Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

For the second time in my lifetime, masses of Cuban people publicly protested against the Government – in Cuba.  The first time in 1994, protestors called for the freedom to leave Cuba.  Castro allowed them.  This time, they are calling for freedom from dictatorship.  The Cuban Government’s response was disturbingly violent.

The demonstrations have been blamed on the US trade embargo.  This is likely true.  I join with the member countries of the United Nations, in supporting the end of the US trade embargo against Cuba.

The question is, whose responsibility is it to end the embargo?  To answer that question, it is important to understand why the US trade embargo was imposed.


During World War 2, Fulgencio Batista was the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944.  He established a constitution that guaranteed the right to private property, which resulted in massive US investment.

In 1952, Batista led a military coup when he realised that he would not likely get re-elected.  He became a US-supported dictator who led a corrupt and unpopular administration.  He also repealed the 1940 Constitution.

Castro revolted against Batista in 1953, supporting the peoples’ will to restore the 1940 Constitution.  The revolt lasted about six years.  In 1959, the popular Castro became the leader of Cuba – which by that time had approximately US$1B of US investments.


Castro replaced the Constitution with the Fundamental Law.  Article 24 of this Law prevented the general confiscation of private property.  Where the state had to take specific properties, it required the property owners to receive prior cash payments in compensation.  US investors were confident enough to invest a further US$63M in Castro-led Cuba in 1959.

In 1960, Castro essentially: confiscated the properties of US citizens, refused to compensate them, and amended the Fundamental Law to make the theft legal – in Cuba.


The US citizens, whose property was confiscated, appealed to their political representatives in the US Congress.  In response, a complete trade embargo was imposed on Cuba in 1961.  The trade embargo, despite being amended several times, remains active to this day.

Relevant questions follow.  Should the trade embargo end without any compensation paid to the confiscated properties’ owners?  Should countries be encouraged, by not attracting consequences, to confiscate the private property of individuals and businesses without compensation?  Is confiscating private property without any compensation fair, morally right, and just?


The US Congress is unlikely to end the trade embargo, unless Cuba compensates the US investors.  Cuba’s ill-advised actions started the US trade embargo.  An opposite action may end it.

Cuba should consider compensating the US property owners.  The amount has already been quantified – a present value of approximately US$9B.  The Cuban economy (Gross Domestic Product) is approximately $100B.  Therefore, Cuba can pay the amount in full, or negotiate easily affordable instalments, but the proverbial ‘ball’ is entirely in Cuba’s court.


Studying history allows an informed presentation of options in many situations, and an analysis of likely consequences.  The Cuban Government’s unnecessarily violent response to the demonstrations, has opened the door to the option of a US military response.

US military intervention was not previously an option in Cuba, because it required the violent repression of mass protests by Cubans in Cuba against their Government.  The mass protests started in Cuba on 11 July 2021.  Following the violent repression, the protestors in Cuba passed the baton to protestors in the US, who have already marched on Washington.  US President Biden has responded by declaring Cuba a failed state.


The Cuban authorities should remember that the Libyan government’s violent response to protestors, opened the door for US President Obama to intervene in Libya.

Cuba should also be aware that it took the US less than one week of planning to liberate Grenada in 1983.  This was six days after there were mass-protests against the Government, and the repressive reaction of the military.  The main persons surprised at the swiftness of the intervention, were those advocating that the mass-murder of Grenadian protestors be treated as an internal matter.


Whenever there is a violent Government response to public demonstrators, the leaders of some countries pledge their support for the oppressors, rather than the oppressed.  While this is concerning, it briefly removes the public-relations mask, so that the public can assess what they would do if they had absolute power.

The US may not let this one-in-a-61-year opportunity go to waste.  If the Cuban government wants to claim the moral high-ground, ir should pay the US investors for confiscating their property immediately – otherwise, they risk bringing a swift end to their revolution.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

282 responses to “Viva La Revolucion”

  1. “stop wussing out looking for excuses about why asians carry this inferiority complex and feel they have to be racist to every African person they meet to please Massa and keep a job when Massa don’t give a shit…”

    who told you that
    was it your ugly white husband
    or was it a figment of your paranoid demented pigmented mind

    are all bajans as backward and ignorant as the cunting Mitchell family

  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    I won’t know, i am not related to any Mitchells ya will have to ask them, i know everyone in my family tree..all the way back to 8th cousins..and none name Mitchell.

  3. @ John July 22, 2021 3:21 AM
    “Cuba is referred to as the ‘sugar bowl of the world’,. It has the largest sugar industry which is now decaying and its position is now taken up by Brazil followed by India. It is an island of Caribbean region. … Until 1960 Cuba was the largest Sugar Exporter in the world hence, the name Sugar Bowl of the World.”

    The moral of the story … Communism Sucks!! (Unquote).

    So please explain the economic success/global dominance (and fast growing geopolitical influence) of the People’s Republic of China?

    What went ‘right’ for China? The adoption of State ‘capitalism’ like your idol Hitler with his State ‘socialism’?

    Isn’t your favourite failed state of Haiti a capitalistic economy controlled by a deeply Christianized society under the direct influence of the No.1 Capitalist Quaker-inspired country in the world and not by its next door nation called communist Cuba?

  4. Population

  5. Waru you dont even have to go out of your house to go that little ways back

  6. “I won’t know, i am not related to any Mitchells ya will have to ask them”

    Your whole family klan are as ass backward and ignorant as you and your shit talk pollutions wicked conceptions perverted connections misinterpretations false information twisted racist abominations
    Your Slave Government name was identified as “Abigail Mitchell” not sure what your new “African Name” is but you are no Winnie Mandela ANC Freedom Fighter Strong Black Woman just a fucked up BU troll with a big mouth who never shuts the fuck up.

  7. Nathan Greene,

    What is the difference between your calling Cuban leaders “filth” and my calling you the asshole of an ass’ ass?

    I cannot help it if I can see that you and Grenville are full of shit!

    “BREEDING” as defined by whom – the British? Shakespeare still their most revered playwright? As bawdy as they come!

    Is it good breeding to shit in public like you two assholes have?

    P.S. I noticed you have focussed on my delivery and not the substance.


    Forget what I said and answer Cuhdear Bajan, then!


  8. And as for Baje,

    “Thank you for your service!”

    Wonder which invasion he was in?

  9. Donna…those are the hands of wickedness, in need of a sharp machete to cut it off at its wrists…

    the intent is to blind the people to what’s really coming at them with dumb shit about Cuba, each Cuban has a small plot of land to grow food….at least they can eat, if nothing else, people in Barbados have none and if they manage to get any at all, more often than not, it’s stolen……under the fraudulent label of crown land…’they have to DEPEND ON EVERYTHING including imports, tourists, this and that, because the black faces refuse their people access to anything else, even their ancestral land they prefer send minority trespassers…IN FRONT OF THEM……..that was certainly a BIGLY MISTAKE……

    the Cubans have lived under embargo since 1962…longer than many have been alive and they are still surviving…they can feed themselves..

    kiki the nobody, ya really gotta stop repeating everything ya see posted to BU like un perroquet……and all of that will still not get you my name…..and ya better stop trespassing on the African continent or OUR ancestors will get ya…..really get you.

  10. Murdaaaah! I did not read Asshole #2’s post through but now I see he says some shit about my response to “people I regard as my superior”!

    Murdah! Who people dem, bosie????

    Dem mudder dead and dem fadder ent born yet!

    NOBODY is my superior!

    You, Nathan Greene are a real real asshole of an ass’ ass.

  11. WURA-War-on-UJuly 22, 2021 10:58 AM

    the intent is to blind the people to what’s really coming at them with dumb shit about Cuba, each Cuban has a small plot of land to grow food….at least they can eat,


    What you are describing is CAPITALISM where the means of production are in PRIVATE HANDS!!!

    SOCIALISM of which COMMUNISM and FASCISM are offshoots is by definition the means of production being in STATE HANDS.

    THE STATE then doles out food to people according to how well those people tow the line.

    If there are riots against the STATE it may be like in Venezuela that the STATE isn’t “taking care” of the people.

    NO SH!T!!





    LIBERTAD is the opposite of SOCIALISM.

  12. “kiki the nobody, ya really gotta stop repeating everything ya see posted to BU like un perroquet……and all of that will still not get you my name…..and ya better stop trespassing on the African continent or OUR ancestors will get ya…..really get you.”

    your little prejudiced mind is a disgrace to your race

    you are 50 years behind the rest of the world with your ugly racist face

    you are too fat and have to go on diet

  13. Steupse!

  14. meanwhile in the TDOT……

  15. There must come a time when some of you take onboard the adage to discuss ideas and not anonymous people.

  16. The homeless

  17. @ John July 22, 2021 11:48 AM

    How and where does Capitalism work and in whose interest(s)?

    Did it work under black chattel slavery where blacks were not ‘free’ to sell their labour to whom they saw profitably fit?

    Why, then, are there ‘free-enterprise’ activities like growing and selling marijuana, alcohol and the renting of one’s body for sexual pleasure in return for money (aka prostitution) made illegal in most capitalist states like Barbados?

  18. and all of that will still not get you my name…

    Move down deh it hot down deh fire down deh when you call a bitch witch by her true name she loses her powers and will end up in a funeral like a general who catches a burial dead in a ditch like a snitch with a maggot brain

    True Names
    Symbol Analysis

    Throughout A Wizard of Earthsea, true names symbolise the intense power of being seen, known, and accepted as one truly is—a concept that relates profoundly back to several of the novel’s major themes, including coming of age, identity and the shadow self, and cosmic balance. In the world of Earthsea, individuals are given names just as they are in the real world—but in Earthsea, every living thing, whether it is a human, a plant, an animal, or a mineral, also has a hidden true name that defines its essence. Knowing another’s true name is a powerful thing: true names can be used to summon someone, to bind them to one’s will, or to otherwise control them. It is thus very vulnerable for the characters in the novel to share their true names with one another, yet several characters do just that in order to demonstrate love, trust, and goodwill, such as when Vetch offers Ged his true name (Estarriol) upon departing Roke. Much of the magic Ged and his classmates at the School on Roke learn has to do with divining true names. A thing cannot be changed or transformed without knowledge of its true name. Wizards-in-training spend months at a time studying the true names of every living thing in isolation at a tower far away from the school itself in order to devote themselves to full understanding of how consequential possession of a thing’s true name is.

    Whenever someone invokes a thing or a person’s true name, then, it symbolises that that person or thing’s essence is wholly known to them. Because Ged’s journey is a journey of self-discovery, it is fitting that in order to best the shadow which has pursued him across Earthsea since his school days can only be defeated with its true name. When Ged realises that the shadow’s true name is Ged—his own name—it shows that he has at last come to understand himself wholly, and that he at last has power over his own destiny. To master a thing’s name is to master the thing itself—and yet all residents of Earthsea are duty-bound to use the true names they learn throughout the course of their life carefully, making sure not to disturb the careful balance of the universe by changing, controlling, or corrupting even a single blade of grass without understanding the consequences. Through the symbol of true names, Le Guin argues that to be a part of the world is to take responsibility for all of it—and to learn a thing’s true name is to learn exactly what one is assuming responsibility for.

  19. Fire Stick

  20. Kude A Bamba

  21. I wanna know
    Is this guy getting a paycheck from the GOB?
    Do you think he deserves one?

  22. Moving from a man who punches well below his weight to a man who punches well above his weight class – Caswell

  23. An Upsetting riddim shower give me power every hour

    you feel the riddim
    you like the riddim

    this ya riddim
    a jah jah riddim

    Ital riddim
    Vital riddim
    Irie riddim
    This myrie riddim

    Dubbing in a smokey room
    Smoke from me nose cover me like clothes
    The draw is long and the weed is strong

    strong strong strong
    I plant the weed and grow the seed

    move to da riddim
    groove to the riddim
    rock to the riddim
    roll to the riddim

    this ya riddim
    Ital riddim
    Vital riddim

    dub to the riddim
    rub to the riddim
    scrub to the riddim

    do it to the riddim
    anything to the riddim

    Smokey Room / Own Man

  24. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    libertidad has been ongoing since the days of Simon Bolivar…and it’s the same shit, how long has capitalism been ongoing, same shit…as long as they there is no equity, there will always be poverty…..because 1% will always want to be greedy…i don’t see the difference, ask the people in the depressed areas of Barbados and see if they see the difference…

  25. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    same shit…different century, the only people who see a difference are the ones not FEELING IT…until THEY DO…

    “when you call a bitch witch by her true name she loses her powers”

    blah, blah, blah…my powers are ANCESTRAL and will BURN YOU in the fire….it’s ETERNAL…

    “Why, then, are there ‘free-enterprise’ activities like growing and selling marijuana, alcohol and the renting of one’s body for sexual pleasure in return for money (aka prostitution) made illegal in most capitalist states like Barbados?”

    the intent is to keep the African descent population in generational BONDAGE…they better BREAK AWAY and drown their jailers…

  26. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “each Cuban has a small plot of land to grow food….at least they can eat”
    Do you know that 80% of the Cuban food requirements are imported. So one can blame hotels, and the voracious tourist appetites, but it goes much deeper. And try finding those plots you reference in urban centres. Cuba is not self sufficient in food. Plus in certain places there, you are TOLD what to grow. And unless you have a contact, the authorities do not patrol petty larceny, for after all, everything belongs to the people? Once the potatoes are not being exported, they end up in a Cuban belly.

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Intraregional travel is a vastly untapped market that Barbados can and must invest in.”

    amazing how they get these SUDDEN JOLTS of enlightenment….and the same problems have been regurgitated by people every year for DECADES…..and no one pays attention….maybe it will take another 30 years and then ….lightbulb moment, when they see the BORDERS SHOULD BE OPEN….let the economies freewheel and prosper..

    .only because of the suffering children and young generation who are yet to learn HOW DECEITFUL, DANGEROUS and sellout the FRAUDS in the parliaments really are….

  28. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Do you know that 80% of the Cuban food requirements are imported. So one can blame hotels, and the voracious tourist appetites, but it goes much deeper. And try finding those plots you reference in urban centres.”

    screwed up by jumping on the dependency tourism bandwagon……people i know still have their plots, they are not urban….i don’t know any Cuban urbanites, they are screwed and will suffer.

  29. “blah, blah, blah…my powers are ANCESTRAL and will BURN YOU in the fire….it’s ETERNAL…”

    do you also believe in fairy tales and fantasy fiction novels
    you may think your powers are strong when they are weak and you surely must have the weakest ancestral powers for an African ever
    your life pulse comes from your heart and you have to feel it and follow it down from your left anterior descending artery and back up your right coronary artery, blockage of these arteries is a common cause of angina, heart disease, heart attacks and heart failure which is called normal functioning of the body or what you misuse as physiology and requires daily exercise following the path of the dao for bhakti devotion jnana knowledge and karma action

  30. MillerJuly 22, 2021 9:25 AM

    So please explain the economic success/global dominance (and fast growing geopolitical influence) of the People’s Republic of China?


    WTO and America!!

    Trump laid it out pretty well.

  31. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Northern…i think they balanced socialism with dependency tourism = capitalism, and hence the results…but that’s on them..the bottomline is, greedy leaders cause hardships and poverty whether communist pretenders or hardcore capitalist extremists…

    ….am sure you are familiar with the dummies in Zambia, they lost the country and resources because they chased chinese paper….lol, signed bad contracts, hid information from the people..the problem always lie with the stupid leaders, who cannot use what they don’t have, intellect….who the hell in their right minds would exchange vast resources like cobalt etc for enslavement of their people…..Kenya may lose a lucrative port, same stupidity…no matter if it’s socialism or capitalism as long as the leaders are dumb as rocks and weak, the people lose every time.

    “Various media reports have lately been suggesting that like Sri Lanka and its Hambantota port, Kenya will lose its highly efficient and lucrative Mombasa port to the Chinese if it defaults on its payment of Kenya Shilling 71.4 billion ($705 million) in the current fiscal period to the China EXIM Bank.”

    “Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, was having a power cut, so the only light in the restaurant was from Fumba Chama’s mobile phone. The rapper, better known as PilAto, had just finished uploading a new track to Twitter. The bitter-sweet lyrics (in Bemba) of Yama Chinese describe the concerns of many Zambians: “They put on smart suits and fly to China to sell our country. The roads belong to China. The hotels are for the Chinese. The chicken farms are Chinese. Even the brickworks are Chinese.”

    PilAto (an acronym for “people in the lyrical area taking over”) is a voice for Zambia’s voiceless. In May 2018 he returned from six months’ self-imposed exile in South Africa, where he had fled after death threats over another rap, Koswe Mumpoto (Rat in the Pot), denouncing corruption in President Edgar Lungu’s government.

    Resentment of China is growing, especially in the copperbelt region, which generates 70% of Zambia’s export earnings. The government is widely criticised over its social policies. Cosmas Mukuka, secretary general of the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, told me that some private Chinese companies operating in Zambia, hiding in the shadow of the mining multinationals, “are not following the recommendations of the International Labour Organization”.

    In Barbados….the downfall is primarily from corruption and the oppression of the people for over 60 years that was well hidden….of course the Chinese will also soon own them, but they have no resources so let’s see how that plays out…there is no great difference between socialism and capitalism………if there are NO INTELLIGENT LEADERS…they BOTH END UP DISENFRANCHISING THE PEOPLE…and corruption kills any social/economic construct whether it’s communism or capitalism….because that’s all any of them are….end of..

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “you may think your powers are strong when they are weak and you surely must have the weakest ancestral powers for an African ever.”

    That’s for African ANCESTRAL BLOODLINES to know…and you ARE NOT ONE… stay in ya lane.

    the bottomline = if a communist country uses its brains success follows, ditto a capitalist country…but too many of them are steeped in corruption and not putting people and country first….then someone else rolls in and controls’s simple math and does not require rocket science.

  33. “WTO and America!!

    Trump laid it out pretty well.”

    You were suckered by a shyster

    when USA and UK were warring in ME over last 20 years like clowns with drones
    China was developing the developing world

    if you believe western propaganda you would think USA and UK have control with their threats


  34. “That’s for African ANCESTRAL BLOODLINES to know…and you ARE NOT ONE… stay in ya lane”

    you must be the densest most thick headed miseducated African the world has ever seen
    how do you think humans populated countries out of Africa

    Have you heard this joke about the joker BU troll
    she is so stupid she said people first heard and learned about their rights on BU about 5 years ago
    (no doubt a donut you will deny this truth digging your heels in like an illogical woman claiming it is all a lie and you never said shit so don’t worry yourself about it it is not your fault you are a dummy)

    Declaration of Rights / Your Rights / My Rights

  35. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “That’s for African ANCESTRAL BLOODLINES to know…and you ARE NOT ONE… stay in ya lane”

    there are only so many ways to tell you that you HAVE TO BE A BLOODLINE DESCENDANT…..nothing you say can change that….and you obviously have never met the genuine article before, or you would know….you would not need to keep asking me…

    i posted the UN 30 Articles of Universal Rights ratfied in 1948 on here myself at least 6 years ago it was in the best interest of CORRUPT wicked small island leaders, most of whom are lawyers, that the people NEVER FOUND OUT.

    …not my fault that you did not know when i posted it…..and if you knew about it WHY DID YOU NOT POST IT YASELF so that people would know they had universal rights…since ya said ya have been on here over 10 years and didn’t means… you were hiding it too…or NEVER KNEW ABOUT IT EITHER….because most minorities in UK don’t..

  36. A UK, black MP was removed from Parliament today for speaking the truth.

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Speaking of corrupt governments, the sentiment of the people across the Caribbean suggests that NOT ONE of them will be returned to any people GIVEN political power in the next election. It will be a miracle. They always forget they have to return to the same people they sell out, to beg for the colonial power to SELL THEM OUT AGAIN…serious business.

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Anytime ya hear the 60 million mentioned in a loan start getting worried, it’s the favorite number of crooked minorities and the population are ALWAYS LEFT HOLDING THE BAG..

    “The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) wants to know the status of an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) $60 million dollar loan.
    The loan is to support Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSME), under the Global Credit Programme for Safeguarding the Productive Sectors and Employment. On April 20, 2021, the Prime Minister Mia Mottley signed on Barbados on to the loan.

    According to IDB’s website, the objective of this operation is to support the sustainability of MSMEs to maintain employment and economic activity in Barbados in response to the crisis caused by COVID-19.”

  39. TLSNJuly 22, 2021 4:41 PM

    A UK, black MP was removed from Parliament today for speaking the truth.


    Man, here I was expecting to see the lady man handled out of Parliament, kicking and screaming.

    What a letdown.

    No lawyer can go in a court and tell the court the other lawyer is lying.

    He/she will be asked to leave by the judge.

    The lady should have known to use the word “misleading”.

  40. “there are only so many ways to tell you that you HAVE TO BE A BLOODLINE DESCENDANT…..nothing you say can change that….and you obviously have never met the genuine article before, or you would know….you would not need to keep asking me…”

    You are the first black person I have ever met who was not nice


    it’s must feel good to be on the darkside if that is what you want

    I blame your ugly white hubby for you being so trashy ghetto gutter ho

  41. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    that why kiki the nobody will stay there with his FRAUD SELF…

    i would love to have spoken to this man….a treasure trove of knowledge gone.

  42. It’s been a real eye opener to have come across Abigail Mitchell and realise that there are some blacks who are low life shits too

    some are deserving of friendship but not all

  43. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    The parliament deceit is way too much, DBLP exploited, oppressed and ROBBED the African descendant population for minority THIEVES and RACISTS for over 50 YEARS…half century….2 generations, now the disrespectful tax-payer paid mouthpiece for white trash and other minorities got the nerve to be telling people about self-sacrifice..

    why don’t yall make a sacrifice and GIVE THE PEOPLE BACK THE 5-6 BILLIONS DOLLARS STOLEN FROM THEM, all the land, estates AND BANK ACCOUNTS yall ripped off from them and their beneficiaries in ya crown land SCAM and left their families in POVERTY and the economy in SHAMBLES……the goddamn nerve of these LIARS, sellouts AND DEMONS..

    the electorate really need to do something in 2023….do not let these scam artists make a fool of you and INSULT your intelligence while your children and grandchildren are watching…

  44. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    “some are deserving of friendship but not all”

    so who the hell wants to be friends with you, i don’t scrape the bottom of barrels…..get a life.

  45. “so who the hell wants to be friends with you, i don’t scrape the bottom of barrels…..get a life.”

    I will reword that as you argue like a cunt perhaps you have got too much testosterone and are bipolar

    some are deserving of respect but not all

    maybe it’s your online trolling that makes you act like an animal

    who knows and who cares

    you are no better than a white jerk

    scum is scum

    can’t waste time speaking to scum

  46. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Lawd…the things ya can find when ya aint

    “The Guardian understands Dubai is a former client of NSO, but had its access to Pegasus terminated after an investigation into allegations of misuse.”

  47. NorthernObserver Avatar

    you know, you and I have a small overlapping agreement zone…”greedy leaders cause hardships and poverty” , under any system or ism, is one I can agree with. And you are also correct, IMO, that when the Eastern Bloc removed its funding producing what Castro termed ‘período especial’, Cuba had to find revenue, and thus it turned to commercial tourism. Ably aided by Spanish and Canadian investors, and their builders (which also included French firms and Mexican suppliers)

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