In August of last year Prime Minister Mia Mottley gave Senior Ministers Dale Marshall and William Duguid a directive. The blogmaster will quote a reputable source that is controlled by the government in the spirit of what is expected from the Cybercrime Bill 2023.

Did you hear Prime Minister Mottley clearly state that the matter should have been resolved in a few week, if not, a ministerial statement delivered to explained all of the issues? This is the kind of issue civic minded Barbadians should be prepared to robustly agitate, or march?

Source: CBCSavvy Report

A majority of Barbadians must do a better job of giving life to our civic rights by holding elected officials accountable. Prime Minister Mottley is an elected official who does not deserve the right to wear the label of being a political ‘heavyweight’ and get away with making empty statements.

Here is another case of the tail waging the dog. Mottley was elected by the PEOPLE with an unprecedented mandate at the polls in 2018 and 2022, she makes a statement to the PEOPLE and feels no pressure to deliver on the promise. We the PEOPLE passively accept Prime Minister Mottley being less than honourable and lacking integrity in this matter.

Has Prime Minister Mottley issued a gag order on the Savvy on the Bay matter. Then again, the report quoted above confirmed she did. The blogmaster at this point is focused on the matter of our highest elected official showing a lack of integrity.

Prime Minister Mottley – to whom much is given, a hell of a lot is expected.

49 responses to “PM’s broken promise – Savvy on the Bay silence”

  1. The writer can’t, seemingly, be deterred from this path. Weeee would like to join it too.

    Maybe, he’ll be kind enough to tell the blog the name of any country or region, in the last 6000 years, where such a social system had centrality, beyond the pretenses of elites about democracy, people-centered government, etc.

    Indeed, it may be necessaty to go all the way back to the Twin lineal – Age Group Societies of the Twa-anu and the works of T’shaka, Obenga and Diop, as points of departure.

  2. @ Pacha
    We can say anything but when the shadows make the calls we have to keep quiet. In paying tribute to the late PM Barrow, a prominent attorney, I think his last name was Bailey, who was also a columnist, shared an interesting story.
    He said that he, Barrow ,K.R. Hunte , and others, were all at Culloden Farm. Barrow put a lamb shop in the oven and told K.R.Hunte that he was going to a public meeting in St.George, put some lashes in him(Hunte) and by the time he(Barrow) got back , from the meeting, the lamb chop would be ready.
    The DLP was having a public meeting in St.George and at that time, K R Hunte was considered the most powerful white man in Barbados.
    Well, a few years ago Mottley and company went after Mark Maloney and just like magic, Mia and Maloney ended up eating lamb chop after they won the government.
    So Pacha , we now have to ask who eating lamb chop with Kinch.

  3. Lol…but the PM stated IF these negations don’t finish within the next few weeks, THEN there must be a Ministerial statement. The negotiations finished? There may not be a result for public consumption, but the negotiations are finished. Hence, no statement is required.

    Have any of those NIS Reports up to 2015, from the same speech, which are ready, been laid before the House?

    It was unclear what quoted report, stated a gag order had been issued?

  4. Skinner

    Yes, yes, yes. That story was well told by Barrow himself.

    He even went on to make a specious separation between politics and economy.

    In a political-economy!

    By telling Hunte et al not to interfere in his politics as he promised them that he wound not interfere with their economy (sic)

    Nothing has changed, except the few exceptions which prove this Barrow rule.

    One, was the four White men, private sector associations heads, who overthrew Sandiford.

    Moreover it’s impossible to create community, proper social systems, unless an enabling such economy is at its center, is seeded thusly.

    Leaving the talk about civic-mindedness as the fool’s errand to occupy the hoards on the fringes.

  5. @ William

    One would have to ask who eating turtle meat with Kinch, seeing that is the national dish of Cayman! Lol

    It like it was all smoke and mirrors with little fire behind the words. Either that or the deadlines given have yet to be reached.

    In the meantime the man pick up a wash of prime beach front land with a solid coral stone historic building on it for $37 bds a square foot and not a thing happen after all the talk! Maybe a ” suitable price was arrived at after due consideration and the matter amicably settled.”

    Well well well.

  6. @ NO

    In the CBC link quoted there was mention made by the PM of the parties taking the matter to the media contrary to an agreement.

  7. @ John A
    It could be : turtle, lamb shop ; the truth is that eat well when they meet or is it when they meat.

  8. ….. tried to ………

  9. @ Pacha
    “ By telling Hunte et al not to interfere in his (Barrow) politics as he promised them that he wound not interfere with their economy”

    Public Order Act in we tail.

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Yes. But a gag order is a legally binding order, not merely an agreement between two negotiating parties to keep matters private, which is more of a negotiation strategy.

  11. @NO

    Don’t be literal here, apply political context.

  12. The problem with this ” deafening silence” over the Savvy issue is that it again highlights the 2 Barbados we exist in. One white or red with favour, and the rest which others must exist in.

    We have seeen Mam move from the eternal sinner to sit at the right hand of the divine leader. Has a plate also been set for kinch at the head table now too? Have past sins been forgiven based on a suitable period of penance? What is admission to the head table based on?

    If peace has been reached, is it asking too much for us the common public to be informed? Where is the Savvy issue today in terms of final settlement?

    Let all thouse that preacehed about TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY to now step up and practice it.

  13. @John A

    What is says is that negotiations are possible ongoing which requires interagency cooperation which as you know takes too much time in Barbados. That said it should prevent the Honourable Prime Minister from delivering on her promise by way of update.

  14. … and to make matters far worser there is there is no constitutional Parliament

  15. David
    Well it seems like all parties gone quiet. Your informer included.🤣

  16. Could this happen to Savvy.

  17. @Enuff

    You fishing?

    Any surprise you have not made contact with the substantive issue?

    The PM cannot be taken at her word?

  18. cayman islands.

  19. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I think you are making it to be more than it is. This is quite common. Given the amount Kinch’s lady friend had to say, we might assume the idea didn’t come from them. But neither did they have to agree to it? ( assuming they did).
    The PMs noting of this matter, was likely to possibly sway public opinion. Potentially far more relevant were her comments as to who owns which land parcels.
    We may similarly guess(?) the Paradise land issues are under a formal gag order, as nobody is saying anything or reporting on that land issue. And from a monetary value that is far more important to the taxpayer.
    I have observed thus far, the PM has not sought issues which directly point a finger at the DLP. Keep them for when they are actually a threat?

  20. What do lightweight and heavyweight politicians have in common? It is always the paramountcy of the party.

  21. Fishing? No plz.

  22. Fairnessandtruth Avatar

    No plate or seat at the table is being sought or desired.
    A statement was recently made by someone who said that they could not defend the indefensible. I agree with that statement and would further say I could not stomach to be at the table.

    When I was a little girl and I sat in the car driven by one of my parents I would look out the window and I would see cars with rust holes and homes in a dilapidated state and I thought: these people are suffering, they are suffering in a different way to me but they are suffering. Now when I drive around myself especially in the last few years I see all these fancy big money cars and I see the glitz and glam in all the social media post of those who are considered or consider themselves the “elite.” But if we peel back the cover and look at the wider population and the society and those who are suffering, how have they benefited? and although yes in part they need financial assistance they also have greater needs as well.
    Our society is broken. Look at the simplest thing like littering: it is horrific the things I see and the way Bajans litter.
    It is unconscionable to me that persons are just satisfied to fatten their pockets and of those they select to be at any table and to sit and watch the downfall of the society around them.
    I am NOT one the believes that success is about one or two going forward to enjoy rewards or frivolous luxuries. I am one that believes success is when we can go forward hand in hand and see our community together with us advancing. That is the only table I desire a seat and a plate at, the table of the community and trust me the food is much sweeter.

    As to Savvy like the community we wait.

    As to the one that is associated with Mr Kinch and has been talking 🙂 She will continue to talk if need be. Those who know me or have seen me working down at SAVVY know I am a doer more than a talker. Whether behind my computer, pulling weeds, lifting lumber, planting plants etc. I am about productivity that benifits all. I am also about honesty and fairness so if someone brings dishonesty and unfairness to my door it WILL be addressed with honesty and I will respectfully seek reason and fairness.

  23. @ David

    I understand the discussions, but the PM said the matter had to be settled urgently and i for one was willing to accept this. The thing is though after the whole tra la la and grandstanding is over, I feel this matter is past the date of settlement by all parties involved. You can not state that there was misdoing and then just leave the situation to the back burner ad infinitum.

  24. Enjoy.

  25. A seat at the table Avatar
    A seat at the table

    @ John A

    Looking at the business taking place down at Savvy, one would understand that Kinch doesn’t need to meet at any table and certainly would not want MAM to make her comments or decision. Not now when the place is full of tourists and he making plenty money.
    Don’t be fooled, an agreement has been made because it sounded very serious when MAM spoke for it just to have gone by the wayside
    Kinch will still play like he is a victim while his lady friend speaks of all her hard work so that All benefit. For the good of the country etc etc blah blah blah…
    Plebs like us will never know what it is like to sit at these tables where deals are made.
    The misdoing seems to have been undone

  26. Donks, Gripe,and Josh Avatar
    Donks, Gripe,and Josh

    The rich continue to get rich and the poor get poorer. How does a government of Barbados sell incredibly expensive beach front land to Kinch and a tiny minority of which he is one for allegedly $37 a square foot? Kinch’s case is repeated all along the Bay Street coastline and coasts across Barbados.

    It’s like the Belleville, Navy Gardens, Strathclyde of colonial times. The majority of the population is locked out of the big money-spinning properties. The cruel irony is the beach front belongs to the state i.e. the people. The coastal lands were sold and the public did not know. The majority were unaware the old eye hospital and its environs no longer belonged to the people of Barbados.

    A judicial inquiry should be conducted on the sale and use of public beach land on the entire Bay Street sea front. The Attorney General said Kinch was occupying and renting out beach land belonging to government. Why isn’t Kinch arrested and charged for breaking the law as a ZR driver running afoul of the law would be? There are really 2 Barbadoses.

    Who is collecting the rent charged by Savvy on the food trucks and on parking spaces on lands the AG insists are not owned by Kinch or the Goebbels like woman who fronts for him and defends the Savvy deception incessantly? If Kinch is on public property, the rent properly belongs to the Treasury.

    The Prime Minister is skating on thin ice with Savvy flouting laws no poor black man would be allowed to do. The PM has to take action as promised on Savvy and by extension the public officials who sold valuable state land cheap and surreptitiously. The people of Barbados are called on to stand up for their rights and demonstrate. A minority on Carlise Bay rake in millions while the poor majority become poorer finding it difficult to buy basic food items for their families.

    This hold over from slavery of fooling the majority while a privileged minority compete among themselves to see who can become richest quickest must come to an end.

  27. The host of Q is @John first cousin.

  28. Donks, Gripe,and Josh Avatar
    Donks, Gripe,and Josh

    Edit last para:
    -This hold over from slavery of fooling the majority while a privileged minority compete among themselves to see who can become richest quickest at the expense of black people must be stopped.

  29. Fairnessandtruth Avatar

    I assume you have not seen the conveyance or land tax bills from the government. Mr Kinch owns the land.

  30. Fairnessandtruth Avatar

    @ A Seat at the table

    NO agreement has been made.

    I am sorry that you consider yourself a pleb.

    Me I consider myself a sinner redeemed and a child of God who makes mistakes but tries to learn from them and do better today than yesterday.

    Sir or Mam you may judge me but you do NOT know me. You see to me the most wonderful persons who ever lived to me were my grandmothers. They did not have much. My mums mother stitched her own clothes including braziers but she was the world to me. Though she has little she was generous and giving. She woke up at 4am in a morning to beat egg whites to make sponge cakes to sell to raise her 3 children as her husband died when my mum was a baby. She had little but she was the richest woman in the world because of who she was to me. Being like my grandmother means far more to me than worldly riches.
    When they had the riots those that worked with the little catering business she started went to protect her because they knew as they called her Ms Kathleen to be a good woman. She taught me strength, she taught me perseverance and to be honest and to do the right thing. I am a Grannies girl and I wear my badge proud as many fellow Granny children do.

    My mum drilled into me something our PM often “says” please note say and do are two different things…. “Do unto other as you would have done unto you”

    At the end of the day only God is our judge. It’s like something He once told me. We are all like items in a grocery store. He is like the Grocer and when we get to the checkout counter the only value that will be recognized is the one He puts on us.

    Hopefully one day you will value yourself above as being more than a pleb.

  31. Barbados Fairness and Truth Avatar
    Barbados Fairness and Truth

    I actually agree with you on this but must tell you we are not in this senseless wicked competition that encompasses persons of all shades. Mr Kinch is not either….. Ask yourself this why is it a man that owns so much land and before some of the big names you know and has applied for development so many times but never actually had any big development project? Perhaps it could be tied to what is spoken about in this article.

  32. All commentators who are now hailing the DLP should be aware of the serious consequences:

    (1) excrement from sewers all over the island
    (2) tax refund delayed by 10 years
    (3) eternal rule of the IMF
    (4) currency devaluation, i.e. 1 BBD = 0.1 USD.
    (5) possible reintroduction of slavery (i.e. selling welfare recipients to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Nigeria to pay off the national debt)

    Our native men have proven enough that they cannot rule themselves, but need a strong and dominant female overlord. Do you want total chaos?

    Tron, just fair and balanced

  33. A seat at the table Avatar
    A seat at the table

    @Fairnessand truth

    Please do not feel concerned that I refer to myself as a Pleb. I am very happy being humble and grateful for the riches I have in my life. Family and faith.

    I don’t need to make myself as anything other than a simple man.

    Why do you feel you must prove to everyone how good you are when actions taken by you, if wholesome, are or should be enough. Why point fingers at others in order to boost yourself.

    Because Kinch owns nuff land bought before or after anyone does not allow him to tout the law. The PM dealing with Government lands on Bay Street.
    Prior articles in this forum speak of square footage of land supposedly bought and new plans done showing increased square footage to Kinch’s gain. The PM is speaking about lands being owned by the Govt and not by Kinch.
    I agree questions need to be asked and the PM needs to answer and clarify what is being asked all through this forum.

    Grateful for your concern about how much I value myself.

  34. @ Fairness

    As i understand it a condireable part of Kinch’s claimed “wealth” is in fact tied up in court, in a somewhat unsavoury divorce battle? The vast land holdings that kinch claims to own i therefore assume are lands privately owned by him outside of the union and legal battle?

    Would i be correct in assuming this? I really would like to understand what is happening here and why we are having no comment from the state and a settlement to this matter. Is it the price paid that is in question? If the state feels they were shortchanged, then can they not acquire the land or part they wish to retain and bring this to a close once and for all?

    What is the big mystery here that makes this remain unsettled?

  35. Fairnessandtruth Avatar

    @ a seat at the table

    Since you know about the documents why do you omit that it was the government’s own document that stated to the sea and stated that they were responsible for the new plans and that plans had to be submitted before his bid was even accepted… let’s not forget that the same government had to arrange moving trailers to give vacant possession and that there was a clause that this government could have used to get out of the sale…

    Throw your sticks and stones at me all you want if being hit by a car at 15 did not break my bones I don’t think your words will.

  36. Fairnessandtruth Avatar

    So now what you are proposing is after two parties agree on an amount one party the seller can go back and demand more after the purchase is complete…. Are you prepared to put yourself in that position for all your purchases in life?

  37. A seat at the table Avatar
    A seat at the table

    @John A

    It seems to be a waste of time trying to get an answer from Kinch’s lady friend without her throwing a hissy fit because she cannot answer what is asked.
    Sticks and stones and broken bones… no wonder they are in the position they are in.

    Wasn’t it her that shared the documents? But yet she says since I know about the documents. Her own website shared her own documents which showed the plans and what was purchased and then new plans done by a surveyor Mr Ward showing increased lot sizes.

    right now all we are hearing like a stuck record is her family history, all her ailments and fingers pointed at other businesses which she claims have done wrong. Basically saying they are squeaky clean.

    I agree with you John A, we need to hear from the PM

  38. @ Fairness

    If this is to be settled then compromise must exist. The fact is $37 a square foot was a joke.We all know Beach front with a historic building is worth well in excess of this, even if it was in St Lucy!

    Now having said that it does not mean compromise can not be found. After all half a loaf is better than none. So if the state wants the carpark back, then pay the owner for the land at the $37 a square foot and move forward. The matter has to be settled and time is passing by. The state has the right of acquisition but it should not have to reach that.

    Now as for my practices, i would never find myself in Kinchs tangle and the reason simply is I have not ever, nor will I in the future, buy a property from government at such a massive discount on market value! So in other words there is no way i would expect to buy prime beach land from the state at $37 A SQ FT and not expect eyebrows to be raised when the going rate is say 5 times that.

  39. Donks, Gripe,and Josh Avatar
    Donks, Gripe,and Josh

    The Goebbels throw back who acts as Kinch’s pit bull must know by now we are not all uncle toms and fools. The PM instead of flying hither thither accepting meaningless awards must deal with this burning issue forthwith as promised.

    The fact is the highest law officer in the land the Attorney General said Kinch is occupying and renting out beach front belonging to government i.e. the people of Barbados. No one gives a RH about Kinch divorce problems. Every person has personal issues with which they have to deal. Black people don’t own money spinning beach front to fund their marital issues.

    A wide-ranging inquiry into Carlisle Bay coastal businesses is necessary. The hanky panky corruption on the sale and illegal use of the beaches belonging to the people is obvious. Also true is the majority of the population don’t benefit from the millions reaped. Only the usual tiny minority add to their millionaire status by way of businesses on Carlisle Bay.

    If Kinch has broken the laws the AG said he has he should be arrested and charged if Miss Goebbels gets in the way arrest her too. That is the treatment a ZR man or paro expects if they run afoul of the law. Who is Kinch to do as he pleases?

    Government has the option of compulsory reacquiring the peoples beach from Kinch and whoever else. Pay them a reasonable price similar to Miss. Ram. Coastal property sold at $37 is an outrage. Pay back Kinch or whoever $37 a square foot not the $100 million being demanded.

    The public officials who sold our valuable real estate for peppercorn must be called to account. Mottley has constitutional weapons at her disposal to be used in the interest of all citizens. It’s time her pledge to bring this matter to a speedy close be actioned. The people of Barbados deserve no less.

  40. Fairnessandtruth Avatar

    I will say only this…. The web you try to cast has failed but the evidence does not fail to speak in either case and there is yet more. Your taunts will not work because you see truth does not change by any taunts you throw at me. I stand knowing with all certainty what the truth is.
    I am sorry some of you feel the need to tear me down but you see I do know who I am
    I have lived through much more terrorizing words or threats you could ever make. Like water off a ducks back.

  41. Truthandfiatness Avatar

    One little bit for you. So you have no issue with government taking land from Kinch about 10 years or so ago and not paying him 1 single cent for it but you have an issue with him buying land at a good price…. Right press on with that scale of yours I thinkest it needs to go into the shop for repairs.

  42. Another thing you also need to consider is that $37 per square foot is not what it cost Mr Kinch. Tally the 10% Intrest per the agreement of the sale not completed in time that was to result in development and the loss of development. Legal fees, land tax, destruction of property, and the additional investment that he continues to put in to try to make a living. The State has cost Mr Kinch far far more than I can mention here at this time so to expect him to be repaid the same thing is ridiculous without considering these things is ridiculous and you are encouraging the government not to be accountable for their actions which is not good for any of us and is indeed already its current state. You also have to consider Land value has gone up in the last 10 years as well so you are simply being unreasonable. I also remind you Mr Kinch offered to GIVE a section back and out in parking, showers and washroom for the public so again your statements are simply not reasonable.

  43. @ Fairness

    For the record the $37 a square foot Kinch paid for the land was based on conveyances YOU MADE PUBLIC.

    it showed the gross surveyed areas of the 3 lots which when divided by what he paid, ALSO IN THE CONVEYANCE YOU PUBLISHED, came to $36.60 dollars a square foot. I rounded it up to $37.

    Now along with that he also ” acquired” a building known as the old eye ward cosisting of roughly 4000 sqaure feet of structured space spread over 2 floors. Its a coralstone structure which at $250 a square foot would carry a price if at least $1million dollars if ut was land based. It however is on prime beach front.

    Dont bring facts here and then try to dismiss them. I am willing to discuss the matter with you, but dont play the village ass when the data being discussed was in fact tabled here by you!

  44. Fairness and Truth Avatar
    Fairness and Truth

    I am sorry and I don’t mean to be insulting as you wish to be to me but as you can’t understand the simple principle of a bid there is no reasoning with you.

    Tell me when a person buys a raffle ticket and pays 10 dollars and wins a $10,000 prize are they guilty and forced to pay the difference.

    Why are you so intent on burning Mr Kinch at the steak and painting him a villain.

    When persons go to the auctions at Land tax and buy land for way below its value are they too guilty and deserve your tongue lashing and locking up? Likewise what about at a bank auction?

    I am sorry you are simply being unreasonable and if need be I can show more reasons why as I can show more ways Mr Kinch has been victimized. I perhaps most of all know where he is not and am the first to tell him and tell him off when he does something unreasonable. People are mostly not all good or all bad including myself but as the Bajans say. Make it make sense man. I truly thought more of you.

  45. You could not be seriously comparing what took place here to a raffle ticket win surely !

    Secondly at auction the auctioneer is not bound to the highest bid at all. If the highest bid does not meet the liability owed the auctioneer will simply say ” no sale here lets move on.”

    You are really grasping at straws here and I suggest you stop showing your blatant blind patronage for this individual, whom you seem to see as the new messiah sitting at the right hand of the almighty and above all recall, be it on earth or in the second coming.

    Let us agree to disagree and call this closed. I will stick to facts and you may feel free to wallow in fiction.

  46. Fairness and Truth Avatar
    Fairness and Truth

    It is quite clear that your wrath stems from other sources.

    Mr Kinch’s bid was indeed the highest and as we are told they wanted to sell it to a lower bidder. In an official letterhead from the entity selling the land Mr Kinch was asked for $1,000,000 more which he accepted and paid. It is my personal belief they believed this would scare off Mr Kinch because well knowing him as I do I can say he is more the type of person to haggle and negotiate a price down.

    How is Mr Kinch as you would make him the devil for paying the price and why do you have no issue with he neighbor who built taking up a public alley…. Could it be that you are in fact one that wanted this lower bidder to also get the pie?

    Again I also remind you Mr Kinch offered to give a price back to the public and put in showers washrooms and parking.

    My points are all valid and will not change no matter how much name calling you do.

  47. A seat at the table Avatar
    A seat at the table

    @ John A

    It is frustrating to attempt any reasoning with someone as blinded as Kinch’s woman friend. Her desperation and utter support for the wrongdoings that she champions is mind boggling.
    She puts forward her ‘facts’ and insists she has “much much more….” But is unable to even defend her own ‘facts’

    Note the attempt by her to respond is even twisted. One reply @fairnessandtruth and then the next as @truthandfairness. (I corrected her spelling mistake ) she is completely confused and in way over her head.
    It must be hard when the entirety of her association with Kinch has led to her constant defense of him. And still she bores along in absolute blinkered loyalty. Unapologetic and without shame.

  48. Did we miss PM Mottley announcing on the matter under discussion up to now?

  49. Two generations or 50 years and still waiting………..

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