The keynote of Governor of the Central Bank Cleviston Haynes’ latest review of the performance of the economy was about growth for 5 consecutive quarters. The blogmaster is happy we are seeing an uptick in economic performance. Who does not want to see growth EXCEPT the ignorant and those rabid political partisans. Oftentimes we forget an economy is about how people in a country efficiently utilize resources with a goal of supporting a reasonable standard of living. 

However, five consecutive months of growth in the local economy, if one considers that in 2019 the global economy was significantly impacted by the pandemic should not be waved as a pretext that it will be business as usual. It is known by all and sundry our economy has a structural problem. The blogmaster recalls Dr. Frank Alleyne in 2008 – at the time serving as financial adviser to late Prime Minister David Thompson’s adminsitration- making the point there was an urgent need to address a tired economic model inherited from Barrow. It is 15 years later and the conclusion any fair minded commentator can make is that there has been negligible change to the structure of the local economy. We continue to be over reliant on tourism. It is understandable given the natural beauty of the Caribbean people will want to visit for a price BUT too far east is west.

Of mighty concern is the average Barbadian seems blissfully unaware the challenge the island is currently facing because we are a price taker in a global economy that is seeing a spike in inflation for commodity and services. It is fashionable of recent to blame the disruption to global supplies because of COVID-19 and Ukrainian Russian conflict or a slow down in the US economy which is forecast to enter a recession soon with the Fed intervening for a second time to raise interest rates. The performance of the US economy is important for Barbadians to take note given the parity of the Barbados dollar to the US dollar. Through it all too many Bajans continue to expect a broke government to be able to fund conspicuous consumption habits, giving credence to the adage – a people with champagne taste and mauby pockets.

Where do we go from here?

To a simple way of thinking, we have a people comfortably living a lifestyle that is unsustainable and has to be continually supported by debt financing. We have also the situation of successive governments, in order to maintain popularity, fueling the addiction of citizens to conspicuous consumption by borrowing. And thirdly Barbados is plugged into a capitalist system which will drag us along with it IF…We are truly in a pickle. A situation which older folk describes as one not being able to tell the other comeback. 

Your guess is as good as this lowly blogmaster where we are headed. We may agree that if we continue to buyin to the notion that our borrowing is within our capacity to repay without factoring the inherent risks of a small developing state, we should sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride to the Economic Cliff.

Central Bank of Barbados Governor Cleviston Haynes delivered the Bank’s review of Barbados’ economic performance in the first half of 2022 and took questions from the media and online audience.

328 responses to “Buckle Up – Central Bank Economic Review About the Numbers”

  1. Across social media platforms people are hollering and pelting big rocks at BL&P from their key boards
    Barbadians need to get up from behind their key boards and used that energy in physically to demonstrate to these one armed bandits that they are serious when these companies rob their pocket books
    All the long talk trying to get these big Mcguffies to understand not going change a dam thing
    The only thing these demons understand is ACTION

  2. Bushie
    Where did I say the public should not be able to object to an application for a license? I simply said “peeps want applicants for a license to wait 3 months for someone to lodge an objection and claiming the public will be blocked from objecting”. If you agree in this day and age, an application for a license should allow persons 3 months to lodge an objection, rather than call me a lackey, explain why it makes sense. Instead of calling me a lackey, enlighten the blog how the bill stops Bajans from objecting. Go further and explain the whole process. Instead of worrying about foreigners, corrall all the expertise on BU and apply! As a non-lackey, investigate where opportunities are available for Bajans to invest and share with fellow bloggers. Stop talking, and at least attempt to act. CYRH.

  3. “First they came …”

    In 1990 they NWO Illuminati Gray Lizards went to War in Iraq
    and I called out the scum as they told Saddam they would never get involved in Arab Arab conflict
    and they were fucking racist to brown Muslims

    In 2001-2021 Anglo-American Warmongers with Drones engaged in War in Afghanistan
    and I called out the scum as George Bush Son of Bush was a lying motherfucker
    and septic tanks could not be trusted and they were fucking racist to brown Muslims

    In 2003–2011 engaged in war in Iraq and I called them out as you cannot trust white people who are evil devils

    2010 I made a comment on BBC about Spring Time for Hitler and Germany song lyrics and those plagiarist white spies started engaging in Arab Spring Revolutions in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain

    Progressives around the world oppose the propaganda war against China

  4. Beware +
    Be Aware
    ⬇ Down with ‘Spring’
    ⬇ Down with David 2.1

    An Unlikely Hit…

    The Producers – Springtime for Hitler / Mel Brooks

    Springtime for Hitler / Mel Brooks
    Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be?
    We looked around and then we found
    The man for you and me.
    And now it’s..

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Deutschland is happy and gay
    We’re marching to a faster pace
    Look out, here comes the master race

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Winter for Poland and France
    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Come on, Germans, go into your dance

    I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf
    Don’t be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Goosestep’s the new step today
    bombs falling from the skies again
    Deutschland is on the rise again

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Uboats are sailing once more

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Means that soon we’ll be going
    We’ve got to be going
    You know we’ll be going to WAR!

  5. Saw Mia on video no mask prancing up and down between the thousands felting and parting during the crop over fetes
    As if enough messages are not being sent that the vaccines are not a safe guard against the virus Mia continues to exemplify politricks instead of good examples
    Couldn’t help but think that her deceptive moves are similar to those of a Rattler

  6. Rhetorical Musings
    What kind of Bajan ever stops moaning like a bitch
    What kind of Bajan does not shock out during a Cropover

    ʎʞɐǝɹɟ llɐ ʇno ʞɔoɥs puɐ ƃuᴉuɐoɯ ǝʞᴉl suɐɾɐq sɐ ǝuoN

  7. Hope he got help
    How many more like him

  8. Enuff
    “Where did I say the public should not be able to object to an application for a license?”
    Perhaps you do not understand the matter well Enuff to understand that such restrictions as you propose effectively nullify any meaningful interventions from citizens.

    In the first place, your EXTRA secretive government do NOT release information to the public until AFTER they have already changed the law. (Like Symmonds tried recently with that Bill, and like the current proposed Licenses are ‘confidential’)

    Secondly, these are extremely COMPLEX contracts that only a few local technocrats truly understand. Of course the foreign INVESTORS are FULLY VERSED in how to bribe and rob unsuspecting brass bowl natives.
    How do you propose that MEANINGFUL interventions would be possible with even LESS than three months warning? … when the DEMONS like EMERA had been secretly preparing their ASSAULT for the last 5 years?

    Your focus on getting short term ‘investments’ from these sneaky demons reminds Bushie of Stinkliar’s rush to sell the BL&P shares to them – which has resulted in HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS being subsequently earned by Emera over the last 10 years at the expense of customers, who are paying some of the highest electricity rates anywhere….

    Not only should intervenors be allowed FULL ACCESS and time for effective participation, but ALL such contracts should be exposed to FULL PUBLIC scrutiny, PRIOR to our crooked politicians committing citizens to 30 years of abuse again…

  9. The Father of Independence speaks on Emancipation Day

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I expect that @John knows a lot more about this, than I do, however the real value in agricultural land is who has access to water, read… private wells on their property. This is not new.
    A few years back, before he died, C.O.W penned a book. In it, he described how they went about securing water for Apes Hill (golf course). I read quickly a borrowed copy, so cannot reference it today, but it was interesting.
    Water, unlike electricity, can be sourced within whatever land you own.

  11. Body and Brain TV
    In finance, Bajans need to find balance to prevent hair cuts losses

    Beginner Balance Routine | Body & Brain Under 10 Minute Routines

    Hair Loss Prevention | Body & Brain Under-10-Minute Routines

  12. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Seems MIA has copied her behaviour from your boy Ronnie, and since that is a popular name now, I mean DeSantis.

  13. What is this ” white party ” and ” white clothes ” as worn by the PM and President ?

    Wha happen to African prints ?

  14. Surprise.
    My favourite Bajan female artiste is Donella Weeks. One of my favourite songs is J’ouvert Party.

    Wunna can find it on You Tube.

  15. “What is this ” white party ” and ” white clothes ” as worn by the (female) PM and (female) President ?”

    perhaps it is for the woman’s suffragette movement for the solidarity of sisterhood in light of crooked Republican Amerrikkkan Supreme Courts rolling back rights for women, gays, native americans, blacks, like the good old days when you could slap them wearing a wife beater string vest

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Bajans are so colour afflicted.
    Google PM and you will see she wears solid colours, usually offset by a large scarf, most frequently. White, Black, Yellow and Beige are her favs, though she can be found in blue, and keeps red for ‘special occasions’ !!!
    It is the President who wears an assortment of ‘prints’, whether deemed African or not, I cannot say. They are usually most pleasing to the eye.

  17. NO
    Who was it that said yuh can’t change a demon dress in white reference to Mia

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “A few years back, before he died, C.O.W penned a book. In it, he described how they went about securing water for Apes Hill (golf course). I read quickly a borrowed copy, so cannot reference it today, but it was interesting.”

    you mean TIEFING wells that never belonged to him…..covetous greedy pig modeling as a cow, .he did not get away with that though, sensible, real billionaires upended his lying fraudulent ass…..he went to his hole in the ground before getting those wells…

    Northern….btw….a new look Apes Hill….where used to be the clubhouse funded by pensioners’ money …helped by the sellouts who stole it… now an office area….that wonderful pool, sorry i was so upset at the THEFT of NIS money to build it, that day refused to take a dip in it. in hindsight i should of but …IT’S NOW GONE….🤣🤣

  19. The same person who said it takes a long time to wake a sleeping giant at the top of a mountain.

  20. @ NorthernObserver

  21. NorthernObserver Avatar

    At first I thought that was an ole time cricket match 🙂
    Who said Bajans en got money?
    But now I know what you were looking at, before enjoy the

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The golf course got water from somewhere? I saw it, and it doesn’t wuk without water.
    I never saw the famous clubhouse.
    Is the Earl of Carlisle now at Apes Hill?

  23. Saturday night at Ilaro Court.

    Check Nation News online.

  24. Could be NO…lol

  25. NO,



    Great song that by Donella! Also my favorite. Thanks for the reminder. Searching now…..

  26. Some Bajans got nuff money to spend on feting. Nuff nice clothes.

  27. @Hants

    It does not matter how harsh the economic times there will be people with discretionary monies to spend or access to credit. It does not mean there aren’t poor and vulnerable to be cared for.

  28. DavidAugust 1, 2022 12:46 PM

    The same person who said it takes a long time to wake a sleeping giant at the top of a mountain

    I belive it was said
    Yuh can wake a sleeping giant buy yuh can’t change a demon dressed in white
    Speaking of white
    I thought Crop Over was a festive occasion
    Didn’t know that the color white gave significant reason
    BTW what happened to the Tourism logo for Barbados
    Did any one win the money that was meant for theme song or whatever

  29. Wuk up ..jump up

  30. @Hants 1:01 p.m.
    When does the music starts?
    Forget guitar, two sticks and an old milk can should do the trick.

    You made 555 seem like a musical genius (I complimented the man and still get cussed?)

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “the golf course got water from somewhere? I saw it, and it doesn’t wuk without water. I never saw the famous clubhouse.”

    yes, from the same stolen wells….but when selling the properties to people with real money, they wanted to sell the wells separately….like if the people are DUMB and don’t know the wells are part and parcel of the properties and NOT HIS…never was, neither was the property…

    ya didn’t miss a thing, the shitehouse aka clubhouse OOZED RACISM and arrogance paid for with Afrikan pensioner’s money…..compliments of sellout negros…

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    but the gym area was very impressive TOP OF THE LINE….ya pension money, treasury and vat at work…all STOLEN…

  33. Kuniyuki Takahashi

    Dear African Sky – Henrik Schwarz Remix

    Dear African Sky African Dub Mix Feat. Omar Guaindefall

  34. Kuniyuki Takahashi

    All These Things

    All These Things – Kuniyuki Self Remix

  35. NO. If I remember correctly there are no more private wells in Barbados. The aquifers in Barbados belong to BWA
    Or should I say if u want to extract water from a well on ur land you will have to seek permission and u have to pay for the water extracted

    If you notice the plantation use to have windmill to extract water from well ( is no longer so )

    I cannot remember the apes hill set up at this time

  36. Seeing all these videos with Mia hugging and all smiles dancing and all that with these artist
    But one thing fuh certain if any them dare get out of line
    She grab a strap pelt some lashes in their backsides treating them grown men like school boys
    Not one of them dare to tell her the truth

  37. John2August 1, 2022 4:23 PM

    NO. If I remember correctly there are no more private wells in Barbados. The aquifers in Barbados belong to BWA
    Or should I say if u want to extract water from a well on ur land you will have to seek permission and u have to pay for the water extracted

    If you notice the plantation use to have windmill to extract water from well ( is no longer so )

    I cannot remember the apes hill set up at this time


    A good few private wells still exist in Barbados.

    They are mostly used for irrigation … pass through the St. George Valley and you will see them in operation during the dry season.

    I know of a couple which are still used for household supply, one in St. Thomas and the other in Christ Church.

  38. John

    Are they not metered and the owners pay for the water extracted? Not second paragraph

  39. AC

    Why you so worry about aunti mia? She already set her example by getting her 3 or 4 shots. If she catach covid now should be a flulike infection

    Also it it safe to be unmask outdoor
    Close contact is with in 6ft for 15 MINUTES

    We ain’t gine back we gine forward

    I tell u more than once. – Mia gine bust a vein in yuh head

  40. NorthernObserverAugust 1, 2022 9:54 AM

    I expect that @John knows a lot more about this, than I do, however the real value in agricultural land is who has access to water, read… private wells on their property. This is not new.
    A few years back, before he died, C.O.W penned a book. In it, he described how they went about securing water for Apes Hill (golf course). I read quickly a borrowed copy, so cannot reference it today, but it was interesting.
    Water, unlike electricity, can be sourced within whatever land you own.


    Wastemoreland Golf Course was given permission to use the Portland Catchment in the 1990’s which until that time was used only to supply Porters Sugar Factory during Crop in case of need, sugar factories are more or less self sufficient in water as most of it arrives in the canes.

    That was 2 million gallons per day which the Barbados Labour Party gave away and which according to their own Water Resources Study done in 1978 would have become necessary to be put into production to supply the public because of the growing demand.

    Rooney was then able a few years later to sell his investment in Wastemoreland to Morphet for $100 million USD.

    So you know there were plenty palms greased.

    Apes Hill is also in the Porters’ catchment but on stream water, unlike Wastemoreland which is on sheet water, the aquifer if you like.

    Problem for Apes Hill was the streams do not always flow so in drought years when the Golf Course needs water there won’t be much.

    However, down in the sheet water area there will be plenty once the Golf Course pumps at Wastemoreland are used judiciously and salt water intrusion is avoided.

    So where did Apes Hill Golf Course turn?

    To the neighboring Trents catchment.

    They got permissions to build a dam in the Farmers area which took away water from the sheet water area (aquifer) under the Trents pumping station.

    I am told Trents is no longer used as a water supply pumping station.

    So the result of our foray into golf is that both the Trents and Porters catchments have been surrendered and the public is short several million gallons of water per day.

    That does not take into consideration the effect of Sandy Lane … the Norwoods and Molyneux catchments have been rendered useless to the Barbados water supply.

    They are relatively small.

    Thusly ….

    Wastemoreland has its own private water supply wells.

    Apes Hill has its own private water supply wells.

    Sandy Lane has its own private water supply wells.

    Durants has its own private water supply wells.

  41. John2August 1, 2022 4:53 PM


    Why you so worry about aunti mia? She already set her example by getting her 3 or 4 shots. If she catach covid now should be a flulike infection
    And so was Biden now he has been infected twice and taking some kinda antiviral medicine
    For all knows not if this virus is a combination of biological warfare and an environmental produce bacteria which is still lingering in the air
    Reason that all should still wear mask
    Govt not going to tell the truth out of fear
    How could a virus where medicine intervene with all kinds of medical.and health protection could still be a stealth agent of concern lingering in the air after four years

  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Metered my RH….
    Forget windmills, they have pumps and they use them.
    I was told at night, mainly cause it is cooler and they lose less water to evaporation.
    If you know where the well is, open the usually well concealed lid, and there will be a hose and a plug coming from the submersible pump below. All you need is a quiet generator (which you don’t even hear once the water is flowing) and a hook up to the irrigation system, and boom it’s like water fireworks 😆
    We do similarly here in Canada, only we use surface water. A pvc hose with a foot valve feeds the pump, to a pressure pot, and out to the irrigation system.
    If we had to pay for water we couldn’t survive. @John showed a farmer in Ithica who was complaining about solar taking over farmland. Lotta shite. They can find non-arable land to put the panels on. And if you wish to expand into greenhouse crops and mushrooms etc, you need an inexpensive source of power. Grid power costs will kill yah. They only keep going up!!

  43. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I love golf. But. These resort N.American style courses are water hogs.
    Did you see the British Open at St Andrews, supposedly the home of golf. It is a bunch of sour grass pastures, with the odd bushes, and a bunch of uniquely designed hazards. And being links style they “share greens” (a major water and land saver). Put them near an ocean and the wind will add another dimension.
    Why do we need to build and maintain the first 90yds off the tee box? If you can’t hit the ball that far you need to find another pastime.

  44. These are the water catchment areas in Barbados.

    Superimposed on Google Earth, here’s what they look like on the West Coast.

  45. @NO

    If the course is designed as you suggest, how will the fairways be described in golf mags and other promotional stuff as well manicured? More to the point- how they go look?

  46. AC.

    Do you see Biden going to hospital or in any kind of distress?

    Wear mask indoor especially if you are not vaccinated

    I ran a 10k road race last year with all vaccinated people and no mask
    This year same race but u did not have to provide any proof of vaccination.
    Both race stood in crowd waiting for start of race for half hour . Pass people or people passing me all through the race from start to finish. Everyone huffing and puffing

    Why should the government lie.? There are a lot of people at cdc that would have blown the whistle by now

    Being tested positive twice does not necessarily mean that he caught it twice

    How long has the flu virus been lingering around when for year before covid there was vaccines every ear and with COVID there was added protection from the mask yet the flue virus is still around ?

  47. The land upon which ‘Royal Westmoreland’ was built was owned by Roger Manning (of Black Bess Quarry & Construction fame) and his siblings.

    I understand among the terms and conditions of the sale was Black Bess Construction would be contracted to provide construction services.

    The ‘boulder wall’ surrounding the front of the property, for example, was built by BBQ.

  48. NO

    You are describing illegal connections.
    There was a crew to investigate illegal connections. I do not know if it still the same today

  49. This is the same Manning who owned R.M. Construction, which supposedly filed for bankruptcy sometime during the late 1970s or early 1980s.

    He allegedly shipped his equipment to St. Vincent & the Grenadines, while his former employees experienced difficulties receiving their severance payments.

    ‘Fast forward’ to the sale of Black Bess Quarry and its subsidiary companies, to JADA Construction.
    On January 7, 2020 employees of the Black Bess Group of Companies, which included Black Bess Farms Ltd. and M.R. Administrative Services Ltd., received a memo signed by Chief Executive Officer, Charles .H. Wayne Manning entitled, “Notification of Company Insolvency,” in which they were informed of the company’s decision to file for bankruptcy.
    Manning explained the decision was based on the Company’s failure to turn a profit last year, (2019), after a number of years of continuously “losing money.”

    In March 2020, two months after being retrenched, former employees did not received vacation monies, payment in lieu of notice or bonus payments owed to them.
    Manning said the trustee appointed to liquidate the company’s assets and pay its debts, was responsible for paying them.

    Once again, employees were the ones to suffer.

    We’re given ‘history lessons’ about water courses, plantations, sugar cane, sugar production and land, but never on how wickedly the descendants of former plantation owners treat their employees.

  50. John2
    Do you see people getting sick after getting the flu vaccine in similarity to those who have received the Covid vaccine
    Do you see or heard of people after receiving the flu shot dying world wide as is with the Covid Vaccine
    Have you ever heard of long Flu a negative side which is associated with Covid
    Do you know or have heard of any individual having to receive multiple flu shots in monthly periods within one Callender year
    Do you ever hear of individuals having to isolate themselves after having the seasonal flu in similarity to Covid
    Then you tell me that Covid is like having the seasonal flu
    Couldn’t be true when all the different and various protocols still in place says differently

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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