Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

Since the death of Queen Elizabeth, I was uncertain how to publicly respond. I believe all Barbadians are similarly uncertain. Many who dared express sentiments of mourning on social media were rudely set upon by persons accusing them of supporting colonialism. Then the Government’s most revered Cultural Ambassador wrote the song, “Good Riddance to Rubbish” in direct reference to Her Majesty.

Less than one year ago, the Queen was the respected Head of State of Independent Barbados. All our elected representatives and appointed senators swore before God, on the damnation of their eternal souls, to be faithful to the Queen. Then we were informed that they had removed the Queen from being our Head of State, and we must all fall in line. This article attempts to make sense of the current uncertainty.


On 15th September 2020 in our Parliament, the Government stated that Barbados would “become a Republic by the time we celebrate our 55th Anniversary of Independence.” [1] The Queen’s response was immediate. She stated that becoming a Republic was “a matter for the government and people of Barbados”. [2]
The Government then immediately informed the international news media, that Barbadians had given their consent for Barbados to become a Republic in the 2018 General election, stating: “we certainly campaigned on it in the manifesto”. [3]


If this were true, then the Republic of Barbados would be founded on the sure foundation of the will of the Government and the consent of the public. However, all Barbadians know, and the Attorney General of Barbados has specifically acknowledged [4], that none of the political parties that participated in the 2018 General Election campaigned on Republicanism.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no mention of any plan to make Barbados a Republic in the BLP’s 2018 general Election Manifesto, 2016 Covenant of Hope, or 2013 general Election Manifesto. However, it is mentioned in their 2008 Election Manifesto, with their sacred promise of a public referendum.


The international media ignored these facts. Foreign Policy reported: “Mottley, who has campaigned on republicanism, won a landslide victory in 2018 elections when her party won all 30 seats in the House of Assembly.” [5]. iNews UK reported: “She campaigned on republicanism, ahead of her landslide victory in 2018 elections.” [6]. Even the prestigious National Geographic reported: “Charismatic and outspoken, Mottley campaigned on republicanism to become the nation’s first female leader in 2018.” [7].

Instead of the promised referendum, we were subject to a campaign to get Barbadians to hate the Queen. Parliamentarians questioned her benefit to Barbados. The University of the West Indies accused her of racial hatred. Our established media mainly published the views of those who disparaged her. Rather than test their campaign with the promised and expected referendum, Barbadians who questioned the rush to republicanism were targeted with invective.


Since we were forced into a republic that was built on a foundation of fiction, how should we respond to the Queen’s passing? Each person should count the cost and decide for themselves. Private mourning is a personal decision. Public mourning in this new republic should be done carefully.

Those who have been convinced that the Queen is their great oppressor and the root cause of their economic and emotional problems, will celebrate as if it were the death of the wicked. Those who were not persuaded by the recent negative campaign will mark their respect, but should expect ridicule.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

[1] The Governor-General’s throne speech in the Barbados Parliament on 15th September 2020.
[2] The Guardian UK, Patrick Wintour (Diplomatic Editor), 16 September 2020.
[3] Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Phil Williams (Chief Foreign Correspondent), 17 September 2020.
[4] High Court Claim No. CIV 867 of 2021. Paragraph 42.l
[5] Foreign Policy, Stéphanie Fillion (United Nations based foreign affairs reporter), 28 June 2021.
[6] iNews UK, Michael Day (Chief Foreign Commentator), 26 November 2021.
[7] National Geographic, Jacqueline Charles (Pulitzer Prize finalist, 2018 Maria Moors Cabot Prize winner), 22 November 2021.

156 responses to “Farewell Your Majesty”

  1. The lady schooling the dumbest man on TV is actually wrong, but it does not affect her point,

    It wasn’t William Wilberforce who started the abolitionist movement, it was the Quakers long before Wilberforce was even born.

    Wilberforce became an evangelical Christian and also was an MP.

    He was prevailed upon by Lady Middleton to speak on behalf of the Clapham Sect. in Parliament against the slave trade.

    Ultimately. he and Clarkson would become involved in the abolition of slavery.

    It would really be wonderful if the future Queen of England. Kate Middleton turns out to be her descendant!!

    That would be priceless!!!

    Of course, as we all know after being schooled by me, the early Middleton family in Barbados was Quaker and was here in the 17th century before moving to the Colony of Virginia if memory serves me right.

    Middleton’s Mount or the Mount Plantation in St. George was owned by the Middleton family in the 17th century.

    Middleton, Sylvester and Walrond bought Shelter Island in New York from which they supplied their plantations in Barbados, Constant, the Mount and Guinea with lumber, fish and other staples.

    Thomas Rous was in the mix too and he owned Halton.

    His son John married the daughter of Margaret Fell who after her husband Judge Fell died, married George Fox.

  2. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    I don’t hear anybody disputing fellow black Africans catching their own brethren and selling to the slave traders.

    I ran from history hard at school so can one of the commenters always talking about slavery give me the real real story about the situation.

  3. “Captured far from the African coast when he was a boy of 11, Olaudah Equiano was sold into slavery, later acquired his freedom, and, in 1789, wrote his widely-read autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.

    The youngest son of a village leader, Equiano was born among the Ibo people in the kingdom of Benin, along the Niger River. He was “the greatest favourite with [his] mother.” His family expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a chief, an elder, a judge. Slavery was an intregal part of the Ibo culture, as it was with many other African peoples. His family owned slaves, but there was also a continual threat of being abducted, of becoming someone else’s slave. This is what happened, one day, while Equiano and his sister were at home alone.

    Two men and a woman captured the children. Several days later Equiano and his sister were separated. Equiano continued to travel farther and farther from home, day after day, month after month, exchanging masters along the way. Equiano’s early experiences as a slave were not all disagreeable; some families treated Equiano almost as a part of the family. The kind treatment, however, was about to end.

    About six or seven months after being abducted, Equiano was brought to the coast, where he first encountered a slave ship and white men.”

  4. Britain was not the first country to abolish slavery.

    France did it shortly after the revolution in 1789.

    In 1793/4 it abolished slavery in all of its colonies, including St. Domingue.

    However, it reinstituted it in 1801/2 and did not finally abolish it until 1848, after Britain.

  5. Wily Coyote September 21, 2022 4:47 PM #: “And who/whom to you suppose was fully IN COMMAND when these facilities were created.”

    Certainly NOT Queen Elizabeth II, as the lady seems to be suggesting.

  6. Where is Miller? His worst nightmare (King Charles) is now reality, is it possible that Miller is in Blighty?

  7. Colonial insults amid celebration

    Brits’ imperalist gloating pricks anti-royalist consciousness
    THE EVENTS AND POMP surrounding the death and burial of the late monarch of Britain, Queen Elizabeth II, has served to reinforce, rather than to soften, the negative perceptions of the institution of the royal family by the formerly colonised world.
    Whether by accident, racial hegemonic arrogance and insensitivity, or deliberate political design, there were aspects of the celebration of the life of the late Queen Elizabeth II that were meant to reinforce the “subordination” of the former colonised world to British global power.
    As such celebrations were interlaced with colonial insults, they cannot be separated from the “soft power” associated with the ideological aspects of imperialism.
    It was one thing for the British to bury its head of state and to praise her according to their own logic, but there was nothing “innocent”, “accidental” or “normal” when that burial crossed the boundary into universal claims about “greatness”, the “embodiment of universal principles of public service and sacrifice” and statements about dignity and “humility” for someone whose life was significant only for the privileges of the accident of birth of occupying an “office” that was made great only by corresponding centurieslong immiseration of millions of people across the globe.
    The late Jamaican philosopher, Charles Mills, has informed us that a hegemonic power is always able to perpetuate itself by making universal claims for its own “particular” realities while dismissing other peoples’ specific world views as “particularistic”
    In speaking of Elizabeth II, one BBC talking head went as far as suggesting that “it was almost as if she was ordained by God”.
    The Roman Catholic pope, mostly of European origin, is accepted as the “vicar of Christ on Earth”, but it is ridiculous to claim that Haile Selassie is “Christ in his kingly character”.
    ‘Founding fathers’
    George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, both slave owners, are celebrated as the “founding fathers” of American democracy. John Locke, administrator of the greatest slave trading enterprise ever created by man, is championed as a theorist of liberal democracy.
    To overcome colonial hegemons, Mills instructs that we should remember that the “magisterial voice from heaven is always a mere broadcast from Earth”, and he suggests that we should confront their “particulars” with “particulars” of our own.
    It is this psycho-philosophical manoeuvre which allowed me to survive the imperial media version of the life of the monarch who oppressed me and my foreparents.
    However, given our status as independent states, we are also responsible for facilitating the intended insults. It’s interesting to consider why the United States, which itself engaged in an anti-monarchical war for independence, has been wallowing in royalist euphoria. Clearly, European superiority, even in royalist garb, supersedes democratic modernist pretensions.
    The good news is that by going overboard with their imperialist gloating, they have pricked anti-colonial consciousness.
    It is time to shake off the last vestiges of colonialism.

    Tennyson Joseph is a political scientist at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, specialising in regional affairs.

    Source: Nation

  8. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    The fraud is only successful in perpetration if you ACCEPT a FAKE WORLD that is thousands of years REMOVED FROM REALITY……

    ..if intelligent people REJECT IT, IT HAS NO POWER OVER THEM…..but if ya want to be the perpetual good slave…..well good luck…

    stop enabling and condoning the perpetration of a FRAUD and centuries old CON GAME…kill its power.

    Weeeeee who do not reside in a WORLD OF IGNORANCE have long moved on from the old debilitating narratives to more useful pursuits………….FREEDOM IS EUPHORIC..

    and the Slaves cannot sabotage any of it, even if they knew what was really happening.

    Pacha @William @TLSN …..they deserve to remain in THE DARK until they can FIND THE LIGHT ON THEIR OWN………..not a fella int leading them out of that…..they deserve to REMAIN STUCK with the Judases..

    many of us have put in TOO MUCH WORK…..right now i look like a raccoon with two black eyes…….to let airheads slow down this train.

  9. Wily Coyote’s comments forced me to re-read some of the contributions to this thread, to verify if I was ‘tripping.’

    Ms. Michael posted the following comments:
    September 21, 2022 11:49 AM #: “You SOB’s enjoying freedom of speech to talk crap about the QUEEN.
    WERE IT NOT FOR HER, THERE WOULD BE NO hospital, no police force, no Parliament in Barbados; you would be still living in your thatched shacks and eating one another.”

    Ms. Michael’s contribution was PELLUCID and DID NOT leave any CONFUSION about whom she was referring to.
    That the SUBJECT of her COMMENTS, was Queen Elizabeth II.

    And, that’s the REASON WHY I MENTIONED the hospital, police force and Parliament EXISTED LONG BEFORE Elizabeth was BORN and BECAME Queen.

    Wily Coyote ‘asked,’ “And who/whom to you suppose was fully IN COMMAND when these facilities were created…?”

    Obviously, the BRITISH “was fully IN COMMAND when these facilities were created.”

    So, YES, I agree…… “Sure was not the 30-0 Republic that now exists.”

    But, also bear in mind, Queen Elizabeth II WAS NOT “fully IN COMMAND,” EITHER.

    RE: “The uneducated and illiterate are always looking for someone other than themselves to BLAME, the story continues.”

    Although the above comments ‘harrowed me with much fear and wonder,’ based on the usual style of its author’s contributions and the underlying ‘doctrine of  racialism’ therein, I wasn’t SURPRISED by them or that he ‘liked’ Ms. Michael’s contribution.

    I’ve noticed these guys ‘hit and run.’ So too have Donna and ‘The O Guy.’

    He is essentially AGREEING that, if it weren’t for them (the white man), Black people would still be living in “our thatched shacks,” practicing cannibalism (and perhaps using clicks).
    That rather than thank the white man, we continue to blame him for our situation and not ourselves, because we’re “uneducated and illiterate.”

  10. 🌍 Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol [[[ONE LOVE ONE WORLD ♡ ♥💕❤😘 🌍]]] Avatar
    🌍 Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol [[[ONE LOVE ONE WORLD ♡ ♥💕❤😘 🌍]]]

    🌍 ONE LOVE ONE WORLD ♡ ♥💕❤😘 🌍
    Morning Meditation
    On a subtle level
    My spirit has been lifted

    (Crackazat Rework)

  11. Musical instrument: 🎻 🪕 🎺 🎷 🪗 🥁
    Music ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ 🎼 🎵 🎶

    ‘Spiritual Warfare’

  12. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ 🎼 🎵 🎶
    ‘Open Up Your Spirit’
    (Kreep Into Your Spirit And Open It Up Remix)

  13. So……we are entrenched in our idea that there was nothing going on in Africa besides cannibalism.

    And we are entrenched in our belief that Africa, if left to its own devises, would not have “developed” on its own more suitable path.

    In short, Africans have no capacity to evolve. They are mere beasts who needed the white man to “civilise” them.

    Verona has obviously only read the books prescribed by the white man and has NO IDEA about Africa at that time at all.

    She does not even read the books written by white men who told about the Brtish society and its backwardness back in those days.

    She knows not how they did not take baths because they thought it would kill them, did not brush their teeth, threw their night shit through the windows and onto the streets of London and she OBVIOUSLY does not know that the “cure” for many diseases was “to bleed” the patient to death.

    These things I read in books written by the British.

    The Africans had their bush medicine.

    I suggest that she read her some “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” by Walter Rodney to assist her in her ignorance.

    But even more urgently, she should acquaint herself with some books about how “developed” and “civilised” the British were back in the day.

    Brainwashed to the max!

    And all this goes too for what I have long believed to be a red racist who predictably jumped out to “inform” the blog that though Elizabeth was not in charge, her ancestors were.

    And, like Richard Hoad, I bet he believes that they should still be.

    But….as much as we belly ache about our black leaders, we KNOW that when the British left Barbados, our living conditions were WORSE than they are now.

    My problem with our black leaders is that WE SHOULD BE EVEN BETTER OFF. And we would be…… if their brains were not suffering from the remnants of the British brainwashing as sung about in Gabby’s brilliant calypso “West Indian Politician”.

    But….. to replace them with them with the likes of Grenville Phillips II would have been far worse!

    Thankfully, MOST BAJANS realised that and soundly rejected him.

    Not even Windrush could convince him that the British don’t have any morals, feel no indebtedness or responsibility to us, not to those who built their country through slavery, not to those who answered their call and helped to REBUILD their country after the devastation of WW II.

    They threw their children out of their jobs, out on the streets, kept their NHS contributions (decades worth) and refused a cancer riddled man treatment.

    Then they threw them out of the country, to a place where they had not lived since childhood and to which they had never contributed, for that country to care for them.

    There never was any “insurance”.

  14. Soundsystem Culture 🇯🇲
    In UK 🇬🇧 disgruntled bitter white folks were well vexed when black youths played loud music,
    but nowadays the white youths play loud black music too

    The Masters at Work Keep It Comin’ On
    (One Take Tito Mix)

    The Masters at Work Keep It Comin’ Now

  15. This morn, we find ourselves in a country in which appeals for republicanism had gathered pace.

    It’s nearly miraculous the noticeable change in tone once the new White king says words to the effect “ok if you want republicanism”.

    All of a sudden, a hush fell over the arena. The void being filled by nostalgia on the airwaves.

    Are there any Bajans willing to bet that knighthoods will NEVER be surrendered in this “new” republican constitutional set up?

    For there is a straight line between the poor ass Black people in this country, with an eponymous connection with the royals, and the pervasive feelings that such a dishonour from Whiteness is the highest that can be.

  16. Artax,

    For Wily Coyote, the “ignorant and uneducated” are those who do not swallow the white man’s script.

    Yes, the racists hit and run, leaving their droppings behind them to reinforce the narrative long embedded in the minds of weak black people like Verona.

    Only John sticks around, because he acknowledges some “black” blood and so thinks he can refute claims of racism.

  17. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Are there any Bajans willing to bet that knighthoods will NEVER be surrendered in this “new” republican constitutional set up?”

    the Slaves cannot live without their masters, they need them to perpetrate crimes against themselves and slave masters need them to keep the fraud and themselves alive.

    …not a good idea to get between either the Slaves or their masters, they need each other..

  18. Republic didn’t stop the show.


    09 23 32 44
    Days Hours Min Seconds

    Red Carpet Please..

  19. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha….no one wants that ginormus job to undo centuries of brain and mindwash, indoctrination…….or the lengthy timeline of lies and misinformation……’s best they all die out…it has been recognized it would take another 3 generations to get rid of it all…

    ..but some work will have to be put in to make sure the young incoming generations don’t fall prey to the utter shite that the Slaves and the politicians spew, or it will take even longer to get the curse and blight out of melanized lives..

  20. Your cud!!

    “…not a good idea to get between either the Slaves or their masters, they need each other..”


    Much to chew over..

  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    sorry…i know it sounds cold, but we were not responsible for any of the events that Afrikan generations got TRAPPED IN……just because of the EVIL MINDS of demons/subhumans….

  22. VM’s contribution is only deserving of a ‘hit and run’.

    I do not know how to classify it. Racist? Ignorant? Or both racist and ignorant.

    It has gone beyond anything that I saw here.

  23. Donna is on point in both her comments.

    These two paragraphs sums up VM’s post.
    “And we are entrenched in our belief that Africa, if left to its own devises, would not have “developed” on its own more suitable path.

    In short, Africans have no capacity to evolve. They are mere beasts who needed the white man to “civilise” them.”

  24. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    It was an OUTRIGHT EVIL COMMENT…..meant to demoralize Afrikan descents from an illiterate and ignorant nobody who may not even be of Afrikan descent……even worse if the idiot …

    so much proof of the lies and fraud perpetrated over centuries and the anonymous clown tried to .project it was some savior of Afrikans which is so easily DISPROVED with what is available out there..

    ….John and his sidekick slave not withstanding…’s difficult to believe that someone is that level of stupid…indoctrinated or not..

  25. I like how she demolishes the ‘insurance’ nonsense by using the mistreatment of the Windrush generation and their offsprings.

    The mind of the Black Bajan is complicated and confusing.

  26. TheOGazertsSeptember 22, 2022 12:52 PM

    Donna is on point in both her comments.

    These two paragraphs sums up VM’s post.
    “And we are entrenched in our belief that Africa, if left to its own devises, would not have “developed” on its own more suitable path.

    In short, Africans have no capacity to evolve. They are mere beasts who needed the white man to “civilise” them.”


    If Europeans and more specifically British had never gone to Africa the Trans Saharan slave trade there would have been only one market the African chiefs would have had to supply, the Arab Market.

    About 90% of those slaves in the consignment dispatched across the Sahara Desert chained and yoked together on a long and brutal march perished.

    The females all become concubines and bred with their masters to produce the soldiers used in the spread of Islam.

    The male slaves were castrated and received penectomies, 3 out of 4 bleeding to death and the African population so removed became Arab.

    Twice as many females traveled east but the males had no way of expressing their joy if they happened to survive the brutal march.

    Once the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade came into existence, the African chiefs had to supply two markets so one consignment of slaves had to go west.

    There was an equal ratio of the sexes in this consignment.

    Typically, 10% died in the Middle Passage.

    I know without spending much time thinking about it that my African ancestors breathed a sigh of relief and probably jumped for joy when they found themselves consigned by their chiefs to the west.

    This was especially true of my great great great great gandfathers who arrived in the New world with all their manly parts intact and at least one woman with whom to share their joy and build a family.

    Luckily the Europeans and more specifically the British, did get to Africa.,

    Even more fortunately, Quakers were present and ultimately saw to the abolition of both slaveries, East and West.

  27. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…in this day and age the 21st century…why is cousin Charles still asking countries with Afrikan populations if they want ANYTHING other than for the YOKE OF COLONIALISM and the dangerous corrupt… politicians who perpetrate those crimes and much, much more….TO BE REMOVED PERMANENTLY.

    ya would think that would be one of his priorities…seeing as he believes that slavery was so abbhorrent, horrible, terrible……without taking into acount that all the bells and whistles that accompanied that evil;….including the fraud of democracy…which is never beneficial to Afrikans are ALL EQUALLY HORRIBLE and should not be STILL IN HUEMAN LIVES..

    one would think he would be setting out on a path TO REMOVE IT ALL…to make amends to face that RECKONING…

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    and of course John’s lies and misinformation/misdirection continues…

    ,,it’s a good thing all the proof is out there about WHO enslaved those who remained behind in Afrika, the horrible genocidal crimes and thefts committed…….and it was europeans did it, they are still there squatting and doing shite….

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind.” ― Marcus Mosiah Garvey

    Marcus Garvey saw it all PLAIN AS DAY…

    it;s only the Slaves who are totally blind to anything related to their future, health and wellbeing…

    Pacha… got one of two contributors for January’s Kush issue, both are very passionate about this, both extremely Afrikan conscious and not trained or brain-damaged by the colonial system…

  30. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Mind is your only ruler, sovereign.” – Marcus Mosiah Garvey

    for those who think this is a joke, it’s not, YOU ARE YOUR OWN RULER…your mind is sovereign…..

    that king queen shite is just that….in reality, not needed…

    ..keep following the arrogant and see what it gets ya…

  31. Waru
    Here listening to the Spanish translation of Mugabe at the UN.

    For a big woe-unto-man from such a small country she could keep some noise😄

  32. The Black Beasts of Burden Narrative is needed
    otherwise Whites would not be able to live within their own immoral skins
    they would be no different to Nazis who were brainwashed to commit genocide

  33. This is a Test
    This is only a Test
    I Need You Now
    (Johnick Henry St. Mix) Vs (L.T.K. Mix)

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “For a big woe-unto-man from such a small country she could keep some noise😄”

    heard a clip a couple days ago before the house committee, pure grandstanding and stuttering…..fooling no one…nuff long EMPTY TALK…

    ..but the fowls and pimps too love that to talk about how sweet she sound, and their asses are still in several SLINGS…..they too love go nowhere talk.

  35. Artax’s comments, @ September 21, 2022 1:04 PM, reflect Hal’s words some time ago when he stated that after Barbados became independent it decided to rename some of their institutions in reference to their old colonial master. For example, the hospital was rebranded The Queen Elizabeth hospital. I believe a similar action was repeated with Mia when she bestowed on King Charles the third some knighthood. Barbados will never escape its colonial past.

    On a positive note, I was in a vehicle, yesterday, and the driver was very positive towards Mia. He pointed out that when she came into power, she cleaned up the streets. He was right, the streets are very clean with many weeds removed. Who can remember the conditions of the streets under the last regime?

    On a sour note, I saw the photos and names of nine students who have received scholarships. Check the names and the complexions of those nine bright young things and ask yourself this simple question “Whatever happened to Barbados 90% Afro Bajan population? Will there ever be room for them at the table?” (Page 4 of The Nation). And yet some of us argue that black Barbadians are not third-class citizens within their own country.

    On page 2 of the Advocate. Deloitte & Touche have failed to find a local to fill an advertised job role and are now looking for a non-national to fill the position. Over to you Artax.

  36. Do School Teachers discriminate by colour or do they reward students on merit regardless
    I suspect it is the former not the latter

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ““Whatever happened to Barbados 90% Afro Bajan population?”

    they are willfully cutting off the exhibition and scholarship awardees, even if they have to tief their grades to do it…they have excelled at that disenfranchisement for decades…check the number of students now querying the CXC results which many believe was DELIBERATE…..since parents had to fine 420 dollars by Sept 7th for the query…

    i remember the year 2010, there were around 60 between the two awards, majority Afrikan, and jackass Jones had a FIT and declared it will never happen again……since then they have tried everything in their power to make sure it doesn’t…

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *since parents had to FIND 420 dollars by Sept 7th for the query…

  39. I suspect it is the latter not the former (i.e. on merit)
    (sorry for the brain fart moment (i.e. a wrong lapse of reasoning))

  40. Black people get scholarships and exhibitions in Barbados ALL THE TIME!

    Fact is that I never put in the work to receive a scholarship or exhibition. I do not see how anybody else was to blame for that.

    There are many black people in Barbados who have all the advantages of any other race wrt education and they use them.

    I can give you a list of friends, family and acquaintances that won scholarships and exhibitions in Barbados.

    It is quite true that our educational system needs an overhaul, but this is not a part of that problem.


  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    correction……..*since parents had to FIND 420 dollars by October 7th for the query…@ $60 per subject.


    The word is out, debt sovereign debt crisis looms says CPDI or C.

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    TLSN…they excel at screwing with grades……same 2010….after waiting 7 YEARS for a grade query , some who queried 7 years before got their real results of a full ride scholarship…… then they had already gotten married and had children.

    …it’s a good thing the parents had the means to send them off to school in UK………and these were bajan whites…….who can show receipts…

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha….reality is BEARING DOWN ON THEM……you warned them , the credit rating agencies warned them since 2006….IMF warned them….evabody and dey mama warned them, …..dah is dem business…they never wanted to stare reality in the face, now they have no choice but to….

    …i glad enuff for them and their RUN AWAY DEFICIT…

    “An international economic consultant is warning that Barbados and other Caribbean countries are at the tipping point of a serious debt crisis.

    “There is now a growing sense that the world needs another new global initiative on debt,” said Jwala Rambarran, a former Governor of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.

    His sobering declaration was made yesterday during the virtual launch of a report entitled:”

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “but the fowls and pimps too love that to talk about how sweet she sound, and their asses are still in several SLINGS…..they too love go nowhere talk.”

    Pacha…looks like we now have to add additional SLINGS…unless debt forgiveness is in the forecast….i can only feel apprehension for the safety and health of the generationally oppressed and disenfranchised…

  47. Waru

    The foreteller of things yet unseen by many, but only represent a repeat of history.

    “There is no present, no future ……………… only the repeat of the past”.

  48. Sorry, it is behind a paywall.

  49. I can’t believe Pacha is posting from Bloomberg. What did you call them again?😂

  50. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…i saw that one recently, debt swap…,,

    .how is that going to pay down the debt or repay the running deficit they created……deficits go nowhere unless the gap/hole is closed…

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