Source: Nation Newspaper

The  Science and Technology Festival is currently taking place on the grounds of UWI, Cave Hill under the Graduation tent, it ends today (18th March 2023). The festival is being organized by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Smart Technology and the Faculty of Science and Technology at Cave Hill.

It is a good idea for parents and guardians to expose children to the event anticipating where global demands for skills is headed. For details of the event see the Ministry’s Facebook Page. The event is showcasing the innovation and inventions of Barbadian students up to University level’

A reminder for the doubters – Harrison College’s robotics team won the Platinum Award at the Caribbean Science Foundation STEM Olympiad. See the Instagram page which displays work Barbadians can be justly proud. A couple of years ago Coding and Robotics programs were introduced into the school curriculum and students were encouraged to form robotics clubs in schools. From all reports Harrison College and the Alleyne School specifically have made some of the greatest strides in these disciplines, with the other schools picking up interest.

This Alleyne School teacher proudly gives an update on the progress made by his robotics class – If Barbados is to transform, it MUST improve in the area of innovation and investment in technology. However we spin it, these are two key areas future and sustainable economic development will depend. We need to adopt technology and innovation in agriculture, life sciences, software engineering. manufacturing, sports, music – the lot.

The blogmaster adds to the call we MUST advance reform in immigration and education reform, two areas the government and stakeholders need to get done. Reducing the need for immigration reform to xenophobic and jingoistic nonsense is to simplify the issue. If we do not, these are two structural problems that will hinder sustained economic development and growth. Given where Barbados is perched on the HDI- albeit falling in recent years- the question is how do we continue to support a lifestyle Barbadians have become accustomed. The Education Reform Commission is promised in a few weeks time, another commission but an important one in the scheme of things.

47 responses to “Reform a MUST to survive in this world”

  1. Reform has come to mean keeping the status quo entrenched.

    What we all really need is a RADICAL transformation of everything. No sscred cows! Thinking in those terms.

    Is reform not what we were trying to do now for ever?

    For example, and in the miseducation space, countries need to prepare for a time when English is not the dominant lingua franca.😁🤢🤣

  2. The Way Of The World 🌎 Avatar
    The Way Of The World 🌎

    “Reducing the need for immigration reform to xenophobic and jingoistic nonsense is to simplify the issue.”

    xenophobic and jingoistic nonsense is effectively judging people purely on their mother and father who made them which happened before they were even born and had nothing to do with them and puts them in a labeled box for their whole life

    this is more absurd when comes from whites prejudice and even more absurd when it comes from blacks who are victims of being pre-judged
    (I am such a deep thinker 🤔 ..)

    your purpose on the earth is to slave for the rich
    to help and to serve from the womb to the ditch
    no souls on this earth shall ever be free
    but the blood of the bloom of who you will be
    I don’t know why
    this is the way of the world

    down on this earth the masters are freaks
    wicked have cash there is no money for peace
    the messengers are clowns on the stage
    juggling their lives while you struggle and pay

  3. @ David
    That looks like a ‘drone’ in the picture that accompanies the post.

    Drone technology is at the leading edge of robotic research with potential for developments – from flying transport vehicles, to autonomous security patrols, videography, etc.

    Bushie is advised that the Barbados government has had a BAN on all such technology now for many years. Any such equipment is seized upon import -unless a (hard to get) license is obtained from no less a place, than the PM’s office.
    Certain select people (it appears), are then allowed to exploit the artificially created monopoly market…

    As Pacha says, ‘same old same old….’

    Perhaps you should enquire of MIST how this government policy advances STEM, and promotes the need to ‘transform’ innovation and creativity in the mendicant society.

    Anybody can talk shiite…. some quite eloquently.
    But when you ask a few questions, the smell becomes unmistakable…

  4. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

    “For example, and in the miseducation space, countries need to prepare for a time when English is not the dominant lingua franca.😁🤢🤣”

    Did i not tell them with all good intentions to pick up a foreign language or two, preferably ancestral, but for practical purposes one should know a few others within linguistic capacities.

    They still dont get that the most basic form of the slight resemblance to english they speak…tells them ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and if some sort of intellectual expansion dont take place, never will…..and that is without the current dominancy or threat of moving the language to 2nd or 3rd position in lineup as some countries already have.

    But they were too busy getting themselves setup into selfhating, self-reducing mischief that they had no clue had viable potential to reach to this and DID…so here they are.

  5. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…i even posted a language site where they dont have to pay, beginners and intermediary are free…unless they want to advance…what more could they have wanted.

    But the pull of malicious mischief to destroy their own and appear loyal to politicians was too great…..

    ..too late..they gotta conform to whatever is pushed at them now…but slaveminded dont mind…and neither should we mind what comes down on them.

  6. @Bush Tea

    The drone technology was being misused which explains the restriction? How do you explain HC and Alleyne being able to take advantage of robotics program on the curriculum compared to the others?

  7. Boss, our Parliament is being misused every damn day….
    Should we ban that too…?
    Also, WRT HC and Alleyne, Perhaps they have special contacts…
    and have you heard about the one-eyed man in the land of the blind?
    The challenge is not to be best in a ‘land of nothingness’, or even in a ‘region of little’, but to seek global competitiveness.

  8. @HC

    You read that HC was competitive outside of Barbados? Your analogy about parliament is a stretch.

  9. @David
    Maybe HC and the Alleyne got lucky and had personnel on board with interest and ability to teach robotics, there are too many examples of top down approaches where the Ministry wants to introduce the flavor of the day but lack the skills to implement them.

    BTW did the parents receive any satisfaction re the quiz approved by the MOE directed at the young students about sexual matters among other things?

  10. @Sargeant

    “BTW did the parents receive any satisfaction re the quiz approved by the MOE directed at the young students about sexual matters among other things?”


  11. How is Parliament a stretch…?
    If something is being misused, the solution is to make changes to prevent that misuse….is it not?

    ANYTHING is subject to misuse… not just Parliament, …money, sex, friendships, education, technology… blogs..

    How is BANNING the ‘misused’ item useful, or creative?

    HC was credited with winning a regional award was it not? HC should be winning global awards.
    The comprehensive schools should be targeting regional and national awards…

    …anyway, the last word is yours… as is the blog. 🙂

  12. There maybe a light at the end of the tunnel. No guarantees though that it’s not as train coming to kill.

    The IMF has now “reformed ” its rules, subject to Board of Govenors approval, to allow countries beset with “exceptionally external shocks” to access funding.

  13. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Yes Pacha…saw the IDB has a program going as well, funding for entrepreneurs to contribute….which in my view should be totally independent of government or private sector interference or oversight…and monitored consistently for the sabotage and THEFTS of other people’s creations and ideas that are known to occur for the last 100 years,.it’s a start.

  14. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    And they can’t refute any of it because the people on the island…were GIFTED the work from home concept by PLT recently …and the usual suspects still try to TIEF IT… prance around pretending they created it, tiefing credit from a gift..and screwed it up like they screw up everything else…

    .that is only one of tens of thousands of disenfranching abuse and misuse of small island power against CREATIVES over the last century…

  15. Yolande Grsnt - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grsnt – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.


    It really will be a major boost and improvement for the people and island if the usual gangs of thieves are no longer permitted to rob creatives of their creations/ ideas and sell it or give it away to their funky friends snd family for a cut.

    The very first wakeup call rhey got is when try as they might in the last 5 years, they could not find a way to tief my formula….am sure it was the first time they ever got heavy resistance..

  16. Ukraine?

  17. Transformation, transformation, transformation, who will bell the cat Bush Tea? The same entity that has to drive transformation or ban itself?

    Talking transformation

    One of the primary areas in need of transformation in Barbados is the political arena. We need a transformation of our political culture. Easier said than done. It is easy to talk of a new politics, but when you’ve been steeped in it, bred and reared in the pens of political party culture, seasoned in the style of a bygone era, it will take time. The combative stance of the old politician, with their opportunistic antagonism and mannerisms, rhetoric and posturing which provide ample material for Laff it Off are not shed so easily.
    True transformation is often a painstakingly slow process, like the waters of the East Coast wearing away at the rocks. Like your son, our daughter whom you look at one day and ask, “When you get so big?” Sometimes though, transformation is not slow, but sudden and violent. Like a hurricane hitting the rocks and reorganising the shoreline one time.
    Like a son or daughter who starts hitting rock and in the course of a few months is unrecognisable.
    Sudden transformation of a nation is usually the result of some catastrophe. If we have a choice between sudden or slow transformation, the more gradual process is probably preferable even if requiring more patience. But, whether sudden or slow, the outcome will always be uncertain.
    May pay at the polls
    In politics, the inherent uncertainty in making transformative moves is compounded by the fact that if the move does not turn out as expected, you may pay at the polls. The people, under-educated about the complexities and nuances of our own governmental, social, economic and cultural affairs as well as the historical turbulence associated with transformation, often expect quick and silky smooth fixes. The opposition lays in waiting to pounce on any bone thrown it that may be chewed and spit back in criticism of the ruling party. The ruling party, in fear of making a mistake and losing votes, is often paralysed and reduced to posing, box checking and stagnation. The combative stances and opportunistic antagonisms of our political culture are a stumbling block to deep transformation.
    But, we have a unique moment in history. One spoken to by Member of Parliament Ralph Thorne
    in his response to the Budget proposal. Mr Thorne made a profound suggestion. He said that a 30-0 government should use this “unique opportunity” to “let ideas genuinely contend”. I interpret him to be saying that the position of strength which his party enjoys is an opportunity to demonstrate what unity in diversity looks like. This is an opportunity to demonstrate a truly new politics where toes are not coerced or pressured towards a party line and rhetoric is not so geared towards one-ups-man-ship, electioneering and image building.
    Combative opportunism
    The 30-0 situation also provides a unique opportunity for opposing parties. From this position of relative weakness the opposition parties have nothing to lose by giving up their combative opportunism and everything to gain from communicating to the public in a less self serving way. They may find that a public which largely sees politicians as disingenuous will be very receptive to less games of gotcha and more deep, thoughtful and balanced commentary. In a political culture where parties act like snipers laying in wait to capitalise off any slips their opponents make, these changes in orientation can be risky though. A public so accustomed to bombastic and accusitory politics could perceive this more sober and reasoned politics as a sign of weakness.
    On the other hand, the negative reaction to statements made last week in Parliament about Biblical false prophets being stoned is quite telling. In the history of negative comments from Barbadian politicians, this one ranks way down on the list. Could the reactions to the comment indicate that Bajans are truly tired of political pantomimes ready for a new, more mature and transformed politics?
    Adrian Green is a communications specialist. Email

  18. @David
    There is an insightful video from a young American Welcome Stamper who shares his thoughts and observations about living in Barbados after doing so for two years. One of the observations he made is that Barbadians are actually very entrepreneurial, but he did have two points of constructive criticism for small businesses in the country:
    *The lack of well updated websites, if any at all, for many businesses, This
    speaks to the need for further digital transformation.

    *The lack of consistent opening hours,

    Here is the entire video:

    This is the second time that I have heard a Welcome Stamper comment on how entrepreneurial Barbadians are, The first being from a software developer from Canada who now resides here.

    From observation we have actually done very well in the last six years or so in increasing the level on entrepreneurship among young black people in Barbados. You would notice several recently formed businesses owned by young people and this has been accelerated by things like the Trust Loan fund which gave rise to the well know Local Wine “clusters”.
    Two examples of new black owned companies which I patronise are :

    Monumental watches – A Luxury watch assembly company founded by a young black man.

    Churn Ice-cream- An Ice-cream making business from Britton’s Hill. You can follow them on Instagram.

    Barbados is already full of young entrepreneurs, however what we now need are more innovators especially in Science and Technology. Therefore I hope that the was a massive turn out by the youth at the Science and Technology festival and that they were inspired.

  19. @wargeneral

    Saw the video and it was positive in many respects. However, his comment must be placed in context. We maybe entrepreneurial by his definition but in the context of moving the GDP needle and earning foreign exchange how do you grade his definition? We have to be sure to have conversations that are relevant to the big ticket items that confront us.

  20. @David
    I take his comment as an honest one, all entrepreneurship will not be export oriented. For local firms that whish to export, they have to increase productivity and quality.

    This goes back to my original point about investment in Science and Technology. To earn more foreign exchange your companies have to go global and be globally competitive, you have to be efficient and improve productivity, to do this you need to increase investment in technology and scientific research. Example: Have you heard about the new Food Science Centre opened in Newton in November last year?

    Using better technology and sharing of resources this could allow a small business to move from producing 60 units per day to 3000 units per day, thereby reducing costs per unit and becoming more competitive. That simple investment in technology moves the company from a local producer to an exporter. Similar outcomes can be achieved through scientific research.

    The Food Science Centre is an Investment made my Export Barbados, a state agency, I understand they are also building a life Sciences Park in Newton as well, I saw construction starting there.

    However, investment in technology and scientific research needs to be more private sector driven. The new private sector, which is mostly black-owned like Monumental Watches and others has to be more innovative and dynamic than the old private sector which was just basically a merchant class.

  21. Jux in Dub (feat. A Class Crew) (Dub Organiser Mix) Avatar
    Jux in Dub (feat. A Class Crew) (Dub Organiser Mix)

    “It is easy to talk of a new politics, but when you’ve been steeped in it, bred and reared in the pens of political party culture, seasoned in the style of a bygone era, it will take time.”

    It takes two to tango..
    and I want to tango with you..

    Barbados is such a small place where in the political arena everyone knows everyone it is almost incestuous ..
    Perhaps a political model could be set up where people stands as independents and not in parties (duopolies) ..
    Or perhaps not ..

  22. Adrian Green gets 1 out of 3 for his essay.

    Please note that his comments on the opportunities afforded to a 30-0 victory by the governing party have been mentioned here several times. He displays no courage when he fails to mention that the glorious 30-0 has been squandered and instead of the roar of a lion we are forced to listen to the mewing of a neutered tomcat. The sky was the limit but we were constrained to walk dark alleys where schemes and scams flourish.

    Green then straddles the fence when he talks of what an opportunity 30-0 provided for the opposition. He states ” the opposition parties have nothing to lose by giving up their combative opportunism and everything to gain from communicating to the public in a less self serving way.” In the next moment he writes “these changes in orientation can be risky though. A public so accustomed to bombastic and accusatory politics could perceive this more sober and reasoned politics as a sign of weakness”.

    I suspect that he was riding ‘side saddle’ to protect his cojones and not straddling his horse.

    Hold your horses AG!

    What we have is a two party system. The friction and combative stance are what powers the system. Patting Mia and company on the back at every opportunity would make the DLP appear as a party devoid of ideas and lacking both originality and a spine.

    My stance is that even when Mia and Company do good, the DLP must always search for the flaw (even if it is microscopic) and magnify it. This will be what allow the party to separate itself from the other party. This is what make its a two horse race. This division must be maintained if the DLP wishes to be seen as a viable alternative to the ruling party.

    Let Green et al have their kumbaya thoughts, …. Onward DLP soldiers

  23. Tanglement Dub (Dub Organiser Mix) Avatar
    Tanglement Dub (Dub Organiser Mix)

    Seats in territories could resemble African tribal politics where locals and elders gather to express their voice

  24. @ David
    “…who will bell the cat Bush Tea? …”
    The basic error in your thinking, is that ‘parliament’ is a construct of politicians and parliamentarians….

    IT IS NOT!!

    ‘Parliament’ is whatever the brass bowl sheeple ALLOWS to rule their daily lives and systems.
    If we allow incompetent jokers to sell off all our assets and bind our children and grandchildren with debt chains, then there is no one else to blame but our own BB selves.
    Expecting that the SAME incompetent jokers will ‘reform the system’ to make THEMSELVES redundant, …by bringing INTELLIGENT, HONEST, COMPETENT persons into parliament – is the logic of brass bowls.

    Their donkeys NEED to be kicked to the curb, (vi et arms, if needed,) and the PEOPLE need to demand MINIMUM standards of performance, HONESTY, LOYALTY and COMPETENCE – at pain of the guillotine if needs be,
    …such is the import of the matter, and a certain ’10 point plan’ exists that outlines how this could have been done smoothly..

    Failing this, we should just prepare ourselves for the inevitable, which we will ALL suffer…

  25. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

    “The new private sector, which is mostly black-owned like Monumental Watches and others has to be more innovative and dynamic than the old private sector which was just basically a merchant class.”

    Wuh i glad enuff to hear the old merchant class of racist crooks finally came to an end…when did that happen…last year??? After over one hundred years of being well-aided parasites in Afrikan lives…wuh i nearly missed that event, didnt see a ting bout dah in any media……glad to see the info in black and white…pardon the pun..

  26. It Takes Two to Tango Avatar
    It Takes Two to Tango

    Here is the next exercise in Non Verbal Communication
    the language of the universe

    Right about now..
    There is a monopoly in politics..
    30 MPs should be able to have a say to voice their opinions instead of toeing the party line..
    So now is the time to move away from the old model / system

    Hey baby, how about this dance? …
    … There’s a lot of things that you can do alone!

  27. Jung is probably Mia’s best investment yet….

  28. @Wargeneral

    Agree all entrepreneurship will not be export oriented, but given the design of our import oriented economy- a voracious appetite of fx is priority one. Any transformative exercise undertaken must be geared to create fx.

  29. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

    Am looking at the spinners who have obviously convinced themselves that everything can be spun like a yarn and explained away…a hundred years worth of human rights violating crimes..

    In one year, not five, we should ask for proof that the brand new “Black private sector” dont still have 3 of 4 majority Black members…just like the fraudulent Clement Payne panafrican center who could only find 8 members in nearly 50 years of operation……lol

    They are absolutely frightening.

  30. TheOGazerts45 (No relation to TheOGazerts) Avatar
    TheOGazerts45 (No relation to TheOGazerts)

    In epapar of BT “Man charged after spending money mistakenly placed in his account”

    TT guy had over TT $ 32M placed in his account. He spent approximately TT $1M but over $600 K was recovered..

    If that money was placed in a lawyer from Barbados account, do you think they would have recovered any of the money?

    Should that Trinidadian on discovering the mistake come to Barbados and hire a lawyer? Do you think the Bajan lawyer would share the spoils with his clients?

    Do you think “Your honor, I aint no Bajan lawyer. I thought the money was my own” is a good defense.

  31. @Bush Tea

    The blogmaster avoids the absolute language you prefer to cloak your arguments. In this case the parliament is a manmade construct but the flaw in our governance model is that it works best in a symbiotic state. This is the flaw in the system practiced. Check democratic systems across the globe and observe the trend, democracies hijacked by the elites. Who said that a democracy is not perfect but there is nothing better to replace it? We will have to continue to advocate and agitate until death do us part.

  32. idiomatic expression Avatar
    idiomatic expression

    @ Davey
    Don’t throw away the baby with the bathwater
    idiomatic expression
    for an avoidable error in which something good or of value is eliminated when trying to get rid of something unwanted.

  33. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    “If that money was placed in a lawyer from Barbados account, do you think they would have recovered any of the money?”

    Gone Without a Trace…int the people are still looking for the 6 billion or so that no one wants to talk about…vat, treasury, NIS…

  34. Boss, this is well worth a discussion.

    There is NOTHING better per se, about ‘democracy’ than ANY other form of national organizational administration.

    In the final analysis, it boils down to the honesty, integrity, wisdom and commitment of the leaders entertained by the country.

    A dictatorship is fine – if we find a dictator with those qualities, just as a democracy is great – when those qualities are present.

    The recent famous ‘dictators’ of Libya and Iraq actually created better social and economic results that almost every democratic counterpart then in place…..and
    Bushie don’t have to tell you about the wicked history of the ‘democracies’ that we praise so widely – including our own local version of ‘democratic dictatorship’… now being refined

    So the REAL challenge is how we can manage to place honest, wise, committed leaders, of impeccable integrity, into the key positions of leadership – and to keep those conditions for leadership in place in the long term…

    For 10 marks, suggest an approach that can work for brassbados…. LOL

  35. Agree with you bush tea, no system is perfect. Singapore had the benefit of a benevolent in the job for 30 years. Underlying any governance system must be the integrity of the actors and the ability of the same actors to hold the players in the system accountable.

  36. $15 zucchini situation Avatar
    $15 zucchini situation

    “Agree with you bush tea, no system is perfect. Singapore had the benefit of a benevolent in the job for 30 years. Underlying any governance system must be the integrity of the actors and the ability of the same actors to hold the players in the system accountable.”

    With 17% of city state’s residents worth S$1m, those who serve, drive and treat them may as well live on another planet.
    They also have a $15 zucchini situation.

  37. Boogaloo movement Avatar
    Boogaloo movement

    Is the U.S. a democracy or republic?

    While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme.
    Alexis de Tocqueville declares that political equality, pervasive in America, provides the strong foundation for democracy, a system of government in which sovereignty resides with the people and decisions are made by majority rule.

    Trump received a tip off warning that stated CU Next Tuesday and is calling for the Great Boogaloo to incite, a second American Civil War or second American Revolution.

  38. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright ( c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright ( c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    It will definitely be one to remember, once i can settle down to type right through…..soon come..

    It will soon be on my sites.

  39. What world?
    Which world?
    Imram Khan, one of the greatest cricketers ever to have ‘lived’ and recently usurped, as Pakistan’s prime minister, by the most ‘democractic’, and indeed the self appointed paragon of liberty, the United States, by a soft coup, using a gang of criminals, literal criminals, significant people now in government actually indicted on serious crimes, is being set up for murder.

    Khan is the most popular politician in Pakistan by several measures. And the country which presents itself as the bastion of democracy, the USA, when indeed it is an unreformed fascism which rules the roost. And neither the Americans nor the criminals who have ceased power in Pakistan can neither allow Khan to participate in any kind of election, allow him to be alive nor have his party which will win any type of election happen.

    And there’s precedent. Both Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and his daughter Benazir Bhutto, who were both murdered in the same or similar circumstances. Only the overthrow, by popular resistance, of the Washington supported coup regime can save Khan!

  40. I Don't Want To Be No General Avatar
    I Don’t Want To Be No General

    Easy Take It Easy

    UBS is the acronym for Union Bank of Switzerland (“Union de Banques Suisses” or “Unione di Banche Svizzere” in French or Italian, respectively. In German, it’s “Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft”). When Union Bank merged with Swiss Bank, the new entity took on the name UBS*.

    (*) UBS agrees takeover of stricken Credit Suisse for $3.25bn

    I don’t want to be a General
    to achieve only a burial
    I said the race is not for the SWIFT
    but for those who can endure it
    you ride like lightening
    you’ll crash like thunder
    I said you know you know you know
    I said you know
    Top Rankings must get a spanking on the banking

  41. Seize!!
    The algorithm again.

  42. We see Mallick” addressing a branch meeting in Christ Church. Clyde Mascoll!

    What the hell could be “reformed” with a man like this, talking about being “bright”, as a “professional”, wid a stupid smile on he face.

    Bright does not work anymore. It has long stopped wukking. For there is so much rasssoul information about everything, everywhere. Sensible people talk more about being able to handing or managing information. For example, it’s vastly more important to know where\how to find information or retrieve it, than pretend one is “bright” by walking around wid all dah shiite in yuh head, like Mallick tries to do. He’s man of rote!

    What is the capacity of a single mind compared to the universe of information now readily available. What bright what! Mascoll is still an 11-plus boy!

    People like Mascoll represent the epitome of the failures we’ve had and will have. A hindrance to development. A shiiite talker misguided by a few meaningless credentials. A guillotine should be appropriately conferred.

  43. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    One thing’s for sure, the months and years ahead will be very interesting, stage already set…

    For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    How many times over the decades have we heard this.

    Staying in my corner bosie, let the players have the floor.

  44. Weaknesses and Strengths as Yin-Yang Avatar
    Weaknesses and Strengths as Yin-Yang

    Someone moaned and someone did a cleanup job yesterday..
    but the point of Yin Yang strengths and weaknesses flew over their head regarding reform for growth and also swings in Government..
    And just like the Yin and Yang, our weaknesses and strengths coexist in everything. The Yin and Yang give rise to, complement, and reinforce each other. The Yin and Yang exist within each other and interplay with each other to form a dynamic and paradoxical unity.

  45. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Pacha…looks like the people in St. Vincent are setting the ground rules.

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