Peter Allard
Peter Allard

BU continues our exposé of the secretive world of Peter Allard.  It is important for unsuspecting Barbadians to appreciate how  the tentacles of a rich foreigner could have and possible still can; compromise  the workings of the sovereign state Barbados.  Here is a report which was prepared by Canadian fugitive from justice, Donald Robert Best, who operates under the codename NATHAN, taken from the files of Kenneth William McKenzie in the Nelson Barbados matter. Bear in mind Peter Allard is a rich Canadian who has taken a liking to Barbados. He is the owner of the closed Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary.  He sanctioned and  paid all bills and along with the Knox family, was responsible for one of the worst international invasions of privacy, abuses of legal process and downright stinking behaviour ever to have been exposed anywhere in the world that we are aware. Please note that, although BU has a document which is in the public domain, a decision to redact the report out of respect for the privacy of certain individuals named was taken.

The report details:

  • Collecting evidence and contacts on money laundering.
  • Investigating and trying to obtain the names of Bajans with off-shore accounts and companies in the Marshall Islands (close to New Zealand).
  • Attempting to establish contacts with and enlisting the interest and support of Jeanette Molina, a publicity-hungry and highly injudicious (if the report of Mr Best is to be believed) assistant district attorney with the New York County District Attorney’s office who, allegedly and according to Donald Best, “would be interested in pursing any case we [Allard, Best, Knoxes, McKenzie et al] bring her in the New York area”.
  • Collecting the shredded documents from the garbage of David Shorey from his Saint Michael address (next door to the Canadian High Commissioner’s residence, the British High Commissioner’s residence and countless other diplomatic and government residences AND TO GOVERNMENT HOUSE) and shipping them to Canada to be re-assembled.
  • Conducting property searches in the Miami and Fort Lauderdale areas on, among others, Mr Shorey, Lynne Marie Simmons (the daughter of Sir David and Lady Simmons), Leonard and Marcia Nurse, Dan and Shirley Sherman and the parents of Barbados’ leader of the opposition, Mia Mottley, Elliott and Amor Mottley. Mr Elliott Mottley Q.C. is the former attorney-general of Bermuda and a highly internationally respected jurist.
  • Of particular concern, the surveillance, photographing and “staking out” of the Barbados Consulate in Miami. Further, the suggestion that John Knox and Jane Goddard be assigned the task of joining the stake-out for the purposes of identifying Bajans who visit Barbados’ Miami Consulate. BU has provided this evidence with the expectation that the Government of Barbados present it to the US State Department and to the Governor of Florida with an official diplomatic protest.
  • The staking out of the new prison at Dodds and the surveillance and photographing thereof and of its suppliers, including listing their corporate names. This is a clear breach of Barbados’ own prison security.

All of it paid for and sanctioned by benefactor Peter Andrew Allard and the Knox family. These are the same people who have used valuable court time by laying claim they have been threatened. Despite it all Barbadians are known to be law-abiding and peaceful nation and, even under such extreme provocation, we will protect their legal rights, persons and properties as if they were our own and urge others to do the same. So that any violence done to them, real or mental – or imagined – or MANUFACTURED, will be self-inflicted.

Turning to the matter of Minister Denis Lowe, another Peter Allard former associate. Here is an update promised in an earlier blog:

BU questioned Minister Denis Lowe last week about his relationship with Peter Allard. The questions were triggered as a result of information we found in the files of K. William McKenzie. McKenzie, as is now well known, was the lawyer who has represented the Allards (corporately) in many court cases and Peter Allard and the Knox family in the Nelson Barbados Group court matter brought against Barbados and many prominent Barbadians. McKenzie was also responsible for paying the likes of Donald Best from out of the trust accounts of his law firm, Crawford, McKenzie, McLean, Duncan and Anderson LLP.

Although Minister Denis Lowe did not respond directly to BU, he did so through a surrogate. Here was the response the gist of which:

Dr Lowe makes no bones about being helped between the 2003 and 2008 Elections by Mr Allard in providing help with Summer Camps for 150 of our youth, a grass cutting program for the elderly of the community, and generally providing for the aged in the community.

To get to the bottom of this matter we searched the documents which were found in the McKenzie files (Duncan Exhibits A and B) to determine what payments were made (if any) to Lowe. We have to state that we did not find any record of McKenzie’s firm having paid anything to Denis Lowe, EXCEPT. The only reference to grass cutting was found in an e-mail from McKenzie to Allard in which Allard states to McKenzie that he has taken the sum of $1,000 from $8,000 (denomination unspecified) in his safe at Seaview, Chancery Land and given it to Dr Lowe for a grass cutting project involving youth – we will post this e-mail later, but ask the BU family to bear with us as we struggle through almost 100,000 pages of documents and sometimes misplace references – we are commentators and not lawyers.

In the interest of transparency we have listed what the records reflect for your information. Please note that “FEES IN CAD” refers to the fees paid by Allard to McKenzie in respect of McKenzie’s dealings with Dr Lowe and his “grass cutting project with youths”.

2006-May-04 Meet DL in Barbados $2,480.00
2006-May-05 Meet DL in Barbados $2,640.00
2006-May-11 Meet DL strategy re SPLASH $2,000.00
2006-May-23 Recap meeting with DL $1,680.00
2006-May-25 Meeting with Adrian Loveridge and Dennis Lowe
2006-Jun-08 Call from DL; e-mails from DL $680.00
2006-Jun-12 Preparation for meeting with DL $1,400.00
2006-Jun-13 Call with DL $2,360.00
2006-Jun-14 Interview with DL $2,000.00
2006-Jun-19 DL $50.00
2006-Jun-22 Review e-mails from DL $137.50
2007-Aug-01 Dinner with DL $340.00
2008-Aug-23 E-mails DL $585.00
2008-Aug-26 Meet Adrian Loveridge and DL $2,115.00
2008-Aug-26 Meet Adrian Loveridge, DL, Jane Goddard and John Knox
2008-Nov-03 DL e-mail $14.00

Dr Lowe’s “surrogate” also stated that Dame Billie Miller and Mr Reginald Farley had each been given $125,000 by Allard. We wish to state that after an extensive search of the McKenzie files and his firm’s dockets, NO SUCH REFERENCES CAN BE FOUND! BU stands by its position that, absent any kind of proof, these allegations against Dame Billie and Mr Farley are unsupported and scandalous, and renews its apologies to both. BU asks the question that, if Dr Lowe was present and a party to such alleged payments, why did he not report them at the time? Lack of integrity legislation perhaps? Or just plain lack of integrity?

In light of the evidence that BU has presented and will continue to present, it is obviously high time that the Barbados Government sent a note to the Canadian and US Governments declaring Peter Andrew Allard and his non-Bajan cronies (including Mr Heaslet) persona non grata in Barbados.

In its next report, BU will focus Peter Allard’s written views and conversations and correspondence with and from Barbados’ former Prime Minister Owen Arthur – AND ON THE SURVEILLANCE CARRIED OUT IN BARBADOS AND NEW YORK ON BEVERLEY ARTHUR, FORMER PRIME MINISTER ARTHUR’S EX-WIFE. It appears that even in the great USA the privacy of individuals is not safe from the machinations of Peter Allard and those who are at he beck and call.

64 responses to “Need For Freedom Of Information And Protection Of Privacy Legislation In Barbados. Need For Greater Security At Our Local And Overseas Missions. Need For Integrity Legislation. The Follow Up On Minister Denis Lowe – The Secretive World Of Peter Andrew Allard Part VI”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This is one round Allard will not lose.

  2. @David. I suggest we just let CCC have the last word. Time and events will show what will happen……and I am hopeful that BU will be there to keep us in the picture and to champion the rights of Barbados and Bajans of all walks of life.

  3. Right will eventually win and from what has been presented Allard and his co-conspirators are wrong. CCC can talk what he likes, talk is cheap

  4. @Well well. Well said.

  5. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Well Well

    Talk is not cheap, that is why quite a lot of people had to pay dearly “fuh duh mout”.

    Why do you think that DAVID is hiding who he is under a rock somewhere. He does not want to risk his pension money.

  6. CCC, that may be true but David has put into the public domain documents which are a scathing attack on the unscrupulous dealings of Allard and others. Surely you cannot sit and condone what is obviouly a violation of personal rights by Allard et al.

    Allard came to Barbados and from the start was a pomus upstart, his attempt to embarrass the Government and people of Barbados is reprehensible.

    From your writings you seem to support his position…. you obviously have information that we don’t, but from what is presented there should be a special place in St. Philip for Mr Allard .

    Until I see evidence otherwise, cannot be held in high esteem.

  7. @CCC

    It appears to me that you have absolutely no backbone and to be able to stand on principle. You are a mockery of a man; you have no balls and certainly no moral fabric. I am not saying that you should forget about loyalty, but with all that has been presented thus far, maybe the more logical thing would be to shut up and disappear., even change the subject (at least it may be deemed to be a clever move on your part). You are truly a sorry excuse as a man and political operative; who is paying you my friend? They mean you absolutely no good.

  8. It seems that “Amused” has no monopoly on being amused if not simply amazed, how certain individuals can derive so much “knowledge” about others, who voice their opinions. To state that CCC has no balls” nor “moral fabric” or that he is a “mockery of a man” because he dares, yes, dares to express his open and free opinion that differs from that of the moderator of this blog, shows a somewhat anal or uneducated mind. Con-vision, who is paying you?

  9. Ah, our friend Anon (2) has ascended. Now we are complete. And not amazed, but VERY amused.

  10. @Aonon (2) // August 6, 2010 at 6:08 PM who wrote:

    It seems that “Amused” has no monopoly on being amused if not simply amazed, how certain individuals can derive so much “knowledge” about others, who voice their opinions. To state that CCC has no balls” nor “moral fabric” or that he is a “mockery of a man” because he dares, yes, dares to express his open and free opinion that differs from that of the moderator of this blog, shows a somewhat anal or uneducated mind. Con-vision, who is paying you?

    Do you really believe someone educated or otherwise would come to such a conclusion unless there was mounting evidence. Read all of CCC’s inputs on this blog. Go back as far as you like. By the way, I am not educated if it means plying the same trade as you. If you offer to pay, I can think for you, right now you appear a bit trampled by your own recognition that you are doing exactly what you accused me of. Tahtah.

  11. Con-vision // August 6, 2010 at 8:51 PM. That is a VERY good reply. Hats off. As my sweetheart Bonny would say, “Ah cryin wid de laughter”.

    But you know, there is always a tendancy in humankind to “tar”, as it were, others with the same brush. We know that Allard paid bloggers – 5 years ago, his going rate was $650 (nationality unknown) a week. I don’t think I have any need to go further and state the obvious, although it would be kind of CCC and Anon (2) and GIGO if they could satisfy my burning curiosity as to (a) the nationality of the dollars; and (b) with cost of living increments, what the going rate is today. Or are they, Lowe-like (or is that Lowe-life) going to deny being paid.

  12. Sounds to me like Allard and the Knox family should be called the BARBADOS STOCKERS. What a web they have spun for themselves. To descusting

  13. I think Allard got fleeced by McKenzie, “Nathan” and Lowe among others. He was the gift that kept on giving. Did he get any value from all of this investigative work done by “Nathan” and the money paid to or on behalf of Lowe? And McKenzie got paid by the hour to coordinate it.

    For all his allegations of wide-spread corruption in Barbados, you mean he could not find someone he could pay off to give him some real evidence?

    Of course the documents in BU’s possession might eventually prove me wrong.

  14. Here is the latest lowdown on the SSA. The (biological) male who administers to the Authority and all other Environmental areas (except Graeme Hall, as he got no kickback on CLICO land development, if CLICO cannot put Apartments there then he let it rot) was informed tractor parts and vehicle accessories would be in the vicinity of $3 million.

    He calls RIMCO and asks where is his 10%? This is not commission for “selling” the parts, he just feels as the SSA is doing business with RIMCO then he must get a kickback on what he feels is his personal fiefdom.

    Essentially RIMCO told him to f**k off, so he cancels the order for all the vitally urgent parts in order for SSA to function properly? How low can can you go? This alleged “Dr” from the Uni of Cincinnati can go down low, really low (he lusted after one of the Digicel Blackberry techinicians at a press confernce about 4 years ago in Norman Centre – “Norman, is that you?” – and he got upset when people started to giggle when he said the Tech’s were fine, strapping and handsome… Oh my!)…

    Another problem is that monies to ensure the trucks which are on the road legally has not been paid, when one of the trucks had an accident this week, the Police told the SSA the vehicle had no right being on the road since both Insurance and Road tax are outstanding not for a day or two but a few weeks now… The lowdown is as a result of Police’s correct stance, a whole sweep of trucks will be pulled from active Duty leaving may four or six to serve the entire island for one Minister’s pure Greed, is that low enough?

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