The politics practised in Barbados is based on the adversarial system borrowed from the colonial master. There is the opposite more consensus (constructive) type of politics but such as approach seems esoteric and anathema to who we have been educated to be. 

The first past the post system gives the victor the spoils and leaves no room for political parties to meaningfully collaborate on issues of national importance. To observers a key differentiator between political parties in the adversarial system is the ability to generate criticism even when it is not warranted. The result is a torrent of vacuous commentary useless to adding value to what is required.

There is a thin line to observe when critiquing the ability of a people in a well functioning democracy the right to dissent that has oversight for the collective. The challenge will always be the ability of the national leadership to contribute to an ethos that encourages cognitive reasoning.

We enter a period of transition to a Republican style system to signal to our people we must be craftsmen of our fate to continually search for ways to unshackle our minds from mental slavery. Whether in thought words, deeds and use of symbols educating our people that indigenous and original thinking must define and give vent to who we are as Barbadians must be prioritized. This critique must extend to the system of politics influencing how we govern.

In simple analogy, if there is a tumour in the body the best chance of survival is to remove it. If we survey the social and economic landscape of Barbados it is honest to surmise that there has been an alarming degradation of systems and quality of life for Barbadians; there is an inertia that breaths life to the cliche we suffer from implementation deficit, a casual acceptance that indiscipline in our people is reflected in wanton lawlessness; crime, disrespect for the environment and so on. To the detractors, quality of life is based on the criteria of the human development index.

To fundamentally change anything one must effect changes at the root cause. The governance system has relaxed to the point people participation is only required when the political class calls an election. Placing an X on a ballot is just one means of citizen participation in a healthy democracy. We have to modify the current system of governance to encourage every day citizen participation. We must be able to leverage from the majority of what is deposited in the national knowledge pool. The culture of secrecy by central government and the public service, a legacy of our colonial past has to change.

Nearly 50 years our elected officials (DLP and BLP) have avoided enacting and operationalizing transparency legislation. Talking heads from both political parties and members of the political class present ‘compelling’ reasons why the legislation and supporting activity has not been implemented AND we supinely accept it. Who should be blamed for the current state of affairs? The politicians mirror YOU, YOU, YOU. We were raised in the same neighbourhoods, attended the same schools, hangout in the same bars and restaurants, marry into families. Politicians are not aliens, they are born from the same environment we are part. For there to be meaningful change YOU, YOU and YOU must lead the CHANGE.

You, You and You must become more involved in the running of the country. Demand more from our leadership via the channels available, protest action and other forms of civil disobedience. Disengagement is not a sensible option.

208 responses to “BLP and DLP Cancer of Adversarial Politics”

  1. We give you the cancer of DLP and BLP politics.

  2. U go Verla tell this govt what a bunch of headless chickens they are

  3. Allow me to compliment you for bringing this issue to our attention. This was the equivalent of a highly paid no-show job.

    It also highlight the lack of creativity or original thought in our visionaries.

    It is not my intention to criticize, but I am forced to wonder if there is any oversight/research in these departments.

    It is a pleasure to watch you bring these topics for discussion. You go girl.

    As a patriot I will provide the GOB with several slogans for US $50k.
    You work hard, do relax hard. Visit Barbados.
    It’s summer. The birds have joined us in lovely Barbados. Why don’t you?
    (Please send my check via the blogmaster)

    All jokes aside. They could have held a competition and give the winner $25K BDS. Just giving friends a briefcase full of money.

  4. A fellow will get vex with me and say I throwing shade and accept these donations to friends as good business.

    They could have PLT some of this money.

    Let me also inform the “You and You and You” crowd, I did not sign the give away check.

  5. David and his many side kicks would blast me for bringing these issues to the forum
    Issues that lends themselves to transparency and accountability
    Hot topics which Mia took hold of and which the made promises of correcting
    Now the two horses accountability and transparency has bolted and nowhere to be found or seen within this present govt
    Go figure

  6. Slogans, logos, catch phrases, mottos all just hype!

    I love Barbdos but…..

    Damn place too dirty! Too many dilapidated buildings, overgrown lots.

    First, clean up the island…. then big up Barbados! For chrissake, it is a mere 166 square miles. What could be so hard about it????

    And yes, I know they will say they have started but I have seen no action up this side whatsoever.

    My Environmental Officer has not been sighted in the area for over 11 years. The Health Inspectors used to be seen frequently when I was young. They even used to come inside to check your vases for mosquitos.

    Now their name has changed to “Officer” I wonder what they get paid for doing. Bet they still claim travel though!

  7. One must wonder if they lack the expertise to manage this simple negotiation/transaction, then White Hoax must also be a give away. There is an odor of …. slowly creeping into these transactions.
    AC, it is incumbent upon you to publish your list of hits at the beginning of every month.

    Have a great day folks.

  8. Officer occupies an office. no?
    Talking about mosquitoes, I would like the officers to know that the mosquitoes out here doing home invasions and inflicting serious bodily harm. We need help urgently. Like breaking news urgent then, Good thing the rain isn’t falling… caw le muh tehre.

  9. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    ya think…wuh if the slogan is already used in multiple countries….all they needed is permission, they did not need to pay for anything, so what was the 375,000 for and WHO DID IT GO TO…

    .there was no work for anyone to do, when i want to use someone’s intellectual property i shoot them over a request….end of..

  10. You are aware the blogmaster posted a Nation newspaper article early this morning and in it Chairman of the BTMI Roseanne Myers confirmed an investigation is ongoing to determine what happened?

  11. We too like chasing horses. Yes?
    Look I want a job cause de shop ain’t making nuh money.
    I gine check the horses before they bolt.

  12. Jersey – Little Island, Big Spirit
    Bermuda – Little Island, Big Adventure

    Oh loss. AC got this one right.

    Little Island, Big Stupse…

    How much it cost boss?

    Money easy fuh some.

  13. I remember the ad for the Little Man with a lot to offer.

    At least he had something to offer.

  14. DavidMay 24, 2021 3:12 PM

    You are aware the blogmaster posted a Nation newspaper article early this morning and in it Chairman of the BTMI Roseanne Myers confirmed an investigation is ongoing to determine what happened?

    Are you aware that this kind of behavior has been exhibited by this govt and its official time and time again
    How many PR excuses must be given and accepted by the public
    These embarrassing scenarios have no place in government
    There comes a time when people of your red color leaning ought to say enough is enough
    Investigation can cloud or declare whatever fits govt purpose
    Too many investigations so far in two years that have lead to nowhere and has been swept under the rug

  15. “The blogmaster had unrealistic expectations it seems that this particular blog would have teased comments about how we can tweak the governance system to arrest some of the dysfunction we are seeing manifested in our day to day.”

    How you expect sows to pur?🤣🤣

  16. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Fowl Slave…get a life, there is nothing else left to tief or sell out…

    everything good that happens for the island going forward will be the youngsters who are the future, ushering in changes..

    …yall are washed up damaged goods, ya can’t even tief without getting caught these day……

  17. The blogmaster is looking for tweaks to an obsolete engine. Some of us are looking to build a new engine. This is not going to be a quick fix. New mindsets must first be cultivated.

  18. Little island, big foul up! AGAIN! I find it amazing that tourism officials are unaware of Bermuda’s slogan.

  19. I got blue blister on BU when I said the slogan was catchy and made sense. Now look 8 other countries previously thought so too. The Chairman need not be defensive, it is already done and clearly 7 destinations copied the slogan. Move full speed ahead and make it work.🤣🤣🤣

  20. President of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), Verla de Peiza feels Barbadian taxpayers should get their money back after the job done by the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) in relaunching the island’s tourism product.

    The Dems leader said using a tag line that other destinations are working to the bone is a misstep, and cited Bermuda, Taiwan, Jersey, Bequia, Slovakia, Malta, Jamaica and Micronesia as countries which had worn the theme thin.

    Florida Drivers With No DUIs Getting A Pay Day On Monday
    Florida Drivers With No DUIs Getting A Pay Day On Monday
    “The BTMI obviously was not minding its business,” De Peiza said.

    “We are now hearing from the BTMI chairman Roseanne Myers that there will be an ‘internal investigation’ into the fact that our marketing initiative is not original.

    “Please note this follows the Tourism Minister Lisa Cummins’ earlier stout defence of the same tag line.”

    The Dems candidate for St. Lucy said the development was just one in a series of blunders from the current administration and they are happening in established ministries with well-qualified and experienced team members who have assisted in the country’s superlative achievements over the years prior.

    “Why are we now failing at the simple things?” she said. “Barbados can and must do better. But right now we the taxpayers should get that money back.”


    Her comments come after it trended on social media over the weeked that BTMI’s “Little Island, Big Barbados” theme was not original, and had been previously used by at least six international jurisdictions also looking to market their tourism products to the world.

    “Barbados’ taxpayers were appalled to learn last week that this country paid approximately three quarters of a million dollars for a tourism promotion tag line that other countries already use,” the DLP leader said. “It is alleged that we forked out approximately US $375,000 (BDS$750,000) for the tag line, ‘Little Island, Big Barbados’.”

    De Peiza, the DLP’s first female leader, said the BTMI needs to tell the country exactly how much this faux pas cost Barbadians.

    “We also deserve to get back every cent,” she said.

    She added Barbados is accustomed to using tag lines that the world admires.

    “They were unique,” she said. “They were memorable. They evoked all the images we as a holiday destination wanted to convey to the globe. ‘Tourism Is Our Business- Let’s Play Our Part’ and ‘Barbados: Just Beyond Your Imagination’ still remain top of mind to this day. Barbados has a brand personality that millions can relate to; we just required a tag line to robustly reflect that personality.”

    The Dems leader said using a tag line that other destinations are working to the bone is a misstep, and cited Bermuda, Taiwan, Jersey, Bequia, Slovakia, Malta, Jamaica and Micronesia as countries which had worn the theme
    “The BTMI obviously was not minding its business,” De Peiza said.

    “We are now hearing from the BTMI chairman Roseanne Myers that there will be an ‘internal investigation’ into the fact that our marketing initiative is not original.

    “Please note this follows the Tourism Minister Lisa Cummins’ earlier stout defence of the same tag line.”

    The Dems candidate for St. Lucy said the development was just one in a series of blunders from the current administration and they are happening in established ministries with well-qualified and experienced team members who have assisted in the country’s superlative achievements over the years prior.

    “Why are we now failing at the simple things?” she said. “Barbados can and must do better. But right now we the taxpayers should get that money back.”


  21. Wura de Salemite
    You must be in love with me. Oh dear. 🤣

  22. I actually agree that the slogan makes some sense, but adjusted in the context of historical tourism culture.

    Here it is, Little Island, Big Bamboo.

    Little Island, Big Sweetness.

    Little Island, Big Sprawling Bawling.

    Little Island, Big Blunt.

    These can be interchanged at will during the jingles.

  23. Another hot and sweaty idea that cost the taxpayers a big whopping 750 bds
    Just think how many small business that money could help
    In the past two years big business inside and outside have shared on the Barbados pie
    While small business has been asked to hold strain
    The cruise industry must be having a big belly laugh
    Destroying our reefs
    Govt giving berthing brakes
    Now a big one armed bandit slithered and gobbled up 750Bds just like that
    Wouldn’t be surprised if this was a one man unknown agency that govt officials used
    This govt has given new meaning to many hands make light work

  24. I mentioned on the next thread that local communities could have village assemblies like in Africa to discuss political issues to develop solutions and build consensus..

    .. but is it possible to discuss politics and keep the temperature down without the egos shouting and fighting or even getting violent

    .. politics on TV has a lot of shouting in debates and can have protestors and counter protestors and can turn into mobs fighting

  25. Little Island big punches
    Oh lord I just stole that from Kofi Annan

  26. @enuff

    The more pertinent issue is why should Barbados pay the reported sum for a concept already in play. We forget that other countries copied the welcome visa after Barbados released it. There is nothing new under the sun is your point? Unfortunately in the adversarial system of government practised we will see a loop of these reactions.

  27. Barbados is a Little Island

    it would be even smaller with erosion of the beaches

    which can happen when you damage coral reefs

    building breakwaters only redirects damage to other areas

  28. David
    Agree. Unless it’s more than the slogan.

  29. DavidMay 24, 2021 5:28 PM


    . We forget that other countries copied the welcome visa after Barbados released it. There is nothing new under the sun is your point?

    Is that your defense u can do better than that

  30. @enuff

    Cannot imagine the money reported was paid for just the tagline. It must include creatives, media placement, website design, SEO managment etc. Hopefully we will be told as promised by Myers.

  31. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    yuh hear lie…am sure one of the fowl Slaves got on this very blog and said the concept from PLT was already in other jurisdictions….once others realized that other countries were already using it, they did the same..

    PLT never claimed to hold the patent…

    and he told what he knew as a gift to the island…

  32. The tourism officials sure messed up!
    Personally, I find I find the slogan clumsy and stupid.

  33. DavidMay 24, 2021 6:08 PM


    Cannot imagine the money reported was paid for just the tagline. It must include creatives, media placement, website design, SEO managment etc. Hopefully we will be told as prpmised by Myers


    How could it be when the ad was copied
    The money went directly into management coffers
    Don’t expect a full answer
    This govt feet has not been held to the fire

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Slow Thinker Enuff….yall better start itemizing..

  35. AC do us a favour do not pollute the blog with your nightwatchman foolish talk.For someone who swore they had never been in george street or close to any dem politician you sure have a lot of the dems business.You evev calling Ms Depeiza Verla.In my view this proves you are a liar and a fraud.Newsflash unless Ms Depeiza is endprsed by Mr Kellman and that is a big if she is wasting her time in St Lucy.It appears few people in St Lucy knows anything about her and most do not seem interested in her given her past performance or lack thereof.

  36. LorenzoMay 24, 2021 6:37 PM

    AC do us a favour do not pollute the blog with your nightwatchman foolish talk.For someone who swore they had never been in george street or close to any dem politician you sure have a lot of the dems business.You evev calling Ms Depeiza Verla.In my view this proves you are a liar and a fraud.Newsflash unless Ms Depeiza is endprsed by Mr Kellman and that is a big if she is wasting her time in St Lucy.It appears few people in St Lucy knows anything about her and most do not seem interested in her given her past performance or lack thereof.

    Lorenzo look at that all them words for a long

  37. In cuntries like USA and UK you can see standards of politics have gone downhill since internet with racist populist trolling psyops memes and tropes going viral. In Barbados on Bu a few characters keep repeating the same mindless things over and over again ad nauseam. Eventually it trickles down to politicians who take their cues from the dumbed down soundbites and hyperbole and nonsense wins the day.

  38. Remember when past govt had put in place a football program geared to helping youth off the street
    What happened to it

  39. Not one cent free of charge

    Lil Barbados
    Big Cabinet

  40. Yuh mean that “Just beyond your imagination” was old and outdated? And if the Gov’t celebrates a worn-out cliché that worked for other countries should we be concerned? Only if they represented it as original, but the new tagline proves that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, meanwhile some Madison Avenue Bean counter must be celebrating the easiest money they ever made.

    BTW since the slogan or something similar was used by Jamaica it just adds to the inevitable “Barbados? What part of Jamaica is that”?

  41. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Playing football on the block all day without a source of income cannot feed the youth…the worse thing that happened for Barbados, two negro governments crawled out of slavery and emancipation with not one useful brain cell between them…and, they have crawled out every 5 years for the last 54 years and they keep crawling out still.

    the people are responsible for STOPPING THEM.

  42. “Playing football on the block all day without a source of income cannot feed the youth……the worse thing that happened for Barbados, two negro governments crawled out of slavery and emancipation with not one useful brain cell between them…..”

    Agreed….. couldn’t have ‘said’ it better myself. And, the stupid yard-fowls would come out trying to convince us that a 6/52 weeks football tournament was the answer for solving all the youth’s problems. One ‘keyboard warrior’ even described it as being “geared to helping youth off the street.” It was also touted as source for providing employment as vendors.

    So, what happened after the 6 weeks tournament was over?

    Well, the youth RETURNED to the street and vendors UNEMPLOYED for 46/52 weeks, while waiting for handouts from the following year’s tournament.

    Problem solved.

  43. It is difficult to get a firm understanding of Barbados and Barbadians.

    Let us agree that we have Salemites, pick-a-noise and critics. The ‘reverse’ group is also present.

    Given the presence of the first group, how does the GoB get caught in these situations?
    Is the government hard-ears?
    Do supporters believe that calling those who see differently a bunch of names will silence them?

    And when officials are caught in their folly after not listening or seeking advice from the public they sent out a ‘clean-up crew’ to throw the full responsibility on you and you and you?

    A competition would have made the average Barbadian become involved and feel vested in the campaign. Does government believe the people are too dumb to think of a slogan?

    And yet these brilliants officials paid almost BDS $1M for a slogan any dumb Bajan could have also ripped off from the internet. Well this dumb Bajan think the whole effort was a rip-off, a con, a no-show job and a good example of cronyism and failure of management.

    Amazingly, the ‘reverse’ group believe they can run interference and discourage differing opinions. How is that working out?

  44. Now all over social media the laughter is so loud my ears are ringing lil Barbados with a bunch of buffoons running the country
    Don’t expect to get money back 750 hundred and fifty thousand dollars gone like that
    Meanwhile retrenched workers have been on hands and knees begging for their severance
    What a thing doah

  45. This govt never had any faith in its own people
    From day one this govt look outside when having to seek advice for issues that involved managing the country
    White Oaks came in through the back door when govt was asked why not find some one from within the small nations
    Govt reply there was none that could do the job

  46. “Amazingly, the ‘reverse’ group believe they can run interference and discourage differing opinions. How is that working out?”

    Little Barbados. Little Brains.
    An Underdeveloped Nation with Underdeveloped Minds.

    Come see the Slaves.

  47. In the Games of the Minds, Harold Austin used to report that, British Negros were better than Bajan Negroes and Bajan Negroes were better than American Negroes, which must be true if it is in the HA News.

  48. Such logic! She calls her “Verla” so she must be meeting her at George Street.

    Freundel, Tom, Owen, Mia, Dipper, Bree, Sandi, David – did all of Barbados know them personally.

    We call them by their first names or we give them nicknames.

    I hold no brief for Angela Cox. Simply noting that she has landed a punch upside yuh head and got yuh talking idle.

  49. “I hold no brief for Angela Cox. Simply noting that she has landed a punch upside yuh head and got yuh talking idle.”

    in the media and Government propaganda wars all ideas come from peoples minds

    which explains old trope of white supremacy and white peoples minds

    and the new takeover of social media by rightwing racists

    and Trump and Brexit and Johnson winning power

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