Swordplay and ripostes are a feature of the political landscape of any country. Two years out from a general election constitutionally due in 2023 we have started to see a ramping up of the political vitriol and rhetoric by the two main political parties.

There is no doubt in the minds of political observers the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) took management of a poorly performing economy in 2018. The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) before its historic defeat was reported at one point to be borrowing 50 million monthly from the Central Bank of Barbados to meet salary commitment to the public sector, and the financial position of the NIS fund had deteriorated as a result of operating as government’s ATM. The foreign reserves dipped to a low level, for the first time Barbados achieved junk status credit rating and had become a pariah in the capital market. The parity of the Barbados dollar was under attack with predictably the D-word being mentioned as the ‘lord and saviour’ of our economic problems.

The Mia Mottley led BLP immediately on winning office took unpopular decisions to default on local and foreign debt by hiring White Oak Advisory, a boutique financial advisory outfit based in the UK see Barbados creditors fume at ‘absurd’ $27m advisory fees. Appointed the largest Cabinet some suggest in the world on per 1000 of population supported by the tagline – many hands make light work.

Along with taking over a poorly performing economy, external events have not been kind to the incumbent. The DLP in 2006 had to manage the economy during a global recession and in 2019 the BLP has had to manage the economy in a COVID 19 induced pandemic. That said, members of households although sympathetic to macro issues are always more concerned with bread and butter issues; maintaining an acceptable quality of life.

After 3 years in office the gloves are off and the performance of government – notwithstanding the challenges presented by the times – is attracting greater public scrutiny.

Enuff a pro-BLP BU commenter posted the following in defence of government’s performance and what is in the implementation pipeline.

  1. … who is about to redevelop the same Temple Yard through the UDC?
  2. Who about to give 50 acres to youth at Wakefield for farming?
  3. When your opponent is in your strongest seat racking up achievements and with zero seats in parliament your leader (Verla De Peiza) runs away, you’re in a bad state.
  4. More frightening is the leader in trying to get a foothold in St.Lucy is reported as saying “there is really a lot that needs to be done in St Lucy”, this is after the parish was represented in Parliament by a DLP member for 32 unbroken years starting in 1986, 18 of which the party was the government.
  5. Added to this are the topics she focused on water and buses when the BWA busy laying mains in St Lucy, a desal plant is in the works, more buses are coming and a mass transit framework. So that platform dead in the waatuh!
  6. The fact is that Dems can’t handle the government’s performance and know that with 2 years still to go another beating awaits. QEH upgraded A&E opening early next month.
  7. More HOPE housing coming, including St.Lucy and St.John.
  8. Vending legislation coming.
  9. National digital ID, licensing authority sorted (ASYCUD a lot of early noise too), new ways to pay and receive money, new mechanics and bodywork clusters.
  10. Scotland District rehab
  11. More buses
  12. More road improvements.
  13. New recycling and garbage collection.
  14. Vineyard project, new reservoirs, more water from Ionics.
  15. IL (the legislation for the commission has already been passed), whistleblower legislation etc etc all before the next election.
  16. KLM and Aer Lingus starting flights later in the year. Yuh remember empty Gol from Brazil? The Dems would do better to send a bowling machine.

Discuss for 5 marks.

207 responses to “Honeymoon Period Over for Mottley Government”

  1. You turned a blind eye to dirty police fingering underage girls and should shut up about morality until you snitch on the pigs about their wicked reality, in these times that’s what good people do they hold bad people accountable for sexual abuse rife in the past

  2. 555dubstreet

    Yep a Bajan Pimp, but an American Pimp only has to instill fear through one good ass whopping. Dred, you don’t know much about the game though …

  3. “because it is an immoral practice, whether or not it is a woman’s right to do so, based on her personal autonomy..”

    you still don’t get it..

    prostitution happens regardless

    and same goes with herb smoking

    you cannot stop it with laws and sanctimonious pricks who are biggest hypocrites and criminals

    Fuck the Police

  4. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    I think we are likely to suffer from political burn out. This politricking has started too early. But then, did it ever stop? I think that this early in the game political supporters would do their parties better service by being more analytical rather than listing the things that were or were not done by the Party in Government. It is no wonder that the political forecasters get it wrong. The Electorate are so fed up they do not bother to go to the polling booths. I do not blame them. This politicking is just another high stakes game. It alienates the populace from a tired political system.

  5. 555dubstreet

    I never claimed to like all the police I have known, because some were legal killers, and others were physically abusers, but these two things goes hand in glove with policing.
    Nevertheless, I never really cared too much for Tracksuit Top, and his brother-in-law Dirty Harry, because I founded them both to be two of the most ignorant and hot headed CID detectives back in the day.
    And I don’t know who were the worse, the criminals they hunted down, or them two.

  6. David

    Point taken. However, that any goverment could have been on a honeymoon approaching 3 years is a stretch, highly unusual in politics anywhere, especially during these times. Maybe it’s more a sign of the times, the absence of the normal duopoly balance, etc. Remember, we’re the ones who projected that this regime will be under the greatest pressures in the history of Barbados.
    Now that is certainly not consistent with extended honeymoons.

  7. @Pacha

    Do not overthink it. The blue in this discussion is to debate whether projected implemented and promised will achieve an objective that leads to a better Barbados.


    It ended the day many hands were appointed, imported and designated to make light work.

  9. Hants
    Alright then.🤭

  10. While I welcome the new buses and garbage trucks etc, what I see as the biggest worry is that over the last 15 months there has been no real attempt to diversify our economy by this government.

    The lets wait for tourism to return approach is a worry for me. The virus has shown us how fragile this sector is and why depending on it solely is dangerous. Now I am not saying we should replace tourism, but we need to enter into a structured diversification plan where we target over the next 5 years to reduce our dependency on tourism by say 7% a year. So every year then the plan should be to reduce FX dependency on tourism by saving or generating this amount in other sectors of the economy.

    Now if a USD saved is one earned how can we do this? Well 2 obvious low hanging fruit are alternative energy and agriculture, both of which can be incorporated into tourism. A promotion to grow and offer more of local produce in the hotels should begin. We need to stop talking about removing the hurdles for alternative energy and do it! Yes encourage the work stamp program and build islands, or whatever else we can do but do not go forward depending solely on tourism I beg wunna! Remember covid set us back years in our economy. Are we going to depend on tourism solely again so that the next virus or whatever comes along can do the same thing to us again?

    We look to Dubai for help. If Dubai with its massive oil wealth and standard of living felt the need to diversify their economy away from oil dependency who is we not to do the same? Yes they chose tourism but they can afford to. I say so because even with covid or the next challenge that may come along, they have the economic back bone of oil to fall back on.

    So I will leave the rest to pick at and defend enuf list, but I will also ask all of you what is the plan for diversification and why 15 months into this epidemic has the BLP not brought plans to diversify this economy?

  11. I guess the Full Moon is here because after the Honeymoon here comes the Full Moon …. Or the werewolf it out …..

  12. @John A

    Will you be calling the program or WhatsApping Brasstacks tomorrow with your question?

  13. winning an election is the start of the journey not the end
    this kundalini yoga is a good practise for all the fat people here
    you know who you are

  14. I was tempted to write something about High Commissioners travel opportunity but I won’t

    Animals heading to Canada in first Barbados refugee project


  15. I would love to ascertain what qualifies John King aka Jonny Mah Boy to represent people in Barbados, and Neval Greenidge to be Consulate General in Miami, either than political pimping?
    We already know that Deputy Commissioner of Police Oral Williams is a BLP political pimp, because he made it no secret when he “(acted)” as the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police several years ago.

  16. Fact checking

    High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee has been transferred from Canada’s diplomatic mission to Guyana and Suriname to Barbados.

  17. Mia’s grandfather made his money from real estate. Could someone tell me why real estate prices are off limit to all but the wealthy upper middle classes.

    What are the reasons why Barbados real estate market is so expensive? Is this market linked to money laundering and the growth of the drug’s trade. Or is it because there is a pent up demand for real estate in the country?

    How can we grow our own food when all the land is been laundered off.


  18. If the nation or social media sites iare talking about the next election campaigns already, MIA could or should hand in the notice to announce a general election in a months time, as DLP are sleeping and not ready for anything and as their top troll says are even more worthless than the worthless Government. BLP wouldn’t need to do much to win either.

  19. Correction: “sold off”.

  20. 555dubstreet

    Dred, I remember one night back in the early 80s, Calypsonian Adonijah was scheduled to performed at the National Stadium and he couldn’t, because the Police caught de Dred behind the Stadium wall smoking the Indigo, but I am not quite sure what became of that case, or even if there were a case. But I know I remember the incident like it was yesterday ….

  21. 555dubstreet

    I guess de Dred, was psyching up himself to get ready to perform that night, when the Mounted Men caught hold of the Indigo blazing through the air, and approached Adonijah’s car that was parked just behind the Stadium wall with several persons in it beside himself.

  22. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    William…they are all boring and bore me.

  23. u do the same to the blog everyday

  24. I like that combination of lynette and kemar…..UPP play the long game . dont rush the brush like SB.

  25. Who cares about your boring stories Donut Donkey head

    I bought a quarter key from the Police

  26. Wura

    You realize that we all see things from different angle of vision?

  27. 555dubstreet

    Boy If I were a Police in Bim, I would have enjoyed beating you under the bottom of your foot with a hammer, like old CID guys used tah do tah mouth men like you back in the day.

  28. 555dubstreet

    the new guys in the CID today, does wrapped wunnah in plastic now, and beat wunnah all night.

  29. @ David

    I have posed those concerns and suggestions to others who could effect change and been told ” that will take time.” Of course that was 12 months ago and had they of moved on it then, today we would be way better off.

    I personally think that the magnitude of change frightens many including the political class on all sides. It opens questions that call for answers. Like if we diversify how will that help the unemployed hotel workers? In other words BOTH parties have been accustom of feeding off this structure for so long they can not imagine it being any different. For example I remember 40 years ago the whole left side of the bottom floor of cave shepherds was crystal and China, you see any there now? My point is diversification of any business is a must. No wave runs forever as any surfer will tell you. You have to know when to catch it ride it and leave it.

    I am telling you the political class is terrified of diversification because it would mean drastic change. You realise nearly all of our political class have come along with tourism carrying the economy? I mean most of the dubai generation came along only knowing oil too, but the younger leaders realised this one leg economy thing is dangerous but guess what? We got sun nearly everyday clear water and nuff sand along with low crime. So folks tourism here we come.

  30. @ David

    Besides we both know the politicians read this blog so they could use the input for free. LOL

  31. For those that say we don’t have the land to be self sufficient in May food items don’t think 1960 agriculture. We talking vegetables here and short crops on the flatter land along with a large scale green house project. Then we talking fruit trees and bananas etc in the places like St Andrew etc. Plus wunna know who the biggest land owners is in these places? We own government.

    Take a look at Monaco and Google the roof garden food production of that small 1 square mile place and see how much food people grow in their own roof top gardens. That little place is truly amazing when you read about it.

  32. “We intend to make this small country the most beautiful place in the western hemisphere,” he said.


  33. @John A

    Agree that dismantling the tried and now redundant models will call for courage.

  34. Dompey
    I dare say you have a lifetime worth of interesting stories about how you got to where you are today… and in your mind your tales are fascinating and you are interesting.. and your jokes are very funny.. and are somebody who is so important that everyone notices without ignoring … and .. .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  35. You see Dullard, there is method to the madness.

    Okay Old David. Let’s see.

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “u do the same to the blog everyday”

    says the clown who can’t write a legible sentence, must have copied the above from someone else……

  37. How can Peter Wickham connect efficancy to this govt
    Haven’t he read see and hear the BRA stories of long lines
    Plus when people make calls to govt offices for small detail
    No one knows what is going on
    Efficancy No..never can be pushed as a highlight towards govt performance
    But one thing for sure govt accomplished was one of making the govt coffers very light which now helps to expose the long awaiting govt debt which future generations must pay

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    You mean the future generations of those WHO TIEF ALL THE MONEY…no one else should own that debt, ya mad, haven’t the Black population… fund that slave society with their own money longer than they should have…..let the THIEVES find every billion that they stole…

    stop voting in a slave society.

    must be your children, great and multiple other grands are going to pay back what criminals stole, not mine.

  39. “u do the same to the blog everyday”

    says the clown who can’t write a legible sentence, must have copied the above from someone else……


    My 5year fruens helt me

  40. So…. Dompey would like to beat somebody for speaking their mind but has a problem with women selling what belongs to them.

    He sees child rape and beating of suspects as inseparable from policing. Doesn’t seem to bother him much. Just something we have to accept.

    I don’t know how 555 could fall asleep after those scary stories. I would be having nightmares.

    But to the topic, we must obviously remove from the list those things promised but yet undelivered.

    We must agree that though we are indeed happy to be delivered from the garbage and transportation blues, we cannot count them as major achievements. Rather, it is an indictment on the last administration.

    We must agree with John A that there are technological solutions to our agricultural problems regarding land. This government appears to be stuck in old school mode whilst seemingly dreaming of drones. They need to get serious! It is not nearly as hard as they make out. They are making an effort but they need to up the game.

    We must also acknowledge the greening and renewable energy thrust is happening but must be more aggressive.

    We must insist that this administration delivers on the basic expectation of potable water to all. There must be no water woes come 2023.

    We must decry the disconnect that allowed the destruction of our reefs. Period.

    We must move ahead with the sustainable solution to the sewage outflow.

    Despite the fact that money laundering is rampant in the EU, Britain and America, we cannot run about complaining and asking for concessionary funding and debt relief while allowing the island to be buried under the weight of corruption. Corruption drains an economy.

    If we want others to consider our plight we must first do our best to improve our own lot.

    And finally to Angela Cox, we call you yardfowl not for raising issues and critcising the government but because you would defend everything you now raise and criticise if it was done by the DLP.

    P.S. Gotta research the Lancaster land alleged renege.


    Artax! Help muh nuh! Uh sleep blogging.

  41. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Don’t mind them, they rushed and hurried to acquire a domain name instead of taking the time to build a website, 2 weeks or less, and it backfired…talking bout they were working on it for 2 whole years and no page or website until this cockup…….steupse.

  42. 555dubstreet

    In my mind….star the human mind is so unreliable and I will never give any credit to it. Now with that out the way, in your mind, you think that I think that my tales are fascinating and my jokes are funny …. but I am in no way think that Dred. ….I am just put it out there and that is all….

  43. 😃My 5year fruens helt me😀
    Nice reply.

  44. Serious note:
    Trying to link these recent gaffes to 2018 (and therefore the DLP) is a mistake. If they were unable to manage spending $750K, if it takes them two years to develop a website, then it is fair to question the haste of hiring White Hoax. Do you realize that White Hoax which is one of their ‘stellar achievements’ was not mentioned.

    Were our negotiators able to get the best deal for the money?? I Am beginning to lose confidence in this team

  45. @ TheOGazerts,

    I cut and paste this.

    ” Brand drivers are a set of adjectives that describe your organization and are used as a way to influence your branding in the marketplace. … The marketplace, your customers, and others outside of your organization are the ones who actually determine what your branding is.”

  46. @Hants


  47. TheO

    The Bs Were In power for most if 2018

    WHO is trying to link anything to the dlp

    There is enuff info in the media that all know the Two Were under blp

    The guy even Said Kerry symonds was minister not Lisa.

  48. @John2
    You may be an honest man and on top of the news. The average Bajan will not do a rigorous analysis like you do.

    A simpleton like myself hears of the lost decade (2008-2018) and as soon as I hear 2018, I think of the DLP.

    You cannot take everything at face value. The subliminal messaging should not be ignored.

    Father forgive them, for they know what they do

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