For the first time in his life the blogmaster is overwhelmed by a feeling of melancholy after following the opening salvo of the January 19, 2022 general election campaign. A general election called eighteen months before it is constitutionally due because Prime Minister Mia Mottley in her infinite wisdom wants a mandate from the electorate to validate important decisions she says have to be made given the perilous state of the local economy. Many if not all Barbadians agree the current state of the economy is perilous, not all agree the early ringing of the bell was necessary given the unprecedented mandate the BLP received in 2018. Time will soon tell if Barbadians agree with Mottley in our first past the post system.

In the electioneering of the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s the blogmaster felt excited at the prospect of hopping from meeting to meeting listening to BLP and DLP platforms add Eric Fly and a few independents to balance things out. While the messages from the various platforms were filled with the usual comedic relief, there was enough grist to inform healthy debate between loyal party supporters and independents. 

Last night the blogmaster wasted precious time to view the opening platforms of the two campaigns and a saying growing in popularity on BU – Nothing to See Here (NTSH) was fresh in the mind. The apologists will remind everyone that it is early days yet, however, the blogmaster subscribes to the view that usually one does not get a second chance to make a good first impression. Predictably overused narratives populated the speeches by the candidates last night. The tired messages contradicted the urgency of the call for early elections by the prime minister BUT the blogmaster maybe jumping the gun on the early pronouncement.

What the blogmaster and some others are hoping to hear is a creative strategy/vision supported with ground tactics to steer Barbados from the economic rocks we are headed. Barbadians have been living high on the hog up until about 20 years ago given the nature of the global economy- easy forex inflows from tourism and high powered money to the West Coast with the international business sector supporting the economic model that has served us well up until now. North south capital flow is drying up given the complexity of moving money across borders post 911 and deepening, polarizing geopolitics. The exotic destination of the Caribbean is now competing with UAE, Mediterranean, Central America other non traditional markets. The rise of WTO rules has meant protective tariff had to be removed with large countries in the market maintaining an advantage.

The message to Mia is simple. Let us forget the extreme politics this time around and position the national needs first. Yes you are admired as a political leader who strides the globe like a colossus. Yes you are head and shoulder above the next on the local scene. Yes you have done a lot to remind locals and other afar of the forgotten Barbados brand. Yes you are an improvement on Stuart who apparently didn’t have use for an internet connection. What the people need however is to believe that there is a leadership with the ability to find a pathway that leads from the present path to nowhere. We need to efficiently execute our plans because we have no more margin for error.

119 responses to “Message to Mama Mia”

  1. Mia has to announce that the collie herb healing of the nation will be officially spliffically legal from day one to save the economy if she expects to get votes to succeed for a second term

  2. Melancholy! Yes, that’s the word I have been seeking.

    The vaccine scam, the jobby bonds and the disrespect shown to ths nurses has done me in.

    These politicians do not have what it takes to stop the rot. Same old, same old. Very uninspiring!

    Tron is wrong. We could do ok if we minimised corruption, improved efficiency and revised our expectations from champagne back to mauby.

    And ate well and exercised to forestall
    chronic diseases.

    Grew our own food and switched to renewable energy.

    But our leaders are uninspiring.

  3. Democratuc Labour Party

    Mega meetings as follows:

    Opening Meeting -Wednesday January 05th at Checker Hall Pasture, St. Lucy

    Introduction of Candidates -Sunday January 09th at Haggatt Hall carpark of old Barbados Hardware Building.

    Manifesto launch meeting -Thurday Ja uary 13th at Six Roads, St.Philip

    Youth Rally -Friday January 14th Deacons Pasture, off Mighty Gryner Highway

    Closing meeting -Tuesday January 18th – Independence Square

    All meetings will Commence approximately around 7.00pm

  4. Donna, print what you just wrote.

    Compare it to measures that are introduced / announced over the next six months..

    I have a suspicion that you will be pleasantly surprised.

    It is a hunch. That is all.

  5. I could not give a hoot about a larger opposition.

    To do what? Warm seats?

    What does a larger opposition do in the land of the bearded palm tree?

    If the ineffectual pre 2018 government could not be moved, even when Esswick acted up, to be told to cool his heels by Inniss, as ge did, what will a larger opposition do?

    Pity Sealy is running against Marsha Caddle.

    Both have something to give to the country.

    Caddle is future PM material. Moreso than some that are pushed in the papers.

  6. @Crusoe

    Perception in politics is everything?

    A 29-1 parliament with a contrived opposition is a black eye and embarrassment for the PM and country?

  7. David,

    Maybe. But surely an ineffectual opposition is just as bad.

    At least (yes, I know it sounds crazy), if the opposition were Solutions, you know that Grenville would put up a heartfelt figjt, no matter how misguided.

  8. @Fractured

    Will Lucy’s child be among the speakers in St. Lucy?

  9. David BU @ 2:32 p.m

    The slate of speakers for all meetings are being finalised.

    Stay tune for final decisions

  10. fear and loathing on the campaign trail
    15 days to go in Little Island
    that ‘s half a day campaigning in each constituency
    with a helicopter ride to fly from one stop to another in style

    it’s hard work partying on the campaign trail

  11. BAJE Said…

    ‘Among?!???’ Among shite…!!
    BY FAR….Boss.
    …and by a LARGE brass bowl margin too…




    You are consenting to mandatory slave labour for 5 years

    do not sign the paperwork in agreement

  13. @ Fractured BLP January 4, 2022 2:04 PM

    Manifesto? So what’s the point? We are bankrupt again thanks to Corona. What is to be promised and/or distributed here? Debts?

    Honestly, I hope you have enough unvaccinated people at your events so that they naturally immunise themselves.

  14. ” A total of 538 people tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday, January 3, 2022, from the 2,383 tests carried out by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory.”



    Parliament has been dissolved &
    a new Parliament must replace it

    Who say sensi can’t burn
    Tell them now that sensi must burn

  16. 500 X 15 =

  17. Wow. Silly Season is in full swing. Eveyone is knows everything, yet unable to give solutions. Barbados is governed by Laws and the ruling party is and will always be in control of calling elections, unless it is debated in Parliament. We might state it is unfair, it is too early etc, etc. But, the decision ends with one person….The Prime Minister. The oppositions, the yardfowls, the knowhows cannot decide or even change that decision.
    I was surprise with the word “BUNGLED” by a candidate that should know better not knowning the bungling came with over 20 downgrades. Looking at the Nurses grouse, This is no three-year grouse. This is administrations way back then when nurses were “acting in positions” left right and centre without any real Industrial help. I will keep low for now. Hi Hants keep away from Covid.

  18. New COVID-19 cases more than double over two days

    There were 200 cases recorded on Sunday.

    538 on Monday.

  19. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hants
    About 20 % of a non- random sample. How many of these are non- residents?

  20. Mia… thinking of a master plan

    If people infected with Covid attended DLP rallies it would be another wipe out for a BLP Victory

  21. @ Tell me Why,

    I probably already have Covid even though I have had 2 vaccinations plus a Moderna booster.

    I do everything I can, wear masks, wash hands frequently and only shop in stores that are self serve.

    Hopefully I will survive this year and reach 3 score years and ten. lol

  22. @ Malaise

    “If people infected with Covid attended DLP rallies it would be another wipe out for a BLP Victory”


    Thinking in de Ditch..,.

  23. @ Vincent Codrington,

  24. “Buckle up your seat belts, hell in a handbasket is here, understand a bus load of tourists were taken from a cruise liner to Harrison Point, still trying to confirm.”

    But wait. Did not the tourist Minister with the oversized glasses confirm to Bajans, they should have no fear of any covid-19 outbreaks on cruise ships as they were equipped both materially and professionally to handle any such outbreaks?

    These beloved tourists are bringing covid-19 onto the island with the Bajan tax payer likely to foot the bill.


    NOT happening.


    NOT happening

    I have decided to stop talking until it’s over

    as it seems a Barbados matter

  27. @ Hants January 4, 2022 5:05 PM

    The election has fully served its purpose if everyone is naturally immunised by the end of the month. I really hope the voting booths are not constantly disinfected and all citizens always have to use the same pen.

  28. diabolical forces threatening ?

  29. Bushie apparently has been asleep for the last five years.

    He did not see the Americans voting for Don the Con.

    Bajans the most stupid shite!

    Hardly anybody in the world is satisfied with the government they voted for.

    Are Canadians happy with Trudeau?

    Are the British happy with Johnson?

    Are the Brazilians happy with Bolsanaro?

    Are Trinidadians happy with Rowley?


    Politicians worldwide are the same shite and yet people vote.

  30. NorthernObserver Avatar

    We are thrilled with Trudeau. Seen as the lessest evil.
    So thrilled we have adoring TShirts, which are sold out, proclaiming
    FU🍁K Trudeau. As a polite people, this expletive is reserved for our most loved and admired.
    He is upset however, that after calling a mid pandemic election with only 34 days notice, MAM has one upped him with a 21 day notice.

  31. Yes Donna, yes, throw some dirt over de SHITE “n” Bury itttttttt..


  32. Yes Donna. In de “A” fuh APPLE 🍏

    “MAM has one upped him with a 21 day notice.”


    I’m your personal Parrot 🦜

  33. HantsJanuary 4, 2022 5:25 PM

    New COVID-19 cases more than double over two days

    There were 200 cases recorded on Sunday.

    538 on Monday.


    How are cruise ship cases counted?

  34. @Tron January 4, 2022 9:12 AM “They have lived like little children at the expense of their rich relatives in the north since 1966. Now it’s payday.”

    My dear Tron:

    So when is the back pay day for the descendants of those people, my ancestors, whose labor was stolen by people who became rich in the north? My calculation 1627 to 1838=211 years of back pay +interest, compounded of course. Unless you are telling us that our rich “relatives” in the north are a bunch of thieves.

  35. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The dangling marker Eh, is not for Apple.
    As I referenced, a polite people. So when you are greeted, How you doing eh? Or Things good with you eh? To friends it begs a positive response. But to visitors to our vast plantation the A/Eh is for Ass*ole. It is how we degrade others without them even realising it. 🤪

  36. No cruise ship passengers mentioned.

    No tourists mentioned.

  37. What percentage of the 538 cases are imported?

  38. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Eugene,,, if it was Wine then 100%. But they maybe a lil behind in processing. Plus nuff of the younger set I know had it and were ‘quarantining’ (likely a good excuse to dodge their parents and party?) but didn’t PCR test.
    Two of mine had it, and of the 18 who got infected at their ‘events’ the Guvment only knows of 3. They did home tests. To besides, today they cannot even get a PCR test unless they pay for it. So take our numbers X3 or X5 depending on which ‘expert’ you believe.

  39. We should not be guessing.

    Here is how a non turd world country accounts for its cases.

  40. @Tron January 4, 2022 7:00 PM “…all citizens always have to use the same pen.”

    Like Hants most Bajans are sensible people, so on election day it is:
    A good hot meal before we leave home in case the wait is long
    Bottle of water
    Walking [NOT communal transportation] to the polling station
    Face shields
    Face masks
    OWN HAND SANITISER as we may have to use communal writing instruments
    Standing OUTSIDE of the polling station until the moment we need to vote
    We will already have made up our minds [yes indeedy, we do have minds] so voting will take 1-2 minutes at most.
    Leave shoes outside once we arrive home
    Shower, include washing our hair. Yes we routinely take showers 2 or 3 times each day. You should try it. It nice.
    Launder the dirty clothes.

  41. @NorthernObserver January 4, 2022 7:56 PM “He is upset however, that after calling a mid pandemic election with only 34 days notice, MAM has one upped him with a 21 day notice.”

    The 1999 election was called with 25 days notice
    The 2003 election was called with 25 days notice
    The 2008 election was called with 26 days notice
    The 2013 election was called with23 days notice
    The 2018 election was called with 28 days notice
    The 2022 election has been called with 23 [NOT 21] days notice

  42. NorthernObserverJanuary 4, 2022 9:19 PM

    Eugene,,, if it was Wine then 100%. But they maybe a lil behind in processing. Plus nuff of the younger set I know had it and were ‘quarantining’ (likely a good excuse to dodge their parents and party?) but didn’t PCR test.
    Two of mine had it, and of the 18 who got infected at their ‘events’ the Guvment only knows of 3. They did home tests. To besides, today they cannot even get a PCR test unless they pay for it. So take our numbers X3 or X5 depending on which ‘expert’ you believe.


    I’ve always said the cases will settle to a value supported by airborne spread assuming no waterborne spread.

    If there are super spreader events as you describe, there will be blips which resolve themselves quickly.

    Then the cases will settle to some baseline determined by airborne spread.

    It will be low.

    If it gets in the water after floods, then there will be a surge in cases which lasts for months.

    Logic suggests after the blips settle, ohmigod will have nowhere to go, barring floods.

    Been watching this patch of weather in the Atlantic!!

    This is a far bigger potential threat!!

    We need rain but not floods.

  43. Very likely the pandemic will still be here next year this time.

  44. Quite heavy rain in the north of Barbados this afternoon, as reported by one of my many siblings.


    -1.0 for this month!!!

    Not good … La Nina deepening

  46. Cuhdear BajanJanuary 4, 2022 9:43 PM

    Very likely the pandemic will still be here next year this time.


    Once La Nina persists, the pandemic will.

    When it ends the pandemic will end, just like the Spanish Flu pandemic.

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