Submitted by Hallam Hope – Consumer Advocate and Managing Director Caritel

Hallam Hope
Hallam Hope

There were two disturbing developments recently where the question may be raised about the consideration the Fair Trading Commission has for consumers. CARITEL, my private consultancy, is taking part in the Reference Interconnect Offer (see earlier posts for background). We were given one week to study various documents in detail, conduct additional research and prepare and send a follow-up submission to the FTC as it relates to new arguments.

We protested as we did in the first submission that this was inadequate and a month was requested. A RIO is a highly granular proceeding, requiring regional and international research as well as correspondence with contacts such as regulators elsewhere. The issues are quite wide and therefore require considerable time to investigate and respond to arguments, in this case made by Cable & Wireless. Cable & Wireless has an entire department and regional staff to deal with such matters.

Well, the FTC said you have another week in an email sent minutes before the close of business Friday, the deadline for the actual follow-up submission. I had written the Commission the Wednesday since time was needed to read the documents from Cable & Wireless (LIME), Digicel, TeleBarbados and Blue Communications and study the implications.

Another matter of even greater concern has to do with the rate application by the electricity company. If one reads the advertisement from the FTC reminding consumers that they have until June 25th to indicate a desire to be granted Intervenor status, of concern is Section 2. which states “Any written questions (interrogatories) and the supporting documentation must be included in the letter of intervention.

The key word here is “must”. This is both unprecedented, places undue burden on consumers interested in applying for Intervenor status, provides the applicant with an unfair advantage and runs contrary to a fair and reasonable process. In the previous rate hearing, the application dealt with an application for Intervenor status and nothing else. Subsequently, the matter of interrogatories was raised.

The rate application is 700-plus pages and is available only on a website or at the offices of the FTC and applicant for reading only. There is no provision for a hard copy to be made available to any interested party so one could study it at one’s leisure.

And it is also an extremely detailed matter. How can one possibly assemble a team, study in detail the 700-plus pages and have a chance of offering a thorough set of questions (interrogatories)?

Again, the FTC is being extremely unreasonable to consumers.

  1. Again we are forced to ask why the representatives of the PEOPLE must always scramble to represent the PEOPLE?

  2. @David
    Did Pat Hoyos not write recently about being wined and dined by a utility as they tried to gain his ‘attention’ as a journalist?

    …one wonders what they do for the FTC?

    Who knows, if you were not anonymous BU would probably be seeing the side other than the peoples’ too….. like the call in moderators.

    Hallam should be aware that there exist a court of law that is able to deal with such blatantly unfair matters…..

  3. We would like to do a survey to determine how many blackberrys have been GIVEN to the top journalists in Barbados.

    Man BT the Intervenors don’t have no money. What we need is for the lawmakers i.e. MPs to change the laws to accommodate the Intervenors.

  4. Skippa you fighting a cause that de people aint interested in. Check for yourself and you will see that they are interested in puppery. Try one with increase water rates if they happen and I bet the response will be the same.
    I commend you for yor inexhaustible effort.

  5. @ David,

    What law what David?!?
    Do you really think that there is a law that says that after a utility takes 2 years of preparation (with lawyers, consultants etc ) that the general public should be given two weeks to respond with specific questions?
    …this is just some official trying to be difficult.
    Why do you think that they were able to extend by a week just so…?

    …now if CARITEL could afford to “cultivate a relationship” in the right places – Hopie would probably get a whole month….

    @ EIGrant
    …… you think that people are disinterested?
    …or are they just frustrated??

    ….I feel so sorry for you folks (like MME) who are banking on sanity and science to save us….. on the other hand, Bush Tea knows ‘labor pains’ when I see them, and it is clear that final delivery is near….

  6. It would appear to the uninformed, that the FTC have little regard for Intervenors and believe that the Commissioners are quite capable of protecting consumers interests.

    Consequently, Intervenors are tolerated for appearances sake only and everything possible is done to deter them from participating in the process, or even contemplating such.

    The silence of the elected representatives and the mainstream media on FTC matters causes the paranoid to think conspiracy.

    The new Mission Impossible.

    “Our Mission:
    To be a transparent and accountable agency providing professional services to those whom we serve, thereby safeguarding the interest of consumers, promoting and encouraging fair competition and ensuring efficient regulated utility services.”

  7. The more we think about it the FTC seems to be one of those institutions which is deemed hands off by the media.

    How can we explain the obvious treatment being meted out to the Intervenors?

    Our opinion is further supported by the scruffy way Malcolm Gibbs-Taitt and Alvin Cummins are treated by moderators on the talk shows.

  8. The moderators of these 2 blogs are they different? and are being moderated?

  9. Hallam said:

    How can one possibly assemble a team, study in detail the 700-plus pages and have a chance of offering a thorough set of questions (interrogatories)? [by June 25]

    Hallam, I read the notice and I do not think that it says that all interrogatories have to be submitted by June 25. Perhaps you could call the FTC to clarify.

  10. @ Grant

    Is there something you want to find out?

  11. @Brutus

    Thanks for the intervention. Our information confirms your point. Mr.Hope appears to have misinterpreted the legislation section (64)5 to (64)7.

    BU apologises for misleading our readers.

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