Submitted by Observing

The dust has settled, the people have spoken, and we now prepare for at least 3 ½ years of BLP governance. There are many issues and factors which impacted the result, including campaigns and candidates but I have chosen to highlight those that were considered fringe but were still collectively significant.

31 months of silence only to emerge to “counter program” our Sunday Sun with a narrative on the Prime Minister’s great traits and Mrs. Depeiza’s negative one. Definitely blunted anything Lucille Moe said (not that she had much of an impact anyhow) and reminded a large enough percentage that it should have been him after David. They speak about a woman scorned but it seems a Chris scorned is even worse and more bitter.

With 18 months to go and a full majority in hand the dice were rolled knowing that the other players weren’t ready. Politically sound and brilliant. The result speaks for itself. We can debate constitutional changes to a PM’s power for snap elections but the gamble paid off, politically at least. Otherwise I am not so sure. The Omicron spread will be an entirely different beast. The return to school is the first casualty. There will be more. As TheoGazerts said in another thread, the government would do well not to view this a as a sweeping/clear mandate.

Covid and Turnout
A large amount of persons still remain in their curtilages up to this day even without Covid. Many of these are older persons. I am certain that many did not venture out to vote. Also, 4000-5000 persons were not facilitated to vote. A turnout of 43-44% in a modern democracy is the inevitable result and should be cause for concern. Effectively the ruling party has received the support of 28% of the voting population. Let that sink in for a bit.

Guy Hewitt
The contest for President of the DLP over the last tow cycles took some nasty turns. It is reminiscent of the primary battles of United States politics. Guy Hewitt’s pronouncements on Mrs. Depeiza and the ensuing brutal battle however left lasting damage. First, because the statements were perceived to be true. Second, because they occurred close to the election and before she had any chance to recover, consolidate and groom her young team. The rapid disappearance of the said Guy rather than a kumbyah moment also lent to the view that the DLP wasn’t ready and the leadership battle is far from over.

Glorious years? Seriously? Stupse. Won’t bother to waste any more words on this one.

BLP Solidarity
It is a known secret that there was trouble in the BLP camp. The “pick up stumps and go home” move forced the hands of those that may have wanted to be eager. True to form though, this was NEVER spoken about on the BLP’s side. No one denied it, no one hinted at it, no one even acknowledged it. This is the existential difference between the two parties. One airs its laundry in public. One pretends it has no laundry. One bludgeons itself with barbs pointed inside rather than outside. The other is polite and vague even in criticism. One looks for ways to divide itself hoping for spoils that will lead to victory. One focuses on victory first, spoils after. I think all Bajans know which is which.

Mia Mottley’s stature
Perceived personal flaws aside Mia is a lifetime shrewd politician whose 2018 insurmountable margins made it near impossible for the DLP to make inroads. Couple this with recent international acclaim and it was always going to be difficult. The DLP erred in focusing on Mia again too much, but then again what do you expect with Steve Blackett as your campaign manager. Hopefully they finally listen, learn and allow the new candidates to grow in their positions and focus on ISSUES rather than the INDIVIDUAL. There is still room for them even against Mia but they have to take heed. It is an indisputable fact that she is not as popular locally as she would lead us to believe and she is definitely not at her 2018 levels and still falling.

Special mention: The Biggest Losers
• ALL of the Old Guard
• DLP strongholds of St. John and St. Lucy
• Joseph Atherley
• Voices of opposition in the country
• Trade Unionism

248 responses to “Barbados Elections 2022: Factors and Losers”

  1. Steupse! More stupid conspiracies!

  2. DLPs problem is people don’t like voting for a side that is expected to lose

    even if they are only aiming for a handful of seats

    why bother

  3. The blp.candidates were no better an improvement from the dlp
    Old guards galore and candidates that were missing in action for three years
    Young faces like Lisa Cummins
    Give me a break
    A 3percent turn out was all.that the blp.could muster
    Don’t even know why Artax would attempt to answer the difference
    Fact being the voting percentages handed to the blp.speaks volumes about the blp.leadership and lackluster candidates as well

  4. @ Tron

    It appears as though you’re close to our Supreme Leader.

    Therefore, I suggest you tell her to permanently maintain 20 constituencies thereby securing 20 seats in Parliament.
    And, introduce fixed-term elections so as to give the DLP and the other so called ‘third parties’ an opportunity to fight amongst themselves to win other 10 seats.

    Also, because of your loyalty to the Supreme Leader and by extension the new Republic, on Monday, January 24, at 8:45 am, I will be visiting Government Headquarters to ask Ms Mottley to fire Charles Jong and appoint you as our new ‘Director of Communications Designate.’

    Or, perhaps you may prefer to be appointed as the new Director, Department of Public Affairs.

    This is a SERIOUS undertaking, which may require you to temporarily relinquish your role as BU’s resident ‘Court Jester.’

    But, ‘look on the bright side.’ The quality entertainment you’ve been providing to this forum for the past three (3) years, free of cost, could be similarly provided to the country, for a hefty monthly salary, compliments of Bajan tax payers.

  5. 5,000 voters equate to just under 2% of registered voters. The difference between 41% and 43% is negligible in a discussion about low voter turn out. When I said the govt performed well against its promises, BU ridiculed me, as usual. But in politics you can’t beat tangibility. If Covid behaves enough and things go as planned, the Dems will be beaten badly again in 2027. Gine be more belly hurt for many here.

  6. Ange, me thinks that you are a little too edgy as you still chafing from your humongous defeat and are not coping well with rejection. I offer my sympathy and seek your opinion on a matter that could be of national significance. To the best of my knowledge, the base on which the statue of Lord Nelson stood is still standing in its position outside of Parliament. My question to you is would you support a proposal to erect a larger than life size freshly minted bronze statue (or Italian Marble) of Her Excellency, The Right Honorable Mia Amor Mottley, in that location? Like Nelson, she has protected this nation from a threat far greater than the Spanish – twice, she has created history (first female PM of Barbados, unprecedented capturing of all seats in parliament – twice, broke away from the monarchy, declared the country a Republic. Can you think of anything else?

  7. Fear Play that is your version of Mia Historyv
    There will be several History’s including mine not so glorious

  8. Has God forsaken the Barbados Bible Bashers (Thumpers) political platforms

    or were they not talking to God after all

    and had dialed the wrong number

  9. “Fact being the voting percentages handed to the blp speaks volumes about the blp leadership and lackluster candidates as well.”

    YES…… I AGREE.

    But, I’ll remind you of what WARU correctly ‘said’ in a previous post:

    January 20, 2022 9:21 AM #: “Some people don’t seem to understand what LOW VOTER TURN OUT MEANS…in a so called democracy…that was not a win….it was a show of DISGUST for BOTH PARTIES…. people WITHHELD their voting power…there is NO CONFIDENCE in ANY of them..there is NOTHING to CELEBRATE…”

    If you’re FAIR and BALANCED, then you’ll also ADMIT the voting percentages AGAINST the DLP and the fact that the party was UNABLE to ‘capture’ at LEAST ONE (1) seat, in a political environment that was becoming steadily intolerant and contemptuous of the BLP, as evidenced by the percentage you alluded to…….

    …….. also EQUALLY “speaks volumes about the DLP leadership and lackluster candidates as well.”

    You CANNOT IGNORE the fact that, although the BLP won, irrespective of any number of anomalies that existed, the high percentage of NON-VOTERS is an indictment of the BEES and more so, the DEMS.

  10. A party with all the seats and less than a third of the voting public cannot rest easy!!

    What the more than two thirds in each constituency should have done was to appear at the nomination centres on nomination day and nominate someone they reckoned they could support and for whom they would vote.

    But it takes someone to step forward and the others to stand besides him/her but they have to do it together and show the bullies they are not afraid.

    That was why I spent my $250 and went through the process.

    Unfortunately, no one else would spend their $250 and no one would support.

    Anyway, look at the bright side, next time people will know what to do … assuming there is a next time!!

  11. History repeats itself and we have a constitutional conundrum; who will play the part of Atherley?

  12. Let me put it as simple as I possibly can.

    Supposed you and Fractured BLP were running for president of club with a membership of 300 people (100%).

    Let’s assume 30 members (10% of the total membership), including you and Fractured, were present on election night and cast their votes. At the end of the vote count, you were declared the winner with 29 votes, because, obviously Fractured would’ve voted for himself.

    In this scenario, 270 members were ABSENT and can be considered as non-voters.

    You won an election with 29 votes, under circumstances where the voter turnout was very low, it is obvious that 271 members DIN CARE NUTTUN ’bout you.

    On the other hand, 270 non-voters + 29 voters = 299 members that din care nuttun ’bout Fractured either.

    The moral of the story is, the better of two lousy candidates won the election.

  13. Re: BLP Killing It

    maybe a rule could be written in the new Constitution that a party can only stand in 29 out of 30 seats to leave room for at least 1 opposition MP in Parliament

  14. @Sargeant

    The party turned its back on Guy after he challenged for the leadership. Subsequent event of this week proved him correct.

  15. @FearPlay

    You are familiar with the saying, when you are in the forest, it is difficult to make out the trees.

  16. It must be full moon in your piece of the woods.

  17. 90 love beacons IF …

  18. @FearPlay

    She would much prefer to plant Freundel to recognize his stewardship during those glorious years.

  19. DLPs pronouncement by Steve Blackette of the party having nothing to do with the injunction was a silly action. A person who runs a company of some 230 employees and was planning to vote DLP and said to me he decided to stay home after hearing Steve Blackettes pronouncement

  20. ArtaxJanuary 21, 2022 9:28 PM

    Let me put it as simple as I possibly can.

    Supposed you and Fractured BLP were running for president of club with a membership of 300 people (100%).

    Let’s assume 30 members (10% of the total membership), including you and Fractured, were present on election night and cast their votes. At the end of the vote count, you were declared the winner with 29 votes, because, obviously Fractured would’ve voted for himself.

    In this scenario, 270 members were ABSENT and can be considered as non-voters.

    You won an election with 29 votes, under circumstances where the voter turnout was very low, it is obvious that 271 members DIN CARE NUTTUN ’bout you.

    On the other hand, 270 non-voters + 29 voters = 299 members that din care nuttun ’bout Fractured either.

    The moral of the story is, the better of two lousy candidates won the election.


    Your example is badly flawed and lacks the moral you attribute to it.

    You would have to say that the election was for 30 seats on the board of management of the club to be comparable and the 300 members were divided into 30 groups, one group for each seat ….. lets say 10 members each.

    40% or 120 members turned out, lets say 4 out of the 10 members in each group.

    At that stage, it would be clear the club was on its last legs and interest in it was approaching zero.

    Obviously if 1 out of 10 turned out from a group, the writing would be on the wall …. shut down the ffing club.

    You would also have to specify that the articles required the board to function with two adversarial parties, both of which had to elect a leader using Robert’s Rules.

    That would mean 30 – 0 is a loss for both parties, likewise 29 – 1 is a loss for both parties as is 29 -2 is a loss for both.

    The only way one could claim to have won is if that one won more than 15 seats and less than 27 seats.

    All other combinations above 27 is a loss for both parties.

    There is no way to get around that simple fact once you start with the articles as stated.

    The only way to get around that would be to change the rules so that 30 – 0, 29 – 1, or 28 – 2 represented a win for the party with the majority.

  21. Now if I were to see the rule change occur before the election, I would conclude that one party wanted to eliminate the possibility of both parties losing because that party somehow controlled the vote and could force such an outcome.

    It is only a very low voter turnout that would persuade me different.

    What we need to look at is the turnout by each Election District to determine where the disaffection is located.

    How many had a turnout more than 40% or less than 40%?

    Were there any with a turnout of say 5% or some with 95%?

  22. National Hero of Barbados (Rhianna) in deep trouble:

    Rihanna slammed over ‘disrespectful’ edited image of Martin Luther King with gold grills
    Fans called out the singer for posting a photo of Martin Luther King Jr. wearing gold grills, calling it ‘disrespectful’
    Rihanna caused outrage on Twitter last night (Jan 19) after she changed her Twitter header to an image of civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wearing gold grills to celebrate ‘Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day’.

  23. Barbadians voted and gave the BLP an absolute 30 to 0 majority for the second time.

    Barbadians did not vote for an opposition.

    You can look forward to 5 more years of republicanism.

    BU could be a boring place to hang out.

  24. Voters do not vote for an opposition.

  25. You are right David. Bajans got the government they voted for and deserve.

  26. “You would have to say that the election was for 30 seats on the board of management of the club to be comparable and the 300 members were divided into 30 groups, one group for each seat ….. lets say 10 members each.”

    @ John



  27. The nerve of that guy ‘telling’ me what is “badly flawed” or not, when he INCORRECTLY ASSUMED what were my intentions.

    Did I ‘tell’ you or anyone that my scenario was based on the elections?

    You should have asked a question first before rudely intervening.

  28. President steps down

    By Colville Mounsey

    Two days after the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) suffered its second consecutive whitewash in a General Election, its president, Verla De Peiza has stepped down.
    In a letter to the party, De Peiza cited as her reasons for stepping down her failure to “unite the party and ignite the country” during her three-year stint at the helm.
    When asked yesterday to comment further, a visibly emotional De Peiza said she had nothing further to say on the issue.
    The DLP’s George Street headquarters was a hive of activity yesterday afternoon, as party members, including candidates who contested Wednesday’s election and a few from the equally disastrous 2018 poll, were scattered across the courtyard in groups locked in various sidebar discussions.
    Many sought out De Peiza to offer comforting and encouraging words, adding to the sombre affair on a day designated to nationally celebrate the life of the DLP’s founding father, National Hero Errol Barrow.
    It was disclosed that during a special meeting of the party that morning to review the election, De Peiza tendered her resignation with immediate effect. In her letter, she said she was proud of efforts to re-energise the party’s base, as well as the work done to restore its home.
    In the interim, first vice-president Steve Blackett will take up the mantle as leader until a special conference is convened in April to elect a new president.
    Tough times
    Speaking to the media gathered at headquarters, Blackett said De Peiza should be lauded for taking up the leadership role during very tough times.
    “We had convened a special meeting of the party to review the election campaign and also the result, and it was at that meeting this morning that our president, comrade Verla De Peiza, submitted her resignation to the party. Since then, we met as an executive council and we have accepted her resignation and we are prepared to move forward,” Blackett said.
    He added: “I want to laud president Verla De Peiza for her stewardship over the last three to four years. The president stepped up to the plate and filled the void and during her tenure she oversaw the transformation of this auditorium, she reignited the base of the party and for a number of years she has made us feel good about ourselves. I want to speak on behalf of the general membership and the executive council in thanking her for her stewardship over the years and we wish her well.”
    Party stalwart Irene Sandiford Garner said the development should come as no surprise to Barbadians, as it was the right thing to do after such a heavy defeat.
    “What comrade De Peiza did was a sign of understanding what good leadership is about, knowing what you are supposed to do in particular circumstances and that is what she did. The party has accepted her resignation.
    “David Thompson did the same thing when we came out of the St Thomas by-election because sometimes leaders have to recharge, regroup and come again. Comrade De Peiza did what was correct within the system in which we function,” she said.
    In the meantime, Blackett disclosed that in charting the way forward, the DLP has been giving thought to the 2018 offer by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, which would have allowed the party to have two Opposition Senators despite not having any seats in the Lower House. He revealed that the party was in the process of making a determination on the issue so that they would be in a position to respond swiftly, should Mottley opt to extend that same olive branch this time around.

    Source: Nation

  29. APP reviews campaign

    Reverend Joseph Atherley and members of the Alliance Party for Progress (APP) met yesterday at the Cricket Legends of Barbados Museum, Fontabelle St Michael, to discuss the just concluded General Election campaign, among other things.
    Also in attendance at the head table was Lynette Eastmond, deputy chairman of the APP and founder of the United Progressive Party (UPP).
    The APP is a combination of the United Progressive Party and the People’s Party for Democracy, founded by Atherley.
    One of the third parties involved in the election campaign, the APP failed to get a seat and also failed to impress the Barbadian public, since they were only able to capture a few votes.
    The Nation tried to ascertain the party’s view of its future, but Atherley and Eastmond could not be reached after the meeting. ( MB)

    Source: Nation

  30. Three resign from NUPW

    Article by
    Kareem Smith
    Published on
    January 21, 2022

    The National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) has been struck with a number of untimely resignations.

    Sources at the Dalkeith St Michael organisation confirmed that three key industrial relations officials including the officer responsible for the nurses division, Christian Rock, had opted to move on.

    However, acting General Secretary Richard Greene has dismissed suggestions that the changes are indicative of discord among the union’s management.

    “There are no rumblings in here. We had some junior staff who, from our understanding have gone their separate ways and have taken up new opportunities and they resigned,” Green told Barbados TODAY.

    “They are three young members of staff, I can confirm that.”

    The two industrial relations officers made up 40 per cent of the workers in the critical department.

    But Greene maintained: “If three people leave any organisation, especially a small organisation all around the same time, you’ve got to make some adjustments.”

    He added that an entire restructuring of the organisation is in the works as the union enters a period of recruitment for the positions of General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary.

    The developments are unfolding at a time when the NUPW is trying to rebuild its image following council elections earlier this year that were so contentious that some matters landed in court.

    It also comes in the midst of a controversial NUPW condemnation of the Unity Workers’ Union (UWU) industrial action over a number of issues affecting nurses.

    Inside sources have also expressed concern that important union business is being neglected including the creation of numerous committees, including the nurses’, environmental committee and the sanitation committee which are ordinarily assembled shortly after council elections which were held in August.

    The source acknowledged that after elections, the new council asked that divisional meetings be held in December and January. But amid increasing COVID-19 cases, it has been difficult to get members to come out at this time and form a quorum.

    “We started holding some of the meetings on zoom. Some have been completed, not all of them,” he said.

    Source: Barbados Today

  31. The headlines are not thoroughly correct saying that bajans voted does not give the truthfulness
    Only 40percentbof a nation voting is an insult to democracy and a slap in the face to a ruling govt
    The disenchantment with politics and politicians was written all.over the results
    There was a message of mistrust sent to both the winners and losers
    There was nothing to celebrate when the truthfulness of Wednesday election signifies that the bajan electorate is disgusted enough to put its democracy at high risk
    Instead of lights action and camera and winners jumping up and down
    There should have been bowing of the heads in humility as govt Ministers took the oath of office

  32. Have a look at your beaten candidates, they seem worried to you? Why did Blackett feel it necessary to issue a public statement to disassociate the DLP from the petition filed by these BSP candidate?

  33. If that comment was meant towards me
    Bro I do not speak on behalf of any candidate
    My comments are of my own thought process
    What any candidate choose to do in the face of defeat or winning is up to them
    All I am seeing is a country so let down by politicians that they boycott a process which took hundred of years for the people to recognize as a right of passage to keep the democratic process on the straight path
    Today that should be more of concern of yours than stoking the fire of yardfowl politics

  34. BU intelligentsia keeps harping on about voter turnout in Bdos even when it’s in the 60%+ range. The same folks, however, celebrate winners in other countries with voter turnout around 54% outside of a pandemic. There are several reasons why people did not vote, many of which have nothing to do with being anti-government. The reason for floating the LVTO narrative is about ego saving. You know who you are. #redwashredux#30-0#61-0

  35. Each comment you post exposes a high order level of hignorance that knows no bounds. Make the point that we need to find solutions to energize the electorate, which has more to do with a ethos of distrust for politicians. Instead you prefer to go rabidly partisan.


  36. “Only 40percentbof a nation voting is an insult to democracy and a slap in the face to a ruling govt”

    Voting is not compulsory / mandatory in Barbados
    Fines for non-voters would probably be protested
    but, could raise a heap of money
    150,000 x $100 = $15,000,000

  37. You need to ask yourself how many DLP voters did Freundel silly outburst help to dissuade from voting. You should ask why Verla rapped Dawn-Marie on the knuckles but ignored Stuart.

  38. And for the record the blogmaster predicted 5 seats for the DLP more out of hope for an opposition rather than deserving based on performance.

  39. DavidJanuary 22, 2022 7:42 AM

    You need to ask yourself how many DLP voters did Freundel silly outburst help to dissuade from voting. You should ask why Verla rapped Dawn-Marie on the knuckles but ignored Stuart


    There u go again engaging in more yardfowl politics

  40. Going back to the beginning, the blogmaster and others on the blog caution the DLP it was moving too slow, it needed to shed deadwood, Verla as caretaker manager was not effective if the goal of the DLP was to enhance the image of the party post 2018 shellacking etc.

    Now you coming back to the blog with same crap. Go and listen to Austin on Facebook like if he knows what is happening in Barbados.

  41. “You need to ask yourself how many DLP voters did Freundel silly outburst help to dissuade from voting. “

    Freundel figurehead talking head represents DLPs final glory days

    Mia must be the most radical Bajan

    ahead of BU self labelled radical armchair activists

  42. The blogmaster has been saying for years your head is like moon rock.

  43. Today we have Blackett as caretaker president for 3 months, the same Blackett who delivered on the platform of that infamous DLP Waterford meeting. You cannot make this rh up.

  44. The blogmaster has been saying for years your head is like moon rock.

    Can you specify who
    it sounds like you are cussing others

  45. Barbados democracy is on the tipping point of disaster and one early morning yardfowl rooster rather associate himself with finding scratch grain to pick through
    Those who showed up as well as those who did not had already made up their minds months in advance
    Now trying to place blame on what was said in the last few moments of political rhetoric is laughter expected in the theatre of politricks
    When will they ever learn that the people are disgusted

  46. The only one who has to learn is how to digest 61 love and possibly 90 to come.

    Digest rh that!

  47. Department of Afro Bajan Research Arts & Culture

    The Afro Bajan dig is more passive aggressive bitchy than other nations cultures

  48. Could Guy have done any better? It is clear that the DLP thinking/strategy was all over the place.

    Freundel suddenly appeared and put both feet in his mouth. It is now clear that his absence would have been the better course of action.

    Guy appeared, caused division within the party and when things did not go his way took up his bat and ball and went home. It is clear that his total absence would have been the better course of action.

    It would appear that Denis Kellman gave Verla little or no support in what was a former DLP stronghold (St Lucy).

    Verla, captain of the DLP ship Titanic, met the iceberg Mia and lost. Can you imagine trying to steer that ship with the mess going on in the engine room.

    Verla did as good a job as the crew would allow. Could it be that the ‘internal opposition’ to Verla was that she was seen as not having the ‘pedigree’. Let’s get that on the table?

  49. Ricochet / Ice-T
    Yeah, Syndicate’s in the house
    Yeah, Geto Boys in the house
    Yeah, Donald D’s in the house
    Yeah, Body count’s in the house
    Yeah, Zulu Nation’s in the house
    Yeah, Ice T’s in the house, yeah

    You go on and on and you don’t stop
    Got sticky sneakers from the blood of a shot cop
    Bailed in the club, I’m leavin’ tracks on the white rug
    Punk tried to rif and he met double-aught slugs
    I ain’t the nigga to step to
    Out catchin’ bodies and the next one could be you
    Quick on the trigger, yo, I’m a gravedigger
    Chop up a body and deep six ’em in the river
    A night-stalkin’ psychopath
    All cops hunt the black male in a ski-mask
    But I’m too damn clever
    Will they ever catch me? Never!
    Because I operate in and out of state
    Move at a quick rate
    And never hesitate to take a chump sucker down
    And my H-K it holds 80 rounds
    So when you move be careful and don’t play
    And watch for the ricochet

    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah

    So shut up motherfuckers as I lay the ink
    When I’m in Detroit, niggas fight in mink
    When I’m in Chicago, motherfuckers get buck wild
    When I’m up in Oakland, niggas roll in huge pile
    In Atlanta, niggas crash you doors
    When I’m in Philly, it’s a sold out tour
    In L.A., I max out real hard
    When I’m in New York, I build with the Gods
    So don’t try to deny me my proper juice
    E cuts the records and the yellow nigga gets loose
    No static, just much respect
    Truck my Rolex when I cruise the projects
    A fly brother that’s hard to figure
    I punch hoes and I smack up niggas
    Cause I’m a pimp and a playa
    Sometimes I bump hip-hop, the other times, Slayer
    You don’t like it well stay out of my fucking way
    Duck from the gunshot and watch for the ricochet

    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah

    C’mon yeah
    C’mon yeah
    C’mon yeah
    C’mon yeah
    C’mon yeah
    C’mon yeah
    C’mon yeah

    Yo D., what’s up?, suckers is popping lip
    Grab the H-K and the dum-dum clip and spread out
    I’m putting punk’s heads out
    Doors is shut, there’s no chance to get out
    I got the motherfuckas tied with bike locks
    Raise the auto-loader and let off the buckshot
    {gunfire sound} That’s how I like to do work
    {gunfire sound} Got guts on my T-shirt
    Motherfuckers tried to play the Ice
    Because I rhyme smooth and on TV act nice
    Soft, that’s what you shouldn’t have said
    Now I’m so mad I’m bustin veins in my forehead
    You want to get off, come on let’s rock
    But have your safety off, and your shit cocked
    Cause when I come to get that ass
    Leave your whole fuckin’ block filled with hot brass
    So punk, don’t make me pop my trunk
    Show you my amps and my Mossberg pump
    Cause when I pull it, most niggas run
    Fool niggas stay and get hit by the ricochet

    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah
    Suicide, it’s a suicide, yeah

    Niggas wanna know about me and the “L”, though
    We squashed that shit with me and him about a year ago
    But there’s a new rule starting tonight
    Diss me on a record, see me, FIGHT!
    Cause in the days, you used to battle on mics
    {gunfire sound} Now it’s ’91, I’m using gauges and flashlights
    Ease back and don’t give me no feedback
    Yo, “Ice cool out”, yo, fuck that
    I’m hot, I’m putting niggas in cots
    Some get knocked out, some just get shot
    Where’d I get all the juice I use
    Gotta posse full of brothers with nothing to lose
    Some just got out, some will never
    Some beat their cases cause their lawyers were clever
    I love’ em all and they know that’s true
    So they won’t blink while they doing a punk like you
    Freeze motherfucker
    Get on your knees, hands behind you back
    Bow your heads, if you will please
    I’ll swing my axe, watch the bodies fall
    Watch your head bounce off like volleyball
    So all you motherfuckers down with the fly guy
    Look me in the face, if you’re strong when you walk by
    And all you punk niggas talking shit
    Step to the side, bow your head like a bitch
    I don’t play, you’ll get hit by the ricochet

    You’ll get hit by the ricochet
    You’ll get hit by the ricochet

  50. “Verla did as good a job as the crew would allow. Could it be that the ‘internal opposition’ to Verla was that she was seen as not having the ‘pedigree’. Let’s get that on the table?”

    I agree
    Mia should employ her
    Leader of Opposition?

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