The keynote of Governor of the Central Bank Cleviston Haynes’ latest review of the performance of the economy was about growth for 5 consecutive quarters. The blogmaster is happy we are seeing an uptick in economic performance. Who does not want to see growth EXCEPT the ignorant and those rabid political partisans. Oftentimes we forget an economy is about how people in a country efficiently utilize resources with a goal of supporting a reasonable standard of living. 

However, five consecutive months of growth in the local economy, if one considers that in 2019 the global economy was significantly impacted by the pandemic should not be waved as a pretext that it will be business as usual. It is known by all and sundry our economy has a structural problem. The blogmaster recalls Dr. Frank Alleyne in 2008 – at the time serving as financial adviser to late Prime Minister David Thompson’s adminsitration- making the point there was an urgent need to address a tired economic model inherited from Barrow. It is 15 years later and the conclusion any fair minded commentator can make is that there has been negligible change to the structure of the local economy. We continue to be over reliant on tourism. It is understandable given the natural beauty of the Caribbean people will want to visit for a price BUT too far east is west.

Of mighty concern is the average Barbadian seems blissfully unaware the challenge the island is currently facing because we are a price taker in a global economy that is seeing a spike in inflation for commodity and services. It is fashionable of recent to blame the disruption to global supplies because of COVID-19 and Ukrainian Russian conflict or a slow down in the US economy which is forecast to enter a recession soon with the Fed intervening for a second time to raise interest rates. The performance of the US economy is important for Barbadians to take note given the parity of the Barbados dollar to the US dollar. Through it all too many Bajans continue to expect a broke government to be able to fund conspicuous consumption habits, giving credence to the adage – a people with champagne taste and mauby pockets.

Where do we go from here?

To a simple way of thinking, we have a people comfortably living a lifestyle that is unsustainable and has to be continually supported by debt financing. We have also the situation of successive governments, in order to maintain popularity, fueling the addiction of citizens to conspicuous consumption by borrowing. And thirdly Barbados is plugged into a capitalist system which will drag us along with it IF…We are truly in a pickle. A situation which older folk describes as one not being able to tell the other comeback. 

Your guess is as good as this lowly blogmaster where we are headed. We may agree that if we continue to buyin to the notion that our borrowing is within our capacity to repay without factoring the inherent risks of a small developing state, we should sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride to the Economic Cliff.

Central Bank of Barbados Governor Cleviston Haynes delivered the Bank’s review of Barbados’ economic performance in the first half of 2022 and took questions from the media and online audience.

328 responses to “Buckle Up – Central Bank Economic Review About the Numbers”

  1. G A M E
    O V E R
    DLP are Bankrupt.
    Investing time and effort promoting those losers is mental masturbating.
    Stop wanking in your bedroom and start to penetrate.

  2. @ shoutout to Hants
    I will not tell her that you like the Bajan beauties

  3. It should be obvious to all that if the Central Banker had wanted to present a clear picture of where we are he would also have presented us with a comparison to pre-pandemic year 2019 as base year, the last NORMAL year for reference. Is there a law against that?

    P.S. On another note, I think the raising of water rates for those farmerswho benefit from irrigation water from the BADMC was offset by a decrease in water rates for those farmers who get their water from BWA. I imagine that this was to level the playing field for farmers.

    I do not know if this will work out to increase production of crops overall, because I think farming is more concentrated, for obvious reasons, in areas where cheap irrigation water was offered. Maybe some of these farmers may throw in the towel Most of them are not young people.

    Also, I find that the BWA water is not as good for growing as the rain water or irrigation water.

    One day of rain and my little garden greens and grows like magic. A marked difference from when I water with BWA’s offering. With BWA water, the plants do grow, but they struggle, grow more slowly and the leaves are yellowy at times.

    Somebody told me it is the chlorine. I don’t know how true.

  4. @ TheOGazerts,

  5. Good time for rich Bajan investors to buy back BL&P.The future will be great for alternative energy especially Solar.

  6. TLSNJuly 31, 2022 5:19 AM

    When will we ever learn?
    by Peter Webster

    Up to 1960, the continent of Africa was a net exporter of food, with many thriving rural farming communities, including many small farms.


    Much of Africa according to this article is an net agricultural products exporter!!'s%20agricultural%20exports%20are%20rising%20too.&text=Moreover%2C%20the%20region's%20lower%2Dmiddle,than%20%245%20billion%20per%20year.

    But, most of Africa’s Agricultural exports are not life sustaining. No one is going to survive only on Coca, tea, coffee and cotton.

    “Africa’s agricultural exports are rising too. While SSA imports much more food today than it did two decades ago, it exports much more too (Figure 2). Indeed, the region imported roughly $40 billion per year over the past four years while it exported roughly $35 billion. Moreover, the region’s lower-middle-income countries, led by Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Kenya, have become agricultural export powerhouses, with a net agricultural trade surplus of more than $5 billion per year. SSA’s top exports are mainly tropical commodities such as cocoa, coffee, tea, and cotton, while its main food imports are wheat, rice, soybeans, other oilseeds, and frozen meat products.”

    “Wheat is not an African crop, it is not a tropical crop (but) many governments want to produce wheat locally instead of paying for imports,” Hans-Joachim Braun, director of the Center’s global wheat program, told Reuters by telephone.

    The report estimated that African nations would spend about $12 billion to import 40 million metric tons of wheat in 2012, particularly for fast-growing cities. More wheat should not be grown at the expense of other more viable crops, Braun said.

    Braun said wheat was already an established crop in Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa but could easily expand to highland areas in other sub-Saharan nations. “Wheat cannot be produced in tropical lowlands,” he added.

    Twelve nations in sub-Saharan Africa produced almost six million metric tons of wheat a year in the period 2006-08, the study showed.

    And wheat consumption was rising fast. A rise in incomes and a shift to cities from the countryside also meant a shift in diets towards wheat and rice, away from crops including maize, sorghum, sweet potato, cassava or yams.

    The study suggested that, with investments including in fertilizers, wheat yields would be highest in the highlands of countries including Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda.

    Mozambique, Angola and Zimbabwe were least suited to wheat in rain-fed areas, it said. Zimbabwe, however, is one of the most productive of the wheat-growing nations in Africa but depends heavily on irrigation.

    “If Africa does not push for wheat self-sufficiency, it could face more hunger, instability and even political violence, as bread riots in North Africa showed in recent years,” Bekele Shiferaw, a lead author of the study, said in a statement.

    In 2008, Zambia and Rwanda escaped sharp rises in wheat prices on global markets thanks to domestic production, the study said.

    Braun said it was hard to say when African nations might reach self-sufficiency in wheat if they tried.

    “The biological potential is there. But you also need access to markets. The big issue is the road infrastructure. It doesn’t help very much if the farm is far from the cities,” he said.

    For Rice there is also a plan.

  7. A change in lifestyle in Africa is more likely the reason why Africa may starve as a result of the war in Ukraine.

    For us, it is the wholesale destruction of our arable lands that will be our downfall in case transportation costs and a falling world supply of foods we eat kicks in later on this year or early next year.

    Africa has plenty land in reserve.

  8. HantsJuly 31, 2022 10:00 AM



    Just need to engineer a way production at night.

    How many hours of peak production do solar panels give?

    For Barbados it makes more sense to look at wind energy, which is admittedly fickle but can produce energy 24/7.

    Even better might be tidal energy.

    Water is magic!!

  9. If HA were still around he might enjoy this one!!

  10. Zimbabwe and South Africa have both forced their white farmers to move on and spread their knowledge all around Africa and as far away as Russia and the Ukraine.

    If you are born to farm it does not matter where the land is!!

  11. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Reality is a n ugly cold harsh bitch. No one likes to look at her
    It’s easier to be a debating society

    Wake me up, when it’s all over”

    brace yourself for MUCH MORE TALK ONLY..

  12. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Why ‘buy it back’?
    Solar doesn’t need Emera. To besides the cables should be underground.
    Force it out of business?

  13. David
    The backpack to Georgia school children is like a tradition – donated by business/ sponsors and private citizens and give out by non government charitable organizations

    @ Donna

    From 2019 – 2022. Figures are in the written report . Its the same format for each report
    For the dlp the base year would have been 2008 I don’t expect to hear any GDP report refer to 2019 or 2018 until we have reach back to those levels

  14. @John2

    The backpacks and hampers are targeted at who?

  15. Physical Fitness
    Is Money in the Bank

    Here is a routine to put into your exercise toolbox for the practice of life

    Chi-TV July 19, 2022 Sarah led a Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method practice

    Cussedness removed a comment between Johns 4 comments above

  16. David
    “A scan of the landscape suggests RE and agriculture have been the focus of the government.”

    Shhhhhh! You know when folks are cocooned in their overpopulated metropoles based on what they don’tknow. But ain’t peeps want applicants fir a license to wait 3 months for someone to lodge an objection and claiming the public will be blocked from objecting?

  17. @Enuff

    The Lears initiative is starting to take shape. Had reason to drive through recently.

  18. Enuff is a typical Political lackie…

    Explain the problem you have with Bajans asking questions about foreigners coming to make investments in the HUNDREDS of millions, with 30 year contracts, and who want to do so PRIVATELY with your crooked, bribe-taking politicians?

    You come on BU cussing the CITIZENS who simply ask for TRANSPARENCY?
    Have you ANY shame?

  19. NorthernObserverJuly 31, 2022 11:06 AM

    Why ‘buy it back’?
    Solar doesn’t need Emera. To besides the cables should be underground.
    Force it out of business?


    Simple reason.


    Batteries add a whole ‘nother aspect.

    Then there are serious disposal issues.

    Tidal energy still makes most sense, next is wind energy.

    Large solar farms can’t survive unless they have a buyer for their product.

    Emera has the distribution system into which solar farms MUST feed!!

  20. Solar panels on top of a house roof for the dedicated house does not need EMERA once it has batteries to store what it generates during the hours it sees the sun.

    However, don’t do it unless you are a licensed electrical contractor.

    Here is an off grid system with no connection to any Utility Supply Company.

  21. Here is one that ties into the Utility Supply Company.

    If you don’t have battery backup you will be supplied by your system for most of the day with the excess being sold to the Utility Company.

    At night, you will get your power from the Utility Company.

  22. Here is a MOBILE off grid option.

    No link to the Utility Company.

  23. Bushie
    Caah yuh RH do!. You clearly know naffin ’bout me or what you’re talking bout.

  24. Here is why this farmer in the US objects to solar farms.

  25. Since we are on the economy, the allegations I am hearing about the Gantry Crane at the port is worth exploring.

    I’m hearing the allegation that the Gantry Crane(s) have been sold to private interests and there is now a $300.00 US fee for offloading each.

    Anyone know if this is true?

  26. @ Enuff
    But Bushie don’t care ANYTHING bout you Boss!
    The bushman was commenting on the lotta shiite you typed bout “But ain’t peeps want applicants fir a license to wait 3 months for someone to lodge an objection”

    Clearly you got clothes on the line and looking fun rain….

  27. Noo, I am the rain soaking yours!

  28. Noo, I am the rain soaking yours!




  29. 3-degree

  30. If you want a good chuckle take a look at the job advert on page 16 in today’s electronic Barbados Today.. Apparently the IADP are offering a loan to the Barbados government aimed at their national tourism program. They are looking at engaging a consultant or a consultancy to undergo an environmental and social assessment for upgrades to part of the old town hall building.

    Is it any surprise why the country is broke? Will the people of Barbados benefit from this loan? I doubt it. We have a saying in the UK for such goings on. We call it money for old rope!

  31. Enuff good one to Knowall Bush Tea i am the rain soaking yours(clothes) Love it!Bush Tea, Pacha, TSLN and the liar Waru along with Skinner are experts in all fields telling governments what they should or should not do.Thing is nobody elected them to represent them in nothing.My view just a bunch of shitetalkers.I gone.

  32. [[You come on BU cussing the CITIZENS who simply ask for TRANSPARENCY?
    Have you ANY shame?]]

    Shame? Once the scratch grain flowing yard fowls care nuffin bout shame. Care nuffin bout ethics, governance, what is right or even Barbados. The job of the yard fowl is to promote and defend the party line at all costs.

    What is really comical is that people on BU dismiss ac but yet take Enuff seriously. Can’t make this ish up.

  33. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Of course the distribution system is the crux. Replacing that is a massive undertaking.
    Not an area of specialty for me, but have always been intrigued by rare earth reactors. Expensive to build, but economical to operate.
    You can also break off the main grid in small sections? You have to build your own distribution.
    Who owns the cell towers in Bim?

  34. John 2,

    Okay. So that is where the focus should be.


    I pointed out month’s ago that agriculture is being addressed. Even the monkey population is being culled. Renewable energy is obviously being pushed.

    If we want to question the pace or intensity even the mode of action, then that is all that is debatable, not the intention.

    But you cannot point out these things on BU. You cannot analyse issue by issue. You are only supposed to cuss de guvment.

    I do understand why though. Politicians lie too much to get into power. Everything they do will be seen against this backdrop. The people simply cannnot trust liars.

    Nor should they.

  35. @ Dullard
    No one takes Enuff seriously. We are just amazed at how little SHAME he displays….

    Prior to this BLP era, Enuff could clearly see all the political weaknesses of the DLP and never failed to highlight these…
    LO and Behold, the very same shioite from the BLP now meets with his full support and approval….

    Lorenzo is different…
    He is just another mindless yard fowl….

    BTW @ Enuff
    You CANNOT soak Bushie’s clothes Boss…
    You should know that the bushman would have a fancy dryer – Speed Queen skippa..
    You like you forget who the bushman’s adopted father is…?

  36. @Donna

    On BU one of the great shortcomings is that some are quick to apply political labels if you want to fairly treat with an issue. Do not be deterred, there is a silent readership who may appreciate the info.

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Bush Tea, Pacha, TSLN and the liar Waru along with Skinner are experts in all fields telling governments what they should or should not do.”

    looks like yall will NEVER GET OUT OF DEBT….yall will DIE IN DEBT……right where the parliaments LIARS put you…yall will never get away…..but not one of the names you nimble infested fowl called put you there…

  38. David

    I think I understood ur comment and where it was aimed. I guess charity is charity no matter where it’ is coming from

    Backpack containing school supplies are usually distributed to kids that are supposed in need of them

    I am not aware about food baskets being given to the kids but there are a lot of soup kitchen and food collection/ distribution centers in the Atlanta area

  39. Bush Tea unlike you i am no expert in all things.Therefore unlike you i do not comment on every blog.You are the one without shame.You were on here promoting the bullshiter Mr Thompson and when he became PM and did not have a clue what he was do8ng you were as quiet as a church mouse.Perhaps you forgot these things i do not.Therefore you are in no position to criticize enuff as you can be termed a dem yardfowl back then as well.At least you realised Mr Stuart was clearly out to sea and said as much.I gone.

  40. David,

    The labels do not deter me. It is that I understand their position. When seen against the backdrop of lies, broken promises and corruption, every action, is tainted.

    We want transformative government. We want transparency and accountability. Instead, we are often asked to believe the opposite of what our eyes are seeing.

    It is enough to make you want to cuss.

  41. Where separate Donna is the transformation you and many of us seek must come from a ‘spring’. It must be forced by the people. The political class on its own will not understand to disrupt a system that provides its life support. This is the quandary John and Jane Citizen find themselves.

  42. Bush Tea unlike you i am no expert in all things.
    Touché Lorenzo…

    Bushie has to respect a fella who confesses his weaknesses…
    But do you understand why cockroach keep way from fowlcock parties…?

    Did you notice that Bushie wished the VERY best to your Auntie when she started out too…?
    and PRAYED for her success…?

    But when she turned round and gang up with the SAME Malmoney that she had JUST accused of all kinds of evil…..
    …and when she COZY up with the Four Seasons architect Persaud…and hide up the clearwater shiite
    ….Bushie cuss her donkey – just like the bushman cussed Thieving Thompson bout the CLICO $3.3 million….

    Bushie deals with PRINCIPLES …not BB personalities boss…

    Wuh . you know that Bushie like Enuff too…
    but the day that we find out that he thief any of his clients funds it will be cat piss and pepper bout here…

  43. The Chinese are dumping solar panels at below cost and have been caught already.

    Surprised our folks haven’t figured out what is going on!!

  44. Worth a watch

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “But when she turned round and gang up with the SAME Malmoney that she had JUST accused of all kinds of evil…”

    wuh i hear dese days dey pretending the marriage int working out, sound familiar right………sumbody claiming the baggage is becoming too heavy to carry and mekkin dem look bad wid scandal….like if dah int all dey are, one BIG SCANDAL…….so watch out for the NEXT SCAM against the people, vat, treasury pension fund…..

    “but the day that we find out that he thief any of his clients funds it will be cat piss and pepper bout here…”

    “associate” in NYC = ERRAND BOY….i shit you not, dem int lettin dah wannabe nowhere client’s money…

  46. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    There is also a silent readership tgat understands when there is nothing other than pretending to be objective when in fact it is nothing more than a pathetic defense of the status quo regardless of whom is in office.
    I can say that @ Donna is quite objective in her offerings and I will stop there.
    Yes Sir, there is a “silent readership”who knows a whole lot of things and that is precisely why even those who think they are fooling people with what they call “ balance “ are grossly mistaken.
    The only reason the apologists are so feeble these days is because they have seen all the promises about good governance and integrity in public life remain nothing but promises.
    In other words they are shame and shameless at the same time. It’s called : pathetic.

  47. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    “Where separate Donna is the transformation you and many of us seek must come from a ‘spring’.”

    In the old days there was less international news and less international influence and interference

    David the CIA operative wants a ‘spring’
    that’s a loaded propaganda word outside of the western warmongers spy community who engage in illegal coups

    Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion
    The CIA supported the Contras who were various U.S.-backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that were active from 1979 to 1990 in opposition to the Marxist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction Government in Nicaragua which came to power in 1979 following the Nicaraguan Revolution.

    Discover Your Inner Strength—Introduction to 12 White Crane Hard Qigong Exercises

  48. In your opinion William. All of us have opinions. What you don’t understand is that we have many actors on BU who play roles. You may have the last word.

  49. Man in the mirror

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