Submitted as a comment by Enuff

Minister of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Urban Development
Minister of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Urban Development

There is as much smoke around the UDC affair as the one billowing from LIME, yet the BU fire brigade proceeded with haste to Windsor Lodge and Upton and remains parked at both locations.

I see no need to await details, the government while demanding private sector companies to hold strain on lay-offs is guilty of being even more insulting than that sector. They are firing and hiring at the same time while citing restructuring as the basis for their actions.

The Minister is bungling on this one and falsely accusing persons of being unqualified just to garner public sympathy and further ridicule the staff, a majority (99%) of whom are in fact qualified for their post.

How can someone meet the matriculation requirements for entry into an undergraduate degree at UWI and enrol, but he/she is unqualified for a clerical officer post requiring 4 CXCs?

Yet persons with NO QUALIFICATIONS OR RELEVANT SKILLS at all and bordering on illiterate can remain in posts that pay nearly three times the salary of a clerical officer.

Furthermore, Minister Sinckler continues to stress that the institution is being re-focused yet the focal points remain the same–House repairs/construction, tenantry roads and tenantry lots.

Now he is talking about empowering (I thought the Constituency Councils were to serve this purpose) and upgrading communities. Mind you the programme to promote small businesses and entrepreneurial activity (in keeping with Section 6(h) of the Act) was cancelled.

What better way to empower communities than to engender entrepreneurship and small business activity.

In addition, the $40 million IADB funded Housing & Neighbourhood Upgrading Programme with its own unit under the Ministry of Housing was established to address the issue of upgrading communities, unless of course the UDC will now be duplicating this effort.

If there is truly an intention to engage the community, then there must be someone on staff to act as a conduit between the organisation and communities; yet in the so-called restructuring and the resulting lengthy list of vacancies there has been no mention of a Community Engagement Officer or any personnel of that ilk. However, the one staff member that currently performs such duties is apparently on the list of persons to go home.

There is a fire on Roebuck Street!!!

Finally, I unequivocally agree that our public officials must display a certain level of behaviour.

  1. Perhaps it seems so because the WORLD is worse off, though SMARTER, than two years ago!

  2. Indeed the global economy seems to be now regaining some lost ground from the last two years, the ripple effects of which are about to be felt in Barbados and elsewhere. But I understand that we should blame the DLP and the BLP has all the answers.


    Job Purpose:

    Provide administrative and staff support to the general Commission operations in order to ensure efficient and effective operations.

    Main Responsibilities:

    1) General office duties including filing, typing, photocopying, faxing, answering the phones, requisition of supplies, stationery, equipment etc.

    2) Assist with review of administrative procedures and assist in the development of systems to
    assure compliance by all staff.

    3) Assist with research and cost comparisons for vendors, products and services to maintain cost effectiveness and quality.

    4) Prepare and maintain spreadsheets, databases and any other information resources as necessary.

    Qualifications & Experience:

    An Associate degree in Management, Secretarial Studies or equivalent qualification; or

    A relevant professional qualification from a recognized institution

    In either case, not less than three years’ relevant experience is required.

    Excellent organizational skills (oral and written) and the ability to excel at details, multitasking
    and working under pressure.

    Must have some experience and skilled in the use of software programs such as MS Word, Access, PowerPoint, and Excel.

    Commensurate with experience and qualifications.


    More spot the errors.

    @ Adrian Hinds

    Leave that type of thinking to the semi-illiterates.

  4. Adviser to which President,
    I too love ta hear when de yard FROGS start ta croakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
    As adviser, I thought that you would be giving not asking, given your expertise.

    You’re a smart fella.

    As usual, hats off to you. You so smart doe.

    enuff said, now depart in peace until ….

  5. If semi illiterate means that I deliberately applied for a job with a company that has meritocratic principles as core to its culture, I plead guilty. If semi illiterate means that I chose to remain with a company that had develop best practices in winning and maintaining employee loyalty, once again I plead guilty. It is not lost on me that you are in here hopelessly trying to defend the right to a job for persons who in spite of their academic success, still saw it fit to either sell their vote, swear their allegiance , or both to a power transient institution such as a political party. Recent history SHOULD have informed even a semi illiterate like me that such an adventure is fraught with fixed and unmanageable cycles. Such a method of gaining employment has never been a good approach to building future.

    To the BLP political appointees in the UDC, give it up, your benefactors have lost state power, you must go. Enuff already, you cannot serve two masters, neither can you serve the ousted one at the expense of the one with the power now. You have been kept alive 18 months to long. lol!

  6. "*Adviser to the President*" Avatar
    “*Adviser to the President*”


    No Adviser is an island. Any good Adviser listens to everyone , even the vagrants on the street who can be very clear and precise with their comments and obsevations.

    No Adviser discounts the sensitivities of the people on whom or to whom such Adviser advises.

    I could give you some advice.

  7. @Enuff

    If the two job descriptions represent any of the workers to be replaced you are correct. The jobs are not overly complex. So what is the reason they have to go?

    It’s time for the fatted calf to be slaughtered? Is it about changing the culture at the UDC? We have heard about files disappearing etc.

  8. President,
    Ya still croakinggggggggggggg, Froggy.

    Your advice became null n’ void, with immediate effect when ‘de guard change’. Ya faget?

  9. @David
    “If the two job descriptions represent any of the workers to be replaced you are correct. The jobs are not overly complex. So what is the reason they have to go?”
    I realize that many of us are still of the belief that we have a RIGHT to a job as long as we want to work. This fallacy has been reinforced by the stupid civil service rules – no matter how lazy, stupid, wutless and inefficient he /she may be…. cannot be fired.

    ….anyone who runs a serious organization however, knows that the INTENT of having an employee is to have someone who makes a NET POSITIVE contribution to the organization – ELSE you dump them.

    ..’enuff’ may therefore wish to note that the MAIN qualification for any position is commitment to organization goals, and loyalty.
    …without these, no amount of academic qualifications is of any serious merit.
    As Adrian H says, if you take a political pick (because the party in power values your loyalty and commitment to cause) why complain when a different party comes into power?
    Get over it…

  10. Bush Tea,
    Wait, Pat just ask me fa you on another BU blog and I tell she dat you still day poisonous, lethal and venomous. You can’ change.
    Ya sweet.

  11. "*Adviser to the President*" Avatar
    “*Adviser to the President*”

    Bonny Peppa -wha’ you talking bout tho’ ?…wha’ changing ‘o’ the guard ?
    You getting me confused with somebody else yuh. Watch yuhself yuh !

    I think you remind of the other pepper-nigger pepper. It is more troublesome than the bonny pepper, it small and all over the place in people face.

  12. President,
    I hear you. I gun watch myself. OK?
    A word to the wise, Mr. President, Bonny peppa is add flava not troublesome. Git?
    Whay you get dah from?
    ‘small and all over de place in people face’
    Dah is suppose ta be a riddle? Help ma day Soul. I betwix n’ between confuse.

  13. President,
    Wait man, it is you who say that B/dos worse off after 2yrs of DLP rule right?
    Well, it is you I talking to man. I ain’t confusing you wid nabody else. Um is you.
    I did getting confuse day man.

  14. "*Adviser to the President*" Avatar
    “*Adviser to the President*”

    “*Adviser to the President*” // August 15, 2009 at 5:06 AM

    Not to get ears twisted but Barbados seems worse off at this time after nearly 2 years of DLP rule. What explaination can anyone offer for this seemingly worse off position ?? –
    Bonny Peppa // August 15, 2009 at 9:52 PM

    Wait man, it is you who say that B/dos worse off after 2yrs of DLP rule right?

    SEEMS –the operative word.

    (ANOTHER _____ TOO)

    Respond to Themis and Adrian Hinds who come just after your posting.

    I like I missing something. The EnglishLanguage has a way of twisting things too not only ears.
    I can only respond by my interpretation of what I read.
    Ya ______ PRESIDENT.

  16. @ Adrian Hinds

    I never said you were semi-illiterate. I encouraged you to leave the tribal approach to politics to the people who knew no better.

    @ David & ROK

    The new government on coming to office ran searches against all the then employees’ names at Corporate Affairs to see if any had companies that received contracts from UDC.

    The one name that came up and was found to have in fact received contracts from UDC was fired by the first Board appointed under this administration. It was later realised that the individual was a supporter of the DLP, and he is now happily employed at the Rural Development Commission.

    @ Bush Tea

    Utter rubbish, UDC is not a political party it is an organ of GOVERNMENT not of the DLP. This continued utterance about political pick infuriates me, especially when people are competent and qualified for the post. No wonder the public service fails to attract some of the best amongst us.

    If one of the prerequisites for employment in government is a commitment to the political party in power, then GOVERNMENT offices will forever be changing once administrations changed. Worse, we truly are doomed!!!

    One can be committed to the goals of a public organisation without being a supporter of the political party in power.

    Board of Directors are the ones that must be committed and loyal to the political party in power.
    Furthermore, the government has done nothing to determine whether the pre-election employees are uncommitted to disloyal to the UDC.

  17. What relevance is it whether people are qualified for an existing post? Those posts are being made redundant in the restructuring exercise. Are they qualfied for the new posts? And the new mandate of the UDC? Those are the issues plain and simple.

  18. exactly the point veritas. Enuff and the BLP want to engage in some sterile debate about who has CXCs and who does not to shift focus from the real issues at UDC.

    There is no one in Barbados with even the slightest common sense who would argue that UDC has been any thing but dysfunctional. Even the staff admits that.

    So what is the government to do ignore what has happened in the past and allow the institution to continue on its current path of wasting taxpayers money.

    Well that’s not we elected them to do. In fact as an independent observer i honestly feel that this government is very late with this restructuring exercise. This should have been implemented about a year ago.

    Indeed i feel that both UDC and RDC should have been closed and a new organisation started altogether. When the current Minister came to office he hinted that that was what he wanted to do but have not pursued it since then and that in my view is his mistake.

    the corruption at UDC is endemic and small changes are not going to change that. If the new model calls for a clearer mission/mandate a new structure with new job types and beter accountability and transparency then i think they are on the right track

    if not they just wasting time. it makes sense trying to save a few jobs and suffer thousands of poor people in Barbados.

  19. We have heard so much about corruption being endemic at UDC and elsewhere, why have we not had anyone serving jail time?
    Until we do this matter will remain a political back and forth with the government’s credibility dented in the process.

  20. David, let’s face it, the proof of corruption requires the evidence of the one who corrupted or was asked to corrupt! This is a small society and the likelihood of that is dim. Governments don’t put people in jail. The Law Courts do.

  21. No name,
    Very good.

  22. @ Veritas

    “What relevance is it whether people are qualified for an existing post? Those posts are being made redundant in the restructuring exercise. Are they qualified for the new posts? And the new mandate of the UDC? Those are the issues plain and simple.”

    One can’t argue that a post is being made redundant, as is the case with. Clerical Officer, and then advertises it in the Nation and Advocate as vacant with the same educational requirements and skills such photocopying, filing and answering phones.

    Sorry Veritas but the argument is RELEVANT given the fact that the Minister’s basis for dismissing these workers was their lack of qualifications.

    The PM also said that he would look to find jobs within the civil service for the displaced. If these people are supposed to be disloyal, lacking commitment, incompetent and unqualified why would a government want to unleash such mediocrity in other state departments? If they are not qualified to be clerical officers what posts will they fill–maids, messengers/drivers?

    It seems as if those in support of the government’s actions are rapidly shifting their argument from lack of qualifications and incompetence to new mandate and focus etc, which is also unsound. Based on what the Minister is touting and from what I have read in an old UDC Annual Report there is no such change.

    @ David

    The firing and re-hiring of the individual says plenty, and if you doubt me call the RDC and ask for the former UDC employee.

    All the talk about a Rapid Response Unit being established to deal with a backlog of cases is more rubbish. The number must be dynamic and therefore the 500 cases he claims the government inherited would have increased in the last 18 months; even more so as very few houses have been built or repaired during the last 18 months.

    Now let’s do the maths. It was revealed and admitted in parliament that a new house now costs about $85,000. Let us assume, and conservatively so, that half of the 500 ‘inherited’ cases are to be rebuilt which makes sense since according to the Minister there are cases dating back quite a number of years. To address this issue alone (using an average price of $65,000 for different sizes) would require approximately $16.3 million. This price tag does not include roads, house repairs, tenantries or the special projects he speaks so eloquently about.

    Only last week the Minister said that the UDC in the last 11 years spent $100m in capital expenditure an average of $9.9 million PER YEAR.

    The expected increase in the salaries’ bill and higher office rent due to the proposed move to a bigger space will also lead to higher operating expenses.

    They just do not have the money and I doubt they ever will.

    Anyway enuff of this UDC matter, I am tired and done………… for now.

  23. Wishing In Vain Avatar

    Obviously not Enuff brain power to work out that if you are unqualified for a post in which thru your political connection you were cast that this patronage will no longer exist, I heard of a case of the Minister being scolded because someone who was was not paid for a job done and the Minister told the complaining party that he did not care if the the person was a DEM or a b that the person had not repaired the property to the specs as instructed and he would not be paid until he went back and rectified the matter.
    I have to take my hat off to Minister Chris Sinckler for standing and demanding proper standards to be maintained, the follow up to that story is the the work was corrected and the proper job completed and the man was paid and off he went, the Minister is not messing around he is seriously firm on his Ministry and its service to our people.

    If he is not prepared to tolerate nonsense with the standards of his work crew, why should he tolerate substandard workers in a vital Ministry as his is, why should he tolerate having those that helped hide important files in the ceiling trying to stall the work of his Ministry, give a break Greenidge grow up and try to speak with sense, that maybe impossible but at least try.

  24. Interesting to note the point made by Lindsay Holder on the talk show yesterday. He stated if all civil servants increase productivity by 20% the government would be forced to send home people. This is probably a position which many governments across the Caribbean face where yardfowlism, nepotism and the like runs rampant.

    But what does is say about our commitment to improving national productivity? What about the unions and the part they need to play? Is it not commonsense we need to change the way we do business in the public sector. The public sector is important because our small economy is led by the public sector/government.

  25. @ WIV

    “Obviously not Enuff brain power to work out that if you are unqualified for a post in which thru your political connection you were cast that this patronage will no longer exist..”

    The spin will not work WIV, why do you argue the people are unqualified when that is untrue?

    If you are so connected with the party, all about accountability and transparency and want to fully justify your position, please tell the BU community what are the qualifications of the ‘surviving’ Research Investigator who hails from the Minister’s constituency.

    You see WIV, there was also a system of targets in place for researchers and the individual in question never once met the target. However, temporary officers (who were sent packing in Feb/March last year) were far exceeding the set target, sometimes close to three times the level of productivity by their ‘superior’ colleague.

    While you are at it, you should also tell BU the qualifications of the personnel that make up the Rapid Response Unit, which by the way carries out simple enumerator work i.e name, address, age etc

    Vacillation has no place in an argument, you must be consistent if I am to take you seriously.

    Your reason for the dismissals is completely false and you know it, just admit that it is simply political cleansing, which even if cold would at least be truthful.

    “why should he tolerate having those that helped hide important files in the ceiling trying to stall the work of his Ministry.”

    The hiding, copying and destruction of files is deplorable. Hypocrisy also falls into that category, and for WIV, a staunch supporter of a party known for brandishing documents (or promising to do so like the now infamous IMF one), letters (including some provided by employees of UDC prior to the last election) and cheques is truly shameful.

  26. Enuff,
    While you are trying to affiliate WIV with a ‘party’ you don’t realize that your ‘petticoat’ is also showing. Pull it up.

    When persons start off their argument by claiming not to be either ‘B’ or ‘D’, it only takes a few sentences to realize the truth.
    This is a democracy and regardless of party affiliation, we can all be proud of good governance from both sides.True.
    Those with eyes to see will see.No need to be deceitful.

  27. @ Bonny Peppa

    WIV does not hide his affiliation he often says WE in reference to the government/party. So much so that some people here are convinced he is HHenry.

    I am starting to believe that the ‘peppa’ in your moniker refers to the hotness of the air coming out your mouth.

  28. Enough partisan debate!

    The GOB or GIP is currently firing people so they can hire family members and loyalists.

    Just look around you and see whose brothers, sisters, uncle, aunts, sons and daughters are being hired by the civil service.

    It really shows that the “fatted calf” is being carved again!

    WAKE UP!!

    We need to put pressure on the GOB for integrity legislation. Also, they MUST lock up the thieves that stole from their taxpayers!

    Could it be that Owen’s “files” have them scared to press charges? I often wonder what he has on them.

  29. Enuff,
    Like I said, ‘your petticoat is showing’. Does it matter who he is as much as what he’s saying? I don’t give a ‘f–k who WIV is. Dat is for de yard frogs like you and company, so croak on.
    No need to get hot under de collar, ya P-hole.
    De rug get pull from under you foot too or not yet? You touchous a nuff boe.
    You got out clothes? Well, de rain set up.

  30. BU’s regret if we are to judge from the commentary on this blog in particular, we have had a change in government but what has really changed?

  31. @ Bonny Peppa

    “I don’t give a ‘f–k who WIV is….No need to get hot under de collar, ya P-hole.”

    I feel vindicated.

    Confusion+vacillation+cuss words + nothingness = hot air

    Reading is not comprehension!!!

    You accused me of associating an individual with a political party. I respond indicating that it was not an assumption but was based on the person’s own confession.

    The comment about people thinking WIV is HHenry had nothing to do with whether he is or not, which is immaterial as far as I am concerned. It was to support my argument that he had in fact admitted to being part of the DLP.

    Cornered, you resort to cuss words.

    Then again you are a hot pepper, one of the cheapest condiments on the shelf.

    Does it matter who I AM as much as what I am saying?

  32. Enuff,
    ‘Then again you are a hot pepper, one of the cheapest condiments on the shelf’

    Gimme a holla when you reach de shelf, Boo-boo.

    Elections gone, electorate decided and you still mekkin ya self miserable and confuse.
    Learn to ‘tek a horn nah’.

    Ya see in in use no expletives? Too early. Check me later doe an see wah happen.

  33. The public service has reached its limits in terms of its ability to provide additional jobs. It is quite simple, some persons will have to go in order to create room for the supporters of the DLP.

    The private sector is shedding labour and the medium term prospects do not look good.

    Overall we are in bad shape.It is a daunting task for the government to keep the economy and society from imploding.

    I know others are worse off and it is not the fault of the DLP but that is no consolation

  34. @ Bonny Peppa

    I am not a shelf item, so I will never join you there.

    I am a special order product…… invitation only.

  35. Enuff,
    Dat is alrite Boo. Na hard feelins.
    I just had a bowl a breadfruit coucou wid salfish gravy. Could not leave out my bonny peppa. It may be de cheapest condiment but it is add realllllll flava.
    When can I get my invite to dis ‘special order product’. Dat is providing you is male. Bonny doan like de rubbin ting.

  36. BU’s regret if we are to judge from the commentary on this blog in particular, we have had a change in government but what has really changed?


    Why would you judge it from the commentary on this site? Are these government officials speaking? You can’t have it both ways D. You asked the government to lock up a few people and now they are restructuring, you cant knock them. Commentary like this obviously does not drive government policy.

  37. Who is thinking government policy?

    An observation was made.

  38. “They (UDC) talked about hiring people with qualifications but could you imagine they are hiring a taxi driver as a field investigator and a barman to the post of project coordinator and talking about qualifications?”

    Saturday Nation August 29th, 2009

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