The report coming out of St. Vincent that a citizen felt emboldened to pelt an object at Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves and in the process endanger his life and destabilize the country is reprehensible. We may have contrary political views but it does not mean we should disregard the fact Gonsalves’s Unity Labour Party (ULP) is a democratically elected government. What example are we setting for our children? Increasingly in the Caribbean we are witnessing behaviours associated with TV scenes depicting public disturbances from over in away. Another example of our small open societies in the Caribbean susceptible to external influences. The English speaking Caribbean has earned a reputation through the years as an area of peace (comparatively speaking) with Grenada the outlier. What happened in St. Vincent this week is an ominous sign for the region given we are battling similar issues. The lyrics of the great calypso Caribbean Man penned in 1979 should serve as a reminder.

One race (de Caribbean man)
From de same place (de Caribbean man)
Dat make de same trip (de Caribbean man)
On de same ship (de Caribbean man)
So we must push one common intention
Is for a better life in de region
For we woman, and we children
Dat must be de ambition of de Caribbean man
De Caribbean man, de Caribbean man

Songwriter: Sawandi Cassell

The world is struggling to protect citizens during the pandemic. It is reported over 4 million people have died since the outbreak of Covid 19. The virus has had the effect of stalling the global economy and in the process crippled Small Island Developing States (SIDs) like St. Vincent, Barbados and others. Before the pandemic our economic and social landscape was under stress. As developed and undeveloped countries respond to outbreak after outbreak of Covid 19, public health policy to fight the virus has not earned the trust of some members of the public. The issue has escalated to a point where the rights of individuals are challenging government’s obligation to enforce an effective national health policy. Members of the medical fraternity are divided, governments have been administering different approaches, individuals are conflicted on the best options to take to fight Covid 19. Unfortunately the matter has been politicised and the voice of the scientists have been trivialized. There will always be those who are anti this and anti that- this has been the case from time immemorial.

To ask for calm at a time various interest groups (including political parties) prefer to engage in rambunctious behaviour will be a struggle. One suspects it will get worse before it gets better. Many of our islands support service economies and will be directly impacted based on our ability to curb Covid 19 infections and in the process prevent failed state status. How long can our governments continue to pay the salaries of bloated public service employees. How long will private sector companies draw down on reserves and declining rate of returns on equity? Is the proverbial crap is about to hit the fan?

The Barbados government is currently working on a legal document to consider mandatory vaccinations that was promised to key stakeholders yesterday. Yesterday CNN in the USA fired 3 unvaccinated employees who entered the workplace violating policy. Buckle up!

The blogmaster thought the following read a useful exercise, a break from the vitriol.

Mandatory vaccination, including for COVID-19, can be ethically justified if the threat to public health is grave, the confidence in safety and effectiveness is high, the expected utility of mandatory vaccination is greater than the alternatives, and the penalties or costs for non-compliance are proportionate. I describe an algorithm for justified mandatory vaccination. Penalties or costs could include withholding of benefits, imposition of fines, provision of community service or loss of freedoms. I argue that under conditions of risk or perceived risk of a novel vaccination, a system of payment for risk in vaccination may be superior. I defend a payment model against various objections, including that it constitutes coercion and undermines solidarity. I argue that payment can be in cash or in kind, and opportunity for altruistic vaccinations can be preserved by offering people who have been vaccinated the opportunity to donate any cash payment back to the health service.

Read full text: Good reasons to vaccinate: mandatory or payment for risk?

477 responses to “Gonsalves Struck in the Head, Who Next?”

  1. It is refreshing to hear a prominent lawyer speaking out in a way to ‘shake the tree’. Too long legal officers have been chafing members of the public with them having no recourse.

    Lawyers chide Bar president
    SOME ATTORNEYS have taken exception to comments by president of the Barbados Bar Association Rosalind Smith-Millar on one of their own who is facing criminal charges.
    While speaking on Starcom Network’s VOB 92.9 FM last Thursday, the Queen’s Counsel said she was “disappointed and unhappy to see a member of the legal profession, former senior police officer and now attorney at law charged with matters as he has been”.
    “Generally speaking, we are absolutely against the commission of crime by any person, but most especially by attorneys at law, who know the law and should know better,” she said.
    Last Wednesday, attorney George Bennett, 61, of No. 103, 1st Avenue Warners Garden, Christ Church, was charged, along with Guyanese Dharmma Rudradeo, with illegal possession, trafficking and intent to supply 253 kilogrammes of cannabis, worth $2 020 000, allegedly found at Bennett’s residence after a search warrant was executed by members of the Drug Squad on July 30. Bennett, a former senior member of the Royal Barbados Police Force’s Drug Squad, was separately charged with obstructing and assaulting Sergeant Fabian Griffith and Constable Erica Maynard and resisting Griffith. He was also charged with having 19 bullets without a permit, and failing to deliver up two certificates of appointment and a police identification holder, all on the same date. He was not required to plead. Bennett remains on remand at HMP Dodds after his legal team of Queen’s Counsel Andrew Pilgrim and attorney Angella Mitchell-Gittens were unsuccessful in their bid for bail before Justice Christopher Birch in the No. 5A Supreme Court on Friday.
    Pilgrim described Smith-Millar’s comment as most unfortunate, adding that someone in her position should know better.
    “We can excoriate and insult and criticise people when they are found guilty. We cannot do that when they are charged. It is entirely inappropriate for a person in her position to make these types of remarks.
    “The moment a person is accused in Barbados, people, ordinary people in the street who are not educated and don’t understand the principles, may go on record as condemning those persons who have been charged. But someone
    in her position should know better,” he said.
    Another Queen’s Counsel, Michael Lashley, said the matter was sub judice and as such no one in the legal profession should be commenting.
    “I don’t want to comment on it, and I really feel it shouldn’t be commented on because the principle is that it is sub judice. The matter is before the court and a man is innocent until presumed guilty under the Constitution,” he said.
    Outspoken attorney Mohia Ma’at said any student of law knew Bennett had only been charged and not convicted.
    “It is in poor taste that she should make such an erroneous comment on somebody who has been charged, especially given her position as president of the Bar. It is primary knowledge for any student of law to recognise that the person has only been charged with a matter and not convicted. It is only upon someone being convicted of a matter that she should be able to make such a comment. Up until that point, he is still an attorney at law where all courtesies should be extended to him,” he said.
    In recent times, attorneys Cheraine Parris and Vonda Pile have been convicted in separate cases of misappropriating clients’ monies. They are serving sentences at HMP Dodds.

  2. Most teachers vaccinated, says BUT
    FIVE WEEKS before the start of the new academic school year, more than 75 per cent of teachers and ancillary staff have already been vaccinated against COVID-19, says the Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT).
    General secretary Herbert Gittens told the DAILY NATION yesterday that more than 2 500 had received the jab ahead of the Michaelmas term, scheduled to start on September 13 for teachers and a week later for students.
    He estimated there were just over 3 300 educators, from principals to guidance counsellors and other staff, working in secondary, primary and special schools and Government industrial schools. The number included 300 private educators. The BUT boasts around 1 700 members. Gittens said the Ministry of Education had sent out a Google form for teachers and education workers who wanted the vaccine to complete. From there, appointments were made. “It seems many of them took up the opportunity because at one time, more than 2 500 of the educational staff took the jab. We still have to have a discussion with our teachers to see where their heads are, though, because obviously there would be anti-vaxxers as well,” he said.
    However, Gittens maintained that getting a vaccine was an individual choice and the union did not support mandatory vaccination. As such, it had no position on the number of teachers it would like to see vaccinated.
    “I believe it is a personal thing. There is the fear the vaccines may be experimental or a person may have underlying medical conditions which would react badly to vaccine. The union will be meeting on the matter soon; it is on our agenda,” he said.
    Gittens added that the
    union did not have any educational programmes regarding the importance of vaccination, as such things should come from Government.
    Barbados Secondary Teachers’ Union president Mary Redman declined to comment to the NATION on the matter.

    Source: NAtion

  3. A simple explanation from a medical doctor.

    Why vaccines are important now

    THE RADIO CALL-IN programmes seem to be bombarded with people who claim not to be antivaxers, but yet attempt to put forward a multitude of reasons why the vaccine should be avoided. While I can’t respond to all their concerns, and many concerns are genuine, there are still some “facts” that some of these persons choose to overlook.
    Neither of the two anti-COVID vaccines we get here in Barbados, the Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine nor the Sinopharm vaccine, developed specifically against the earlier versions of the COVID virus, have shown (nor claim to be) 100 per cent effective. For argument’s sake, let’s say the figure is 80 per cent here. This means that 20 per cent of people who got two doses of either vaccine will not be “genuinely protected”.
    These people can still contract COVID – breakthrough infections – and these persons can still spread COVID to other persons. This means that, even after two doses of either vaccine, there will be a small percentage of persons that can become seriously ill, at risk of death, and can continue to spread the virus.
    If one is “genuinely” fully vaccinated after two shots, your chance of getting ill and/or requiring tertiary care (hospitalisation) are significantly reduced, but there is still a small chance that you can spread the virus, particularly to unvaccinated persons.
    To further complicate matters, the virus continues to evolve. The efficacy figures came out from studies when an earlier versions of the COVID virus, e.g. the Alpha variant was the dominant strains in circulation. Since then, newer strains have emerged as the newest “bad boys on the block”. The Delta strain is one of these. The Delta strain spreads more quickly than earlier strains, i.e. it is more contagious. It is presently unclear whether the Delta variant is more deadly than earlier versions of the virus.
    When the Alpha version dominated, about 80 per cent of persons who contracted the virus had no symptoms (but could still spread the disease), 15 per cent got mild symptoms, and about five per cent became seriously ill, often requiring hospitalisation. Many of those that ended up in hospitals died.
    We do not know if these proportions apply to the Delta variant: what we do know is that the Delta variant is causing more hospitalisations and more deaths in places where it is increasingly running rampant. The Delta variant also seems to be more dangerous to children, while earlier versions focused on the elderly and those with co-morbidities. Presumably we do not want that to happen here.
    We also do not accurately know from studies how effective the vaccines are against the Delta variant. [In the United States, the makers of the two vaccines primarily used over there are considering whether the m-RNA vaccine needs to be “tweaked” and if (or when) a booster (third) dose needs to be administered].
    Asymptomatic carrier
    Our current vaccines still seem to be stopping (or at least slowing) persons from becoming seriously ill with the Delta variant lurking around, even though they may not stop the person from contracting COVID and potentially becoming an asymptomatic carrier. This supports
    the continued use of face masks and other protective measures, even in the vaccinated, to mitigate the spread of disease in our community.
    And the story does not end here. More variants are possible: already a variant coming out of Peru (the Lambada variant) seems to be the designated successor to the Delta variant, which seemed to come out of India. It is unknown what would happen when this variant encounters persons fully vaccinated (effectively) against the earlier versions.
    The longer we allow the viruses to stick around, the greater is the chance of new variants emerging. Newer variants can be more resistant to our current vaccines: we may not be able to access any new vaccines fast enough, to afford to keep paying for the vaccines, or to distribute the vaccine to large enough proportions of our populations, to stay ahead of COVID and its variants. At this time about 25 per cent of our Barbadian population has gotten two doses of vaccine; herd immunity against the Alpha strain requires about 70 per cent of population to be fully vaccinated. It is estimated that this figure may rise to 90 per cent for the Delta variant, so we a still a long way off after five months of an immunisation campaign.
    Vaccinate now, while we have the vaccine. Vaccinate now, as we try to reach herd immunity and stop the spread of COVID and its variants. Vaccinate now, while we still have a vaccine that is at least partially effective. We have seen that, even in persons not directly affected by the disease, their businesses have been closed (some permanently), their children’s education has been disrupted, persons have been laid off, and the country (at least economically) has been on a downward spiral. Even unvaccinated persons cannot escape all these negative issues that accompany COVID, even if they do not come down with the disease.
    Get your vaccine now: it can protect you, it can protect our children, and it can protect the country.
    Dr Colin Alert is family physician. His sources of information include sites like the World Health Organisation, the Pan American Health Organisation, and the Centre for Disease Control in the United States.

  4. trash for ministers/politicians can collude, conspire, plot and plan AGAINST Black/Africans in the region as much as they want and for JUST AS LONG……but they will have to sell their ASSES to maintain those Slave societies, or STAY IN PERPETURAL IMF DEBT……..we GOT THEIR NUMBER…

    I forgot they got a third option…they can borrow, borrow, borrow billions of dollars from arab slaver countries or African slaver countries, both exist… least they have options…and will fit RIGHT IN……..when they can’t repay the debt, they can SELL THE COMFORTABLE SLAVES….to the slave trading countries….


    btw…the article above is accurate in description to what is going on with the vaccine, but no one wants to be in the 20% who gets deathly ill, dies, hospitalized, become long haulers, or spread the virus to unvaccinated people and neither the writer, the vaccine pushing governments or the manufacturers can tell anyone who will be in the unlucky 20%, it’s the luck of the draw, and until they can all DEFINE what happens next in the variant shifting environment, whoever is TAKING A WAIT AND SEE APPROACH…is being practical, everyone has to know their own situation and CAN REFUSE have anything FORCED on them just to continue the DEPENDENCY, SLAVERY TOURISM so that the thieves in the hotel industry can continue stealing from Black workers and the social partnership of criminals can continue being criminals…….it’s not worth not one Black life..

  5. Government brought Saturday’s march against mandatory and coerced vaccination upon itself, said Democratic Labour Party (DLP) president Verla De Peiza., while addressing a Christ Church West branch meeting on Sunday.

    The political leader said the march was a symptom of greater discontent.

    “There was more in the hearts of people than concerns about a vaccine, it was the result of suppression and oppression and we are seeing it again as they seek to shove becoming a republic down our throats,” she said during the meeting at Arthur Smith Primary School, St Mathias, Christ Church

  6. How long is govt /AG going to stall before giving the country a definite answer on the issue of mandatory vaccine
    The govt is now caught between a rock and a hard place having to appease the business class and win favour with the working class and general public
    One can say that the protestors on Saturday handed govt a big rock
    Makes for wonder which direction the AG will pelt that big rock
    Be it the people or the business class
    Popcorn in hand awaiting the final blow

  7. Covid Times Daily News
    Covid is a national and international problem but at the national level there is a limit to number of hospital beds ventilators and staff available to provide proper treatment, even if all other departments and medical treatment were suspended and all hospital resources were prioritised to treat Covid. If Covid numbers were to go up and reach these limits sick people needing treatment would be told not to come to hospital as they are full up.

    If you sitting around wasting time on BU you are not moving anything and need to move your lymphs and do some movement to refresh and renew with something like an Energy Dance routine.

    Stay Healthy and Safe During Covid-19 Pandemic

  8. “I am NOT a virgin.
    John is NOT a Barbados scholar”


    But, John is a virgin

  9. I reserve a particu;ar contempt for men who are happy to promte and see bloodshed as long as it is other people’s blood. In addition I hold in complete and utter contempt men who hide under the petticoats of women.

    I hold no brief for Ralphie. I’ve met him a couple of times many, many years ago and he was courteous as I was. Once he was foolish enough to express a less that appropriate interest in a young relative of mine. She put him firmly in his place. Nobody in my family likes big guts old red men. We hold them in complete contempt too as we think that it shows a profound lack of discipline. Too much “good” food and drink. Too little exercise. NOTHING to admire there.

    If the above descriptions fit any of the BU illuminati, if the hat fits wear it.

    Lemme go and talk to my plants now. All too often my plants make more sense that the “BU family”

    Be Off Do.

  10. @555dubstreet August 9, 2021 6:47 AM “But, John is a virgin”

    Condolences to John and to all elderly virgins.

    They don’t know how much pleasure they have most unfortunately missed.

  11. Your plants too? I just came in from talking to mine. They made more sense than TLSN on another blog

    Going back out!

  12. Well at least their version of consistency is still in play, doctors who studied in Cuba can’t work at QEH, unless there is a covid type emergency, but Cuban doctors/scientists can design a vaccine and it’s just fine to use….

    btw ..Cuban doctors/scientists are used worldwide in every field…..everyone should do their OWN RESEARCH INTO EVERY VACCINE..

    “Barbados’ Ambassador to CARICOM David Comissiong says the island is near the top of the list for regional countries hoping to garner a few thousand doses of the Abdala vaccine out of Cuba.

    However, he said due to market forces, the highly sought-after vaccine might be better used as a booster shot for Barbadians early next year.

    Still, he is hoping the Cuban-manufactured drug can become available as early as next month.”

  13. As i said, it’s in your own best interest to do your own research…find out if it’s a vaccine or booster…notice that Cuba is not holding down anyone and vaccinating them, it’s all voluntary…

    “Abdala, Cuba’s and Latin America’s first vaccine against Covid-19, demonstrated a 100-percent efficacy during in its third phase of clinical trial in thwarting severe systemic disease and deaths, its creators informed recently.

    Executives and scientists from the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB), which developed the vaccine, noted that they already have the data from Abdala’s third phase of clinical trial with excellent results, and they are now scaling up to an effectiveness study with over 300,000 people.
    The product had already demonstrated 92.28 percent efficacy against symptomatic Covid-19 and last week received approval from Cuba’s regulatory authority for its emergency use.

    Those requirements make it possible to use the vaccine massively in the national territory, and its commercialization to other nations while the sanitary emergency is maintained.

    The first and second phases of clinical trials on the vaccine started on Thursday on children, under the name of Ismaelillo, to assess its safety and immunogenicity in this age group.

    Those trials will be carried out in the province of Camaguey and will initially involve volunteers from 18 to 12 years of age. It will later involve children aged three to 12.

    With 26.83 percent of people with at least the first dose of some vaccine candidates against Covid-19, Cuba currently exceeds the world average (25.8 percent) of vaccinated population.”

  14. RE it shows a profound lack of discipline. Too much “good” food and drink. Too little exercise. NOTHING to admire there.



  15. Employers CANNOT force vaccinations on anyone, they can have their asses sued for unfair dismissal…..they can APPEAL to you in certain instances to keep the enviroment safe…and it’s YOUR CHOICE to comply OR NOT

    ….BUT THEY HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT to force vaccinations on anyone…like the BU bullies were acting as though it’s a done deal…

    check the AG…he made the video..

    that creep in St. Vincent want locking up.

  16. RE Well at least their version of consistency is still in play, doctors who studied in Cuba can’t work at QEH, unless there is a covid type emergency, but Cuban doctors/scientists can design a vaccine and it’s just fine to use….

    btw ..Cuban doctors/scientists are used worldwide in every field…..everyone should do their OWN RESEARCH INTO EVERY VACCINE..





  17. Has anyone seen or Heard of the AG general recently
    Did he go into hiding
    The govt was handed a Big Rock by We the people
    What is the AG waiting for
    How long does it take to tell the public Yea or Nay
    Hope he does not belive that wearing a stalling mask would help govt escape the warmth of the people
    AG where are u ?
    Not even a 30-0 mandate going to help u and govt escape the anger of the people
    Sitting in my gallery awaiting the final blow from govt

  18. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @WURA-War-on-U August 9, 2021 8:14 AM
    The government can do anything they so desire whether it be right, wrong or otherwise. They have the super majority so stop trying to fool the uninformed with moral imperatives and conundrums.

    They can do it today if they so desire. All they have to do to make it legal is change the law and or constitution to get whatever result they want. The only thing giving them pause if the level of fallout if they make the wrong decision and people end up disabled or worse dead as a direct result.


    You still do not get it do you
    Your body is your temple
    that houses Good Lord God

    Dash away the bible and live good in the neighbourhood high on life full of love and joy and energy and holy spirit
    you big headed big fat bastard with a big fat mouth and an ugly face and pure ugly inside and outside and all over your bad vibes aura

  20. JOHN August 8, 2021 10:55 PM RE One school of thought

  21. “The only thing giving them pause if the level of fallout if they make the wrong decision and people end up disabled or worse dead as a direct result.”

    they can test it and see…am not the one who has to answer to any angry crowds…i will lay on my bed, take notes and write a book….while they wait to see if they will be KICKED OUT OF THE PARLIAMENT…that too would make an excellent book…

    ya missed they part where they will be violating international law, like that DEMON in St. Vincent and can be HAULED UP BEFORE THE HAGUE…which we hope happens to him by the time all this is done…another excellent book..

    whatever they do…i win.

  22. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @WURA-War-on-U August 9, 2021 9:00 AM
    International Law does not matter when every singe country in the world has blatantly violated the international laws and treaties signed as a direct result of the Nuremberg Trials.

  23. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ all
    The region at this point lacks inspirational and transformative leadership.
    We have collectively squandered the Independence Project. Perhaps out of these,now becoming frequent , civil protests , two choices would emerge:
    1. Present leaders will take stock or
    2. New progressive leadership will emerge.
    Sooner or later we will learn that leadership is not the ability to speak without notes or “ paper”; we will learn that intelligence is not an O level or even a PH.D; we will learn that hypocrisy is not an asset once the people’s eyes are opened.
    However , we must learn that because we are comfortable in our little corners there is a whole highway falling s apart just outside our doorsteps.
    There us nothing magical in worn phrases such as “ fit for purpose “ or “ mission critical”. Words in the mouths of fools are like money in the pocket of a spendthrift.
    Comrade Gonsalves was once on his way to being a Castro. He made aan opportunistic U-turn and became another useless orator and inferior politician. Sometimes it takes more than words or the ability to win elections. Deep philosophical and ideological positions are more important than words and degrees.
    The 1937 uprisings were driven by workers who were exploited and any attempt to ignore that is basically not fit for a dignified response. The 1937 uprising was a revolutionary response to worker exploitation, racism and abject poverty. Unfortunately, many of the major fighters have never been highlighted.
    On the current trajectory, like it or not, we all heading for some bust head of some type.
    We can only hide in our little corners for a while.
    The struggle continues.

  24. According to media sources the deadline given to the AG for bringing closure to the controversial mandatory issue was Aug6
    Three days later not a peek out of the AG mouth
    Meanwhile our illustrious PM has taken a vacation amidst all the noise and protest
    Which bears of the asking how much longer should the people ask
    How long is too long
    What is the limit for saying enough is enough AG

  25. “International Law does not matter when every singe country in the world has blatantly violated the international laws and treaties signed as a direct result of the Nuremberg Trials.”

    and they are also the ones being served and will have to answer a case in Germany…as said, it will create plenty content for my books…..i can’t complain….still have to transcrible that UN law, as soon as time permits.

  26. It’s instructive to note, that the generational sellouts in the parliament will COMMIT ANY CRIME AGAINST THE BLACK/AFRICAN POPULATION for minority criminals, as it benefits them, but the ONE THING they will NEVER DO…is go to PRISON FOR THEM…..they can’t pay them enuff…lol..bribe money to serve a prison sentence…cause that’s 2 CRIMES right there…tiefing the money from the Black population is one thing, if there is a loophole, but…THEN serving the prison sentence for violating international law….where they will be hard put to wiggle out…lawd…

  27. “Former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Sir Lester Bird (83), died at 6 am on Monday morning, August 9, 2021.”

    these shite dynasties of fraudulent political families across the Caribbean, must end, they are detrimental to Black/African lives..

    “Just the other day, she reprehended our local artistes who were responsible for the Trojan Riddim video and enjoined them to apologise to the people of Barbados for their blunder. Like she said, ‘to whom much is given, much is expected.’

    Undoubtedly, as PM of the people, elected by the people for the people, she must be held to a similar or even higher standard when she makes missteps. Incidentally, missteps are not always actions; missteps can be omissions.It is against this backdrop (as the PM would say) that I am appealing to the Honourable PM, on behalf of concerned Barbadian citizens, to swallow her pride and render a formal apology to the people of Barbados for failing to educate and properly engage them in relation to the process of transitioning to a parliamentary Republic.”

    was probably engaging too much with the fraudulent beast of St. Vincent and started to sink into dictator mode……never said a word to the people but SHOUTING ACROSS to down under Australia to tell THEM there will be no people participation in the republic debate in Barbados, like she either forgot and/or don’t think 2023 matters…







  29. Interesting article in today’s Antiguan Observer

  30. @WURA-War-on-U August 9, 2021 8:02 AM “As i said, it’s in your own best interest to do your own research…find out if it’s a vaccine or booster”

    Please note that a vaccine and a booster is EXACTLY the same thing.

  31. Cuhdear Bajanc Avatar

    @WURA-War-on-U August 9, 2021 3:37 AM “I forgot they got a third option…they can borrow, borrow, borrow billions of dollars…”

    Ya ferget a 4th option.

    We can borrow, billions and billions from WURA and she rich white husband.

    Maybe she husband will even pay us the repartions for his ancestors’ enslavement of my ancestors.

  32. @angela cox August 9, 2021 5:54 AM “How long is govt /AG going to stall before giving the country a definite answer on the issue of mandatory vaccine…Popcorn in hand awaiting the final blow.”

    But ac the government the government never said anything about mandatory vaccine.

    4,000 anti-vaxxers marched on Saturday. 100,500 people have already marched to various polyclinics and received their vaccines. Barbados has a population of about 229,000 people who are 12 years or older. We need to immunize 80% of that 229,000 or 193,200 in order to reach herd immunity. We are already more than halfway there.

    So even if none one of those 4,000 anti-vaxxers show up for a vaccine it makes no difference to the rest of us, since it has NEVER been the intention of the government to immunize everybody anyhow.

    So perhaps some of the 4,000 may get sick or may die. Their families will of course be devastated. However since most of us do not know the 4,000 we won’t feel a thing.

    So eat up your popcorn now, before the oil in it makes it go rancid.

  33. 99% fully vaccinated not suffering breakthrough infections…

  34. Cuhdear BajanAugust 9, 2021 1:35 PM


    Are you the spokesperson for the AG
    I am awaiting the AG answer not yours
    Btw if u see him or get in contact with him
    Tell him the country awaits his final word

  35. Today I was in conversation with an individual
    The individual told me he had Corona twice
    Once without the vaccine
    The second time a week after receiving the vaccine
    Makes for wonder how many people this individual might have infected before the symptoms showed up

  36. @GP August 9, 2021 8:07 AM “TOTAL BULLSHIT AND IGNORANCE.”

    GP you is a big guts old man too?

  37. DeSantis has it right.

    Leave people to make their own decision.

  38. Cuhdear Bajan,

    Damn right!

  39. @ Cuhdear BajanAugust 9, 2021 1:35 PM

    Our vaccination refuseniks are not just against compulsory vaccination, but against ANY vaccination AT ALL. I would not be surprised if, when the next shipment of vaccine arrives, they try to destroy the cargo to prevent further vaccinations on our island.

    Time to put those who demonstrated last weekend (minorities and insurgents) in unlimited protective custody! They pose a great danger to leader, state and people. Our government’s Corona emergency laws allow the military, police and private militias to detain these people indefinitely.

  40. “Please note that a vaccine and a booster is EXACTLY the same thing.”

    ok Dr. Cuddear…when the questions is passed through my 3 doctors…i will tell what the the 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions are, that’s how i do it…i said that because today’s papers quoted Dr. Comissiong whom is a known lawyer, not a doctors, said it will be given as a booster…which is a followup to the vaccine.

    i asked one doctor already and he has to do research.

  41. Seems like everywhere georgy porgie goes trouble also appears.

    We would therefore conclude that his very nature is abhorrent

    This nonsense about great men intersecting with him as if by providence is entirely a fiction of a demented mind for lester bird was no great man, merely a tinpot elected dictator.

  42. TLSN …they tell themselves they are getting away with what they did and what they attempted on OUR CONTINENT……..

    couple hours ago someone one told me the thing in Grenadines goons are sending out hate mail, i dare that MF to send me one, and get his ass made miserable in St. Vincent, they are so one-dimensional they are still stuck in 18th century mode….and they are hellbent to keep the entire Black/African populations right there with them, generationally and for self-serving wicked agendas…

  43. Angela Cox only the die hard fems like you listening to the political nightwatvhman.Other dems and people in general do not want to hear nothing from her as she does not have a clue about running a country. Therefore spare us anything said by the nightwatchman she has her hands full with Rev Hewitt.
    As for the idiotic Waru stating it was a set up how you know that were you there? A man get his head bust and you on here talking shite.The woman should be lost wsy in prison for such a stupid act.Now she wants to apologise utter folly.It appears some on here glamourising violence and would wish the same happen here.I lnow bajans to be sensible people.I gone.

  44. The political Slave is on the job…

    have you heard anymore about it in the INTERNATIONAL PRESS…..a yardfowl/slave don’t count.

    i checked the internaitonal press periodically it would have blasted off in the region, it’s largely ignored because the AFRIKAN has to deal with it..

    why yall didn’t gas close to 2,000 yesterday for exercing their rights, or pulled gonzales.

  45. Nah!

    What I want is for politicians to look inwards for the cause rather than outwards.

    I was not at the march here. I took my vaccination freely. I think the marchers have chosen the wrong cause.

    However, I am happy that they are in the marching mood.

    Barbadians have allowed politicians to get away with nonsense for too long.

    Marching is sufficient. No need for big rocks.

    But there are plenty politicians that should be in jail for corruption! Why are they walking free? Corruption is economic violence against the people!

  46. @WURA-War-on-U August 9, 2021 5:59 PM “ok Dr. Cuddear…”

    Next time I’ll charge you a few hundred for the virtual consultation.


  47. @Lorenzo August 9, 2021 6:55 PM “The woman should be lost wsy in prison for such a stupid act.”

    I am not in favor of violence against anybody as I said yesterday.

    And no she should not be “lost way in prison.”

    At present she is presumed innocent. IF she is convicted the CORRECT penalty is whatever is the penalty for causing an injury. And especially if she has no previous convictions I would expect that a reasonable magistrate/judge would impose a REASONABLE sentence.

    To loss way anybody in prison except perhaps for murder is NOT justice.

    This is a blog, however no need to get hot headed. Ralph is not the first person to be struck by a thrown object, nor will he be the last. I myself threw an object and cut a schoolmate, but since I was only about 7 or 8 I suffered no penalty.

  48. CDC Confesses That COVID-19 “Vaccines” Are A Medical HOAX
    Many people seem to have missed it, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made a powerful admission this week that completely upends everything we have been told for the past several months about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

    In a shocking announcement, the CDC actually confessed to the fact that the vaccines it has been aggressively pushing as the final solution to the Chinese Virus were nothing but a medical hoax, providing no protection against infection or spread.

    IAfter baiting millions of people into getting jabbed on the promise that life would return back to “normal” if they did, the CDC now admits that being “fully vaccinated” does not actually fight the “delta variant,” but instead contributes to more infections. Because of this, the CDC now wants all injected people to put back on their masks just like before they were vaccinated.

    Essentially what this boils down to is that for those who got the vaccine it was just for optics and that it offers such protection. People who have refused to get the shot are just as protected from the virus as those who received this so-called cocktail shot in their arms.
    So, much for “science”, eh?

    So, basically, if you got the shot go ahead and mask up since you are the ones spreading this to everyone else and it’s not those who are not vaccinated.

    Here is more:

    Millions of Americans took the bait and got jabbed in accordance with the government’s earlier guidelines. This big oopsie means that countless people permanently modified their DNA with mRNA chemicals in vain.

    “Information on the Delta variant from several states and other countries indicates that, on rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others,” Walensky stated during a press call.

    “This new science is worrisome and unfortunately warrants an update to our recommendations.”

    What is truly worrisome is the fact that these so-called “experts” got things so wrong that they are now saying the exact opposite of what they said earlier. It is one thing to be a little bit wrong, but they were really, really wrong – so wrong that they, in fact, lied to the world and are now blaming “evolving science” for their deception.

    Walensky further admitted during the call that vaccinated people carry the same potential viral load as unvaccinated people. This also goes against what she and other “authorities” said just weeks ago when they claimed that unvaccinated people carry a higher potential viral load, and are thus more “dangerous” to society.

    Walensky has yet to fully come out and admit that the Trump Vaccines are actively spreading the Chinese Virus, but with the way things have been going lately, that could be the next order of business in this bizarro world.

    Other lies still being told by Walensky include the notion that the “vast majority of transmission” of the Wuhan Flu is occurring “almost exclusively” among “unvaccinated people.” She also falsely claims that unvaccinated people represent 97 percent of all new Chinese Virus hospitalization cases, which is completely made-up.

  49. @GP August 9, 2021 9:04 PM “CDC Confesses…”

    So why you don’t provide us with the link to the CDC site where these things are written.

  50. IN THE NEWSFormer Pfizer VP Urges All Women To Reject The Jab!
    It truly baffles my mind how many people are willing to get to take this so-called vaccine knowing that it is completely experimental at this time. There have been no long-term studies to even show what it does to people and the CDC has even come out saying that it does not prevent transmission of the virus.

    However, people are still lining up to get the gene therapy despite the fact that the virus has a 99% recovery rate and natural immunity is better and longer-lasting than the jab.

    Countless doctors and scientists have come forward speaking out against the jab and that people should be cautious before taking it. Though as we have seen over the recent months, those that speak out are smeared and silenced for an opposing view that the masses want you to hear.

    Dr. Michael Yeadon is the former vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory at Pfizer. Yeadon worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over three decades.

    He has a Ph.D. in respiratory pharmacology and degrees in biochemistry and toxicology.

    Dr. Yeadon is among the most highly qualified individuals to discuss the efficacy of vaccines.

    Yet, Dr. Yeadon has remained one of the most vocal critics against the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.
    Yeadon recently spoke at the “Stop the Shot” conference and discussed why all women of child-bearing age should reject the experimental jabs.

    Watch some of the previous warnings from the former Pfizer VP:

    LifeSiteNews shared the latest warnings from Dr. Yeadon at the “Stop the Shot” Conference:

    Why ‘we never, ever, give experimental medicines to pregnant women’

    The British national explained his first point as being “so obvious” that all can agree. “We never, ever, give experimental medicines to pregnant women. Why do we not do that?” he asked.

    He went on to explain how 60 years ago “women were exposed to a new product for morning sickness called thalidomide and it led to at least 10,000 birth malformations.”

    Studies before its release at the time were not capable of identifying “thalidomide as a toxin in the womb.” This tragedy, he explained, taught scientists that “babies are not safe and protected inside the uterus which is what we used to think. But, in fact, they’re a miracle of minute development. Critical stages, especially in the early stages, where if interfered with biochemicals or something else, can change the course of development of that child irreparably.”

    “You never ever give inadequately tested medicines, medicinal products, to a pregnant woman,” he emphasized. “And that is exactly what is happening. Our government is urging pregnant women, and women of childbearing age, to get vaccinated. And they’re telling them they’re safe. And that’s a lie because those studies have simply not been done.”

    Furthermore, “reproductive toxicology has not been undertaken with any of these products, certainly not a full battery of tests that you would want” Yeadon said.

    “So, here we are. There’s been potentially hundreds of millions of women of child-bearing potential [injected] with products which are untested in terms of impacts on fertilization and development of the baby.

    “That’s bad enough because what that tells me is that there’s recklessness. No one cares. The authorities do not care what happens,” he said.

    But with a closer look, Yeadon said that given two other studies, the situation looks “much worse” due to evidence of actual damaging effects on fertility.

    One Pfizer study on rats reveals at least 20-fold vaccine concentration in ovaries

    Yeadon discussed how a study obtained from the Japanese medicines agency due to a freedom of information request revealed “how the vaccine [substances] distributed around the body” of rats over time.

    “What we find is the vaccine doesn’t just distribute around the body and then wash out again, which is what you’d hope. It concentrates in ovaries of rats, and it concentrates at least 20-fold over the concentration in other background tissues like muscles,” he reported.

    Study finds ‘vaccine-induced autoimmune attack’ on the placenta

    Yeadon called his final point “even worse” because it entails study results from experiments on actual humans.

    Last December, Yeadon issued a petition to the European Medicines Agency with another physician from Germany expressing several concerns with the testing of the COVID-19 vaccines. As he explained, one such concern was that “the spike protein is faintly similar, not very strongly, but faintly similar to an essential protein in your placenta, something that’s absolutely required for both fertilization and formation, and maintenance of the placenta. So, you can’t get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy if this protein is damaged in any way.”

    Noticing that the coronavirus spike protein was “similar enough,” Yeadon explained, “I wanted them to do some experiments, hopefully to rule out the possibility that when you vaccinate the person, who then makes spike proteins, and they develop immune response against this spike protein,” this would not issue “a faint signal that would potentially bind this similar protein in the placenta.”

    While Yeadon’s petition was ignored, he states that “a study has just come out a few weeks ago, and it says exactly what I was worried about.

    “Fifteen women were given the Pfizer vaccine. They drew blood samples every few days. When they measured antibodies against spike protein, which took several weeks to appear, they also measured antibodies against the placenta and they found that within the first one to four days an increase of two and a half to three times. That’s a 300% increase in the antibodies against their own placenta in the first four days,” he explained.

    “So, I’m sorry to say this, but that is a vaccine-induced autoimmune attack on their own placenta. And I think you can only expect that that is happening in every woman of childbearing potential. It’s generating antibodies against this critical protein required for fertilization and successful pregnancy,” he said.

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