Dear Hon Prime Minister Mia Mottley.

I hereby resubmit my request for your intervention to address another case of classism and discrimination directed at Black man. I sent you the letter below THREE years ago. The situation has deteriorated since. I do not have you on speed dial which explains my use of this arcane mode of communication. For your information Prime Minister Mottley your Press Secretary Roy Morris is fully briefed about my matter, he highlighted same when he was Managing Editor of the Nation Newspaper many years ago – Arden BLACKMAN

Hon. Mia Mottley, QC., M.P

Prime Minister

Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment

Government Headquarters

Bay St, St. Michael

27 March 2019.

Dear, Honourable Prime Minister.

I refrained in the past years from seeking a political intervention of the highest. But, must do so. Hon. Prime Minister, I am requesting your intervention for an urgent, justly rectification of a dangerous situation, caused by a “Wrongful Created Private Botch Road within and across a Natural Watercourse, above Clarke’s Road, St. James. That happened under a previous B.L.P Government.

I will outline two main reasons for requesting your intervention upfront, the other reasons will become apparent.

(1)The fact that a remedy is yet, to be carry out by the Chief Technical Officer of M.T.W, who has the authority to do so.

(2) The political efforts in 2006-8 of B.L.P, M.P for St. James Central, The Hon. Minister Mr. Kerrie Symmonds M.P, to obtained a remedy to the dangerous situation on behalf on his constituents, failed by 2008, and continued to fail.

Hon. Prime Minister, I am very familiar with this location from 1978. And lived here since 1982, the top of dead-end Clarke’s Road, adjacent to a Natural Watercourse. This said course is situated between Chapel Gap and Clarke’s Road. The course was deep, never overflowed, during the mention times. Therefore, no foreseeable flooding risk. There were never a vehicular through public or private road, from Appleby or Chapel Gap, to or across the said watercourse.

In 2002, a British ex-pat White person, appeared with the services of heavy equipment, took the liberty to go from Appleby, across an open lot of an absentee land owner, and wrongfully altered the natural watercourse, by removing both edges. Thereby, creating a path/road across the said course, to her lot on the north.

Later in 2002, Pat Brayshaw commissioned further wrongful alterations, to the said watercourse, by placing boulders within, and along the land mark centre, that narrowed the course, for a built-up increase of level land to joined the across path/road, and created a wrongful private botch road, from Appleby, across the said absentee land owner lot, and watercourse, to Chapel Gap, vice versa. Thereby, causing the first flooding, I witness in my years of knowing this watercourse.

Hon. Prime Minister, Due to the proximity of my home, below the wrongfully altered course, the results from recurring flooding, caused severed damages to my surrounding, and caused me to made several changes to my home.

I complained verbally to the Drainage Unit in 2003, an Officer visited the site, and in conversation, said the encroachment is illegal, he will report to Drainage Director. I found out he never reported, when I went to the Drainage Unit Office, almost a year later.

The information from Drainage Office. Stated that Drainage don’t have the Equipment to removed the boulders or restored the course. Drainage Director directed me to M.T.W, Deputy C.T.O, Mr. Philip Tudor, in our telephone conversation about my complaint, and plea for a remedy. Mr. Tudor said, what was done to the watercourse is illegal. He promised to have the boulders removed and the course restored, Nothing happened to this day.

I then turned to M.T.W, C.T.O, Frank Thornhill who (almost) recited, what Mr. Tudor said of the situation and the actions that will be taken. The almost, is that Mr. Thornhill is the Chief Technical Officer. The promised actions of both top Technical Officers have not yet, materialized.

Hon. Prime Minister, The dangerous situation at the water-course, became worse, due to an obvious biased. Arthur’s Construction, wrongfully placed B.W.A pipes, into a part of my adjacent backyard, that was eroded by redirected spread flooding, from the illegal road within, and across the course. For two purposes ( 1 ) To saved company cost of cutting track. ( 2 ) To ensured the wrongful private botch road, probably built by the said company in 2002  remained. As a result of those unjustly actions, combined with the inactions to, and overlooking of, the dangerous situation by the then M.T.W, C.T.O. Mr. Frank Thornhill and Deputy C.T.O, Mr. Philip Tudor. The Black Residents had to endured the results of Clarke’s Road becoming the new watercourse

late 2006 I asked Mr. Roy Morris of the Nation newspaper, to highlight my plight, due to wrongful created dangerous encroachment, and the shoddy job of Arthur’s Construction. From what Mr. Morris saw, and his investigation, he published an article “St. James man fearing the worst” in The Nation on 26 October 2006. I was then enlighten years after making verbal complaints, that an Official of the Ministry, said Mr. Blackman must make an Official complaint in writing.

After that, I made written and verbal complaints, requesting a remedy to the said dangerous situation. Only to be completely ignored, by the then M.T.W, C.T.O, Thornhill and Deputy C.T.O Tudor who reneged on all verbally made undertakings of remedying the watercourse..

One response came from the Ministry of Environment and Drainage in 2015, informing me that the authority in the “prevention of floods Act Cap 235 section 6B and 7” to carry out remedy of watercourses, lies with the C.T.O of M.T.W.

The Nation Newspaper published two other articles highlighting the dangerous situation in the watercourse. The last article by Ms. Maria Bradshaw highlighted the November 2016 flooding in Clarkes Road, that caused damages to residents.

The muchly read Barbados Underground that bring news and opinions to the people ( that certain people want to hide) highlighted this dangerous situation in many articles over the years. But, M.T.W, Top Technical Officers continued inaction, and ignored the plights of Black Residents in Clarke’s Road

As if the apparent continued ignoring, inaction to the caused were not enough. M.T.W, said Top Technical Officers, discriminatory assisting in the upkeep of this wrongful created private botch road, leading up to the 2013 General Election. Tasked M.T.W. work men paved said road, supervised by the then D.L.P, M.P for St James Central. Mr. George Hutson

I email a letter requesting an urgent rectification of said wrongful dangerous situation, to our new Minister of Transport, Works and Maintenance, Dr. Hon. William Duguid, J.P MP.( I thank him for his quick reply) on 24, Feb 2019 he stated, “I have asked for a Town Planning Enforcement notice, that is the first stage”.( that was 3 years ago )

Hon. Prime Minister, M.T.W, D.C.T.O, Mr. Philip Tudor email me for the first time in 15+years, about a comment I made on Face- Book about his inaction to the watercourse situation. He stated on 20, Feb 2019 “ that this matter was referred to the chief Town Planner whose agency is responsible for issuing enforcement notices please note that no demolition of this structure. in St. James could have been carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Work without the prior authorization of Town and Country Planning Department. To-date we Have received no such authorization. I will however contact the Chief Town Planner in an effort to see if this situation can be remedied before the 2019 hurricane season”.

Hon. Prime Minister, Certainly, with all due respect, this wrongful created dangerous situation, is deserving of  much more attention, than a 14 worded statement, from the Hon. Minister Duguid (due to the fact that Town and Country Planning, has nothing to do with an encroachment within and across the watercourse.

Did M.T.W, CTO Frank Thornhill or Deputy C.T.O, Philip Tudor, seek Town and Country Planning authorization, to removed or demolished the boulders, after It was brought to they attention, and a formal verbal pledge made to remedy and restored the watercourse in 2004 ?

Who or what hindered, Hon. Minister Kerrie Symmonds during 2006-2008 from obtaining a remedy to the said dangerous situation ?.

Why did M.T.W, maintained the said wrongful private botch road across, within, and along the centre of a watercourse, leading up to 2013 General Election, despite the fact that from 2002, the said road caused flooding in The Black Residential Area of Clarke’s Road ?.

Who at M.T.W, authorized the asphalt paving of the said wrongful Private Road, who pay the cost ?.

Hon Prime Minister, the blatant discriminatory assistance to the wrongfully placed private botch road, that caused the dangerous situation, was enable by M.T.W. Top Technical Officers and others concerted corruption.

Hon. Prime Minister, there is a need for an urgent justly intervention, attention, and rectification of this wrongful created dangerous situation.

Best Regards.

Alden Blackman

101 responses to “Plight of an Honest Blackman – Speed Dials and Privileges (2)”

  1. @William

    We are saying the same thing with one difference you cannot deny, enuff as far as the blogmaster is aware and he should be has never been verbally abusive on the blog.

  2. @ William Skinner





  3. I am also very very confused, but, i am thanking all of you for the support to Mr. Blackman continuous efforts, in asking the Black public Officers at MTW who are given authority to DO, OR NOT DO to stop the discrimination.

  4. @William
    There is a difference
    I have never voted for either party
    Never met any of the ministers or members
    Never set foot in George St
    Never engaged with planning any of any of the political campaigns
    My only interest lies with the country and people

  5. I, I, I always about you. Every blog you find a way to turn it to rh you. This blog is about supporting a Black man.

  6. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    Where did I average accuse @Enuff as being abusive?
    Anyway, I have made myself very clear.
    Keep up the good work. I dun wid dat.

  7. William Skinner Avatar

    “ ever” accuse, not average.

  8. @William

    You need to read with understanding. The point is that enuff is never offensive in posting comments.

  9. DavidApril 13, 2021 12:29 PM

    I, I, I always about you. Every blog you find a way to turn it to rh you. This blog is about supporting a Black man.

    Just ignore my comments then nothing would be about me
    I flip the pages and on every page whatever comments I made some of the blp yardfowls cannot resist but to respond
    Now yuh blame me for starting the crap

  10. The blogmaster has seen a communication where the PS in the ministry of transport has been instructed to report on the matter. We look forward to some win win to the matter in the not too distant future.

  11. Mr Skinner trust you to come to AC defence.What is the problem you taking up your pal Austin, s role? I maintain you are less obvious than AC but sing from the same choir.AC is quite capable of defending herself.As Artax states you behave like a child sometimes dropping s lot of low talk whenever domeone criticize you.Who the hell are you? I was off this blog gor sometime but i saw you post some ctsp about Austin having some column with his picture. Who gives a rat, s ass?David BU warned him several times about his attitude and he continued to belittle David BU.In my view he got what he deserved and i for one fo not miss his behaviour and long may it last.As for AC she is free like anyone else to post her views as she has done gor years with the blessimgs of David BU of course.

  12. Our former BU commenter and Bar Can Bar frequent flyer is hands on. lol

  13. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Lorenzo
    As you said:
    “ As for AC she is free like anyone else to post her views as she has done gor years with the blessimgs of David BU of course.“
    On that we certainly agree. Nice to read / hear you. Keep up the good work.
    Be blessed.
    NB. Please note, I only replied to you because you have never hidden where you stand.

  14. @ Lorenzo

    Please quote me correctly. I never mentioned anything about anyone behaved “like a child.”

    However, I agree with you that Coxy “is quite capable of defending herself.” But, I’m sure you’ll agree we all know where ‘she stands,’ unlike other individuals who, ‘on the surface,’ seem to be critical of the ‘duopoly,’ yet, on closer examination, their criticisms always weigh against one particular side.

  15. David,

    Is this the first time such a person has been instructed to look at it?

  16. @Donna

    Unfortunately no.

  17. Sorry, just wanted to add that at this point in time, if it is decided that there is no cause for concern then the PEOPLE need a detailed explanation. This is no longer just a Mr. Blackman issue as far as I am concerned.

    I have been waiting for somebody to bring up our own potential Bajan George Floyd police probe.

    It was on the front page of the Sunday Sun.

    What gives?

  18. Our COP tends to be comfortable in silent mode. The recent hullabaloo at Deacons Road is another example.

  19. This News Flash is for Maria Bradshaw of the Nation. who ask Mr. Blackman 3years ago, to tell her when PM Mottley respond to his complaint. Ms. Bradshaw the PS for PM has responded. please stay tune

  20. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ all:
    There are two main ways to get attention from any public or private entity. Get it in the Nation and or go on Brasstacks.
    This has been the case for donkey years.
    In terms of those who occupy electoral or senatorial positions, the only credible voice , at this time is Senator Caswell Franklyn.
    I figure that if the above fails we turn to BU and other social media. Of course, these days , they are considered to be only purveyors of “ fake news “. Funny how nothing changes .
    After the ball was over Mary took off her wooden legs………. what has become of my Mary after the ball…… ( apologies to the Merrymen)

  21. @ David BU
    @ Donna

    Yes, Donna this is the first time a PS has responded to Mr. Blackman since he and I started writing to Ministries, due to published advise of Roy Morris article in the Nation in 2006. stay tune, for the reasons why the Ministry of Transport and Works, can-not be a reliable Ministry to report in this case.

  22. Watchman,

    For the sake of clarity, who replied – the PS for PM Office or Transport Ministry?

  23. Admin responded on behalf of the PS in the PMs office.

  24. @ David
    Thank, for following this case, you are correct with the steps of the respond from the PM Office.

  25. The Ministry of MTW is not qualified to present any report since all of the Ministry Technical Officers actions from 2004, were bias and extremely discriminatory against Mr. Blackman when his verbal complaints were made, to the Ministry of Transport and Works. The then Chief Technical Officer, Frank Thornhill and present Deputy CTO Philip Tudor, both public officers, admittingly stated the placing of the private road, contravene the Prevention of Floods Act Cap 235. Yet, no action by the said Officers to correct the obstruction in the watercourse, after years of written complaints to MTW, 3 Ministers, 5 PS, 4 CTO, and the present DCTO, with no respond from 2006 to the present. But, Before the 2013 General Election, the MTW said two Technical Officers, clearly showed their bias against Mr. Blackman, who lived next to the said watercourse in an extremely discriminatory action by sending MTW workmen to paved the said botch road within the watercourse.

  26. Then let us hope just one last time! Not for too long though.

  27. ” paved the said botch road within the watercourse.”

    The road should NOT have been built in the watercourse.

    The extraordinary actions to assist Pat Brayshaw is unfathomable.

    Government was able tochange the watercources leading into the rivers in Holetown.

    Surely they can remove the road and restore and enhance the watercourse next to Alden Blackman’s house

  28. @Hants

    Construction of roads and houses are built in watercourse areas all the time over here. Prior Park is one area that comes to mind.

  29. @ David,

    There was no justification for building and paving that road in the watercourse next to Alden Blackman.

  30. The actions of MTW Officers beg to be ask, who got money. when Pat Brayshaw first built out into the watercourse, the action was to reclaim land from within the watercourse by a built up of boulders. Pat Brayshaw was made to realize, she had to provide a road for the plot behind her. With no respect for Barbados laws, as pertaining to watercourse obstruction, Pat Brayshaw, with the help of enablers at MTW, created the private road, that said created road was maintained by MTW. What would make a Chief Technical Officers of MTW who have the authority to prevent, but allowed the destruction of a watercourse. Deputy CTO Philip Tudor have the answer .

  31. Mr.Blackman and l was a bit relieved until reading the MTW will investigate and report , we hope the PM know that Minister Duguid was the minister of MTW in 2018 , did he get the report he stated in an email to Mr Blackman that he ask his Technical Officials for., Until Mr Blackman look out his window and see action to rectify the problem of obstruction . this talk about reporting back is just asbestos for any kind of perceived heat.




    Clean-up begins at Cheapside Terminal

    The clean-up of the Cheapside Terminal in St Michael is underway, says director of the Transport Authority Ruth Holder.

    She gave that update on Thursday morning following complaints from drivers and the Alliance Owners of Public Transport (AOPT).

    “It’s in an untidy state, similar to what the country is going through right now. This is not anything that is peculiar to Cheapside but we are making our best efforts to get it correct and rectified,” Holder said.

    Holder was speaking after AOPT Chairman Roy Raphael and director of complaints Craig Banfield also visited the terminal. They said since the start of the week drivers and commuters had complained about the buildup of volcanic ash which made a mess, especially when the vehicles exited the terminal.
    They were disappointed no attempts were made to clean it earlier.

    Barbados is being affected by ash from explosive eruptions of the La Soufriere Volcano in St Vincent.

    The volcano began erupting explosively last Friday. A national clean-up campaign was launched on Monday to avoid build-up of the ash. (TG)

  33. @ Hunts

    MTW did not built the watercourse, for years the watercourse function as a natural course during heavy rain fall. the British ex-pat removed the watercourse edges, then proceeded by building a boulders wall within the watercourse that narrowed, and obstructed the watercourse. The unjustified actions were acknowledge by MTW CTO ,Frank Thornhill and Deputy. CTO Philip Tudor as illegal yet, ignored the complaints from 2004. Mr. Blackman and I will stay with this complaint until it is rectify. Our problems to date are that in this case. the order to rectify does not come from what the prevention of flood Act says, it must come from people like Prime Ministers, MTW Ministers, MTW PS, MTW CTO, and DCTO who have circumvent such laws, with classism, discrimination, and victimization, this Black man and poor Black people in general will always be marginalized

  34. @ Hunts

    MTW TOP TECHNICAL OFFICERS knowingly paved an illegal private road, built by a WHITE EX-PAT, despite, the fact that said road obstruct the watercourse and redirected flooding to the BLACK resident

  35. If you are Black in Barbados and have a beef with a white person you will lose that fight. Bajans for most part love to kiss a white person ass. They not going to help you and the other people of the area. They may come by about a week before the next election promising you the sky and all the stars within. Please don’t fall for that. Your next move is to take legal action, that will get a reaction

  36. If you are Black in Barbados and have a beef with a white person you will lose that fight. Bajans for most part love to kiss a white person ass. They not going to help you and the other people of the area. They may come by about a week before the next election promising you the sky and all the stars within. Please don’t fall for that. Your next move is to take legal action, that will get a reaction

  37. Eventually Mr. Blackman will take legal action.

  38. If I were in danger of being washed away like Carew I fear somebody would be taking legal action against me!

  39. In a peaceful confrontation with a NTW top Technical Officer, on a road project (who shall remain nameless for now) our conversation was about the discriminatory and victimization actions meted out to Mr. Blackman. I asked him how come the Chief Technical Officer could circumvent his authority by ignoring, overlooking and refusing to carry out the prevention of floods at the watercourse. The said Officer insinuated that Mr. Blackman should keep his ass quiet and stay out the press, he stated the same Act give the MTW CTO the power to recommend acquisition of Mr. Blackman property for the public used. We were about to meet with Lynette Eastmond, we aborted, keep quiet, and witness what happen in Bay Street. On February 20,2019 Mr. Blackman received an email from Philip Tudor, it was Cc to Miaamormottley and Kerrielaw. The fabricated email is/was an effort to coverup his inaction pertaining to the blocking of the watercourse. The email work, that was 3 years ago. The watercourse is still obstructed with a private road. That is the kind of classism practice by Mia Mottley, Kerrie Symmond and Philip Tudor, which led to Mr. Blackman victimization

  40. The said Officer insinuated that Mr. Blackman should keep his ass quiet and stay out the press, he stated the same Act give the MTW CTO the power to recommend acquisition of Mr. Blackman property for the public used. We were about to meet with Lynette Eastmond, we aborted, keep quiet, and witness what happen in Bay Street. On February 20,2019 Mr. Blackman received an email from Philip Tudor, it was Cc to Miaamormottley and Kerrielaw. The fabricated email is/was an effort to coverup his inaction pertaining to the blocking of the watercourse. The email work, that was 3 years ago. The watercourse is still obstructed with a private road.

    That is the kind of classism practice by Mia Mottley, Kerrie Symmond and Philip Tudor, which led to Mr. Blackman victimization




  41. “Eventually Mr. Blackman will take legal action.”

    “Mr. Blackman can be a bad ASS but what the point.”

    There is nothing bad ass here.

  42. “The said Officer insinuated that Mr. Blackman should keep his ass quiet and stay out the press”

    That is how wickedness thrive on the island. People have to learn that it’s the criminals who benefits when no one snitches. They leave you suffering in your misery and move on to the next victim.




  44. With Mr. Blackman permission, I am seeking to get that email highlighted to show how MTW Deputy Technical Officer, Mr. Philip Tudor after a co-conspirator to ignoring and overlooking from 2004, the justly complaints and plight of Mr. Blackman. Mr. Tudor tried and may have succeeded in extricating himself from the unjustified discriminatory and victimization actions of former MTW Chief Technical Officer, Mr. Thornhill and himself. Mr. Thornhill promised the counsel at MTW that he will rectified the watercourse. He left MTW, the watercourse has deteriorated, but, Mr. Tudor is blaming the T&CPD for the delay in rectifying the watercourse despite the fact that Mr. Mark Cummings was at T&CPD, then PS at MTW. now after 3 years of complaints to Hon PM Mottley, our Dear PM asked PS of MTW, to investigate and provide her with report of a dangerous situation that MP Kerrie Symmonds, knew about from 2006. who has the power to fool who.

  45. @ watchman,
    I have full respect for your desire to support and follow the decisions of Mr Blackman.

    One of you appears to be determined to follow this avenue of frustration to the very end. You agitate and make noises and when there is sufficient noise you are seduced by promises.

    You accept these promises and stay silent until the pain becomes unbearable.
    Your appearing and disappearing reminds me very much of the boy who cried wolf. Because you are actively involved you may be able to ride it to the end: but to keyboard warriors it is an annoying yanking of the chain.

    I tell you this so that you do not wind us up and then disappear when sweet promises are whispered in your ear.

    Still unable to contribute

  46. You mentioned it was a “white” person who cause this problem but no mention what colour all those you complain to, and who do nothing.

  47. Good point…
    The power of the white woman was not something she came her with or inherited, it was ceded to her by those like himself.

  48. The Chief Technical Officer of MTW has the responsibility for watercourses, but not this watercourse, an illegal private road was built across, within, and along this watercourse then Arthur Construction returned laying BWA pipes in the said watercourse fu,,,up some more, not a word from MTW Top Technical Officers, but leading up to the General Election MTW send and paved the private road, under the supervision of George Hutson this is how classism work in Barbados POOR BLACK BARBADIANS

  49. Repost from Black man.

    Subject: Please Hon PM Mia Mottley, it is so much insulting a Blackman can take. But, is it really an unconscionable classism status quo, or delaying actions by Hon PM. Mottley to asked MTW PS to Investigate MTW, and report to her. What, when ? Hon PM Mottley the MTW discriminatory prolonged inactions, during BLP, 2004-8, DLP, 2008-2018, BLP, 2018 to date. Pertaining to the dangerous situation is stated below.

    My first conversation with MTW Deputy CTO Mr. Philip Tudor on the 23 January 2004, in which, I made my complaint, for a British ex-pat white person who severely altered a natural watercourse by building a private road, across, within, and along the said the top of Clarkes Road, Derricks. St. James.

    Mr. Tudor stated, any obstruction in a watercourse is illegal, and assured me it will be removed. But, the obstruction is still there.

    MTW.CTO Thornhill stated an assurance of rectifying the watercourse to a counsel of MTW who interceded on my behalf, the watercourse remain a danger, not rectified to this day.

    But, leading up to the 2013 General Election. MTW workers appeared, and paved the said illegal private road, enable supervision, by the then MP for St. James Central, Mr. George Hutson. CTO Thornhill, deputy CTO, or other Officer at MTW knowinglly gave an order, to pave said private road.


    When did Deputy CTO Mr Tudor referred this illegal obstruction to the Chief Town Planner ?

    What was done from 2008-2018, by CTO Mr. Thornhill, and Deputy CTO Tudor to expedite the rectification of a dangerous situation that contravene the very law MTW CTO Mr. Thornhill and his Deputy are supposed to justly carry out ?

    This is clearly a case of serious classism, by MTW. Ministers, PS and Top Technical Officers, all have acted unjustly by overlooking, and refusing to acknowledge the plight of this Black-man, pertaining to the cause. Meanwhile, MTW, Top Technical Officers knowingly provided clear favourable benefits to the British Ex-pat white woman private road, such as maintenance by paving, and discriminatory advantage of retention of an illegal private road, within, along and across a watercourse that redirect flooding, cause damage, and continue to posed a risk, to my Black family.

    Deputy CTO Mr. Philip Tudor has clearly, admittedly stated in the email below, that he is waiting on the Chief Town Planner for an enforcement notice some time ago. But he lied, I never met him. On February 20, 2019, he reiterated his effort to contact the Chief Town Planner, to see if the dangerous situation can be remedied before the 2019 hurricane season. It is 2021 the hurricane season is months away.

    Unless the necessary course of actions are seen, for rectifying the dangerous situation

    I hereby give notice of my intention to ask the Law court of Barbados for relief from the risk posed by an unjustifiable illegally created dangerous situation, in which MTW Top Technical Officers knowingly overlooked the Prevention of Floods Act stipulations for a justly remedying of the said situation. Said Top Technical Officers knowingly introduce, classism to my plight, while discriminatory enabling the cause of my plight. victimizing me by prolonged inactions, and blaming other Government Agency for the years of delays to rectify.

    Alden Blackman

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