Submitted by Paula Sealy

There was an old Ellerslie boy,
Whose time on the radio I used to enjoy.
At 65 from Starcom he promptly retired, Just six months later by the PM to get hired.

Fearing the spread of COVID,
Along came a plum job for David.
So now all of his Brasstack candour,
Has been bought by the highest bidder.

We know everyone is not Sir Johnny,
All cannot be fortunate like Farley.
And being on the back bench you see,
Isn’t for every stinging Bee.

Remember the rage,
That had Payne on the front page?
Hinkson didn’t make a sound,
So he hasn’t lost as much ground.

Now if my bed was made in St Thomas,
And Sharon was stop every Christmas.
I’d make time to enjoy my last full parliamentary session,
Before the bell tolls for the next general election.

Cause when the tide goes out,
No matter how hard you holler and shout.
Or if you have not a single doubt,
Some will lose their seats after the count.

It is now common to see,
MPs frequently on CBV TV. But with good reason,
Cause it is the silly season.

Some ain’t able speaking Medic-ally,
To get up and canvass daily. Soon the ones on the Edge,
Or the top of the Hill may lose their privilege.

Santia says she is a lioness.
But Vineyard’s bes’,
Is coming to tes’.
I hope he prays at St. Philip The Less.
His pal from the union in Harmony Hall, Is not one to take a fall. You see Toni is sure to contes’, Whether you call her Moore or Less.

What is a good MP?
That is hard to see.
Since they are not plenty,
Expect more whistles and calls for a penalty.

Last of all I will miss Caswell,
That man always gave them good hell.
By now he must already know,
That soon he’ll be home often to play with Snow.

305 responses to “David’s Reason is Silly Season”

  1. @ Cuhdear Bajan September 16, 2021 2:06 PM

    Is it that you have a specific quota of contribution per day, which, in an effort to meet, you’ll respond even to things that are insignificant?

  2. My dear Artax:

    I have nothing to do, and all day in which to do it.


  3. The ignorant will never learn, they believe they are so impressive…

    just a little back ground on why i don’t like or trust Artax…it all has to do with Yuuge Farrell, the young lady in St. Vincent who apparently had some relationship with the PMs son and then had a cuss out with the wife….the young lady was locked in an asylum and drugged, and this dirty Artiax decided she should be denigrated although it was a violation of her human rights, especially since the plan was allegedly to ship her off to Cuba by the thing in St. VIncent……nothing new as it was done before to more than one person…..females…

    Andrew Pilgrim has to travel to St. Vincent to save this young lady…

    don’t care how we told as*hole Artax that it was a violaton of Black rights, he was so busy kissing the thing in St. Vincent’s ass, and decided he should attack me, even using another moniker to do it…..

    now this piece of shit believe he has something,,,, BUT ON WHO???

    one dunce recruiting another DOES NOT QUALIFY…

    he should start a blog and see how many turn up..

  4. It’s all in the archives for anyone interested in searching… was a whole blog on Yuuge Farrell, i believe there is more than one……the two dunces love the archives, they can review it…

    any time black people cannot stand up and defend the human rights of other Black people, they are untrustworthy and USELESS…

  5. THAT is your response to the money laundering posts???


    The man dig up all three uh yuh stumps! Yuh OUT! Clean bowled!

    He has posted from the same website you posted from to show either your ignorance or your dishonesty.

    Have you any rebuttal in the matter of the money laundering?

    No.. so you move on to some shit about Yugge Farrell and talking about how you don’t like or trust Artax.

    Who cares who you like or trust?

    Artax brings the facts that show up your misrepresentations.

    THAT is what you don’t like!

  6. ArtaxSeptember 16, 2021 1:20 PM

    “Any news out of the mouth of The Covid advisor yet. This is day four. Taxpayers money at work.”

    The gentleman took up a new appointment on Monday and there’s supposed to be a REASONABLE EXPECTATION of him ‘coming out of the gates running,’ WITHOUT FIRST acquainting himself with the intricacies of the job and those with whom he has to work, planning and strategizing………

    ………….. as is EXPECTED from ANYONE taking up a ‘NEW JOB?’

    It is becoming clearer and clearer there are some individuals whose sole purpose is to criticize. And, that every imagination and intention of the thoughts of their hearts are only to criticize continually.

    Oh now all must wait till he put his feet in the water dry them then put on his training shoes and learn to walk
    By then the COvid mad horse would have made several furlongs leaving nothing for him to say
    Yes expectations of those working for govt must be high excuses are like empty promises handed to fools

  7. Thousands of Barbadians are infected with Corona, tourism is down. And what is the BAMP president doing, as reported in BARBADOS TODAY??? She waffles about freedom of choice in vaccination and instead lobbies for radical quarantine for tourists instead of mandatory vaccination.

    Our government must finally revoke the BAMP president’s medical licence and lock her up before concerned citizens do something about the completely irresponsible BAMP president!

    I am really inclined to take the BAMP president to court!

  8. If I ever stay in a hotel in Barbados again, I will definitely insist that only vaccinated staff members enter my room. I don’t give a damn about the freedom of choice claimed by the BAMP president.

    The BAMP president is totally out of control, damaging tourism, endagering billions of revenue during the next winter season.

    Government MUST act NOW!!!

  9. We have a virtual dictator in Barbados who appears to be untouchable, egged on by the likes of Enuff, Tron, et al. The target is as wide as a cricket stadium and yet; rather then aim our bullets at a corrupt and an incompetent government we seem to revel in an attempted assassination of a character who is guilty of spotlighting the many shortcomings and corrupt nature of this government. Let’s put aside this petty squabbling and target those individuals who are mismanaging Barbados.

    The brilliant British journalist (whose name can no longer be written) who had a formidable intellect and insight was driven off this platform. Are we to repeat this same mistake twice. How does this benefit Barbados majority population? A population who appear mute and unconcerned with their lowly status.

  10. I was asked to kindly pass this on.

    “Dee Lee, CFP Harvard Financial Educators

    Dee Lee says:

    THEY ARE STILL OUR SLAVES. We can continue to reap profits from the Blacks without the effort of physical slavery. Look at the current methods of containment that they use on themselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS.

    Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. A great man once said, “The best way to hide something from Black people is to put it in a book.& quot; We now live in the Information Age. They have gained the opportunity to read any book on any subject through the efforts of their fight for freedom, yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and, not to mention their own Black Bookstores that provide solid blueprints to reach economic equality (which should have been their fight all along), but few read consistently, if at all.

    GREED is another powerful weapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition of slavery, have had large amounts of money at their disposal. Last year they spent 10 billion dollars during Christmas, out of their 450 billion dollars in total yearly income (2.22%). Any of us can use them as our target market, for any business venture we care to dream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy into it. Being primarily a consumer people, they function totally by greed. They continually want more, with little thought for saving or investing.

    They would rather buy some new sneaker than invest in starting a business. Some even neglect their children to have the latest Tommy or FUBU, And they still think that having a Mercedes, and a big house gives them “Status” or that they have achieved their Dream. They are fools! The vast majority of their people are still in poverty because their greed holds them back from collectively making better communities. With the help of BET, and the rest of their black media that often broadcasts destructive images into their own homes, we will continue to see huge profits like those of Tommy and Nike. (Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, saying he doesn’t want their money, and look at how the fools spend more with him than ever before!). They’ll continue to show off to each other while we build solid communities with the profits from our businesses that we market to them.

    SELFISHNESS, ingrained in their minds through slavery, is one of the major ways we can continue to contain them. One of their own, Dubois said that there was an innate division in their culture. A “Talented Tenth” he called it. He was correct in his deduction that there are segments of their culture that has achieved some “form” of success. However, that segment missed the fullness of his work. They didn’t read that the “Talented Tenth” was then responsible to aid The Non-Talented Ninety Percent in achieving a better life. Instead, that segment has created another class, a Buppie class that looks down on their people or aids them in a condescending manner. They will never achieve what we have. Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together on any project or endeavor of substance. When they do get together, their selfishness lets their egos get in the way of their goal. Their so-called help organizations seem to only want to promote their name without making any real change in their community.

    They are content to sit in conferences and conventions in our hotels, and talk about what they will do, while they award plaques to the best speakers, not to the best doers. Is there no end to their selfishness? They steadfastly refuse to see that TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM). They do not understand that they are no better than each other because of what they own, as a matter of fact, most of those Buppies are but one or two pay checks away from poverty. All of which is under the control of our pens in our offices and our rooms.

    Yes, we will continue to contain them as long as they refuse to read, continue to buy anything they want, and keep thinking they are “helping” their communities by paying dues to organizations which do little other than hold lavish conventions in our hotels. By the way, don’t worry about any of them reading this letter, remember, ‘THEY DON’T READ!!”

  11. @ TLSN September 16, 2021 4:48 PM

    Character assassination?

    It is treason to an entire nation if you, as a representative of the medical profession, stab the government in the back in the fight against Corona. “Freedom of choice” is the slogan of the US Republicans. I think that doesn’t suit a country like Barbados that wants to play in the premier league.

  12. WURA-War-on-U September 16, 2021 3:20 PM #: “just a little back ground on why i don’t like or trust Artax…it all has to do with Yuuge Farrell, the young lady in St. Vincent who apparently had some relationship with the PMs son and then had a cuss out with the wife….the young lady was locked in an asylum and drugged, and this dirty Artiax decided she should be denigrated although it was a violation of her human rights, especially since the plan was allegedly to ship her off to Cuba by the thing in St. VIncent……nothing new as it was done before to more than one person…..females…”


    WURA-War-on-U September 16, 2021 3:35 PM #: “It’s all in the archives for anyone interested in searching… was a whole blog on Yuuge Farrell……”


    The following is a contribution I posted to the ‘Yugge Farrell blog.

    Artax January 29, 2018 10:08 PM

    “We have heard of these things happening everyday, where a husband’s “outside woman” calls or confronts his wife to abuse her.”

    “Although Yugge may be wrong to cuss Camillo Gonsalves’ wife, her actions DID NOT MERIT BEING ADMITTED to a mental institution and RIGHTS VIOLATED by administering drugs, perhaps against her will.”

    “Camillo’s adultery should be rewarded with a punishment of similar or even more severity. But he would move on with his life and marriage, while Yugge will have to live with the stigma of having mental challenges.”

    The lady still persists in misrepresenting the truth……. even against the background of encouraging contributors to review the archives………….…”The ignorant will never learn, they believe they are so impressive….”

    If I’m a “dunce for loving the archives”………… then, so be it.

  13. Talking Loud and Saying Nothing,

    Cyah yuh dishonest tail! Where were you when she accused me of rewording her contributions and plagiarising her work? Where were y0u when she called me a thief!

    Yet the fraud cannot post the evidence no matter how I ask!

    Read and see who started this round!


    The woman is a PROVEN liar!


    FURTHERMORE, pointing out what we already know is of no value. Manufacturing untruths is counterproductive.

    I will use MY OWN JUDGMENT which, I daresay, has proven itself to be more reliable than yours.

    Your brain is too selective!

    You too have an agenda and find only facts that support it.

    Now piss off!

  14. Artax, bring on the facts do! If the facts assassinate the character then that character deserves to die!

    Expose the damn liar! It’s way past time she was dealt with! She does more harm than good because even when she hits on some truth you cannot believe her. She is like the boy who cried,”Wolf!”

    No more dancing around it!

    Pull up the archives, Mr. Selector!


  15. ..TLSN….have you ever seen her wrap up like a muslim claiming she is celebrating Eid or Ramadan or both….am not assuming to know her Africa lineage but i have never seen here celebrate any Afrikan culture or tribe, traditions or dance or dress….now they pretending to know so much about the continent, they know the population size that they can multiply by a dolllar figure…lol..but that’s easy, all ya gotta do is google…

    i remember telling some yardfowl on here that i was studying the Yoruba language, myidominant bloodline, ya should hear the little Slave laughing and ridiculing , btw for yardfowls who never know anything useful, Yoruba is predominantly Nigerian and can also be found in other areas… …..yeah the same Nigeria bitt poop thought they could scam and now won’t tell the Black population in Barbados that they are working for us temporarily…

    The Yuuge Farrell blogs are there for everyone to read….and neither dunce can remove them….and i don’t even have to go extract anything to post anywhere ….they are both so insignificant that no one pays attention…if either dunce was capable of doing anything worthwhile they would have done so already..

  16. Barbados got too many pretenders….reality is not a concept…’s all about putting on the facade and hope it will stick….none of that has ever impressed me….

  17. Advice to Mia
    For your next photo go to the middle of the desert, where there is not a tree in sight and pose buck naked.

  18. @ Donna

    My dispute with WARU-War-on-U, arose when she referred to SVG as “that little backward shithole, lead by shithounds,” and “Vincentians are way too simpleminded.”

    I responded by ‘saying,’ “One may not be fond of Ralph Gonsolves, or agree with the situation concerning the young lady, …….but to refer to St. Vincent as “that little backward shithole” and Vincentians as being “way too simple minded,” is unacceptable, especially against the background of the disgust these same people expressed at Trump calling Haiti and Africa “shit-hole countries.”

    The following is how she responded…… and note her obvious contortions.

    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service January 29, 2018 9:16 PM #: “Art…FYI Vincentians are simple people, I have relatives there, they are not boastful and braggart as Bajans..they lead very simple lives, they do not pretend to be what they are not…that is being simple and comfortable with what they got, no matter how little..”

    Donna, it’s also interesting to note that, in her ‘about turn’ on SVG, Ms Delusional ‘said’ on the same blog, she spent most of a night doing research and actually contributed something useful to the people of SVG, which, according to her, was “actually producing RESULTS.”

    When I challenged her to reveal the nature of that contribution, she coped out, as she usually does……. and ‘said,’ “it’s between the people of SVG and her.”
    She wanted to give the impression she was able to infiltrate “that little backward shithole” and “MOBILIZED” those “simple minded” Vincentians to form a “movement to “bring down the sleazy, abusive government in SVG.”

    Bear in mind, Gonslaves won the last general elections.

    The archives will definitely INDICATE WARU-War-on-U is the REAL DUNCE here.

  19. who gives a shit….and i told you one parent of mine is Vincentian….and i don’t suck up to piece shit black human rights violators…and wannabe diktators…….ya should hear what i told a Jamaican judge about himself. on FB…suck it up….there is nothing special about your feelings for St. Vincent…my bloodline runs through EVERY CARIBBEAN ISLAND.

    yall are too smallminded and like to suck up to colonial titles, even when the holders are destroying Black people….it’s CALLED IGNORANCE…. that has never and will never impress me…..

  20. @ Donna,
    The failed state that our UK friend prophesised will come into being so long as individuals like you continue to hit the wrong targets. I confess to being bemused and dumbfounded why someone as intelligent as you continues to ignore the elephant in the room and it’s not WURA-War-on-U.

    You are better than this. Is it now acceptable to tell someone to “Piss off!” Good God!; I’m out of here!!!

  21. If you guys want to beat Mia, there are a number of items that you can you touch on. To be interpreting photos is (in my opinion) a waste of good time.

  22. @ Theo,
    It’s my bedtime. Sorry mate, I can’t agree with you. It’s all about imagery and projection. She is making an attempt at standing aloof from her mere subjects as if she were the anointed one. Why has she draped herself in that scarf-like clothing? Subliminal imagery is subtle but powerful.

  23. Enjoy the night. We agree on many things, not all.

  24. It’s a good thing you don’t read my contributions.

    But, remember, it’s you who brought up the ‘Yugge Farrell blog.’ And, that’s where YOUR IGNORANCE was blatantly EXPOSED.

  25. I don’t scroll with my eyes closed, if something catches my eye, ya can guarantee i will read and comment, unfortunately it’s always something you happen to post at the tiem..

    TLSN …don’t tell them a thing, let them continue wasting time, they got a lot of it…..while people are forging ahead…..

  26. Tsln your puerile attempts at attacking Ms Mottley will fall flat as usual.Ms Mottley is highly respected in Barbados and regionally, certainly head and shoulders over a clown like you.The majority of us who live here know that Ms Mottley is doing her best in trying times with this pandemic.The last thing we need is a clown in the UK trying to score cheap political points for your clueless party the DLP Bajans generally ain, t buying what you selling.Give it a rest..I gone.

  27. the majority of yall are Slave minded..Mia said so on ITV UK……and IRRATIONAL….there is no contest…..look how you forgot aht already….

  28. The blame for the current mess lies with the BAMP president and radical lawyers (like this person from Jamaica) who are stirring up our population with slogans like “freedom of choice” and sowing doubt about the wisdom of Corona vaccination.

    How long will our government tolerate this scandalous misconduct? Why are these people not in jail yet? Why are vaccinated tourists being quarantined for days while radical locals agitate against vaccination and make local hotel staff to miss their vaccination? Are there racist prejudices against tourists in general behind this agitation?

  29. “he should start a blog and see how many turn up..”

    As Theo would write, “last/last.”

    I’m baffled as to why you’re so OBSESSED with blogs.

    Why should I start a blog and what would it achieve, other than providing another forum for people to discuss and present their opinions on issues?

    Kemar Saffrey did not have to “start a blog” to assist the homeless, he founded ‘Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness,’ instead.

    Take Kammie Holder for example, he is an environmentalist and ‘Advocacy Director of the Future Centre Trust.’

    How about founder and director of ‘Nature Fun Ranch,’ Corey Lane? Through his venture, he has been able to assist several young people in Barbados. On Saturday, March 30, 2019, he became the youngest individual to be awarded with an Anthony N. Sabga Caribbean Award for Excellence, for his work Public and Civic Contributions to Barbados.

    Everyone in Barbados knows about the exploits of unsung heroine Aunty Olga Lopes-Seale…. and her ‘Children’s Party’ co-host, Carson Small. who worked with the ‘visually impaired.’

    Look at what Winston Clarke and ‘Barbados Concerned Citizens Against Mandated and Coerced COVID vaccination’ achieved by their protest march on August 7.

    And, retired social worker, George Griffith, is the Coordinator of the newly established ‘Elder Care Companion Programme.’

    It just goes to show one DOES NOT have to “START A BLOG” to ADVOCATE or INITIATE change, contribute to a societal cause, or help their fellow man/woman.

    Unlike you, who PREFER to HIDE behind the ‘cloak of anonymity’ and come on BU to talk about writing UNNAMED books, being a member of some UNIDENTIFIED movement or achieving some UNKNOWN objective, while EVADING calls to present PROOF………. those individuals were BUSY ‘putting their hands to the plow’ and can ACTUALLY brag about ACHIEVING, REAL, DOCUMENTED OBJECTIVES. It’s there not only for Barbados, but the entire world to see.

    For varying reasons, the majority of BU’s contributors, contribute to BU using pseudonyms. As such, because they may not DIVULGE information about their personal endeavours, which may reveal their identities, DOESN’T mean they’re NOT ACTIVELY INVOLVED in activities to advocate change

    So, while you’re on BU, EVERY DAY, WASTING TIME calling people dunces, ignorant, ‘fowl slaves,’ identifying who you “don’t like or trust,” trying to convince the forum you’re ALWAYS CORRECT…..REPEATEDLY mentioning “stinking minorities thieves and the blackface traitors in parliament stealing from the Treasury and pension fund….not my job to save the slaves… I have better things to do…..they better don’t think they can pull that shit on my children or grandchildren or they will have me to deal with….they had better keep their lowlife selves off the continent and our ancestral lands”……

    ………… and ADMITTING to “MAKING UP THINGS, just to make things interesting,”………

    ……….. Saffrey, for example, “has better things to do,” looking for creative methods to solicit financial assistance, planning and strategizing for the homeless.

    However, I’ll admit there are occasions when you make good contributions.

    The challenge is for you to tell BU what you’ve achieved after being on BU for over nine (9) years. Unless you believe repeating the same warmed over soup is an outstanding achievement?

  30. Yes Talking Loud and Saying Nothing,

    It is acceptable when dishonest people like you come telling me that I should not defend myself from a PROVEN FRAUD AND LIAR LIKE WURA.

    You have said not one world about her lies and unwarranted nasty insults but you bring your ass here telling me what I should say and feigning outrage at MY behaviour?

    All I said to that wicked witch is that Barbados is no more horrible a place to live than where she lives and that unleashed a torrent of abuse which you apparently find totally acceptable.

    Again, I say PISS OFF! People like you make my stomach sick!

    And cyah yuh ass too!

    Blasted fraud!

  31. Pull up the archives, Mr. Selector! Assassinate the character!

  32. The “Pulveriser” getting pulverised!


    Pity she en got nuh shame. She will continue as though the archives have not been published.

    And so will her enablers.

    No different from Donald Trump and the Trumpists!


  33. Donna is a scavenger…if she feels left out, she will go with the flow, but if she feels jealous she will attack and jealousy is a tradmark, jealous of my writings, of Pacha’s writing.., even if IT’S IRRATIONAL….and think she has more power than she does…..if she had spent more time on BU…would have realized i can go on for days on end, but because she is so irrelevant….add nothing much of value to anything on BU unless someone else brings up a topic…does not initiate anything that would stimulate…..yet to write a blog for others to read and absorb…..I have written at least one go look for that in the archives……..she thinks am fair game, wrong am busy and ya don’t have that kind of power, i said it twice……everyone pulverizes you when they get annoyed…

    bring something of value to the blog and impress someone, even if it’s temporary..

  34. btw…i have been called liar and fraud, oh and racist, on here so many times over the years…’s does not even register…never did…so you got years to go of doing it… buckle up……lol

    ya need to level up to impress anyone.

  35. Barbados’ slimy employers who have MISTREATED Black workers for DECADES….know that they are lying, the only remedy for them as some of us have been saying is for the population to STOP WORKING FOR THEM, it will take time, but find other means of survival….and SHUT DOWN these wannabe slave masters, they have had a VERY LONG RUN…this is the 21st century, let the sellouts go fill the vacancies…both them and parliament rats believe they are SPEAKING TO SLAVES….

    “Outspoken attorney-at-law Michelle Russell is calling on those in authority to change the narrative around COVID-19 vaccination. She believes that officials are going about the discussions in “the wrong way” while ignoring the psychological impact the conversations were having on the population.

    Moreover, the Jamaica-born lawyer said some employers were “lying” that the reason they wanted staff to take the COVID-19 jab was due to health and safety concerns.

    “If we are talking about the health and safety of workers, which I still do not believe is absolutely true – because there is nothing that hurts me more than hearing employers talk about the reason they want to do it, is for the health and safety of workers…

    “But the ventilation systems that have been causing sickness in the environment for years have still not been fixed, people asking for proper equipment and chairs and that still has not been fixed, people who absent for too long you hear ‘when are you going to come back to work, you are inconveniencing the business’.

    “And all of a sudden it is about health and safety?

    “It is not true. That is why employees don’t trust what you say. That is why there is so much distrust, you have to be honest. Be honest and change the conversation from just health and safety,” insisted Russell.

    She argued that if the encouragement to take the vaccine was about health and safety then equal attention should be given to the mental health of workers and the effects of this “coercion talk and the constant preaching”

  36. Liar liar! You have been proven to be a liar! The archives!

    And I KNOW that you can go on for days, and days and days literally ad nauseum TELLING LIES! As a matter of fact, I KNOW THAT YOU CANNOT HELP IT!

    But all the talk you are talking, you cannot stop people from reading what Artax has posted, where he revealed that you are a DAMN LIAR!

    AND up to now you cannot bring the proof that I plagiarised your shit!

    I have asked over and over and over.


    Now, I leave you to go on and on for days, since you think that is a worthwhile endeavour. Strange that you have nothing better to do.

    But I do!

    To the cliffs with the stray dog who does not need a plane ride to Canada! To the Green Garden of Envy where my bounty is too much for me to eat and then I think I shall start my book.

    ….it is the tieffing minorities and the blackfaced traitors in parliament…..not my job to save the slaves….i have better things to do….they had better not think they can try that shit on my children and grandchildren…..they will have me to deal with…..they had better keep off of the continent and our ancestral lands….

    Ra, Ra, yuh RASSHOLE!


    Now you may have the last word, AGAIN!

    You need it much more than I do, poor soul.


  37. You know i can guess what you write based solely on a couple words seen while scolling…and you STILL CANNOT WRITE A BLOG, a paper or a book….keep hating….

    jealousy is one of the 7 DEADLY SINS…..

    buckle up, ya have years of repeating…ask the fowl Slaves, these days they are exhausted, you are last to this party, always the bridesmaid, never the bride……

  38. btw…i hope this is not going to be all about whether Ellis can perform or not….this is a CRISIS THAT THE GOVERNENT wasted months playing the game of who should comply with protocols and directives and who was too important to…and terrorizing the majority and blaming them for government mismanagement and incompetence……now there is way more water than flour…they are trying to play catch up…no, they wasted too much time with their ignorant little society of stupidity and now must pay the price…

    what we are hearing from other jurisdictions is absolutely frightening….the people have to pay better atention…research which vaccine gives them a fighting chance, if they are so inclined, protect themselves and hope to survive this……..end of…

    the talking heads are full of shit…

  39. Am sure he is still grieving for his lost relative, so attacking Ellis is pointless and tasteless…..IT’S WRONG…

    direct that to who is playing the Covid games with taxpayers money…

  40. Listened to David Ellis on CBC TV8 News tonight and was impressed with the calm, objective and forthright manner in which he communicated his message.

    I was immediately reminded of Donna’s comments:

    Donna September 14, 2021 7:53 AM #: “I think Ellis may have been chosen because he has a long established relationship with the average man and woman as moderator of discussions in the public forum. I think most people respect the way he handled his job in a calm manner and allowed people to articulate their views within reasonable limits.”

    “Mia probably thinks he knows how to communicate with the people and that they trust him not to feed them false information.”

    It’s unfortunate that, even before Mr. Ellis was given an adequate period of time to demonstrate if he had the capability/ability to perform in his new role as ‘COVID Public Advisor,’ professionally, honestly and objectively, while fulfilling it’s mandate, people had already judged him as being ‘bribed into silence, or unqualified for the job.’

  41. Mia defends choice of Ellis

    Enough with the xenophobia and the demonisation of Barbadian front line workers.
    That was the stance of Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley yesterday, in the wake of some Barbadians deeming the choice of journalist David Ellis as the Government’s COVID-19 public advisor to be a political appointment, and some people taking to social media to cast aspersions on public health officials attached to the country’s Isolation Facility at Harrison Point in St Lucy.
    “David Ellis is an advisor to all Barbadians. He has been a communications expert in this country for more than 40 years, but all of a sudden he has sold out. If we want to believe everyone who joins a national crusade is a sell-out, it demonises all who have chosen to serve. In 166 square miles, there is no place to run. We have to do better,” the Prime Minister said.
    The St Michael North East MP said she was also disappointed that some people had been critical of the immense work done by those employed in public health on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    “We want to thank those front-line workers for going the extra mile for the country. Our work has led to one of the lowest death rates in the world,” the Prime Minister asserted.
    Mottley said she was concerned about the level of xenophobia now rearing its head in Barbados.
    “We are going down a very dangerous path if we believe all knowledge is to be sourced on this island or to feel all the skills needed lie with us,” she said about the reaction many Barbadians have when any non-national is named to some posts in sectors across the country.
    The Prime Minister also took the opportunity to address the backlash which had come from Government’s decision to import 150 pre-fab houses from the People’s Republic of China to quickly address the emergency housing needs of those affected by Hurricane Elsa.
    “We want these people in homes before Christmas,” she said, adding that Barbadian artisans would be the ones responsible for building the foundations and assembly of the Chinese-made structures. (BA)

    Source: Nation

  42. Artax,

    I call that adding value to the blog in Donna style.

    Fair and balanced – not dangerously unhinged.

    The man David Ellis has earned the right to the benefit of the doubt. Why would somebody seek to destroy his character after all these years?

    We say government should bring the best people for the job. Who is better at communicating with the average Bajan and taking their views seriously than David Ellis?

    Indeed, I could never have done that Brasstacks gig while remaining respectful of even the dull and ignorant.

  43. MiA defends all god dam shit she has done in three years
    Nothing new here
    White Oaks and all the other no name consultants must be lol at how a country the size of a bread box can afford million dollar advisors and consultants but find it hard to pay unemployment and severance to the people

  44. “a bread box can afford million dollar advisors and consultants but find it hard to pay unemployment and severance to the people.”

    Could you please provide BU with a list of public owned entities where employees were terminated and ‘government’ is finding it hard to pay unemployment and severance to them?”

  45. @ Donna

    It seems as though some people believe adding value to the blog is making passing references about corruption on a daily basis, without bothering to provide the forum with at least one detailed, legitimate example.

    Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but, some people always seem to approach every discussion with a preconceived ‘mind set’ that, as long as Barbadians ‘do not buy into’ their monotonous regurgitation of negativity about the island, they’re appallingly ignorant buffoons, wild savages, suffering from an illogically diagnosed ‘Bajan condition.’ And, they go on to suggest how we should respond to issues.

    Those who jump on the ‘bandwagon’ to say likewise are deemed to be ‘brilliant.’

    I prefer to look at situations from both sides, analyse and weight the facts before commenting, rather than jump on a ‘bandwagon’ to be overly and unnecessarily negative.

    As I was scrolling through this thread, I noticed we were described as “two DUNCES that love the archives”…. which, by the way, wasn’t deemed to be character assassination.

    However, while perusing the archives, I came across comments to a blog, in which the word ‘DUNCE’ was appropriately and accurately defined.

    There we had an ‘extremely intelligent individual’ who, against the background of overwhelming evidence that proved otherwise, was vehemently arguing Rolerick Hinds was the duly elected representative for St. Thomas for ten years, based on the fact his billboard was located in the constituency.

    Rather than CHECK to VERIFY whether the evidence presented was true or not, the individual said people living in St. Thomas told them Hinds was the representative.

  46. @ Donna

    You can judge for yourself who is actually the dunce.

    May 13, 2018 11:02 AM#: “Goes to show how much you know…Enuff……What you need to do today is take a drive past the Simpson Motors used car parking lot, look to your right at the first right turn after Simpson…and a big ass sign has been there for years with his photo as representative for the area.
    …I am sure you pass the sign every day on your way in and out of the Warrens area..especially if you drive up to Cost u Less or the mall in that compound..”

    Enuff May 13, 2018 1:13 PM #: “Ok Well well, I guess Cynthia Forde is a fraud.”

    May 13, 2018 1:31 PM #: “I am not following you though…I said Rolerick (drick) Hinds. Was Forde the MP for St. Thomas for the last X amount of years? Does she look like Rolerick (drick) Hinds the photo of the man in that 6 foot tall billboard on the road that you clearly never saw when driving by Simpson Motors? I thought an elected MP was the representative for the area and is then assigned to that area, I must be mistaken, was election called last night and I missed it.”

    May 13, 2018 4:29 PM #: “Apparently Enuff thinks BLP already won the government, I warned him about counting those chickens, people fed up enough to cause him embarrassment, stop taking the electorate for granted.”

    Enuff May 13, 2018 7:02 PM #: “I am trying to help but you persists with displaying ignorance, simply giving credence to the belief that you’re the cut and paste queen. Tek win!”

    May 13, 2018 7:13 PM #: “Help how? I am telling the blog about the Hinds dude who was the MP for how long, who did nothing in areas of St. Thomas he represented, but collected taxpayers money for how many years anyway….

    ….you claimed you did not know he represented St. Thomas, making yourself look unknowledgeable, MAYBE TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A LIAR, WHO KNOWS WHAT GOES THROUGH YOU DUMMIES HEADS….which you should have then googled and cut and paste, showing us you at least knew something about Hinds…..

    ..instead you are telling me something about Forde must be a fraud then….which had nothing to do with what I said…..and I really don’t care who or what Forde is anyway…..


    May 13, 2018 10:32 PM #: “Simple…am telling you, people who live in the area believed Hinds was their representative for years…it is not my scam, it is somebody’s scam….and somebody should investigate to make sure he has not collected money on that scam…he can’t collect my money.”

  47. Murdaaaaah!

  48. “Indeed, I could never have done that Brasstacks gig while remaining respectful of even the dull and ignorant.”

    @ Donna

    I don’t have the patience either.

    It takes a special type of individual to deal with callers such as, ‘Mr. P, Mr. Straker’s Tenantry, Ms. Undecided, Tall Boy,’ Wesley, Alvin, Winnie, Maureen and Maxine, on a daily basis.

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