hands.jpegFrom time to time Barbados Underground (BU) will highlight comments which we feel will further the debate in a particular topic. From our inception, we have attempted to deal with the hard issues arising from the impact of immigration on small countries like Barbados. In the process, we have had to deal with the abuse from people who have misunderstood our position, in the case of some we have no doubt it is deliberate. We did not make the decision to tackle controversial issues like immigration, homosexuality, a passive Fourth Estate, corruption in politics, obsolete government systems and others without expecting to attract criticism. We remain committed to bring these issues out of the closet so that all sides of the arguments can be exposed for public comment. It is the only way to demystify and educate the PEOPLE if we are to progress as a society.

In Barbados we have perfected the art of avoiding certain issues in the hope that they will fade away. We thank the commenter who submitted the note below.


This was copied from The Caribbean Impact – Jan 2008

Racism and the degeneration of Guyana

I am on a one-year sabbatical from my job at The University of the West Indies, Barbados so most of my time is spent in Guyana which is my research area. I have done research on the Creole language, African-Guyanese culture (Comfa and Kwe-Kwe), but more recently I have been interested in the racism in the society and the political, social and economic consequences of a racial power structure. In the past I would spend my summer vacations and have occasional short visits to the country.

Whenever I return to Barbados it takes me a couple of days to recover from the trauma of the society. Now that I am in Guyana on a more or less continuous basis, I feel that I am living in a pressure cooker, and like many Guyanese, I just want some relief from the tensions in society. The problem in the country is inequality and the consequences of it with respect to differential distribution, rights and duties (which is what racism is about).

I was particularly concerned with a report in the Stabroek News (”Five ERC reports presented to Parliament,” October 19, 2007) where it was stated that studies conducted by the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) show that discrimination against African-Guyanese was a ‘perception’:

“The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) says studies on five important areas of concern in the country found no real evidence of discrimination but a perception that certain ethnic groups are discriminated against.”

A subsequent notice appeared in Stabroek News (October 28, 2007) where the ERC was inviting African-Guyanese to a forum to discuss their “perceived needs.” The use of the term “perception” implies that nothing needs to be done since discrimination is just a figment of the imagination of African-Guyanese. The discrimination must be a perception because no laws are broken. In South Africa during the apartheid era, and in the Southern United States in the pre-Martin Luther King, Jr. era, laws were passed prohibiting people from living or sitting in certain areas; and if these laws were broken, punishment could then be inflicted. Also, it is in the laws of Guyana that Guyanese cannot own lands in Amerindian areas, but Amerindians can own lands in other areas. So if members of other ethnic groups seek to purchase lands in Amerindian designated areas the discrimination would be very clear since a law would be broken.

There are no such laws with respect to Africans, East Indians and other ethnic groups in the society. Since no laws can be said to be broken with respect to jobs, land distribution and development opportunities in Guyana, the implication is that all is well in the society for racism is nothing more than a perception.

But all is not well. If the word “discrimination” is a poor choice for the experiences of African-Guyanese since racism is not legal in Guyana, then a more apt word is “victimization” where a group of people are singled out for cruel and unjust treatment. There is an informal system (racism is a formal or informal power structure) of privileges and rights operating in the society. When East Indians are accused of racism, they are quick to point out that they lived and worked among Africans and have or had close African friends.

So there is nothing that one can point at to say they are racists – so the racism in nothing more than a perception. But Africans are victims of what is in the hearts of East Indians, and as I have pointed out in The Cycle of Racial Oppression (2003) and Sacred Duty: Hinduism and violence in Guyana (2005), what is written in the Hindu sacred texts. The violent reactions by some East Indians to Cycle (there has been silence on Sacred Duty since I really got to the core of the issue in that book), is that I had the audacity to discuss the formal system of racism that informs their hearts. The racism, and thus inequality, that is promoted in the Hindu sacred texts is a valuable resource which bestows benefits, rights and duties to a group of people and thus must be maintained at all costs and by any means necessary.

One area in which Africans are victimized is in development allocations and thus depriving Africans of the means of earning a living and driving them into poverty thereby injuring their life prospects. If you cannot work, you cannot live. Since the PPP came to power in 1992 a myth was formulated that Africans do not repay loans. That myth became the justification for banks denying loans to Africans, but loans are readily made available to East Indians. The result is that Africans do not apply to banks for loans, and this is then the reason for the ERC in their report concluding that there is no discrimination against Africans in receiving bank loans since Africans do not apply.

The African Cultural Development Association (ACDA) has reported that it applied to the European Union (EU) for funds for a Drum Museum and other social needs. The money was approved by the EU but the disbursement has been stymied by the government and so ACDA has not received the money. There is another instance in which the EU gave money to a Co-op comprising of Africans to assist in developing their farming methods. No sooner was the grant made that an East Indian wrote the EU protesting about the grant and at the same time informing the Minister of Agriculture of his actions. This was done without informing the Co-op members, and only the generosity of the EU facilitated the information reaching the members of the Co-op. Then too, there has been the systematic killing of young African men. There has been no systematic killings of the other ethnic groups. Whether it is by starvation or systematic murder, the PPP has been portraying a sustained and purposeful attempt to destroy Africans. This is genocide.

Guyanese frequently tell me that they are “confused.” The confusion is not surprising for there is evidence of double standards and “double talk.” The President tells the nation that acting positions are not good in that persons needed to be confirmed in their positions to give them security of tenure and to give them the confidence to shield them from the Executive, but he creates acting positions. There are several acting positions in important arms of the state. There is an Acting Police Commissioner, Acting Judges, Acting DPP, Acting Auditor General, Acting Chief Justice and Acting Chancellor. We see images in the newspapers and on television of young men who have been tortured, but the state tells us that torture is not a part of its modus operandi and the wounds may be self-inflicted.

We see that one set of laws and behaviors that apply to a particular group, do not apply to another. Young African men and the poor in the society are summarily executed while surrendering, or killed without firing at the police, or are jailed for committing violent crimes, or committing a robbery. But the white collar crimes that are primarily connected to the narcotics trade, money laundering, trafficking in persons and weapons, and corruption are operations that are above the law, and the culprits are very often not prosecuted. In fact, in a series of articles in Stabroek News (beginning on September 16, 2007), Clive Y. Thomas explains how the state has been reconstituted to become a criminal enterprise.

Despite their criminality, he explains, the state expresses concerns about law and order in the society. However, these are concerns which apply to the ordinary citizens and not to the cabal who do not want their operations stymied. For example, the Minister of Human Services proclaimed a war on sexual violence, but no actions were taken when a Senior Minister in her government allegedly raped a young woman. Ordinary citizens are jailed for assault, but the President took no action against his Minister of Local government who assaulted a young man with a gun, knocked him down with his vehicle and then fired shots in the air. Young African men are criminalized and murdered for resisting their oppression; but as Clive Y. Thomas pointed out (”Above and beyond the law: The ruling elite in the criminal state,” = Stabroek News, September 16, 2007), the state is the same criminal gang which organizes the infamous “phantom force.” The people have all right to be confused by this double standard and double talk – it is a deliberate confusion aimed at making the people think that a moderate position will be taken, but it never happens. It is a confusion which also means that the agenda is to subordinate a group of people.

A major confusion at the moment concerns the Judiciary where the President is attempting to govern the country in contradicting the rules of the Constitution. Due to the President’s intransigence in nominating no one other than Justice Carl Singh for the post of Chancellor, the Constitutional requirement that there be agreement between the President and the Leader of the Opposition has been unfruitful. The President blamed the Constitution for the impasse and went so far as to assert:

“It was not the intention of the constitution reform commission for anything like this to happen and so we will have to find ways to set a precedent or make the necessary change to deal with this.”

There is nothing wrong with the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution knew that Guyana has a racial problem and sought to heal the divisions by making provisions for consensual decisions. The “new precedent” that the President has decided on is to step outside of the Constitution and create the posts of Acting Chief Justice and Acting Chancellor. There are no such posts in the Constitution. The problem began in 2005 with the failure of an agreement between the President and the Leader of the Opposition on who should be the new Chancellor. The President named Justice Carl Singh who is/was the Chief Justice as an Acting Chancellor. In November 2007, Justice Ramlall ruled that one person cannot hold two posts at the same time. The Constitution has set up two courts and a head of each. There is no provision for one person to hold both positions, or for one person to act for another. The government has now decided to deflect the order in another way by creating two acting appointments which are outside of the Constitution. The disobeying of the Supreme Law has been going on for some time which indicates that the President would like to rule by fiat.
Carl Singh with President Jagdeo
What the government has never told the people is whether Justice Carl Singh was in receipt of two salaries – one for Chief Justice and another for Acting Chancellor. It is also known that he advises the government which means he has to be paid. So he is like Popeye – bowling and batting. The obtaining of several salaries is not only an aspect of the white collar crime that is destroying the country, but it reinforces the point made by Clive Y. Thomas (”Above and beyond the law: The ruling elite in the criminal state,” Stabroek News, September 16, 2007) that several persons in the cabal operate in several categories simultaneously.

In Part 11, I will look at the response of the people to the violence that is being inflicted on them by the state

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276 responses to “Indian Racism Against Afro Guyanese In Guyana”

  1. Mr Wren,
    This is for you.
    David Brown
    (not the same David blogging above)

  2. In the USA and everywhere they go, whites are the biggest racists as you know, in the little tiny banana republic caribbean Islands African Blacks are the biggest racists. Leave those poor peaceful Indian peoples alone and stop being such racist bigots incited by so called “intellects” with racist and political agendas.

  3. Comment on Indian Racism Against Afro Guyanese – I think the CIA are up to no good; why would he want to upset the progress of a country that is trying to get out of it struggle of poverty. Is it because of OIL

  4. I have noticed tension, hostility, whatever from East Indians here in America. I have wondered about why? I believe others are too — especially after the murder of the black girl in Atlanta, Georgia.

    This wondering has led me here. I’ll have to find and read –one day– the books by “Dr. Kean Gibson” and see what she said.

    I tend to believe, at this point in my knowledge that the Asian Indians issue involves some intersection of caste-ism and color-ism.

  5. Here, I have found Indians who will converse with me (a girl married to a black man, a person I had a class with, another person by computer). But, when I ask about why some of their people are hostile, I get a denial of any particular caste issue. One person asserted that it was just people following American racism.

    To be fair, color-ism is around the world and people around the world buy into it. This ranges from the more “mild” Hispanic, Filipino type to the more savage German, Japanese, type.

    And, this includes blacks. Blacks are deeply biased against the black condition & other blacks; some are so far gone that they could almost be called for lack of a better word “self-hating.” Bias & jealousy & distrust often combine to cause blacks to “self-sabotage.”


  7. Stay on your rock and preach your racism. Do not come back to Guyana. Somebody need to beat you out with an old-higue (9vampire) broom.

  8. There is only one race the human race once we realize this there will be peace on earth.We all came from the stars we have to love one another and be one with the universe.All great religions teach and preach peace to love thy neighbour.
    What is all this nonsense about indians and blacks ? we are all black!!
    What is all this nonsense about christianity and hinduism and muslim. All religions have been the cause of wars at some point in time in history.It is man that made religion it is time to stop beliving in religion and start beliving in GOD.

  9. I notice all these black people hailing this “Dr” Gibson work and credentials, what u need to know is that a black man named Forbes Burnham totally messed up Guyana. If an Indian had run Guyana from the beginning there would have been no need for Guyanese of any color to go anywhere. Furthermore even though Burnham ran the country under a dictatorship for 25 years, we indians still got most of the money and ran most of the business, while the black people were happy to work for the government and take bribes. In Guyana for every blackman killed by and indian there are 100 indians killed by a blackman. No indian has ever robbed a blackman but surely the black man choke and rob the indian man. No indian man has raped a black woman but the black man wants to rape our women. When Guyana’s money was 5 to 1 american and all these bajan blacks came to Guyana, they didn’t have their xenophobic view then and not one of these other black run (as if there could ever be such a thing) denouced Burnham’s rasict regime. Where was the “Dr” Gibson of here time then. Show me on well run Black country where the crime rate is not out of control and the people are not poor. Don’t say Barbados cause everyone knows that it is run by white people. In North America blacks commit crimes and murder at a rate well out of proportion with their % of the population. You should go on rants and rave on craigslist and see how the world sees black people. And read any north america paper and look at black on black crime.

  10. Straight talk Avatar

    Race. Race. Race.

    We abhor its effects but love to raise it as a convenient excuse for all our current woes.

    Time we stepped up to the plate and say ” Barbados is a proud independent nation”

    As yet, we have total control of our destiny, but it is under threat.

    The IMF and World Bank may appear as saviours, gliding as vultures above a seemingly terminally stricken animal, providing the safety net that our poor rakey politicians will always need as a wicket-keeper.

    Bare shite talk of cheap provisions from Dominica, arrived yet?

    No they never will. Too many corns to mash to make it happen.

    Home grown produce?
    Tax it, or allow the middlemen to raise it to world market prices.

    I have no problem with that, so long as a normal Bajan family receives world market incomes to pay for it.

    If Kammie says $5 or $6 for a sweet potato, then subsidise home grown produce or pay $15 p.h. minimum wage, that is the GoB’s necessary prerogative now to avoid social unrest.

    As a concrete use for Constituency Councils, they should identify unused land, plough it and offer it to the community they are supposed to be representing.
    Free ground provisions for the elderly, and cost prices for the community.
    Those working the the land taking a pro rata share of the co-operative profit.

    Never in my life have I ever proposed communistic solutions.
    But our small nation cannot live forever dependent upon the fickle handouts of a foreign failing monetary system,

  11. Talking about the cost of sweet potatoes it appears the going price has been increased to $930.00 per row. Plantations have predictably responded to demand being greater than supple. Whether we agree with ST or not we have to do something.


    The fear of Bajans maybe justified after reading your comment. Most Barbadians have expressed the same concerns which most countries around the world have expressed, the impact of unbriddled and unmanaged immigration. You have taken it and twisted it to suit your agenda.

  12. Indian people where ever they go, just wanna chill quietly, save their money, run a business and get rich. Same as everbody. Lots of them like to drink like lots of people in the caribbean. I have lots of black friends here in Canada, cause here everybody becomes North America eventually. this next statement is not a rasict statement it is just fact. Even Jamaicans are bent by the north american media machine. I was amazed to see so many jamaican lesbians ( plus other races indian included). The point is u reap what u sow to quote the bible. In america the black community complains that the Koreans control the weave industry and are blocking them out. As in all cases the fittest survive. In the end it is black people that are going to all these Korean weave places along with the Korean nail shops. Even the guyanese west indian stores in New York are being out sold by Koreans. Whose fault is it, them better merchandise, better service, better business. My background is guyanese muslim, my uncle married a guyanese black woman in late 70’s early 80’s. I have two beautiful cousins. They are divorce, not a race issue (his fault if any). My grandma just visited his kids the other day, she sold her house in Canada gave his kids the same share as everybody. My aunt married a black/white mix from Jamaica, my other uncle married a indian/black/greek chick from africa. The first girl i sexed was a black grenadian and i am mostly attracted to black mixes. In the end the future the mixed race will be the future.

  13. Indians are the most racist people in western societies and that racism is borne out of the caste system and a desire to seem upper class (which to me no indian can be classed as). India has the worst case of slum, poverty, overpopulations, sanitation problem and body odour (even in western born and raised indians) to class them as anything special.
    Their racism is hidden under the cloak of culture and tradition, which they use effectively to cry racism when it suit them but become defensive when they are the perpetrators. Their hero Ghandi practiced racism and discrimination in South africa and set the tone for future indians to follow.
    They go to many countries as immigrants, take, segregate themselves and create parallel citizenships and societies within those countries refusing to integrate and inter-date.
    Indians are not good models for integration and multiculturalism and they should be banned from many countries, period!
    Even African countries had to kick them out, what does that tell you?

  14. Well i’ve read a lot of garbage on this blog, seems to be a pressure pot for racial and derogatory bashings of my fellow Indian brothers and sisters. As for this Jim Bowen fellow you are one crazy, mis-informed and troubled individual whom like many racial propagandists on this blog deserves to be locked away in an asylum, left to dwell in your misery and fed your filth. You truly have a hatred for my people eh? I assume you’re of African descent but how would you feel if i told you the worst thing mankind ever did was to remove the chains from you and your kind? all you people should know is the whip and constant floggging coupled with mental oppression. Doesnt sound too nice does it? Why are we so concerned with India? thought we were talking about Guyana? You all speak like you came from the promised land of Africa , a land riddled with tragedy, corruption, attrocities and grave crimes against humanity, how about we start another blog to discuss these tragedies of your land. It seems that you all forget the fact that you were sold into slavery and bondage by your own people which clearly demonstrate the mentality and corruptness of your people. We live in a country where racial tensions run amock, due largely in fact to these racial propagandist scum. Indians in Guyana live in constant fear, where 99.99% of these horrific attrocites and massacres are carried out by one ethnic majority. It’s not that we’re incapable of defending ourselves or timid, we are a peace loving sedentary people. Practicing the glorious traditions of hinduism and islam. I will not sit here and let these dumbfounded , ill-informed misfits of society try to degrade our wonderful culture. So instead of sitting infront your pc writing garbage, go out and find a job and be productive for once in your pitiful lives. And stop killing and plundering the wealth and resource we as a proud and productive people have accumulated.

  15. I have to agree with some of the writers here. Where were these doctors when Burnham ruled and placed this country in havoc. Where are these doctors when most crime and robberies are done by afro guyanese. These same afro guyanese who were in power for a long time. Don’t blame racism. Indians like to work and save and can be considered frugal. Whereas, afro guyanese lived like tomorrow was the last day on earth and then robbed and steal from the indian when they figured the had to eat the next day.

    most goverment office are controlled by afro guyanese. When you want to do business, you must bribe them. iF a bribe wasn’t given, they would make a million and one excuse and create delays until they received that bribe. So, it became a norm in guyana to do business.

    I have to say that not all afro guyanese prey on indians but the many do. Whereas indians retaliate by not wanting to do business with them from fear of being robbed. Call that what you may.

  16. Let me start off by saying i’m not a racist. I’m a Guyanese born man and a university educated individual. The self-proclaimed doctor who published this writing is clearly a racist. The false/bias point of views are pittyful. This individual has no real idea of the history this country has suffered and currently suffers. Getting one side of the story dosen’t produce a academic article. Not only will this writing stir up fire in the belly of any non-black who lived during the Burnam time; but it will also ressurect a time of great shame for the black people of Guyana. During the time which Burnham ruled great chaos errupted within the country. (black raping women, killing innocent famalies etc.) Crimes of high caliber which were done in a heartless savage manner. It is unfortunate the country suffered such events. During the time of Burnam the land and business of Indians were taken away. Eventually Burnham led the country bankrupt. He then had to turn to India to fix the books; that is a fact. Look it up. This writing here is garbage produced by a racist individual. Producing works as such are not progressive for social equality. Rather you are bringing judgement upon yourself in a negative manner and creating a further gap between people. Any intelligent person reading this wether black or white knows the real problems and history of Guyana. Anyone reading this please see through this mans naieve, one-sided bullshit. Thank You!

  17. People of all types are guilty of racism. It is not useful to indulge in fingerpointing of the “you did it first” type. Racism becomes important when the people perpetrating it have economic and/or political power. This is the situation in Guyana. Even in Georgetown race can seriously affect your ability to rent or puchase property, to get work or receive promotion. In the countryside, the situation can be even more restrictive. There are certainly “no go” areas for Afro-Guyanese, especially after dark. To be honest, it is not healthy for any kind of stranger to be discovered in certain villages after dark. But in the case of Afro-Guyanese there is open racist rhetoric added to the general violent behaviour.
    The problem is the “racially” divided society, and the imbalance of wealth and power. Some of the poorest people in the country are of East Indian origin, the racial card is one way of keeping them loyal to the Indo-Guyanese big boys. Some of the wealthiest people in the country are of African origin, some of these are eating at the high table.
    I’m not suggesting that racism does not exist, of course it does, what I am arguing that it is and has been a deliberate tool used by the power hierarchy of the day, whether white, black or brown.
    As always it is the folk at the bottom of the feeding chain who are the real victims, indigenous, black and brown.

  18. By the way, just want to add, the only people to ask me for bribes have been Indo-Guyanese, not to say that it doesn’t happen the other way, but we all have different experiences. The only people who have been uncooperative with me have been Indo-Guyanese. There is a petty war going on, if you buy something from an EastIndian shop keeper, and you are black, you had better check every little nook and cranny, some people think it good sport to put something over on “the enemy”. There are good and bad in every group. To suggest that people of Indian origin are all peace loving gentlemen is ridiculous. They are frquently violent among themselves. They frequently cheat each other. They bribe each other, and take advantage of each other, rape each others daughters, and steal each others chickens. They are like the rest of humanity, a mixed bunch, good and bad. The difference is that in Guyana, they are the ones in power.
    It is not true that “most goverment office are controlled by afro guyanese”. May be once, but not now and certainly not outside GT. Even the police are mostly brown now, and none the better for it.

  19. To all these black people, if we split guyana, trinidad by race. Black people dead, they don’t know how to do nothing but rob and thief. Show me one successful black country with black population of 90%. It could never happen, black people just don’t have the brain for it. Which is the only race without nuclear weapons. Blacks, every other race found a way to get it. Which race comes in last in every I.Q. test, which race scores the least amount in standardized test, BLACKS. Which race has a whole bunch of single teenage moms on welfare, BLACKS. Which race contributes the least to society, BLACKS. Which race commits the most violent crimes out of proportion for the size of their population. BLACKS. Which race is a bunch of the biggest crybabies BLACKS. Their is a reason that blacks are at the bottom of the statistical barrel in every category except sports and entertainment. They just are inferior.

  20. BlackHater ….carry your coolie arse back to India where if you too dark you are disliked and if you are from a lower caste you cant walk with others, if you are a girl you are worth less than a boy and killed at birth, where in some states there are more men than women because of female infanticide. Men in families are now sharing one bride raping and abusing her. Where people are kept in slavery serving their masters in their mansions in this modern day, where women are murdered if they want to choose their husbands or if they talk to a boy. Take you smelly oily arse back to India and see how people like you live. You should be lucky you came to the Caribbean and are able to enjoy a way of life you would never have had if you stayed in India.

  21. @blackhater: “Their is a reason that blacks are at the bottom of the statistical barrel in every category except sports and entertainment.

    Yes, there is a reason.

    @blackhater: “They just are inferior.

    That is not the reason.

  22. What is halarious about black hater is that he she or it writing on a blog in a country that is 90% black. That squarely contrardicts all his her or it postulation, as the many east indians here send their remittances home. Money earned from opportunities given by black people in Bim. in the 80’s the police beat some londoners five were indian two were black, when we marched the whites and blacks were marching while the indians were looking out of their windows. I am soorry for you hater; you are wasting the life energy thatwas given to you.

  23. Anything that u can say about india can be said fivefold about africa. 3 of the top 5 and 5 of the top ten countries with the highest murder rate, BLACK. Before Burnham(a black idiot messed up guyana ) Bajans were coming to guyana to send remittances back home. Maybe if u were in africa u could enjoy some of that female circumcision islandgal.London riots blacks acting the fool. We don’t gotta believe me though, for all u black people that have a knee jerk emotional reaction, just youtube black people acting the fool, the evidence is there made by black people, uploaded by black people. Black people have less of a sense of shame that other races and they tend to be so sensitive, which is a feat in itself. LASTLY Black people are always the most impoverished race in whatever society they live in . Especially in North America, any other race will come and excel while black people linger at the bottom. If anything with hip hop they have somehow managed to drag all the races down with them. After white people there are more Indian billionaires than any other race in the world. After america India has the most billionaires in the world. In 40 years we will lead in both of those categories. If you blacks want I can post thousands of links of blacks acting stupid in public. Like Jay-Z says men lie, women lie, numbers don’t. yeah yeah I know I’m quoting Jay-z, don’t get u panties in a bunch. Nothing can be all bad.

  24. Sad, very sad, blackhater. I pity you, I really do.

  25. save ur pity for ur fellow blacks, trust me they need it.

  26. Blackhater you ll may have more money BUT the Whites still hate your coolie guts! You are not very welcomed in the West. Get yuh rass back to the East.

  27. Blackhater…many of you who come here to work can’t even read nor write, many of you all marry underage girls, you all are a bunch of pedophiles. Many of you rob each other to get more money, many of you will kill for money, and many of you like to drink Indian tea (gramoxone) when your elders try to correct you. You do not value life at all.

  28. Blackhater
    You speak like a true Indo-guyanese, Bu family, that is what I was telling you all along about them, this one is only speaking for 90% of the other Indo-guyanese. I will state it again, when they are fully established, you will see their real colours, they are going to give pure problems in this country.

    You criticised me for my dislike of Indo-guyanese, my real is their ability to destabilise a country, and Christian or not I can’t sit idly by and don’t speak out to defend and protect the Barbados that I was born in and my offspring live.

  29. Scout,

    Man get real. You really want us to believe that most Indo-Guyanese think like Blackhater. Do most black people think like you?

  30. “You really want us to believe that most Indo-Guyanese think like Blackhater”


  31. And the second question?

  32. @Scout….I do not lump all the Indo Guyanese in one pot because I have met some very trust worthy ones. Like black, white, chinese and Indian people there are good ones, bad ones and racist ones like you and Blackhater.

    Blackhater ….you must be a very happy person so go and spread that happiness elsewhere!

  33. islandgal246
    I’m not racist, I’ve lived among them and I know how they think and act. Yes, there are some that you can work with but when crunch time come, they side with the Indo-Guyanese. Blackhater is just echoing the feeling of most indo-guyanese. Just like I don’t associate with criminals, I try to keep FAR from indo-guyanese.

  34. To prove me point, Last night i was at a poker spot run by a chinese guyanese guy and a jamacian coolie. Two guys robbed the place, Take a guess what color those ni**as were
    All black people know to do is steal and rob.

  35. In north america black people are the most hated. All the other races know that they are worth less. Look at the Flash mobs in the philly, millwakee and wisconson. All black teenagers attacking white people for no reason, people taking their families to the fair to have a good time not to get beaten by a group of black teenagers. If white people hate us indians why are the major corporations making east indians their CEO. u ni**as know what that means. Cuz they know we can do the job best. Ain’t nobody EVER said a black person could do the job best. hell most of the time they can’t do the job. Do you know how many times that I politely listened while a black person (at work) spit their knowledge about the job(loudly of course) not realizing that they don’t know shit and everyone else thinks they are a fool. If black people are so loved by the white people (which we all know that Bajans especially are so far up white people ass even in barbados who runs the country if not the mulattos. Y’all love sucking the white dick and know that they are better than u. Islandgal if the half-breeds in Bardados don’t run the shit, don’t worry u have ur own caste system created by black people themselves. Plus you got the white man religon that was beated into u. Then u have black granny loving JESUS, talking about how JESUS is gonna save u. Stupid. Y’all never say ROOTS. BLACK people are not good for much. I could spend all day arguing with u niggers but that just a waste of time, if u nigger knew how to use words but most importantly facts and evidence, i might continue more. OH by the way, you know China is gonna own Africa before its all over and the chinese man is gonna be fucking all the good looking african women. Seeing as they chinese men outnumber chinese women. Islandgal their are more than enough indian women in the world for us indian men (per islandgal first post).Lets wait for the future, it will tell us better. U NIGGERS AIN’T going anywhere good. U don’t have the brains for it, and those of u who have a little brains lack the soul power to do anything for the good of mankind. CAN I GET AN AMEN.

  36. blackhater
    All I would say to you is PITY THE FOOL.

  37. @Blackhater …you are one sick animal please go for treatment. All that hatred is making you sick. Please, please go and see a doctor!

  38. @islandgal246 et al…

    Have you considered the possibility that “blackhater” might be “stirring up the pot” for reasons they are not acknowledging?

  39. Chris has made a good comment.

    It is not uncommon for detractors of BU to begin this kind of narrative and then use the responses in other places.

  40. Black Hater:
    I am taking Halsall’s point that you are trying to stir up the pot, but you would not get bajans to jump on a race hate campaign; we do not do things like that here. we will love you but take these body shots. You do have a lot of indian millionaire, yet that country is still one of the few where bodies of humanbeings are remove each morning from the streeets of your major cities. Yours is one of the dew countries where the well off keeps a wedding for 5 million dollars and almost a billion people went to sleep hungry that night. You are a self ish people who love the hindu principle of getting bad things for bad things done; this allows you to past other human beings in filth on your streets. Your medical tourism was sufferring because he white people said they had to drive thru too much filth. Please do you need more body blows.

  41. @LEMUEL ARETI: “I am taking Halsall’s point that you are trying to stir up the pot…

    For the record, I am modeling you similarly to “blackhater”.

  42. there will be plenty racism between different races until you all start sleeping with each other and make multi culti babies

  43. “what chu talking ’bout Willis”

  44. bajans are not racist? Scroll up this thread and read what your not racist Bajans said. But their is no reasoning with black people, they just close their eyes and deny. No, no, we are not prone to violence more than other races. No, no, we are not prone to stealing more than other races. No, no, we are not prone to promiscuity more than races. No, no, we don’t have more single unwed mothers more than races. No, no, most of these single unwed mothers are not on welfare more than other races. Everyone knows that a young black male is most likely going to rob u with a gun. No other race is robbing black people (even if they were to have something-everyone knows they are the grasshopper in the story of the grasshopper and the ant, just spending away what they got). Black people just WANT, but they have no idea how to create. They don’t create jobs they work for someone else. Even the best of them. The few black business’ only cater to black clientele, aside from a few jerk restaurants in trendy neighborhoods but they lack the ability to crossover and become commercially viable in a grand scale.

    The truth is I know I can sit here and type truths, half-truths blended with full out lies and get that knee-jerk emotional reaction, you rarely stop to think and weigh options. EVEN THOUGH I HAVE TOLD YOU THIS, YOU CAN NOT STOP YOURSELVES…NOW GO AHEAD AND EMOTIONALLY REACT…..ITS YOUR VERY NATURE.

  45. I think all africans should go back to Africa and all Indians go back to India. And let the people that are native to the caribbean rid themselves of these 2 foreign cultures.That way the negroes can stop complaining about there bing anyone in “their’ country except other negroes. Maybe then they could learn something about their heritage since most of teh negroes in the Craibbean have no cultural heritage. And teh Indians can go back to india and pass out condoms to curb their overpopulation and clean up their streets.

  46. @Tricia: “I think all africans should go back to Africa and all Indians go back to India. And let the people that are native to the caribbean rid themselves of these 2 foreign cultures.

    Care to define who were the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean?

  47. nice, I was beginning to think u guys could contain yourselves. wheew, glad to see everything is alright with the universe. Love you islandgal, you should let the coolie man gee u da grind.

  48. Why these Coolies and negroes talking about who more dirty. Do these negroes on this site or anywhere in the Caribbean in that matter know they are Africans do they know they came from well you are from “west-africa. From Mali, Mauretania, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ghana. These are YOUR people. You can call yourselves “caribbean” but you Africans. Learn to be proud. Stop calling yourselves Bajans, Guyanese, Trini whatever else. I have yet to hear one negro in the Craibbean say they are “African”. Why? For the same reason you berate the coolies who are at least proud of their culture. Becaus eyou have a caste system there! negroies sold negores to slave! and those places are filthy and full of corruption. Rape, torture, Murder. These are all common activities in West africa. So look in before you look out at others. An dyou coolies, you need to take your proud asses back to India, learn your language and culture and be proud. You’ve learned alot being out of India, it son it’s way to being a superpower- go clean up the roads and buy garbage cans and clean your country, creat a 501c3 and gather condoms and birth control and passthem out in india so you have less slums and stink on the roads. Then where ever you go you can be proud to be Indian.Go home stop living amounst the white child fuckers and teh black and hispanic thugs. The caribbean has no futire other than vaction spots it will never be anything more than that. Dependant on the white dollar.

  49. I met a prist who was dining at my restaurant, when he found out that I was from the Caribbean, he asked me , noting , being a prist, he sees everyone as God’s clild… He asked me , why is it that most businesses are in the hand of Whites, Indians, Chinese , and only a very , very few Negros?????…. after thinking , I still could not find an answer for him, but a silly remark, that they dominate in sports, and all types…
    Look, lets face the truth, negros are not into business, and please do not chew me up, before looking at the truth , THROUGH THE WHOLE WORLD… Let’s start from Africa, USA, Canada, Caribbean, and so on… Nobody gives anyone anything, everyone work and earn what he or she has…From the Indians who go to Barbados, there is NO HAND OUTS for them, they create jobs, they serve the people with what the people want… from a roti shop, etc…The Negros could open their shops too, it is a free world, or should we look at people who are successful due to ONLY their own sweat, and abuse and criticize them, curse them and discriminate against them. And, everyone who is successful is proud… yes! , yes Negros too… all HUMANS… I mean, just how successful were the negros during Burhnam rigged era??????? Please do be honest… How about in Urganda, what happened and is still happening in Urganda, since the Negros stold the Indians sweat and hard work, just how better are they …lol.. what a joke… Hey, why blame the Indians in the Caribbean for the Negro failure in businesses,,, STOP THE BLAMING GAME…. Blame the whites ( rightfully so, but limited..) blame the chineese, now they are begining to take over the big miming and other companies in Africa, … too much blaming … Smart and hard and efficient work, pays off… Look, when the dumb ass Jagan wanted to share the wealth( in the whites, portugueses, chineses, and Indians hand, mostly), with the introduction of socialism, the negros,YES THE DUMB ASS NEGROS, ( and I was happy that they did…lol ) were bribed and payed off by the very whites who enslaved their ancestors, and up to now , heartly discriminate against them, , here in the good old USA… Negro boys were stopped, hassled and charged, so that with a criminal record , they black kids could not go into the civil service , fire dept. , POLICE FORCE, and any job of position, within the USA government… Hey! it was not the Indian… But then again, blame the Indians, they are easily to beat up on… the white MASTERS, are too strong and powerful, that is proberly why hair brading is sooooooo popular, and and more and more negros has m. J. ‘s problem… and 99% of Negros that make it in the entertainment world are PAPER COLOR BLACKS… Hey!, please do not kill me, I’m just the MESENGER… i READ THE ARTICLE… i CAN GO ON, BUT i’LL STOP HERE… JUST STOP TRYING TO MAKE THE INDIANS THE SCAPE GOAT, IT WILL NOT HELP YOU IMPROVE ….
    Respectfully yours

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