The following comment inspired the blogmaster to expand the focus on data collection and discussion about the COVID 19 pandemic. Thanks to @Lyall@Amit


David; re. your 4:41 am post;

You are correct but I have indeed considered that cohort of the population.

The reason that the US experts are beating the drum for testing, testing and more testing is to get a handle on what proportion of the general public has been compromised by the virus in any way and has left its signatures in body fluids including blood in the population. The virus is shed from the infected body as the disease is brought under control. When it is controlled it has been found that it takes around 7 days for all particles to be shed from the body. Infected persons are released back into the community when they test negative twice over a period of 2 days.

Barbados, like all of our island neighbours, did or does not have access to large numbers of tests and had to use what we had very sparingly. Thus, the only measure that we had for gauging the incidence of the virus in the population (and a very imperfect one, at that) might be by comparing the evidence of infection levels hinted at by a comparison of the graphs of the progress of the various Covid-19 outbreaks in our Islands.

Most of the world was in the same position as the Caribbean and used the data obtained by the minimal testing of infected people and their contacts and their contacts to produce the graphs we see on such sites as WHO and Worldometer etc. All these graphs give an imperfect picture and significant underestimation of infection levels in the county or country in which the tests are carried out, but, since they are carried out in the same way in each country they might provide some rationale for guesstimating the comparative levels of the infection in various groups of countries.

The data shows that, starting out at essentially the same levels, there was some divergence in relation to the rate of infection and therefore progress of the various outbreaks in various countries. The graphs for Barbados showed low and declining levels of infection from the beginning, peaking at the level of 13 positive cases per day and thereafter showing a slowly declining trend. The individuals who would have contributed to the declining trend would have been primarily from the contact testing but should also have included other individuals referred by Health professionals or who presented themselves to Government institutions because of concern that their symptoms might point to untimely death due to the dread Covid-19.

Amit, in an earlier post on this blog, reported on his initiative of graphing Covid-19 incidence over weekly periods throughout the epidemic, in several Caribbean Islands. If David thinks it is appropriate and Amit agrees I can post a subset of graphs clipped from his data for 6 Caribbean territories which I think could illustrate some of what I have presented above.

Covid 19

There was 1 more positive case announced today as well as 1 death. A slight uptick of the daily cases line is indicated in the graph by the blue line. The total cumulative number of positive cases from the tests carried out yesterday is 76 – Llyall Small


Attached is the updated C-19 graph for 2020-04-23. There were no additional positive cases from yesterday’s tests and therefore cumulative positive cases remain at 76 – Lyall Small



Two new positive cases were identified from yesterday’s tests. There are now 5 cases of contacts with a previously identified individual. The 5 cases are workers from a Government Institution. Tests are ongoing today (25 April 2020)Lyall Small


Updated graph for 26 April 2020. No new +ve cases were found. Cumulative count is still 79 – Lyall Small


There was one additional +ve case identified today (27 April 2020) from the last tranche of NAB workers moving the cumulative total cases to 80. The graph is still essentially trending downwards – Lyallsmall

Covid-Cumulative 1
Graphing Covid-19 incidence in several Caribbean Islands – Source data:

3,451 responses to “COVID 19 UPDATES”

  1. Tell why you are of the view the story is being ‘tightly’ kept under wraps if it was carried in the media an update given by the minister responsible?

    Decision To Be Made On Coral Reef Damage

    A decision has not yet been made about whether government will seek compensation for damage caused to coral reefs by cruise ships docked off Barbados.

    However, Minister of Tourism and International Transport, Kerrie Symmonds, says there is photographic evidence that chains from the ships’ anchors have affected the reefs.

    Minister Symmonds says several factors will come in to play in determining whether this was caused by negligence.

    These include whether the ships were maintaining the position recommended by the Harbour Master.

    Minister Symmonds also believes it’s time the cruise sector must consider how it can help preserve the region’s marine environment.

  2. David; re. Mariposa’s point above;

    The Czar gave a broad hint in one of his press appearances or statements, about 6 weeks ago, that further investigations were being carried out of a case where they had been so far unable to track linkages with previous imported cases. A clear indication that it was possibly community spread. It took a long time for them to confirm it but I don’t think you could reasonably claim that there was a lack of transparency re. that case or the newest one.

  3. @ Mariposa

    Some of us are still waiting for the Czar to publish his epidemiological modelling, as he promised weeks ago. There are three reasons for this hesitance: first, that it is none of the public’s business how they do their modelling; two, that even if they published it we will not understand, so why do it; and three, it does not exist.
    Take your pick. By the way, we have had the same thing with the central bank and its modelling. Maybe it is a Barbadian thing. Part of a wider Bajan Condition. Some may say a method in their madness.

  4. lysall
    Yes he did i heard a vague response insufficient and enough for public to be concern
    A similar response given yesterday in the haste to call for calm even when not knowing how these people contract the virus
    One would think that govt now would put measures in place to call for better sanitizing of public transport frequently used by people
    Even make temperature testing by businesses a daily routine in places where high risk is probable

  5. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David Blogmaster, when conservatives fuss that government should not be intruding in every aspect of our lives they have a point.
    Citizens have to take ownership of their own responsibilities and ACT based on the directives and rules … long ago school leaders said it like “a breach of commonsense is a breach of the school rules”. At this personal level that MUST resonate… a breach of commonsense can be a cessation of life!

    How much MORE can ANY govt incite and warn their citizens on the danger and contagious aggressiveness of this virus?? When you say that we are “into potentially dangerous territory” I hear your concern but I am dismayed that we perceive that even now we need to yet up the ante on “public communications campaign to intensify awareness…”*!

    No one should be unaware of symptoms … we know flu symptoms and have since we caught the first one eons ago.. so call this flu ver 19.0…build 33 or 40 depending on your age.. a poor tech joke surely but the point is simple… it has very similar early symptoms of the cold so act as if it’s covid if you feel ‘fluey’!

    And as much as we get the big public ‘danger’ of community spread that too is a ‘breach of commonsense’. Do people actually go around these days touching stuff without a napkin or a pair of disposable gloves? How many people (even tho it’s really NOT that necessary) don’t wipe off groceries???

    Realistically and practically there is NO MORE grave danger of community spread than than there are idiots (or indifferent Bajans) who move around … as long as you have more smart Bajans than the other type there should be minimal community spread of anyone catching the virus by touching a surface … which by definition of “community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected”

    Of course there is the other ‘community spread’ where the person does not “say every place where they may have been, especially if they were not to be in that place” But that’s a story for that Brit scientist who was ‘spreading’ with his marred lover… that’s not the case of any of our unknown cases surely!

  6. COVID-19 UPDATE: One new case today

  7. Working Group Indicates COVID-19 Largely Contained In Region

    CARICOM Today:- Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), met virtually on 5 May 2020, specifically to continue their efforts to harmonise their responses to and policies on the multifaceted impact of COVID-19.

    Heads of Government welcomed a presentation from a Regional Working Group which indicated that the pandemic was largely contained in the Region due to the decisive action by Governments to put restrictions in place.

    They also noted the emphasis by the Group that re-opening by the Member States must be done with the health consideration being the foremost criterion.

    The Group, including representation from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the University of the West Indies (UWI), and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), offered recommendations for a common public health policy.

    The recommendations included parameters for the easing of restrictions in Member States that would allow for a re-opening in phases. The recommendations also included suggested criteria for a protocol on the re-opening of airports for intra-regional travel. The draft policy will be resubmitted to Heads of Government for final approval.

  8. Barbados cannot be tracked in the FT interactive chart because…?

    Coronavirus tracked: has your country’s epidemic peaked?

  9. Czar: Our testing way ahead in Caribbean

    By Barry

    Less than ten per cent of all COVID-19 tests in Barbados are taken up by retesting of people already with the virus and in isolation.

    The true coronavirus numbers have been confirmed by COVID-19 Czar Richard Carter, amidst concerns about the total number of tests being done in Barbados.

    Once again, Carter has said that in terms of testing for the deadly flu-like virus, health authorities in Barbados are way ahead of their counterparts in the rest of the Caribbean.

    His comments came after several questions were asked, mostly on social media platforms, about just how many tests are being done in Barbados, especially in local communities.

    In a recent interview, the czar also revealed that Barbados’ one case of occupational infection remained a solitary front-line worker who had been infected during the carrying out of duties, and one person remained a completely unlinked case, an indication of how much health officials had been able to contain positive numbers, even after a cluster of workers from the National Assistance Board tested positive.

    “There is no proportion of retests done daily. It depends on the recovery status of individual patients and they would only be retested if their symptoms have cleared and there is a reasonable expectation of a negative test result,” Carter said.

    As of May 4, health authorities had conducted 2 370 first-time tests out of a total of 2 549, which accounted for 93 per cent of all done. The other seven per cent were retests to determine if isolated patients were still COVID-19 positive. As of yesterday, the total tests conducted reached 2 788.

    “All patients require two consecutive negative tests before they can be discharged,” he reiterated.

    The czar also underscored the importance of contact tracing in Barbados’ ability to discover new infections, since 36 new cases had been discovered by public health officers after interviews of people who had COVID-19.

    Carter said 42 of Barbados’ first 82 diagnosed coronavirus cases had been imported, most of them being Barbadians returning home.

    He again made it clear the Government of Barbados, on discovering the virus here, never had any intention of preventing citizens from returning home, which led to the Grantley Adams International Airport remaining open with certain protocols in place.

    Carter also said it was important to look at Barbados’ testing protocol comparatively with the rest of the English-speaking Caribbean to bring a better perspective to what health authorities here are doing.

    “In relation to the rest of the region, Barbadoshas been testing much more in terms of our proportion of population. You are only able to grapple with the extent of the disease

    if you are constantly testing,” he said.

    Carter confirmed Barbados had tested about one per cent of its population, and this compared favourably with Jamaica, which is ten times bigger.

    “Only Jamaica has conducted more tests than us, and we have been expanding the level of community testing through our polyclinics over the last couple of weeks. We have done close to 2 700 tests. The likelihood of capturing persons is much greater if we keep testing,” he said.

  10. David, re. your 8:43 question; None of the anglophone Caribbean Islands have reached the figure of an average of 3 confirmed tests for their daily deaths statistic. That’s good!. eg. see below quote from the article:
    “Jamaica does not appear on this view of the chart because it has not yet passed three average daily deaths in our dataset. Please try other options”

  11. @Lyall

    The region is holding its own so far.

  12. “COVID-19 UPDATE: One new case and four recoveries.

    A 32-year-old man is the latest person to test positive for COVID-19”

    “There are now 84 confirmed cases in Barbados and the number of deaths remains at seven.”

    Firrst Story
    The UWI among Institutions Collaborating with WHO in COVID-19 Global Mega-Trial – SOLIDARITY

  14. This or a similar link should have been in the UWI announcement. We are past the stage where folks descend from Mount Olympus and whisper a few words.
    The protocol mentions blinding. Given the ‘compexity of the trial’: duration of treatment, possible different drug appearance etc. a description of the blindingemployed is of interest, but the draft protocol failed to deliver this information. in detail.
    The “Blinding”, “Follow-up” and “Governance” sections of the protocol makes me feel very positive about the study.

  15. This is a few weeks the Czar promised others doing the modeling would have shared with t(e public. Why is this Information being withheld?

  16. A later version of the draft protocol with more detail on blinding…
    Will not go further down the rabbit hole ….
    I would urge governments and universities to add more details to their explanations. You have been providing university level education for decades and to provide the same explanations that you gave to our parents is woefully inadequate.

  17. @David,
    I was so into the documents that i did not see the very first paragraph.
    Secondly, iI thought it would be just a link.
    Perhaps you should remove.the last two posts.

  18. It is about COVID, let us leave it.

  19. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    This doctor successfully treated all COVID 19 cases in the nursing home he was responsible for in 5 days.

  20. Seems we should apologize to GP and perhaps Trump as well!!

  21. There are now 85 cases of COVID-19 – 44 females and 41 males. The number of people in isolation has moved to 21, while the number of recovered people remains at 57. There have been seven deaths

  22. Covid1320

    Here’s latest update of the Barbados data. There was 1 new positive case on 11th May 2020 which might have been a case of community spread – Lyall Small


    Attached are the two update files depicting (1)Covid-19 incidence and progress in Barbados and (2)comparing its incidence in 6 caribbean countries as of 15th May. Data for the Caribbean cases were from Worldometer and for Barbados from GIS. There was 1 new positive case on 15th May – Lyall Small

  24. Barbados’ latest COVID-19 positive case is a 55-year-old Barbadian man who was identified through contact tracing by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
    This brings the number of confirmed cases of the viral illness to 86″

  25. Two Barbadian women are the latest COVID-19 positive cases. Aged 21 and 35, they were both identified through contact tracing.

    The number of persons who have been confirmed infected by the viral illness now stands at 88.

  26. The Ministry of Health and Wellness said they are a 58-year-old Barbadian woman, who arrived in the island yesterday and whose case is under investigation, and a 42-year-old crew member of one of the cruise ships off Barbados, who was transferred from the ship for emergency medical treatment.

    No one was released from isolation today. There are now 90 confirmed cases of COVID

  27. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    Are we going to purposely sink our country into bankruptcy over other people’s agendas?
    Time to wake up, reduce our dependency on others and start using our education and commonsense to get ourselves out of this deep hole before it collapses and buries us for good.


    There were a total of 90 cumulative cases here at at 22 May 2020. The graph for selected Caribbean countries indicated that two countries, St Lucia and Trinidad had reduced their active cases to zero and had maintained this for several days. Barbados’ active cases were at a low level of 13 – Lyall Small

  29. Two women, aged 57 and 56, are the latest COVID-19 positive patients in Barbados, bringing the number of confirmed cases to 92

  30. Hello BU Family, here’s my weekly CARICOM update (as at May 22):

    Stay safe!

  31. Amit;

    Thanks. I was scanning through your Caricom data last night and saw that Haiti’s cases are still increasing exponentially but that its sister state the DR has significantly more cases and deaths than Haiti.

    Dominican Republic cases 15073 deaths 460
    Haiti’s cases 1063 deaths 031

    These figures seem counterintuitive for 2 states in the same Island, Hispaniola. The Haitian newspaper in Brooklyn suggests that this might be due to underreporting in Haiti due to lack of resources, training, etc. To me it seems that there may be some resemblances to the situation in our small islands as compared with the larger ones with more international travel and perhaps time of kick-in of shutdown and curfew operations.

    Any ideas?

  32. @Lyall

    The Haiti situation is a case of limited testing.

  33. David;

    Yes! Limited testing is likely to result in significant numbers of Covid deaths, or in very ill persons with Covid-19, getting missed in the data gathering and reporting process. But could there be other host (intra cellular) micro environmental factors that inhibit the virus from full expression of its capacity to infect say a prescribed population delimited by seas or diet or some other such factor? Are any of the scientists looking at correlations that could tease out if there may be other limiting factors outside the obvious ones that could explain fully why there are such low incidences of the disease in small tropical countries or states, especially ones where mitigating actions are unlikely to have played a major part in the current good results? Bob Lucas might be the one on BU who has the genetic engineering experience and chops to give an informed answer to this. In any case, the question might not be particularly relevant at this stage of the outbreaks but could become so if future waves are experienced.

  34. Will a vaccine if it is discovered be mandatory? What if people refuse for whatever reason?

  35. I suspect that a vaccine for adults is unlikely to be mandatory. For Children might be a different matter. I suspect that Governments cannot compel people to to take vaccines. They can however, refuse to admit persons who cannot show a valid vaccination certificate into their country..


    Attached are 2 updated graphs (29th May) for Barbados and the weekly comparison of 5 other Caribbean countries re. active cases. The new reopening phase starts on Monday 1st June and I propose to continue producing the weekly graphs to assist in the visualization of the control of this wave of the Covid-19 outbreak here – Lyall Small

  37. @Lyall the numbers looking good so far, wishing Guyana’s continue to trend downwards.

  38. David;

    The graphs tell a tale of generally good management of the Covid-19 outbreak in the selected Caribbean countries. Trinidad has the best performance as it started out with a sizeable infection level but managed it almost perfectly to bring the infected cases down to zero within a few weeks. Barbados had a good performance also in bringing down the initial levels to relatively miniscule levels. St Lucia and Grenada started out with low levels and kept those down up to now. Jamaica had the highest infection levels of the six but has been bringing them down at a reasonable rate over the last 3 weeks. Guyana’s performance has been a bit spotty and is currently trending up at low levels.

    All in all, the Jamaica and the Eastern Caribbean countries have been lucky to have had relatively low initial viral loads to deal with but they all dealt with them, through the mitigation measures, in a disciplined way. If and when the next wave comes, we should be able to deal with it in a manner that might allow for less disruption of our populations especially as more and more research information becomes available.

  39. @Lyall

    The islands managed different strategies with good results. Barbados has been flexible with entry at borders etc. Some predicted people would have starved to deat etc. In a couple days we are about to reopen with minimum COVID protocol. Next stop learning to coexist with the virus.


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