Senator Arni Walters – Minister of State responsible for Immigration

Barbadians were informed through a People’s Empowerment Party propaganda piece in the Nation newspaper recently that the government has agreed to a modification to the amnesty conditions announced earlier this year. It is possible BU missed the official release from government on the change or was it a backroom deal made with a group calling itself  the Coalition For A Humane Amnesty?

We should remember the gist of the amnesty arrangement is any migrant residing in Barbados from before January 1, 1998 is eligible to apply. Recent reports suggest several migrants have been flooding the police department responsible for issuing police certificates of character. This administrative bump should be dealt with quickly to avoid the predictable shouts which are sure to come from Guyana Consul Norman Faria and Rickey Singh.

This recent development of government slinking behind the backs of Barbadians to negotiate and agree to new amnesty terms with David Commisong’s group leaves a bad taste in the mouth. BU is hopeful the PEP has gotten it wrong in the column.

Read the full article:

PEP COLUMN: Message to the migrants

Published on: 11/13/2009.

EARLIER THIS YEAR, undocumented CARICOM migrants residing in Barbados were sent into a state of panic when authorities started to routinely order the removal from Barbados of “illegals” who, in an effort to regularise their status, had voluntarily gone into the Immigration Department and filed applications for immigrant status.

Of course, these applicants for immigrant status were simply following a modus operandi that had developed under the previous Barbados Labour Party regime, of permitting undocumented CARICOM migrants who had resided in Barbados for five or more years to come forward and have their status regularised.

It came as a great shock therefore when, contrary to the past practice, instead of granting the applicants official permission to remain in Barbados while their applications were being processed, the authorities started to order them to leave the island.

The panic intensified in May when Prime Minister David Thompson announced that his Government would be offering an amnesty to undocumented CARICOM migrants – but only if such migrants had been residing in Barbados from before January 1, 1998.

This led to a feeling of doom and gloom in the CARICOM migrant community, for there was a perception that undocumented migrants who had come to Barbados after January 1, 1998, would be ordered to leave the island once they came to the attention of immigration authorities.

Thus, there was great apprehension and a reluctance to follow the Prime Minister’s directive that all undocumented migrants should report to the Immigration Department between June 1 and December 1, 2009.

It was at this stage that leading members of the People’s Empowerment Party (PEP) joined with other citizens and residents of Barbados to establish the Coalition For A Humane Amnesty.

The coalition immediately went into action and sought to catalyse a reconsideration of the policy, with a view to making modifications that would render the policy less threatening and disruptive to qualified CARICOM migrants.

The coalition reached out to all of the relevant policymakers of Barbados, inclusive of Prime Minister Thompson, Minister Arnie Walters, the chief immigration officer, Permanent Secretary Greaves, all of the members of the House of Assembly and Senate, and the major civil society organisations of Barbados.

Out of this process, the following very important and helpful modifications emerged:

(1) Migrants who have resided in Barbados for at least five years prior to June 1, have been given a guarantee that they will not be required to leave Barbados when they lodge their applications for status at the Immigration Department.

(2) Such applicants will be permitted to remain in Barbados pending the processing of their application – and in the event their application is rejected and they exercise their right of appeal to the Immigration Review Committee, pending the determination of their appeal.

(3) Applicants who do not meet the criteria for the “amnesty” have no guarantee of being given status in Barbados, but at least they do have a guarantee that their application will be seriously considered on its individual merit.

124 responses to “Government Makes Backroom Deal With David Commisong On The Amnesty”

  1. Well,I said it before & I’ll say it again.There should have been absolutely NO amnesty in the first place.It only further increases illegal immigration & this shows that Government is not very serious at all about delving into the ILLEGAL immigration issue.

    The majority of Bajans asked THEIR government to enforce the immigration laws,Caricom said no & what are we left with more illegal immigrants being in Barbados & a continued chaotic illegal immigration system !Where there is no law & order there can only be chaos.

  2. I detest these 2 wimps david thompson and Arni walters.

    If they did this deal with Commissong they are pure vomit.

    We are watching you thompson to see if you back raise us,because you will regret that for life.

    If the DLP could make this backroom deal with ‘insignificant’ commissong,then just imagine the deals they are making with the BLP and the business people.

    I want the government to come out and tell us what the position is because we are expecting that the amnesty position is like you first told us and that we will not be seeing any large number of persons qualifying for this amnesty because this is what we were told by some of your people and even norman faria.

    If what BU is saying is true,then we are in serious trouble with thompson as our leader.


    Notice no one ,not arni walters nor thompson has come out and denied what david thompson has said.

    We the people are being taken for a long ride but we will see who has the last laugh.

    That will not only be at election time.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This was on CBC news about a week ago.

  4. mash up & buy back Avatar
    mash up & buy back

    So carson cadogan because it was on CBC 1 week ago on the news it is o.k.?

    Thompson has really gone too far this time.

    Not only is commissong saying that these illegals will now have from 5 years instead of 11 to put in an application but they will be able to stay here in barbados for ever while they wait for the application to be processed and then if it is rejected they can still stay in barbados while they wait for years as they appeal this matter.

    Did the ra****ole guyanese give thompson the vote?

    What was all that talk he was giving us all about?

    What does chris sinckler,kellman,freundel stuart, maxine mcclean and the others have to say about this?

    I hope this is not so.I really do.

  5. The idea about undocumented/illegal being able to acquire citizenship is for them to be able to prove they are contributing to GDP. The idea of using timelines as the key measure is rubbish. The point though how could our government renogotiate the conditions around the amnesty and a green paper is currently in circulation? This is gross disrespect. H

    The following is the threadbare Nation editorial which touches on the circulation of the government’s Green Paper on Immigration.

    Immigration policy for the future

    Published on: 11/18/2009.

    GOVERNMENT HAS RELEASED a Green Paper titled Comprehensive Review Of Immigration Policy And Proposals For Legislative Reform, dated October 2009.

    The document is divided into three sections. Section I sets out several key issues that require reform, including freedom of movement within the context of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy; management of labour migration; border control and national and regional security, and public health and public policy.

    Section II looks at the role of the Immigration Department in national development and in contributing to Government’s economic growth targets and security objectives.

    Section III deals with the Immigration Department’s proposals for legislative and policy reform.

    Among items of major concern are the amendments necessary to enable Government to satisfy obligations under the Economic Partnership Agreement, signed in 2008 between CARIFORUM states and the European Community.

    The whole system of the granting of work permits requires an overhaul, particularly the restyling of what may in the future be known as "the guest worker programme".

    In this connection, there are recommendations for the capturing and storing of fingerprints, a matter that to date, due to poor public relations efforts, has evoked much comment from the citizenry, more so since Barbadians were called upon to be fingerprinted.

    As mentioned earlier, due to pressure for space and stress on education, medical and transport facilities, but more especially land ownership, we had a look at the Bermuda model, which states clearly that citizenship is "given to law-abiding non-Bermudians after they marry Bermudians, live together locally and then wait ten years".

    Now, Bermuda citizenship is in two parts. All who are Bermudians by both birth and Bermudian parentage are British Overseas Territory Citizens, but this is according to British law not Bermudian law.

    The other part is that both parents or one qualifying parent of a child born in Bermuda must also be Bermudian by birth and descent, including having other family members born in Bermuda.

    We have mentioned the above in the light of the recent protestations that the period for amnesty qualification was too long and also that persons who submitted applications for regularisation of status should be permitted to remain, pending not only finalisation of the application, but in the event of an appeal being lodged, until completion of the appeal hearing also.

    We believe that these considerations are humane, but we must guard against those who may be tempted to abuse the system.

    The review of immigration policy should be undertaken with due diligence.

  6. mash up & buy back Avatar
    mash up & buy back


    See today’s Nation editorial.

    Even that newspaper recognises that the 2 year marriage citizenship qualification for non-national in the immigration green paper is a non starter,and offered the bermuda example of 10 years instead.

    My heart is sick,sick of the traitor david thompson is turning out to be.

    Like with the BLP I am watching to see if the DLP MPs are not going to speak out on this commissong amnesty statement and this immigration green paper.

    History will record their silence,and never again will they be able to say that they were not in favour of these happenings.

    The people are watching carefully.

  7. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I don’t understand you lot. I invited all to a meeting the Springer Memorial School about two weeks ago.

    Almost all of the Cabinet was there as I said that they would be. Not one question was asked of them about the Green paper on Immigration.

    I guess it is more fun coming on BU and ranting and raving.

  8. @CCC

    Very unflattering description of what the BU family is doing here. FYI, the feedback on the GP was sent to government and we have evidence of acknowledgement.

  9. mash up & buy back Avatar
    mash up & buy back


    It is people like you that turn off independent- minded persons like myself.

    I remember you ranting on this blog last year when you were angry with the DLP about the guyanese and other issues.

    You talked about how hard you worked in st michael to get the dlp in and you will be angry if they don’t do what you expect them to do,however it seems as though you got something maybe a pick and now you are saying all is right in your world.

    I don’t recognise this carson cadogan who glibly tells us to attend a DLP branch meeting to see politicians.

    And you all wonder why the BLP are smarter at this political thing than you – they are not waiting for people who are not BLP members to turn up at their branch meeting,but they read the blogs and keep their ears to the ground to know what the people are saying.

    Most important in all of this I have noticed is that you nor wishing in vain,nor veritas have denied that what commissong is saying is not true.

    In case you and thompson don’t realise it the voters are turning off of the DLP daily.

    It is up to the DLP not to pay attention and treat every criticism like it is coming from the BLP camp.

  10. Mash up I am with you. The DLP will have a real big surprise if this is what they have done. Immigration is one area that I will not compromise on with this government.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    I had a pick since Feb. 1973.

  12. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    “we have evidence of acknowledgement.”

    It appear to me that you are happy with that.

  13. @CCC

    Feedback is being requested from the government on the Green Paper, BU family has responded which is probably more than most.

    You are taking this discussion to an illogical level. You do it your way and we will do it ours.

  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    Be realistic.

    We are not going to see the Royal Barbados Police force, the Barbados Defence Force and/or the Immigration department making daily sweeps across the length and breath of Barbados picking up Guyanese. That kind of thing does not even happen in America where they have a problem illegal immigrants.

    The Barbados Labour Party let us down badly on this issue. They caused the problem in the first place.

    My wife and I discussed this issue and we came to the conclusion that:

    We must first remove the Barbados Labour Party from office in order to stem the flow of Guyanese into Barbados. That has been done.

    The new administration must come up with a plan to better manage the immigration situation, which is what they are doing. Give them some time. Rome was not built in a day.

    The situation that we find ourselves did not come about overnight. The solution will not come about overnight either.

  15. David,

    Court Marshalls attempted, this morning Wednesday 18th November, 2009, to levy on the NHC office in Country Road Re: the Al Barack matter.

    Another legacy of the BRILLIANT Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley & Dennis Jones team!

  16. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    Don’t think that it will be an easy matter solving this problem. Once the genie is out of the bottle it hard if not impossible to get it back in. We have to thank the visionless Barbados Labour Party for that.

    Cast your minds back to England and the migration of West Indians to England. There were those who were strident in their calls for the repatratriating of West Indians to the West Indies.

    The most notable voice was John Enoch Powell, MBE.

    “On Saturday 20 April 1968 he made a controversial speech in Birmingham, in which he warned his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued unchecked immigration from the Commonwealth to Britain.” Wikipedia

    Also remember his “rivers of blood” speech.

    “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’. That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century. Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now.”

    What was the outcome of all of this?

    West Indians are still in England to this day.

    So don’t think that it will be an easy fix.

  17. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    The Barbados Labour Party has created huge problems for Barbados. The Democratic Labour Party is now grappling with them.

    Given time we will solve them, but if you want to go and vote back in the BLP, then that is your choice.

    However I am reminded of the Israelites when they were in the Wilderness and things seemed a little hard. They sought to appoint a leader who would take them back to slavery in Eygpt.

  18. But what do you expect from David Comissiong? He was born in St Vincent so he does not care if Barbados is overrun by aliens. Barbadians with degrees from the University of the West Indies cannot find work, but he wants to give unimpeded access to unskilled Caribbean nationals. What nonsense. Most of these Caribbean nationals are competing with unskilled Barbadians for such jobs as vendors on the streets of Bridgetown. Why should applicants be allowed to stay in Barbados pending the processing of their application? When a Barbadian applies for immigrant status in America, the applicant has to be resident in his place of birth until the application has benn processed.

  19. I am not surprise that a compromise deal was reached with David Comissiong,Norman Faria & the other members of Comissiong’s Coalition.As a close associate & friend of some of the members of that Coalition,I heard about the compromise and what had transpired.

    David Thompson with all his good intentions is a weak,easily intimidated weakling.I will say it again,the cursing he received from Bharat Jagdeo & Ralph Gonsalves at the ill-conceived Caribbean meeting he had in Guyana in May really scared him & forced him to change his stance on the immigration issue.When I say he had a cursing out of this world from those 2 leaders I know what I am talking about.I can honestly say at this moment David Thompson is totally confuse and he does not know what is his next step in bringing this immigration issue under control.He is out to sea & drowning.

    The recent CADRES poll highlighted an overwhelming support for tough action to be taken on curbing illegal immigration into Barbados.Our inept leader has the full support of the vast majority of Barbadians and the weak knee clown has allowed stupid David Comissiong,musty Norman Faria,stinking Shridath Ramphal,anti-man Bharat Jagdeo ,Ricky Singh & the alleged molester Ralph Gonsalves to scare him into reneging on his promise crack down on illegal immigrants.What a pathetic imbecile we have as our Prime Minister.

    It is a national disgrace that our Prime Minister has entered into a back door arrangement with David Comissiong & his clan on his immigration policy that was announced in our highest chamber The House of Assembly with out informing the people of Barbados.This is insulting behavior that the previous administration was accused of being involved in.No Prime Minister or government with any measure of dignity or integrity would have done a thing like that.No wonder Integrity Legislation is not an important issue with this disgusting government.

    David Thompson your shelf life has expired as Prime Minister of Barbados.I believe a recall of your government is the only option available to Barbadians.

    Prime Minister David Thompson has lied to us Barbadians on many occasions and he should be removed as Prime Minister of Barbados.

  20. @love

    You said attempted, what stopped the process?

  21. @love

    You said attempted, what stopped the process?
    The Chief Legal Officer of the corporation was ordered off to court to get a delay in action. The case comes up on 23rd Nov, 2009.

    It is a real embarassment for Minister Michael Lashley.

  22. mash up & buy back Avatar
    mash up & buy back


    What about the other members of the cabinet?

    They have nothing to say?

    The people should kick hell about this if it is true.

    Is david commisong running the government now?

    Negroman I will never believe anything that come out of Thompson mouth again.

    In 2008 the people were willing to forgive him that IMF document that he talked about in 1994 he caused the BLP to use as a scanadal,but if he has really gone back on that amnesty programme without telling the people,he IS A POLITICAL DUPPY.

    He is over as a politician in barbados,maybe he and owen and mia can go and run for a seat in guyana.

  23. Mash Up & Buy Back
    David Thompson visited David Comissiong law offices when those offices were located at the corner of Reed Street & Baxters Road begging Comissiong & his then menbers of the Clement Payne Movement to become members of the Democratic Labour Party.That occurred when David Comisiong a then member of National Democratic Party led by Richie Haynes had a falling out with Richie Haynes.However,Owen Arthur back raised David Thompson by setting up the Commission For Pan African Affairs & giving David Comissiong the top post at the Commission.I am highlighting this to let everyone knows that there was & still is a special relationship between David Comissiong & David Thompson.

    The information I gleaned reveals that David Comissiong is very truthful in what he has written in his column.Yes Prime Minister David Thompson has gone back on his promise crackdown on illegal immigrants.At this moment illegal immigrants visiting the Immigration Department are being issued with indefinite status and are being ask to return at given dates to collect their passports.Many of my Guyanese friends are indicating to me,that they are not afraid of being ask to leave Barbados because provisions are there for them & their families to remain in Barbados indefinitely.

    Mash Up & Buy Back,the pathetic,red rat with the stinking,poisonous disease white man blood running through his veins has sold us out.David Comissiong,Annalee Davis,musty Norman Faria & the rest have won this battle.The joker we have as a Prime Minister has given in to the rat catchers his party financiers.

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Allow me to be a little more “illogical”.

    MASHUP AND BUY BACK gets his wish and the DLP loses ground to the point where they lose the next general elections.

    To use the words of NEGROMAN “David Thompson has lied to us Barbadians on many occasions and he should be removed as Prime Minister of Barbados.” David Thompson is removed.

    A “new’ old government of the Barbados Labour Party is installed with a new Prime Minister whoever that is.

    Within 24 hours every other Guyanese in Guyana has packed his bags and is heading for Barbados. They flood into Barbados both legal and illegal. There is absolutely nothing to stop them since their Government is now in office. Norman Faria, Bharat Jagdeo are popping bottles of champagne

    Within one week Legislation is passed legalising:-


    The price of land skyrockets again, this time to $300.00 per sq. ft.
    Black Barbadians are further disadvantaged. As a former PM said we have to pay our bills.

    You guys are in danger of throwing out the baby with the bath water. You will regret it with sack cloth and ashes.

  25. You’re not hearing anything from me simply because I refuse to allow what is happening in this country to retard my full recovery. All I would say is I TOLD YOU SO.

  26. Negroman

    If what you say is true and I believe you, thompson is the nightmare we were afraid of.

    At least the BLP did not pretend,they were open in their desire to flood barbados with foreigners and to sell out barbados,but thompson………

    I did not see it coming.

    I know however that thompson really prefers the fair skinned people as his friends and business associates.

    He tolerates blacks because he has to work with them but check out who his real close friends are;no dark skin person.

    Even so that is not as important as the act of betrayal to the bajan people.

    Now I understand better why he wants these non nationals to get citizenship after 2 years as seen in the green paper.

    Owen arthur killed this Nation and now thompson has dug the grave and is burying it.

    Preserve all those comments on remembering barbados of the past,because soon all you will have are memories.

    Like the song says;memories.. in the corner of my mind… misty water colour memories….. of the way we were.

    There will be many reading this post who will pooh-pooh the comments of some of us here,but sadly for some of us we are starting to connect the dots and the picture coming through is not pretty,it’s not pretty at all.

    Time will tell every thing.

    Thompson was only taking black bajans as fools.

  27. To all and sundry.

    It is okay to come on here and bitch, but what are you really doing? Who is organizing the protests marches? Who is talking to their Members of Parliament? Who is willing to storm the parliament buildings and take a stand?

    Yak, yak, yak, is just that.

    It is time for action. Thompson has to be sent a message. The next election is too far off – by then, the island will be flooded with the foreigners.

    “Time will tell everything” if Bajans sit back and wait!!!

    Organize something and I will fly in for it. That is a promise!

  28. @Pat

    As a Barbadian you must know that heightened level of protest/civil disobedience is strange to Bajans.
    Bajans are not wired that way.
    Bajans protest in different ways but it comes after a long build up.
    What BU can promise is if the Thompson government gets this immigration business wrong come next year they will be hearing it from us.
    Unlike the traditional media we will do followup after follow up.
    Why should we sit idelly by and let people who can’t run a rumshop tell us how we should run Barbados?

  29. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “The next election is too far off – by then, the island will be flooded with the foreigners.”

    This from someone who is living in another man’s country.

    Give the man some time.

  30. @Pat- Dont hold your breath.Bajans are polished and docile people.We dont storm buildings, protest, march and rise up- that is too beneath us.We are civil, matters of social unrest are better suited to the aggressive type which are not part of our makeup.The leaders and the politicians know that our docility is our weakness so they have a grand time exploiting it.

  31. The great Malcolm X once gave a speech entitled “The bullet or the ballot”. The revolutionist “Negro man”, and I’m paraphrasing, stated that where you have a meeting of races who share the same land; the blackman/woman normally becomes marginalised. The examples are many; some of them are close to your island: Guyana, Trinidad and as far afield as Australia.

    This is the fate that the sycophant Carson C. Cadogan and your truly awful, chinless, hasn’t got a clue, sad excuse for a Prime Minister appears to want.

    Barbados a reverse form of ethnic cleansing is coming your way.
    Thompson reveal your intentions . Give the people a chance to vote on this issue.

    Thompson the Afro-Bajan, clearly see’s the loaded pistol pointed in their direction. They know that their time in Barbados is drawing towards a close. The question is this, will they accept their fate meekly or will they adopt the spirit of Malcolm X.

    Thompson the historians have already made up their mind. You are been viewed as the man who will sell out Barbados – wholesale. May God bless your soul.

  32. I supported the DLP in the last election because I felt the country was going down the wrong road and too much arrogance was being displayed by the last government.
    I consider myself an independent voter because I do not vote for party as such but by who would make the most meaningful contribution to the development of Barbados.
    The immigration position of the last government caused them the government and it will cause this one the government too because they are becoming unpopular not because of their making but by the global recession which is hurting some people.
    This government must stick to the promises that they have under their control.FOI and Declaration of assets are two such promises.
    The immigration policy if not carried out will see many Barbadian women voting against the DLP because they were the ones who voted out the BLP because of their immigration policy.
    Carson Cadogan should recognize that at political meanings party members do not raise controversial topics because they would be ostracized and they want to keep their picks.
    The meeting at Springer school did not attract the kinds of numbers a special meeting of three constituencies branches should have from a government that is in power.

  33. @ David,

    I am one Bajan that will protest. I believe in civil disobedience. In the early 70’s Ontario government raised school fees for university students and we went out on strike. Yours truly included. The stupid camera men focussed on the only black face in the crowd. Before I got home my parents and freinds and every other Bajan in this City knew that “I” had joined those Canadians in a protest march.

    I did not hear the end of it. What they all forgot was that I was working and putting my way through school. No one helped me. I had to support myself – food, housing, clothes, fees, books, busfare – the whole dog.

    The only person who had anything good to say about me protesting was the late Oliver Jackman, High Commissioner at the time.

    Since then, I have not passed up a good opportunity to grab a placard and march. I even joined a striking union in protest marches during my lunch hour outside my building. It was not my union, we of the professional cadre opted for arbitration, but I love protests.

    @ Carson Cadogan

    The only reason I am still in another man’s country, is because my OWN country did not want me. Just dont get me started on that. Just dont.

  34. Pat
    This Negroman loves a protest and I participated in many protest marches in Barbados.Like you,I was also heavily criticized by my parents & friends.That criticism did not deter me.I protested because I believe what I was doing was right & just.

    I can recalled that JC and some other bloggers suggested that some form of protest action be organized to show this inept government that we want action on the removal of illegals from Barbados.I think the time is right for protest action to be taken against this corrupt government led by the liar David Thompson.I am prepare to sacrifice my very comfortable,well paying job for this cause.I will be upfront in any protest action.I am also willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to help safeguard the future of my children & grand children.

    David what ever action you are prepare to undertake on this immigration issue,you can bet your last dollar that this Negroman will be there to participate fully.

    I am appealing to all Black Barbadians rise up,let your voices be heard,call the call in programmes,assault your Members of Parliament verbally though and by any means necessarily let our leaders know that we are not going to allow the future of Black Barbadians to be compromised with a weak immigration policy that has the potential to derail the gains we have made as people in Black Barbados.

    Brother Scout It is good to see that you are posting again my brother.Take it easy and do not stress out yourself unnecessarily.I wish you a speedy recovery and the best of health.Hang in there my brother.

  35. Since commissong has put out his statement most people seem not to know of it.

    I guess a lot of people don’t read the article commissong writes in the Nation every week and perhaps missed it.

    However I think the radio and newspaper and t.v. journalists and talk show hosts should be taking up this issue because it means as David/BU said in the headline of this article, thompson made a policy and then reversed it with some back room dealing.

    I am grateful that david commissong who wanted to get as much political and personal mileage out of this as possible decided to hold a press conference and boast about his achievement.

    Otherwise we the people would never have known about the secret deal that thompson made.

  36. Don’t worry, people. We going punish the DLP for its lying and hypocrisy in 2013 by voting them out and re-electing the BLP. Har har har. Ain’t it hilarious? Laughing shouldn’t hurt so much.

    Pre election, Inkwell was pooh poohed when he said…”keep the DLP in opposition until they make positive and irreversible steps toward declaration of assets for people seeking public office, FOI and integrity legislation….it would only take five more years for them to realize the people were serious.” He said enduring five more years of the BLP, though painful, would be a small price to pay for the assurance of the integrity and accountability of future Governments of Barbados.

    Opportunity missed. BU and the electorate ignored the big picture in their eagerness to get rid of the last lot and now what do we have? …a different set of pigs at the trough…attaining in one and a half years the level of arrogance and refusal of transparency and accountability it took the last lot ten years to achieve….with nothing we can do about it except gripe and wait until the next general election to vote DEM out, (cause Bajans ain’t going to march)…still no integrity legislation, no transparency, no freedom of information, no accountability and the hardest slap of all in the face, an about turn on immigration policy. Pigs brought to a fine trough…oops, market.

    BU and the DLP diehards on here owe Barbados big for their naivety, gullibility and shortsightedness, ’cause they helped get us in this mess. I emigrating to Culpepper Island.

  37. Tranparency Int.for the second straight year has just rated Guyana among the most corrupt countries in the world. In the same report Barbados is rated among the lease corrupt counbries in the world. Come on PATRIOTIC bajans, are we going to allow the guyanese to further corrupt this little island our foreparents have developed to this stage? If we allow this trend to continue within the next 5 years Barbados would be rated with Guyana. PLEASE open your eyes and see that we are being raped of our dignity and our children are looking in at us with disdain. Can we expect better from our children while we, adults, are allowing this to happen to us? what example are we setting for our children? By the way, I understand that Barbados is looking at recruiting policemen from Guyana, that will be the straw that break the camel’s back. That is when all HELL would break loose in this country.

  38. Negro manj
    Thanks for your concern and encouraging words. However, I can’t stay idle and watch my country being invaded by modern day pirates.

  39. The writing was on the wall so long, it almost completely faded. It was ignored by complacent Bajans who chose to believe in the empty promises of politicians and their agents.

    I have said earlier that the GOB was not sincere in its public mouthings on this immigration issue and that the status quo would remain after the amnesty ends.

    Are Bajans aware that even though there has been a dramatic slow down in the construction sector, with numerous lay-offs, one can still find sites where there are no Bajan artisans employed.

    The joke making the rounds is, if a Bajan wants a job in construction these days, he should ask a Guyanese, since they seem to be getting all the work now.

  40. @Inkwell

    BU has a different philosophy on this matter. Come next election we will evaluate the government’s performance 5 years in context and make a decision on who we will support. Your position is to leave a government in power until…, don’t agree. If Thompson and his troops are going to be satisfied with a 5 year term because they are lazy on delivering key promises that is there call. If the BLP gets the government in 2013 and wants to continue the status quo that’s there prerogative also, BU will judge them in like manner when we place our x. Some day one or both the parties will get it. Next election one of BU’s recommendation is to extend the pension qualification period to 15 years.

  41. David,

    You are entitled to your different philosophy, but where does it get us? … alternate five year stretches of the same thing and when the two political parties realize that we, the electorate are not serious about forcing integrity, the corruption in government will only get steadily worse.

    I am not being partisan. I am all for telling the BLP “You will stay in opposition until you “make positive and irreversible steps toward declaration of assets for people seeking public office, FOI and integrity legislation.”

    It can work!!

  42. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    Then this blog is useless.

    If your aim is to have the people remove an administration every five years.

  43. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    It is said that a lot of Bajans don’t mature they only get older.

    This thread is a great example of that. It reminds me of little children playing cricket, the owner of the bat and ball can’t get his way so he threatens to carry home his bat and ball and “done” the game.

    You all really need to mature not just grow older.

  44. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    Anyone saw Norman Faria on tv last night talking about immigration?

  45. @CCC

    Given your position we should compromise on the lack of action in the PSV sector by government as well? How about the FOI and Integrity legislation? Run with your view brother and we will stay true to ours.

  46. Carson cadogan seems to be suggesting that we should accept david thompson ignoring the wishes of the public and deceiving us with that backroom dealing with commissong all because we don’t want the DLP to lose office.

    That sort of thinking is what kept owen arthur and his corrupt administration in power for 15 years.

    I think the answer is not in voting back the BLP but by shaming this government and exposing their wrong actions at every turn in every public forum.

    Notice today how the PDC albeit their 2 members demonstrated against the NATION NEWSPAPER in front of the Nation.

    I am proud of the PDC.

    We need to follow suit but I am willing to bet if a strike is called to march today many persons will not support it.

    That however should not deter anyone : agitate,agitate,agitate.

    If something as important to the voters as immigration and thompson is willing to sell us out,then why should we care about keeping him in power.

    He is was never interested in all the people were crying out about immigration for the last 4 years.


  47. Prime Minister David Thompson is either a very astute politician or a very stupid politician.I believe he is the latter.That picture with Norman Faria presenting him with a gift speaks volume to the kind of person we have as a leader.

    Norman Faria along with David Comissiong are 2 of the most hated men in Barbados and that political jack ass & hum bug can be seen accepting gift from musty Norman Faria.Norman Faria you are right to bribe the nuisance we have as a Prime Minister with your gifts and flattery.Your people are famous with that kind of behavior.Stinking Mrs Ram of Furniture Limited fame does it to all the political parties in Barbados.The criminal Peter Harris and his family including his brother Thomas Harris of Josef Restaurant who likes to throw his workers wages at them are very good at bribing our governments.They did it to Owen Arthur by donating substantial monies to his wedding with Julie Price.Chatrani & all the other rat catcher Indians & Pakistani in Barbados are also famous for that type of behavior.That is why many of the rat catchers Indians & Pakistani have prominent position on many of the government statutory boards.

    Carson Cadogan
    Why are you seeking to make excuses for the ineffectiveness of this government handling with this immigration issue.The Bahamas has expelled over 5,000 Haitians from The Bahamas.Antigua is expelling Non-Nationals especially Guyanese by the plane loads and other countries in the Caribbean including Guyana are upholding their immigration laws .

    Expelling illegals immigrants is not a complex matter that persons like yourself want us to believe.It is is simple process,you are an illegal & you are caught ,deportation is your fate.Simple,simple,simple.

    Carson Cadogan my brother this inept government has bungle this immigration issue and it is very clear that this government is not interested in carrying out the action that is require to bring about an effective immigration policy.

  48. Speak it Negroman. I am slowly turning against this DLP government.

    @David: concerning Inkwell’s comments.

    The year 2013 is core to Inkwell’s past proposition and to which he has return to gloat. As I did then, I refute his approach.

    In five years, counting 2008 to 2013, the BLP would know we are fed-up with corruption, their condescending attitude, their immigration policy, their approach to the high cost of living etc.

    Also in the five years, we would have the benefit of time, and activity of the DLP to judge their effectiveness, containing corruption, their immigration policy, their approach to high cost of living etc.

    Under Inkwell’s approach, we should judge the BLP in 2013 on things they should have done in the previous 14 and be none the wiser on the DLPs ability to deliver on theirs.

    On such important national issues, would you rather be five years early or five years late?

    If 5 years is inadequate, let the political parties propose a change to election cycles, on the bases of having a reasonable amount of time to implement workable policies.

    The political parties need to understand that reliance on Barbados electors voting out a governing party, while guaranteeing a win for the opposing party, will not carry over into an automatic second term. We should judge them every five years and be prepared to throw them out, if they do not keep their promises and if they do not meet our needs and wishes.

  49. Folks,

    There’s good news and bad news.

    The bad news is that 18 people (maximum, since it’s clear and known that some “individuals” are several people) raving for two days on a marginal blog are not going to change ANYTHING.

    That’s even more true when you consider some of those individuals are (incredibly!) admitting in writing and in public that they won’t do anything because, apparently, Bajans just aren’t “wired that way”.

    The good news is that this is fun to watch.

    Best wishes to you.

  50. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    There was no back room deal. This information is about a week old. All that happen was the fact that the moderator of this blog was caught napping.

    This information was aired on CBC tv during the evening news which is watched by tens of thousands of Bajans. It was reported in the newspapers, again it went unnoticed by the moderator of this blog. the information was in the public domain for a while.

    Since then I have monitored the newspapers and I have not seen a single letter to the Editor critical of the move. I have not heard a single caller to the call-in programnes even mentioning this news. Not one critical word about it.

    Let me inform you now, before it takes another two weeks for the moderator of this blog to pick it up, Norman Faria was on tv during the news last night talking about this issue again.

    Tens of thousands of Bajans know about this long before BU.

    To them it is not a big deal

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