This article is not meant to shame anyone but to create awareness that will bring about the much-needed change. This is the second time that I have noticed of late that opportunities in business that fall under state own enterprises discriminate against a wide cross section of the Barbadian public.

The first of the recent observation was back in December last year when I applied to and Ad which stated that the Enhance Credit Guarantee Fund was offering funding. I applied on the behalf of The People’s Agricultural and Business Cooperative Society Ltd to find out if this Agricultural Co-op would qualify for funding. 

The response that I received from the Central Bank of Barbados, was that “the support is only for existing businesses incorporated in Barbados.” To this, I responded “The Co-op is in Barbados.  It was certified over a year ago by the Registrar of Cooperatives.”  To this day there has been no response from the Foreign Exchange and Exchange Credits Department of the Central Bank of Barbados.

Although I let the above slide, I chose this occasion to respond to an article carried in this newspaper on March 31, 2022, under the caption Ocean Innovation Challenge giving thousands of dollars to Blue companies, as this bias is hiding in broad daylight.

Given the fact that the blue economy is relatively new to Barbados and the untapped potential of the ocean is vast since Barbados owns more ocean that it does land, the challenge should therefore be to the entire island.

Why are existing companies singled out to be part of the Ocean Innovation Challenge? Why have entrepreneurs and persons who have ideas not been included? How will the island develop a class of entrepreneurs if the focus is always on existing businesses?

This action is discriminatory, and it says that the ordinary man in Barbados does not have ideas that can be utilized in the creation of a blue economy, and nothing can be further from the truth.

What about the hundreds of fishermen who ply their trade off the coast of Barbados? They know the sea and the ocean better than any business that the challenge is currently offered to. Have you extended your challenge to this entrepreneurial class of Barbadians? If the offer were extended to them one can be positive that they will come up with ideas for business, but they have not been put in a position to accept any challenge.

Not even your being in a partnership with Caribbean Export can be an acceptable response as the criteria must have been agreed to by both partners. I hope this criterion will be revisited soon to be all inclusive as there must be equal opportunities for all Barbadians.

Considering the aforementioned, there is an opportunity here not only for Export Barbados but the entire government of Barbados to have a defined nondiscriminatory policy. Discrimination was the very backbone of life that was created in Barbados during slavery by an oppressive legislature. One should therefore expect that every act of government and its state own enterprises would contain a nondiscriminatory policy statement which should reference equal opportunity to all members of society. This nondiscriminatory policy which is normally used for employment. It states that persons must not be discriminated against due to their religion, class, sexual orientation, or disability.

There is no nondiscrimination clause in the new Charter of Barbados.

Perhaps, now that this issue has been brought to light, government and state-owned enterprises will operate under a nondiscriminatory policy which along with the aforementioned, include equal offerings in business opportunities.

107 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – Can Discriminatory Business Practices be Changed?”

  1. You can talk till the cows come home nothing gone change
    The people put in power couldn’t care less about small business ventures
    Time and time again evidence has shown that big business controls and creates power
    Power that controls govt hence sufficient and enough that when govt takes the reign that favours would rain down on powerful and the powerless remain struggling at the far end of the economic Barrell
    Question how many small business u think we’re given millions of dollars to keep doors open during COVID on days govt allocated for shopping
    If govt rolls out means of financial sourcing for small business it comes with many strings attached and rules which frustrates sending the small business man running back to their hiding hole
    Reason yuh see Nelson Street and baxters Road after all these years looking like sh.te holes all because govts along with those who control the economic structure of Barbados have decided that these small businesses are not deserving of financial assistance that would help them grow and enter the financial world of mainstream business

  2. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Heather…glad you are highlighting this discriminatory practice, i had cause years ago to bring it to the fore where minority companies operating since the 1800s or thereabouts should have sufficient cash flow due to the length of their existence and should not be hogging every opportunity that should go to the majority population.

    remember highlighting this dude came in from UK just months previously, years ago, and could give me information on how to access funding from BIDC for projects as told to him by them, but when a Black person, domiciled on the island approaches them, they tell you that the money is really for minority businesses already established, and not for Black people.

    ..the nasty blight and curse of discrimination on the island targeting the majority population…..expose all of it so the pretenders have nowhere to hide..they are repulsive, as told by the same white man they were sucking up to only because he is white and he was very angry that the island is still so backward…..while they thought they were impressing him.

  3. remember highlighting this dude came in from UK just months previously, years ago, and could give me information on how to access funding from BIDC for projects as told to him by them, but when a Black person, domiciled on the island approaches them, they tell you that the money is really for minority businesses already established, and not for Black people.

    How much elástic in the above ?

  4. Less is more.

  5. @Heather

    Besides yourself are the principals of your Co-op resident in Barbados?

  6. Heather
    Dream on!
    Bajans like things the way they are, have always been. We have no real national commitment to solving intractable problems when an outside solution is available. Check out the debt relief in exchange for the resources ownership model as recently concluded between the government of Belize and an international agency for guidance as to how Barbados will go.

    How can your seemingly sensible but lofty ideal ever be achieved with the established mentality so well entrenched.

    A national mentality which central plank rests on the notion that your kind of thinking should properly reside in somebody else’s mind.

    A mentality which presupposes that your project must be burdened with all manner of historical baggage bedeviling it with the specter of near failure from jump street.

    Barbados has never had a government which was committed to your ideal. And maybe never will. For the act of government should essentially be representative of the wider accepted cultural norms, and the Barbados government is and has always been.

    That ingrained cultural expression has no commitment to empowering ordinary people. We have a long history of empowering poor Whites like Kiffen. Simpson or Cow Williams and kin. This is what all the operating systems in Barbados understand.

    Pray tell, if credits unions were so long established, have massive capital, but are or were legislatedly excluded from the ownership and control of Barbados, as a central tendency, how in Obi’s blue oceans could that be?

  7. @Pacha

    What is this massive capital the credit union owns?

  8. John2 April 26, 2022 6:50 AM #:” How much elástic in the above?”

    @ John 2

    🤣 🤣 🤣 😂

    The lady is simply amazing.

    Haven’t you realized that, no matter the topic or the issue being discussed, she either always have first hand knowledge or knows a relative; friend; a relative’s friend’s cousin, aunt, uncle…… a friend of a friend…… was involved and told her.

  9. David
    You will find it deposited in banks but most importantly in its ability to mobilize the savings of a wide cross section of Bajans for economic actions within a transformed framework. We trust you understand how the latter. Is vastly more important than the former in capital formation.

    Or is yours a missive aimed at deflecting from our central point which the dictator in chief is preparing to do right now. That is, the selling out of the blue economy to international pirates posing as NGOs.

  10. @Pacha

    The lowly blogmaster sought a clarification. Many are confused about what is a liability, asset or capital when discussing credit union business.

  11. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Bajans like things the way they are, have always been. We have no real national commitment to solving intractable problems when an outside solution is available. ”

    told her already she has to ringfence all her business plans, information and endeavors with security.

    “A national mentality which central plank rests on the notion that your kind of thinking should properly reside in somebody else’s mind.

    A mentality which presupposes that your project must be burdened with all manner of historical baggage bedeviling it with the specter of near failure from jump street.”

    and of course Pacha, i will ask permission to quote you in my book…a comment just as central in blacksplaining the anti Afrikan mind…

    they want Black people to wait their turn which never comes, hence all the BS about emancipation as a journey EVERY DAMN YEAR…decade and century…

  12. @ David

    You must admit what has been outlined in Pachamama’s contribution is TRUE.

  13. @Artax

    The blogmaster was specific with the query raised.

  14. David

    Come on. lLiabilities, assets, capital may represent the same pool. In not necessarily adversarial roles.

  15. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Heather….use the email address you have for me if needed, will give you some tips on these crabs…they are well known inside and out…

  16. @Pacha

    You are smart enough to know where the blogmaster is going. The credit union movement is a one billion dollar enterprise and has grown appreciably in recent years. That said the question how credit unions can mobilize capital is one worthy of discussion, however, it is not so straight forward given the ownership of the movement and how it is regulated. We have discussed this matter many times in this space. To be honest, the blogmaster does not have the answers but agree with you, there needs to be a shift in mindset.

  17. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Bu shows us that people live on different planets. Communications are hampered by differing perspectives agendas misunderstandings habitual patterns and not listening to what anyone else has to say.

    It is the same on the social media with larger catchment where movements of nuts start trending.

  18. @ David, all except me are in Bim.

  19. Thanks Heather. The central bank was less than professional then based on your report.

  20. @AOPC, We have made the deposit on a piece of land. When the website is finished we will inform the public.

  21. David

    None of us is expected to have answers to everything.

    Merely understanding the questions better, may suffice.

  22. Heather.

    U don’t have to wait for the website you have free advertising/notification of progress right here on BU 👍🏿

    You all have a long hard road ahead of you
    Keep on pushing.

  23. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Here we go again. Clutching at straws. @!Heather is more than right. What we have is a black political managerial class behaving exactly like the former colonial masters , at every given point.
    We seem to have lost all shame ,intellectualizing over stark facts and realities that are right there in front of us.
    Where is the great rethinking that was supposed to emerge after COVID. Not a single new idea
    . Like it or not the only new idea of this administration was @ PlT’s work from Barbados. Two damn elections and not one new idea from this pretty talk administration.
    There is no effort to encourage young black entrepreneurs outside of $5000 loans/grants that are usually accompanied by massive political PR.
    Quite frankly what can we expect from people who hailed the purchase of garbage trucks and Transport Board buses .
    The grand foolishness revised by Arthur now being echoed by Mottley : Try and get a kitchen garden.
    Plant something……………………. …
    I remember students maintaining gardens at primary school; people have been keeping kitchen gardens since slavery
    All is well: garbage was picked up today; the water tanks brought water and electric buses running.
    Now go and plant something.
    Heather , keep up the struggle , it is not in vain.
    We are infested with all kinds of discrimination.

  24. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ” When the website is finished we will inform the public.”

    until then, keep everything under wraps…

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “What we have is a black political managerial class behaving exactly like the former colonial masters , at every given point.

    and they think we don’t know……told people they are worst than colonists whom we expect to have those bad intentions, but when they no longer have to pressure the negro class to terrorize, oppress and discriminate against their own people…..then you know your enemy is in Black face…

    “The grand foolishness revised by Arthur now being echoed by Mottley : Try and get a kitchen garden.
    Plant something……………………. …”

    no one is waiting on them, systems are already being put in place to make that second nature for the more vulnerable, depressed areas…

    an echo chamber along with Koffi Annan’s old, useless phrase…

    Heather will succeed, she will have access to the right information..

  26. Barbadians are amazing

    When individuals are groups expectations are low and suffer from low self esteem the inevitable would occur
    Govts and the powerful takes control
    The minority keeps knees in the majority neck
    Occasionally govt looks out and asked for the pressure to be released
    Evidence small business settle for 2×4 stalls situated in a flood zone next to the Constitution
    While big business secure safe zone in the heights and terraces called Warren’s
    Unless bajans get serious about their own self interest the word self empowerment becomes meaningless

  27. David, Heather

    Why would it matter who’s in Bim or not.

    See wuh uh tell yuh. Leave that godforsaken rock for a minute as Black, then the whole culture looks at you wid uh jaundiced eye.

    When White people or elite Blacks are involved it’s an asset to be living somewhere else.

  28. William Skinner

    This writer is more and more growing to hold the view that Mia Mottley is a plant.

    Planted by the globalists to serve agendas. Agendas in keeping with what has occurred before given all the incessant shiiite talk coming out of Washington’s thinktanklandia., as so parroted.

    Currently, we are projecting that all her rasssoul blue economy talk will be the next great sell out to foreign interests. Watch it.

    Don’t you notice that not a boy, but she, could say much about anything.

  29. Mr Skinner here you go sgain .It is all well and good for you to spout your nonsense about hailing the purchasing of the buses and garbage trucks.You ever had to wait three and four hours for a bus or could not get your garbage collected for four weeks?Although this is expected of a government tje dems who you support was unable to dupply either.This was rectified by the bees in months.I hear you speak of leadership and nowhere was this more visable than during covid where we were able to survive due to astute planning between this government and the health officials which despite some errors made would easily ratr 6 out of 10.On top of that we had the ash fall , a hurricane and numerous other setbacks and we sre still standing.This is clear evidence of leadership.Therefore you stay in the USA and talk shite but tell us who would do a better job.The No Damn Party or the Dead Labour Party.In closing one simple question are bajans better off today than between 2008 and 2018? I believe most bajans feel so.Take your time in answering.I gone.

  30. @Pacha

    Financial companies/ or managing access to government funds have rules around lending to people who don’t file taxes in a jurisdiction.

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “When White people or elite Blacks are involved it’s an asset to be living somewhere else.”

    they have no shame and would never believe that there are whites and other minorities REPULSED by them and that nasty anti-Black culture……and would give warnings to Black people to avoid it…

  32. This writer is more and more growing to hold the view that Mia Mottley is a plant. Planted by the globalists to serve agendas

    Probably the most insightful statement uttered in this here e-rum shop in yearss.
    She parrots every single talking point of the Davos set.
    When Missing In Action done wid wunna Bim will be unrecognisable.

  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William…only the weakest links/fowls listen to any of their abrupt, time delayed light bulb moments of parroting others….that’s all they are good for..

    .Creatives can see through every one of them, they can’t hide anymore….

    just the thought of them with their maliciously dangerous idea of reviving plantation sugar slavery, and having the nerve to publish their latest blighted scam, was more than people needed to realize who the enemy is and know they are on their own…and have to be extremely guarded,,,,

  34. RE: “Evidence small business settle for 2×4 stalls situated in a flood zone next to the Constitution.”

    Come on, my friend. As usual, you are being untruthful.

    I know you are aware the infrastructural development and construction phases of the new Fairchild Street market project, were discussed at length in this forum. Information about the project was also shared with the forum.
    You were involved in the discussion.

    Now, for you to make such a malicious statement, clearly indicates the lengths you’re determined to go, just for the sake of criticising.

    RE: “While big business secure safe zone in the heights and terraces called Warren’s.”

    Is the land at Warrens owned by ‘government’ or the private sector?

  35. William Slinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    All of them are plants in some form. Interesting Fruendel Stuart was listed as one of Don Blackman’s few friends , in his obituary.

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “She parrots every single talking point of the Davos set.”

    Oops…..this is thoroughly dissected on certain forums, where everyone knows who everyone is or have personal relationships with them and how they think…….

  37. David

    Your kinda thinking is precisely what is wrong with Barbados.

    Did the last governments know everything about the taxes of Sandals before the purse of the treasury was asked to not let them pay impositions normally due.

    This is exactly our point. A rasssoul Bajan just has to be in Panama overnight before the culture as represented by your ilk will be erecting barriers to entry of all kinds, Wunna even look at dum funny.

  38. Lorenzo April 26, 2022 10:03 AM

    Having the garage collected on a timely basis and buses that essentially REPLACED decommissioned units and NOT INCREASE the fleet……. are important……

    ……. but, let’s be FAIR to Mr. Skinner.

    Garbage trucks and buses aside, are the other points he outlined in his comments TRUE or FALSE?

    We were told about ‘a new way of thinking’ and developing new ideas post COVID-19.
    Could you please provide the forum with any information relative to the conceptualization of any NEW, innovative, policy initiatives?

    Has ‘government’ introduced any NEW policies OTHER than the PTL conceptualized ‘Welcome Stamp’ visa that allowed remote workers to live and work from the island?

    Has ‘government’ created an environment that is conducive to encouraging and facilitating entrepreneurship among the youth?

    After two general elections, the Minister of Finance is yet to articulate any progressive socioeconomic economic policies.
    What we often hear are ‘nit bits’ from unelected consultants.

    Answer those questions honestly and perhaps you’ll understand where ‘your boy, Skinner coming from.’

  39. Fact being that what the big business can afford have been in parts beneficial to their econonomic success because of years of got help
    The small businesses personalways being subjected to the crumbs that falls off govt table
    If blacks business had equal opportunities to a level economic playing field over the years
    They too would have been able to move at a faster pace like their business counterparts moving into safe zones call greener pastures

  40. @Pacha

    You trying to pick a noise based on what? Sandals received concessions. In this case there is a point made about Heather’s group being able to access financing based on qualification, don’t compare apples with oranges. It was a query to possibly understand why her application was dismissed.

  41. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Did the last governments know everything about the taxes of Sandals”:

    they don’t care to know, and the reputation was already one of corruption….their main attraction…

    even more disgusting and unpalatable, whatever they gave away to Butch he decided that Bajans get too much welfare and it wanted slashing to the level of Jamaica and he went in the newspapers to say that, say he didn’t but never asked for a retraction….

    ……..that’s the type of demons they attract who have no problem deciding what should and should not happen to and for the majority population…and what they should get and what they shouldn’t. because sellouts are determined that Black Afrikan people should never be in charge of their own destiny and or have a voice in ther survival and existence….nor have access to all the concessions and surplus loans that minorities get…at the people’s expense….

  42. David
    So government taxes,
    , concessional funding and concessions dont come from the same general place.

    Noted. The last words are yours😅

  43. Who was it that demolished a small business location and in turn had plans of turning over the land to big outside conglomerate called Hyatt
    When have any such thing be heard of in Barbados
    Such stinking policies breeds of full blown discrimination given power to the high and mighty whilst the lowly business person are stuck as sidewalk vendors or relegated to 2×4 stalls tucked away in desolate bridgetown

  44. My friend, ‘you’re all over the place.’ You’re ‘lumping’ big, small and Black businesses together.
    As Andrew Mason would say, “you’re struggling.”

    You cannot seriously or reasonably compare big businesses in Warrens, with vendors selling in what you call a “2 × 4 stalls.”

    One of the first Black owned businesses in the Warrens area, was ‘Everston Elcock Electrical.’ And, he owns a mall from which space is rented by government and the private sector.

    Are you suggesting successive ‘government’ only assist ‘big businesses?’
    If so, please provide the forum with examples.

    Do you know small businesses make up the majority that has benefited from ‘tax write-offs?’

  45. A government run program of this type must first qualify possible funding recipients and then certify that they merit the funding based on published requirements.

    Either the company or entrepreneur qualifies and can satisfy requirements or they don’t and if they fail then reasons must be presented.

    The government should not be offering seed capital like this and then be playing discriminatory games to prevent development and growth.

    This entrepreneur needs to aggressively revisit the funding application if they believe they have been wronged and do the other practical steps of engaging with their constituency representative and others to highlight the benefits planned.

    Of course the road to failure is paved with the best of intentions so clearly the participants must show a track record of success that supports their funding request.

    To greatness.

  46. RE: “Who was it that demolished a small business location and in turn had plans of turning over the land to big outside conglomerate called Hyatt..”

    Was the ‘Liquidation Centre’ “a small business,” or was it owned by an individual whose hotel was allowed to owe BWA millions of dollars and then went to Court to challenge the disconnection of water service?

    Remember, Hyatt was introduced by the former DLP administration and you used countless contributions to defend that project?

    RE: “Such stinking policies breeds of full blown discrimination given power to the high and mighty whilst the lowly business person are stuck as sidewalk vendors or relegated to 2×4 stalls tucked away in desolate bridgetown.”


  47. AC

    Wasnt hyatt hatched under the dlp and with UR support?

  48. @Heather

    The blogmaster maybe wrong but the fund seems to be targeting existing businesses and not startups. Hopefully you can get some clarification by contacting those names on the document posted.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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