right to bring in who we want. We don’t these local who have some strange sense that as workers they have rights. They see those as waste of time projects. Again Staurt does not strike them as a man they can do business with.

    You see me , right now after the largess of Owen and his gang, and with Payne and crew waiting in the wings, give me a PM who is not a man you can do business with.

  44. My people let us not be fooled again by the black and white shadows. When they get rid of Stuart we will then hear what a bright and decent person he is. We will hear what a good job he did in overseeing a smooth transition of power and preserving the stability of Bim during a diffcult period. They might even knight him.

    Maybe its my age. But the man now get in . I am watching and i see no cause for alarm yet. He has performed all teh functions that are normally expected of a PM and most imprtantly for me, he seems comfortable with other people taking the lime light. Whe was the last time we could say that about a PM.

    The mdeia, especially the nation and Starcom need to grow up and go out and do some serious journalism. For example, thanks to BU I was able to read the full report now coming out of UWI about consumers across the region. I found there was a lot of good information in there. The main styream media hardly covered the thing. But there was some hard info, that required some analysis. Our media is not there yet.

  45. @Caswell Franklyn | April 23, 2011 at 7:46 AM |
    Tina Roach
    You asked, “Give Freundel chance what?”
    It would appear that Barbadians mistake talk for work. I am sure that the Prime Minister will report when he deems it necessary. If he miscalculates he will pay the price. He has not been Prime Minister long. All that I am saying is give him a chance to make mistakes.
    Give him a chance to make mistakes? Are you serious? Can we afford a PM the luxury of making mistakes as if this is a practice run that has no consequences? From the moment a person becomes PM, that person is expected to function competently and effectively on behalf of the people of this country.

  46. I agree with you, Zack. He can make mistakes but he’ll have to pay for them like anyone else. Caswell is putting forward a sloppy “cuddear” analysis.

  47. to william skinner- seems your penchant for spewing garbage has followed you all the way to atlanta from the dlp to the ndp to the dlp.

  48. the bunch of jokers with the exception of dr estwick masquerading as the government are only attracting support of diehard supporters aand perhaps grudgingly from party officials because they are flying the dlp flag. i believe that that most of their supporters are ashamed of their performance but have to support their incompetence none the less.

  49. Josquin Desprez Avatar

    Old School
    “The media, especially the nation and Starcom need to grow up and go out and do some serious journalism.”

    Surely you cannot be serious if you are telling me what is being spewed by the Advocate and CBC is good journalism. Or is it because these news entities place a significant focus on the DLP, that you are not including them in your analysis?
    Are you saying that the blatant misuse of much needed tax funds to finance the DLP’s public relations efforts on the sate owned CBC good journalism? If it was done by the BLP it was WRONG, and being done by the DLP presently, still makes it WRONG.
    My friend, good journalism is evident when the news provider highlight the negatives and the positives of any situation, and will bring the truth about any situation at all cost. Presently, I see no media house in this island exhibiting these characteristics.

  50. From Caswell
    “If a general election is called they might return to office: not because they are doing a good job but simply because like the majority of Barbadians, I believe that the two persons who are leading or seeking to lead the BLP should never attain high office in this country again.”
    I too would like to know and I would like Caswell Franklyn brother of Warwick Franklyn —wait them is different Franklins–t??? to tell us why the two persons should not attain high Office again. There is no politician in Barbados that is without sin. All have sinned and come short . Somebody got to do the job and as long as the Job gets done, I DONT CARE WHO POLITICIAN FUPING WHO OR WHO BULLING WHO OR WICKING WHO for that matter WHO cursing who at 2 in the morning
    Them is foolish things .

    Barrow and Cammie TUDOR had their “ways” , I am told by my friend and mentor Mrs. TYI.

    I m told that certain people used to be cooking with a bare apron on etc. Mrs TYI mentioned to me something bout Doctor Rat, Jordan , Mark Stokes and a Bailey woman.

    And they got the country run
    Politicians are not holy Bible characters. Please get real. We have also heard of the exploits of Mottley, Tom Adams etc.
    The social fabric and the economy of the country is of more concern. Things like public transportation and access to cheap goods etc concern the people more so than any other personal issue.

    A minute -On Public Transportation > When will the Government or the Govenor General do something about the ZRs Vans and Minibuses with their loud vulgar music from Jamaica ? I was stuck in traffic behind one of these vehicles and I could not believe the volume , first of all of the sets nor the lyrics of the songs. The songs were explicit with one song in particular sung by a male/female duo . This song detailed fuping in a way I have never heard it described
    before in explicit raw and offensive terminology. For example —

    well ! I will spare readers for now but I will be back !!!!
    this comment is too long already.

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