Is politics nothing other than the art of deliberately lying?

⁃ Voltaire

There is a conversation being had across the globe. In the USA, UK, Barbados to name a few. It is about the integrity of the politician and the system that produces the politician. Oftentimes public commentators in this space and elsewhere offer facile analyses to what is a complex matter. It is no coincidence the political class is being pilloried by electors across countries and we continue to observe an unprecedented level of apathy and cynicism.

Our system – in theory – encourages any individual to offer themselves as a candidate for elective politics. When we criticize politicians we criticize ourselves. But is it that simple an observation to make?

The easy observation is that the process to select and elect political candidates who aspire to be members of parliament is inadequate. As the saying goes, “you only get out what you put in”. Why is the existing system to select political candidates inadequate to ensure the best opportunity to select a different type of politician?

Whether in the US, UK or Barbados it is obvious the ‘system’ is not engineered to encourage candidates from the blue collar segment of society to have a high chance of winning at the polls. The explanation maybe a simple one even if the solution is challenging to solve. There is a reason why individuals who are financially self sufficient like lawyers, doctors and self employed professionals run for political office. These self employed players have the flexibility to allocate time to canvassing, financial independence to grow favour with constituents and to avoid the strictures of being an employee. There is the knock on benefits of building social and professional networks and understanding the workings of the system to feather aspirations (the subject of another engagement) of professions.

The establishment in the case of Barbados solidifies the status quo by appointing individuals to the Senate from a similar class of background. Let us agree those selected must have a skillset to be competent to be a legislator BUT if the blue collar segment of the population is significant, room must be carved out in our system to ensure the best representation is reflected in the legislation.

As mentioned this is not simply a Barbados problem. Understanding the dysfunctional political system cannot be accurately distilled by the use of cliches like duopoly, tieffin politicians and other hyperbolic language used by some social commentators. It is a complex matter. We have to take heart from the fact change is constant and a process. It will occur as it always does – through honest to God advocacy by the PEOPLE.

214 responses to “A Never Ending Process to Change the Political Landscape”

  1. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    People have no clue how careful one must be on the slave society island, especially with copyrighted intellectual property.

    if they can’t TIEF FROM YOU…….they outright HATE YOU…

  2. There is a reason why 1 % of the population is reported to own/control 90% of resources.

  3. And what is that reason?

  4. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Of course everyone knows the 1% are the biggest thieves…..but the mediocre shite corporations in Barbados that live off the majority population’s taxes, vat and pension DON’T COUNT…

    they are just little thieves of the common class variety ROBBING THE AFRIKAN POPULATION generationally…

    maybe if some look closely at that reality they might see things in a different light..

  5. @Pacha

    I remember the American Ins co. but don’t recall their being listed but you may well be correct. I don’t follow SFC as I care little for the management – past and present – and can’t get pass how they screwed the mutual policyholders.

  6. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha….the situation and rhetoric is NOT IMPROVING….

    personally i had to not only copyright, but patent certain other things offshore.

    ..because if they think they hate me so much that they will recklessly DO SHITE with what is MINE……..i will bring international resources to BEAR DOWN ON THEIR HEADS and BURY THEM that they will never recover and ALWAYS be famous worldwide..

    don’t know what it will take for black people on the island to learn…

    don’t think they ever will..

  7. Dullard
    The American ins was not listed. But its acquisition was made around Sagicor’s going public.

    Sentiment shared.

  8. Clearly you jest.

  9. That is the very discourse we need to have to solve the political problems faced. A discourse of ownership and control.

    How can Barbados be ready for an honest conversation about ownership and control when the majority see themselves as perpetual workers and employees?

    When one group is seen as fit for big business and the other as being only good for cottage industries and roadside trading?

    When such pretenses are promoted by the every government elected ?

    Your man David is prepared to life that rock stone for fear of what may come out crawling. Lol murdah!

  10. ** Your man #David is NOT prepared to life that rock stone for fear of what may come out crawling.

  11. Waru

    People and systems have never understood value creation except by chance.

    We’ve had a mercantile mentality and that has always been the gold standard.

    Then this crab in the barrel mindset. Lord!

    That has driven the nail in our coffin.

  12. Dullard

    Right on all counts.

    Earlier, neither of us was tendering financial advice.

    As we see it, no courses of actions were recommended by either.

    It was purely two aware financial people discussing the operations of a company. That is not giving financial advice.

  13. “There is a reason why 1 % of the population is reported to own/control 90% of resources.”
    Your song lyrics are wrong

    Devil is in the Detail
    World’s Richest 1 Percent Own Twice as Much as Bottom 90 Percent
    The more than twenty-one hundred billionaires (2,153) globally own more of the world’s wealth than the 4.6 billion people at the bottom of the global wealth pyramid
    The richest 22 men in the world own more wealth than all the women in Africa.
    If you saved $10,000 a day since the building of the pyramids in Egypt you would have one-fifth the average fortune of the 5 richest billionaires.

    If everyone were to sit on their wealth piled up in $100 bills, most of humanity would
    be sitting on the floor. A middle-class person in a rich country would be sitting at the height of a chair.
    The world’s two richest men would be sitting in outer space.

  14. @Dullard

    You simplify the challenge facing workers re employee share ownership etc.

  15. David August 29, 2022 8:28 AM #: “Let us agree the government must do better to develop other amenities. However is this the mandate of the NIS Investment Committee?”


    No, it’s not.

    However, Denis Kellman was often heard on ‘Brass Yacks’ attempting to defend and justify ‘government’ using the NI fund to invest in those types of project, because they would generate employment, resulting in more people would contribute to the scheme.

    But, he failed to take into consideration the financial viability and risk factors associated with such ventures, as well as variables that would ultimately affect the NIS’ return on investment.

    Was there an analysis of the factors that
    influencing the decision to invest in the golf club?
    What about a detailed business plan and associated projected financial statements?

    Apes Hill closed abruptly and we do not know if ‘COW Williams repaid the funds and NIS’ returns or loss on that investment.
    ~~~~~ ~~~~~

    Mr. Skinner

    Also remember, in July 1988, ‘COW’ filed a civil suit against ‘government’ after his company, C.O. Williams Construction Co. Ltd., was not awarded the contract for the rehabilitation of Highway 2A.

    “The first respondent (Donald George Blackman) is sued in his capacity as a Minister of the Crown to wit, Minister of Transport and Works at the relevant time in connection with an administrative act or decision regarding the award or the recommendation of the award of a public contract for the construction and/or rehabilitation of Highway 2A, a public highway in Barbados.”

  16. @Dullard

    You have no idea what it takes for this blog to have survive the cease pool for so long.

  17. Hants,

    Thanks for the great spouge post. Nicholas Brancker is “world class”. Adrian Clarke, Edwin were always great singers and entertainers. The woman who sang in the blue dress is unknown to me, as were the back up singers, but they were excellent as well. Rich harmonies from the back upThe musicians were stupendous. Even Brancker’s Bajan interventions were perfect. The sound was crisp and clear with plenty of depth. The vibe was joyous.

    They were all enjoying themselves, it was clear. Contagious! I was lying in bed but found my whole body moving to the beat.

    I have always found the Bajan cover versions of these songs to be more enjoyable than the originals. Also Richard Stoute’s version of The Ides of March’s song “Vehicle”.

    I couldn’t have been prejudiced towards Barbados then, as I had only been in Barbados for a few years. And I had not wanted to come here in the first place. Caribbean music may have helped to win me over. Brother Bob, Sparrow, Jackie Opel and all my Bajan bands were in my ears soon after I landed. I cannot remember when I became Barbadian in my spirit but I remember being fully behind the West Indies against England at Kensington in 1973. Just a couple of years after I arrived.

    I still love the Rolling Stones and the Beatles who would have been the first sounds I heard…. but the Caribbean vibe hit the sweet spot!

  18. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax
    There is a reason why Dr. Blackman never came back here until the very end. He paid a price and he could not secure the backings of his peers.
    One of the ironies is that when ever white people feel wronged, they shout racism.
    When Blacks feel they are wronged , they are given a whole heap of BS and then deemed “ emotional” , lazy or have some chip on their shoulder.
    Imagine people whose race has exploited Black people; their fortunes made on the backs of the Labour of Black people; don’t want a Black person as a daughter or son in law, never as you suggested recently , spend any money with black people , will come here on BU and call people racists
    . And intelligent Black people actually respond to them.
    COW Williams could sue; demand and got whatever he wanted. Don Blackman was deemed a racist and had to flee the country for awarding a contract to a black construction firm.

  19. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “That has driven the nail in our coffin.”

    all they need is their respective holes…there is no coming out of this….

    and ya done know we don’t care if ALL OF THEM GET BURIED…they are USELESS and contribute nothing worthwhile to the EMPOWERMENT of Afrikan people…

    useless breathers..

    let them continue doing the only thing they have ever been good at, proving themselves to their equally corrupt minority partners……the lowest standard of existence…

    that is their lot in life…there is NO ESCAPE FOR THEM…

  20. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William…they will have to prove themselves to racists until the day they die….that’s their Karma…for their wicked ways…

    i will never lower my standards to that degree to prove myself to some half-assed minority…

  21. Artax,

    I was wondering if I had missed the report on what happened to OUR investment in Apes Hill.

    What a ting, nuh!

    Do you really think those people cared to do the due diligence as you have outlined?

    They wanted to invest for other reasons.

    By the way, it is reopening, I saw in the papers.

  22. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Apes Hill has NEW OWNERS..

    .there is no investment in Apes was a massive loss…..the amount was published since year before…am sure it was secretly WRITTEN OFF..

    crooks covering for crooks..

  23. Don Blackman was one of my favourite politicians. I loved listening to him and even looking at his nose. I liked his face I felt his trustworthyness in my spirit. I didn’t know why he left but I missed him.

    May he rest in peace!

    He tried!

  24. I know it has new owners.

  25. There WAS an investment in Apes Hill. It is that I was seeking to find out about, whether we were told the amount of the losses we suffered and why we were suffering that loss.

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    the amount in LOSS was told nearly 2 years ago…but with new owners…

    because certain people had to WORK VERY HARD to get rid of that greedy pig the one cow….deceased…

    ….there is no NIS investment in Apes Hill…..unless you can find someone to SUE….and recover ….very unlikely with the write-off experts ever ready…

    .that $21 million which others say is a mere drop in the bucket to the REAL AMOUNT robbed…..crashed and burned with all the usual suspects involved….all the names were called, this and that insurance company….and how much loss was involved……the usual parasites who suck on the people NONSTOP, did not miss a beat……

    that’s why i keep saying, had i skin in that NIS scam….it would not go down just so….because there is so much more the people don’t know and are not likely to be told…

  27. I said “WAS” not is.

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Notice the first thing the new owners did was get rid of the controversial clubhouse and pool…it has nothing to do with their purchase…

    and certain folks HAD TO GET RID OF THE DESPICABLE cow from that place …because of his dirty ways…

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Well…all anyone can do is suck it up and move one….another multimillion loss for pensioners…so what’s new…

    yall should be used to that by now..

    as it happens everywhere…

    ..although i have never heard of a pension fund suffering SO MANY brazen and OPEN-ENDED MULTIMILLION DOLLAR THEFTS…without anyone being held accountable……

    ..and because there are no safeguards in place… transparency, no integrity……yall gotta EAT THAT LOSS……while waiting for the NEXT ONE…..

  30. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    btw…before he passed, the dead dude said he was not repaying it because it took TOO LONG FOR HIM TO GET IT…

    serves yall right…

  31. Steupse!

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William…i don’t know what else to say to these but i hope they can appreciate the long, long, ruff road they have ahead of them..

    they are at a DISTINCT DISADVANTAGE….because not only do they NOT HAVE THE INFORMATION they need to assess their current position…and are not likely to EVER GET THEIR HANDS ON IT…….but…..unlike many countries that can truthfully say they have uncertainty genuinely due mostly to EXTERNAL SHOCKS….these have the added misery of internal skulduggery, limitless SCAMS ….alleged million – billion dollar THEFTS……IN just about every sector…OF TAXPAYER FUNDED DEPARTMENTS….

    and it int me do none of dat…

  33. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Apes Hill closed abruptly and we do not know if ‘COW Williams repaid the funds and NIS’ returns or loss on that investment.”
    It was essentially bankrupt and ‘bought out’ by the man who owns Gildan (another story)
    But we don’t need NIS annual reports, they won’t tell us much.

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Exactly Northern….

    you need access to certain other information to make proper assessments..

    i really don’t know what to tell these…except that certain circles know EXACTLY WHAT WENT DOWN, WHAT IS STILL HAPPENING….and the fallout from all of it..

  35. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WARU
    Well, we all have the evidence of what’s going on. If we want to spend our time ignoring it, there is nothing anybody can do.
    What is really coming through many of the responses , is that there is a very deep disappointment with the current administration.
    However, what is quite evident, is an almost orchestrated effort to disguise or hide our frustration.
    The Duopoly has mastered the art of playing with our emotions.
    Some of us find great difficulty in accepting this fact.

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    all the information is available but i was asked even before the Apes Hill trip, still got some nice photos from that, got some real luxurious homes up there…….lol… only put the basics out there and of course i will protect my sources..

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Well, we all have the evidence of what’s going on. If we want to spend our time ignoring it, there is nothing anybody can do.”

    there is more than an adequate amount of evidence out there to work with.

    AND…it’s a little too late to feel disappointed when the warnings were around FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS….that would be a latent disappointment…too slow in coming..

    who wants to ignore it, that’s on them…same way i could GO OUT OF MY WAY to find out what’s really happening…even though i have no ties to NIS….and no living relatives who do…the others are not of that age yet….

    ……these are more able-bodied than i am, so it should be a breeze to find what they are looking for, if they really want to know..

    ..that is how i spend my time…making sure that the information needed for the SURVIVAL of my offspring is available, and they are not taken by surprise in an island that’s too corrupt for its size and own good…….

    and like MANY obviously have been taken by surprise…don’t intend for that to happen to mine.

  38. For the avoidance of doubt to those who do not have the balls to avoid posting snarky comments.

  39. ” But he also lit into the previous administration, which he claims took ten years to grant planning permission.”

    So the DLP administration made COW wait 10 years to get planning permission.

    I would like to know why.

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    there are some MUCH BIGGER WORRIES coming down the chute….in comparison this one was not as big as we thought….

    Pacha….am seeing mention of “the next decade of winters will be “terrible.” and other things that would make anyone stand up and pay attention…

    just the kind of news ya don’t want at this time…

  41. @Hants

    Does it matter? Could be the same reason Allan Kinch is treated as a leper and Weatherhead a king.

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Does anyone understand what 10 “terrible winters” can do to OVERLY DEPENDENT islands…..with management who don’t have what it takes to do what is necessary…

    William….when i read that…my very first thoughts..

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    it will be interesting to see HOW they handle this one…

    i take it there will be no boring days ahead.

  44. NorthernObserver Avatar

    So it is Earl Bernie of Carlisle, the other body is just the leesee.

  45. Waru


    There’ is no handling this, absent extreme measures.

  46. @ Waru,

    Here’s a positive news story for your publication.

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