Submitted by Alex Fergusson

Minister of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Urban Development
Minister of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Urban Development

The nonsense now occurring, as regards attempts by the UDC to fire those appointed workers from pensionable posts (some with ten or more year’s service) – demonstrates exactly how weak and disconnected from the Barbadians reality, David Thompson is as a leader but more than anything else – it shows just how short on good talent the DLP actually is. But, that the DLP is downsizing at the UDC and elsewhere within the Public Service but seeks to lecture LIME and other private sector companies on the importance of maintaining jobs, is brazen. The Government of Barbados is firing people from the Public Service at will but is doing all in its power to protect the workers at CLICO, which has a $54 million Statutory Fund deficit.

Already PM Thompson has had to reshuffle his extremely weak Cabinet, within ten months of forming the government and even after making four people who did not face the polls, Ministers. This is extremely rear for a party that won 20 seats.

On August 22, the findings of a DLP commissioned/Wickham Poll were made public. It showed that the portfolio of David Thompson is in chaos, prompting Barbadians to say that they are concerned about the economy; cost of living and unemployment – all of which are areas Mr. Thompson has ultimate responsibility for.

On the question of leadership, the DLP/Wickham Poll showed that while the portfolio of Prime Minister Thompson is in crisis, Christopher Sinckler is on the ascendency and is already more popular than Deputy Prime Minister Freundel Stuart – within the DLP and also at the national level.

But, here is where it gets interesting and how you know there is serious trouble brewing within the DLP. The reason advanced for wanting to fire those workers at the UDC (according to Sinckler) is that they are not qualified (paper qualifications) or competent. However, Freundel Stuart, who Sinckler now outshines – referred to the Public Service Act, as: “a horrible injustice,” and said that there were a number of officers who had entered the service without qualifications and had performed their roles admirably, professionally and with dedication.

Mr. Stuart remarked that it was an injustice such people should be side-stepped for promotion or appointment to various posts in which they were acting, because they did not possess the basic qualifications.

Deputy Prime Minister and Attorney General Stuart – seems to be saying that experience; length of service and performance at a high level without qualifications – is as important. In contrast, even though the workers at the UDC are qualified, Sinckler – who now asserts his dominance – says paper qualification is the ONLY currency he is looking for, even though the UDC sought to replace qualified workers with a taxi driver and a barman. In all of this “DLP Industrial Disharmony,” and bashment – the Minister of Labour remains silent, confirming why Barbadians are concerned that his portfolio is in crisis. It is comical that the DLP, which crashed the Barbados economy in less than two years – would have the courage tell anybody about being qualified and competent.

But while both PM Thompson and Mr. Stuart are on the decline in the eyes of Barbadians, Sinckler seems to have convinced himself that it is time to make his move since his light is beginning to shine even brighter than when he was fired because he was outshining the Prime Minister, when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is why one cannot be faulted for saying that the DLP has a serious leadership crisis on its hands. The crack in the DLP’s weak armour is widening and the DLP’s coalition is crumbling even faster than the economy has – under DLP rule.

Many are beginning to say that the UDC fiasco is simply Sinckler recognising that he is far more political savvy than even Thompson and that (based on Wickham’s/DLP Poll) he has convinced himself that now is the time to make his move.

The apparent political interference at the UDC; the NAB and the Welfare Department is about Sinckler asserting his dominance as the emerging leader of the DLP at a time when Mr. Thompson has manufactured the meltdown of the Barbados economy and seems incapable of fixing the problem at LIME.

Imagine! In the 2008 General Election, it took 2,230 persons to select Sinckler as the MP for St. Michael North West. But with the enormous power the Thompson-dominated-Parliament has given him – he alone has the power to appoint 450 persons to serve on Constituency Councils. With the UDC, the RDC, the Poverty Bureau, the Welfare Department and the NAB at his disposal – Sinckler seems to have convinced himself that he could flood those Boards and make his constituents happy and even if the entire DLP was wiped-out at the polls due to its dangerous mismanagement of the Barbados economy – by then he would be well positioned to become Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the DLP because he would win his seat.

Having defeated an intellectual heavyweight like Mascoll at the polls, Sinckler apparently has little regards for a David Thompson. Perhaps this may explain his urgency to have the Constituency Council Programme up and running. Sinckler is building his base, inadvertently – with the total support of the same Thompson who is far less politically savvy than he is. This entire scenario shows exactly how overrated Hartley Henry is as a political strategist.

Sinckler knows that Thompson cannot fire him as Minister of Social Care without shooting himself in the foot, especially since the DLP’ Cabinet is simply – logically incapable of being reshuffled again. The DLP therefore has an extremely serious leadership crisis to settle quickly. UDC workers are merely ponds in a horrible DLP political power game. The DLP’ plot thickens but while the internal struggle for relevance and power within the DLP continues, another bread-winner goes home with the sad news that he too has lost his job.

28 responses to “Power Failure: Trouble In The Dem's Camp”

  1. David

    I hope that we will not be seeing daily offerings from the BLP under these fictitious names.

    With hartley henry we get 1 post every week.He posts under his name so we know it is a political contribution.

    Now what we have is the BLP roebuck street headquarters sending out these daily offerings pretending to be different people.

    I think it is time you have a rule game where these political parties are concerned.

    If you post one from the Dlp then any BLP partisan sounding post should only have one post for that week as well.

    If not they will both kill this blog.

  2. @Anonymous Submitted on 2009/09/10 at 6:42pm

    Your feedback is noted but we decided to give them the advantage this week because the DLP side has had the advantage for awhile. Hopefully the BLP people will show the courage to put a name to their submissions going forward.

  3. Should not the issue whether the contributor is giving valuable or truthful information, or reasonable food for thought?

    What is a name?

    Would ROK, for example talk less shite if he used a nomme de plume?

    Or would those whose language is not the best speaak like that on the blog if they used ther own name?

  4. I always thought of Sinckler as a “master” politician!

    However, remember the meaning of the word “politician” according to the RH dictionary! ie politician = LIAR = CONNIVER!!


  5. who is this clown writing for the BLP? the blp did a lot of nastyness. you saying it was ok, right?

  6. Show me any government that is /was/or will be perfect

    If the country is being properly run
    if they get 70 % right

    can you kill them for that.

    The DLP is getting 30% right -so should be accept the DLP 30% as opposed to the BLP 70 %

    There is too much shying away from the truth. DLP supporters are making excuse after excuse and it is sickening how they trying to paint the BLP as the worse thing out. But we have passed this road before.

    ONE TERM -for wunnah asses—–ONE (1)–spell it ——–O—N—E

  7. KissMya
    Are you a SEER? Spell it S-E-E-R.
    Now go and sleep it gettin late.

    Guten nacht.

  8. I have stated before and I’ll state it again, Barbados has been blessed with good leaders from Grantley Adams to Owen Arthur. They have ALL had their faults but when compared with other leaders especially in the caribbean barbados stands heads and shoulders above ALL of them, that’s why international companies are eager to invest in Barbados. I think our present P.M Mr Thompson, has the potential to become one of the top leaders in this country. He has taken up government at a very critical time and I prefer him at the helm than a tired Owen Arthur whose main interest, especially in the last term of office was to satisfy a few rich men. Mia, I hope will never become P.M and I’m seeing a lack of competent leaders coming out of both camps right now after P.M Thompson.

  9. David

    I think BU should be commended for publishing the Alex Ferguson offerings if he is officially representing BLP views on the basis of a specific regular identified article as somewhat of a counterpoint to the signed Hartley Henry ones and I hope it is a policy that will endure for sometime.

    However, I have not been particularly impressed on reading the Ferguson articles and they come over as the somewhat callow views of a young enthusiastic BLP person who wants to see other views ventilated. They are not up to the official political propaganda standard of the HH ones from several standpoints.

    Does the BLP have a machiavellian PR person who can stand toe to toe with HH and serve out dirt, half-truths, untruths and malicious rumours. If so that is the person that the BLP should elect to do a regular BLP “column” on this blog.

    Alex Ferguson seems to be a bit too nice and doctrinaire for the job.

  10. Alex Ferguson that I know is a bright sharp smart person not this twit that is writing this utter rubbish, grow up get a life, you and your lot were kicked out of office for corruption and dishonesty with public funds and you will not shed that reputation for many years to come or go.

  11. Sad comments from CHECKIT -OUT
    really sad
    Is this the kind of behaviour you condone ?

    Really liared comments from WIV(Hartley Henry)

    DLP= Damned Liared People
    DLP=Deception Lies Propaganda

  12. Boy oh Boy this too sweet Peter Wickham put out a poll and it upsets the BLP so badly that they are in torment and do not know where to turn.

    As for THE PARRO IN A SUIT SLYVAN GREENIDGE he is a disgrace anyway not much longer now before he relocates to Dodds for a crime he committed while in his role as Press Officer for the deflated Owing See Thru Arthur, the time is drawring near my friend.

    This is beast that was placed in position of trust and he made a mockery of this trust, well the time has come for him to pay the ultimate price.

    Good riddance to the rubbish that he used to place on here, may he rest comfortably in HM PRISON DODDS

  13. re KISSMYA comments; September 11, 2009 at 3:50 AM

    You said; Sad comments from CHECKIT -OUT. really sad. Is this the kind of behaviour you condone ?

    I understand your reaction to the apparent amorality of my post above. But really it wasn’t a matter of condoning the kind of behaviour evidenced by HH. It was a matter of recognizing the nature of the Hartley Henry / WIV comments on this and the BFP blog, recognizing the damage that they can do to the opposing party (and the country) and suggesting that for the BLP to compete in this arena one strategy might be to have someone at that end matching him to the extent possible. BU seems to have allowed the possibility of this by virtue of publishing the Alex Ferguson articles. My comments were in the nature of why not go on to the next level.

    Since I wrote the comment above I have seen a more recent Alex Ferguson article that is more in keeping with the sort of approach that I think is needed to counter HH’s articles.

    Hartley Henry is the modern day personification of Cammie Tudor, who might well have been the first of this genre of PR persons in Barbados. As far as I am aware, the BLP did not have anyone to match Cammie Tudor at the depths he was prepared to go at that time and they do not appear to have anyone to match HH now. Alex Ferguson may or may not be the man.

    The Blogs have taken over from the political meetings and perhaps even rumshops as places where such matters can be aired. HH is using this blog and BFP to the fullest in a strategic manner. I have not seen any evidence of the BLP strategically using the blogs to get its message across and counter the significant damage that has been done to its image by numerous bloggers on BU and BFP. eg. If I did’nt know better this blog and BFP would have convinced me that there was absolutely no progress in Barbados over the 14 years of the last BLP government. If I did’nt know better I would have been convinced that Owen Arthur was the worst Prime Minister that Barbados ever had. If I did’nt know better I would swear that David Thompson is a saint.

    But I know better.

  14. @Checkit-out // September 11, 2009 at 10:04 AM

    You said…….”If I did’nt know better this blog and BFP would have convinced me that there was absolutely no progress in Barbados over the 14 years of the last BLP government. If I did’nt know better I would have been convinced that Owen Arthur was the worst Prime Minister that Barbados ever had. If I did’nt know better I would swear that David Thompson is a saint. But I know better.”

    I reply…….And so do I and a lot of other people in Barbados!

    I would like to add……… And, I am sure most people in Barbados know this but there are some who refuse to admit it even to themselves.

    However, we must remember, and I quote I believe it was, Abraham Lincoln who said these words………you may fool SOME of the people SOME of the time BUT you can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time. I hope the members of this DLP regime would ponder this statement deeply.

    But I know better.

  15. My Chemistry teacher at HC, the legendary FNA Fields used to say……

    “A wise old owl sat on an oak
    The more he heard the less he spoke
    The less he spoke the more he heard
    So you try to be like that wise old bird”

    Why does anyone in the BLP or any other P need to descend to the depths and the dump of the quagmire of HH or WIV? Why?

  16. Hi Georgie Porgie.

    Fannie Fields was also my chemistry teacher but my memories of him are not totally pleasant ones as he sometimes extended that maxim above to denigrate students who tried to ask questions outside of the learning by rote mechanism he favoured. I am certain his treatment of some students damaged some psyches.

    re. the question of why anyone should need to descend to the depths of the HH / WIV quagmire; I stand corrected. One should not fight amorality with amorality. It was the “dark side” approach that Cheyney and the Bush admin adopted in their battle against Al Queda and look what happened to them.

  17. Not down with the B.vs. D crap.

    But while at home in August, I heard and saw [and I sit here awaiting correction] Mr. Sinckler, while donned in his Euthanistic Orderly white suit, all over CBC tv saying that “THE LONGER THE OLD PEOPLE LIVE THE MORE A BURDEN THEY WERE BECOMING TO THE SOCIETY” or words to that effect.

    What despicable word coming from ‘servant of the public.’ As a politician, he should be on his knees before the same elderly asking for guidance, instead he cast them aside, to await dr. Kevorkian and his orderlies.

    Old people beware!

    For such in’cen’sitive and irresponsible language, Mr. Sinckler should be hogtied and cat-o-nined x 13, and be left to marinate in bodily fluids and some skunk juice, while I sit here awaiting correction.

  18. The fundamental message that every Barbadian must hear and note – is that this country’s economy is in deep trouble but the ruling DLP does not know what to do.

    In fact, the Barbados economy is in such a perilous state that PM Thompson has already called on men who have retired from active politics to come and help him.

    But something this important to the lives of so many cannot be left to chance and life in Barbados will not get better – simply by the DLP wishing for the US economy rebound.

    Having given the DLP a honey-moon, the BLP then called on the ruling party to deliver on its 90 and 100 day and honour its other commitment but the DLP refused.

    Barbados is adrift but better will only come when if the people of this country demand it.

    No one is prepared to listen to a government that continues to prove that it does not know what it is doing.

    Barbadians are suffering but the DLP feels it is better not to do anything – than to do something.

    The sad thing is, if the DLP continues to do nothing but wait for the American economy to rebound – more businesses will close locally and more people will find themselves on the breadline.

    Things will simply get much worst.

    But why should the DLP care when it is getting obese on the fatted calf, including Constituency Councils and its Camp Programme?

  19. Checkit-out

    I am sorry that your memories of Fannie Fields are not totally pleasant ones.

    I was never in a class where he denigrated any students, and I don’t think that he damaged any more psyches than any one else did, including some parents of the students. I personally found hima source of great amusement- as many others did.

    Whether you liked Mr Fields our not, the maxim I quoted has much value, and I have used it to great advantage, as it has great merit.

    I also believe that the unlearned when learning certain things initially in science must learn many things by rote, until they are capable of understanding and analyzing.

    As Fannie would say “ You don’t know any Chemistry. Wait until you know some Chemistry, and THHHHHHENN you can write your own definitions! Until such time, give the one in the book. Makes sense to me.

    In fact it makes more sense to me now, than it did even then. I am dealing with some twits who cant put two sentences together, and my old brain is fatigued by trying to decipher the bovine excrement they write as they try to put the Biochem in their own words. Guess what? They usually are saying nothing, or saying the opposite!

  20. **Adviser to the President** Avatar
    **Adviser to the President**

    Sounds funny to me

  21. President,
    Fannie Mae.

  22. This attempt to portray the current situation as unique to Barbados does not enhance the credibility of BLP and only insults the intelligence of voters.

    I have not heard or seen anything to suggest that the BLP has the answers.

    We are not all idiots, politicians who ignore this small fact, do so at their own risk.

    The people are watching and waiting.

  23. Sometimes when I post , I am noticing that WIV (Hartley Henry) is posting right after and talking bout ‘parro in a suit’-(makes me laugh) and mentioning Sylvan ——Somebody !!

    Well I am not any of them, so stop the implication by juxstaposition

  24. Why you trying to prove David Thompson isn’t a saint? He publicly said he isn’t a saint! But he carries the office of Prime Minister well in both form and substance in my humble view.

    Point out what he has done in office that disproves that point.

    I can think of many things Owen Arthur did while holding the office that were dispicable. And so can thousands of Barbadians.

  25. look GEORGE (Veritas)
    Take a break

  26. Never! The truth got you squirming?

    Go and read Albert Branford because Mia’s days are obviuosly numbered! Now where is the real Power Failure?

  27. General Lee
    Generally speaking, you’re correct Sir. Correct is right. The ‘ayes’ have it.

  28. Chris Sinckler is ruling the DLP.

    David Thompson is at LIME telling it that it cannot send home people, yet Sinckler has made it clear that the workers at UDC have to go home.

    Based on Sinckler’s stance, a David Thompson, the NUPW, nor the Court – can make him change his mind.

    Why this level of arragance, especially given that the UDC Act gives the power to the Board? Is he the Minister and the Board at the same time.

    Is UDC and Constituency Councils the same thing where the Minister can select or de-select as he pleases.

    Is this a democracy or a banana republic?

    How can Mr. Thompson tell LIME what to do, but not Minister Sinckler?

    Who is the Prime Minister of Barbados, Thompson or Sinckler? Who is leading, Sinckler or Thompson? And what has become of “good governance?”

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