Was at the world-famous Kensington Oval cricket ground today, along with thousands of Barbadians to witness the public ’swearing-in’ of the new Democratic Labour Party Cabinet before the Governor General. DLP being sworn inIt was obviously a celebratory occasion for most but remarkably in today’s world it was an essentially ‘Christian ceremony’ with much prayer, singing and dance, with church leaders giving keynote exhortations and which seems to mark a strong change from the former Government’s stance of embracing religious pluralism. Cynically the danger of this is an outward show of religion for political purposes but one sensed here more genuine motives than that and certainly the opportunity given to the heart-felt prayers of the good cross section of church leaders was more than could be expected in most countries of the world. All in all, a remarkable occasion dlp-ceremony.jpgwith much potential for good, although we are in a nation which still retains much outward religious activity which can inoculate people against catching the real thing! Let us pray that the vows publicly made today in God’s presence will be honoured and this Government really will seek the guidance of God in these globally troubled times.

Source: Rowland Whitehead’s Webblog

It has been some years since the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Barbados. They are some who will say that the slide in the morals of the Barbados society maybe traced to that period. Whether this is true or not is left to others decidedly more learned than the batty folks in the BU household to ponder. Maybe our friend Bush Tea will be able to delve into his repertoire of many theories to offer up a basis for a meaty discussion point on the subject. At the ‘swearing-in’ ceremony yesterday, Barbadians who witnessed it were able to make a ‘connection’, call it spiritual, call it connecting to something familiar; call it what you want but something ‘greater’ emerged last evening at the controversial Kensington Oval in our opinion.

Did you feel it too?

The decision by Prime Minister David Thompson to have a ‘Christian ceremony’ is consistent with David the family man, whose religiousness can be traced to his days at the Combermere School, where it is reported that he was an active member of the now little known ISCF (Inter School Christian Fellowship). This group is comprised of young people who wanted to keep God at the centre of their activities – is this group still active? We make this point to brush the argument which will be offered that Thompson may well have used the occasion of the swearing-in of his Ministers to be opportunistic. The evidence is strong that what Barbadians witnessed at Kensington Oval yesterday is Thompson the real deal. When the camera panned to his family it was easy to discern that they were in a comfort zone through-out the proceedings. Daddy, mummy et al were all singing along to the medley of Joseph Niles classics; I’ll be damn 🙂

The majority of the partisan audience seemed to be fully on-board with the direction Thompson took them. The big question left to be answered is the point which our friend alludes to in his blog. How will the Barbados society which was being taken in a direction of religious pluralism and relativism under the previous administration react to the unfolding shift in doctrine? To use jargon which was prevalent in the election period just concluded, if we were to analyze the large sample size at the Oval yesterday, a good conclusion can be made that Prime Minister Thompson maybe on to something. If this is the case it might provoke some to ask the question whether the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) will have to respond to this new path Prime Minister David Thompson is prepared to trod. This we know is bound to open the debate as to the qualification of Mia Mottley for the role of Prime Minister of Barbados. No doubt we will have some time to debate this issue in the future – you are free to do a search using ‘Mia Mottley‘ keywords on BU to read related topics.

Prime Minister David Thompson and his cabinet from all reports have started the job of governing even before being officially sworn-in yesterday. At this early stage Thompson has signaled his intention that his will be a government which is people centred. Perhaps we should rephrase, his is a government that will put FAMILY FIRST.

84 responses to “Prime Minister David Thompson Brings Back Religion To Government”

  1. David i think the title of your article is misleading people into thinking that Thompson will make christianity a state religion, or something to the effect. 😀 You have no idea how people can and how quickly they can “TIME PORT” back to an era in human history where points will be most valid.
    …….What Thompson has done to date is symbolic only. What Thompson has done is too, and inspite of what some are willing to say is to remind Barbadians about the importants of moral, and standards, and other codes of living and ways of life that has stood the test of time and that at their core beginning was the result of religion. That we now have a disconnect from reglion yet these codes are still with us has demonstrate that yes one does not absolutely need religion to live by these codes. My own observation is religious teachings of these codes are better accepted by kids and as we know whatever the way a child is trained up it hardly ever departs from it in it’s entirety. Therefore in the minds of most people and is probably the reslut of PP and Thomas interventions religion is characterize by these codes amongst otherthings of course, but religion brings into sharp focus these codes and way of life that we all agree are important. Why use a progressive concept to teach that which religion by it’s very nature brings out in it’s teachings?

  2. Adrian H your observation is correct. We thought about the correct title to use to provoke comment and we decided to stay with words which evoke passion i.e.religion instead of spirituality and the idea of integrating Church and State which is a taboo in our pluralistic societies.

    We use title as a carrot sometimes more so than to convey content. We are also mindful of the key words which the search engines latch on to 🙂

  3. Yardbroom, there are two sets of naysayers here to Thompson’s approach. There are the anti-religious who cannot ever seem to be as fervent in denouncing Islam as they are Christianity, religion is religion is it not? and they are those who will just want to be partisan and deny any potential gain this approach gave to the DLP……But both camps were noticeably absent when Owen Arthur sought to remake himself in the image of a religious, godly, principle, and moral man, not a peek out of anyone when we had a practicing, license, man of God the right reverend Joeseph Atherly as a member of parliament and a Minister of government in the most recent past parliament of Barbados not a word not a peak. The arguments and concerns to-date on what Thompson has done to my mind are not genuine, and where the argument against religion is valid, that argument does fit to what the DLP has done to-date.

  4. Sister Baby // January 21, 2008 at 10:28 am

    Listen when PM Thompson is finished, everyone will be ready for a PM Mia Mottley. Trust me. It will be Mia Mia Mia and Mia

    Thanks for the prediction. Can you also tell us your prediction of where Guyana will when that time comes?

  5. I think it speaks well, to have the swearing in ceremony done in public, it reconnects with all barbadians, gone are those days when everything seem to be off limits to the people of this country as far as the former government is concern, they thought could do as they like with out any accountability believing they own barbados….it is a stark reminder that the electorate will make u humble in your arrogance…

  6. Thomas you certainly have us stretched with the obvious knowledge you have on the subject of morals, ancient history and the like. We in no way wished to extend exclusivity to high moral behaviour being the preserve of Christians. The concern which we have with the examples you forwards does not move us from our initial position. David as leader of a country must find a way to provoke the MASSES to embrace a code of behavior which is manageable for the government given the social implications. So far we think by our observation that Christianity has worked well for Barbados. If we have to move to a hybrid form of belief/doctrine to keep pace with a changing society, so be it.

  7. To Adrian Hinds, if you say so regarding Mia, that is when morality will be thrown out the windowand anything goes !! god forbid!!

  8. Adrian Hinds
    Your points were well made, I acknowledge your response.

  9. Let me recomend a book as well. 😀

    The politics of Deviance by Anne Hendershott

    Hendershott book is a sobering examination of both the moral confusion that shrouds deviant behaviour from proper scrutiny and opprobrium, and the moral panics that lead us to imagin deviant behaviour everywhere.
    Until the 1960s, sociologists had asserted that a willingness to identify deviance, or what constitutes appropriate behavior, was indispensable to the process of generating and sustaining cultural values, clarifying moral boundaries, and promoting social solidarity. Yet today, after three decades of lacerating debate, shifts in values and social relations, and questioning social authority, the subject has virtually disappeared from sociology’s radar screen. Deviance, in the famous phrase of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been “dumbed down.”

    In The Politics of Deviance, Anne Hendershott, a leading sociologist herself, tries to understand how this major change in the way we see our world occurred. How did we adopt such different views of human nature and personal responsibility? How did we “medicalize” what was once proscribed behavior? While in the past there was a moral consensus that conditioned our attitudes toward teenage sex, suicide, substance abuse, and other questionable behaviors, Hendershott points out that today it is pressure groups that define and redefine deviance. (”As I write these words,” she says at one point in the narrative, “the advocacy of the North American Man-Boy Love Association is invisibly changing the way we see pedophilia.”) As they succeed in redefining our attitudes toward their “clients,” these groups significantly altered our view of each other and of our world.

    Arguing against the grain of her own discipline, Anne Hendershott asserts the value and strength of the most important of all determinants of behavior–social norms and the commitment to accept them. The Politics of Deviance maintains that definitions of deviance that rely upon reason, and not emotion or political advocacy, are indispensable to the process of generating and sustaining cultural values and reaffirming the moral ties that bind us together.


  10. lubrication // January 21, 2008 at 12:11 pm

    I think it speaks well, to have the swearing in ceremony done in public, it reconnects with all barbadians, gone are those days when everything seem to be off limits to the people of this country as far as the former government is concern, they thought could do as they like with out any accountability believing they own barbados….it is a stark reminder that the electorate will make u humble in your arrogance…

    It certainly is a step beyond the people’s involvment in the process which until then was confined to the voting booth. Next unto the parish conucils, which must not be an extention of the political party constituency office, and where a good mix of party members (both parties) and independent membship should be strived for, in addition to strict recording and reporting of financing is emphasized and quick and harsh judgement and punishment is exercise when such reporting and adherence is not followed.

  11. David, Thomas knowledge of history and position of what pertains in Barbados today bares little relevance to each other. In the least it is difficult to link the too in a way that we can convincingly conclude on a way forward. Take a look at Anne Hendershott’s book. It talks about social agencies given the power to shape people’s identities, behavior and lifestyle.
    …….Few people understand consumerism, in it’s traditional use of marketing the need to purchase some retail product of service, this same phenomenon is used to sell us on these nouvo ideas by post 1960 sociologist (in a Barbados context Ikeal tafari) on why we need to “define down” our pre 1960 views on a host of things like “Homosexuality, teenage pregnancy, Alcoholism etc.

    Thanks! We will put it on the list the next time we do Amazon


  12. David said: So far we think by our observation that Christianity has worked well for Barbados. If we have to move to a hybrid form of belief/doctrine to keep pace with a changing society, so be it.
    On the whole I would agree with you David but it has been my experience that there is a certain amount of hypocracey as it pertains to Christianity in Barbados. One only has to take the Ten Commandments and see how they fit into the day to day lives of many Bajans. In a country where “horning” is considered a national sport right up there next to cricket (and very frequently where both parties are married to others), where greed leads to the envy of the success of others and is denigrated, thievery of all sorts including by those elected to be protectors of the public purse……….
    One does not need religion to know that these things are wrong. Morality has evolved out of the need to have a functioning, peaceful and progressive society free of strife and turmoil.

  13. Sister Baby // January 21, 2008 at 10:12 am

    Bimbro. You have a point there! And you all are doing a good job. Thanks


    That’s perfectly, ok, Sis & have a nice day!


    Adrian, congrats on being a reasonably, frequent visitor to these shores. It will surprise you that, in essense, I agree with much of what you say. I guess that Britain is past the point of any redemption. And, you’ll be surprised to learn that I think, as you suggested, it is largely, because of the god-forsaken former PM, Blair and his failure to acknowledge any kind of christian faith, while he was in power, because ‘it would make him look silly’!!!! Now, he claims to be the biggest christian in the world. I can’t tell u what I think about him because I’d have to use too, many expletives.

    Adrian, the real point I was making is that, I don’t want to go to church on a Sunday and be treated to a ‘politicalj-sermon’!!!!

    I’ve nothing against the head of the church uttering an opinion here and there on how the country’s going but I certainly, would n’t want to hear him/them, everyday! I want to reserve my loathing for the politicians, not the people who’re supposed to be responsible for the cleanliness of my soul!!!!

  14. Adrian, it’s a pity that your accurate, perceptiveness of the British situation does n’t extend to understanding the undermining, effect of the Jamaicans! 🙂

  15. Adrian:

    You are right on the money.

    Reading excerpts from “The Politics of Deviance” that is where the majority of the “free” world has been going for some time now.

    Going back to my statement a few hours ago, many things “were not broke” some 30-40 years ago but the “intelligentia” set out to prove that they could do it better.

    Now we see the harvest being reaped.

    It is indeed time for change.

  16. Sister Baby // January 21, 2008 at 10:28 am

    Listen when PM Thompson is finished, everyone will be ready for a PM Mia Mottley. Trust me. It will be Mia Mia Mia and Mia


    Sis, let’s pray, not!!!!

    Sis, don’t be deceived by those african churches in the UK. Anywhere there’s money to be made you’ll find an african, only too, willing, whatever the subject is good or evil!!!!

    Adrian, u does read dem books???? To me dey doan have nuh moah sense to speak dan u or me!!!!

  17. Bimbro: I am willing to assume that you go church of your own free will. But tell me what would you if you turn on your television or radio and heard Jamaicans justifying the things that you have accused them of? You would turn them off right? If the sermon in church is not to your liking you have several options don’t you?

    David: as PP may have suggested in her recent reply, some people cannot justify what they have read. Christianity is or should i say, ….should be characterize by it’s rules as contained in the Bible, and not the by the looking at the short commings of it’s profess adherants and followers, for to err is human. This difference between the rules/commandments and the actions of those say they adhere to them can be found in all human endevours, whether it is free masons, political parties, or the local football club. The argument is still to be made as to what is the best vehicle for teaching, Morality , and peace free of strife and turmoil. The catch 22 for the anti religious is how to teach christian to be tolerant while they are insensitive and intolerant to christian teachings. The truth is that both groups are tolerant and intolerant on different things.

  18. Bimbro, and my stage of existance, and experience i hardly read a book with a blank slate. I for the most part bring questions, and convictions, to the task, and the book’ss author had better be able to bring reason, in addition to the truth that reality often is, for me to replace my questions with his/her answers and put down my convictions and pick up their opinions. 😀 But if Socraties could have been recorded to say that he knows that he knows little, who am i to say otherwise?

  19. Bimbro: I am willing to assume that you go church of your own free will. But tell me what would you if you turn on your television or radio and heard Jamaicans justifying the things that you have accused them of? You would turn them off right? If the sermon in church is not to your liking you have several options don’t you?


    Adrian, as Sister Baby said, I doan go to church, ‘to have my pressure raise’!!!! Lord!!!! 🙂

    Ok, Ad, let’s wish Thompy a successful, administration!!!


  20. God, give us men!

    GOD, give us men! A time like this demands
    Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
    Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
    Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
    Men who possess opinions and a will;
    Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
    Men who can stand before a demagogue
    And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
    Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
    In public duty, and in private thinking;
    For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
    Their large professions and their little deeds,
    Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
    Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps.

    Josiah Gilbert Holland

  21. Hi Bimbro, All day Sunday I am sending praises up to the Lord, be it at church, watching TV or listening to my gospel CD’s. I love Pastor Matthew Shomololo, and look how the Lord has led him to London to redeem and bring Jesus to the lives of hundreds of thousands of Londoners. Another favourite of mine is Prophetess Jaunita Bynum, I tell you that girl has the annointing, and when she preaches I become overwhelmed with Holiness. Now Prophetess Juanita Bynum is related to me. I can feel it, because she reminds me of my maternal grandmother. Prophetess Juanita Bynum is a former PAN AM stewardess who got the calling when PAN AM closed down. The Lord closed down a great airline so that this woman of God could get the calling and save us from sin. Prophetess placed her hands on the globe and asked the Lord to direct her to a land of heathens and sin, and would you believe that when the globe stopped spining the country that her hands were on was Trinidad. So you see the Lord works in myterious ways.

    Adrian, Only Jesus knows where Guyana will be in 2013. Jesus is the answer for Guyana. The President needs to give his heart to the Lord, because any man that would divorce his wife and then take away her motor car and let the poor woman walk around Georgetown is man deep in the grips of the devil. Have a nice night!

  22. Well done, Mr. Thompson!

    I am very pleased that you have started your term with prayers.

    May the Good Lord bless and guide both you and your government as you draft the new Integrity Legislation Bill!

  23. The following comments were reported by David Comissiong in the Nation today
    “This is a development we would like to deprecate and we would like to warn all political leaders about the dangers of what we call the privatisation of God,” he said.
    “God is not on the side of any particular political party, of any particular government. God belongs to all of the people of Barbados . . . . “I think that a political leader is on very dangerous ground when he seeks to appropriate God to his particular political party or to suggest that God willed a result that favoured his political party.”

    Whereas it is true that “God is not on the side of any particular political party, of any particular government” it is also true that it is recorded in Romans 13:1 that THE POWERS THAT BE ARE ORDAINED OF GOD. That is the real meaning of the statement that the voice of the people (at election time in the ballot room) is the voice of God. So no one is errant in thinking that a particular result of an election is God’s will.

    For instance, many think that a certain president is a jackass of the highest order. But clearly God put him there so that the joker could engage in the anti- Semitism that he has that is clearly assisting in the fulfillment of many of the prophecies surrounding the second advent of Christ.

    We all know that we don’t deserve the least of His favors, but God smiled on Bajans once more when he delivered us out of the clutches of OS,Arthur, Ms Bitemuh and others in the election last week. You better believe David C that God had a lot to do with that, and with the position in which you are today.

  24. This is the first time that I have followed Barbados politics so closely, including its election results and the swearing in of the new government cabinet. As an outsider, looking in it was an eye opener. My interest was peak when I started to read two of the islands more popular blogs, Barbados Underground and Barbados Free Press. Thanks to these blogs for sharing with me and so many others what they have and will continue to uncover about many hidden activities.

    Their investigative reporting have exposed the good, the bad and the indifferent about what is going on especially in Bim; covering its private citizens, the political parties, individuals within both parties — the doings of the former leader and his cronies and those of the current leader and his cohorts, as well as other neighboring countries, and sometimes touching on international issues that could and at times bring Barbados into the mix, such as the infamous 3S scandal.

    These blogs print what the mainstream media houses fail to report. They go to the depth of publishing what we, as a people, need to know, what is nice to know, and at times extraneous information. However, with the success and rave reviews of these two blogs, their articles help to reinforce that the voices are no longer silent but speaking out.

    Thanks again BU and BFP. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

  25. I find the comments by Georgie Porgie deeply disturbing.

    According to Georgie Porgies logic, everything is God’s will, so we should thank God for David Thompson. Fine. But does that mean that Owen Arthur beating Thompson twice before was God’s will and Georgie Porgie thanked God for that? Was slavery, genocide and apartheid God’s will? If so, my God must be different from Georgie Porgie’s.

    I thank (my) God for giving us Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela, people who believed that what was being done in God’s name was not the will of a just and loving God. And that they must do something about it or it would remain so.

    Georgie Porgie’s conclusion that the President must be there so that he can be anti-semitic is also deeply disturbing. There can be no justification for this kind of racism and Barbadians should be ashamed to have such racism in our midst.

    If you will look back at the writings of the salve owners, you will find that they felt slavery could only be possible if it was God’s will and they erected churches in Barbados to thank God for it. They spoke in the name of the Lord, but they did so falsely and in their own narrow interests.

    David C is right about this (and I did not vote for him) that no one should seek to privatise the Lord for their narrow interests and we as a people should object to that.

  26. I find the comments by Georgie Porgie deeply disturbing.

    You can be disturbed as much as you like. Theologians recognize the direct will of God, and God’s permissive will. I did not give you my logic, I gave you the word of God. There are things that God permits which we do not understand…..like slavery, genocide and apartheid…. and many other things. And yes they hurt like hell. And yes they are not fair either. I have been there Sir!.

    Some of the things that he puts in our lives, James calls trials or testings in James chapter 1. 1st Peter speaks also a lot on sufferings and the fiery trials of our faith. I don’t have the answer for these things. I don’t have the answers for the things that I have had to go through especially in the last six years, but I know that God must permit them because he is in charge.

    When Owen Arthur beat Thompson twice before that was God’s will then just as David Thompson’s recent win is God’s will now. I am not seeking to privatise the Lord for my narrow interests, since the ascendancy of none of these men to power has enhanced me in any way.

    Commisiong and you have both wrongly divided the word of truth; and you choose to misunderstand what I said, so that you can be disturbed. So be disturbed.

    I agree with you that Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela, were people who believed that what was being done in God’s name was not the will of a just and loving God, and that they must do something about it or it would remain so. You will note that in the case of Mandela, he became the power that be according to the tenet of Romans 13:1 in God’s perfect time. He went from the prison to the palace just as Joseph did.

    God permitted Tyndale to be murdered for translating the Bible to English, but he also permitted his dying words to come to pass when he muttered “God open the eyes of the king of England!” And so we have the King James Version of the Bible still going strong since 1611.

    I don’t care about the writings or the beliefs of the slave owners or any one else who wrongly divided the Word of truth for their own means. I quoted correctly the scriptures which states that the powers that be are ordained of God; whether we agree with that power or not. And I did so knowing the related scriptures on the matter also.

    As to the issue of the wacky President, it is quite clear that he has made many anti-Semitic decisions which are clearly wrong. I never said he was right, because the consequences of his decisions have already affected the US, just as certain wrong anti-Semitic decisions by the British in 1918 affected Britishs world domination in the last century. My point is that just as God permitted the fall of British domination, that he permitted the ascent of
    the wacky President knowing full well that he would make the anti-Semitic decisions that would tilt the balance of power towards the European nations (whom theologians believe to be the ten toes of the image of Nebeuchadnezzer as recorded in Daniel chaps 2 & 7.

    I believe, like many theologians that the wacky twit prevailed in the elections of 2004 to be used of God to turn the balance of power to set up the events that will result in Armageddon and the second phase of the second coming of Christ. I do not understand it all. But I know that God moves in the affairs of men. And you can be as disturbed as you like. I said what I like and what I know and I like what I said. I wrote in perfect English, and there was not one racist remark made.

    For a deeper understanding of eschatological issues I would refer you Sir the Dwight Pentecost’s treatise on the subject…. THINGS TO COME.

    Run up again. You know about finance. I know the Word.77

    Commisiong is wrong. Thompson is the power that be for now. He is God’s servant now. If he plays the fool he will become like Samson—- and wist not that the spirit of the Lord had been taken from him in the exact way that Owen found out last week.

  27. Thank you Georgie Porgie for taking the time to respond. You have made my point better than I could and I rest my case.

    By the way, please note, when quoting word of God” a word of advice taken from Thomas Jefferson, writing to his nephew:

    “I forgot to observe, when speaking of the New Testament that you should read all the histories of Christ, [there are 12 gospels that we know of] as well as those whom a council of ecclesiastics have decided for us, to be Pseudo-evangelists, as those they named the Evangelists. Because these Pseudo-evangelists pretended to inspiration, as much as the others, and you are to judge their pretensions by your own reason, and you are to judge their pretensions by your own reason, and not by the reason of those ecclesiastics.”

    To forsake reason is to be truly lost.

    Warmest Regards and Good Night, Thomas.

  28. Again Mr G, Thomas Jefferson might have been a politician, but he was not a theologian.And his quotation is of no value since it disregards the teachings of Canonicity, and the preservation of the NT.

    And yes I do agree with the points you made in your last note. True men should always agree on the truth.

  29. GP two points:

    Your views against David Commissiong’s views on Thompson’s as David Commisiong puts it, “his privatization of God”, is well reasoned, but you had a similar view to that of David Commissiong as you opined on the singing the hymnal “You raise me up” in reference to Owen Arthur who at the time was the last person serving in the office of the PM.

    2: Your argument against David Commissiong was on point where you made mention that the voice of the people during an election result is the voice of God, you erred in my opinion when you suggest that the PM was elected by the people which is the voice of God, and thereby becomes ordained by God.

    Not your fault but until the people can directly vote for a Leader, the leader of Barbados cannot fit into the reasoned process you have defined.

    The real truth is that 20 people solidified what the DLP general assembly gave birth too, and that’s how Thompson became the PM, not via the voice of God/people.

  30. Adrian Hinds
    Thanks for your kind remarks
    However, I don’t remember opining on the singing of the hymn “You raise me up” in reference to OAS, even though I think it wreaked of blasphemy.

    With respect to your second point, I understand your view and understand what you are saying, but the popular “vox populi vox dei est” is the same as Romans 13:1 in my view.

    Although as you correctly state, that in our electoral system one does not vote for the PM per se, the accepted system does in fact elect him indirectly. In this way the people spoke. And in this way all 30 representatives were chosen. That is vox populi – the voice of the people according to our accepted electoral system.

    Romans 13:1 expressly states that God influences or permits the setting up the powers that be. Consequently what ever electoral system is used God speaks – vox dei. In the last election, I believe that God moved the people, or He influenced the will of the people in the way they voted. I think He spoke very loudly as the elections were called and as the campaign went forward.

    From my position where I had access only to the online newspapers, and latterly the blogs, it became obvious to me from opinions expressed by the people that God was indeed speaking. His “voice” became louder still through that of the people when OSA made the dumb statements that Bajans (even Bees present at the speech) interpreted correctly

    I stand by the common interpretation of Romans 13:1 held by reputable theologians and Bible scholars, and substantiated by the NT Greek.

  31. Ok fair enough, i guess the real test will come if the people are ask to decide the fate of a BLP lead my MIA. If she becomes the Prime Minister in her current unrepentent state would you be so willing to say that she was elected by the will of God? 😀

  32. Adrian
    Remember that I said previously that theologians and Bible scholars point out that there is a direct will of God, and there is a permissive will. God certainly in his direct will does not sanction sin of any kind including homosexuality as is clearly set out in Romans 1: 26& 27 thus For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    However, it is clear that he permits it, because he has not destroyed you and I or our aquaintences for our pet sins what ever they may be (e.g extracurricular sex wid de outside woman). It does not mean that he condones it. He permits it so that we can have time to repent according to the truths set out in 2 Peter 3:9 which points out that “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.”

    In like manner, he does not condone Mia’s biting according to his direct will as set out in his word, but permits it in his permissive will to give her time to repent. And she might very well repent and change.

    So although I do not wish Mia to lead Barbados at any time ever, if she becomes the Prime Minister in her current unrepentent state I would have to agree that she was elected by the permissive will of God, yes.

    You have to remember too, that other Barbadians leaders and Barbadians including you and I are not without sin(even though they or we do not bite). Also it might just happen that by then God might just give us as a people up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts Romans 1:24 or he might give us up unto vile affections Romans 1:26, or he might gave us over to a reprobate mind Romans 1:28. We cant escape for ever.

    I realize that is not what we might like to hear, and you might not agree with me but that is what the word says, and that is a consistent interpretation of the relevant Scriptures, if we accept this as the guide for faith and practice.

  33. […] P.M. David Thompson Brings Back Religion To Government […]

  34. […] the international media, including CNN and Fox. What are the implications for Barbados? Will the Anglican Church in Barbados join the discussion, and could Sharia law ever take hold […]

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