Submitted by BU Regular

In Barbados speed dialing is usually reserved for your closest friends, your bestest buddy. That person who can get you out of jail or the mud if you need to. It is with passing interest therefore that a reputed “businessman” who was previously charged for trafficking of drugs from an area associated with certain activity was able within seconds to call a leading Minister and Member of Parliament (not his member) when confronted by the Police for what they believed was wrongdoing on Good Friday.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still concerned about the original sin of possibly breaching Covid Protocols on a clearly stated lockdown weekend. I’m also still concerned that this same flagrant breach of protocols occurred last year in the same area by the same persons. I’m similarly concerned that the Police were interrupted in their duty with a speed dial to an aunt. And we should all be concerned about the rumblings and rumours of shadows and benefactors, whether they be from white, black or red seas.

But, the absolute concern is that this “businessman” was so bold enough, so confident and so certain enough of the eventual outcome of his speed dial that he could call an aunt on speakerphone to have the Police retreat and rescind their interpretation of the activities playing out before them. All this in the earshot and view of many many persons.

What is even more farcical is the “official” response from a secretary of the press within 24 hours to spin what happened and raise even more doubts in any right-thinking Barbadian’s mind.

How many other allegations, incidents, rumours and social media posts about aunts and uncles have gone viral without responses or spin? Why is this one so important Roy? Is there fire behind the smoke??

So yes folks, privilege and access here is clear. The reason for it however is not clear (well, at least not to the average bloke). One must now wonder how many “businesspeople” in the BCCI, BPSA, BEC, SBA, shops, villages and even Social Partnership have such a powerful number on speed dial AND are bold and confident enough to use it when confronted by the Police executing their duties.

How many other calls have been made during Covid, or before Covid, or before May 2018 or during the lost decade or even during 1994-2008 that we may never hear about?

I wonder if Hamenauth Sarendranauth had the privilege of a speed dial which would take days and not weekes, if he could have avoided court, prison and now death before being sentenced.

I wonder how many other politicians, ON BOTH SIDES, are comfortable taking speed dials on loudspeaker that lead them to acting CONTRARY to the procedure of the day to the detriment and embarrassment of law-abiding public servants simply trying to do their jobs.

The old girl always said that whenever you see one flying ant by the light bulb there are usually a lot more and to expect some rain over time. In other words, shut de windows.

One thing is for sure. In this 166 square miles privileged speed dials to uncles and aunties who care and who “got this” may not be as rare as we think.

Nay I say. Instead, it should be clear to any observer that despite the talk, the cliches, the speeches and the promises this incident truly shows that This Is Who We Are.

299 responses to “Speed Dials and Privileges”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The two political scientists, whatever that is, sounds just like 2 political yardfowls…the whole episode is embarrassing and ugly…they all need to take a long look at themselves in the mirror and see that none of this is useful.


    they need to highlight the RACISM and DISCRIMINATION IN BARBADOS…that is just as ugly as any that can be found across Guyana and Trinidad….disgusting, repulsive in a Black MAJORITY country, a blight on both governments and MINISTERS WHO WILLFULLY AND MALICIOUSLY fALLOWED it to continue for 54 years…against the African descended…

    ….that is what Mia needs to explain and stop trying to shift the blame from the dirty, thieving racist minorities on to the Black police…and believe she can get away with lying like that….the only thing left to believe in using that tactic is an attempt to allow the hatred against the Black population to continue in STEALTH while pretending it no longer exists….but until it’s addressed, yall will always be SEEN AS BLACK SELLOUTS, dangerous and not to be trusted in Barbados or anywhere else, especially not on the Continent of Africa, with yardfowls willing to do anything to be betray like the traitors they are….don’t worry, they have been warned about you frauds..

  2. Donna @ ac

    DonnaApril 7, 2021 9:39 PM

    So…. where exactly is the lie, you idiot
    Here is your creation of a lie pointing in my direction stating


    Your problem is that you are missing the ass-kissing from the pretend prig of a London Liar!

    Too bad!
    Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx.
    Any how the moral of the story when u point a finger at some one the other finger is pointing back at you
    What a fowl mouth
    Too bad

  3. William Skinner
    He is on fb yesterday I copied an excellent comment he made on fb in response to Belle and Wickham defense of Mia
    I posted it on BU and David remove it
    None of the content posted contain offensive or vindictive language
    However David remove it
    On the other hand meanwhile coming from the Bu corridors at times flithy words that contain filthy language are loud and clear and the individuals spewing these obscenities are not placed in moderation
    Exhibit A Donna
    So much for freedom of speech and David policy guidelines

  4. Mia use of race as a defense will not wash with the public
    All remembers how she was heavily involved in Guyana politics taking on the role of peace maker
    The kind of peace that still have not calm the troubled waters of racism in Guyana resulting with a govt whose policies have hurt blacks over years and one which she approved of

  5. A/C/Mariposa/Angela Cox
    How do you know Hal’s comments are being moderated and he has not moved on from BU, did you speak to him on facebook or do you possess ESP powers of telepathy to receive the thoughts he sends out using sensory channels of communication.
    I put it to the ladies and gentlemen of jury that AC is Hal and should be found guilty of masquerading and fraud and the prosecution rest their case your honour.

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Mia is going to get an opportunity to reverse this nasty colonial shit that black politicians/governments took and turned into something even worse than the colonials delivered. Black/Africans who are connected to their REAL Motherland can reestablish their African Indigenous identity, their Maroon identity….hope Mia understands that it is a UNIVERSAL RIGHT accepted everywhere…when she’s approached, and she will, hopefully she is receptive and don’t turn it into an international affair by re-enforcing the slave society nastiness which will be exposed EVERYWHERE if any attempt is made….

    ….this is an opportunity to make things right, don’t waste it….am letting her know as a courtesy, if she needs information or help, it will be available…get rid of the enslavement, disenfranchisment and collecting yardfowls mentality directed at African descended people……there are not many chances left.

  7. @ Donna

    It seems as though you’re becoming the main target for the members of Hal Austin’s ‘how great thou art’ choir.

    I just read Coxy’s April 7, 2021 6:25 AM contribution in which she mentioned, “Meanwhile day after day one Donna cuss like a drunken sailor.”

    Ironically, Coxy also “cuss like a drunken sailor,” especially when she caught ‘telling lies.’ (and you know that’s quite often).

    I’ll give you a recent example on this particular blog.

    “angela cox April 7, 2021 8:57 AM #: Give me a f..king break…”

  8. 555dubstreetApril 8, 2021 6:27 AM

    A/C/Mariposa/Angela Cox
    How do you know Hal’s comments are being moderated and he has not moved on from BU, did you speak to him on facebook or do you possess ESP powers of telepathy to receive the thoughts he sends out using sensory channels of communication.
    I put it to the ladies and gentlemen of jury that AC is Hal and should be found guilty of masquerading and fraud and the prosecution rest their case your honour


  9. @ David, you could read the Barbados Today editorial.

  10. @Hants

    Read it, it reconciles with concerns we should have. As stated the government must make decisions to maintain a harmonious society. The Good Friday decision by the PM ranks up there with Stuart and how he dealt with Michael Carrington. We continue to play politics with all issues. We will reap the whirlwind.

    #BTEditorial – No parting of the Red Sea on Good Friday – #BTEditorial – No parting of the Red Sea on Good Friday:

  11. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David, let me be rude and a tad cynical…

    I’ll use the remarks from a powerful, most astute political leader (suitably amended) …

    ‘The govt of Barbados will [should] endure “serious consequences” if they are used as “a vehicle for [reputed chieftains of alleged illicit activities] from the ‘Farm’ or Broad St who are hijacking our country.” ‘

    These individuals “must not use economic blackmail to spread disinformation, [curry favors] or push bad ideas that citizens [should] reject at the ballot box [by voting them out] … Unless, unless Bajans admire this temerity and relish their own opportunity to ‘call some shots’”.

    So if for years corporate bandits were speed dialing their favorite PM and Caribbean barons in their local fiefdoms were doing these elected king/queen’s wishes, why now are we so shocked to see it displayed so brazenly!

    As the powerful politician quoted who badly bit his tongue to condemn his opponents and forgot the many times his supporting business bandits did the same thing, so too this amusing tirade bites off too much hypocrisy.

    Obviously LAWLESSNESS and disregard for the Rule of Lawful conduct must be condemned only when the other political side does it!

    Wha we gine do ! The Dees screwed up so badly that they were all dismissed … but now Mia is addicted to the power drug and acting brazenly lawlessly … wha we gine do!

    BTW, still waiting for the number … I want to call and admonish the PM as a very concerned citizen. 🙃

  12. @Dee Word

    We must be careful to avoid conflating the issues.

    There is classism at play in Barbados like everywhere else. There is nothing wrong with the PM taking the call. It is how it was dealt with that is the issue.

  13. Mottley's Crew Avatar
    Mottley’s Crew

    “…1 out of 100”

    …More like 1 out of 1,000,000… but i take his point!

  14. @ Donna

    It seems as though you’re the target for the members of H.A ‘how great thou art’ choir.

    I just read Coxy’s April 7, 2021 6:25 AM contribution in which she mentioned, “Meanwhile day after day one Donna cuss like a drunken sailor.”

    Ironically, Coxy also “cuss like a drunken sailor,” especially when she caught ‘telling lies.’ Look what I saw when I read her angela cox April 7, 2021 8:57 AM contribution:

    “Give me a f..king break…”

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    This is the bottomline as am now seeing it and as per what is circulating on other forums which i will not post…if certain people helped Mia get the votes, even more than she needed to propel her to the parliament, she is committed to taking care of them and their needs….wuh if the parliament in the form of DBLP were fully committed to a bunch of racists and thieves for ALL OF 54 YEARS….she can commit to those who helped her and look just like her, but should be more cognizant of the confines of the law and should not be seen as breaking them or demoralizing an already badly mentally reduced police force……which should be protecting the MAJORITY POPULATION who pay their salary and not only a bunch of minority crooks..

  16. What must be uppermost in our minds is that the minorities who ENJOYED decades of living off the Black population with PROTECTION FROM GOVERNMENTS and the POLICE are DRUG TRAFFICKERS, GUN RUNNERS, even on a GRANDER scale than those dudes now being accused…these dudes, some of them were their MULES….

    so understand the dynamics now playing out…

  17. Artax @Donna

    Ironically, Coxy also “cuss like a drunken sailor,” especially when she caught ‘telling lies.’ Look what I saw when I read her angela cox April 7, 2021 8:57 AM contribution:

    “Give me a f..king break…
    So please explain how u came to a conclusion that my comment had cuss word/ s

  18. The O

    There is some good shit available

    but I am a veteran and just feel normal

  19. Perhaps the same way you came to the conclusion Donna’s comments had cuss words.

  20. Illiterate, I repeat – where is the lie?

    Do you understand what constitutes a lie?

    I said you miss his ass-kissing. That has nothing to do with why I miss him.

    He is after all a Bajan who, I think likes being here and though he is annoying, I really don’t feel good about his exit, even if I understand why he is being moderated and supported it.

    In short, fool, I find annoyance wears off. Never could maintain it.

  21. Hal bitched about rude words like his incarnation A/C do

    Gauntlet testing the limits of free expression
    The words you can never say on television
    shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tit

    Lenny Bruce did a comedy sketch about the N word
    in an attempt to take strength of the insult of the most hateful word used
    in the same way that rap youths took the word from white racists and turned it into a word for empowerment of themselves

  22. Artax,

    Hilarious, isn’t it? I hardly read her crap anymore because you can be relied on to dispose of it most expertly. No need for anyone else to bother.

    But I happened to espy her hypocritical comment and felt the need to reply.

    She is the type of person I do not understand.

    She has no shame! How does a person have no shame????? We have a few of them here on BU who have no shame just like Donald Trump.

  23. @ Donna

    Don’t fret yourself.

    Remember, Coxy and the goodly gentleman argued because they had a difference of opinion over the Prince Harry/Meghan issue, did not mean they shouldn’t maintain a ‘cordial relationship’ with each other.

    Perhaps she refusing understand the point you’ve been making, so she could be argumentative.

  24. It hurts me when I read about the racial divides in Guyana and Trinidad. The conditioning of the divide and rule principle has surely served its purpose.

    These people need to get it into their heads, that the issue is not black, white, red, yellow. The issue is about distribution of economic resources.

    So, before you hate on your black, white, red, or yellow Brother or Sister, check yuhself.

    For your hatred is actually being directly at…… yourself.

    Think about it.

    Who and what should really be your enemy?

    This is critical to any discussion on race and economic resources.

  25. The pictures of Barbados PM with people who are described as those dealing in illegal activities now begs the question what was the PM thought process when she was hob nobbing with these characters
    Maybe Lorenzo or Enuff can answer that question
    The pictures are riveting and begs for answers from Mia
    Not Good

  26. Mia was caught red handed and now resorts to race to hid her misdeeds

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    This is something else may was warned could happen…this is a burden since DBLP governments never built homeless shelters for the local population…now there are homeless tourists…

  28. Reductio ad absurdum
    I asked for help earlier, but having read the various posts, it appears that my cry went unanswered. Let us agree that in the story, it would have been better if one of the characters was a priest. However, I am unable to make the leap from having poor casting in the one act play to Mia doing something wrong.

    Just in case I missed it, allow me to ask you three questions.
    During the conversation did the gentleman attempt to sell Mia drugs?
    During the conversation did Mia place an order?
    Was the conversation carried on in hushed tones and whispers or was it on a speaker phone so that all can hear?

    It is possible for us to speculate about why Mia took the call, but without knowing the actual relationship between the two, then we are merely flapping our gumbs. I have a dear friend, a convicted thief who served his time, but f he was to call me and I was in church or in a call with Mia , I would ask to be excuse and take the call.

    Mr Aston may be a ‘poor example, but here Mia has demonstrated that she is accessible, listening and responding to people. To some, bad optics – to others, just politics, to me, a leaders who tries to keep in touch with citizens.

    TRON, I do not have the number, Could you hook me up?

  29. Forgive me, if I appear to be flippant. But for me, this is much more of a political football than an issue requiring resignation.

    For this reason, I cannot take it as seriously as others do.

  30. @ TheOGazerts who wrote ” Mia has demonstrated that she is accessible ”

    She is a grass roots politician who is comfortable socializing in all levels of society. From Shandy Lane to Deacons.firm.

  31. It is worth repeating: having her number on speed dial is not the issue here. Caribbean leaders especially in the smaller islands are known to be accessible except Fruendel of course.

  32. @ Tron April 7, 2021 8:03 PM
    “Therefore, the outspoken senator is quite wrong when he indirectly calls for a return to the chaos and anarchy that almost destroyed our island between 2008 and 2018. Each minister could do whatever he wanted. The disastrous results are well known. A low-life figure from Blackrock, who cannot even manage decimals, dragged us into the abyss.

    It is all very different now. International investors have direct acces to our Supreme Leader, her ministers serve the people and the business community.”

    Maybe then you could use your own direct royal telephone connection to your Supreme Leader to inquire into the whereabouts of your Imperial leader’s [former] most trusted lieutenant (primus pilus) ‘MOE’ who has been ‘MIA’ since the last reshuffling of the deck of ministerial cards way back in July 2020.

    Aren’t the politically dispensable peons called the electoral pawns entitled to be apprised of the ‘wellbeing’ of such a centurion entrusted with the senatorial responsibility of overseeing the country’s business?

    Since you hold in your magical ‘right’ hand the ‘left’ ear of the Empress MAM why not recommend to your “Supreme Leader” a suitable replacement to conduct the people’s business?

    How about nominating your own man Sinkliar the makeover mathematical mannequin called “0.007 Decimal Bond”?

    Don’t you think a ‘speed-dial-on-speaker’ call from Ross Napoleon on the ‘deacon’s’ farm can act as the ‘Seconder’?

  33. The issue is one of which she spoke to a person of ill repute known to illegal activity and who has outstanding criminal charges held against
    What on earth would make Mia to think that any form of personnel engagement or contact on her part would sit well with the public and which can be described as very poor judgment
    If she was a senator in the USA she would be brought before an ethics committe to explain such nonsensical behavior

  34. @AC




  35. Baje u are so right
    When one read the damming allegations against this individual and Mia having her name and personnel info placed directly in contact with this individuals it should be enough to send shock.waves across the mind of any right thinking Barbadian
    It is unbelievable to hear or read the damaging stories about this individual
    Then the PM the head of a country one who should lead by example finds it necessary to cuddle and support this individual right to make calls to her at his own leisure when police come knocking
    Barbados has certainly hit rock bottom bells and whistle attached

  36. The pics of her shown once again with her galvanting and smiling with these individuals like buddy buddies makes for asking the question has Mia gone mad
    REALLY Revolting and disgusting
    Race my foot
    Ignorance beyond belief

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Again…the office of the DPP has too much power to do wrong unjust, illegal acts against the citizenry, the stench of Leacock is still very strong because all who worked under him are still there, his former second in command is now DPP….all that power needs to be REMOVED from that useless office…. People in prison for 10 years without bail or trial or relieved from prosecution but still illegally held…is INJUSTICE that needs to be brought to the attention of human rights bodies…

  38. @ Miller April 8, 2021 5:18 PM

    Big Sinck is fulfilling his role as a useful klutz on our Supreme Leader’s political chessboard. I could even imagine the Barbardos Liberal Party fielding him in the next elections to capture the votes of the feeble-minded. But we should in no way infer from this that our Supreme Leader holds the former Finance Minister in any esteem. He will end up just as OSA once did on his fatal trip to Guyana. – I do not wish to comment on the other personnel matters and may refer you here to GIS.

    In any case, let us not get worked up over petty details of day-to-day governance. It is as clear as daylight that the broad lines are right: Financial default to balance the budget (done), tax cut for companies (done), no substantial increase in civil servants’ salaries until 2030 (done), reduction of civil servants’ pensions (in progress), infrastructure reconstruction (look outside Sandy Lane, in progress), opposition destroyed or imprisoned (partly done, New York in progress), victory over the Wuhan plague (almost done).

    Our next major project should be to transform the state of Barbados into a presidential republic. The Russian Federation and Turkey could serve as a model here. In any case, we should place the right people in the Constitutional Convention. Our task on BU is to provide them with the right text modules to anticipate and to fulfil the will of our Supreme Leader.

  39. Commissioner not commenting on the Good Friday incident says senior officer – Commissioner not commenting on the Good Friday incident says senior officer:

  40. The commissioner mouth on lockdown
    The protocols he must adhere to
    Or else face the raging fury that would be pleted his way from the PM
    Would not be surprised to hear him offer his resignation
    David yuh see I took your advice and headed to CNN


  41. @ David April 9, 2021 4:12 PM

    Our government has drawn the right conclusion from the chaos of voices during the blue catastrophe years. We need a centralised, coherent information policy from our government and administration. The appointment of Roy Morris as First Press Secretary ensures the professionalism needed to achieve this goal.

    Apart from that, ministers and civil servants are not entitled to invoke the Constitution’s freedom of expression. They speak as organs of state and must therefore comply with the will of our Supreme Leader.

  42. It is obvious from the silence of COP Tyrone Griffith he does not have the stomach to rock the boat. We saw it with his refusal to investigate Donville Inniss and ICBL, now he prefers to remain silent when it is obvious his officers were intimidated by the communication from the PM.

  43. David
    The CoP mout shut because the officers were intimidated but the head of the BPA said he received no complaints. Explain what is obvious.

  44. @ David April 9, 2021 7:34 PM

    “when it is obvious his officers were intimidated by the communication from the PM”

    In every well-organised state, there are official information channels with prioritisation. We must finally recognise that the clutter of voices from 2008 to 2018 in no way constituted proper governance, but a monstrous abnormality.

    After our Most Honourable Prime Minister has clarified the matter and once again demonstrated her great courtesy to citizens, lower admin departments have no reason at all to comment on the explanations of the head of all admin units.

    Our citizens should trust GIS without any worries. The information presented there is authentic and trustworthy.

  45. @enuff

    A case of officers not trusting the BPA to protect their confidentiality?

  46. @ David April 9, 2021 7:34 PM

    Do you know if a complaint was made to the police and they “refused to investigate Donville Inniss and ICBL?”

  47. @Artax

    The blogmaster is not aware, however, the COP stated he needed a complaint to initiate the process- you mean this could not have been done by the office of the AG as one example of they’re serious about rooting out corruption?

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